#and proceeds to beat him half to death uwu
dgmagines · 5 years
Hi Hi Hi!!! So how about a scenario with Allen running away from the order simallar to episode 12 ending but instead of lenalee going after him it's his s/o. You can keep or change the ending if you want!
Hey hi hiiii~! This came out longer than expected and uhhh I sorta,,, deviated from the request (I only realized this when I finished writing so,,, whoops?). Regardless, I hope this is to your liking anon!! q w q Please enjoy!!
Also, under the cut because this got hella long uwu;; and the ones in blockquote are “flashbacks” uwu
Word count : 1,542
“Exorcist?What are you doing down here?”
Somethingwas wrong.
“Oh,Cardinal,” they bowed their head respectfully before throwing a concerned gazetowards the hall that lead to Allen’s cell. Inspector Howard had been in therefor too long now.
“I’mjust waiting for the Inspector is all,” the man smiled – a most comfortingsmile had it not been for the chill that ran up their spine. Why… Why did hissmile look out of place…?
Somethingwas wrong - they could feel it in the way their heart wouldn’tstop worrying and their head wouldn’t stop theorizing as their feet franticallycarried them through the maze of a hallway the Order called home.
“Perhapsyou should wait for him upstairs, my child,” the kind-looking elder pattedtheir head, moving past them as he disappeared down the corridor. ______ staredfor a moment more, waiting with bated breath for something – anything really –to happen.
They’dbeen down there.
Theydidn’t know what they had expected and, with a minor self-deprecating remark,they turned and made their way down the opposite hall; towards the stairs thatwould lead to the upper levels.
They’dbeen down there before it happened.
“Lenalee!”Their hoarse voice yelled out to the taller woman- the tears streaming down herface matching that of their own; they felt their heart clench.
Theexplosion caught them off guard – the young (h/c) stumbling as they desperatelytried their best to not fall down the long flight of stairs. Bewildered, theirfrantic mind considered running back towards the cell, already anxious mindcoming up with several thousand scenarios that flitted through their eyes inthe split second it took for them to blink – none of them looked good.
Togetherwith the young Asian, _______ ran through the crowded halls; throwing outfrantic – almost rude – ‘excuse me’s and ‘pardon me’s. They parted when theycame to the stairs - _____ taking the one that would lead them to the groundfloor while Lenalee took the ones that would lead her to the roof.
______took several steps back out of shock as they stared at the guards who were supposedto be guarding the room – at the guards that now lay unconscious on the floorwith… with… something coming out of their eyes. Their body shook; theair felt heavy and suffocating and-
Wasthat… the cardinal…?
Theirlungs burned as they skipped several steps, feet pitter-pattering wildly asthey tried to reach the ground floor as soon as possible. Not once, not twicebut multiple times had they found themselves almost falling – almost sprainingtheir feet from how reckless they were running but their safety was the lastthing on their mind.
Stumbling,______ felt their hands shook as they cupped their mouth – not trustingthemselves to not make any noise as the cardinal started to move. With theirheart in their throat and the sting of tears in their eyes, ______ started tomove; they needed to get away-
Theyneeded to l e a v e.
Theyweren’t safe here and they knew it.
Gasping– out of breath - _______ winced as the branches and the leaves cut at theirskin, leaving tiny nicks here and there. Faintly, they heard the sounds ofbattle as their fellow exorcist fought teeth and bones to get rid of the akumassurrounding them.
Fromup above, they saw Lenalee landing on a tree – closer to the ground so that shecould talk with the (h/c). The noirette was clearly as out of breath as _____was. As they each exchanged information about Allen’s possible whereabouts,several level threes had spotted them and had taken to attacking them.
“________,go! I’ll hold them off and join you!” gritting their teeth, ______ glared atthe young noirette. Their heart was heavy – they were afraid and frustrated andconfused and angry all at the same time and they couldn’t – not for the life ofthem – make much sense of what was happening.
Whywas this all happening?!
“Don’ttry to play hero, Lenalee! You’re much faster than I am- you have a higherchance of catching Allen with your boots!” quickly doing away with the levelthree that tried to attack her, Lenalee turned towards her friend – barelyavoiding the swipe of another akuma.
“Youhave a better lead on his location!” and, you have a better chance ofconvincing him to come back, was what Lenalee wanted to say but her throatburned with the unsaid words and her tears were starting to cloud her visionand goddammit she has akumas to deal with!! She can’t be crying right now!!
Andso they left.
Butthe path the (h/c) took was dark and confusing and they felt like they’d beenrunning around in circles and goddammit- they just wanted to see Allen!!Stopping to catch their breath, _______ honed their senses so that they couldhear of any approaching danger; the threat of the akumas were still aroundafterall. Letting their guard down right here, right now would be a stupid move.
“Link…?”_______ choked on their words, tears burning their eyes as they stared at theunconscious body of the inspector. Hadn’t the cardinal been watching over Linkjust a moment ago? Why was he… all….. messed up?
“Giveup on him, exorcist,” the voice snapped the (h/c) out of their reverie –shoulders tensing as they reached for their innocence. In front of them, with alaidback smile on his face, was the damned Third himself – Tokusa. He smirkedin his usual condescending manner, ______ gritting their teeth and growling inreturn.
“Shutthe fuck up,” they cursed, feeling all the repressed emotions frombefore bubbling and threatening to break under the surface. They wanted to lashout – wanted to grab the man by his collar or his hair and straight up yellprofanities in his face or punch the living daylights out of him but theshaking of their fingers and the almost painful clenching on their musclesprevented them from moving.
Deepdown, they knew they were weaker than the former CROW and that fact irritatedthem to no end.
“Letme through, Tokusa,” the man hummed, tilting his head to the side in aquizzical manner.
“Andwhy? You know you won’t be able to catch up to Walker in time right? He’s justgoing to join the Earl – just as we did,” the chuckle that fell from his lipsgrated their ears. _______ clenched their weapon tighter, swallowing thegrowing lump their throat as they readied for an attack.
Friendor not, Tokusa had turned to the enemy - ____ would’ve had to fight him sooneror later.
“Isee your hesitation, ______,” Tokusa smiled, closing his eyes as he slowlyretreated into the writhing mass of darkness behind him – a portal of theEarl’s making, perhaps.
“You’reweak. Just like the rest of us. Maybe we’ll ask the Earl if you can join us,”with a final, irritating chuckle, Tokusa disappeared; and so did the barrierthat surrounded the (h/c). Gritting their teeth, ______ gulped down the screamthat wanted to tear through their throat.
Frustrationbubbled under their skin and their heart felt like it was being boiled alive.It hurt it hurt it hurt it hu r ts-
Thefaint voice yelling for their lover’s name snapped them out of theiranger-induced stupor and the lead that weighed down their feet seemed to liftat the hope that surged through their veins. Breathed in deeply- shakily-before pushing themselves to their feet, _____ found themselves running at fullspeed to where they had heard the voice come from.
Allenwas close-!
Breakingthrough the foliage, ______ gasped when they saw the ark – the unknown devicefloating several inches off the ground as Allen and Lenalee conversed severalfeet away from it. They saw Allen smiling as he cupped Lena’s cheek and, justfrom that smile alone, _______ knew they were fucked.
Thatwasn’t a smile.
Thatwas a parting.
Theirlips shook as tears cascaded down their cheeks. Frozen, they began to move –slowly at first; walking towards the center of the clearing where her friendand her beloved stood – before their feet picked up speed and they startedrunning.
Pleaseplease please-
Forthe love of god-
Allen,p l e a  s  e  -!
Allengave Lenalee one last smile, his back drawing ever closer to the ark – to theportal that would take him somewhere far far away from here. It was thenthat ______ found their voice – the burning sensation in their throat too muchfor them to handle.
“Don’tleave! Allen!!”
Theirvoice carried across the field – hoarse with unbearable emotions that theydidn’t want. It seemed to shock Allen, his eyes immediately drawing towards thestill running (h/c). ______’s heart clenched painfully in their throat at theresolve in Allen’s eyes – their lungs too out of breath for them to continuepleading for much longer.
“Takecare, ______,”
_______reached forward, gritting their teeth and hoping against all hope that theycould grasp his hand but – as the ark dissipated – the only thing they managedto grasp was the air that their beloved left behind.
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nyx3927 · 3 years
 @musicfeedsmysoul12​ and @lurking96 this is both of y’all’s fault with that thread about how too many fics where Izuku jumps, gets a quirk and just make Bakugo regret it without any actual character change. Just: Izuku goes splat, and now Bakugo is an uwu soft boy who’s really sorry but had no character development visible.
Y’all both get some of the blame for this fic outline I created after a bang, chocolate, and on 2 hours of sleep. It’s still a really rough outline and I don’t have time to polish it up into an actual outline, draft, then fic with my summer classes and job right now. Enjoy my stream of thought with no filter
The Ripple
Izuku has a concussion from Bakugo attacking him at school so his eyesight is off. Everything else is the same up to when All Might leaves him on the roof.
The concussion fucked with his vision, balance, and depth perception. So he ended up accidentally stepping off the side of the building. (Hush, I know that there’s a railing. We’re pretending that when All Might jumped away from Izuku on the roof, he accidentally took like half of it with him.)
Crash, boom, blood. Ambulance carted him off to the hospital and that’s the last we see of Izuku for a while.
They don’t know that All Might was the one who got him up to the rooftop because the notebook with the signature was blown off the roof and into the river. By the time that it was found, it was nothing but mush and the writing was illegible, all runny and blurry. They also just assumed that a villain ripped the railing off in a previous battle and the owner hadn’t gotten it fixed yet.
Inko tells Mitsuki that they think it was suicide because he couldn’t have accidentally gotten up on the roof (No evidence of All Might). Katsuki hears that but refuses to tell anyone that he told Izuku to jump off a roof because that could hurt his chances of being a hero.
Entrance Exam
Fast-forward to the entrance exam, everything proceeds as canon except for the bits with Izuku, which never happened.
Uraraka is stuck under the boulder with the zero pointer bearing down on her. Canon shows no evidence of any pro except Present Mic at the site, and he was last seen at the gates so he isn’t close by to Uraraka.
Uraraka couldn’t escape from the boulder in time and the kill switch takes up to 30 seconds to receive and process. So, the robot steps on the boulder and crushes her leg. She’s rushed to Recovery Girl but the damage is so severe that they have to amputate a leg.
As compensation, UA takes care of all the medical bills and offers her a spot in the Hero Course at UA with her entire tuition paid for all 3 years. Uraraka accepts to make it easier financially on her parents, so she shows up to the first day of classes with a prosthetic leg that she painted pink in an effort to make it less sad.
Quirk Assessment
A random extra is put into 1-A, but they and Mineta are promptly expelled. The extra just didn’t try at all, relying upon the idea that the teacher wouldn’t actually expel anyone on the first day. Mineta was just too pervy/not heroic enough so he got the boot.
Aizawa was reminded of the death of Oboro when Uraraka nearly got crushed, so he’s on high alert to expel those that he believes would never be good at heroics/ would just get themselves killed. Extra not trying and Mineta just focusing on being a perv, made him convinced they would get killed so he just expelled them straight away [No readmission for them]
This shocked Momo who thought he was bluffing and made her more cognizant of the fact that not everyone plays by the same rules as her.
Battle Trial
Battle trials happen. Momo and Uraraka are paired up together and fight twice in the trials. They won both times because Uraraka floated the bomb and Momo in the fight against Todoroki so that it was impossible for Todoroki to capture them. They win against Iida and Bakugo because Uraraka takes advantage of Iida’s unwillingness to hurt someone he views as disabled/helpless and knocks him out with a bat from Momo, then touches the bomb, Momo just created water and soaked Bakugo so he couldn’t use his Quirk and then ran from him.
All other trials proceeded as in canon.
Since Tsuyu is the only one in the Water Zone [Midoriya not in the story and Mineta expelled], she just went straight for the shore and got back to the entry area via the river. She witnesses the entire beatdown of Aizawa and his fighting, so she’s very traumatized. But because she’s amphibious and is completely underwater [In my hcs, she can breathe underwater as long as water can access most of her skin. So her suit is very permeable and water can get through it], Shigaraki never sees her and so he doesn’t try to kill her.
Rest of the USJ goes as canon dictates including Aizawa getting his head smashed by the Nomu
Sports Festival
Because 1-A has 2 less students, only the first 40 to get to the finish line can pass on. Todoroki ended up getting first place by icing over Bakugo’s legs at the tunnel entrance. Everyone else that originally passed in canon, also passed.
All the teams are the same, except for Uraraka’s team which doesn’t have Midoriya, and Shoji’s who doesn’t have Mineta.
Bakugo is going after Todoroki instead of Uraraka’s team because he’s focused on snagging the winning headband. 
Uraraka uses her Quirk on her team and they just hang out in the sky for awhile, since after the boulder, she practiced to be able to lift more weight so that never happens again. 
Shoji’s team is the same as canon, especially because Mineta never actually did anything important to the team.
Todoroki never uses his fire because he used his ice to create a dome that kept everyone else away from his team. Bakugo runs around stealing other headbands since he can’t get to Todoroki.
At the end of the round, Todoroki is in first, Bakugo is second, Uraraka is third and Shinso is fourth.
Ojiro and Shoda both drop out citing the fact that they couldn’t remember the event as the reason. Shiozaki Ibara and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu replace them
So now we have the 1v1 battles with the following students.
Uraraka Ochako
Tokoyami Fumikage
Hatsume Mei
Bakugo Katsuki
Kirishima Eijiro
Ashido Mina
Sero Hanta
Todoroki Shoto
Iida Tenya
Yaoyorozu Momo
Kaminari Denki
Shinso Hitoshi
Aoyama Yuga
Shiozaki Ibara
Tetsutetsu Tetsutestu
Shinso gets a free pass onto the next round because he is a gen ed student so they wanted to allow him the best chance possible and it’s better for the optics of UA for watchers to see a hero student beating up another hero student instead of a gen ed kid.
Todoroki v. Sero -Todoroki won ala iceberg
Kaminari v. Shiozaki  -Kaminari won by sending electricity through her hair and knocking her out because Aizawa forced him to start thinking outside of the box after he nearly died during the USJ [shiozaki has to have nerves to control her vines and nerves have electricity traveling through them. So they’re a conductor and Kaminari can send his electricity down them]
Iida v. Hatsume -He doesn’t accept her gadgets and just pushes her out of bounds. After the Uraraka debacle in his battle trial, he realizes that he can’t just go off his perceptions and has to be wary of them.
Ashido v. Aoyama - Ashido won
Tokoyami v. Yaoyorozu - Yaoyorozu won by creating an explosion of light and blinding them, then pushing them out of the ring. Uraraka taught her to take advantage of what she can do and Aizawa forced her to realize that others don’t have the same rules.
Tetsutetsu v. Kirishima - Kirishima won by charging Tetsutetsu and knocking him out of the ring. Again Aizawa forced him to not just behave as a shield because of the USJ
Uraraka v. Bakugo -Uraraka won by taking off her prosthetic, leaving it as a decoy and floating herself so that he couldn’t hear her coming, and the dust from his explosions had blinded him. She tackled him from above and hurled him out of bounds. He got a concussion and Recovery Girl forced him to stay in the infirmary.
Todoroki v. Shinso -Shinso won by coming after Todoroki’s weak spot and making him talk
Iida v. Kaminari -Kaminari won by shocking Iida’s engines when he tried to grab him. Made him collapse, and then just dragged him out of bounds.
Tokoyami v. Ashido- Tokoyami won by Dark Shadow kicking her out of bounds
Uraraka v. Kirishima -Uraraka won by preying on Kirishima’s desire for manliness and to not hurt a girl. Got close enough to float him and then just push him out of bounds. Aizawa has plans to lecture Kirishima about when to be manly and when to not be.
Shinso v. Kaminari -Shinso won. He could tell that Kaminari was a memelord, so he just took advantage of that and said a meme that Kaminari couldn’t resist completing. [Don’t know what yet, I’ll figure it out later]
Tokoyami v. Uraraka -Tokoyami won. Uraraka lost because she couldn’t use her Quirk on Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow was the one to attack her. [See doc of quirk analysis for more in depth in case we forget]
Shinso v. Tokoyami -Shinso won by mirroring Tokoyami’s speech patterns which knocked him off guard and got him caught into Shinso’s Quirk.
Shinso got first place, Tokoyami got second, Uraraka and Kaminari shared third place.
Hero names
Todoroki -Shoto
Bakugo -King Explosion
Iida -Tenya
Uraraka -Weightless [As a pun on weigh less because of her amputation and her quirk. She’s not quite as bubbly and didn’t feel like uravity reflected her anymore]
Tsuyu -Froppy
Kirishima -Red Riot
Yaoyorozu -Creati [I really want to change this but I don’t know to whaaaat!!! I’ll come back to it later]
Tokoyami -Tsukuyomi
Jiro -EarJack
Shinso -Silencer [Stupid but his quirk makes people silent plus I love MLB silencer design of the , not the helmet tho that is ugly looking and the coloring needs to be more muted imo]
Shinso gets an internship with Aizawa to assess whether or not he’s fit for heroics. Aizawa also prescreens all of his students' internships to make sure that it’s a good fit for them. [He’s a lot more protective of where they because he wants them to be actually learning useful heroics not shit like how to clean and pose for a camera.]
Mirko offers an internship to Uraraka because she wanted to teach a fighting girl that was perceived as helpless by society. [Society views disabled as helpless, a girl is also viewed as helpless, both is bad combination. Mirko wants to prove anyone can be badass with the right training]
Yaoyorozu gets put with Fatgum because Aizawa sees that she’s struggling with the fat part of her Quirk and knows that if she went with Uwabami, she’d develop more insecurities. [Uwabami is a TV actress/model. She’ll pass on weight/beauty related insecurities because that’s what a lot of actresses have and she seems focused more on a fanbase]
Kirishima goes with Rock Lock to be faced with the blunt truth that ideals are nice, but you can’t have them rule your life as a hero. [Canonly, he’s very blunt and pragmatic, so he’d believe that trying to be manly is fine, but there is a time and place for it.]
Everyone else goes with their canon internships.
The Nomus attack Hosu. Because Gran Torino isn’t there, the Nomus are more dangerous and more civilians die. All the heroes are focused exclusively on managing the Nomus and the interns kinda fall to the wayside since they can’t do anything.
Iida slips away and Manual is too busy putting out fires to notice.
Iida runs off and finds Stain. Battle commences and Iida loses.
Stain calls him and Native fake heroes. Native gets a sliced throat. Stain is a little more lenient with Iida because he is a kid. He goes through the fabric pants and slices the femoral artery to the bone. [Femoral artery cuts can lead to death within minutes especially with Iida running on adrenaline which kicks up the blood pressure and rate of bleeding.]
Endeavour comes through with Shoto burning all the nomus and destroying them. Finally the city is quiet and the search for the dead begins.
Every hero in Hosu grid searched the entire city to retrieve the dead and bring them to the morgue for claiming. 
Manual was the one to find his dead intern and Native. He had to call UA and tell them that he got a student killed while under his supervision. He gets blacklisted by UA and Aizawa puts out a warning on the Underground network that if others are under his care, that he might lose track of them.
Once everyone returned from their internships, they left red spider lilies on his desk as a way to guide him to the afterlife.
Training Camp
The villains still want Bakugo because they saw his aggression, violence, and determination to be the best during the sports festival and the internships. So they think he’d be an easy switch to flip.
This time, Aizawa doesn’t dump them out in the middle of the forest because he’s focusing on forcing his students to interact and bond with each other instead of doing their own thing. So they all stay on the bus and Aizawa makes them talk about something semi-important with a seat partner for 10 minutes before switching so that everyone talks to more than just their friend groups.
When they arrive, Kota is his bratty self and Aizawa shuts that down fast. He tells him that he has two options, one: stay with his aunts and uncle or two: stay with Aizawa. Aizawa can’t have an itty-bitty child running around loose in the forest when 17 hormonal teenagers are letting off their Quirks which are dangerous. [it was an awful idea in canon to let Kota hide in his treehouse. Imagine if one of the kids near the mountain lost control of their quirk.] Kota chooses to stay with his aunts and uncle at all times because Aizawa is scary.
Once the training starts, he pairs everyone up with different partners to force their Quirks to improve.
Ashido-Kirishima to strengthen her acid and his hardening by hurling acid at him
Tokoyami-Kaminari-Aoyama to force Aoyama to maintain his laser beam for longer, Tokoyami to force him to strengthen Dark Shadow against light, Kaminari to power multiple light sources without burning them out and not going into whee mode so he can avoid the laser beam and Dark Shadow
Ojiro-Koda to force Koda to vary the animals that he calls and Ojiro to give him experience with fending off multiple opponents of varying sizes and skill levels without seriously injuring them.
Todoroki-Bakugo-Tsuyu to force Todoroki to be able to control both sides of his quirks and switch them easily, Tsuyu to force her to get accustomed to varying temperatures and making sure they don’t knock her out, Bakugo to force him to sweat more in both cold and hot temperatures so that he’s more versatile.
Jiro-Shoji-Hagakure to force Hagakure to improve her stealth and fighting, Jiro to make her be able to detect people sneaking up on her, and Shoji to improve his locating skills and stealth. [Shoji is a big boy and needs to work on stealth]
Sero-Sato to help Sero with his dodging and speed, and Sato to help him retain more of his planning and forethought while his Quirk is activated
Uraraka-Yaoyorozu to make Uraraka work on her sickness and weight limits and Yaoyorozu to adapt to planning on the fly and create items quickly.
Aizawa forces them to break away from their training partners when it’s time to make dinner and everyone is required to help in some way during the meal. The help can be gathering the ingredients, preparing them, doing the actual cooking, plating, setting the table, cleaning up after, anything as long as they contributed.
Repeat until the trial of courage.
Vlad wants to do the trial and Aizawa refuses to do it. Aizawa is actively trying to squash out the competitiveness of his students in order to make them work together and ask for help so that they’ll survive longer in the hero society. Uraraka lost a leg because people wouldn’t cooperate to help her in the entrance exam and Iida died because he was too focused on himself and didn’t ask for help. The trial would just reignite the competitiveness and ruin his progress.
1-B does the trial on their own while 1-A is given a maze they have to navigate.
The maze is created by Pixie Bob and is huge. It’s large enough that the students on the ground can’t peek over the walls to see the path. There are two students on the ground, the leader and the guide. The leader can see the walls and the turns but has earplugs in so they can’t hear the guide if the guide tries to talk. The guide can hear the directions from the person who sees the entire maze but is blindfolded and has to guide through tapping the shoulders of the leader. The person outside and looking down has to direct their team through the maze quickly without crashing into other teams. The leader can’t just guess a direction because Pixiebob will shift the maze if they try to do that so they can’t backtrack. It’s in teams of three so Aizawa is directing the last team. [Kinda inspired by survivor but with my own twist]
All of them rotate through each position with different teams each go round to impress on them the importance of all the roles.
In the last round, Bakugo was the person issuing instructions, cursing and screaming through the mic the entire time.
That’s when the villains attacked. But there were a few changes in the lineup. 
Toga wasn’t there because the police picked her up and Inko got her case taken on to get her on parole and took her into her home when she saw her at the station while continuing with the criminal charges levied against the owner of the building that Izuku had fallen off of. The appearance of a girl bullied and ostracized for her Quirk, who was going down the path of no return, Inko saw Izuku in her. As such, she wanted to care for her and show her that villainy wasn’t the answer and that there are people who cared for her in spite of her blood Quirk. [Toga is stuck with Inko at this point in time and has a tracking anklet to make sure that she’s behaving. Rehab is going really well with the unconditional care that Inko is providing.]
Dabi got an infection and landed in the hospital ER as an unknown patient and wound up in a coma while his body was busy trying to fight the infection of his staples. [The man’s a walking open wound. You can sneeze in his general vicinity and have a high chance of taking him down in a couple weeks. Haven’t decided if I want to wake him up or not. Depends on my feelings]
Mustard joined the attack via Toga due to them being closer in age and talking. No Toga, no Mustard. [He’s sulking in detention right now.]
So the only ones left are Mr. Compress, Magne, Spinner, Muscular, Moonfish, Twice and the Nomu. Much smaller and no long-range attacks.
Their mission is to get in, extract Bakugo and get out with minimal damage. That’s what happened.
Muscular, Moonfish, and the Nomu all rampage on the opposite side of the mountain to draw attention to them. Magne and Spinner break up the 1-A class and drive them apart. Twice and Mr. Compress work together to snatch up Bakugo in a marble and then they all book it. Muscular and Moonfish are both left behind to keep the heroes distracted long enough for them to get back to Kurogiri and through the portal. Nomu ended up buried in a mountain via a very anger Tiger at the disruption of his naps. The students all worked together to try and bring down the villain to retrieve their classmate, but when that failed, Yaoyorozu managed to attach a tracker to the villains top hat.
Injuries were minimal and the three heavy hitting villains were arrested and locked up. The only casualty was Bakugo being kidnapped.
Kidnapping Arc
Blah, blah, join us you can be stronger and win a villain-Shigaraki
No, fuck off, go fuck yourselves-Bakugo
Repeat until All Might shows up
Then AfO activates goop Quirk [really need a better name for that. better than vomit transport quirk at least. That was my first thought], drags the league and Bakugo to him. Bakugo is held by him, hand on his temple ready to crush him.
Rest of Heroes all show up on the battlefield but aren’t moving so that Bakugo doesn’t get hurt. Essentially a stand off.
You know, you can tell whether or not someone has the potential for villainy by their greatest regret -AfO
AfO has a quirk that allows the user to see someone’s greatest regret, with more details the longer that the quirk is activated. He also has a quirk that allows him to project whatever he’s thinking about in a video format for everyone to see. [the man is old. he probably had a habit of taking whatever quirk he wanted when he was younger before all might turned him into a very ugly potato/alternate darth vader]
Quirks activate and it’s the scene of Bakugo telling Izuku to get jump off a building spliced with the news from Inko that Izuku was suspected of jumping off a building
Interesting. Why is that your greatest regret?-AfO
Quirk gives him more details. 
Bakugo only regrets saying that because if it ever became public, he'd never reach the spot of number one hero which is his only goal in life.
Guess you are nothing but a villain after all. Too obsessed with yourself to see the damage you caused.-Afo 
Afo shoved the boy away from him and forcibly activated Kurogiri’s Quirk to allow the league to escape.
Every hero on site is frozen in shock at the reveal of what a hero student of UA, the most prestigious hero school that graduated most of the top heroes in Japan, actually believed.
At that point, AfO flips All Might the finger and just goes through the portal because the news would shake society’s faith in UA which is really good. He can kill All Might later. [or just wait for any infection to take the man out. He lost his stomach so he probably lost his spleen too which is kinda important for the immune system.]
Bakugo is booted to gen ed because Aizawa refused to teach someone that was just going to end up hurting someone later in life. Because Aizawa is an Underground Hero who specializes in information and predication, schools tend to believe in what he says about the potential/future of heroes in training especially when he has evidence to back up his beliefs. So no other school will take him on as a hero student.
Bakugo is essentially blacklisted from heroics because everyone wants to believe that a hero is good and just. And when the illusion is broken before it has a chance to solidify, they have no chance of becoming a hero. 
Aizawa goes and apologizes in person to Inko. Because even though he had no way of knowing, he feels like he should have recognized the abusive tendencies and/or egocentrism  of Bakugo earlier. So, allowing it to continue was a slap in the face to his victims.
Inko accepts his apology because she didn’t know about it either so how could she blame him when she was closer and still missed all the signs. She offers to let Aizawa visit Izuku because Eraserhead was one of his favorite heroes because of how much skill he had. But because Eraserhead was underground, he didn’t have any merch or enough information to write about him.
*Split path here depending on the angst level I want
1. Izuku is in a coma, all healed up, just hasn’t woken up. When they came, Izuku had just woken up a half hour ago so the doctors were busy checking all his vitals, memory, joints, etc. Inko cries, Aizawa stands away because he’s allergic to emotions, and Izuku is just silently fanboying because he sees one of his favorite heroes.
2.Izuku is in a coma and doesn’t wake up. Inko introduces Aizawa to him and tells Aizawa about his dreams and his story. Aizawa makes sure that at least once a week, he comes and visits to talk to him. He also brings other heroes to introduce to Midoriya to make sure that others know about him.
3.Aizawa and Inko go to a graveyard and the name Midoriya Izuku is carved into a family grave marker with flowers and an All Might figure in front of it. Inko tells Aizawa that Izuku died from falling from the building. They thought he jumped randomly, but with the new info, Inko is thinking that Bakugo might’ve pushed him verbally over the edge. Aizawa promises to investigate more.
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jaaryl · 5 years
jaaryl (or if someone beat me to it, daaron)
Some answers are going to be based on the rewrite of my Daaron fic which is going to be set during 9.16 (that one day I will get around to finishing I swear lmao).
So, spoilers for that I guess lol. 
1. Who makes the first move and how?
It would have to be Daryl.
Even though Aaron has the most experience dating another man/ person in general, I have no doubt in my mind that he would find it incredibly daunting to even try and proceed a relationship with Daryl. His friendship with Daryl is one of the few bright spots of the apocalypse and it would absolutely break his heart if he scared him off or was rejected.
Since my fic is set during the 9.16 blizzard, the two of them are going on ahead to collect supplies at the next way station and, of course, it has to have the cliche trope of Aaron being all heroic and pushing Daryl out of the way of cracking ice so he’ll fall through instead… all while they are escaping ice zombies. Cue the trope of them cuddling naked for warmth and waking up with an awkward situation yada yada.  
Aaron: [incredibly embarrassed and freaking the hell out] This doesn’t have to change anything.   
Daryl: [also incredibly embarrassed and freaking the hell out, and just fresh off thinking Aaron could of so easily died one (1) day ago and not wanting to waste what time they have together] Ahhhh I kinda want it too????          
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Being seen as outcasts still bothers them a lot, even if they try their best not to show it. No matter how far into the apocalypse, or how important they have become to the success of the communities, there will always be those douches who look down on people for being different. And the best thing about Daaron is how leaning on each other for support and having each other’s backs when they are feeling this way is literally the foundation of their relationship.          
3. Who is the most romantic?
Aaron’s the obvious choice with his tendency to be extremely tactile and handing out affection left and right while also giving away huge gifts, like the bike. However, Daryl is incredibly sentimental, and loves and cherishes that bike like it’s one of his most precious possessions, and he also shows his love by making sure the people that he cares about are well provided for. So, it’s for you to decide.  
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Daryl is extremely touch-starved but he is also pretty awkward when it comes to asking for affection. Aaron is a mix of very tactile, begging to give hugs and super lonely. 
So, once Aaron figures out that Daryl wants to be touched more than the occasional hug, handhold or brush of arms all bets are off. I can only imagine how bad it will be when they get into an actual relationship.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I feel like Aaron has said those words long before they started dating, “Daryl, I love you, but no,” and completely mean them (both platonically and romantically). So, the moment Daryl says the words back for the first time…he is kinda worried Aaron’s smile is going to split his face in half.    
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
Season 5: Eric, for obvious reasons.
 Season 9: Paul, most definitely, hot, gay, single and already someone they both trust completely. 
Post 9.08 though? Ah, no one? Aaron is literally the only male character that Daryl is close to lmao.  
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
I doubt there is much to do datewise beyond the wall, even for two bamfs like Aaron and Daryl. Maybe fortnightly overnight camping trips when it gets too stuffy in Alexandria and they need to escape for a bit.   
On the nights that they have the house all to themselves, it is pretty quiet. Just the two of them hanging out, kicking back beer, pressed up against each other, talking about mindless topics, and having sex etc.                  
8. What do they like in bed?
Daryl: when you said “magical in bed” this isn’t exactly what I was exp-
Aaron: *holds up 8 of hearts* is this your card
Daryl: *softly* holy shit
Aaron knows that Daryl doesn’t have a lot of experience in the bedroom department, and is happy to help guide him. I see Aaron as someone who is super into foreplay and body worship, especially on someone like Daryl who needs all the touch he can get and is v receptive to praise kink. As Daryl becomes more confident I do see him taking charge a little more, maybe some manhandling etc and he doeeesss have an oral fixation, always putting things in/exploring things with his mouth so take that as you will lmao.    
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Honestly, Aaron is pretty hard to embarrass. Like, sure, he does embarrassing things but he’s always the first one to laugh at himself. Things like his over-the-top dorky dances to make Daryl laugh, his celebrity impression of people Gracie has never even seen, or heard of, and she is super embarrassed about when he pulls it out as his party trick, his off-key singing to Disney songs with Gracie and trying to get Daryl to join in (AK can take Disney nerd Aaron from my cold dead hands these people have solar panels and the kids have definitely seen movies).   
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Damn, I can’t cheat and answer with ‘a book on how to build a raft’ or ‘survival guide for dummies’ because they are both very survival competent lmao.
For luxury items: Daryl’s crossbow and Aaron’s knife.
Ahhh I am worst at music questions! I can see Daryl being a sentimental loser and bringing Rick’s terrible music with him even if he hates it.
 Ross apparently headcanons Aaron’s favourite song as “Hand in Glove” by The Smiths, so why not?
11. What do they hide from one another?
Their unspoken feelings uwu (lame).
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
Their relationship status.
13. When do they realise they should get together?
There has always been something simmering under the surface of their friendship. From the very beginning, Aaron has been incredibly fascinated by everything Daryl Dixon and Daryl in return has found comfort, acceptance and an overwhelming amount of fondness towards Aaron.
It has just never been the right time to explore the unspoken thing between them. But after the six-year time jump, Daryl is finally in the right emotional place to settle down and Aaron has been ready for a long while. Daryl is confronted once more that the world is a dangerous place when Aaron almost dies again (in the fic) and the prospect of leaving their relationship open-ended weighs on him heavily.      
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Aaron has been run ragged by the worrying he has done about sick Gracie all week (even just a cold in the apocalypse is a scary thing for Aaron with all that he’s lost). He probably got one good day in before his own immune system came crashing down hard. Daryl feels a little useless that he can’t really help him get better so he goes out and hunts whatever bird he can find so he can cook him something at least resembling chicken soup, and distracts Gracie for the next couple of days so he can get some rest.        
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
In this house, we appreciate animated films and since Lydia and Daryl are not really accustomed to the broad range of them they get the final vote. It would probably be Jungle Book (after years of rejecting civilization they finally rejoin it) or even something like Spirit (refusing to let anyone tame their wild).   
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Do I need to answer this one lmao?
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Try and change the events of 8.02? Saving Eric and having the three of them adopt baby Gracie? Changing the events of 9.08, so Paul lives and Jaaryl can happen? 7.01, so Glenn lives? 9.05, Rick never blows up the bridge? 9.15, so there are no pike deaths? 
Ahhh there are just so many options, these two have such a sad life!     
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
19. Where do they go on their first date?
Out on a hike in the woods, a picnic is involved.  
20. Where do they go on holiday?
You and @boltsandashes have given me major daaron beach day feels, it’s an absolutely adorable visual. Aaron making sure Daryl has the best day possible visiting the beach for the best time? I dieeee.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
They are still both not the biggest fan of parties unless it is a family event with people they like. 
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Waystation cabin.  
Aaron makes sure to ask him if it’s okay if they kiss for the first time after they are already in a heated grinding session, the goober. 
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Beyond the walls and out in the woods hunting, hiking, exploring ect just like old times.
24. Where do they first have sex?
Waystation cabin.
25. Why do they fight?
Pissed at each other for being so damn self-sacrificing (“Whether we make it or not, we do it together,” remember that, asshole?!)
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Aaron’s first priority is his daughter’s happiness so it is pretty crucial to find out where their relationship stands before it gets way too deep (which good luck on that one), it would be different if Gracie wasn’t in the picture but she is so he needs to know if Daryl is 100% on board with being a parent to her or not.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
The shifty way they try and keep their relationship under wraps. 
There’s nothing strange about Daryl moving in with Aaron, they are both close friends, right? But what is strange is Aaron turning up to every council meeting absolutely glowing and grinning ear to ear, and Daryl being a super nice to everyone in Alexandria.
Are they sick???   
It goes on and on until Gracie accidentally spills the beans when she excitedly tells Judith that her daddy and Judith’s uncle are dating(not that Gracie knows all the details of their relationship or anything it’s just what she suspects lol).
They probably going to get married one day, and it will make her and Judith related!  
So, Judith goes home and asks her Michonne if Aaron and Daryl are dating, causing Michonne to finally connects the dots on why the hell they have been acting so weird.         
28. Why do they get jealous?
Aaron is super jealous over how cool Daryl looks on a motorbike, while Daryl is pretty jealous over how well Aaron can articulate his words to describe how he is feeling.    
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
When Daryl is being absolutely precious with Gracie, Lydia and Dog. It makes Aaron’s chest tighten and his heartbeat frighteningly fast. Those are the moments that Aaron wants nothing more than to raise a family and have a future with him.  
Aaron is probably being dorky af just to make Daryl laugh, for real not just an under the breath chuckle. Every time he pulls one from Daryl, Daryl can feel his heart expand tenfolds.       
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Oh man, I could write an entire essay on why these two are perfect for each other but to really simplify it: they already have a super strong bond, they are comfortable with each other and trust each other, both relate to feeling like an outsider, both like kids, they have history, their personalities balance each other out etc
It’s one of Daryl’s healthiest relationships on the show I don’t think there are any reasons why not?
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