#and project over siesta!
thehallstara · 2 years
hi i’m stealing this idea from @idonthaveanyurlideas​ but!!! do you like blaseball??? do you like interactive fiction/games?? do you not like blaseball but like very coolly formatted stories about grief and lose and regret?? well let me introduce you to my ✨blaseball twines✨ (and one bitsy):
run from me and rip me open was written in the immediate aftermath of season 18, and follows justice spoon in the lead up to her second alteration. jumping between past and present, you’re given a glimpse of the worlds that built her– and all that she has to lose. (6k, cws: fire, death by fire/incineration, description of drowning, death, grief/mourning, panic attacks)
ablaze with all the people you’ve been is a magnum opus of sorts; we get a look at several possible pasts and futures of edric tosser that never came to be as he’s trapped in the hazy in between of the hall and the black hole. it’s a story about his grief, and how he copes with it (or doesn’t) and is still one of my favourite things i’ve made despite being a full year old at this point. (35k, overall cws: unreality, death, swearing, smoking, grief)
cards fall where they may is a tarot themed trio of blaseball stories, centring on morrow doyle, peanutiel duffy, and gerund pantheocide respectively. i learned css during this one and you can tell!!! so if you just want to see some cool ass formatting, this one’s for you lol. it’s also full of so much heart, and i’m very proud of it. (12k, Overall CWs: Minor flickering/animation/eyestrain, Unreality, Death/Incineration, Swearing)
what might have been lost (don’t bother me) is a fairly short twine i made for my beloved @tigerquoii​ as part of the FFs fic exchange!! it’s about baby triumphant, complicated sibling relationships, and new beginnings. simple, but sweet! (3k, CWs: brief mentions of drowning and burns, swearing, fire)
the end is near is a short bitsy i made for crabjam2022, a sort of soliloquy about the end of the universe. while not quite a blb piece, you can absolutely see bits and pieces of s24 in there, and i think it’s a lovely little ode to the feelings that season invoked.
and so concludes the roundup of the stara david (non)cinematic blaseball games universe! if any of these descriptions piqued your interests, take a look and happy fall ball!!!!
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theseshipsshallsail · 5 months
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Elio leans his weight against the solid oak frame, a helpless smile touching his lips at the way Little Ollie’s bundled comfortably in his namesake’s lap. The Boba Fett plushie Oliver shipped from the States tucked securely in the crook of his elbow. Polpetta hunkered loyally by his dangling ankles.
It’s a pair of squabbling finches on the balcony that rouse him from his afternoon siesta; their incessant warbling reminiscent of Polpetta’s squeaky chew toys as they dart and weave amongst the potted azaleas. Elio’s alone in his wakening - a somewhat unusual occurrence since Oliver’s return to the villa - yet a brief glance at his watch reveals it to be nearly three p.m, and the lingering trace of bergamot shampoo that tickles his nostrils has him burying his face in the disorderly pillows; smothering a helpless grin within their abstract patterns. 
The top-sheet and comforter are bunched around his waist - a subconscious rejection of the close, muggy air - whereas Oliver’s warmth has already leached from the king-sized mattress. Beyond the balustrade, a cloudless sky reigns sapphire-blue - a sharp contrast to the virulent storm of earlier - and when a gentle breeze enters through the unshuttered windows Elio rolls sideways with a listless groan, allowing the susurrus rustle of trailing wisteria to lull him into a tranquil state. 
It’d be easy, he thinks, to indulge his inner-wastrel. Enjoy the liminal hush of a September afternoon. Drift back to his dreams. Yet no amount of tossing and turning can quell his latent curiosity, and for his sins, the bed feels loathsomely empty without Oliver’s steadfast presence beside him. 
“Dannazione…” he grumbles, wrestling free of the blankets’ grip, then swings his unsocked feet to the chilly floorboards as he forgoes the caffeine-rich temptation of his trusty Moka pot. 
There’s a thin, cotton Oxford draped over the cluttered writing desk - his, Oliver’s, Elio cares not which - and distracted by the fiddly buttons he almost trips over a plastic tennis racket discarded by the baseboard. A solitary Spider-Man sneaker lies atop it - its counterpart, he notices, sits adjacent to Oliver’s sand-flecked espadrilles. Wherever he’s gone, presumably it can’t be far, and when a cursory check of the ensuite finds their swimming trunks still drying over the bathtub faucets, Elio ventures out of the master bedroom, continuing his game of cat-and-mouse in the deserted corridor, instead. 
He’s halfway down the foyer staircase when he hears it: Oliver’s soothing baritone. Something twinges in his gut as he follows the siren call - even at a distance, the lyrical spiel is strikingly familiar - and knuckling the sleep from his gritty eyelids he avoids the creakiest steps out of instinct, not wanting to divert his beloved’s attention when he’s clearly in full-flow. 
Pavlovian, maybe, but the confident nature of Oliver’s professore voice is wont to summon goosebumps over Elio’s skin, and right now, there’s a deeper quality, also. 
Something sweet. 
Fondness, wrapped in an innate layer of contentment. 
Theories come and go, his father used to say, debating some pompous scholar over the al fresco dining table, yet fundamental data remains the same, and edging closer to the living room door, Elio pauses at the threshold, his previous suspicions confirmed the very moment he clocks the winsome scene before him.
Of Oliver - bearded chin cushioned by his brother’s corkscrew-curls - faithfully narrating the Doctor Seuss anthology their Papà couldn’t bear to part with. The whimsical verses he’d read to he and Ollie, both; albeit several decades apart.
“History is cyclic,” Elio’d quoted back in June, yawning fiercely through one of their late-night phone calls. “...and I can’t wait to make new memories with you. Not to replace the originals, of course,” he’d reassured quickly. “Au contraire! But to have them exist side-by-side. Our past and present, combined. Concrete foundations on which to build our future.” 
So Elio does just that as he leans his weight against the solid oak frame, a helpless smile touching his lips at the way Little Ollie’s bundled comfortably in his namesake’s lap. The Boba Fett plushie Oliver shipped from the States tucked securely in the crook of his elbow. Polpetta hunkered loyally by his dangling ankles. 
Ostensibly, his younger brother looks enthralled by the book’s varied illustrations, yet Elio recognises his owlish blinks for what they truly are: the pre-adolescent nap time stubbornness intrinsic to all Perlman males.
According to Miranda and his mother, at any rate.
“...never forget to be dexterous and deft,” Oliver murmurs, a small, paint-stained fist clutching his charcoal-grey t-shirt. “...and never mix up your right foot with your left…”
Again, that unnamed something tugs at Elio’s midsection; the hairs on his forearms rising much as they did that long-ago summer when they first recited Frost and Neruda late into the night: the pair of them laid out on an old, tartan throw-rug beneath an endless canopy of stars. 
“...so be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray, or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,you're off to great places! Today is -”
“- your’day…” Ollie blurts, wriggling sideways to rest his head upon his favourite storyteller’s sternum. Snuggling into the crocheted blanket Oliver drapes around his slumping shoulders. “Don’ stop…” he mumbles then, with all the authority of a fifty-pound seven year old. “Un altro, per favore…”
And Elio’s heart expands within his chest: the wealth of emotion it harbours bringing a choked lump to his throat as the other man continues flicking through the dog-eared pages; one hand stroking the curve of Little Ollie’s spine until his lashes fan out stationary over his sun-dappled cheekbones. 
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Wellness Wednesday:
Sick...Like a Dawg
My first time being sick this year - and - it's not a total shock - typically when the weather gets better I tend to get worse.
Good news though - I am not too sick that I can't function. Still able to hang with my fam (for the most part) and complete my workouts.
I will say I did have to take a massive siesta on Saturday and Sunday - helped out a lot - but still didn't eradicate sinus infection.
I have a road trip planned for this weekend - hoping I recoup before Friday - otherwise it will be a long weekend.
In other news...
Having massive home/yard project taking place. Very excited for it to be completed - because it has been a dream for a long time.
Loss a little over 4 pounds this week - one benefit of being sick. I still need to find a way to reward myself.
Possibly a small surprise on the horizon. Not 100% official, so not getting my hopes up - we'll see next week.
20th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Completed as of 4/12/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Meal Tracker:
Large Bowl of Leftover Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
- (1) Hotdog
Large Plate of Homemade Arroz Con Pollo
Large Hawaiian Bun
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Large Plate of Leftover Arroz Con Pollo
- Red Salsa
- Green Salsa
7oz Bag of Wonderful's Shelled Salt & Pepper Pistachios
(1) Medium Orange
Large Plate of Leftover Arroz Con Pollo
- Red Salsa
- Green Salsa
Large Hawaiian Bun
(1) Beef Hotdog on a Large Hawaiian Bun
Can of Progresso Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
- 8 Crackers
Large Hawaiian Bun
Large Bowl of Valley Top Popcorn
(1) Glass of Orange Whole Milk
Can of Progresso Creamy Tomato Penne Soup
- 8 Crackers
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Large Hawaiian Bun
(3) Crockpot Chicken Tacos
- Sour Cream
- Lettuce
- Shredded Cheese
- Pace Hot Salsa
Bowl of Mexican Style Street Corn Salad
(1) Medium Orange
Bowl of Leftover Mexican Style Street Corn Salad
(1/2) Glass of Orange Whole Milk
Chef Salad
(1) Medium Orange
Chef Salad
(3) Hardboiled Eggs
(1) Medium Orange
Large Bowl of Leftover Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
- Hotdog
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(8) Pieces of Rana's Maine Lobster Ravioli
- Carmelized Pickled Red Onion
- Firecracker Corn off the Cob
(1) Cob of Firecracker Corn
(1) Grilled Hotdog on a Hawaiian Bun
(1) Twice Baked Potato
(4) Slices/Wedges of Ruby Red Grapefruit
(2) Glasses of Chocolate Milk
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(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 mins) Planks [ 5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 mins) Planks [ 5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [1 Set]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(5 mins) Planks [ 5 sets of 1 min]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 sets of 20]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 5/10/2023: -1.6 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 5/17/2023: -4.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -64.6 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
A benefit to my illness. I've been getting good sleep. Granted I spent my entire Saturday and Sunday in bed recouping, but it has readjusted my sleep schedule for the better.
Loss over 4 pounds this week - illness probably played a factor.
Have some massive home improvements happening - very excited.
The Bad:
Have some massive home improvements happening- very anxious.
Loss 4 pounds this week. Illness probably played a factor - fully expecting weight gain next week once I feel better and have a greater appetite.
The Ugly:
I've had a sinus infection for a full week now. Waking up every more I feel like the walking dead.
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silvaire? and hank marshallow?
yaaaaay my funny guys thank you cedar!!! im still doing this if ppl want to send me blb guys and hear shit i made up about them
orphan/foundling raised by silvaire sr., gruff guy old enough to be her grandpa who taught her everything he knows
trans woman + lesbian
raised vaguely sephardic, only sort of loosely connected with judaism and didn't regularly observe holidays or anything until she joined the crabs and was surrounded by more jewish ppl
there's a 50/50 chance in my own writing that she's either just a regular sharpshooter with rigid ideas about chivalry or she's literally a transplant from the dark tower universe
can throw her voice and will do it to startle people
picks up languages very quickly, fluent in english/spanish/french/asl, knows enough of a handful of others (incl. japanese and ladino) to get by conversationally
great memory for names and faces
was friends with tillman before she took his spot in the lineup, genuinely valued his companionship and liked having someone to be kind of a shithead with. they met up at dave and busters to play pool every weekend or so
pretty good at riding horses but doesn't get to do it often
missing a finger. she will tell people that a horse bit it off (untrue)
loves riddles and is great at solving them
they/it scene kid
was getting its masters in botany when it drowned in yesler swamp, got stuck in sort of a time loop of eternally drowning for several years before being unstuck and called up to replace derrick
loud in every way possible. wears eye-searing neon colors, talks a LOT, goes clubbing on the reg, loves screamo and post-hardcore music and blasts that shit frequently
comes off as kind of ditzy if you don't know its a stem student at heart
does roller derby under the name monster marsh
disappears into the wilderness a lot over siesta, likes hiking but especially likes caving (they like being in small spaces. they were always morbidly curious about being shelled)
tight with nerd pacheco! hung out with nerd's shell a lot to keep them company and then they actually got to be pals after nerd was unshelled. they sometimes go on road trips together
their gamma era project is learning to bake
occasionally plays goalie for the pies shadows' rec hockey team
very into philly sports by way of listening to case lancaster and jeff de la cruz yell about philly sports. go birds
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
due to their present and future schedules, all of the CRYSTALLIS members were gathered together with YEWON on JANUARY 13. since it’s the start of the new year, YEWON feels the most hopeful about CRYSTALLIS’ future. “we have a lot of things to go through, so let’s begin.” YEWON stated as she smiled at the girls.
“i’m sure some of you are familiar with the past collaboration projects that legacy has done? examples of this would be ‘summer taste’ and ‘zero:attitude’, the latter sung by your sister group, FABULA. this time around, there were a few more brands that reached out to us and wanted to collaborate so the company thought about expanding this project a bit. while the other two campaigns were for pepsi, for CRYSTALLIS we were approached by someone else. all of you will be a part of the KIM EANA project and if you don’t know her, i’m ashamed of you.” YEWON meant the latter jokingly to tease the girls, but her words also held some truth as well. “but if you really don’t know her, she’s a famous lyricist and has written some of the most popular hit songs like iu’s ‘good day’, ‘red shoes’, taeyeon’s ’11:11’, lovelyz’s ‘candy jelly love’, and of course BLAZING’s ‘abracadabra’ and ‘sixth sense’. in short, she’s well-known in this industry and after hearing through CRYSTALLIS’ past songs, she felt that you would be the perfect fit for her upcoming project.”
as YEWON mentioned, CRYSTALLIS has been chosen to be a part of a project with KIM EANA. the group will be singing a remake of BROWN EYED GIRLS’ 2008 hit song, ‘L.O.V.E.’ for this song, we will be using THIS REFERENCE ( and lyrics distribution can be found HERE ) and since there is a music video, the girls will also be filming that too. the song will be released on FEBRUARY 15 and they will not be promoting this song on music shows since it’s merely a project to promote both the group and the lyricist.
“while the boys are busy with their own projects,” YEWON paused, giving a slight smirk. “legacy has scheduled your next comeback to be on APRIL 6. word has it that it’s also the same day as april’s full moon, but i’ll leave that up to you to interpret the meaning behind that.” she smiled before proceeding to disclose more information about the comeback.
here are the songs for the APRIL comeback:
line distributions for this album can be found over HERE. the CRYSTALLIS members will not be allowed to do NOTORIETY TIERS from now until MAY so they cannot claim any songwriting/musical arrangement gigs for this album. HOWEVER, anyone who meets the requirements and can do the NOTORIETY TIERS may be able to claim the b-sides for a songwriting/musical arrangement gig if they wish ( but they can only claim it during the JANUARY cycle and not MARCH ). comeback promotions for this will last all throughout APRIL.
“oh,” YEWON looked at all of the girls, knowing that what she announced earlier wasn’t the only bit of comeback news that they would get. “and by the way, legacy has required all of you to work on your japanese and english skills. i know a few months back some of you were working on english and we encourage all of you to keep going, but for the ones who need to work on japanese…” she trailed off as she eyed towards HYEJOO, DANBI, SOMIN, and YURA. “they’re expecting you to focus on that too. we know that some of you have been working on other areas not related to the performance-based ones, but we want you to prioritize your language skills because all of you are going to need it for sure with your first japanese debut.”
she then turned her head to JAEHWA, SOYOUN, and ICHIKA. “also, we can’t let those three do all of the talking and singing when there’s seven of you. i’m well aware that five out of the seven of you were a part of lgc girls japan and while some of you could get away with your japanese speaking skills back then with the other girls covering that, this time around you can’t do that anymore.” she paused, thinking back about what she told them. with her looking at both ICHIKA and DANBI, YEWON added, “and seeing how it has been nowadays, legacy has decided that for this japanese debut, ICHIKA will take on the role of CRYSTALLIS’ leader during the promotions rather than DANBI. we know that ICHIKA was the leader for the lgc girls japan unit and since we want this debut to be a success, we felt that it was best to pass the title to her. ICHIKA will be the one handling most of the interview questions and social interactions that we will be having in the future until DANBI has become fluent in japanese and the promotions have concluded. if the fans like this arrangement, we might make it permanent. but DANBI, i’d consider this as an early warning for you to do your part as CRYSTALLIS’ leader and help the group.”
additional details regarding their japanese debut will be revealed next term ( Q2 ). in preparation for their japanese debut, we’ve listed below the point requirements the girls will need ( in the case of JAEHWA, SOYOUN, and ICHIKA, the notes listed next to their names are optional because they’ve already met the minimum point requirements ):
AHN JAEHWA: 100 JAPANESE ( optional )
MIN SOYOUN: 100 JAPANESE or 100 ENGLISH ( optional )
all of the girls will have until the end of the term to complete the requirements. if they complete the point requirements, they will be given extra point rewards in Q2.
“we’re going to be filming another batch of vlogs similar to how it was during legacy’s family concert. however, this will be mostly done in pairs and solos. since there are seven members, one of the members will have to film content by themselves twice and for this time around, it’ll be DANBI. while you could film some behind the scenes for both the collaboration project, solo activities, and comeback, we actually prefer you to document some of your normal day to day activities so that the fans can get to know you better.” YEWON suggested as she begins telling them who their assigned partners are.
here's the arrangement and order of when the episodes will be aired:
GEUM DANBI: aired on APRIL 13
SEO YURA: aired on APRIL 18
AHN JAEHWA: aired on APRIL 20
MOON SOMIN: aired on APRIL 27
MIN SOYOUN: aired on MAY 2
GONG HYEJOO: aired on MAY 11
GEUM DANBI: aired on MAY 16
the girls will be given from today until APRIL 1 to film the vlogs during that time. as always, all of the vlogs will be reviewed and edited by the editing team so they will check through to see if there is anything suspicious or inappropriate going on. each episode is supposed to last around 12 minutes. they can also be filmed at different times/days if they wish, as long as the videos are filmed with their partner ( or individually for DANBI ).
sometime around MARCH, the CRYSTALLIS members ( except SOYOUN ) will be invited to film a video for GLAMOUR’s youtube channel. for this they will be filming the FRIENDSHIP TEST ( reference #1 / reference #2 ) where they will be doing two segments:
COMPLIMENTS & TRUST FALL: in this part, one girl will be standing in front of the rest of the girls and do a trust fall. before the trust fall happens, the staff will be calling some of the girls individually and then be asked to give a compliment for the girl that is going to fall ( with the rest of the girls supporting her ). the order of who is doing the trust fall is: YURA > ICHIKA > SOMIN > DANBI > HYEJOO > JAEHWA.
WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO: in this part, the girls will be paired up ( JAEHWA & YURA, HYEJOO & SOMIN, ICHIKA & DANBI ) and will be asked several ‘who is most likely to’ related questions and they will have to pick the member who would best fit the description/question and explain why. examples of this are, “who gives the best advice?”, “who is most likely to forget their friend’s birthday?”, “who is most likely to never reply in the group chat?”, “who is most likely to start a fight?”, “who is most likely to crash a wedding?”, “who is most likely to write a best selling novel?”, and “who is most likely to have the most photos on their phone?”
the video for this will be released around APRIL 2 as part of CRYSTALLIS preparing for their comeback promotions.
before the girls were about to return to their schedules, a knock can be heard from the door. “ah, finally.” YEWON gave a sigh of relief, wondering what was taking them so long. as she opens the door, the CRYSTALLIS members are met with two other women, one of which they should be quite familiar with. as they enter the room, they stand next to YEWON who is glad that legacy decided to give her additional help. “on my right is JUNG NAHEE, who you should all be familiar with. she was one of the many assistant managers that would help some of you with your solo gigs. thanks to her hard work and diligence, she’s been promoted to manager. this means that we’ll both be sharing the role as CRYSTALLIS’ manager.” NAHEE bowed her head after YEWON’s short introduction.
turning to look at the manager on her left, YEWON stated, “and this is HWANG EUNJO. i’m hoping that none of you know her unless you’ve been around LEE HANBYUL for the last few months. she’s been HANBYUL’s temporary manager — temporary meaning that she has been carefully monitoring her and her actions ever since the dating scandal so she’s more of the manager that you should scared of…” EUNJO wasn’t really the type to talk as much and it’s reflected in the way she reacted to YEWON’s words. “luckily for EUNJO, she’s done taking care of HANBYUL so legacy has decided to assign her to CRYSTALLIS. unluckily for all of you, it means that something bad has happened.” YEWON’s head slowly turned towards SOMIN as she stated out loud, “ever since DBSD’S SHIN and HANBYUL’s dating scandal and the other scandal that happened months prior, legacy has been watching carefully over everyone including the trainees. while NAHEE had suspicions of this, i was told by the marketing team that SOMIN has been spending some of her free time with a male trainee who should really be focusing on his debut and not with girls, especially debuted ones.” 
at this point, YEWON directs everything she’s about to say to SOMIN while allowing the rest of the members to hear it. “you may have the most free time available in comparison to the rest of the members, but just as we were about to allow you to partake in more solo opportunities, this happens. due to the timing of everything, we cannot exclude you from the group activities. however, we’re even more wary now of how you spend your time and who you associate yourselves with, SOMIN. the trust hasn’t been fully broken, but don’t you dare try to break that completely because the outcome will be a terrible one.” YEWON paused before adding a delayed note for SOMIN. “….and in case you’re curious — which i wouldn’t be surprised if you were, he’s going to be under probation for the time being.” she kept the statement vague, letting the other members decide if they wanted to inquire who YEWON was talking about.
“as a result of all of this, NAHEE will be assigned to take care of SOMIN full time. she will be following SOMIN and if anything suspicious happens, she’ll be relaying the information to me. as for EUNJO… she will actually be in charge of someone’s private schedule and that person at the moment is SOYOUN. in the past we usually have the assistant managers taking care of this but after reviewing everyone’s schedules in the past and upcoming months, we’ve come to the conclusion that we’ll need another manager to handle all of SOYOUN’s individual activities and that is EUNJO.” YEWON initiated eye contact with EUNJO and gave an innocent smile, “isn’t that nice? you went from taking care of HANBYUL during her punishment to handling SOYOUN’s individual activities. i’d say that’s a nice change for you.” one would think that EUNJO would be ( somewhat ) happy over such news, but EUNJO reacted with an expressionless look.
“i believe that’s everything. i know it’s a lot to take in, but CRYSTALLIS is about to celebrate their one year anniversary so legacy has higher expectations for all of you and i’m confident that you can exceed those expectations. it’s just everyone has to work even harder this year to do that.” YEWON ended her meeting with a smile, for she wanted the meeting to conclude on a rather positive note.
FRIENDSHIP TEST: write a 300+ word solo about the ‘compliments & trust fall’ segment OR a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another crystallis member about the ‘who is most likely to’ segment for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: if you continue an existing thread from the writing challenge, that will be accepted for the bonus as long as 4 additional replies for each thread ( 2 posts per mun ) must be made between now and the deadline. this one in particular has to be with a partner outside of your group ( so it cannot be a crystallis member ). if you DO NOT have enough existing threads that fall under this category, you can use older threads ( that weren’t submitted for the writing challenge ) for this prompt as long as 2 new replies were written from now and the deadline and the partner is someone outside of the group. completing this will earn you +10 LANGUAGE POINTS ( can be english, japanese, or both ) OR +10 VARIETY ! ** can be done up to two times as long as it’s with different partners/threads **
CRYSTALLIS VLOGS: write a 300+ word solo OR a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with your assigned partner about any of their day to day activities. note that what was written in the thread/solo will be aired. completing this will reward you +5 POINTS TO MCING/HOSTING and +4 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:crystallismission for the task. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
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allthemusic · 2 months
Week ending: 29th November
Christmas is coming and the titles are getting quirkier! No slight on songs with titles like "My Prayer" or "More", but I prefer the titles this week - interesting enough to intrigue, but not to give the entire theme of the song away. And two out of three songs are genuine mysteries to me, which is always a good time.
When Mexico Gave Up the Rhumba - Mitchell Torok (peaked at Number 6)
I said I was intrigued by the title, but I am also a little scared by this one. I'm hoping for some fun Latin sounds and a cute song about people dancing (or not dancing?) the rhumba. I'm also low-key dreading a parade of vaguely racist Mexican stereotypes. Please be cool about this, Mitchell!
Oh, wow, we've started intense with some really fast country-style fiddle, and then lyrics that are indeed slightly stereotypical, as we learn than Down in Mexico at each high noon / Siesta is the thing / You can find them sleeping out in the shade / While the birds softly sing. We've not quite hit "racist caricature" levels, thankfully, but we're clearly in a novelty mode.
And then, an excellent twist as from the radio, there comes a U.S. show / And the disc-jockey's playin' the blues / Before they know what's happened / They're up and clappin' / To the tune of the blue suede shoes. Yes, this is a song about Mexico getting hooked on rock and roll. That's why they're "giving up the rhumba" - they're all rocking and rolling!
The chorus then starts, and it's a familiar little quote as Mitchell sings One, two, and then rock / It's the funniest thing ever told Which is a straight-up lift from the Rock and Roll Waltz, another novelty song about people hearing rock and roll and getting hooked. It's even followed by a little fiddle quote of the Rock and Roll Waltz tune! I kind of love this, beacuse it's the sort of reference I wouldn't have picked up on if I wasn't working on this project, and I'm always a sucker for songs referencing other songs.
Anyway, at this point, the song just continues with some stereotypically Mexican scenes, all featuring various characters dancing to rock and roll. We've got a matador dropping his sword to dance with the bull, and then we've got American tourists arriving to do some Latin dancing, only to find that rock and roll has followed them to Mexico, so that where they used to dance `neath the stars to the Spanish guitars / But now they do it to a saxophone. It's cute - and also a point in favour of what I'd already suggested, that the saxophone really was the rock and roll instrument at this point, more than all the other ones.
I also like that it's a song about the phenomenon that is American popular music genres (and tourists) making their way to various other areas of the globe and taking over. I don't know, it's just interesting, seeing how inter-connected the world is becoming in this point in the mid-1950s, and how even novelty songs like this one are reflecting the emergence of various regional rock and roll varieties outside of the US. It's the same hybridisation that will give us a whole bunch of European and British rock and roll knock-offs in a bit - and that's already given us Lonnie Donegan and skiffle.
Blue Moon - Elvis Presley (9)
Okay, I'm genuinely surprised this only made it to Number 9. I somehow assumed that this song had hit Number 1, or at least would have made it decently far up the top 10. But no, Elvis' version of this song only made it to 9. Huh.
Actually, listening to it, I can kind of see how this might fly under the radar. It's an Elvis song, so people were always going to listen, but if it didn't have sheer star power going for it, you'd be forgiven for letting this one pass you by, because it's incredibly low-key and understated, not a song that stands out particularly, purely based on speed and volume. Elvis is mumbly on it, singing along quietly with just a strummy guitar as his backing and possibly some kind of quiet percussion. And the backing really is just backing, it never takes over or does any kind of solo thing, it's just there to underscore two minutes of Elvis almost just humming along to a very simple, low, slow tune.
There's something veyr werid about it, actually. Maybe it's how Elvis' voice sounds like it's been slowed down - and pitched down - slightly, creating a laggy, syrupy effect. There's an echo to it, too, like he's singing in a bathroom, and the overall effect isn't unlike modern lo-fi music. It's like Elvis is singing drunkenly to you from another room, and you're only now, years later, hearing a not-particularly-high-quality phone recording, or something. Definitely weird.
Adding to the weirdness is the choice to just fade the song out into a mumbly hum at the end, as Elvis forgos all lyrics in favour of a sort of falsetto crooning, stripping the song back to almost nothing. His humming isn't that technically smooth or perfect, and somehow that creates a sense of greater intimacy and sincerity, so it does kind of work, but still - weird choice.
I guess this also all works because the song would likely have been familiar. It was a 1934 composition by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers, originally written for a 1934 Jean Harlow film called Hollywood Party. It never got used for the film, but did get re-lyricked for a different film, Manhattan Melodrama, before becoming a hit in its original form for artists as varied as Billy Eckstine, Mel Tormé, Billie Holiday and a whole string of jazz artists including Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. So this is a song people already know and probably quite like.
It helps as well that the lyrics are quite simple, almost nursery-rhyme-like, about a lonely singer, who the moon saw standing alone without a dream in my heart / Without a love of my own. He prays for a somebody to love, and the moon hears him, but by the end of the song, he's still lonely, and still waiting. There's something very stark about it all, a slightly bleak wistfulness that carries through, and that Elvis' odd, echoey production actually serves to emphasise, in a weird way. So maybe he knew what he was doing here.
It feels like a departure from Elvis' usual style, or an expansion of it, perhaps - a bold statement that yes, Elvis can also do ballads. Seeing as how we're going to see a lot more ballads from Elvis, this is probably notable.
St. Therese of the Roses - Malcolm Vaughan (3)
Well, on paper this is the most successful of our three songs, but let's see if it's the best. The name is interesting, suggesting a religious context but also maybe a romantic context? I don't know, I have no idea who this Saint Therese is!
Okay, a bit of a google tells me that she is, in fact, Thérèse of Lisieux, a French nun from the 1800s who died of tuberculosis very young, and who is venerated as the "Little Flower of Jesus" and is apparently very popular within the Catholic church. Apart from being linked to flowers, which she used as a symbol in her writing, she isn't otherwise linked to romance or marriage, but nevertheless, the song is a prayer to her, as Malcolm asks her to give your blessings to my sweetheart / And the love that we both share. He prays for protection and guidance, asking won't you fill our hearts with sunshine / On the day that we are wed. And that's basically it, that's the song.
It's a sweet, simple concept, just a prayer for blessings on a marriage, and it was apparently a big hit in the US for the R&B group Billy Ward and His Dominoes. As usual, we're getting the slightly watered-down British cover here, this time courtesy of Malcolm Vaughan, who also graced us with the rather old-fashioned Ev'ry Day of My Life. And despite its R&B origins, this song feels quite similar, both in its style - a heavily orchestrated, somehat operatic easy-listening ballad - and in its more conservative thematic concerns. It's fine, but it's not got its feet planted in the same era as songs like Blue Moon or even When Mexico Gave Up the Rhumba.
I also like the fact that apparently Malcolm Vaughn was due to go on the BBC to promote this song, but then got his invitation withdrawn as the song's lyrical content "is contrary both to Roman Catholic doctrine and to Protestan sentiment". Which is somehow the most parochial 1950s BBC thing ever to be concerned about. More to the point, it also got the song even more attention than it probably would have otherwise enjoyed, and got it airplay on Radio Luxembourg, an early pirate radio station that broadcast from Luxembourg with Europe's then highest-powered transmitter, and was one of the only ways to hear songs on the UK radio that weren't approved by the BBC. Which is kind of cool.
I found all three songs this week interesting, in their own way. All three felt like they were doing very different things, all of them noteworthy, even if not all of them have left their mark on culture since. I think my favourite - the one I'd actually come back to - is pretty clear, though, just for the sheer, weird atmosphere it created.
Favourite song of the bunch: Blue Moon
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phantomtutor · 2 years
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propmart00 · 2 years
Siesta Prestige City
Residential Apartments at Yogi Hills  in Mulund
Siesta Prestige City Mulund West is one of the as of late made gated networks in Mumbai, where you can buy an luxury home for your friends and family by Prestige Group. It has been arranged in Mulund West, perhaps the most renowned region in the town. The private venture offers 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK extravagance homes with a wide range of super current lavish facilities. These homes present to you a great blend of class and solace.
It is advantageously underlying Mulund West which gives incomparable availability from all the significant city milestones and utilities like notable medical clinics, instructive center points, departmental stores, shops, 24x7 pharmacies, parks, banks and ATMs, diversion spots, and sporting focuses and so on.
Siesta Prestige City – A residential haven with 3.5 acres of lifestyle indulgences
Six 54 storey skyrises
Spacious 2, 3 & 4BHK residences
One of the biggest clubhouses spanning 5 levels
1.8 acres E-Deck with open to sky experiences
Marathon Sunset Gardens
Residential Apartments at Devi Dayal Road  in Mulund
Marathon Sunset Gardens is decisively situated at Mulund West with a consistent network to the conspicuous areas of Mumbai. The private units in the exceptional Marathon Sunset Gardens project are sensibly valued inside the scope of Rs. 82. 0 Lac - 94. 0 Lac. There are absolute 43 units in the task that are planned remembering the cutting edge way of life.
The property offers units in various setups and sizes as 1 BHK Level (420. 0 Sq. Ft. - 694. 0 Sq. Ft. ). The very much arranged site has 1 pinnacles, and every one of them have their own in addition to focuses. This pursued undertaking is now authorized in 01 October 2022. The belonging date of this perfectly planned project is 01 December 2026.
Lodha Regalia
Residential Apartments at Hanuman Chowk Mulund  in Mulund
Lodha Regalia is decisively situated in Mulund East in the city of Mumbai and is a very much arranged project. This exactly arranged Lodha Regalia Mulund costs are accessible in the scope of Rs. 1. 61 Cr - 4. 60 Cr. It is fanned out over a huge area of 2 Acres. This venture has a sum of 100 units.
The private abodes are in Under Development state. The various kinds of units accessible are Flat, which have been intended to offer total fulfillment. The property offers units in various designs and sizes as 4 BHK Flat (1146. 0 Sq. Ft. - 1560. 0 Sq. Ft. ), 2 BHK Flat (710. 0 Sq. Ft. - 755. 0 Sq. Ft. ), 3 BHK Flat (810. 0 Sq. Ft. - 1146. 0 Sq. Ft. ). This very much planned region has a sum of 1 pinnacles, each with its own advantage. The day for kickoff of this much anticipated project is 01 October 2021. 01 May 2025 is the date of ownership.
Ashford Royale Mulund
Residential Apartments at Nahur Railway Station Road  in Mulund
Ashford Royale by Ashford is one of the notable under-development projects in Mulund (West), offering low financial plan lofts. The task was sent off in Jun, 2010 as quite possibly of the most reasonable location in Central Mumbai rural areas. Ashford Royale Mulund Address (West) is planned for ownership in Dec, 2022. With practically all essential conveniences set up, Ashford Royale brings profoundly reasonable yet lovely There are 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK and 4BHK Flats available to be purchased, coming up in this venture. in Central Mumbai rural areas.
Marathon Ekveera
Residential Apartments at Lal Bahadur Shastri Road  in Mulund
Marathon Ekveera is a rich Venture by Long distance race who are one of the prestigious designers in Mumbai. It is situated in Mulund West, Mumbai Central Rural areas and all around associated by major road(s) like LBS Marg, Eastern Express Highway. Marathon Ekveera is spread across 0.061 Acre. The Venture has 45 Units. The situation with the Venture is Progressed Stage. The level units discounted are accessible in different setups like Marathon Ekveera 1 BHK Flats at any rate cost of Rs 54.00 L and greatest cost of Rs 78.48 L with Property Size going from 225 Sqft to 327 Sqft
Marathon Zaver Arcade
Residential Apartments at Lal Bahadur Shastri Road  in Mulund
Marathon Zaver Arcade is a stunning and pristine task sent off by the United Builders Mumbai. Mulund West is the perfect heaven for people who love peace yet dont want to compromise with the little pleasures of life like shopping, eating out, sending children to reputed schools etc. Mulund West has everything that you want just not the hustle bustle of the city. The place is close to reputed hospitals and the transport system is pretty swift from this part to any other part of the city, available 24*7. This project is so special because it is stuffed with modern amenities and lovely apartments that you cannot say no to.
For more information visit our website on : https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-mulund/
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visiongroupllc · 2 years
Available Residential Home Builder Services in Sarasota FL
Residential home builders in Sarasota FL provide a wide range of services. Some of these services include performing market research, surveying the land to determine its suitability for construction, and obtaining necessary permits. They also provide design and construction services. Some also act as developers.
Ross Built
Ross Built Residential Home Builder Services in Sarassota FL specializes in waterfront homes. With full-time project managers and superintendents, they focus on the unique needs of coastal communities. The firm's experience includes building homes for homeowners on Longboat Key, Siesta Key, Casey Key, and Bird Key. The company prides itself on its commitment to quality and sustainability.
Murray Homes
If you're in the market for a luxury waterfront home, Murray Homes is the team to call. Their attention to detail and cutting-edge technology will ensure that your home is built with the finest materials and highest quality. Their homes are known for their superior architecture and finishes, and their track record is unmatched in the industry. If you're looking for luxury waterfront custom homes in Sarasota, Murray Homes is the go-to team.
Taralon Homes
Taralon Homes is one of Tampa Bay's leading home builders. They specialize in lakefront estates, waterfront homes and custom homes in Florida's barrier islands. The company has won numerous awards in the Tampa Bay Parade of Homes and has been recognized by the Tampa Bay Business Journal as one of the Bay Area's top 200 private companies. Their homes are typically priced between $500k and $2M.
Larry Kemick
If you're planning to build a luxury home in Sarasota, FL, you'll want to work with an experienced residential home builder. Kemick Builders and Consultants has over 30 years of experience in building luxury homes. They build homes in Hillsborough County, Sarasota County, and Manatee County. They are also dedicated to producing energy efficient homes that can save you money and the environment.
Hobgood Construction
Hobgood Construction was founded by Wilbur Hobgood in 1982. Wilbur Hobgood had been involved in homebuilding for 15 years before founding the company. His son David joined the company in 2005 and now serves as the executive manager and general superintendent. In 2012, he added another team member, Eddie Naugle. Eddie is a certified South Carolina general contractor and LEED Green Associate. He is also a USGBC member and certified erosion prevention and sediment control inspector.
Neal Fiske
Neal Fiske Residential Home Builder Services in the Sarasota area specialize in high-end waterfront design/build projects. Owner Neal Fiske has an engineering degree and also holds an architecture degree. He helped develop a green certification program for NARI Tampa Bay and became the first Green Certified Professional contractor in the Tampa Bay region. This company focuses on superior craftsmanship and single-point contact for their clients. In 2019, they were awarded five national Contractor of the Year awards.
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mahisjadhav · 2 years
New’s Residential Properties in Mulund
Lodha Regalia
Lodha Regalia At Mulund (E), Mumbai
Properties in Mulund
Elegantly handcrafted with intricate designs, Twin tower is not just another chip in the block—it is a haven that delivers an over-the-top experience to the chosen few living here. Strategically located outside Mulund railway station 2mins away from eastern express highway there’s plenty of time, space and peace of mind for you to reach the top.
Amenities and Features
24x7 Electricity
Children's play area
Indoor Games
Party Hall
Swimming Pool
Runwal Sanctuary
Runwal Sanctuary  Mulund
Runwal Sanctuary Mulund is redefining luxury with the new residential project. The state of art buildings come with a blend of elegance and modernism. Famous by name Runwal uncage Mulund, provides you with the best of amenities to revitalize and rejuvenate you. Customizable super spacious apartments give the freedom to bring your dream home into a reality. Far from the chaotic lifestyle of cities, Runwal Sanctuary Promises you a rich and abundant lifestyle, with great ease of accessibility to all kinds of facilities. Runwal Sanctuary Mulund is one of the leading projects by Runwal Group, which integrates all the essentials for a wholesome growth for you and your family. The Residential Apartments is located at LBS road,mulund West, to make your mornings and life beautiful. Runwal Uncage Mulund surely is the right prompt to make your life hassle free again.
Siesta Prestige City
The Prestige Group, India’s largest listed Real Estate Developer with 250+ projects delivered across the country is now in Mumbai.
Launching Siesta Prestige City at Yogi Hills, Mulund – Central Mumbai’s biggest integrated hillside living experience.
Over 30 Acres of
Residential spaces
Commercial spaces
High Street Retail
Just mins away from LBS Road and Eastern Express Highway and right in the lap of nature
Acres of open spaces
Good air quality
A world of conveniences
Excellent connectivity to education, social infra and corporate hubs
Siesta Prestige City – A residential haven with 3.5 acres of lifestyle indulgences
Six 54 storey skyrises
Spacious 2, 3 & 4BHK residences
One of the biggest clubhouses spanning 5 levels
1.8 acres E-Deck with open to sky experiences
Marathon Sunset Gardens
Marathon Sunset Gardens Mulund
 Marathon Sunset Gardens is a stunning skyscraper, right in the heart of Mulund. It’s incredible location, so close to the railway station, with convenient access to arterial roads, means that you will spend less time commuting and more time with your loved ones.
Just 2 minutes from the station
Superbly designed 1 & 2 BHK apartments
Anon Sapphire
Anon Sapphire Mulund
Anon Sapphire situated in the lifestyle hub of Mulund, Anon Sapphire is the touch that will make your luxury lifestyle complete. Let your expectation peak and your dreams burst into seams as you step into your spacious home.
15 Storey Masterpiece
Premium 1 BHK &
Spacious 2 BHK Apartments
Anon Avenue
Anon Avenue Mulund (W)
Welcome to Anon Avenue,
In the fast-paced city life, we miss out the luxurious and laid-back life we desire to live.We try to seek balance between luxury and lifestyle. Return to home that gives you eternal happiness.To unplug you from your boaring routine life,We bring in the beautifully designed
2 BHK & 1 BHK apartments in this
It comprises Ground + 9 Residential
Neelam Senroof II
Neelam Senroof II Mulund offers craftily planned condos for a consoling and calming living mood. The condition of workmanship offices gave Neelam Senroof a rethink of the general living experience.
The 2 bhk Neelam mulund are planned by thinking about the cutting edge way of life and the best highlights for an interesting residing experience.
The super present-day conveniences at the Neelm Senroofs incorporate the Party Lawn, Landscaped Garden, Mini Theater, Badminton and Squash Court, Club House with Gymnasium and Cafeteria, Swimming Pool Toddler’s Pool Spa and Massage Jogging Tracks and Paved Walkway, Spa, and Massage.
For More Information Visit Our Site: https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-mulund/
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swebfunda · 2 years
Prestige Siesta Mulund West, Mumbai | A Permanent Spot For A Long Time Into The Future
Prestige Group has launched another extravagance project called Prestige Siesta in Mulund West Mumbai. The project has been made by a prestigious designer & is intended to make a metropolitan desert garden for home purchasers.
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The extravagant homes are loaded up with all advanced comforts in a state of harmony with green residing at Mulund West, Mumbai. Spread in acres of the region the super city rethinks extravagance for home purchasers. Modern homes take special care of inhabitants each need. The development has stunning Towers, which integrate Vaastu standards. Each home gives a perspective on the marvelous lavish green nurseries encompassing the complex.
The immense housing property brags of superb homes in 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK arrangements. The development has various cutting-edge work areas, uncommon shopping centers, lavish inns, and different sporting focuses all inside its limits. There is a universe of extravagance anticipating home occupants at the complex.
The perplexing gloats of a library and business relax a rooftop top nursery and elite porches. The property has 24-hour power reinforcement and water supply. It has 5-star inns and adjusted apartments inside the development. Every one of the apartments is completely fitted with cooling.
The designer is likewise offering various simple installment plans for the development. Prestige Group has made various present-day housing and business social orders in Maharashtra and is known for its imaginative developments.
Mumbai is one of the most outstanding addresses for projects as it is very much associated with some MNCs who have set up their workplaces nearby. Interest in land in the space is supposed to be extremely productive and give magnificent returns over the course of the following couple of years. So, Hurry and book your space now!
For More Info:
Visit: Prestige Siesta Mumbai
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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castles in the air: chapter 2
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chapters: one.// two.// three.// four.// five.// six.// seven.// eight.// nine.// ten.//
pairing: kuroo tetsuro x f! reader genre: university romantic dramedy, mild angst, fluff wc: 6k summary: kuroo tetsuro is your pain in the ass classmate. that’s all. really.
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The semester hits the midway mark almost too quickly. 
Training grows harder, his captain unrelenting in his demands for more drills, more laps, more practice matches. His fingers ache, more calluses grow, thick and ugly on his palms, and he’d fall asleep in class far more often if you weren’t there to prod him awake. But it’s worth it, he tells himself. He holds on to his starting position because the team’s regular middle blockers are either injured, on academic probation or off in Europe on exchange, so his peers watch with envy when he gets to play almost every match, the defensive cornerstone when the team prepares its march to the intercollegiate championships.
He misses the camaraderie built with Yaku and Kai, the knowledge that they have each other’s back, the unwavering trust formed over years of working towards the same goal. The university team’s not half-bad, the seniors refrain from hazing the juniors (save for Sato-san, who prefers to shoot barbs, the immense chip on his shoulder from having to retake his first year screwing with his brain a bit), and he’s pretty sure he’ll make firm friends with the guys from his batch, but still - he misses his team.  
“Why work so hard when you’re not gonna go pro after college?” you ask, after a project meeting that you had to barge into his room to remind him about, his catnap stretching into an hour-long siesta that he’s horrified at himself for taking.  
“Cos I love the game”, he says simply. “I wanna play as long as I can.”
You don’t sniff at him, nor do you stare at him disapprovingly. Instead, you just peer over your laptop screen as you crouch on his bed. “Well. Just - just don’t burn yourself out.” 
“Are you concerned about me?” he asks slyly, propping his head up to stare at you. 
As expected, your head whips back to your work. “Psh. Concerned that I might lose a competitor, more like. Topping the cohort won’t be as sweet if you weren’t there.” 
“Cocky, I see. Let’s see who’s crying when they release the results - “
“As if! Considering the amount you’ve been studying, which is barely anything at the rate you’re going, you’re going the one who’s left crying  -” 
Ouch, that stings. With competition season drawing close, he has to admit that he really hasn’t been hitting the books as much as he should be, his notes are in shambles, his undone work is piling up, not because of procrastination but out of a sheer lack of time, and - yeah, he has to admit you’re probably right. 
“Oh well”, he remarks. “Guess you’ll be dropping me as a project mate next semester then.”
You stare at him as if he’s grown another head with gravity defying hair. 
“Kuroo Tetsurou, do you really think so little of me?” you say quietly, curling back behind the screen, almost as if he’s hurt you with careless words. 
“I uh - “
Then he sees it, you giving yourself an almost imperceptible shake, shoulders straightening. 
“Well”, you say briskly, flipping over your screen to show him an empty schedule that to his horror, is marked - ‘STUDY SCHEDULE FOR IDIOTS’, in bright red. “Let’s make sure your grades don’t suffer too much, in that case.” 
It’s testament to your strength of personality that he finds himself tucked into a corner of the library with you and your other friends to study and revise for exams almost every night after practice. 
“What”, you ask indignantly when he does a double take, shocked at the fact that you willingly associate with other living, breathing beings. “Did you think you were the only one with friends?” 
“Kinda”, he drawls. “Especially since you’re so -”
“I dare you to finish that sentence”, you growl, pointing a pen threateningly over his wrist. He closes his mouth with an exaggerated snap. 
Your tiny circle of friends are welcoming to him, even though they do look a little taken aback when you drag him in the first time but it’s cosy, companionable, and he gets a lot more work done than he’d have been able to by himself. It certainly helps that you lend him your notes, even though you grumble good naturedly, and he’s pretty sure he’s the only classmate you lend your carefully prepared notes to, because Sato-san and the rest of his team groans in envy when they catch a glimpse of your notes in his bag. 
“Gotta give the rest of us a chance”, Sato repeats his insult, laughing to himself. “You and that machine - what an unfair combination!” 
“If you can’t beat them, join ‘em”, he chuckles a little hollowly, swallowing the sudden urge to argue that it’s unfair to reduce you to that unkind nickname. Because Sato is his teammate, his senior. He can’t jeopardise any good will he has on the team but still, his words sting. He’s glad you aren’t around to hear the insults thrown your way, though he thinks you’re strong enough to ignore them anyway. Your sense of humour would probably even allow you to laugh at that horrid nickname - a machine - even if it’s inherently dehumanising, dismissive of all the hard work and effort you pour into your studies. 
“Why bother working so hard when you could just marry a rich husband?” You make a sound of discontent at his words and he adds quickly - “And hey, come to think of it, maybe I should start looking for a rich wife.”
It’s not his best day, not when he’s a little cranky after a hard practice where his captain yelled at him for not jumping high enough, fast enough to block the spikers, and you don’t let up on him either, drilling him on his finance calculations, on his marketing strategies until his head swims with figures and disjointed words, and he just needs a break from this relentless grind that’s slowly but surely wearing him down. 
“My mom was a housewife all her life”, you tell him. “My dad made sure we were always comfortable, but I tend to think my mom feels like she might’ve preferred a little more independence, especially when my brothers and I grew older.” 
Exhaustion forgotten, he thinks of his own mother. He sees her twice-yearly, once on mother’s day, once on New Year’s where she brings him to the shrine to pray, and while she shows some maternal affection for him, sending him money at regular intervals, asking about his studies, he’s never dared ask if she’s ever regretted walking out of his and his sister’s lives when she looks much happier, brighter even - than back when they all were a family, back when the walls would shake from the force of her arguments with his dad. 
“Sure”, he says. “Independence is good, I guess.” 
He thinks about his father, curled up in a corner, drunk out of his mind, cursing his ex-wife. He thinks about his sister, having to go to their obaa-san instead of their mom when she got her first period, met her first boyfriend. He thinks about himself, having to explain to his classmates with a strained smile that his mother doesn’t live with them anymore. 
“You don’t sound convinced. Please don’t tell me you’re one of those gross dudes that think a woman’s proper place is in the kitchen.”
The thing about you is that you’re far more perceptive than you have any right to be. 
“I just -”, he pauses, mindful that he might be treading into dangerous, murky waters. “Independence is all well and good, but I think you and your siblings benefitted from your mom being around for you.” 
You tilt your head, fortunately doesn’t take offense as he feared. “Yes”, you say slowly, the words treacle in your mouth. “But I’d like to think I can have the best of both worlds by having a husband who loves and supports me in whatever I choose to do. I guess I’m greedy - my dreams make me sound like I want to build castles in the sky but I’m not, really. All I want is a meaningful career of my own. All  I want is a family of my own. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for.” 
“That doesn’t sound like too much at all”, he remarks, taking a swig of coffee even though it tastes like wet dirt, in a bid to keep awake. 
“Of course you don’t - you’re a man. That’s always been your birthright”, you reply, mouth twisting, your tone more bitter than the coffee currently swirling in his gut. 
“I think the solution is to find yourself a nice husband who’d let you do what you want.”
“A decent man who respects that I’m entitled to do what I want”, you retort and he laughs, raising his hands up in defense. 
“As if any man could stop you from doing what you want”, he chortles, and you roll your eyes, pinch his arm playfully as he dodges your attacks. 
So yes - you’re headstrong and efficient, smart as a whip, good at your work. He highly doubts anyone would ever consider you a machine if they spend more than five minutes with you outside of class. You’re so easy to chat with, so easy to tease. There aren’t any airs about you, because you’re unabashedly you, scowling at him when he points out a mistake you’ve made in your work, laughing too loudly about some stupid chemistry joke he’s made, falling asleep on your books like a floppy seal when you try (and fail) to wean yourself off coffee yet again.  
“Why don’t you have more friends? From class, at least. Most young people these days have more friends, y’know?” 
You click your tongue against your teeth, mouthing indignantly young people at him. Another night spent in the library studying, your small circle of friends breaking up in favour of human pursuits like food and sleep. But midterms are coming, you seem to not mind spending a little time tutoring him on the finer points of accounting and cash flow forecasts, and he needs all the help he can get.
“Did we not just spend two hours sitting among my friends?” you reply pointedly. “Or did you think they’re just goldfish - “
“Oi, don’t put words in my mouth, princess”, he shoots back. “You know what I meant. You don’t seem to have friends in class except me - is it because I’m special?” 
“You’re really fishing for compliments here, aren’t you?” 
He gives you a flash of his patented smirk, leans back in his chair. “Nah, just wondering why no one else seems to have caught on to your fantastic personality.” 
You stare at him, obviously searching for the punchline in his words, but he just smirks back at you. 
“I don’t really find making friends easily. A relic from high school, I suppose. It’s even more difficult in business school where everyone seems a bit transactional.” You wrinkle your nose, spinning a pen in your fingers. “They didn’t really take much notice of me until the end of last semester when our grades were announced and then suddenly all they wanted to talk about were assignments and job placements and -” you sigh through your nose, forehead wrinkling. “They didn’t really see me as a person. That makes me wonder whether they see me for who I am, or for what I can do for them.”  
“But here we are - “ 
“Are we friends? I didn’t realise that”, you tease, as he pouts playfully, hand to heart. 
“You wound me, princess, you really do.” 
“Fine, I guess we’re friends”, you answer, a fond smile on your face that he can’t help but wish he saw more of. “You made me a business proposition, I fed you ramen, now you tease me about my books and I tutor you because you like to pretend to be a dumb jock, so here we are.” 
“Here we are indeed”, he replies, smirk smoothing out into a smile.  
It’s their loss, he figures, if they don’t want to be your friend. It’s their loss if they don’t get to see you as a human being, just a soulless machine, racking up points and scoring top marks, someone inhuman, soaring past them in the stratosphere. They don’t get to see the moments when you doubt yourself, when you hunch over yourself whenever you get poor feedback on your projects, when you pour your heart and soul into your work, shouldering more than your share when he falls short without complaint. 
“We did it!” you squeal at the end of the term, when your professor beams at you both, awards you the top grade for your project along with a long review. 
“Of course we did”, he replies smugly. The taste of success is addictive, oh-too-sweet. He chuckles when you shove at his shoulder playfully, catches your hand to rub it in that - “I told you you’d have no regrets partnering with me.”
“Kuroo Tetsurou, it baffles me how you’re so bloody annoying -” 
“Let’s go out to celebrate” he adds, ignoring her barb, still riding the high of success. “I’ll buy you dinner tonight!” 
“Not fish again. You’re such an old man”, you tease. 
“You need fish for docosa-haxaeonic acid”, he retorts, but you only tug at his sleeve, impatient when he’s dangling the promise of food before you. 
You both end up at the ramen shop anyway. It’s become your regular hang-out spot, both yours and his, so much so that the old oji-san recognises his order, grumbles when he doesn’t come in for more than a week. But the old oji-san’s clear favourite is you, always leaning over to ask how your week’s been, feeding you an extra ramen egg or bamboo shoots, and Kuroo points out that it’s probably because you’ve bought his crusty heart by chatting with him about he and his wife’s favourite long running soap operas, even bought him a bottle of sake to celebrate his birthday once you’ve learnt the date. 
“It’s called being a decent human being and listening when people talk about themselves, Kuroo.”
“You’re just sucking up for no reason”, he retorts and you chuckle, chopsticks held aloft. 
“It’s called being kind, you fool. Look it up, someday”, you retort before stuffing yourself full of ramen noodles, which you declare to the oji-san to be the best in Tokyo, nay, the world, as you always do. He swears the old man is about to declare you his honourary grand-daughter at this rate. Well - his grandparents would obviously love you too, his grandma’s been complaining that she misses him bringing his friends home, and she can’t wait til the day comes that he brings a nice girl home to meet her wait - he shakes his head clear of that thought, choosing to wolf down ramen instead of exploring that stray alley his brain seems intent on leading him down.
“Earth to Kuroo”, you call, leaning in, eyes gleaming with that sharp, mischievous tilt, an expression that you adopt too-frequently when you think you’ve gotten the better of him. You wave a hand across his face, and he jolts back, as if he’s fallen out of a dream. 
“Alien acid ate up your brain?”  
“Pfft, there’s no such thing.” He makes a show of shaking himself awake. “Just thinking about exams.” 
“You’ll do just fine”, you say dismissively, kicking his shin. “I’m sure of it.” 
“Cos if not it’d mean your tutoring skills suck?” 
“No! Because it’d mean your brain sucks, if all my tutoring didn’t help you one bit - ”
He pays the old man and compliments him for making the best ramen in the world, as he always does, though the old man only truly perks up when you wave at him and promise to come again soon before stepping back into the world outside. Summer is long gone, autumn is on its way out, and winter, with its chilly gales and bleak, short days, is about to arrive in full force. He tucks himself into his coat - Nekoma red, of course, gloves on his hands when he notices you try to zip your coat all the way to the hollow of your throat, shrugging your shoulders in a bid to hide the exposed skin of your neck to the nipping  winter cold.
Receives, bumps, one touches - movements on court that are honed through many years of training, movements that come naturally without his brain having to be engaged too much, but even though this particular movement is new, he doesn’t even realise he’s unwinding the wool scarf from his neck until he’s tugged you close, tilting your chin up gently to wrap it around your neck. 
“My skin’s a lot thicker than yours, so you better make sure you wrap up nice and warm”, he tells you with as much bravado as he can muster,  since you seem to be stricken silent from shock. 
You tuck your chin into the cloud of woolen weave, as you walk beside him, and he’s wondering if he’s wrong for acting over-familiar with you - you’re a friend, but you’re also a girl, and he wonders if his actions might be misconstrued when you glance at him, almost as if you’re looking at him for the first time. 
“Cat got your tongue, princess?”, he asks, his tongue engaging before his brain stops it from its instinct to provoke, to annoy. 
Luckily, your regular scowl crosses your face, and he knows you’re both back on familiar grounds. 
“I just didn’t know you could be nice”, you say airily, tossing your hair behind your shoulder as you dash ahead, laughing merrily. 
“I’ve always been nice to my friends!” he yells, white puffs streaming behind him as he chases after you. 
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Your classmates notice around the same time he does that you’re actually friends. 
“Wow, I didn’t know that frigid bitch could actually be human”, Sato comments idly during a break in practice. “What did you do, charm your way into her pants? You gotta tell us if there’s really a stick up her arse if you do.” 
He bites his tongue yet again, preventing him from spitting out some acerbic remark or two. “We’re just friends”, he manages to say with a veneer of politeness. “We work well together.”
“Good for you”, Sato replies. “It’d be a joke if anyone wanted to date that bitch.” 
His mood doesn’t lighten when he turns up at your room for his usual study session after dinner, eyebrows drawn together, a weathervane for his stormy mood. You take one glance at him and snap your laptop shut. 
“Out with it”, you say. “What’s bothering you?” 
“Nothing!” he says too quickly. “Everything’s fine.” 
You obviously don’t believe him. “Did Sato screw up serves again? Or did your captain say something to you? You can’t be stressed about schoolwork, you’re actually ahead, which is good - “ 
“It’s fine”, he stresses, grimacing. “Can you just drop it?” 
Oops. He may have said that a little too sharply because you flinch back into your seat, wincing slightly, even though you try to cover that up with a quick shake of your shoulders, an impassive expression sliding back on your face. He didn’t mean to snap at you - you’re not the cause of his ire, far from it. 
So he fixes it the only way he knows how. 
“Wanna grab ice cream?” 
“What?!” you stare at him, flummoxed.  “It’s a school night and it’s cold, Kuroo!” 
“Perfect weather for ice cream then”, he chortles. “Any weather’s perfect for ice cream. I don’t know a time or situation that’s not a good time for it. C’mon, I know a place that we can study at - or not, since you said we’re ahead.” 
“I thought you only eat old man things like fish”, you jab, but allow yourself to be swept off to a tiny ice cream parlour just off campus. It’s definitely a step up from the combini ice cream the Nekoma team used to eat by the bulk, swirls of strawberry pink in white vanilla, chocolate parfaits abound, a sweet treat you and he both deserve after a hard week at school. 
You settle into a small booth at the back of the store, digging in with a tiny wooden spoon only after he prompts you. “Just admit it’s the best ice cream in the world already”, he teases as your eyes immediately widen when you take your first bite of the overflowing sundae he’s ordered for you to share. 
“It’s good”, you admit, through a mouthful of delicious, creamy ice cream, matcha and chocolate and azuki beans all melding together. It’s horrendously indulgent, because he orders you a huge vat of hot chocolate to go with it, along with pillow-like marshmallows that you giggle at, popping two in your mouth and puffing your cheeks out like a child. He aches to poke your cheeks and laugh at you, but keeps his hands firmly to himself. 
“See”, he says when the urge passes. “Ice cream is always good. In every situation, in every season, having ice cream is like, the go-to. You’ll weed out the weirdos in your life fairly quickly by screening them by their reactions to ice cream  -” 
“Please don’t soliloquise about ice cream, you’re clearly the weirdo here”, you joke, as he clutches his chest, acting affronted. 
You scrabble against his arm as he steal the sundae away, he smears ice cream against your nose resulting in a loud, indignant squawk and well retaliation is clearly in order - 
Long story short, you both get asked politely to leave (though the store owner winks at him for some undecipherable reason- he’s become fond of the obaa-chan by now), and you both sit outside on the curb, finishing your ice cream like two happy fools.  
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Winter means a brief respite from school, at least at the turn of the year. 
The good thing about attending university in Tokyo is that he’s able to make frequent trips back home to visit his family, so they don’t make any complaints when he makes plans to hang out with the Nekoma team at an izakaya to count down the new year. Yaku and Kai are both in attendance despite the former playing for the Falcons, though with the waves he’s made in the V-league, he won’t be surprised if Yakkun told him he’s headed for Europe in the next year or two, and the latter busy with his studies at the Tokyo University of Agriculture. With Kenma, Fukunaga and Yamamoto graduating in a matter of months, he’s not sure when he’ll get to see his whole team again. He’s not going to miss a chance like this for the world. 
“Lev! Did you seriously grow taller again?!” 
“Yaku-senpai - you look shorter than ever!” 
“I dare you to say that when I can reach you!!!”
“Yaku senpai, please don’t murder Lev, we’ve got nationals in two weeks -” 
None of them can drink just yet, even though Kuroo’s definitely stolen sips of beer from his seniors before, but they’re still by far the rowdiest bunch in the diner. It’s a good thing Fukunaga’s aunt runs the place, and she’s always been fond of the Nekoma team, having fed them over the years, so it’s fine if they all sit around, bickering with each other, ordering so much food that the table groans under the weight of laden dishes. 
He’s debating the pros and cons of playing for a university team versus going pro directly with Yamamoto when the door slides open, and a familiar figure stumbles in, the wind howling outside strong enough to knock a person off their feet. 
He glances up and his mouth promptly falls open.
“Princess? Wha-what are you doing here?”
It’s probably the wrong move to address you with the affectionate nickname he initially adopted to provoke you, with his team falling silent, watching as their usually unruffled captain turns traffic light red at the sight of a slip of a girl - but they don’t know that he’s so accustomed to seeing you dressed in an oversized hoodie, comfortable pyjamas even, when he’s invaded your room to study - that his brain short-circuits at the sight of you in a form fitting sweater dress that highlights every dip and curve of your form. 
“I live near here, remember? Some of my friends dragged me out to count down the new year, like you it seems!” A gaggle of girls wave over at you, before Fukunaga’s aunt ushers them towards a table at the other end of the diner. “Is this your high school team?”
Yamamoto nods so vigorously he nearly falls out of his chair, not even bothering to hide the fact that he’s eavesdropping shamelessly. You laugh at his antics, introducing yourself to him, and the younger boy looks like he’s about to rocket out of his chair when you ask if he’s the powerful wing spiker that Kuroo told you about, conveniently leaving out the fact that Kuroo’s mentioned that he’s a little over-enthusiastic, almost to a fault. 
“I’m Nekoma’s ace now!” Yamamoto half shouts, puffing his chest, as Shibayama and Inouka hide their smiles behind their hands. 
“I’m sure you are”, you reply, your smile so bright and earnest that Kuroo has to stamp down the urge to push Yamamoto away from you. “He’s said so many good things about you!” 
Yamamoto looks like he’s about to burst into tears, but Kuroo can’t seem to catch a break when Yaku leans over to introduce himself. “I didn’t know Kuroo had a girlfriend!”
Now Kuroo wants to stamp Yaku into the ground. From the frying pan, straight into the fire.  
“Oh!” you toss a look his way, biting down on your bottom lip. “N-no, you got it wrong. We’re just friends!” 
“That makes sense”, Yaku says. “We traded having a manager for having Kuroo as our captain.” 
You laugh again. He wonders if this is the most he’s ever heard you laugh - it just has to be at his expense, in front of his old team. 
“Is that so?” 
“Everyone thinks he’s a pain, but he’s really just an old man despite his Yakuza-like hair, if you haven’t realised by now. They all think we’ve been tormented by him for years, which is kinda true  - ” 
“Right”, Kuroo manages to get between the two of you, gesturing wildly. “That’s enough - don’t you have to hang out with your friends?” 
Yamamoto is still staring even after you’ve flitted away. Yaku is still grinning, mouth stretched wide.  
“She’s a pretty girl - not my type though, I still prefer girls with short hair. She’s definitely more your type though, Kuroo, maybe you should - ” 
For some reason, his brain stops working when it comes to you, so his tongue moves yet again of its volition as he snaps, a little too loudly, “She’s a bossy know-it-all, just like you. She’s definitely not my type either - ”
Yaku stiffens in his seat. “Did you just call me a bossy, know-it-all?” 
He’s too preoccupied defending himself from a roundhouse kick from Yaku to notice that you looked up  at him from your seat, a furrow in your brow that remains throughout the night, even after the everyone counts the year down in unison, the ridiculous variety show playing on the TV finally coming to an end. 
He's shepherding his kouhai out, bowing deeply to thank Fukunaga's aunt for her hospitality when he catches sight of you again, standing by the side of the road as you wave your friends off. 
"It's late", Kai pipes up from behind him unexpectedly. "You should go walk her home."
Ever the voice of reason, his trusty vice captain. He ignores the catcalls from his idiot team when he approaches you for the second time of the night, tries not to flinch when you turn to gaze at him, eyes flinty, though for the life of him, he can't imagine why. 
"C'mon princess." He runs a hand through his hair, shifting uncomfortably. "I'll walk you home, lead the way."
"I can take care of myself just fine", you tell him pertly. "You don't have to go out of your way for someone who’s just a bossy know it all -" 
"Stop being stubborn, it's late. Young people these days lack common sense, seriously -" 
You ignore him, start storming off into the shadowed streets. Luckily, his long legs more than make up the head start you’ve gained on him, hand outstretched to grab the back of your coat. 
“What’s with you today? You’re more stubborn than usual.” 
You whirl around, shaking his hand off. "Oh, just add being stubborn to your description of me as a bossy know-it-all, that's just fine by me!" He frowns in confusion, as you speed up into a slow job, as if intent to shake him off. It makes no difference, he matches your pace easily.
“Stop!” He pulls at your coat sleeve, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Physics wins out, and he manages to drag you to a halt. He’s just glad you aren’t armed with a fork or pen, your usual choice of weapon because that might tilt the balance in your favour instead. 
“Fuck right off, Kuroo Tetsuro!” 
This is not how he wanted to spend the first minutes of the new year, spitting and avoiding the claws of a hell-cat. Not to mention the fact that the situation he’s in probably looks really suspicious to any passerby - a guy chasing after a girl, even after she’s told him in no uncertain terms to leave her the hell alone. But he wants to see what you see, even though he’s insistent that no insult was intended. 
“What’s with you today? I’ve called you a bossy know-it-all before, and you’ve never taken issue with it. In fact, you just insult me right back - I think my favourite insult to-date is pompous, rooster-headed prick, so it’s not like the vocabulary I used is new, and I seriously don’t understand why you’re pissed at me right now.” 
“Do you even hear yourself?” You spin on your heel, jab a finger into his chest. “I don’t care that you called me a bossy know-it-all, you gaping asshole! I just - I just thought -” 
“Thought what?” he echoes, seriously confused when you stop short, gaze suddenly losing its heat, falling like a comet discovering gravity for the first time. 
“It’s nothing”, you say firmly, marching on ahead towards the traffic junction. The roads are still busy with cars, even in the suburbs. “Really. Nothing. Everything’s just fine.”
“Oi, weren’t you mad at me?” 
You shake your head, resolutely staring at the road ahead. “I forgive you for being stupid, Kuroo Tetsuro. I think stupidity’s a blight on your gender,  it’s not just confined to you.” 
He stumbles over a stray crack in the pavement, before catching himself. When he recovers from his shock, it melds into confusion at your sudden magnanimity. “Uh, thanks I guess?” Then, because he knows food is the way to soothe the annoyance in your soul, he grins - “I was gonna offer to buy you dinner and ice cream, buy your forgiveness, you know - but I suppose that’s not needed anymore, huh.” 
You snort, loud and clear in the night. “You’re absolutely buying me ramen when we’re back at school.”
The traffic light changes from red to green. He moves forward, a step behind you. 
“It was my turn to buy dinner next, so it’s no loss to buy ramen for you anyway.” 
A familiar eye-roll tips him off to your next move, an elbow to his ribs which he dodges, sidestepping your attack neatly. “You’re annoying”, you grumble, and he just chortles, replying with a quip he knows will frustrate you to no-end. 
“Nah, I’m just Kuroo Tetsuro. Always at your service, princess.” 
“Those words are synonymous now, I swear -” 
Your bickering tapers off when you finally reach your parents’ apartment building, a modest, four storey block that’s thankfully just a bus ride away from his grandparents’ home. He should be happy his night’s almost over because it’s late, the night air growing colder with every passing minute, and he needs to be up early to continue revising for the upcoming exams. But he can’t help but drag his feet, prolong the time he has with you. 
“You sure you’re not still mad at me?” 
He doesn’t need you to know that he teeters on the knife edge of being snarky and annoying - Yaku, and to a far lesser, gentler, extent, Kai too, have both made it very clear that his way with provocative taunts can land him in hot water at times, so he’s also learnt to apologise, where needed. He’ll let you slap him if you’re still mad (not that you’ve actually used enough force to hurt him before, sans the time you stabbed with your fork for stealing your dinner), or throw yet another pen at him (that he’ll dodge anyway). He just doesn’t want to spend the first day of the year fighting with you. 
“And if I am, what’re you going to do about it?” 
He promptly drops onto his knees. Your mouth promptly drops open. 
“W-what are you doing?!” 
His jeans will survive the dirt and dust, even if obaa-chan might complain a little about him dirtying her pristine washing machine. “I’m very good at grovelling”, he informs you, laughing aloud as you dart forward to try tugging him to his feet, ignoring your hissing that you really don’t need to attract the attention of your neighbours, thank you very much! But there’s no way in hell you’d be able to lift a load that’s at least seventy kilograms of pure muscle, no matter how much you threaten said load, so he waits until you pant, exhausted, resorting instead to cheap tricks like prodding his nose with an indignant finger. 
“Kuroo Tetsuro, you stop this right now! Get up, or help me, I will hurt you -”
“I’ll get up after you accept my apology - I don’t think my heart could take it if you’re mad with me, princess.” 
He presses his hand to said heart, both to assure you of his sincerity and act as a shield in case you do decide to stab him right in the chest, which he won’t put past you, considering the way your eyebrows telegraph the way you’re fluctuating between exasperation and annoyance. 
“I didn’t hear any apology from you.” You eventually settle on exasperation, the better option in his opinion, even though there’s a vaguely murderous glint to your eyes that he doesn’t quite like. 
He scrambles to his feet. “I’m sorry for calling you a bossy, know-it-all”, he says contritely. “Please forgive me. I’d have a terrible year if you don’t.” 
“Fine”, you grumble, tone impatient, but he’ll take it as a win, since there’s no bodily harm inflicted upon him yet. “You’re still an asshole, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
“I’ll accept your insult, fair maiden, even though an apology was all I sought”, he says blithely. He’s courting danger right now, the equivalent of prodding nitrogen triiodide just to see what happens (it’ll explode, that’s what), but you surprise him when you don’t react, eyebrows suspiciously straight as you stare him down. 
“Did I say something wrong again?” 
This time, your eyebrows waver. He’s not sure if it’s a good thing. 
“Good night, Kuroo”, you say, so quietly that he has to strain to hear it. Then you reach for his face, and he flinches back, expecting a punch, a slap, a smack, but all he gets is a brush of your thumb against his cheek. It leaves a spark of warmth in its wake, heat rising in his chest despite it being the first day of January, deep in the winter's chill, but then you retract your hand, quicker than any attack of yours. 
“Happy New Year”, he vaguely hears you say, as you look away. “I hope you have a good year, Kuroo.”  
“Happy New Year”, he replies, watching and waiting until you disappear into the lift lobby, until the lift doors hide you from him.
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m.list.~ taglist.~
a/n: hope you guys are enjoying the fluffy goodness between these two dorks. 
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223 notes · View notes
c-rose2081 · 3 years
Hi, I have a question! Has flightless!Mirabel made her own nest? As in are there any hidden warm places and spaces where there's an accumulated pile of blankets, snacks, and projects that she hangs out in that her family isn't aware of?
There are all sorts of nooks and crannies Mirabel has found inside Casita, as she’s usually the one delegated to cleaning it all while the family is away. Though her most comfy spot is her bed in the Nursery, any warm place with sunlight coming in will do. The only spot the family hasn’t really ‘found’ is down in the caves, since no one else really goes down there for any reason. And this isn’t a hiding hole, and more of a swimming grotto.
If we’re talking places for a siesta? Mirabel’s favorite spot is in the Casita’s back sunroom, curled up under a knitted blanket in her Abuela’s old rocking chair. This is the most common place to find her conked out for the long haul as it’s usually always 10 degrees warmer in here as it also acts as a greenhouse. The sunroom is one of the least traveled places in the house, so Mira has really taken most of it over as a work place for when she’s not in the Nursery.
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As for more hidden places, I’ve mentioned the wine cupboard before in the past which is a good one, and also the hole under the stairs in the man cave.
If Mira is really desperate to get in some zzz’s and the house is just so busy, she’ll go crash in Dolores’s room for a bit since she has the most blankets, pillows and carpets in the house :)
129 notes · View notes
🌾 you know ive gotta ask about peck and poole
sense never seemed to make sense to me - after the crabs ascend to the black hole/blaseball2/the Up, peck and poole find (to their horror) that baldwin breadwinner is perfectly able to find and barge into their stadium box whenever she feels like it. with a little more experimentation, they find that baldwin can also smuggle them out. peck and baldwin strike up an unlikely friendship over the grand siesta. poole gets cabin fever and takes on a project to map the Up with pedro davids.
poole clicks the top of his cheap ballpoint pen distractedly, to no particular rhythm. "this is a stadium."
"well, yes," pedro says. he scuffs at the dirt road with the toe of his boot, as though looking to uncover something beyond the asphalt. "i figured there probably had to be more. the other teams always leave, after wiping the floor with us."
"other teams?" poole asks. "there are other teams?"
it hadn't occurred to him that there would be. he and peck don't check on the up very often, given that it's more the black hole's domain than it is theirs. it's disturbing to think that there are moving pieces here beyond his perception. an entire second game board he has no domain over. poole decides not to mention it to peck unless he has to - they'll be apoplectic, probably.
"who did you think we were playing?" pedro asks poole in return, cocking his head slightly to one side like a confused dog.
poole stares at him. it hadn't registered, when pedro mentioned it before. "you've been playing?"
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
[slides $20 to you across the table] one round of your finest mints hcs, bartender
boyfriend is a bartender! just in their free time i think they own a bar and take care of it to sort of just have a space that isn't blaseball related where they can sort of decompress. sure, bartending is hard work and theres some real assholes that come in and they still work even when they play games a lot of the time because boyfriend chronically overworks themself- much to the dismay of. everyone on the team. they do genuinely enjoy doing it though, and of course flirts with. many of the bars patrons. as they do. its a pretty well known spot around town, and its the one bar that never plays blaseball games when they're not on- and sometimes not even when they ARE. when solar eclipse games happen, the bar doesnt play games. boyf doesnt want to fill the energy of the space with that even IF the fans are often encouraging of that violence, because thats THEIR team. their family, in a lot of ways. they probably buy the building over the first extended siesta and get it running just before eddie dies, and then they have to put yet another memorial on the walls so soon after opening. the breath mints dont really know what to do with the place when they died. it took a while for them to get ahold of their will because Betmint is like that, so its a bit of a struggle at first with figuring out who gets what and they all sort of... run it collectively. they dont even want to THINK about what a memorial looks like for them, so they don't until the will comes in and the person who inherits the place is... dickie. who doesn’t really know what to do, but works SO hard to take care of the place. he gets the memorial up, pays his respects, gets a jazz band to play regularly, and its. nice. its really nice. of course it has to change hands again when dickie feedbacks to the steaks, and then i think at that point Stew takes over for him and really just brings life back into the place and makes it MUCH more communal and really makes things lively and bright and she really loves doing it. its something to do that isnt blaseball! and keeping the place running really feels like she’s keeping THEM alive too, and not just boyfriend but whit and eddie too. Boyfriend takes the place back once they’ve been released, but when they do it feels SO much more like a place of love and community and just. It’s become more than a passion project and a place to get away from the game and it’s become something that brings the TEAM together in a lot of ways. And it’s where the breath mints now go when anything big happens to sort of just. be together. and have a drink. and watch whatever’s happening on the tiny little tv screens above the bar, or to mourn their fallen comrade(s. though hew is the first to die in the expansion era and they all cry about it). And when the breath mints die, they were there watching it all while wiping down tables.
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