#and repeated 'ugh thats it faster' from his boss
modernmutiny · 2 years
There's a magic quality to sitting on my porch under the fairy lights at 2am eating cold pizza and reading one of my favourite novels on a chilly summer night bundled up in a sweater 3 sizes too big
That quality is dulled quite a bit by the fact that I'm doing this bc my sister is having sex in the apartment so loud I have to wear headphones to ignore it even outside but still
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Wherever you may go, wherever you may be, I will never be far away
Beca has been exhausted with work and overtime in order to provide nice things for Chloe, and pay the bills, etc. When Beca comes home at around 11pm, she finds Chloe curled up on the couch after attempting to wait for Beca. Beca becomes very very soft. :)
Title from Billy Joel's Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel).
Thank you to the anonymous donor for participating in the Pitch Perfect Fandom Drive! This fic is gifted from anon to @green-eyed-weirdo on Tumblr.
Thank you for contributing! Also, happy belated birthday to @green-eyed-weirdo !
I hope you enjoy it and I apologize for taking so long!!
For more info on how to help, visit the @ppfandomdrive page.
Read on Ao3
Beca is exhausted. She’s been working her ass off at Capital records, trying to make a name for herself, and to provide for her small family of three.
Her girlfriend Chloe, herself, and their newest addition, their rescue puppy they had named Chase, because of how he had chased Beca around the first time she saw him. He was a mix of a Collie and something else they couldn’t figure out, but he was the cutest dog ever. At least that was what Chloe had said, and Beca had come to understand it.
But she would never admit that to Chloe. But that dog was damn adorable.
They live in a nice 2 bedroom apartment in Pomona, CA where Chloe can go to Vet school, at Western University of Health Sciences, and Beca can commute to her office.  Chloe has two more years of school, and she’s going to become a Vet after that, but while she goes to school, Beca is the main source of income. They weren’t broke, but they weren’t rich either, and they tried their best to keep it that way. Chloe worked at a Veterinary Clinic near the school, and helped pay the apartment rent. Although Beca had insisted that she didn’t have to, Chloe had somehow convinced her. And Beca couldn't say no to Chloe Beale.  
They had started dating after the USO tour, after Beca had gotten signed to Capitol, and Chloe had been accepted into WesternU, when Beca finally decided to sack up and tell the ginger her feelings.
Their move to California was scheduled around the same time, and having lived in Brooklyn together before, and having started dating, they had mutually decided that moving-in together was a good idea. Her workplace was not too far from where Chloe was going to go to school, and it being cheaper to live in a bigger apartment in Pomona than being crammed in a small apartment in Hollywood, they had chose to live near WesternU. They had started out living in different rooms at first, but found themselves sleeping better, and much more comfortable together in Beca’s room, and they had transferred Chloes old room into a guest room/Beca’s studio when she needed to work from home, or she wanted to work from home.
Beca usually has work with her clients until 7pm, then edit and work on other things until around 10 and then finally, head home. The drive was about 30 minutes, 45 minutes tops, and she would get home at around 11. She had her days off on Wednesdays, and Saturdays and Sundays were half days, or she would sometimes have the weekends off. She always tried to spend more time with Chloe, and she tried to keep a no-work-at-home policy although there were exceptions. That was easy since she had a girlfriend who she could barely say no to.
Tonight was one of those late nights.
The wifi stopped working, and then there was the printer jamming incident, and then had to make sure her emails were sent to her boss about the new client. She finishes up around a quarter to 11, and she gets in her car, sending a quick text to Chloe, telling her that she’d be heading home now. She doubted that she was still awake though since when she gets home at 10:30, she’s usually getting ready for bed, and on days like this, she’s usually fast asleep on Beca’s side of the bed. She drives home, and gets home at about a quarter past 11.
She unlocks the door quietly, and then opens the door slowly, making sure she doesn’t wake up Chloe, who is probably in another room. She just wanted to be safe, just in case. And then Chase comes trotting over to the door, welcoming her home.
“Shhhh… don’t wake mommy up okay?” She says as she crouches down to pet the puppy.
She sees that the light is still on in the room and looks up, seeing her girlfriend curled up on the couch, asleep.
She’s wearing Beca’s gray Bellas sweater, the one that was originally Chloe’s, she stole it somewhere around her sophomore year when she started living in the Bellas house. She had declared that it was hers now, and Chloe had allowed her to keep it all through the years, and now, Chloe’s back to wearing it again. She smiles, walks to the couch, and sits on the floor to kiss the ginger’s cheek.
“I’m home baby.” She says cupping her cheek and kissing her on the lips.
Chloe flutters open her eyes, and wakes up, looking sleepy as heck as she looks at Beca. “I was waiting for you to come home. “She yawns and stretches, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
“Sorry I’m late. I was supposed to leave earlier, but a lot of things happened, I can explain tomorrow. “ She smiles and pecks Chloe’s forehead.
“It’s okay. Did you have dinner?” The ginger asks her as she sits up and stretches her arms.
“No. But I’m not that hungry though.”
“Becaaaaa…. you have to eattttt…”Chloe says to her as she gets up. “I have some leftovers I can heat up.”
“No it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m gonna take Chase out before I get ready for bed. Wait for me in bed?” She asks the ginger, getting up and leaving her bag and taking her jacket off, leaving it on the couch. “Chase. Let’s go out. Bathroom time. “ She says to the dog and he runs to the door excitedly.
“Okay fineee, but I’m coming with you two. I don’t wanna be left behind.” She says with a pouty face as she grabs the leash off the hook.
“Okay then, let’s go.” She takes the leash from the ginger, and connects it to Chase’s collar. “Mommy’s coming with us too.”She smiles, holding onto the leash. Chase jumps up and down excitedly, “I know bud, I’m happy that she’s coming with us too.”She says to the pup and pats him on the head.
“Let’s go!” The redhead returns to the living room, and they both walk out the door, letting Chase mark his territory around the complex, while Chloe and Beca talk about their day, holding hands and walking together.
“Jill keeps texting her boyfriend at work, and she’s always on her phone. I don’t understand how she still has a job.”Beca giggles as she talks about her day.
“I’m sure you’re like that sometimes, I swear, sometimes my phone doesn’t stop vibrating with texts from you.”The redhead jokes, holding Beca’s spare hand which isn’t holding Chase’s leash. The summer breeze makes it a bit chilly, and Chloes glad that she wore her hoodie.
“Oh, I’m not that bad!” Beca exclaims in her quiet nighttime voice, “But I also can’t resist my girlfriend sending me sexy snaps in the middle of the day.”She smirks, squeezing the gingers hand for a moment. Beca had to make sure she had set her notifications to be private, she had that one incident when she almost showed her girlfriend on Airplay at a work meeting. From then on, she knew to keep her notifications discreet. She didn’t need anyone seeing her messages. “I swear to god I almost died when I accidentally opened my Snapchat from you during a meeting. I made it just in time but that was so dangerous.”
“That was because you sent me a raunchy text baby. It’s all your fault. “Chloe scoffs.
“I could’ve been fired!” She whisper yells, raising both her occupied arms up.
“Oh stop exaggerating!”The ginger laughs.
"Oh I'm totally getting back at you for that time!"She jokingly says, pointing at Chloe. "I'm gonna do something to make you so horny that you'll have to take a break, no take the day off!"
"Oh, try. You'll never be able to do that. Remember who always loses the no touching challenge?"
"..um... you?..."
"Oh you wish."Chloe giggles, kissing her nose and running ahead of them. "You can't catch me!!"
"H-Hey!! Chloooooo!"Beca follows along with Chase, but it looks like Chase is taking poor Beca on a run.
“Hey Bec?” Chloe says as they make their way back into the house, unhooking Chase’s leash off of him and letting him run inside.
“Huh?”Beca looks at the ginger, closing the door behind and then making sure it’s locked.
“I love you.”She says, her smile soft and genuine.
These are the moments that make Beca’s heart pound like crazy. Like how did she deserve this angel? How? “I love you too.” She repeats back, kissing the ginger and wrapping her arms around her. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”she mumbles into Chloes shoulder as they awkwardly toddle over to the couch and fall onto it.
“Everything Bec. You’re amazing. I wonder if I ever deserve you. You spoil me too much baby. “She chuckles as she kisses her forehead.
“And you tease me too much.”Beca jokes, and she earns a light slap from the ginger. “Heyyy! Thats not fair!”
“Its fair alright, I tease you because you’re just too damn adorable.”
“Am not! I’m not adorable! I’m badass!” She says as she tries to pry herself away from Chloe, but her girl is too strong, making her stuck in Chloe’s embrace.
“Okay, okay, whatever you say cutiehead.”She giggles, kissing her right on the cheek.
“Ugh, I hate you.”Beca pouts jokingly.
“You do not hate me. Exaggerator!”She kisses her cheek again, this time much more like a wet-grandma-like kiss.
“Ewwwwww… you kiss like a grandma! My cheek is wet!”Beca complains, wiping it off with her arm.
“Want me to do it again?”Chloe asks, going in for the kiss again, but Beca’s hand stops it from reaching her cheek. “Noooooooooh!” Her lips get closer again.
“I don’t hear a please Beca.”Chloe teases, getting even closer.
“C’mon Beca. Just one word baby.”
“Okay fine! Please stop!” Beca gives up and Chloe’s lips retrieves.
“See? That wasn’t so hard? Was it Beca? When you’re a good girl, you get your way, or can get things faster.”She winks. “But when you’re a bad girl, you don’t get your way, and sometimes you can get more pain or teasing from it. “She lowers her hand down to Beca’s ass and squeezes it, making Beca wince. She had been a bad girl in bed last Saturday, and the pain was much better but its still hurt a bit. But that story’s for another day.
“Can we go to bed? I’m really tired. Like exhausted.”Beca asks her girlfriend, looking up at her with pouty eyes.
“Okay. Let’s get to bed, really tired. I don’t know where my Beca went though.”She jokes and giggles, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom.
“Its almost 12. Which means it’s already tomorrow, and now we don’t have anymore time to sleep…”Beca mumbles as she walks into the closet and gets changed into her pajamas, an oversized teeshirt, which is of corse Chloe’s, and plops down on the bed.
“You’re okay. C’mere baby.”Chloe says as she lifts the comforter up and slides in, waiting for Beca to do the same.
Beca yawns as she gets in and curls up close to Chloe, her bing the little spoon and Chloe being the big spoon. “I love you.” She closes her eyes, and lets Chloe wrap her body around hers, feeling safe and comfortable.
“You’re quite the over thinker, aren’t you baby.”Chloe chuckles as she peppers kisses all over Beca’s head, and then starts running her fingers through Beca’s hair, allowing her to relax.
“But it’s true though, i.....”
“Shh… baby. Stop talking and calm down.” The ginger says gently and kisses her head once again.
Beca’s train of thoughts don’t stop though,she stops talking but the thoughts in her mind keep running, and she can't seem to stop them. She thinks about how perfect her life is, with Chloe and Chase, and how she want to pop the question soon. How she's gonna do that, what say to ask Stacie to help her pick the engagement ring, and then how the wedding is gonna be, how she's gonna tell the Bellas, and on and on and on and....
“Beca. Turn off your thoughts. I can still hear the gears turning.”Chloe says.
"I'm no...."
"Save the questions and the thoughts for another day Becs. " She rubs her arm.
“Mkay….night...”Beca mumbles, turning and facing Chloe’s body, curling up once again as she rubs her back.
It can wait another day.
She soon relaxes and lets sleep take over, feeling safe and sound in Chloe’s arms.
Chloe kisses the sleeping brunette's head for the last time before she falls asleep.
“Good night, my angel.”
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Okay, so about those S2 E1 spoilers
Notice: I did not watch the episode. The lovely thats-entirely-to-much-tuna in the DGHDA discord chat did. So these spoilers are secondhand.
(And under the cut)
All of these are copied and pasted from the chat itself, and then occasionally paraphrased my me
Omg so much blackwing angst
Friedkin is a huge shit 
There's like this montage of Dirk doing all these tests and for one of them
if he gets it wrong, he gets electrocuted
And it happens like 12 times 
And another one smacks his face with paintballs if he gets it wrong (which explains why dirk has paint on his face in the trailer)
One of them (the tests)  is guess the correct image
One is guess which jar the ball will fall into
One of them is press the button to disarm the machine or something like that
The last one is the paintball one
There's a convo where Dirk is like "I'm not psychic" and Friedkin is like "yes you are" and Dirk is like "no I'm not" and Friedkin is like "yes you are" and it keeps going until Dirk is like "look, saying it faster doesn't make it true"
Omg Todd is losing his damn mind
Imagine S1 Dirk and multiply it by 10
Farah helps, yeah, but she thinks he's going crazy
He ends up being right though
But he does seem insane
He has one attack in front of Hobbs where insects are like flying out of his mouth
And Farah scoops him away but he drops the pill bottle on the ground and Hobbs finds it and obvs it has Amanda's name on it
And she's a wanted person
So that's trouble
Hobbes and Tina are amazing
Hobbs is hysterical. 
He pulls up behind Todd and tells him he can't park there and then just like monologues to Todd in a friendly way for ages
Tina shows up high and drunk
The interaction between Bart and Suzie is amazing
We know about project Moloch
And also Mona Wilder
Lots of parallels between Todd and Suzie
One convo between her and her son that mirrors Dorian's first convo with Todd
Bart is confirmed Marzanna
Ken is Project Alpha
No Mr Priest in e1
A lot of Mage tho
There's one part where the Blackwing dudes are shoving Dirk into a room and he gets all mad and goes "Hands off, I'm not a shopping cart!"
He gets so mad at Friedkin he starts like SLAMMING on the glass screaming "I'M NOT PSYCHIC" and he has to get dragged out of Moloch's room and the last thing he says is "THIS ISN'T HOW IT WORKS" and he's almost in angry tears
Ken inadvertently gave Friedkin the idea that he might get more results if he exposed the projects to each other
Moloch is in a coma
Moloch was Dirk's first assistant
He's really upset to see him so frail and skinny because he had a stroke when they moved him
He's all "What have they done to you?"
He says Moloch is the nicest person he's ever met because he let him talk and never interrupted him
So he's talking to Moloch and telling him he has friends now and he talks about how amazing Farah is
And then
He's like "I'm sorry, I have a new assistant now..."
And then his face goes ALL SOFT 
and he says
"His name is Todd, and he's...perfect" 
There are some Todd/Farah hand-holding moments though, so I wouldn't get high Brotzly hopes
But still
It was gorgeous 
It seemed like Moloch has always been in a coma and Dirk talked at him when he was little 
Freidkin doesn't have the squeaky toy anymore 
Hold on lol it's insane 
So Friedkin leaves the toy on his desk 
And then it starts to move 
And it falls off the desk and turns into a mouse
And the mouse skitters towards the door 
And turns into a piece of paper 
And floats under the door 
And turns into like a bubble that floats down the hall
And then into a Blackwing employee 
And then a little butterfly that ends up in Dirk's room 
And Dirk wakes up and sees it
And then the butterfly goes under Dirk's bed so we can't see it and turns into Mona 
And Dirk's all pleasantly surprised to see her and like almost paternal 
And he goes "What are you doing here?"
All soft 
And she tells him to find the boy 
And he's like ???? 
And she repeats it I think? And takes a cup of something and throws it at him and he literally dissolves into the bed in like 0.1 second
And that was it 
The car falls out of the tree in this episode too 
Right in front of Farah and Todd
Farah is literally losing it at Todd telling him he's not Dirk and the universe doesn't take sides and connectedness won't work for him and there's this creaking
And they turn
And this car falls out of a tree and nose-dives like BOOM 
Ooh also Suzie had some sort of accident and walks with a cane 
But I'm wondering, purely because of the Todd parallels (complete with her crawling through her own window), she might be faking the limp? 
The first time you see Bart, I'm pretty sure Suzie is driving and you see Bart like bike past her super quickly? I think she's on a bike? It's blink and you miss it. And then later, after the Mage has killed Suzie's boss (interesting Mr. Palacius mirror), and his henchman are taking Suzie outside to kill her, Bart rolls up and kills all of them and points the gun at Suzie and asks, "Do you know Ken?" 
And Suzie is freaking out but clearly doesn't know Ken, and Bart has this great speech about like "Normally i would kill you, but I think people don't like it when they're killed and it makes them sad, and dead, so I'm not gonna kill you, to make you happy"
And Suzie's like "okay..." 
Hahaha exactly! And Bart's like "Are you happy now that I'm not gonna kill you?" And Suzie's like "Yes..." And Bart's like "Well then why aren't you smiling? When people are happy, they should be smiling, like this..." And she like pulls this demented smile and Suzie tries to mirror it and Bart is satisfied and asks Suzie if she wants to come with her and be best friends
And Suzie is like "No, thank you..."
And Bart gets really upset and threatens to kill her anyway and then starts screaming at the universe and Suzie randomly blasts her backwards with magic and Bart tumbles into this huge hole in the ground 
Suzie did not know she could do this
The henchmen were trying to use this spell book and wand to kill her and it wasn't working
It fell on the ground when Bart killed them
And then this feeling overtook Suzie while Bart was freaking out
And I feel like maybe the wand like flew through the air to her? It all happened very quickly.  
But there's one scene where Amanda and Vogel are in this sort of wooded area by some water and Amanda is having confusing visions and promising Vogel that they'll find the rest of the Rowdies
And then security rolls up and tells them they're trespassing and Amanda is holding her ground like "We're the Rowdy 3!" And he's like "But there are only two of you." And she goes, "Ugh, shut up, math!" And they run towards him threateningly.
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