#and remember to bring in replacement biscuits as a courtesy for eating so many of the current ones
lord-radish · 2 years
my favorite workplace activity is Biscuit Tetris, where the goal is to eat as many biscuits as humanly possible while making the biscuit container look like it's barely been touched.
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softholand · 4 years
gingerbread kisses - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
warnings: a lot of dialogue and some good old festive fluff
words: 2.5k
a/n: this is like a part two of my youtuber!reader series, it can also be read on it’s one but if you haven’t read chocolate kisses yet, you can do it here i really hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what you think!! ✨
It was another normal workday at your flat, you had all your lights and camera set in your living room, ready to start filming. Today’s video was going to be a Q&A with a special guest, Tom Holland.
It was expected that your baking video with him was going to be one of the most successful ones, but you weren’t expecting the number of views that, to this day, a whole month later, kept coming.
With so many comments almost begging you to bring him to your channel again, you finally gave in and asked him to do a Q&A with you, but since it was the end of the year and Christmas was just around the corner, you decided that, while you answered your viewer's questions, you two could build gingerbread houses.
“Tom, where are you? I’m about to start this without you!” You shouted from the living room floor, where you were seated. “I’m coming, I just had to get something before,” Tom answered, appearing in front of you, wearing a ridiculously ugly Christmas jumper, making you burst out laughing.
“Oh my God! Where did you get that?” You asked, trying to recover from your fit of laughing. “Oh, don’t worry, darling! There’s one for you too!” He stated, taking an identical jumper from behind him.
“You’re not letting me get out of this, are you?” You questioned, sighing when you saw him shake his head. Once you took your (his) hoodie out, replacing it with the ugly sweater, you were finally ready to start recording.
“Hi guys, welcome back to another video! This week we have a special guest that you guys have been asking since our last video together.” You said, giving Tom time to sit next to you. “It’s Tom!”
“It’s me!” He exclaimed, smiling at the camera. “This time we’re not baking anything but, since Christmas is almost here, I thought it was a good idea for us to build some gingerbread houses!” You said, pointing to the kits you had bought on your last trip to the grocery store.
“It’s been so long since I’ve done this!” Tom smiled, clearly excited to start. “But, instead of just sitting here, I asked you guys on Instagram to send some questions so we could answer while doing our houses. What do you think?” You questioned, looking at him.
“Dangerous… but fun!” He said, making you laugh. “So, we have the Christmas tree with the lights on, it’s starting to snow outside, I’ve made us some hot chocolate and of course, we cannot forget our ugly sweaters, courtesy of Tom.” You grinned.
“You’re welcome!” He praised, making you roll your eyes. “I’d said we’re ready to start.” You announced, to which he gave you two thumbs-ups.
Once you had taken the house out of its package, you laid all the biscuit parts in front of you, Tom doing the same beside you.
“So, the first question is “What’s your best/worst memory together?” You let them know while putting the baking glue on your biscuit. “Do you wanna start?” Tom offered, to which you shrugged. “It’s okay, you can go first.” You said, seeing that he already had the answer at the tip of his tongue.
“Best memory is your twentieth birthday party.” He stated, without taking his eyes out of his project. “Why?” You asked, also concentrating on building the house.
“C’mon, y/n! You know why!” Tom finally looked up, making kissy lips to you. “Tom! It’s supposed to be a surprise for the end of the video!” You whined, earning a chuckle from him. “Okay, fine! I’ll behave!” He said, making you laugh this time.
“I think my favorite memory of us is at the Far From Home premiere party! We had so much fun!” Tom declared, making you smile. “Yeah, that was nice!” You agreed, thinking about your favorite memory with Tom. “Mine is probably when we went to New York, I loved that trip!” You confessed, remembering all the crazy things you and Tom did back then.
“Yeah, that was a good one!” Tom agreed, smiling at you. “Worst one has to be the time paparazzi locked us outside of that restaurant. It was awful, I honestly thought I was gonna die that day.” You remembered, feeling chills cover your body. “Yeah, same!” The boy next to you answered, clearly feeling down just thinking about that event, so you made sure to quickly change the subject and ask the next question.
“So, the next question is, what was your best trip?” You asked, motioning for Tom to go first. “Mine has to be Bali, I loved that place and I’m dying to go back.” He stated. “Tell me about it, I was so jealous when you guys went there!” You whined, remembering the photos he kept texting you. “What about you, y/n?”
“Oh, 100% Christmas in New York!” You told him, without even having to think. “It was magical!” You smiled, remembering the trip like it was yesterday.
“Nice! I never spent Christmas in New York!” Tom commented, before going for the next question. “What’s the other Starbucks order?” He asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Yours is tea!” You said, rolling your eyes. “Hey, I drink coffee too!” Tom uttered. “Rarely! Most of the time is Chai Latte or a Royal English Breakfast Tea.” You stated and of course, Tom had to agree.
“Yeah, you’re right! I should try more of their stuff. But you also always get the same, White Chocolate Mocha or Peppermint Hot Cocoa at this time of the year.” Tom listed, making you smile knowing that he knew your drink orders.
“But it’s just soooo good! I can’t help it!” Tom chuckled, before passing your phone back to you for the next question. “That’s a good one, who’s the messier one?” You questioned. “I don’t even think I have to answer this, you guys realized that from our last video together!” You declared, making you both laugh.
“Ok, I’ll give you this one. I’m pretty messy! But I’m trying to get better at it, I promise!” Tom added, to which you chuckled. “My house is built, now I just have to decorate!” You announced, making Tom gasp by your side. “What?! There’s no way! I’m still trying to make these walls stick together.” He whined, making you chuckle.
“That’s because you’re not using enough glue, look, you have to put a straight line across the whole biscuit, otherwise it won’t stick.” You told him, showing exactly how to do it. “But the glue it’s showing on the other side.” He reasoned. “It doesn’t matter, Tom! We’ll just make it look like snow. See?” You pointed to your own house and he nodded, going back to work, focused on finishing it so he could start decorating.
“Next question, what’s the most useless talent you have?” Tom asked, already laughing. “Mine is really stupid but I can put my feet on top of my head,” Tom stated, demonstrating exactly what he was saying, almost knocking everything that was on the table in front of you off.
“That’s not a talent, you’re just flexible.” You rolled your eyes, to which he laughed. “You’re only saying this because you’re jealous you can’t do it.” He smirked, clearly trying to get on your nerves. “Shut up, I have a much better one, I can lick my elbow.” You said, also showing your completely useless talent. “That’s… weirdly impressive.” Tom expressed making you both laugh.
When Tom was finally done building his house, he joined you and started to decorate. You told him and your viewers that you were going for more of a white Christmas theme, while Tom expressed his desire to make the house as colorful as possible.
“Tom, I think the next question is for you.” You gave him a look, before continuing. “What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?” He gasped, putting one of his hands over his chest while you laughed. “Why are you coming for me today?” The brown-haired boy asked, pretending to be offended.
“I’m sorry, but how many times have you broken your nose while filming?” You asked once you had stopped laughing. “Three, actually, two and a half, the last one wasn’t a complete fracture.” He explained, trying to not make a fool out of himself.
“Well, I’ve never injured myself badly, just some paper cuts, which for me it’s very dumb.” You mentioned. “See? Your answer is dumber than mine and still, I get the title.” Tom shook his head, making you laugh. “So, taking a break from the questions, what are you doing with your house?” You questioned, taking a moment to observe his work.
“I’m gluing some gummies on the roof.” He exclaimed, putting the icing on the sugar-coated candy before sticking it on the house. “And you?” Tom asked, stopping his movements to look at yours.
“I’m putting shredded coconut on the roof and a little bit on the floor, to make it look more like snow.” You smiled, happy with what you had done so far. “Uhh, bougie!” Tom uttered, sticking his tongue out.
“Shut up! Okay, question number… I don’t even know what number we are, so… weird habits of each other? Oh my God, Tom makes SO much noise to eat, it’s ridiculous!” You blurted, to which he immediately complained. “I do not!” He exclaimed. “Yes, you do!”
“You never said that to me!” You laughed at Tom defending himself. “I have told you, at least, a hundred times!” You stated. “Well, at least I have control of my own body, you can’t stop bouncing your leg for literally two seconds.” He exclaimed.
“That’s because I have anxiety and you know that! I’m always moving a part of my body!” You practically yelled. “Still annoying!” Tom said. “Well, I can’t help it!” You interjected. “Neither do I!” He replied. “Next question?” You asked. “Please!” He shot back, making you both burst out laughing.
Once you stopped, Tom took your phone and asked the next question. “Do you have nicknames for each other?” He smirked, making you panic. “Hey, you said you’d behave!” You warned, pointing a finger at him. “I will, promise!” He told you, but that didn’t stop you from being nervous about his answer.
“I sometimes call her cherry, because she can do that trick with the cherry stem, it’s unbelievable!” He smirked, making you blush. “That’s actually pretty easy to do!” You said, trying to make light of the situation. “Oh yeah, it’s totally easy to tie a knot with a cherry stem with your tongue. Super chill!” Tom added, without taking that stupid smirk out of his face.
“Stop it! I don’t think I have a nickname for you, I call you spider-boy sometimes but just to spite you.” You smiled, sticking your tongue out. If Tom wanted to play, you could join his little game.
“I wish I could tell them all the other names you call me in bed,” Tom whispered, making you almost choke on your hot chocolate. “Thomas!!!” You screamed, trying desperately to clean the mess you’ve made. “Fine…” He replied, taking a sip of his drink.
“Ok, since we are almost done with the houses, the second to last question is: If you could, what would you change about your first kiss?” You asked, immediately regretting choosing the question. “Oh, that’s cool! Let me see… no, I don’t think I’ll change anything about it, maybe the place. It was a little too crowded.” He replied, not even trying to hide his smirk.
“Really? That’s all you’d change?” You asked, giving him the chance to take back his answer. “Yep, that’s all! What about you, y/n?” You shook your head, feigning disappointment that he didn’t choose to make you his first kiss. “I’d change the person, you idiot!” You answered, throwing one of the icing packages at him.
“Hey, that hurt!” Tom protested, throwing it back at you. “Stop it! We have to finish these so we can end the video.” You warned, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Oh, I’m done!” He announced, showing off his finished gingerbread house with a very colorful roof, windows, and door. “Already? I still wanna do a garland on the door. I even bought special sprinkles for it.” You stated, rushing yourself. “Of course you did!” Tom mocked, to which you simply flipped him off.
Once you had also finished your house, you and Tom did a quick cleaning of the table, before going back to filming. “We’re back!” You said, to which Tom added. “And we’re finished!”
“I’m really happy, they turned out so pretty!” You beamed, looking at your finished works. “They did!” Tom agreed, smiling widely. “So… before we end this video, we do have a last question, one that was the most asked and that is: are you guys together?” You said, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room.
You and Tom shared some guilty looks before blurting it out together. “Yes!” Tom’s smile was so wide that it made you smile too. “Yes, guys! You were all right! Tom and I are in a relationship now and we are so happy to finally share this with all of you!” You grinned, looking at your boyfriend, that of course was looking back at you.
“Yeah, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world and I honestly couldn’t be happier,” Tom murmured, making you blush. “Stop it!” You smiled, now completely lost in his eyes. “I think you have to finish the video now, darling!” He joked, bringing you back to earth.
“Oh, yeah, right! So… that was everything for today’s video, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! Please, let me know what you guys thought in the comments section down below and… I think that’s it. Do you wanna say something?” You asked, shifting your eyes to Tom. “Thank you for having me again and I hope to come back soon for another one!” He said, giving the camera an adorable little wave. “Bye guys! See you next week!” You cheered, getting up to stop the recording. “We did it!”
“Yay! Can I eat now?” Tom quipped, before smashing his house in half. “Thomas!!!!” You shouted, not believing what he had done. “What?! We’re not supposed to eat it?” He wondered, putting one of the cookie pieces in his mouth. “I mean, yeah, but not… like that!” You tried to reasoned, to which he scoffed.
“C’mon, you didn’t think I wasn’t going to make a mess, right?” He smirked, signing for you to come closer. And you did, sliding right in front of him, straddling his waist.
“You’re an idiot!” You teased, clasping your arms behind his head. “Hmm, c’mere!” Tom lifted your chin and there was nothing more to do other than kiss his lips, so you did, only this time, instead of chocolate, they tasted like gingerbread.
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tagging some of my mutuals ✨ @stuckonspidey @definitely-not-black-cat @missnxthingg @bi-writes @uglypastels @screamholland @peeterparkr @wazzupmrstark @tomhollandthing @lauras-collection @tommybaholland @mrs-hollandstan @duskholland @allyz @hazinhoodies @hollandcreep @worldoftom @whatevsholland @geminiparkers
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My Nana is Why I’m Like This
Writing about my Nana is hard, because our relationship was at times hard. I think anyone with an alcoholic or an addict in the family can relate to that. I learned a fair many lessons from her over the years, all of them useful even if not all of them were lessons that were learned in an enjoyable manner. That said, lessons are not what I want to think about just yet. Yes, she was flawed. When she was in a good place, though, and at her best, she was a truly wonderful human. For now, at least, for the few minutes it takes to write each of these pieces, I’m going to let myself pretend that this lovely person is all that ever existed of my Nana. To that, I offer some of her more poignant, thoughtful, or generally amusing moments.
When I was a baby, basically everyone in my life lived in Massachusetts, as did I. My Nana lived in a nice house in Richmond with her husband at the time. Whenever we would visit, my mother would put a blanket down on the couch so as to ensure that if I puked, or drooled, or spit up, or just did baby-things in my sleep, my Nana’s couch would be safe. Apparently, after so many months of this, I eventually decided the blanket I was laying on was “mine.”
My mother found this out when she tucked it into a closet after we got home one evening, and I started to cry. She opened the closet and I stopped. Close: Cry. Open: Stop. When she walked me into the closet, I apparently pulled the blanket in question off the shelf, stuck my thumb in my mouth, and settled down. I had a blankie. While this was fine for sleeping and such, my mother was a little concerned. Not because blankets are inherently bad, as even back then there were psychological studies showing that children with comfort toys were actually better adjusted than those without. No, she was worried about more practical matters. Such as laundry day. Or if the damned thing should happen to go missing.
Enter my Nana, to save the day.
My Nana had not found the “original” blankie, but she was who found the “spare” that, excepting the overall color, was exactly identical to the one I used every night. So it was that on most days and nights I could be found dragging around a pink and white gingham and flower print blankie, as though it was a fifth limb. On occasion, however, this blanket would be replaced with one that was yellow. So that the pink one could get washed. Until, at the age of 13 or so, an age at which most normal humans would have long since stopped carting a blanket anywhere, I did something crazy: I retired the pink blankie. Torn to bits and more patchwork than blanket, it was time.
My yellow blanket took over, full time, moving into the task like the champ that it was. Sporting little more wear or tear than a grey foot print from a porch painting incident, this blanket has incidentally been a fair many places with me. It went away to college with me. It moved to Israel with me. It deployed to Iraq with me. It is the blanket I have cried into over failed relationships, fucked up friendships, and fights with my mom. And, yes, it was the blanket I sobbed into when I fully realized that I was never going to see my Nana again.
As for how this came to be… My mother watched a young boy have his comfort object taken away when it was done to one of her babysitting charges. She swore that, even if his parents didn’t realize it, he was never completely the same. Comfort objects are constants. Present when distance, disagreements, or death separate us from the people who matter most. She swore then and there, well before she’d ever read any research reinforcing her opinion, that she would never do that to her child. Which is how I was a 24-year-old Army Officer who ended up taking a blanket to Iraq with me. It’s also probably why I have a stuffed cow that’s been to more countries than most humans I know.
Shirley Temples
I have an absurd fondness for Shirley Temples. That’s not a typo in which I pluralized a child actress, nor is it a reference to a rather fun tap dance step. No, it’s a reference to a non-alcoholic mixed drink typically made with Sprite or 7-Up, grenadine, and cherries. Mind you, I don’t much care for Sprite, 7-Up, or maraschino cherries on their own. But mixed with grenadine and presented to me on a special occasion, my brain is convinced it is the best thing ever.
This is completely my Nana’s fault.
As a child, I was fascinated by the glasses that my Nana’s drinks came in. I was disinterested in the drinks themselves, as they smelled funny, but I liked the glasses. They were so fancy and grown up, and everything you said seemed more important if you were holding one. To that end, my Nana took to ordering me a Shirley Temple in a martini glass whenever we were out for a special occasion, that way I could feel important and profound just like the grown ups.
It didn’t take long for special occasions with my Nana to translate into special occasions of all sorts, and for the glass shape to stop mattering quite so much. As I got older, Shirley Temples became my go-to drink if I was out with friends, out for a celebration, or at a wedding, and I knew I should’t be drinking alcohol. Yes, yes, I have been introduced to the “Dirty Shirley” and, while I find the drink amusing, I prefer wine, whiskey, or bourbon if I want actual alcohol.
At a bar after a car accident a few years ago, I asked the bartender if he could make me a Shirley Temple (I was on concussion protocol, no alcohol for at least two weeks), and he found the request so endearing he refused to charge me for it. And, no, he actually wasn’t hitting on me. When I asked him how much it was, his response was, “No charge. That’s the cutest drink I’ve made in weeks. The chance to be a kid at work doesn’t have a price tag attached.”  
Courtesy of my Nana’s desire to include me when I was a small child, a simple drink now has dozens of happy memories attached to it and has become a tradition so ingrained that I genuinely cannot think of the word “celebration” without thinking of Shirley Temples. Someday, when my nieces or nephews get married, I’m gonna be that eccentric 50-some-year old woman sitting there with my rainbow hair and my excessive glitter, sipping a bright pink drink.
My Nana would approve.
When I was nearly 7, my Nana whisked me away on a near empty flight to a beautiful land of greenery, castles, and grey skies, so we could celebrate my birthday. It was October, so the British Isles weren’t exactly a cheery place to be. It was of no matter to me, though. Every part of the trip, from the passport to the money to the fact that my Scottish great aunt and uncle did not understand the purpose of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, was fascinating to my tiny little brain.
From the moment we landed, I found the “strangeness” of Scotland to be intensely intriguing. I was amused by the fact that my great uncle’s car had the steering wheel on the “wrong” side. I was baffled by the idea that buildings as old as the castles we toured could possibly be standing still. I was mesmerized by the sheer amount of red hair, something I almost never saw back home unless I was looking in a mirror or looking at my mom.
My great aunt Nan was in the beginning stages of what would eventually become dementia, which meant I was eternally referred to as Tammy (my mom’s nickname) and often asked about memories of a childhood I hadn’t lived. I eventually stopped correcting her and, instead, goaded her into telling me about these memories. It’s a sneaky way to learn about your mother’s childhood that only a child can cheekily get away with!
On my birthday, she made me a giant fluffy cake that was covered in bright pink, strawberry icing, and put zero limitations on how much of it I could eat. There was always tea, always, which went a long way towards explaining how my mother had ended up passionately obsessed with the stuff. Presented to me with honey and cream in it, I came home with a new appreciation for my mother’s preferred beverage.
At a tea shop, having no idea what any of the desserts or cakes were, I asked the person taking our order to bring me their favorite. Thus, at the age of 7, I was introduced to scones. Which I described as “cookie biscuits,” because they were too fluffy to be one and too sweet to be the other. I still enjoy them immensely, but only with tea, and I still think they’re technically “cookie biscuits.”
My Nana taught me at a young age that it was not only okay to be curious about the things you didn’t understand, it was okay to go explore them. To ask questions. To try new things. Nearly 30 years after this first adventure overseas, I still travel in much the same way. With a curiosity that is intent on learning about the country and the culture I’m momentarily immersing myself in, a desire to find out what the locals like best, and a fondness for trying all of the hot beverages and desserts humanly possible while there.  
Me: Nana, do you remember that time Aunt Anita asked me about blowjobs? Nana: *snort of laughter* Yes, of course I do. You were 14 and you were mortified.
This recollection, gifted to a darkened bedroom in my step-great-grandmother’s house in Montauk, called to mind an event two year’s prior. While visiting relatives in Cape Cod, my great Aunt Anita had asked me if I put condoms on men before giving them blowjobs. Before anyone freaks out, she was on the older side, had never met me before, and probably had no idea that I was only 14 at the time.
My mother was somewhere between mortified, furious, and amused. My Nana laughed and explained that, as her granddaughter was only 14, it was actually pretty unlikely I had given all that many blowjobs in my life. My great aunt looked at me expectantly  and, when I nodded the affirmation that my Nana was correct, she sighed and patted my hip. “Child,” she said, “don’t make them wear them.” She raised a finger in the air to emphasize her next point, “it’s not about them, mind you. It’s just that the only thing that tastes worse than a dick, is lubricated latex.”
The more you know, I suppose.
(It is worth noting that I have no idea how this conversation started. I walked downstairs for a glass of water and simply found myself being asked about blowjobs. I like to imagine my great aunt would be entertained to know I’ve given up on dicks entirely.)
Anyway, lying in the dark in Montauk two years later, still having never given a blowjob, I offered my Nana this tidbit: I found out they make flavored condoms. That would solve Aunt Anita’s problem! Nana: *hilarious laughter* I’ll be sure to tell her that the next time I talk to her! Me: They also make glow-in-the-dark ones. Though I feel like that would be a little too much like turning a penis into a lightsaber. Nana: *contemplative silence* Sweetheart, if you need it to glow in the dark, you need more than just a condom I think.
I offer no wisdom or insight gleaned from this exchange. I know only that for years to come afterwards, if either of us noticed something truly absurd while out and about together, we’d point at it and just mutter “look, a glow-in-the-dark condom,” and the other would know exactly what we meant.
Charming the ROTC
“We’re going to Daytona Beach. You should come. We’re gonna stop in Fort Meyers so George can see her great aunt or something.”
So began my spring break trip my sophomore year of college. The only year that I went on what most would consider a “typical” spring break trip, as the two years after that I traveled via the geography department on my campus. Since my Nana lived quite close to Fort Meyers, we figured it only appropriate to stop in and say ‘hi’ to her while we were in the area. Which is how she ended up with 8 or 10 ROTC cadets showing up on her doorstep crazy early in the morning on an April day.
We had set out quite early the day prior intending to drive all the way through. The end state was that we ended up arriving at like 6am or something. Blessedly my Nana was still an early riser, so she welcomed us all in and got us settled with showers and naps. She stuck around much of the afternoon, keeping us company while we splashed in the pool, getting to know the boy I was dating at the time, and peppering my college friends with questions about pretty much anything she wanted.
They were wholly charmed, with at least one of them threatening to steal her away and make her an honest woman. Again.
Come evening, not wanting to witness the debauchery or “get in the way,” she headed a couple doors down to stay with a friend. She’d pointed us in the direction of the wine bottles and the glasses, asking only that we not ransack the expensive stuff, and making a remark about the cleaner being in the day after tomorrow.
I’m not certain what she’d expected to find when she came back the next day, early afternoon, but I don’t think a nearly spotless apartment was it. I had awoken to one of my friends vacuuming. Someone else was scrubbing a bathroom. A third person was unloading a dishwasher that I’d drunkenly loaded and run the night prior. I began stripping beds and doing laundry. By noon or so that day, when she came back over intending to say goodbye as we made our way a touch up the coast to George’s great aunt, the apartment was cleaner than when we’d gotten there.
Naturally, my Army buddies were welcome to come back to visit her any time they wanted. Though O’Dell did get warned that if he asked her to marry him again she was probably going to say yes and that would make things super awkward for me!
I think we’d all have been that polite and respectful of anyone we were visiting. I also think that my Nana made it easier, though, just by being herself. She was the type of person you wanted to be good to. Exuberant from the moment we walked in the door, ever the charmer, ever the entertainer, and wanting only for everyone around her to have fun. It was a simple task to want to repay that kind of energy, even if only in the form of a super clean apartment.
Swimming with Dolphins
Have you ever gotten sun poisoning?
No? You’re a sane and normal human for whom sunscreen is sufficient protection against the big orange ball in the sky? Fuck you and your melanin, I hate you both.
I have gotten sun poisoning.
In Key West.
When my Nana took me to swim with the dolphins.
Stop laughing, I’m not fucking joking!
The day started out fantastic. Obviously. There were dolphins! Does any day that starts with dolphins start out badly? No. Of course not. As I was with my over-protective Nana, I was slathered in SPF five million. Apparently that was no match for the Florida sun in open water, though. Around 3am the next morning I woke up to projectile vomit basically everything I’d consumed after my dolphin adventure. This continued. And continued. And continued. Until, around 7am, it was decided I needed a doctor.
There was basically no one in the waiting room at the hospital in Key West. Despite this fact, after waiting for over an hour, we left. Unsurprisingly, we actually had much better luck at a local family doctor who, despite having a waiting room full of people, was able to see me within 30 minutes or so. He prescribed a suppository which my Nana took me to pick up at a local pharmacy, and then I got to have happy fun times trying to shove drugs up my ass.
By late afternoon the puking had mostly subsided. My Nana had ordered Chinese food as she knew doing so would afford her the ability to order me way too much rice, which I ate tentatively but gratefully. We then got dressed in something resembling normal clothes and decided to salvage the afternoon with a trip down to the shore/board walk/shopping area. At some point I puked in a trash can. At another point my Nana convinced me a popsicle would probably be a good idea since I really needed electrolytes. At one point we walked past a jeweler that was selling gemstone globes and I lamented the fact that I was not feeling well enough to go in and look properly.
As the sun set, we found ourselves sitting on a bench watching buskers, my Nana eating some sort of street food and me eating soup of some sort, having managed to almost salvage 60% of our last day in Key West. I apologized for having ruined our weekend and my Nana kissed my cheek and told me any weekend with me would never be ruined.  
The next morning, I felt almost right as rain, though insanely hungry. So we went back down to the shops and such and got pancakes and french toast and all those other things that are delicious but terrible for upset tummies. She then detoured us passed the jewelry store, where we ducked inside and I bought my first gemstone globe. An expense I couldn’t afford, but that I’m insanely grateful I spent the money on. I love that sparkly orb so very much!
Half-way across the bridge back to the mainland, the flashing lights of an annoyed police officer showed up in the rearview mirror. When he walked up to the car and realized the young one was the passenger, I couldn’t tell if he was amused or miffed.
“I’m so sorry, Officer,” I said, leaning across my Nana and smiling as big as I could. “She brought me down here to swim with the dolphins, and wouldn’t you know I got sick and spent yesterday in the hospital. She’s just trying to get me home to a familiar bed and some soup. We’ll slow down.”
The Officer studied me for a minute before telling me to feel better, and letting us off with a warning.
“Out,” I said, pointing out of the car, as soon as he’d driven away. “You cannot be trusted with the keys, out!”
My Nana looked sheepish as we switched sides and I got us back to Naples, sans accidents or speeding tickets.
A month later, I called my Nana laughing hysterically. “They billed me,” I said, unable to control myself. “They billed me as though I saw a doctor. 1800 dollars! They billed me at the hospital.”
My Nana gasped, “They charged you that much to check your fucking blood pressure? You called and yelled at them, right?”
“Of course I did,” I said. “I told them they couldn’t have my money until they treated me, and they voided the bill. But still,” I sighed, still chuckling, “they fucking billed me.”
The family doctor that actually treated me? Still don’t know what I owe him. Either he figured out how to bill Tricare, or he decided an Army Officer puking her brains out was on the house. My guts thank him, either way.
In what had to be the strangest quirk about my Nana, she was probably the only grandmother I know of who didn’t like it when her grandchildren came to stay with her. Admittedly, she didn’t seem to like it all that much when anyone came to stay with her. Everything about our visits stressed her out. Having to plan for our arrival stressed her out. Feeling like she had to entertain us stressed her out. Having us interrupt her perfectly ordered living environment stressed her out. It wasn’t uncommon to feel like you were being shoved out the door by the time a visit was over because, in all honesty, you probably were.
This was helped immeasurably when my Uncle got his own place about 30 minutes from my Nana. Unlike her, he is not an overly ordered individual who likes his living arrangement “just so” and feels compelled to plan for someone’s visit. He really doesn’t care who’s there or not, he’s probably doing his thing no matter what. I started staying with him when I would visit my Nana, eliminating the major stressor of “human interrupting stable environment.”
I eliminated her compulsion to plan for my visit by simply showing up. Unannounced. Like a next door neighbor asking for sugar or milk.
The first time I did this I hadn’t seen my Nana in over a year or so. The visit prior had been… unpleasant… and I had needed some space to recover and recoup. My Nana, though one of my favorite humans, was an alcoholic. This meant visits, or parts of them, could occasionally be volatile. Initially, I had planned to go to Florida just to see my Uncle. He said he’d feel awful if he saw me and my Nana didn’t, though, and insisted I at least see her while I was down. I agreed, but only under the condition that he didn’t tell her I was coming. I didn’t want any of the nonsense and fuss that often led to her stressing herself sick (read: drunk) and, ultimately, wishing none of us were there.
So it was that on a warm February evening I arrived for a “condo  complex party” at my Nana’s, and tappity-tapped on her lanai door  while calling in a sing-song voice, “Nana, Nana, I’m coming in. I want a hug! And some wine!”
To say she was shocked to see me would be the understatement of the century. I was slightly worried I’d induced a heart attack at first. Shortly after the shock, however, came sheer and unadulterated delight. Possibly the first time I’d seen her be that delighted to see me since I was in high school. Five minutes later, when her friend Cornel arrived and I opened the door he went through the same series of emotions before saying, accusingly, “Ruth! You didn’t tell me Lyndsey was coming to town.”
“Well, I didn’t know!” she said, laughing. “She just showed up on my lanai, saying she wanted a hug and a glass of wine. Isn’t it the greatest surprise ever!”
I stayed with my Uncle the entire visit, and every visit thereafter, allowing her to keep her space as she liked it. We’d go to lunch, go to the zoo, go to the botanical garden, and sip coffee after my long bike rides. I had cracked the code. I had figured out how to visit my Nana, without stressing her out. Because she wasn’t stressed out, she didn’t get snippy or testy or nasty. On the occasion she drank too much alcohol, she mostly laughed a lot or talked about how much she loved us, rather than getting mean.
In the years that followed, I showed up at restaurants to surprise her, showed up at her boyfriend’s condo during a party, and walked into her place in the middle of the afternoon, wearing my swimsuit, to demand she come float on pool noodles with me. It wasn’t unusual for everyone in her social circle to know I was coming, except for her. After all, I had to plan to see them while I was down there, and I couldn’t do that if I didn’t tell them when I’d be in town! Everyone loved the joy she took out of my “just showing up” so much, though, that it was the general habit not to tell her.
The pandemic killed my ability to surprise her, because everything had to be so meticulously planned. Which is why, the last visit I made without my mother, I brought my wife as the surprise. My Uncle knew Lesia was coming with me, but my Nana did not. She was delighted, particularly since she’d picked up an obsession with puzzles and Lesia happens to be very good at them. We’d drive down in the evenings after work, have dinner with her, and Lesia and she would puzzle for a while as I scratched my head and glared at a singular piece with no intention of finding its home.
Of all of my visits, that very first surprise one will reign forever as my favorite one ever made. The look of delight on her face as I came into her living room demanding a hug, the sheer glee with which she told all of her neighbors, “This is my granddaughter. She came all the way from Ohio without telling me. She gave me herself as a surprise! Isn’t it wonderful!” was all the evidence one could ever need of just how much she loved me. 
(Even if she didn’t want me sleeping under the same roof as her!)
Wheel Chairs at Zoos
In 2018, my Nana made the last trip to my parents’ house that she would make in her lifetime. It was a trip that was made largely on accident. A year or so prior, we had all decided my Nana needed to get the hell out of dodge before Irene hit, since it looked like that bitch was going to make a bee-line for Naples. Though her condo was generally unscathed, Irene did hit Naples harder than most hurricanes, flooding entire regions of the city and uprooting hundreds of trees. My Nana rode it out with her boyfriend, at his summer place in Maine.
My mother had booked the ticket and had borne the brunt of the airlines’ desire to make big bucks by gouging the shit out of every purchaser trying to get out of the region before the storm hit. They then got harshly reprimanded by the federal government for that bullshit, and found themselves gifting basically anyone who had paid more than they should have with a free plane ticket. My Nana used it to visit my parents. Who tucked her into a car for the two hour drive to Cleveland so that she could see her granddaughter’s house.
My Nana had lived independently for basically forever. She was divorced before it was acceptable to be such and while she remarried a couple times, I don’t know that she ever took any of them all that seriously. Because of the era, there were certain things she’d simply been unable to do. Like buy her own car. Or buy a house. Or have a fucking credit card. So to her, the fact that I owned my own car AND my own house was a remarkable feat signifying how far we had come since she was my age.
Humorously, she ended up visiting us the weekend that our basement flooded, which meant she got to see what the worst parts of homeownership are like. It also meant that simply hanging out at our house wasn’t really an option, since the fans in the basement were so loud it made it difficult to think. As we’d had a hunch we’d want to do something, anyway, we settled on the zoo. It was an idea that made my Nana nervous, as she wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk the entire thing, but Lesia and I were unconcerned.
For $20 bucks, we rented a wheelchair, plopped my Nana in it, and promptly ran around the place like we were little kids pushing a shopping cart. We got running starts to go up hills, popped wheelies on stairs, and shrieked “weeeeeeee!” as we raced down ramps. My Nana was thoroughly delighted, my brother was both amused and embarrassed, and my mom was just happy her mom was smiling ear to ear the entire day. I think my father is now concerned this is how we’re going to treat him in his old age. He’s right to be concerned, we absolutely are.
Two years later, visiting her at her place during a global pandemic in which she had not left her condo in six months, I suggested that she, myself, and Lesia go to the local zoo. I had already looked it up, and we could rent a wheelchair for her so she wouldn’t have to worry about walking. There were a couple different animal shows we could see while we were there and everything. Wouldn’t it be nice to get out of the house for a bit?
“Are you going to say ‘weeeeee!’ when we go down the hills?” she asked, with a mischievous grin. 
Indeed, we did.
Pink Wine Glasses
“It’s pink!”
Such was my squeal of delight when, after an exceptionally long workday, my Nana proffered a glass of white wine in a piece of stemware that was, indeed, pink. Though I’m weirdly neutral on pink clothing, I’m a huge fan of random things that shouldn’t be pink, being pink. Pink wine glasses are basically the most perfect wine glasses ever.
To that end, I was delighted when she said, “Oh good, you like them? Take them with you when you go home!”
Which I did. On my very last trip to my Nana’s condo, she packed up those pink wine glasses and made sure they made it into the car with me. I gave her a hug, and told her I loved her, and thanked her for my pink stemware. Two days later, before meeting her and some friends for dinner, my mother and I began the arduous task of packing a months worth of stuff and those wine glasses got lovingly wrapped in t-shirts, underwear, socks, and pajamas. All four made the journey home in one piece.
There isn’t really much of a story to tell here, except that the very last gift that my Nana personally gave me were pink wine glasses. Glasses that I will cherish forever. Glasses that I will use as often as I can, because every time I use them I think of her. Glasses that make everything you drink look just a little pinker. Just a little brighter. Just a little happier.
It was a fitting final present, I think, as my Nana often strove to make my life a little brighter and a little happier. Now, each time I sip her favorite drink, I can capture some of that lightness, courtesy of a gleefully pink piece of stemware.
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alishbakhanus · 3 years
Cute Bridesmaids Boxes To Post The Question For All
The bridesmaids should be composed of the ladies in your life you know best and store the most. Long-term friends, true sisters and close companions. You will want them to stand next to you on your big day in a way that is as personal, meaningful and special as your friendship. That’s why Bridesmaids Boxes is a great idea! This article brings up some different bridesmaids flower ideas with your DIY for your favorite girls as a way to thank them for being a part of your special day.
To save money, you could replace any old shoe boxes you have around the house with spray paint paper or wrapping paper. You could buy unfinished wooden or cardboard boxes at your local craft store to decorate yourself. If you’re not a crafty bride, consider buying beautifully custom boxes from artisans on Etsy.
Be My Son Box
This proud gift box idea from Wedding Chicks is a great way to ask your favorite pals to stand next to you on your big day. This gift was made through an unfinished cigar box that can be purchased at your local craft store. The Bride painted the box to her chosen color scheme, and the words were “be my maid?” on the inside of the box. Inside the box, the bride had all the relevant information such as other members of the bridal party, wedding details, photo inspiration and ideas for bridesmaid’s dresses and more.
Bridesmaids Road trip Road through Life
The travel themed boxes were created through the Pretty Blog with wooden boxes with attached handles. The bride took custom cute custom graphics in front of the boxes to personalize. Inside, there was a beautifully printed handcuff talking about the friendship of the bride with her bridesmaids, as well as a note that left the question. Here is a sweet and sentimental version of the bridesmaid box that is sure to make your friends feel more special.
Will You Be My…
This project from Something Turquoise has a fun surprise inside the box. In the exterior the exterior includes nice ribbon and butterfly details as well as the words “Will you be mine.” When opening the box, the lucky recipient will find a bejeweled tank that says “bridesmaid” around the chest, as well as a glass of monogrammed champagne and a bubbly mini-bottle. Jump with that!
Bridesmaid Tote Gift
This bridesmaid gift idea feels like an out of the box. (Get it?) This bridesmaid toast gift project is a great idea to ask your closest girlfriends to participate in your wedding celebration. The glittery tote is cute for use anytime, and you can fill it with anything you want! This project included a mini bottle of Prosecco, gold foil coasters, a minute, some vintage style earrings and a card.
Bridesmaids Lunch Box Ideas
This is another idea for another bridesmaid’s suggestion box from Something Turquoise. In this box, you use a classic tin lunch box with a handle. Attach a custom card and nameplate with sticky sticker paper to personalize each box for your bridesmaids. Fill the box with chocolate, color tips, bubbly, mints, nail polish, jewelry and hanging kits for good measure. Your brides buddy will have everything they need to survive the big day!
Bridesmaid Pop Themed Proposal Box
This project really embraces the idea of “popping the question”. This recommended box features pop bridesmaids, you can personalize the name of each bridesmaid with chalks or Chalk Pens. You can then fill the box with pop-themed items like popcorn, Pop Rocks and Ring Pop, as well as a custom Coca-Cola bottle from ShareACoke.com. If you think other color coordination items would be included as seen in the photo, such as nail polish, lip gloss or antibacterial gel. Be sure to include a cute card to “pop” as well!
It doesn’t have to be a big day to remember, superb wedding décor, and a festive reception with all the formality of a traditional black-bound wedding. A casual celebration can still nurture all the fun and beautiful details of a formal relationship but without any of the stuff. Instead, casual weddings emphasize fun and allow couples to express their relaxed style. Think of yourself as an easy bride? Try these casual wedding ideas on size.
From relaxed ceremonial arrangements to family-style receptions, these more informal wedding ideas embody a comfortable aesthetic, resulting in the ultimate relaxed wedding. Need some tasty ideas for casual wedding food? Choose a menu that offers comfortable dining options. For a location without a key, make it a family affair by organizing a simple backyard wedding. And keep guests comfortable at a wedding reception with cozy seating that will make them feel right at home. More importantly, the point of informal nuptials is to ensure that you and your partner can host a bash that is true for you.
Host Your Outdoor Ceremony
While a courtyard personal ceremony allows you and guests to feel more relaxed, there are many ways to incorporate elegance and sophistication into your service. “A flower arch and string lights are the best touch for an outdoor ceremony,” says Anna Griffith, senior events sales manager at Cannon Green. Lucite ceremony chairs add a modern touch to this classic arrangement.
Select Playful Signage
“Signage is a great way to communicate data and add some fun to your day,” says Sarah Drake, co-owner of Cole Drake Events. Add an element of sophistication by incorporating elements of calligraphy across your various signs. (This will greatly enhance your final photos and overall design.)
Sip on Relaxation Drink
Give guests a pre-ceremony or cocktail reception, but don’t feel the need to do so formally. “This couple chose a drinks table rather than running trays, which gave guests the freedom to help themselves (or two!),” Says Elisa Bricker, owner of Elisa Bricker Photography.
Integrate Seat Strength
We love the idea of informal seating for a more casual look. “Provided you have enough seating for guests to be comfortable eating, why not mix things up and use lounge fittings as well as tables?” Yumiko Fletcher, owner of Hana recommends Floral Design. For this seaside reception, the couple opted for comfortable lounge seating as well as high-top tables and traditional rounds.
Set up a Stress Free Ceremony
Create a casual setting for your ceremony by using benches. “These dark wooden benches were a perfect taste for this undulating mountain town!” Notes Heather White Sherrill, director of operations for Special Events Brooke Keegan.
Get Strategic with Lighting
“The key to wearing a beautiful casual wedding is to focus on your family and friends, and make sure everyone has the best time. To Ryan Designs. A simple way to organize a fun, warm environment is through lighting. “Simple bistro lighting and focal point chandeliers are an easy way to create a welcoming atmosphere where people are sure to keep their feet moving,”
Cut down the Guest List
To make your event look more relaxed, choose a smaller guest list to ensure a more comfortable environment. “Small meetings with all of your closest friends make the event much more personal, who captured this couple’s personal ceremony and walked down the aisle.
Serve Comfort Foods
For food and drink, consider a menu of comfortable southern foods – but take an increased bite. “For example, serve the John’s Island tomato pie tart (a southern classic), but in the form of a size,” says Graham Ervin, director of sales at the Cedar Room. “Or prefer crowd, fried chicken and homemade biscuits, but presented in a sophisticated way.”
Go for Bold Florals
“We recommend a step outside the box with some very fun flowers. Formal weddings can evoke images of all white, more structured flowers, so bring a whimsy with a unique color palette and some green flowers and vegetables.
Get Creative with Your Place Arrangement
“By using a textured placemat instead of a charger, visual attention is added to the tablecloth without the formality of porcelain,” For the design of your casual table scape, she recommends “using Edison loudspeaker vintage coffee lights and bulbs that give a cool touch easy to lighting plans.”
Courtesy: best wedding planner in Lahore
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
11 Tips You Can Do So You Are Not Afraid of Studio's Wedding Day
Wedding day is always the day that everyone is most looking forward to. Not infrequently you will prepare it in advance so that this once in a lifetime event runs smoothly. Due to the sacredness of the event, it often takes 7-12 months to start preparing the application until the wedding reception arrives.
It turns out that to launch the wedding, you don't only have to prepare items and invitations - the psychological condition of the bride and groom is also the key so that your event can always be remembered. Remembered in a good sense, you know not because you fainted or was not good at the reception.
So that you and your partner can be calmer on your wedding day, try to apply the following 11 tips.
1.  Taking selfies in those seconds of letting go of your single will make you remember the importance of having fun. Feelings of anxiety can be dulled.
Getting married is an important moment that will change your life completely. It is not surprising that you will feel nervous before pronouncing your pledge of allegiance in front of religious leaders. While waiting to appear in public, there's nothing wrong with taking a selfie behind the scenes first. For example, while grooming with makeup, while waiting for your potential partner to come, or at breakfast.
You may have hired a professional photographer to capture all the moments, but still selfie style with your own camera will make you feel more relaxed, relaxed, and remember that smiling and having fun are important. You will also have memories that are perfectly recorded through selfie photos as they are. With this, it is guaranteed that you will feel less excited!
2.  Wedding day is the time for you to be the king and queen for a day, so taking off your cellphone after a selfie can make you even more absorbed in going through the procession.
Getting married is the moment where you and your future mate will be kings and queens for a day. So if you want to really enjoy it, make sure you don't have your phone in your pants pocket. You don't want to be annoyed on your wedding day by a credit card offer from the bank? You don't want to have your worries dissolved just because you are asked about a pending office job? So, so that special days can be passed solemnly, keep your distance from your cellphone on the wedding day. People also understand that you can't be reached today.
3.  Make sure you go to bed early on the night before the wedding, so you can look happy when you are the center of attention.
The wedding day is the day you have been waiting for all your life. But sometimes because of the importance of this event, all the necessities of the wedding ceremony often make you stay up late. Yes, you are obliged to go to bed early and sleep well. Forget all about the need for tomorrow morning's event, because now is no longer the time to worry about material matters. Now is the time for you to prepare mentally and in a fit body.
Sleep well, eat well, and don't let other people interfere with your rest time. That way you can look fresher and happy on the wedding day tomorrow morning. A good night's sleep can also make you more refreshed and produce a positive mood so that your aura will also look fresher when you are the king and queen of the party all day.
4.  Breakfast with foods rich in protein and carbohydrates can keep you strong when you have to shake hands with hundreds of invited guests.
Being a bride, that means you have to be willing to stand all day at a party to greet hundreds of invited guests. So, so that you don't easily collapse and get tired, try breakfast with the right menu. It is recommended that you consume foods rich in protein such as meat, eggs, sausages, fish and milk. If you want to eat vegetables, choose the legume menu. Don't forget to eat carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, rice, sweet potatoes, or oatmeal. This will provide you with lots of calories and energy, so you won't collapse or feel limp when you have to stand all day long and smile at everyone.
5.  You don't want to pass out just because of exhaustion, or have to go to the toilet multiple times because of the urge to urinate frequently. So, make sure you have breakfast first with the right menu.
Surely you hope your wedding dress is special on a special day. Therefore, wear the preferred clothes that have been ordered in your bridal makeup.
6.  Looking perfect at a wedding is a must. But that doesn't mean you have to use excessive perfume.
A wedding day is a day that you wish only once in your life to happen. Of course you will try hard to look perfect on that day. Unusually, some hair ornaments to make it more beautiful, smooth hair, to neat clothes are never neglected to be applied when you are a bride. But it's a different story about perfume. Looking perfect doesn't mean you have to overuse perfume, because a scent that is too strong can actually make you nauseous. Especially when this smell is mixed with the sweat that you make when you have to stand all day.
Well, if you want to stay comfortable and feel confident, use perfume sparingly. Choose a perfume with a fresh aroma and not overpowering. That way, your friends will also be more
7.  On your wedding day you should be happy, not filled with anxiety. Stop asking the committee about the readiness of the event - just contact the chairman of the committee if you're really curious.
It is undeniable, you can be restless because you think about the completeness of wedding needs. For example, how about catering for guests, what about the conditions of the benches, how important the guests are to be entertained. Things like this indirectly sometimes haunt your mind.  Especially when a few hours before the wedding.
You don't need to bother yourself by contacting each committee member on duty, because this often makes you panic. If you're too curious, try contacting the head of the wedding committee or the coordinator of the WO. Just ask them, so you can live your wedding day with relief.
8.  It's normal to feel tense on the wedding day. However, the presence of a friend on the side can be a soothing remedy.
Facing your wedding day, it is not uncommon for you to feel tense. This is because the responsibilities after marriage are not easy. However, you can still live this special day in peace when there are close friends beside you before the event starts.
Maybe you can joke around or take selfies together, or maybe you can talk about something else that isn't the theme of the wedding. Let your friends tell you jokes that will make you laugh. In ways like this, it is not uncommon for you to be more relaxed when saying holy promises in front of many people.
9.  Minor accidents might happen, so prepare a wedding day survival kit so you don't have to bother looking for help.
Even though all the preparations are perfect from the start, it's not uncommon for little things to still happen on the day of H. For example, suddenly your hijab pin comes off, your feet are scuffed because your shoes are too fit, and sweat makes your makeup damaged, until there is an unbearable hunger. . To anticipate all of this, you can prepare a wedding day survival kit. The contents include:
If the tears suddenly fall, a handkerchief or tissue
. Plaster the wound if the foot is injured by new shoes,
. A safety pin or needle if any part of your dress has come off,
. Lipstick to keep you looking good all day long,
. Ulcer medication or headache medicine,
. Mint candy to keep breath fresh and relaxed,
. A small mirror to make sure your makeup doesn't get messy,
. And snacks such as biscuits to prop your stomach when you feel hungry.
Well, you can put this item behind the aisle chair. So whenever you need it, you don't need to ask many people for help. That way, you can also enjoy each procession with more fun and wisdom.
10.          Some women are not used to wearing high heels. If you are one of them, prepare beautiful flat shoes if you feel your feet can not stand it.
Not a few brides complain about sore feet due to wearing high heels for a full day. Apart from the shape that sometimes tortures the heels, wearing them all day long can also make your feet swell. So, to anticipate unwanted things, there's nothing wrong with preparing beautiful flat shoes that match your dress so that at any time when your feet are in pain, you can replace them immediately without the need to panic looking for replacement shoes.
11.          Your happiness will be more complete with thanks to the people closest to you. No exception, the person who accompanies you to sit on the aisle chair later.
Getting married is not just an event for you and your partner, but a big family event. So, if you want your happiness to be more complete, try to thank the people closest to you. Before you walk off to say your promise to be a part of other people's lives, there's nothing wrong with meeting your parents, grandparents, grandmothers, and your extended family "thank you for bringing you up to this moment".
And do not forget, say thank you to someone who is willing to sit with you in the aisle and so on. That way, happiness becomes more complete. You will not be nervous anymore when undergoing the procession and dealing with lots of invited guests.
Courtesy: best wedding hall in Lahore
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