#and regularly got onto me for doign it
Hey bud my post was not saying i am more qualified than a therapist, just that my specific therapist legitimately got charges for how bad they fucked up in less trauma revealing way. My depression therapist commited malpractice in how bad they fucked up. I got a sexual trauma therapist as I recommended in the post. The post the vague as a depression specialist speaking on sexual trauma in general can go badly. It is a medical trauma issue I experienced please just asked questions next time.
Add- Legitimately don’t wanna sound angry just explaining that a post tagged “ medical trauma “ isnt just a weird misunderstanding its about medical trauma if you had questions regarding it you coulda asked instead of assuming it was petty stuff
You can discuss medical trauma and malpractice without blanket saying that using "fictionalized CSEM" is a terrible coping mechanism because CSEM is abuse. you cannot abuse person or character that does not exist. There are many therapists who engage in sex based trauma and therapy and promote using fictional content to cope because it isn't hurting anyone.
There's been literally decades of research into how fiction as a coping mechanism is good and the creation of fictional content even if you personally view it as "child porn" is harmless because it is fictional.
And more so, it doesn't qualify as child porn or CSEM because both of those things are abuse. You cannot write a story, draw a picture, etc. and produce CSEM. The production of CSEM is to abuse a child.
If its a bad coping mechanism for you personally? by all means, it can be. However, your experiences with using fiction to cope are not universal and to do so is harmful regardless of whether you have medical trauma or not.
Yeah doctors aren't infallible but that doesn't mean that they're always wrong just because you were the victim of medical malpractice nor does it erase the years of research that have been put into the topic/subject.
Like yeah engaging in NSFW kink or content as a minor can be harmful but that doesn't equate to fictional content being harmful overall. Just because your therapist advises against something for you personally does not mean that that is suddenly bad and therapists everywhere are bad for suggesting it. Especially considering there are many sex based and trauma therapists who encourage adult victims to cope and express their thoughts, feelings, etc. through various forms of media.
Oh and above all
as someone who had my nudes (which i guess is tech csem) spread around when i was a minor, you literally cannot, at all, ever equate the creation of fictional content to abusing a real, actual, living child
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