#and sasuke barely knows him and has never shown any care. and most people’s proof is filler FROM GAARA SIDE because even in fillers sasuke
sasukeless · 25 days
sasuke being painted as The possessive one of the relationship when that’s not shown in canon and people mostly use panels out of context (i saw “my one and only” or “i know your heart and you mine” being used to prove him being possessive which is ???) but somehow naruto that actually has moments he shows to be possessive are not counted. but like even without them, if you analyzed their relationship you would realize it does make the most sense for naruto to be like that unlike sasuke. because naruto has abandonment issues already with sasuke, sasuke did left him and cut him off once and left naruto really traumatized (even if it’s not sasuke’s fault, it’s still one of the biggest sources of naruto’s pain) so him being scared sasuke could leave him again and the urge to keep him makes complete sense. on the other hand, sasuke has never felt that loss, naruto has constantly chased and picked him over everyone including his own goals over and over. and his fears about love turning into grief if he lost naruto are quite literally shattered by naruto himself in vote2.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Okay so I know I’m far off my rocker with what I’m about to say but I have to say it otherwise I’ll forget or keep thinking about it like crazy.
It’s probably just me but I can’t help but feel like SNS aren’t straight. I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke. I understand that Sasuke puts his goals before romance and that may be the case for this. I know he wants to defeat his brother and restore his clan, thats his top priority in life. People say he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, yet I see it fine with Naruto. He seems to trust Naruto more than anything and wants to be with Naruto. He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto. There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto. Anyways, i know this show isn’t about their sexuality and I shouldn’t focus on that but I couldn’t help but notice something or rather feel it. Also, your post on SNS Sasukes pov, I remember you mentioning Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
That’s just me but I would love to hear what you have to say and correct me if I’m wrong. What do you think?
Nice ask @larrycherry04 😍😍
There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto.
Again larry, there is no official proof for this interview. And if it is so, I don’t really believe any of his interviews, tbh. 
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These are the two different official interviews from Shounen Jump at different point of time with Kishimoto and two contradicting answers. 
So, when it comes to drawing Manga, Kishi was very truthful. But when it comes to interviews, he started to contradict his own answers. Which makes him a liar, in my opinion and I don’t blame him.
So, In short, Read the manga or Watch the Anime and see how you feel about it and come to a conclusion rather that believing his interviews.
But to answer whether it’s a love circle??? Nope. 
Sakura, like I said before, she is a pairing fodder for Sasuke, most of the time and for Naruto, a little bit. 
If it is a love circle, like, if Naruto truly loved Sakura, he never should’ve let Sasuke off the hook, for all the tantrums/outbursts he has shown towards Sakura not once or twice but multiple times.
Imagine you are Naruto, you love Sakura so much and values her a lot above everyone.
What would you do in the following scene?
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I seriously can’t stop laughing here. Here, a boy, your supposed rival, is mildly insulting your most valued person’s tears. What will you do?
You will speak on her behalf, Of course. Just like Naruto did.
But the moment your rival says something to you, you forget everything about Sakura and starts to think about your rival. Wellllll ... So weird!!!!! Which begs the question ‘Do you really love her in the first place???’.
In this scene, the moment he heard those words from Sasuke, Sakura was out of the picture. Important point to note, Naruto still had a crush on Sakura until this point. 
Moment 1
Sakura: I am going to stab Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke : Am gonna kill you too
**Naruto heroically saves her**
Naruto: Sasuke, Sakura was a member of Team 7.
Sasuke: I don’t give a fuck
Naruto: Anyways, I heard the truth about Itachi and what you’ve been doing so far, is understandable, (including trying to kill Sakura)
Sakura: **surprised pikachu face**
Moment 2
Sakura: I love you, Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke: Annoying!! I am gonna put her in a murdering Genjutsu
Naruto: Sasuke, you shouldn’t have put her in such a strong Genjutsu
Sasuke: If I didn’t , she will come in our way
Naruto: Ummm, that’s true. Let’s go fight!!!
This is the pattern of Team 7 dynamics even until the very end. And I don’t see a love circle at all. 
To put it bluntly,
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These words from Naruto is an admonition to Sakura, that is, ‘Whatever happens between us, do not meddle!!’
Sakura is just a third wheel to elevate the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto likes her but not more than Sasuke. Naruto will die for Sasuke but not for Sakura. Sasuke will put his life on the line for Naruto but not for Sakura. 
He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side.
Sasuke closed all his walls in his heart to let anyone in, after the massacre. And even before that incident, it was never shown that he had any friends or rather he was frustrated with those boys revering him because of the ‘Uchiha’ name he bears. Uchiha is the powerful clan of Konoha and so everyone has high level of expectations. So, there is that. 
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Sasuke was thoroughly frustrated at this comment because nobody is seeing him as a boy named ‘Sasuke’ in his Academy. Even his homeroom teacher saw him as 'Itachi's little brother'. He was clearly facing an identity problem during this time, even in his home. Because Fugaku, Sasuke’s father completely ignored Sasuke and was showing his full attention towards his brother Itachi. When it comes to girls, I don’t have to say anything. They treated him like a trophy. Meaning, Everybody was expecting something from him but nobody was trying to befriend him unconditionally or approach him for who he was. 
This was explained nicely by Itachi in Itachi Shinden novel.
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I wish this scene were in the Anime series. Such a warm one.
He was turning down all those girls, because like you said, they just see him as a cool boy who can do anything. And Sakura was one among them. 
If Sasuke looked like Rock Lee, would Sakura have flirted with him??? Absolutely not. 
And to play romance, there should be certain effort from Sasuke’s side, like going for dates or whatever shit, which he was never ready for. Most of all, there should be a reason when you start a relationship. Sakura never tried to reach him in a deeper level and tried to understand his sufferings and hence there were no reason. This is the case even after their marriage. Does she know about Uchiha Clan massacre's reason? Or Itachi? If she had known, she should've educated her daughter and stopped wearing that fucking clan crest on their back. And most of all, what could Sasuke talk with her if she doesn't know a single thing about him?? Their relationship was built on Editorial pressure, regrets and shallowness. Of course, If I were Sasuke, I would avoid my family by staying in my office more.
With Karin, their relationship was purely business 'I use you, you use me' kind. He was very clear about that when he formed 'Team Hebi'.
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He helped Suigetsu to get Zabuza's sword and in turn Sasuke wants him to help with his goal. Same with Karin & Jugo. But it seems Sasuke respected her a lot in terms of her strength. Karin was similar to Sakura when it comes to flirting but when it comes to work she means business and can offer Sasuke a lot in terms of Chakra replenishment or sensing enemies plan while battling. That's why he treated her better than Sakura but that's all there is to it. It never went anywhere because Karin knows nothing about him. And Sasuke was not interested in forming a bond with any of Team Taka members either.
In other words, to evolve from a friendship to romance, it takes a massive effort from both sides in terms of understanding. Like I said before, Sasuke built a strong wall around his heart and he never let anyone in it as he saw it as a weakness. Sakura barely made a scratch on that wall. Just for becoming a friend takes a big effort to break that wall. How much effort do you think it takes for romance?? Instead of becoming his friend first, Sakura jumped straight into romance, which makes Sasuke uncomfortable most of the times. Hence the depressed reaction you see in Boruto.
Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto.
Hmmm, I don't see Sasuke having a romantic attraction with Naruto. Romantic attraction leans towards sexual desire. But, Sasuke has more of a childlike attraction which leans towards purity and innocence, like more of a desire to be near Naruto, will never be bored even if it was for eternity and would like to look after his safety without expecting anything back.
I've seen this quite a few times.
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Sasuke is not competing here, otherwise he would have walked ahead Naruto. He just wants to walk along side him.
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This is that dream sequence after their fight. Sasuke, just like before, approaches Naruto by himself and listens to him intently. I am pretty sure he could do this for a whole day and still would not leave him.
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LOL. Sasuke, at this moment, doesn’t gives two shit about the world. Meaning he is not missing anyone from there. The person he really wants to be with is right next to him. He even convinces Naruto that Kakashi and Sakura will do something and he doesn’t have to worry. However the moment Naruto leaves, he worries and looks around for him. 
This is what I called, an innocent attraction and the desire to be around the person you feel warm and comfortable. 
But every possibility of changing this into romance is already there. Because Naruto broke his wall long back and has a high place in his heart. A strong friendship with an innocent attraction is all there. If someday Kishi comes out and said 'Sasuke loved Naruto', I won't be surprised at all.
Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
I think Sasuke started to like Naruto unknowingly ever since he started to watch him secretly. Because it always makes him feel warm and fuzzy. 
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But, the scars left by Itachi made Sasuke feel that having people around will always makes him weak. Meaning, The more people you love and when you lose them, you will feel weak. Hence, he was very hesitant to reach Naruto. Slowly but surely, Naruto was already making his way into Sasuke’s heart. And once they were put in the same team, he just loved Naruto unconditionally. That’s why he almost gave his life for him.
But Once Sasuke decided to leave the village, he severed all the ties with Konoha, including Kakashi and Sakura. The level of bond Sasuke had with them can be cut off by saying ‘Thank you’. But with Naruto, it takes more than that. Because for Sasuke, Naruto’s existence itself is making him weak by bringing back all the feelings he once had for him. Like Orochimaru said, Naruto has certain power to influence Sasuke’s heart. So Sasuke decided to kill him but in the end he simply couldn’t. 
Everytime Sasuke strays off the path, Naruto will always appear and remind him that he is his friend
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Every time Naruto appears and talks to him, Sasuke’s heart was changing but he simply doesn’t want that and he hates that feeling. Which was why he wants to destroy Naruto and whatever he represents. What Naruto represents is a powerful bond between Sasuke and Naruto.
In the final fight, he simply couldn’t cut that bond even though he had a chance to kill. These bipolar battles are what he was fighting all along internally. And finally accepts that he lost and was happy for it. Those words, ‘I lost’ meant he lost the fight physically and mentally he had with Naruto and was ready to totally embrace the feelings he already had.  
It’s not Naruto who was expanding Sasuke’s heart a little, Sasuke already gave a wide berth for Naruto and one day decided to close it. In the end, he couldn’t. 
I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke.
As for their sexualities, I seriously could not conclude anything. But from the way Naruto behaves, he certainly looks like a closeted bisexual just like Kishimoto. And Kishi was not hold his guns in this aspect at all, he went all out in the Manga chapter 347. 
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I mean it was evident from the way he casted Multiple Reverse Harem no jutsu before Kaguya without any reaction but when Konohamaru did the same Jutsu with Sai and Sasuke, he looked visibly disgusted.
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Why to react extremely when Konohamaru is doing the same as you? Probably he doesnt like Sasuke in this jutsu I guess. LOL.
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When asked about that ‘accidental’ kiss again, he reacts visibly disgusted but at the same time with a Nosebleed. This screams ‘Closet bisexual’ to me.
As for Sasuke, I simply see him as close to Asexual and possibly demisexual for Naruto.
Why Asexual?
Because Kishi purposefully made Sasuke to be in certain awkward scenes and on top of it, he painted an over sexualized aura all over him, in part II of the manga. It was evident from his bare chested costumes and the way characters like Karin behaves around him. In the same chapter 347, Kishi went all out for Sasuke too.
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I don’t even know why Kishi made this scene. But it certainly shows Sasuke wasn’t bothered by a naked man at all unlike Naruto who acted disgusted.
I simply cannot see Sasuke will be romantically attracted to someone if they cannot form a strong bond with him. And to form that kind of bond is not an easy task. But even for a demisexual, there will be a preference. and his preference were not any of those girls especially Sakura. So, I can safely say, if he ever wants to be romantic, all the possibilities points towards Naruto. Because of certain obsession he has towards Naruto throughout the War arc.  
Believe me, Obsession comes from two ways. You will be obsessed on someone whom you hate to your bone because of what they did to you. Most possibly, a hard betrayal. Or, You will be obsessed on someone who you love above yourself. 
Itachi falls under the first category (that’s why when Sasuke was told Itachi was good all along, he couldn’t accept the fact that he hated him for wrong reasons and he snapped and went onto a killing spree because of that obsession. Even though he was sane after losing his parents) and Naruto falls in the later.
Like he was basically saying ‘Naruto is my person. Only I can kill him, he is not yours’ to Obito when he was trying to kill Naruto. And where did these obsession comes from provided Naruto never betrayed him in any which ways? Because of all the past he had with him and he was already in love but was trying to deny it.
Anyways at the end of the day, I don’t mind their sexualities at all. What matters is how they prioritizes each other at any given situations without an ounce of regrets. Because, like I always say, their bond transcends way beyond Marriage, Children and Sex. 
Hope my answer helps :-)
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@shhalala​ - I can’t reply without reblogging, this is not my main.
There is no “period” to be wary of what other humans say. Maybe the USA wasn’t aware before Trump made a joke of himself, but most people know to not take everything at face value, not even news. Which is why I was asking if the discussed article had others sources as I couldn’t find any.
“The article is inclined to be more fake than valid”: I’ll let this pass since I’ve discussed this at length with other users, but again: I’m not going to believe you just because you say so. I don’t want belief, I want knowledge.
“That does not even make sense”: I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
“Sakura would not force Sasuke to anything”
Sakura keeps forcing her feelings on Sasuke every single chance she has in the Naruto manga. She doesn’t even know who he is at first as she mocks orphans in front of him to gain his sympathy (but she’s twelve, so it’s fine that she has a crush on a guy she barely knows). Then they start acting kinda friendly, which is nice, but they never have real talks.
And she keeps asking him out even though he keeps rebuffing her. Until he stops talking to her or treating her like a former friend altogether in Shippuden. He only starts talking to her again at the very end, when he tells her “thank you”, in the same way he thanked her before cutting her lose when leaving Konoha the first time. 
So it is very in character for Sakura to force herself on Sasuke, at least her feelings. 
“Sasuke is not the type to do things he does not want”
Before the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke is established to be a very caring little boy, openly affectionate, craving for his father and brother’s approval, always trying very hard and thinking he’s never good enough as his father favors his genius older brother. Sasuke, at his core, is not violent or cold, he is warm and passionate, like the Uchiha flame. He gives everything he has to his loved ones, first his parents, then his brother, and finally Naruto. 
Is killing his older brother what he wants? Itachi ordered him to. Is leaving the village what he wants? Orochimaru sent four strong henchmen to beat him up to make him feel weak and in need of more power, right after he was tortured by his brother and lost against Naruto, who was until then a very bad ninja. Orochimaru himself states that Sasuke, because of Naruto’s influence, is drifting from the revenge his brother groomed him into. Moreover, right after Kakashi scolds Sasuke for fighting with Naruto on the hospital roof, Sasuke is shown to accept Kakashi’s “advice” to suck it up (even though it was BS). Had Orochimaru not sent his henchmen, Sasuke wouldn’t have left Konoha.
The only things Sasuke wanted by himself were to spend time with Team 7 (reasons why both Itachi and Orochimaru beat him up, so he’d be scared into wanting more power), to protect people he loves (reasons why he sacrifices himself for Naruto in Wave Country, fights to protect Sakura against Gaara, recruits Juugo though Juugo is of little help but rather in need of help himself, and decides to become Hokage), and to be strong (though it can be argued he does that either to please his dad or out of fear).
Sasuke looks cold and uncaring while he actually is a controlled ball of passion. I love this character because he is very well-rounded and complex, not because he “looks” like he does whatever the fuck he wants. Sasuke’s motivations are diverse, and often not his own. 
Sakura is forceful + Sasuke keeps sacrificing himself for the people he loves
= Sasuke could very well have caved to Sakura’s repeated pleading of hooking up. He does care for her, though there is not explicit proof it is romantic. And Sakura would not voluntarily hurt him, rather she would do it the way she mocked orphans, to get close to him. So yeah, it is in character that Sakura would force himself upon Sasuke, and that he would let her do so. I’d just rather it didn’t happen, thank you very much, and Boruto’s characterisation isn’t helping with that.
BTW, in case you didn’t know, rape isn’t always violent or impressive. Coercing someone into having sex, insisting or making it so that person thinks it is the only option is also rape. I don’t think Sakura would beat Sasuke up to have sex with him, but Boruto makes it believable that she harassed him into saying yes. Why doesn’t he spend more time with her? With their child? He has a fucking teleportation device in his eye! That he uses to meet with Naruto! He could send an hawk or ask for a picture of his baby! Why is that character, who is so passionate about people he loves in Naruto that he is ready to shoulder the hatred of the whole world for all eternity to protect them, actually uncaring in Boruto? (Because Boruto is a joke that took every single Naruto character at face value and turned them into caricatures of themselves)
“If you are pro Sasuke you should know this and know your character better”
Offense taken. 
Underneath the underneath
Naruto looks warm and happy-go-lucky when inside he is a full grown demon of rage and pain (that he learns to befriend). Sasuke looks cold and unfazed when inside he cares passionately about others (so much he almost loses himself to it). They form a chiasm. This is why I love this story, because nothing is what is seems to be on the surface. Shame not many people notice it.
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