#and saw a bunch of 'oh the ending was total bullshit why didnt they just let them be happy?' and decided better of it
lesbianralzarek · 2 years
sometimes i want to get back into the vtm fandom and then i see a billion “oh my god what were they thinking? do NOT read the lore” comments on, like, actually cool lore. because some of the old canon sucked really bad, theres just... 0 good faith and it shows with people thinking its dumb that unreliable narrators tell contradicting stories of myths carried over from before recorded history. sorry but thats just convincing worldbuilding and is good, actually
not tagging this cause i dont wanna start shit, but it kinda sucks when half the fandom actively hates the source media
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m143ui · 4 years
so hello friends on the other side
I understand some of the major concerns regarding characters like piper and the feather and hazels description but when you bring Leo and Reyna into the fucking conversation I have lost all respect.
Reyna is not a negative stereotype, she isn't defined by being latina and neither is Leo, he isn't a stereotype simply because he’s latino and was abused. also him being called an elf was because he was short, which had nothing to do with him being latino. also the mamacita comment like y'all hide under the label “progressive” but ignore that mamacita has been a thing in Latin American communities for a fucking while. its not an insult dammit. its something that happens in our communities!!! its like saying muchacho y'all don't see men bitching about that.
also shocker I read the mamacita comment and I can proudly say I didn't go
things that actually happen in communities aren't racist
and before any of y'all come at me with the usual you’re white excuse, hello friends im Peruvian and Paraguayan.
I don't think he’s perfect but bitching about characters like Leo which gave many of my Latin American friends hope for similar characters destroys your “listening to minorities” argument
also the lol “hes Mexican taco bad” argument like I live in Mexico we eat tacos like every fucking day. its literally a fact. and Leo isn't just defined as taco man.
believe it or not us latinos respect rick because he gave us role models and characters like us. we don't define a character by one line and instantly call discrimination. like yes a asian character can be snobby it has nothing to do with ethnicity. y'all are making this about ethnicity. an asian character can be anything, just like a white character or a black character or a gay character. people are not simply defined by their labels like ya’ll think. y'all are just a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes that can't live with that. they can be influenced but in the end labels are labels we are all human and should be treated as such.
another thing Reyna was never officially a lesbian that was YOUR interpretation not riordans. IF HE DIDNT STATE IT , SORRY HONEY IT ISN’T CANON! I don't care about how she was “lesbian coded” if he didn't state it it isn't canon. 
I am so sick, as a lesbian, to see people use ALL QUEER DEATHS as a bury your gay tropes, what happened to seeing us as humans? why can't we be treated like any other character? if we die we die, it isn't always “haha gay evil boom death”. sometimes fully fledged characters have to die friends.
Nico isn't a bad gay character, he’s just a normal character who happens to be gay and has suffered major trauma. HIS TRAUMA WAS CAUSED BY HIS UPBRINGING, Nico isn't a 2000′s character, he’s from the 30′s, so obviously he woudn’t be perfect with his sexuality for gods sake it was the 30′s. the exact same thing happens with hazel, she isn't a modern black woman, she's a 30′s black woman. Nico’s coming out isn't him as a 21st century teen its from the time when the GOVERNMENT KILLED YOU FOR BEING GAY
also saying there are no lesbian characters? like wow look emmie and jo don't exist. Lavinia doesn't exist. poison doesn't exist. thanks fam you really make yourselves look smart here. simply because rick never said the word gay doesn't mean the gay characters don't exist friends. they are just labeled as what gay characters should be labeled as.... human.
im not educated in muslim or black culture so I won't mention characters like sam and hazel and piper because I respect and I am highly critical of what rick put in his books to describe these specific minorities.
HOWEVER saying rick is a lesbophobe, a homophobe, a racist a sexist cis guy is like do y’all wanna be taken seriously? use arguments don't hide behind words.
rick isn't a perfect writer but y'all really don't know how to criticise, y'all just hide behind big boy words and back it up with no evidence, just opinions.
rick doesn’t have the best minority rep out there but he is damn well trying and I respect that unlike all you fucking idiots.
now onto ships.... yay
frazel: im not gonna censor it like you pussies, believe it or not 13&16 year old relationships exist. they might not always be healthy but they exist. to deny this is to be stupid
solangelo:  another ship that is censored..the main argument I've seen is that it isn't developed and will isn't even a character... he was in last olympian and lost hero not my fault y'all have fish brains. I don't care if you dislike it but don't be like “ANYONE WHO SHIPS THIS IS AN ABUSIVE WHORE” like wow you always preach about accepting all ships and then throw this? also if you hate solangelo because of the “abuse” but ship percico like hi friends Nico is 4 years younger than Percy.. if y'all hate frazel because of the 3 year age difference y'all should hate this too.
not every character minority or otherwise is gonna be the way you want them to be, believe it or not any character can be anything, black characters can be loud, white characters can be loud. if they're only loud because “haha black” then THATS an issue not the simple existence of a loud black woman who has a loud personality.
y'all be here bitching about drew and I've never heard the asian perspective of this? just a bunch of black and white people telling asians they should be offended. was that just an uno reverse?
also last point stereotypes aren't always a negative thing and y'all need to get that in your heads.
anyway stay mad hoes <3
from a sane Peruvian <3
I saw this beauty and had to comment on it
“having LGBT characters experience abuse and violence. nicos forceful outing rubs me the wrong way, especially because hes called a coward for being in the closet. its violent and kind of disturbing to make your gay character come out of the closet by force. maybe write better. additionally, alex's abusive father and subsequent homelessness because of her being trans is badly written.”
oh noooo gay characters can't deal with homophobia anymore ! like I can tell you have never been punched for being gay. is it bad to showcase how trans and gay ppl are 40% of homeless youth? or is even mentioning that discrimination? believe it or not some of us live in countries where people try to kill us. you have an advantage and it shows. about the coward thing... 
maybe stop spewing bullshit <3
(so I get that this scene can remind people of being outed and it can hurt them however this scene was never intended to be a good thing it literally says Nico is scared of facing his emotions)
oh boy rick really pissed off the snowflakes that I share a fandom with
“give Nico to the gays” no? he would be a femboy and they would yeet his trauma like ssrsly?
also hate rick? bitch no one is forcing you to read his tweets.
death of the author is such a toxic thing like the mans is alive boo he aint going nowhere..like What the fuck 
anyway final thoughts on this :
nico insn’t Uwu gay and its an insult to his character
Reyna is not a lesbian canonically (neither is Thalia)
Leo and Reyna are not racist
none of ricks characters are  written as insults to their communities
and if I see one more “but ....phobia/ ...ism I will do very illegal things
peace lol
congratulations rick antis! you have successfully harassed a  56 year old man into leaving social media! wow so progressive!!!! this totally won't backfire or anything!!!
all jokes aside all of you who harassed rick to the point of someone else taking over his social media should feel ashamed
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happikattwuzheere · 4 years
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was gonna try and do multiple characters in one post but nope! i have too much to say. also the pictures are all different sizes so its rly hard to get the photoset to look appealing, so we’re starting w/ blue. and also a colored pic of what adam looks like when he’s not a deer. boy’s tryin not to stand out. which goes great up for him right up until it doesn’t. lmao. i’ll talk a bit about him too w/ stuff that didnt get mentioned in the starter post about him and gansey, but this is mostly gonna be about blue. 
there’s this fey entity, right? i don’t have a name for them, but they’re not...they didnt START the fey/human conflict, but they are benefiting from it, politically speaking? and when maura was younger, despite other witches being like “girl dont choose sides, we’re witches, we guard boundaries but we don’t choose sides,” was hotheaded and brash and went “ok but fuck that though” and one thing led to another and she ended up getting a curse on her firstborn. Oops. that’s where the kissing curse comes from, here; i’ll get into that much later in a text post probably but gansey’s survivor’s guilt thing doesnt come from him actually dying in this au it’s from something Else, but blue will still kill him if she kisses him, just, for different reasons, it’s an actual curse this time and not something to do with the nature of who they both are. 
her father’s still a tree light, but like, she actually knows that from the outset? because. they live in cabeswater. the tree lights are all around and accept her as one of their own even if she can’t turn into a tree, and as a result of that, she’s got some cool perks. 
a) extremely resistant and/or outright immune to a Lot of fey bullshit 
b) still boosts psychic energies and magical powers like in canon
c) the absolute safest person to be traveling in cabeswater ever, because the forest itself loves her, and also if you mess with her within the borders of cabeswater a bunch of tree lights will physically manifest and be like “hey buddy wanna think twice about that”
but she can’t use magic herself, still, which actually works in the favor of herself and the coven--witchcraft is in a sort of weird spot, culturally, where it’s both feared and often hated, but also understood to at times be necessary, especially by rural peoples like those of the village. im taking a very discworld spin on the witchcraft, because i love discworld and you can’t stop me, and so the attitude is, like. its frightening ancient magic and the church hates it but when there’s an emergency and someone’s on the border between life and death, or something is trying to pass into this world from another, etc etc etc, then you gotta suck it up and call on a witch because they’re the only ones who can deal with those things. so. the coven is tolerated, both because it’s too big and powerful to actually fight but also because it’s extremely needed when you live in a village right next door to fey lands. you NEED someone watching the border. however that doesn’t mean anyone wants to be seen publicly talking to a witch--but blue’s not a witch. she’s a witch’s daughter, but she’s not a witch herself, which is a step removed enough that she can go into town and run errands and also people will maybe pull her discretely aside and tell her if something’s coming up that the coven should know about, and it all works very neatly with her acting as a sort of liaison. very important role she plays, which is why gansey tries talking to her after his initial attempt to speak with the coven directly fails. 
speaking of the coven itself: i’ve been calling it the fox way coven, even tho it probably wouldn’t be called that because there’s no road called fox way that the coven is built on, it’s a big magic house out in the fairy forest, BUT they do have a fox theme because i love foxes and this is a gift i have been given. if people have familiars in this coven, they’re foxes rather than cats, because as wonderful as cats are u cant have them and foxes in the same house that will go bad. but also there’s a v small number of them, like maybe three or four total out of the much higher number of women living there, who are fey blooded like adam, but who become foxes rather than adam’s deer. persephone is one of these! (it’s worth noting the reason why they become the same animal is because of a combination of coincidence, intentional theming, and mostly just because like, virtually all of the residents there aside from persephone are related to either maura or calla) 
anyway the point is, because of this, blue’d seen enough feyblood transformations that when, one day when she was 9 or 10, on a visit to town, she saw the most distressed, disoriented fawn wobbling around frantically and was able to very quickly recognize that that was, in fact, a person who had probably turned into a deer for the first time, and responded by very calmly informing him that she knew who could help and leading him home. this is where those last two pictures come from, and how adam’s apprenticeship started. 
like, there was a lot of arguing from the witches immediately--of course we’re going to teach him how to become human again but we aren’t really going to take him on in the coven are we? he’s a boy, he’s some local kid we know nothing about, what happened to keeping it in the family, he’s the wrong animal and we’ve got a whole thing going on--at which point persephone parted everyone like the red sea, took one look at adam, went “mine now” and despite a lot of grumbling that was the end of it. she took him on a bit of a tour of cabeswater a few days later, after he’d had time to think it over, and he felt so drawn to the forest that he agreed to the apprenticeship.
so he’s technically persephone’s apprentice but like in actual practice he’s being taught by the entire coven lmao, ANYWAY
adam being adam also had a backup plan for trying to get out of the village--even at ten he figured witchcraft might be a first way out of there, he was already thinking about it, but by thirteen when the good ole abuse started (and at which point the last whispers of dissent died out very quickly amongst the coven, nope, adam is one of us now, do you want us to very threateningly hang out in your front yard sometime because we can do that--what do you mean no, let us do this,) he was also like. i dont think this is a guarantee of getting out of here i need a second job. and the thing is, as was mentioned in the original post, the fey blood also means adam’s got issues with iron; it’ll poison him if he’s stabbed with it but it also reacts to his skin touching it like a hot stove. he’s fine if there’s a layer between his skin and the iron, but if he touches it directly, it’s Bad. so ofc this headstrong idiot takes an open spot a t a metalworker’s in the village because adam is the king of making bad decisions. the witches have a betting pool on how long it’ll take him to out himself. “its fine i’ll wear gloves,” he says. “it’s the perfect disguise no one will expect someone with fey connections to work near so much iron,” he says. “i have everything perfectly under control,” he says.
anyway he totally forgets to wear gloves before grabbing an iron tool while his dad and his boss are both in the store and in clear view of him and that’s why he was getting chased by hunters when gansey rescued him 
also he and blue tried dating when they were like 13-14 and it ended about as badly as in canon and they made up later and by the time the story starts they’ve settled into very much being weird siblings. adam starts hanging out with gansey initially to try and basically spy on him, figure out why he’s here, but ends up rly liking the guy and deciding his reasons are sincerely to try and help people, and he tells this to blue who starts immediately accusing him of having a crush on the lordling and being a class traitor, because she does NOT like gansey at this point and really the nobility all prefer wizards to witches which is a stupid idiot decision and frankly the fact that this lordling is apparently enamored by some random deer is hilarious to her, but even moreso is the fact that adam actually defends the lordling to her, like, “wow adam its hilarious that the lordling’s friend thinks that you have charmed the lordling because from my perspective it looks the other way around” “shut uuuup you’re not listening im serious, like, yeah ok he put his foot in his mouth really hard when he talked to you but im telling you i dont think the whole i-wanna-understand thing is an act” “idk if i can trust you through those rose tinted glasses buddy. tell me again about that time he called you princely?” “oh my god” 
this is turning into rambling but. thats the gist of the witches and blue esp thank u for coming if u made it this far here’s a bonus persephone fox 
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chamibii · 5 years
How does that make you feel? - Therapy AU
"How does that make you feel Bakugou?"
Bakugou ground his teeth and rolled his eyes. "You know I hate that question Midoriya."
Midoriya cocked his head subtly and smiled softly. "I know Bakugou, but just humor me. How does that make you feel?"
Bakugou shifted nervously in his seat and attempted to still his leg from tapping. He checked the clock to see how much time he had left in this god forsaken session. Maybe if he doesn't answer, he'd shut the fuck up.
Bakugou was uncomfortable with the silence and Midoriya knew it. "Fuck! Fine. I feel pissed off. Alright?"
Midoriya nods and makes a notation on a piece of paper. "Bakugou, as you know, anger is a secondary emotion.."
Bakugou cuts off his therapist, "If you ask me what my fucking primary emotion was, I swear I'm gonna lose my shit Midoriya."
Midoriya chuckles softly and nods. "Okay Bakugou, I hear you. We have 10 minutes left. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Bakugou stood up quickly headed to the door. "No, I'm good. See you later." Bakugou slammed the door shut behind him, not giving his therapist a chance to respond.
This was fucking stupid. He didn't understand why after one incident at work, he had to attend therapy. He had been going to therapy for 6 weeks now and all he felt was irritated.
He knew that he couldn't return back to work if he didn't "take this seriously", as his boss reminded him nearly weekly. He hated doing this shit, but wanted to go back to work, so he scheduled for the same time next week.
"How was your week Bakugou?"
He clenched his fists and fought the urge to yell at his therapist. "You know how each week is Midoriya. It doesn't fucking change and won't until you sign off on me going back to work."
Midoriya smiled and tapped his pen against the desk. "You're very guarded still. Don't you believe we should be past that by now?"
Bakugou groaned slightly and took a deep breath. He didnt want to share about his week, because truth be told, it was lonely. Work distracted him and without the distraction, the only thing he had to do was clean or watch television. Bakugou had a few people that he tolerated, but after being ignored for several days, his "friends" stopped reaching out to him.
"If I tell you about my week, can you just, shut up for a while?"
Midoriya nodded and remained silent.
"My week was, hard." Bakugou took a deep breath and continued, "Since the incident, I stay at home. I dont feel like leaving. You happy?"
Midoriya quickly scribbled in Bakugou's chart and dropped his pen. Bakugou heard the chair creak and lifted his eyes to stare angrily at Midoriya. As Midoriya crossed the room to sit next to him, Bakugou stiffened. Midoriya's added weight on the couch caused his heart to race. Just what the fuck was he doing?
Bakugou scowled at Midoriya. He was wary of doing therapy to begin with, but if Midoriya pulled some weird shit, he was just going to have to forget his job and find another.
Midoriya smiled as he turned his body to face Bakugou. He flinched at the sudden contact of Midoriya's hand on his shoulder. Midoriya's eyes flashed with concern, but he softly spoke, addressing the honesty Bakugou had shown.
"This has been really hard on you Bakugou. You believe you've been singled out and this causes you to be angry. Not only that, but you have a total sense of loss of control due to being forced to take leave and seek therapy in order to go back. Even if you don't see it, or you can't acknowledge it, you're making progress and this is a good thing." Midoriya gently squeezed his shoulder.
Bakugou, embarrassed, wrenched his shoulder away from Midoriya. "Progress? Then why am I not back at work?"
Midoriya hummed softly and placed a hand on his chin. "You know, only you can answer that question Bakugou, but I'm willing to come alongside you as you figure it out."
He was so fucking irritated with this shit. He wanted to punch Midoriya in his face and just leave. As he clenched his fists and raised them to his lap, he felt the therapist tense up beside him. Bakugou knew he was going to move back to his side of the room, but the therapist still sat next to him, tense, but unmoving. He looked over at the man and scoffed.
How in the hell was someone who was a few years older than him, supposed to help him with the shit he was going through? He saw the concern, fear, and another look that Bakugou was all too familiar with, in his green eyes. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and smirked at the therapist. He had to admit to himself that part of the reason he continued to return to therapy was because Midoriya was attractive as fuck. Yeah, he wore those stupid cliche therapist sweaters to "appear warm", but when he slid them off his shoulders, Bakugou noticed the muscles rippling underneath his shirt.
Bakugou relaxed his fists and stood up to leave. "I know the session is 50 minutes or whatever, but I'm done for today. Put whatever the fuck you want in your shitty notes. I'll see you next week".
Bakugou sat comfortably on the couch, his legs slightly splayed open. After last weekend's interaction with Midoriya, he decided he was going to make therapy interesting. Usually he would come to session in baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, but this week he chose black jeans that hung low on his hips and a red t-shirt that snuggly fit against his chest. He had put in his piercings again and could feel the fabric of his shirt rubbing against his nipple rings which caused his nipples to stand out proudly.
When Midoriya opened the door to call his name, Bakugou chuckled at the brief moment of shock that crossed his face. Midoriya knew that Bakugou witnessed this so he attempted to smooth it over with some psychotherapy bullshit.
"Wow Bakugou! This week must have been a really great week for you. In the nearly two months we've been working together I've never seen you dressed up."
"Dressed up?" Bakugou smirked. "I just put on clothes. Calm down Midoriya."
Bakugou enjoyed the way Midoriya began to flush. A light blush crept across the bridge of his nose and spread to his slightly freckled cheeks. He had to admit, Midoriya was gorgeous. Bakugou leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and placing his chin in his hands. He trained his gaze on Midoriya. Midoriya shifted nervously in his chair and tucked a loose curl behind his hair. Bakugo liked that despite his professional appearance, his therapist kept his hair fairly long and tied back in a ponytail.
"Uh, so last week, you, uh mentioned that you were struggling to leave your apartment. How are you doing this week Bakugou?"
Bakugou made a show of wetting his lips before speaking, knowing that the hint of silver from both of his tongue piercings would catch his therapists eye. "Still rough, but nothing I can't handle."
He felt Midoriya's eyes on his mouth and chuckled to himself at the deepening color on his cheeks. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and leaned back into the couch, slouching slightly, causing the denim to bunch up against his groin. He received the reaction he was waiting for when Midoriya gasped a little and dropped his pen.
"You okay Doctor?" Bakugou made sure to emphasize the title, knowing how this would nearly unravel Midoriya.
"Y-yes, my apologies. I guess I'm a little jittery from too many cups of coffee."
Coffee. Right.
"So, what's been making this week, uh, rough?"
Bakugou crossed his arms and shrugged. "I can't pinpoint it exactly. But after getting into that fight and being told I had to 'tow a line' I've just had too much pent up aggression. I've felt like at any minute I could blow and I didn't want it to be on the first guy that looked at me." He was really proud of the number of double entendres he was sliding in this conversation.
Midoriya chewed nervously on his pen. Bakugou noticed the perfect lips that looked soft and imagined them wrapped around his..
"Bakugou did you hear me?"
"I'm sorry, I spaced out."
"Where did you go just now?"
Oh you know, I was thinking about fucking your pretty mouth and coming down your throat. "Nowhere. I'm just tired. Haven't been sleeping well. How much time do we have left?"
Midoriya looked at his watch and stood, walking over to the door. "We made good progress today, so we can go ahead and end early. I have to prepare for my next client. I'll see you next week?"
Bakugou stood up and stretched slowly, allowing his shirt to creep up slightly, exposing the hint of ink that was on his abdomen and hip. He walked up behind Midoriya, pressing himself into his back, reaching for his jacket. He leaned in close, his lips nearly grazing Midoriya's ear and whispered, "See you next week Doctor".
He had to bite his lip from dissolving in laughter at the sight of the greenette turning bright red. Therapy was going to be fun.
Enjoy :)
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limelocked · 4 years
Naruto OCS???? Do tell us about them
oh now youve got me started!
i made a post about their history (very general) in this post so ill talk more about their personalities and things that stand out about them cuz i love them
so the tldr is that they’re an off shoot of the uchiha clan from the first great ninja war when yokumo fucked straight off from konoha due to 75% paranoia that turned to 99% paranoia when he left but cant go back now! hed be a rogue nin! so he settles down in the land of grass with Asaro the most best girl character ive ever made. She’s a tailor/seamstress/weaver in this tiny village and she just radiates chill, shes been your mom friend since grade 2 and will continue to be your mom friend until death
yokumo is Stressed and Strict because my dude has the sharingan so when they have three kids (not at the same time hot damn) he decides like any good parent to just refuse to let them use their eye powers at all (note: this is probably not a good parenting tecnique)
tenjo is the oldest daughter and she idolizes her dad so fucking much dude and shes fighty, boy pulls her hair and gets an ass whopping , shes the queen of the village kids but with different leading skills than her mom. she legit saw yokumo use jutsu ONCE and went “oh hell yeah time to be ninja”
yokumo said no
jiyuro is the middle kid and he just vibes dude, hes a normal easy going kid that reaps the reward of being the sibling of the queen of kids, hes also the kind of bastard that can and will use his sharingan to cheat in exams, something he can only pull of thanks to the babiest brother 30 under 30 ninja luminary chiban who cant use the sharingan but damn is that boy neck deep in genjutsu training
chiban put like all his dnd leveling towards genjutsu and some taijutsu so he wouldnt mcfucking die in the middle of a fight in the event that his genjutsu fails. his illusions are amazing tho and real specialised, he can make you believe that those eyes? those red eyes with weird dots in em? yeah totally normal, you didnt see shit. the same with cuts and bruises, dude specialices in detailed genjutsu instead of haha you got caught in a plant or some of the other ridiculus shit naruto characters do
now tenjo gets married not once, not thrice but two times, first time to your local imported bitch boy hatsunaio ha’ame whos playing the longest con in existance aka he “falls in love” with tenjo and gets married, has a kid, all so he can confirm that the clan has the sharingan to report back to konoha cuz that aint right, sharingan outside of konoha and even more sharingan outside a hidden village
fear not tought! imported asshoe gets killed by tenjo with the sweet loot of the mangekyou sharingan and Trauma!
her second marrage is 4-5 years later with drinker of respecting woman juice Tsumashin Aishika who had been a family friend since a bit after ha’ame got what was coming to him. Aishika is super patient and just Kind Man, if only he was stupid and buff he would be a himbo but he’s average and kinda smart so Good Dad will have to do. He likes to read and is a wood worker.
Tenjos kids are a fucking story too, btw hope you wanted a long long post cuz youve really gotten me started now
Renge, the kid she had with Ha’ame, is the oldest and she doesnt remember her dad at all, shes been called a clone of her mom with the fightyness and the “wow cool! need to learn that!” reaction to jutsu. Shes impulsive if shes on her own and the worlds biggest glass canon in a fight because she has trash chakra stores and the impatience to skip on learning to distrobute it properly, she also has the vibration style kekkei genkai (lightning + wind) which just eats up her chakra 
first kid with Aishika is Hotoki whos like her mom but EXTREME, shes the naruto of the kadzuki fam, impatient, a brat and ready to throw down instantly, shes stubborn as fuck and she wants to be the Tsukikage, a position that doesnt exist for a village that doesnt exist in a land that already has a hidden village. her family is supportive tho
last kid is Makuto whos one of only three kids in this clan thats youngler than naruto. his life starts of great by killing his mom with complications during birth giving him absolutly no problems down the road, nope, haha. Hes pretty reserved and likes his grandmas craft better than his grand dads so he takes up tailoring and later pottery, hes a fast learner 100% because of the sharingan
then we have jiyuros wife Pantama Hoshi, shes friend shaped and radiates chill like asaro. they met while team one (aka tenjo, jiyuro and chiban) was out at another town for a mission. shes a gardener and grows medicinal herbs along with real good flowers. theyre by far the most calm parents in the family and basically became foster parents for Tenjos kids once she died so yes, they have two dads. Hoshi can and will support you in anything thats not plain out stupid
Jiyuros first kid is Nishi whos good and cautious, shes the single kid in the budding team 2 that thinks things through properly before doing something, but too much, shes a pesemist, and probably has anxiety, on the upside all of the plans shes involved with goes without a hitch because she provides endless “what if bad thing happens” scenarios, in the downside plans take so much longer because of said what ifs, she specialises in sealing and summoning but really really wants to be a medical ninja because you see what if someone gets hirt! what if renge becomes dumb bitch during a mission and gets hurt because shes a glass canon
the second kid is Takuhi whos the mediating voice of reason that pushes Renge to listen to what ifs and makes Nishi remember that sometimes improv is whats needed during a mission, hes on the cautious until proover otherwise side. He hangs out with Yokumo a lot and is slowly inhereting his paranoia and or world waryness
Chibans family is amazing because i love them, his wife Yamatora Seiho, usually called by her last name, is an ex shinobi from the land of grass (she freaked Tenjo out a bunch after the Ha’ame bullshit went down) thats just so fucking done with the kage and government so she went to do that good good farming cottage core life but shes really not suited for it. shes ready to throw the fuck down at any time but shes also kind to her kids and real serious
she also had a previous marrage that ended in good ol murder (not her killing her husband for once in this clans history) but basically she took her at the time 5 y/o son Usagi with her and Chiban said fuck it join the family instantly
Usagi feels so fucking left out tho cuz he wants to be included in the playing the other kids do but he cant manage to care about that whole ninja thing plus he doesnt have eye powers and just why bother, so instead he goes to Asaro and asks her to be his teacher, he also becomes a barber in the town because my god did Jiyuro really just almost cut his sons ear off???
Hikame and Yorukoi are twin girls and the other two that’re younger than naruto in the clan, theyre 9 when hes 12. They spend their time usually together or with Hotoki and Makoto since Usagi is 13 years older than them and Renge, Nishi and Takuhi are team 2 on missions a lot. Yorukoi really loves animals and looks up to Nishi because holy shit mom she can summon animals with only a lil blood holy fuck meanwhile Hikame likes art and drawing the aimals Yurokoi comes sprinting home to tell everyone she found
The twins and Hotoki will make up Team 3 just as soon as Yokumo lets them because oops a few years ago the whole konoha branch of the uchiha got fucking annihilated and we might be next.com 
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y-uyan · 6 years
i sat down this friday ready to watch “this” week’s long awaited qcyn episode and was only met with disappointment and anger. say aye if this phrase applies to you :))))
if iqiyi’s goal is to majorly piss off everyone watching then they have done a fabulous job :) thank you for once again letting everyone know what a trashy job of editing you continuously push out. if your picks include shi zhan, yao chi, the golden boys, and only those boys you will be a very happy viewer this episode because istg if you add all their clips tgt it probbly amounts to half the episode. thank you for once again screwing over he changxi, didnt see that one coming! you sure pulled a fast one on us :) like when changxi was talking about guan yue during the polling results! it must be so hard to edit that ugly black blob on him, huh? and thank you for trying SOSSO hard to give lin mo some screentime!!! all those still shots of practicing and comforting were probably WAY too out of ur budget to edit right? thats why u decided to just leave 怎么了 group totally unedited, good call. and like thank you for showing the same five boys over and over again so we know to vote for them to fulfill your agenda! at least you show consistency right? :) 
okay lets just push away the anger because its been a few days and my anger has manifested into dissapointment and just drained me. i mean there were some perks about this episode. number one being brave team practicing tgt and just acting like total idiots LOL 
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just look at shi mingze’s face oml im-
and when he slipped and you can see the worry in chen sijian’s face and zhan yu quickly helping him up! they were all so professional and they even redid the part later so mingze could perform his bit ;;;; love me some supportive friends
spirit of the knight looked absolutely bomb and im sure everyone there watching it live was probbly blown away ahhh what i would give to see it live. im sure changxi wowed everyone with his first on stage performance!!! (esp judging by the votes) and lin mo was such a good leader, spotting all their mistakes and constantly worrying for his group and helping with their emotional state too (huaiwei). 
my boi jiayi got centre!!! he was so unsure about himself and im glad that he got to finally show off his beautiful singing and slay that high note! wow much stable such voice (this meme is ded im sorry) but yeah i hope that performance instilled some confidence into him, esp for his singing abilities. wenhan was such a good team member by allowing someone else to get that centre position becuase everyone deserved to experience that ;;;;
what happened with yangyang was basically a repeat of last year with fcc and very good. all the good rappers were in one group and then a really popular trainee with very little skill was put into a group with lesser known trainees and completely wiped the floor with everyone else. its bound to happen, knowing everything is based on popularity. but thanks iqiyi for shoving into our faces how hard he worked as if to juxtapose that no one else worked that hard and that he deserved it. :))) he did try hard but im sure every single trainee put just as much sweat and tears into their own performance. but w.e! once again just something that grinds my gears, no one is to blame. 
i was actually very sad when yao chi didnt get centre but haofan really did deserve it! it was such a beautiful performance, going onto my playlist for sure! and yeah yao chi fans probbly had field day with this episode LOL dw i did too. hes really just a cinnamon roll ;;;; shi zhan is so fricken relatable??? do everything out of spite. oh you dont think i can do this??? well proceed to watch me do this exact thing and succeed. :)))) man hes lucky hes cute and has a stable fanbase LOL
ajdhbfkglkadfhf ears is??? so good??? like??? omg bro wtf li ronghao is a god and everyone in this group has fucking voices of angels ahhhhh. i love the performance ;;;;
lastly my favourite team of the episode!! kou cong, longhan, li you, hongyi, and bohan. they made me laugh so much espeicially with the journey to the west comparisons. why do they make so much sense. lol and kou cong and longhan’s relationship with longhan being so troublesome, kou cong wanting to beat him up with a shoe LOL. hongyi nagging all of them like a chant, telling them to eat strange things to keep up with their health. 
when yuu look past the shitty editing, the boys are a lot of fun and its really satisfying to gauge their dynamics and watch them improve! even though their personalities arnt so transparently shown as compared to first season, they are still a very loveable bunch. it just takes a while to look past all the bullshit and not be pissed that trainees that you like continuously get pushed aside for the more popular ones. sigh. whatever. im just gonna end on the note that i accidentally came across a spoilers post and couldnt help myself and saw who stayed and its really discouraging :/ ill most likely continue to watch to see if there will be come changes to top9 and if ppl who actually really deserve this chance are able to get it despite the awful editing (cough changxi cough mingming cough hanyu cough) 
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yenneferw · 7 years
You thirsty bitch jfc: In the Flesh, Supernatural, Hannibal, Black Sails
In the Flesh: 
my all-time ultimate fave character: Simon Monroe have you ever seen him in a sweater he is beautiful 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Jem was really shitty in the beginning but she got a lot better really quickly
a character I used to like but now don’t: the show’s not long enough for me to hate anyone lmaooooo
a character I’m indifferent about: idk some of those side characters they focused on for a hot second. I could see what they were going for but I just wanted my boys and Amy
a character who deserved better: Amy :-(
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I think I liked all of the ships they gave us fortunately 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Obvs Simon and Kieren and Kieren and Rick. Iconic. When will your faves EVER
a cute, low-key ship: Philip and Amy were cute low-key
my favourite storyline/moment: I really liked Kieren’s acceptance of his zombiehood and all and also I relaly like that Simon exists
a storyline that never should have been written: Mmm Amy died and that’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me
my first thoughts on the show: Ooh cool zombies
my thoughts now: I’m so in love with Simon and Kieren and Amy and I would die for them and this is the best show in the world and it’s the worst thing ever that it was canceled and I’m almost certainly dead bc of this show
my all-time ultimate fave character: Dean or Cas for sure it kinda fluctuates 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: I didn’t used to like Meg bc she was a bitch in the beginning but then she was fucking awesome 
a character I used to like but now don’t: I liked Ruby and then she turned into a bitch so I didn’t liek her in the end
a character I’m indifferent about: Idk I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head
a character who deserved better: Charlie. Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie. If you don’t think her death was bullshit then I don’t know if you were watching the sae show that I was
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: That Charlie/Dorothy thing? Was that a big thing? I can’t remember. But I do support Charlie being alive with a girlfriend 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Destiel lmaoooooooo 
a cute, low-key ship: Mm I think I remember thinking Dean/Benny was cute
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: what ships are unpopular? I feel so disconnected from the fandom anymore. Probably megstiel 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Sam and that Amelia girl. Who was she. Why was her only purpose manpain. I’m so tired
my favourite storyline/moment: Demon Dean was tragically short-lived and I wish spn would just keep turning him into a demon like we do lmao but also when Cas comes onscreen? Iconic
a storyline that never should have been written: All the damn dropped plotlines I used to know a bunch but I can’t remember them now. Also does homophobia, misogyny, and racism count. Bc lmao,,,,,,,
my first thoughts on the show: Unfortunately I was a superwholock bitch so idk what my first thoughts were but they were probably embarrassing 
my thoughts now: the horse is dead. does its corpse really need beaten anymore. But also I’m still gonna watch it bc they own my ass. Could’ve been so much cooler if you remove a) homophobia b) racism c) misogyny d) manpain and added instead More Castiel
my all-time ultimate fave character: Will Graham I’m so
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Idk did I dislike anyone? I mean I never liked Freddie but who did. I probably didn’t like Abel Gideon or whatever at first but he was a really cool serial killer and probably my favorite one of them on the show so
a character I used to like but now don’t: I started like Jack less toward the end. Everyone was going bad. It was a wild time. Like if you like falling from grace plots then Hannibal Is For You bc that’s literally every single goddamned character except pure gay Brian and Zeller in the background
a character I’m indifferent about: Idk I was pretty attached to everyone. Maybe Bedelia actually. I didn’t really have any thoughts on her
a character who deserved better: Beverly I kinda wish they hadn’t killed her off actually 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I think ppl ship Hannibal and Bedelia which nah
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Hannigram how iconic 
a cute, low-key ship: Alana/Margot also super fucking iconic I wish they had more
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Hannibal and Alana but I think that’s obvious considering he was high key manipulating her 
my favourite storyline/moment: The first part of s3 as a whole was really good but I also like the innocence of s1 but also the subtle fall from grace in s2. I just really love this show okay it was a very good show
a storyline that never should have been written: I don’t know if there was one it was a really well-written and good show imo. 
my first thoughts on the show: I found this show when Sherlock was kind of dying off bc of the fucking shitshow that was s4 and someone said it was basically better Sherlock and I was like alright I’ll go for it
my thoughts now: Lord. Heck. I love this show so much I should really rewatch it because I feel like I’m losing some of my love for it 
Black Sails:
my all-time ultimate fave character: James Flint. A gay icon. When will your fave ever. I’m sobbing right now okay I love James Flint more than I love most things he is literally the best thing to ever happen to anything ever and I would die for him. Honorable mention: Max. I cry when she breathes she’s so perfect
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Charles Vane. This show is really good at humanizing characters. I still have a lot of problems with Vane but I like where he was going in the end and I appreciate that he martyred himself. Also Teach for similar reasons, and also because his interactions with Jack did a good job of humanizing him I think. Plus his execution? Best martyrdom ever
a character I used to like but now don’t: Eleanor. I sort of liked her again for a hot second but I just didn’t like her after a while. She was going down a path I couldn’t get behind
a character I’m indifferent about: Go big or go home I’m indifferent about no one
a character who deserved better: Everyone they’re all so perfect I’m crying. Idk maybe Miranda tho like I completely agree with why she had to die for the story but I definitely had a Moment when she died and then I cried a lot about it
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Go big or go home motherfuckers. I guess maybe Eleanor/Rogers tho I don’t know that I ever felt anything for them. Until s4 I wasn’t convinced on silverflint bc I knew the ending tho but then ep1 of s4 and I was sold, on board, and ready to die for them
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: flinthamilton when will your faves EVER also maxanne CHRIST I love them with my entire heart and soul and I cry constantly. Also silverflint at this point I’m in love with all of them I’m sobbing right now
a cute, low-key ship: John and Madi are cute. And I’ve always liked the background relationship between Featherstone and Idelle idk
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: I feel like ppl don’t really ship Gates and James but I def did
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: I don’t think that it shouldn’t ahve happened because it was integral to their storylines and their characters, but Eleanor/Charles Vane. I didn’t like them but just because they weren’t right for each other at all. But their relationship did largely influence how they interacted with the storyline and each other and stuff so it was important.
my favourite storyline/moment: When James or Max or Anne walk on screen? Iconic. But no I liked when James was slipping after Miranda and did all the shit like blowing up the town. It was just very exciting and I was really attached to Miranda so I was backing him completely. But I also really just like s2 in general.  
a storyline that never should have been written: I don’t think anything shouldn’t have been written. It’s such a good show that I can’t think of anything that I really didnt like as a whole. I’m sad James and John are splitting apart I guess but I completely understand why it has to happen and I know Thomas is at the end so it’s okay
my first thoughts on the show: I saw two men kissing with the tag black sails and was desperate for representation so I made us watch it
my thoughts now: Oh my god there is literally no tv show better than this show. NOthing will ever be good enough for me because of this show. I want to explode every time I think of it I have so much love in my heart for it
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viralhottopics · 8 years
#OscarsSoWhite Was Important But The Oscars Were Not
In todays social media driven, viral culture, its not uncommon for a singular story to dominate the news cycle, only to be completely forgotten about shortly thereafter. If you haven’t overdosed on flakka or been poisoned by lead, think back to a couple of weeks ago when Jada Pinkett-Smith and Spike Lee announced, via their Instagram accounts, that they wouldn’t be attending Sundays Academy Awards over the exclusively eggshell pigment of the nominees.
Thanks to social media, their boycott then became a movement with momentum. #OscarsSoWhite, the movements popularly elected Twitter banner, was trending for a matter of weeks which is basically the highest validation something can receive nowadays. Joining their call for more diversity in films were: black people tired of not being represented in films, black actors tired of being racially type casted, and white actors apparently tired of being over-represented.
The movement to boycott the Oscars got so popular that some called for Chris Rock (the man doesn’t need an introduction), to join the cause and step down as host. As a result, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, issued a statement saying that she was heartbroken over the lack of diversity and that she would do everything in her power to fix it.
All of this and more, came to a head Sunday night at the ceremony. Leonardo DiCaprios prayers were answered and Chris Rock showed up, making the event a go. This was despite George Clooney among others, but namely George Clooney, being absent.
With his opening monologue, Rock wasted no time in addressing the racist elephant in the room. While his opening monologue was comedically brilliant, it will be remembered as the best opening monologue of all time because it summed up the current state of diversity and representation in the entertainment industry so well. Like much of Chris Rocks comedy, the genius of it lay in between the lines. Sure the punch lines slayed, but the subtexts made you really think.
ith his opening monologue, Rock wasted no time in addressing the racist elephant in the room.
In regards to the shows opening sequence, which included snippets from many of the years snubs, Rock said, Man, I counted at least 15 black people on that montage. Im here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the White peoples Choice Awards. In this choice line, Rock prophetically calls out the Academy for its after-the-fact attempts at diversity. I say it was prophetic because it just so happened that every commercial belonging to an Academy sponsor featured a mixed race or black family. However, the most painfully contrived example of pandering came at the end of the show, when Public Enemys played over the credits. My eyes were rolling so hard, I almost passed out.
After letting the initial shock, caused by directly calling the Oscars racist die, Rock pointed out the inherent irony of the #OscarsSoWhite movement by saying: Why are we protesting? The big question: Why this Oscars? Why this Oscars, you know? Its the 88th Academy Awards. Its the 88th Academy Awards, which means this whole no black nominees thing has happened at least 71 other times. O.K.? You gotta figure that it happened in the 50s, in the 60s you know, in the 60s, one of those years Sidney didnt put out a movie. Im sure there were no black nominees some of those years. Say 62 or 63, and black people did not protest. Why? Because we had real things to protest at the time, you know? We had real things to protest; you know, were too busy being raped and lynched to care about who won best cinematographer.
This is what makes Chris Rock a genius. His comedy operates on multiple levels. What hes saying, most clearly, is that the Oscars have never been diverse. But what hes really getting at is the systematic racism in Hollywood. Through further implication, hes also exposing the nearsightedness of people who don’t agree with the #OscarsSoWhite message. People in other decades never protested the obviously racist Oscar ceremonies, because they had other things on their plate like trying not to be killed. But that doesn’t make the Oscars any less racist.
That being said, the Oscars aren’t diverse because Hollywood doesn’t offer good roles to black actors on a regular basis. Not because the voters are racist. When he hilariously pointed out that he didn’t want to lose another job to Kevin Hart, the implication was that as two comedic black actors, theyre offered the same roles. It also says that there aren’t enough jobs in Hollywood for the both of them. He revisits this point later when he says that Jamie Foxx was so good in that Hollywood killed the real Ray Charles because they didn’t need two of these.
That being said, the Oscars aren’t diverse because Hollywood doesn’t offer good roles to black actors on a regular basis. Not because the voters are racist.
Rock then offered a caveat to the criticism of the Oscars by specifically addressing the people who started the movement. But what happened this year? What happened? People went mad. Spike got mad got mad, and Jada went mad, and Will went mad. Everybody went mad, you know? Jada got mad? Jada says she not coming, protesting. Im like aint she on a TV show? Jada is going to boycott the Oscars Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihannas panties. I wasnt invited. Oh, thats not an invitation I would turn down.
While he agrees with Jada and Spikes message, hes a comedian and cultural commentator, so hes paid to tell the whole truth, even when its unpopular. Jada is basically a television actress who is paid millions of dollars. Will, her husband, is an actor who has reaped the rewards of being the most bankable black actor in Hollywood not the most prolific. The Smiths are not a relatable family with relatable problems. Moreover, is also not exactly the movie to scream racism! over either. Its a PG-13 Sports drama not exactly Oscar material. That being said, Rock doesn’t mention Spike in any of this because was a great movie. But Spike Lee is wellSpike Lee. His films are too controversial, too real, to win Academy awards. Im not saying that its right but the Academy doesn’t often reward risk takers.
Rock then goes on by saying, Not everything is sexism. Not everything is racism. The Academys membership is mainly comprised of old, wrinkled, white men. So whats happening here isn’t exactly police brutality racism, its more, old-lady-clutching-her-purse racism. Its the summation of unconscious bias and the result of archaic perceptions of highbrow art.
This is what an organization that is totally out of touch with the public, looks like. This is what Rock is getting at when he points out that Hollywood is home to the nicest, most-liberal, white people; theyll vote for a black president, yet they wont hire black actors. Despite their liberal sensibilities, their whole way of thinking about entertainment has been shaped by an archaic system that deals in white stories. After all, the institution theyre part of still refers to movies as motion pictures.
This is what an organization that is totally out of touch with the public, looks like.
How many old people do you know saw How many old people you know of, know who the hell the N.W.A. are? As for yeah, its possible Oscar material, but its also a Netflix movie. Why the hell would the Academy of Motion pictures nominate a film thats made by the same company (Netflix) thats ravaging their industry, for anything? Oh, thats right, they wouldnt.
Despite the Oscars boycott, the general point of the #OscarsSoWhite movement is accurate. As Chris Rock puts it: We want opportunity. We want black actors to get the same opportunities as white actors.
It seems that the only way a black person can be nominated for something is by playing a mammy or a slave. While its truly fucked up, its nothing new, and blaming The Academy misses the point.
Who we should really be mad at, are the studios. The studios decide what gets made and what doesn’t. Theyre the ones who only want to make films dealing in the stalest of stereotypes. Theyre the ones who only want quality movies made with all black casts.
When Rock talked about Paul Giamatti playing someone who hates black people one year and playing someone who loves black people another, hes inferring something about the industry. He later says it out right: white actors get great roles, real roles, all the time. Black actors dont. They are confined to the archetypes and stereotypes created by the older generation.
Only in a Hollywood thats racist can an insane monologue about fucking fried chicken happen ina movie that won a bunch of Oscars (Only in a totally out of touch Hollywood could that god-forsaken movie about that white guy who saves the inner-city black kids from themselves, keep being made. You know the movie that Im talking about. The one with that white guy the black kids dont trust him at first, because of their rough upbringing and all that bullshit, so they treat him badly. But eventually he wins them over and they learn to trust him. He then teaches them about the beauty of learning or creative expression. He gets them out of the projects, they teach him how to dance. These movies are tired, embarrassing, and insulting.
However, the studios are only interested in making money, so they dont care about the cultural or societal repercussions that their trash movies are having on America. Theyve been doing it for so long that these stereotypes have become embedded in movie-watching language without most people even knowing it.
Its not an accident that we dont have an Asian American or Native American Ryan Gosling type of actor. To these old, white, wrinkled men, white is the norm. White culture and white people are considered the mainstream audience, which is where most of the money is to be made. Thats why the media has labeled Eddie Murphy and Kevin Hart, two of the biggest actor-comedians of all time, cross-over artists. As in, they successfully crossed over from the niche (black) market to the mainstream (white) market.
Getting mad at the Academy Awards is pointless. Yes, theyre celebrating their craft but its also an award show of made-up importance. All it is, is an event where beautiful people, who are already worshipped by the culture, further exacerbate their self-importance by giving each other golden statues of no inherent value. It only takes about $100 to make one of those creepy things. Giving them any more attention than that is a waste of time and energy.
Read more: http://tcat.tc/2j10fww
from #OscarsSoWhite Was Important But The Oscars Were Not
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