#and sent hate to me for him lolllll
starsweetiie · 2 years
Since I do post about Sorrel sometimes here, this is my fun disclaimer that he is a terrible bastard. Like no joke he's the worst.
I'm still playing through MSQ on him tho and he will get better as I go through!! His storyline is literally about him learning to be truer to himself and learning to like other people!!
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judesbelligoal · 2 months
this random as fuck, but godddddd the way I hate my father so fucking much. He’s such a deadbeat to all of his children (4 kids that we know of and only 2 of them have the same mom, I’m the only child of my mom) and he’s just a loser. Emotionally absent, physically absent, etc. My mom has been pushing me to forgive him and be nice to him but he’s such a bitch. Only wants to be involved in my life now that I’m an adult, when my parents split when I was 7 he didn’t give any fucks. Literally sent 46 texts spanning 5+ years. No calls, nothing. I genuinely hate that I wasn’t enough for that man. But he was a shitty father to his other kids anyway.
This rant is spurred on by the fact that 2 days ago was his birthday and I wished him happy birthday and he left me on read lolllll. I didn’t even want to say happy birthday to him, but I felt like that would be rude, so I did. Turns out it was fucking useless anyway lol. I hate that this is so prevalent for black fathers.
I’m genuinely done with that man now. Gave me the closure I needed.
Its not that you weren’t for him but that he’s not enough for you. Try not to blame yourself for him being a shit dad, you’re his child it shouldn’t be that way. He’ll wake up to see what he’s missing when its already too late🫶🏽
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bangtanlighters · 3 years
Fate! Chapter 27
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Genre: (um, lots of things) Joseon dynasty, past/present-ish, a sprinkle of hybrids
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: Princess Yemma was the youngest regent of Joseon, also the most feared. With her seven advisors who would give their life for her, she was untouchable…..When the princess died a new regent took control, however, the previous ruler died much too young for it to be natural.
Part 27 / ?
A/N: lolllll sorry for the short chapter and cliffhanger!!!!!!! Y'all still reading tho?
“Princess, please! If I may be so bold as to speak without permission. We’ve strayed too far away from the group.” Taehyung said from beside Yemma, the mid morning dirt felt cool on his paws.
“Calm yourself Taehyung, I’m just exploring a little. The men the Queen Mother sent to keep an eye on me are suffocating and dumb. It’s a pity I can't kill them until I get back to the palace, it would be easier to rid of their bodies in the woods.”
“Yes, but the woods aren’t safe-”
“Oh hush, look at Yoongi. He’s quietly accepting his fate and coming along with me.”
On the other side of the Princess, Yoongi watched her walk on a fallen tree but said nothing. He had been pretty quiet most of the walk, his human form was more comfortable for him. It was also easer for him to catch the princess if she fell.
"Besides, no one is here so you can loosen up. The meeting with that stupid prince went on for to long. That narcissist made me want to order you at his neck right then and there. This time alone for me is well needed.”
Taehyung gave up his useless scolding. As long as his princess was happy nothing else really mattered to him. The two continued walking beside her when they heard a snap not too far off.
“Taehyung, Yoongi, when we get back-”
“Yemma.” Yoongi said in a low voice. “Get down from there.”
Yoongi couldn’t repeat himself when an arrow flew past Yemma barely grazing her arm.
“Yemma!” Yoongi caught her as she fell from the log.
“Over here!” Taehyung barked from under a dirt ledge. Yoongi picked her up and ran over to the other wolf.
“Thankfully the arrow wasn't poisoned. But it did cut a little deeper than I'd like.” Yoongi sighed, ripping his clothes and wrapping it around Yemma’s arm. “Stay here. Taehyung and I will be back.”
“No! Don't go.” Yemma grabbed his sleeve. “Both of you, don't go. Just-just wait, for Jimin and Jungkook to get here.”
Yoongi kneeled in front of her and held her hand, Taehyung knelt next to him in his human form now.
"Yemma, Jimin and Jungkook have no idea this is happening. I smell more than one person out there. One of us must find them while the other goes to get the royal guards.” Yoongi said, his voice stern but soft.
“Why can’t you kill them then! You're more than capable of doing so!”
“Yemma, we have to catch them alive. These are the kind of people who will keep coming if we don’t cut the root. Yes, we can kill them but that’s all, we wont find out who has ordered them to do this. You know Yoongi and I were taught to kill anything that even thinks about harming you. We are physically unable to let them live, so please Princess.” Taehyung met her eyes. “Let one of us go get Jimin and Jungkook.”
Yemma squeezed Yoongi’s hand and Taehyung’s shoulder. She hated this, everytime she was in danger they had to leave her and she was left alone. She was fine but they came back cut and bruised, she feared that one day they may not come back at all.
“Promise me you will come back.” Yemma said quietly.
Yoongi and Taehyung held back their smile. She asked this every time they left her side like this. It was a side of her only they had seen.
“Of course, Princess.” They answered.
Yemma nodded and let go of their hands. They’d come back, they’d come back to her alive.
26<- ->28
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findrahil · 3 years
fic writing asks! thanks to @tol-himling and @crownlessliestheking for tagging!
how many works do you have on AO3?
44! i am quite proud of that number :D
what’s your total AO3 word count?
78563, soon to be added to by my trsb fic :)
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
7, including original work. in no particular order:
- the silmarillion (34)
- les mis (4)
- amadeus (1)
- classical music rpf (1)*
- mozart l'opera rock (1)*
- original work/historical fiction (1)
- good omens (1)
*same one as for amadeus
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. this eternal flame of mine (silmarillion)
2. ah, you loved him (amadeus/classical music rpf/mozart l'opera rock)
3. glass, irony, and grief (silmarillion)
4. death, and love (silmarillion)
5. sea-glass (silmarillion)
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yes! i do my best to, sometimes i get steamrolled by life and lose all motivation, but i really do enjoy talking to my readers--it just makes me so happy to know that some of you out there enjoy my writing :') <3
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ooooooohhhh.... good question when i don't actually remember what i write! i would vote for my first findrahil fic, salt, crimson, and the thread of fortune and death, but the art of breaking (mind the tags on this one) is a close second.
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
no, unless you count modern aus (none of which i've ever finished or published) as crossovers with modernity.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
WELL let me tell you. no one ever sent me hate for my writing style or anything that related to the fic itself, but there was this ONE really fucking weird anon who demanded i post personal information publicly so people could "decide if they want to engage with my smutfics" and also went around telling people to stop reading my work because i'm Badwrong. i don't owe anyone any information. devotion is the fic in question.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
yes,,,, typically i write pwp lmao, but since i am me, i like to add elements of dread, and fate, and relationship dynamics, and such, because no silmarillion fic is complete without pain!!
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. i've read fics with ideas similar to mine, but idea-swapping is a part of fandom and it's one of my favourite things to find a fic that i Want To Read. i follow the guideline of if your work is directly & specifically inspired by someone else's, credit inspiration, but that's it.
have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! my good omens fic (The Ethics of the Antichrist, Tolkien, and Marriage) has been translated into chinese by the lovely lynnlovego, and on the truths of memory is currently being translated into russian by the wonderful TiokDragon!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and tbh i think i'd fail miserably at it because i am awful at working on anything consistently.
what’s your all time favorite ship?
FINDRAHIL!!!! this is ENTIRELY @raisingcain-onceagain's fault, because now i think about them 24/7. the dynamic, the choices, the fate laid upon them by love,,, oh god i have never recovered. here is the fic that started it all: dear fellow traveler, for which i will never miss a chance to rec.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
lolllll my lay of leithian dialogue poem... it currently stands at 21 753 words, with the tenth chapter written out, but there is still so much to go...
what are your writing strengths?
alliteration and diction. i'm very particular about the way my words sound.
what are your writing weaknesses?
action. i have never written a good action scene, and i don't intend to start now.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it serves a purpose! i like using the occasional quenya word that many silm fans typically know (like "arimelda," etc) because i feel it adds an extra layer of depth to the text. i think it's the little words that pretty much everyone knows (or can guess from context), like the french "mon amour" or quenya "melda," that are an ideal use of another language in a fic, because they can really help to drive the point home. on the other hand, writing entire lines of dialogue in another language without a purposeful goal like leaving the reader out of the loop feels, to me, just inconvenient.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
amadeus/classical music rpf/mozart l'opera rock. i was deep in my music history phase back then (not that i've really climbed out... but now i just fixate on tchaikovsky... because i'm gay...).
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
honestly, i am really fucking proud of my lay of leithian poetry wip... writing poetry is HARD. of completed works, i would say salt, crimson, and the thread of fortune and death.
i tag: @raisingcain-onceagain, @admirablemonster, and @jaz-the-bard! anyone else who sees this and wants to participate, consider yourself tagged too! love y'all <3
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the100hurtme · 3 years
My thoughts reading ACOTAR:
Wait she’s the YOUNGEST doing all the work???
Lol def a faerie wolf
I was wondering if she was gonna be a book or paint or music protag guess she’s a paint one
That beast person is either sus or horny that’s all I’m saying
Does Lucien have a thing for tampon???
Why he gotta be so awkward...
Me googling “blight”
Wait where are all the Children of the Blessed whatever that get sent over the wall all the time???
This is some beauty and the beast shiz huh
Why have I been pronouncing her name as “fair” in my head like I know it’s “Fay-ruh”
They have a ceremony for him to have sex once a year 💀💀
I know it’s to move the plot along but it stresses me out when the girl keeps just wandering around in the dark
Lolllll you just know they’re gonna be the actual love interest when the protag thinks they’re hotter than the other guy
Lol I thought she was gonna start bleeding everywhere...
Bruh I thought it was wack that she left her room before sunrise.
Lol she really said “imma flash this hicky about”
Boy ain’t even sorry 😤 I hate men
Damn the bar is really on the floor when they fall for the first dude that treats her like a person.
Bro that’s just embarrassing
Lol I’m not buying it the dude saved her from three creeps there’s no way he’s that bad
Lol that’s why Autocorrect keeps changing it to tampon it’s cause the male Fae are the ones with a cycle.
This is Beauty and the Beast with some Spice 🌶😳
Lol why do I love that she didn’t say it back
Ok tampon didn’t think any of this was a tiny bit sus??? Like glamour or not he could have just made them mediocre in society instead of reinstating all of their accounts
How old is ELAIN?? Cause like in my head she’s 15-16 but she’s older than Feyre.
Like her and her garden are cute and all but still.
Lollllll of course Nesta remembers everything such a vibe
Nesta went to get Feyre back 🥺
HA NESTA REALLY SAID “are you sure you like him? Like you didn’t even try to stay...”
I mean that’s cute she’s going back into the wall.
Aight imma do a part 2
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naomioiko · 4 years
DD x Draco PT2
holaa im writing this in class this one is a bit longer lolllll :)) hope u enjoy iy or whateverrrr :33
TW: NSFW, cringyyyyy :(
unedited for right now :)
I'm planning on making atleast 20 of these :///: so yaa um here we goooo :) __ __ ___ ------- - - ---- -- - --
DD sat in charms class trying to brew a potion. She had a quill and a paper and she was doodling on it, waiting for class to end. Everything was going good until the Professor noticed her not paying attention and sent her to detention. Madelynn let out a giggle and Professor Snape sent her to detention aswell.
1st POV -
I was cleaning with DD because we had nothing else to do in detention... she was wearing a skirt and the normal Ravenclaw uniform. She was a good 4'10 and had to have help reaching the Stridex for the windows. I was about to help her, but she obviously got distracted by a certain somebody in the classroom. DRACO MALFOY! Why him of all boys!?!? Why couldn't she like POTTER??! Anyways.
She creepily watched him write down his notes, and I reminded her: "He can see you, you know" She snapped out of it and fell off of the stool she was using to get the supplies. Draco rolled his eyes in frustration and yelled back "Can't you be quiet for a two seconds?! I'm trying to study" I picked Dayana up and stuck my tongue out at Draco. "Piss off Malfoy!" Dayana went back to cleaning while I picked up the stuff she dropped. G r e a t.... Anyways!!!!
She reached for the broom in the closet. I was about to help her get it when Draco SHOVED ME OUT OF THE WAY like excuse me SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND NOT YOURS!! Whatever. I ignored it and watched him lift her up a little to help her. YEA. I WAS GETTING A LITTLE JEALOUS. Dayana was blushing like ALOT and you could obviously tell she had a crush on that poor excuse of a man Malfoy. I hate him. HE IS STEALING HER AWAY FROM ME! Anyways, I digress. Back to the story.
Draco didn't even notice how red she was and just went back to doing his notes in his desk. I ran up to Dayana and shouted at her, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing having a crush on DRACO MALFOY he will break your heart and he is a total jerk!" Dayana just turned her face away from me and replied with "I can't help it he is just so dreamy"
I smirk. "I'm going to tell him you said that" Dayana smacked me and screamed out loud to the whole class "SHUT UP!!!" I ran over to Draco while Dayana was trying to stop me. "Hey Draco~" "Someone has a crush on youuuuu!!!" Dayana pins me to the ground and smacks the living hell out of me. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" I push her off of me and calmly explain to her. " I am telling him you like him so y'all can get married" Dayana ran out of the classroom in embarrasment while I chased after her.
"Your detention isn't over yet DD~" Dayana came back in frustration and sat down in a chair with her head down. "Awwh don't be so sad DD, it'll be alright" Draco passed a note on DD's desk and went to the bathroom. "Oooh DD what does it sayyy" I say trying to read the note but she keeps hiding it from me. "I'm not telling you" She replies. "Is it a looooveee letttterrr" I say getting closer to her face. "As if" She says pushing me off of her.
"But seriously what does it say" Dayana shoves it in her pocket and walks out to the bathrooms with Draco. I saw the note come out of her pocket and I read it said and I qoute:
"Meet me in the bathrooms in 5 minutes. I have a surprise for you" I was in shock for like a good 10 minutes just staring at the wall. WAS SHE GOING TO HOOK UP WITh DRACO??! NOOOOO I HAD TO STOP HER!!!
"So, Hernandez. Is it true?" Draco says pushing Dayana against the wall. "What???" Dayana says not looking him in the eyes, trying to play dumb. Draco lifts her chin up to look at him. "You can't fool me, Dayana. You know what" Dayana's face turns red. "Thats what I thought" He smirks and gets closer to DD (If it was possible LMFAOOOO) Draco kisses her passionatly. He pulls away and watches Dayana stare at him in shock for a little. "You're such a good puppy for me, aren't you" Dayana squeals out: "M-mhm" She was not used to this. Draco unpins her and leaves the restroom, letting her unpack what in the world just happened. Madelynn ran to the bathrooms (FINALLLLLYYY) and saw dayana on the floor.
"DID HE HURT YO-" Then she saw the look on her face. "DID YOU GUYS-" Dayana shook her head. "NO! EWWWW YOU'RE GROSS" Madelynn shrugs. "Its just a question" Dayana ran back to the common rooms covering her face with her sleeves. Madelynn swears she saw Draco wink at her.
part 3 coming soon aww yea BBBB))
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