#and sent the screenshots to the rebloggers
olderthannetfic · 2 years
I deeply do not understand fandom creators who try to get people to stop reposting their creations on platforms where the OP doesn’t have an account. Asking people to credit them - absolutely! It’s reasonable to want credit for your work. But to insist that the work only be appreciated by people who have accounts on the exact platform the OP has? And to ask followers to harass any re-posters en-masse until the re-poster and all rebloggers delete the content? I’m baffled by this.
How is fans sharing your work and linking fellow fans back to your account a *bad* thing?!
Are you new?
Most creators don't want their work reposted. They may appreciate shares from Youtube and the like. They certainly do not appreciate someone making a separate video upload or whatever.
Fandom creators are even warier, particularly about their work escaping its intended context and finding hostile outsiders. Of fucking course they do not want their work on some other platform. That's the way to get waves of harassment sent back towards that fandom creator. It also often involves lots of asspats for the reposter and nothing for the creator.
I have no sympathy for reposters crying that they got harassed over art theft. Stop stealing if you can't take the heat, asshole!
Maximum audience is what shitty influencers want. It is not the ethos of fandom. Some people seek fandom fame more than others, but there has always been a strong sense of finding your corner, not of trying to get your shit out to the entire world.
WHY THE FUCK would I care about people needing the "convenience" of my fic on their own platform of choice? I use AO3 because I support AO3. I loathe Wattpad and will certainly not want to increase its popularity with my free labor and my content.
Yes, it does annoy me when people screenshot this blog and put it on twitter. I am intentionally not on twitter because twitter is garbage. I have no desire for my own writing to increase twitter's relevance. Fandom should stop treating twitter like The Place To Be. If people feel like they're missing out by being there and not here, good!
And obviously, I roll my eyes when some attention-seeker posts my shit to reddit and gets eighty billion upvotes. If you love me so much, go give my reddit account that karma. (If you're doing your own hobbydrama writeup or something, that's different though. I'm talking about c&p posts with little of your own content.)
There are different ways of sharing, and some of them are more annoying than others. Some platforms are irrelevant to a creator, while others they actively oppose being popular. Nobody is going to know or care if you post some fan art to a private discord with your friends.
Have some god damn sense, anon.
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alchemiclee · 2 months
i've been told/keep seeing posts about people suddenly not liking when people add tags to their posts with their own thoughts/feelings/opnions/experiences, and even people that say not to tag with certain common organizational tags (like ships for example i see the most. some people use a ship name for organization purposes and not necessarily for shipping. for example i use "collei and her dads" for cyno, tighnari, collei art for my organization so I cam find them again and theres been a few artists screaming not to use ship tags and that could be seen as a ship tag. so what do i do? not organize your art into my tags and let it get lost and never seen again? not share your art at all? kinda silly but whatever, ill just ignore your art).
I personally think that's all a bit ridiculous....i don't know if that's a more recent thing (like with twitter people coming here suddenly and expecting to act like this is twitter) or if it happened in the years since I took a break from tumblr. but bAcK iN mY DaY we used tags as a little whisper to add our own thoughts without interrupting the main post. adding hard comments or replies was more seen as "too much/too loud" if it wasn't something directly meant for OP. tags were usually never meant for OP and were always for the reblogger and their followers. these days more and more people seem to think tags on their posts are all speaking to them directly or interrupting their post (not to say you can't speak to OP through tags, like i'll say nice things about their art in tags) but not everything in someone's tags on a post they reblog from you is for you! you can ignore it!!!
I know on twitter (where I went after leaving tumblr a while back) people use quote retweets to speak to the OP often. but not always. I sometimes would quote a tweet to add my own thoughts while using the quote as like a citation to credit OP for the idea. but I have a few times where the OP thought I was speaking to/about them and got very upset about it. one was a large account who quoted me back and got very nasty and sent their minions after me. quotes are louder than tumblr tags. so that's more understandable, and I was always very hesitant to do it, but I personally see indirect tweets about another post as extremely rude and posting screenshots of tweets on twitter is also rude.
I loved coming back here mainly for the tag system! I missed being able to share a post and also quietly add my thoughts. go on long rambles related to the main post without stealing their post completely or needing to make a whole new post. I know most old tumblr users get that and don't care, probably. I NEVER saw anyone complain about it in the past. only say how much they love it. it was just part of how this site worked for us. a culture thing we naturally created. so i'm assuming it's mostly new users who don't get this culture? it also doesn't help tumblr made it so you now see tags in your notes tab and not just comments added and replies. before, you would have to go to "someone reblogged your post" to see if they added tags because tumblr only showed comments. I personally LOVE when people add tags to my post with their thoughts and stories and whatnot. ai i'd go to every reblog I got to see if there's tags added. it's like an uncommitted interaction. they dont expect a reply, i don't expect a reply. they are isolated thoughts, but still related. it's still a form of interaction, without the pressure of being direct, and I feel seen/heard when they add them. (it means they're not a bot, auto reblogging my posts /hj) seeing tags on my posts i'm not just shouting into the void alone and someone sees me. me adding tags to a post is a gentle "you're not alone/I hear you/im a real person not a bot" from me. but it also could be me saying "your post inspired me! I want to write something too! but im being quiet about it so i dont take away from your post and your post gets all the credit" when I add my own little tag ramble.
so the fact that people are now suddenly being upset by people adding their own experiences and thoughts to tags is super disappointing and and frankly annoying. tags don't take away from your post and you can just ignore them! no one is forcing you to expand the tags in your notes and read them! hardly anyone will see them. most will only read your post and not people's tags! I know no one usually reads my tags because i've added secret messages to the end of my tags and no one ever responds to it lmao things like send a pic in my ask and i'll draw it for you.
yes I know "RESPECT PEOPLE BOUNDARIES" but it kind of disrespects my needs as well. theres a thin line between someone's boundaries being crosses and someone's needs not being met. but that's a whole debate i'm not willing to have so don't start it. (not that kind of boundary is easy to not cross. not bringing up arguments. but asking people to not use a main function of a website is kind of pushing it imo...) yeah I want to respect boundaries the best i can, but unless you say in the post "don't reblog and add your own tags" no one will know and you get upset when no one knows. and no, no one will read your profile/pinned post before reblogging. no one will go to the original post and read your tags. they will only reblog it right off their dash if they aren't seeing it directly from you in the tags/for you page. some people will reblog 100 posts a day. they won't go to every profile/original post before reblogging just to see if you have any special conditions and rules for your random one post out of hundreds they see a day. that's too much to expect, honestly, sorry to say!
but this is tumblr. maybe it's better for people to accept the culture/etiquette here and let it happen without complaining, or realize this isn't the place for them! because it doesn't meet their needs and boundaries! and that's ok! it doesn't have to be your place. you don't need to stay here if you don't like how it works! asking an entire website to "respect your boundaries" by not participating in a basic or essential function of the website is a little ridiculous to be fair....
no i'm not saying your boundaries don't deserve to be respected. i'm saying this probably isn't the place to have those boundaries in the first place. because there's am established way this site functions that works in counter to your wanted boundaries, so it just doesn't fit your needs. and like I said that's ok! you don't need to stay here if it upsets you that much! it's better if you find a social media where people can't share your posts. like a simple blog site that doesn't have a share function! or like Instagram? people cant share those posts. (sorry, I dont know much about social media) if you really want people to stop adding tags that bad, either turn off reblogs completely, or ask staff to add a notification option to turn off seeing added tags on reblogs! (if you're veeerry lucky, and not a trans woman, they might listen to you)
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 months
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[Transcription: Sounds like that glitch is a bithch and a half to deal with. I don't mind if you go the screenshot-copy- post, route for what I've sent in. Here's a thought I've had when I read your predicament-Are you able to set the posts in your queue to private, edit them after they post, and then change the setting on the post to public?Anyway, that kind of stuff isway out of my wheelhouse. In other news, Happy New Year! I wish you the best in your endeavours. And to another year of trials and happiness! 🌸 End transcription]
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It is incredibly frustrating... Especially for a writing blog (or most editing blogs) like this where we usually answer asks with completed requests 🥹
But thank you!! Happy New Year to you as well!! 2023 has been quite the bumpy ride, here's to hoping the next year will be kinder and calmer for everyone 🎇🎉
To answer your question; I can't edit asks at all. Not to change what I typed in response, not to add or remove tags, not to change whether the post would be rebloggable or not, nor to change whether the post is private or public. The entire editing option is completely gone... I can technically hit 'answer' on something in my inbox, but once it's posted on the blog, kept in drafts, or in the queue it becomes uneditable 😐
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oswlld · 2 years
to the anon who just sent an ask, you have to send me a screenshot or an example of what kind of custom theme, if you can? there are cases when photosets, when posted as photos, convert to a text on the reblogger's side. not that t*mblr has been a consistent site, just wanted to be sure its not a new update that has not caught up to me.
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tugboatringo · 6 years
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alex turner, our beloved dumb fuck
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visiting-naturalist · 3 years
The Ask Box
Such a central element of Tumblr is, I think, taken for granted. Looking into the history of the ask box, I have learned many curious things about its evolution.
At one point, ask box messages received and posted were not rebloggable. Users resorted to such primitive tools as screenshots and copy-pasting text in order to turn a communication received via the ask box into something that could be shared.
In this early age, I also believe that asks could not be sent privately. This being long before the dawn of the messenger system, that meant that any communication conducted on Tumblr necessarily had to be done in public, with conversational asks of little importance winging back and forth across blogs in full view of all and sundry.
Then, just as now, it was always possible for correspondence to go missing before it reached its destination. Eaten by mysterious beasts, lost down dark digital holes—who knows, really, where all those lost messages have ended up?
And the anonymous function, present from the start, has also been a source of great contention, capable of engendering "anon hate" of great vitriol.
But even in its earliest incarnations, the ask box has always been vital to the continued existence of Tumblr. It is an essential element of life here, as important as the sun or the water. From the ask box friendships are borne and resources shared; iconic posts created and, of course, questions answered.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
@staff @support @wip can i get some help here?
Ive been trying to report a bug since 15th of September and been called a liar by staff twice despite sending screenshots of the bug.
I have a few reblogs that have been flagged, and i am being told i am the original poster but im not im just the reblogger and you can clearly see that im the reblogger in the evidence i sent you. But despite being a reblogger i have the right to apeals which your staff has said is impossible because I'm just reblogging so i must be the op. Well Im not and its clear as day on the images is sent you!.... and only my reblog is flagged not the original post.
I sent screenshots to you on three separate occasions (replying to your email chain aswell as two separate reports) and not once has your staff even looked at the screenshoots or if they have they didnt understand what they are looking at... so what to i do? How do i report a bug if
Your staff ignors the screenshots/or doenst understand how the platform works/looks
Doesn't respond to my replies the the email chain when i try to explain what the hell is going on
Tries to fob me off with 'thats impossible, it doesnt work like that' yes i know its not supposed to work like that thats why I'm trying to tell you somethings gone wrong...
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 years
not a dream
back in the early years of Tumblr, before a lot of you were on here, asks were not rebloggable, so every time that someone wanted to reblog somebody's answer to a question, they'd have to ask the OP to make it rebloggable by screenshotting and cropping it, then posting it as a picture image (or they'd do it themselves)
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at one point, I remember seeing a lot of posts starting along the lines of, "I was asked to make this rebloggable," etc.
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sometimes, people would really ask you to make something rebloggable, but other times users would just say they were asked that because they thought their ask could get notes posted that way
and back in the day, there was this legendary post, more a murder really, where a girl sent an anonymous message to herself and forgot to press anon and somebody screenied it and made it rebloggable and the rest is history
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I still sometimes stumble upon this image on Tumblr, although it's been ages since I last saw it
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autumnslance · 4 years
how do you get into roleplaying on a ff server? like how do you do it and how do you know if your character is lore compliant? ;A; pls youre a big inspo to me
*Hugs Nonny* Getting into RP on a FF server can vary; I don’t actually RP much these days, outside of some friends I already have connections to--and that in itself can be difficult just due to Life! It can take time, and patience, and some fits and starts.
And this gets...really really long, so buckle up and go below the cut, please. :)
The cut got broken by an edit. Sigh.
In game there’s always the RP status tag, and just doing RP with folks in public spaces. There may be trolls now and then, but they can be ignored. I personally find Balmung’s Quicksand area too busy and anxiety inducing and not actually all that conducive to actual RP, even “meet at a tavern” walk-up type. But unless you already have a ready-made group of friends/FCmates willing to RP more than some random walk-ups with you, it may take some legwork to find folks you can and want to write with.
Social Media There are a couple of RP community blogs, like @mooglemeet​ and @ffxiv-crystal-rp​  and plenty of server-specific ones. There’s also some Discords for these communities. They host and advertise events and reblog people who are looking for RP contacts. Some of them have running gdoc calendars and in game linkshells and fellowships as well.
Shofie has a good post about Tumblr/social media RP blogging.
It’s a fact now that social media outside game is a way to make contacts, or even a medium for RP itself. There are few centralized websites/forums for server RP communities anymore. Making connections over your social media, like Tumblr and Twitter, can help find RP. You can’t just throw your own character info out there or reblog prompts hoping others bite, though; you have to put in some work and show interest in others, too. This can be difficult and even scary. That’s OK.
RP is about collaboration and creating with other people, which means finding folks you can write with, and who see you as someone interesting but also interested in them and their OCs. If you want to keep it a solo endeavor focused on your own OCs, write fanfic (which I’ve actually made friends and gotten RP interests that way too through comment interactions, so hey).
If you reblog a prompt from someone, see others on your dash reblogging prompts, if people reblog that prompt post from you? Send them asks! Alternatively, don’t wait for prompts, just send asks, comments, or chats saying hello and things you notice or like about their blog/character/posts they make. Try to form connections with people you think are genuinely interesting and might be fun to talk with. Social media should be, well, social.
BUT respect boundaries, too. Don’t try sarcasm or jokes with people you don’t actually know, it tends to go over poorly. Unless someone’s specifically posting a naughty meme/prompt, keep stuff you others send clean and polite, especially if it’s unsolicited and you’re not already friends (doubly so if you don’t know how old they are IRL, there are laws you do not want to break). Respect if people aren’t open to random asks or chatting with new followers, or say “no” to RP, and know it’s not personal--it’s just what they have time, energy, and emotional/mental capacity for. Don’t give up on other people, though. This stuff can take time and effort to find those you click with.
Respect and communication with RP partners is pretty key.
Do curate your feeds and don’t be afraid to unfollow/mute/block folks, either. I’m selective in who I follow and remove as needed, too, for my own mental health. I miss so much of the discourse and drama and that’s fine by me. Also it costs nothing to not step in on a lot of the drama when it does pass in sight.
Profiles I have static RP profile pages for my girls here on Tumblr (and a lot of other static links and pages, but I’m weird about organizing like that). This way, if people want to write with me, send me prompts, if I sent them prompts, or they want to otherwise interact with my characters, the information is handily available. For some folks, this makes all the difference in who they choose to interact with: how easily can they find even basic info about your OC?
Some people make Carrds. Some folks have gdoc links, or use Dreamwidth, etc. Just keep the links in the blog’s sidebar menu, and/or in the blog desc so people can see ‘em on mobile. There are templates out there, or you can make your own. Feel free to snag mine if you’d like. A lot of times people also copy their profiles to rebloggable posts when looking for RP contacts. Profiles are a good way to let folks know just the at-a-glance basics about your character(s).
I picked a simple theme with a simple layout that makes it easy to add and show off links. I put them in the blog desc to make them easy to find on mobile, too.
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[Images: links from my blog sidebar menu showing how over organized I am]
RP, Stories, Lore Post some stories or RP logs (with permission of others involved) or even just random little blurbs and headcanons, as well as any screenshots, art, aesthetic posts for your OCs. Have something of interest to show for your character, too, so some of those folks your interacting with have something of their own to see and ask about!
If possible, try some light RP with friends and FC Mates who are amenable. Go to events, even if just to lurk at first. When you do get up the nerve to talk to people, don’t try to throw a character’s entire backstory at them, or try to steal the limelight--RP is collaboration, back and forth, and a lot like real conversation. Maybe come up with little light things to talk about if asked; a recent adventuring job, a silly shopping incident, etc. They can break the ice or just give you something to reply with for a few minutes.
Lore Compliance is Variable. Some people really want lore compliance, others are OK bending it here and there, while still others throw it out the window entirely. If you want to be super lore compliant...read. There’s a LOT of information, in game and out, for finding lore; from official publications and website material, to tools like Garland Tools site, to compilation blogs like @mirkemenagerie.
Note what’s important for your concept. Narrow it down. Characters aren’t going to know or be or do everything, so only worry about what’s necessary for the base idea. And be flexible; it’s SE’s sandbox, we just play in it, and they can change things any time. They usually do it in the guise of characters not knowing/having all the correct information, at least, but also some places just don’t exist in game yet so we don’t have info.
I’m unspecific about a lot of elements of Aeryn’s childhood, for instance, other than “traveling merchants near Thavnair.” I don’t have to be super specific. I can keep most details vague, and focus on her family and those relationships.
Dark, as my first character, has a fairly simple backstory that I’ve expanded on and adjusted over time as I learned and came up with new info. I also bet no one remembers I originally said Dark was from the North Shroud. I’ve changed things (now from East Shroud, due to the proximity to Gyr Abania and its Hellsguards) as I learned more about the world and my character. You don’t want to change things willy-nilly, but sometimes being flexible and smoothing down some rough edges and making small changes can be fine, especially as one gets more lore over time.
Iyna has a pretty detailed backstory, that came from a basic idea, and checking dates in the pre-Calamity timeline. I based her being taken and trained the way she was not only on what info we have about Garlemald’s imperial practices with conquered provinces, but borrowed a bit from real life and the re-education schools many Native Americans were forced into (though I haven’t gone into detail on that yet, either). I tied the turning point in Iyna’s life to a major event that wasn’t the Calamity, and have left plenty of space in between for me to fill in as time goes on and I learn more about her and the world.
The world isn’t static, and is bigger and more diverse than what can be shown in the game. There’s space in the margins for plenty of weird stuff and contradictions or unusual cases. So read up on what you can, ask questions, and then find where in those spaces your OC fits. Then, find people who enjoy similar tastes in lore compliance (or non-compliance), and who enjoy playing with you and your OCs, and not worrying about the rest. Can’t please everyone, nor get along with everyone, so don’t try; just find what works for you, and who works with you, and don’t police anyone else’s pretendy fun times, either.
There’s no magic answer on the “right” amount of lore compliance, or how to quickly and easily find RP partners or break into the broader RP community.
I hope this helps at least a little bit! Good luck in finding your niche for RP, and maybe I’ll see you sometime at an event :)
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lawonderlandwriter · 5 years
So here is all that has happened and all that I know and all of my thoughts on this intra-ship-tag war. For anyone who cares to read.
I hadn't written a new fic in a while. Not since Season 8 was airing, so I was not really aware of what was going on until one fic in particular where Jon has an abusive past, started getting negative attention. Most people will know which fic I’m talking about (for the purposes of this post, I’ll refer to it as FIC1). 
I had come across the fic randomly and skimmed it, deciding it seemed interesting and I would read it fully when I had the chance. Then I saw the hate the fic was getting and I read it fully immediately. I thought the fic was incredibly well written and wasn’t in any way a Jon-hate fic. Some parts of the fic I even was a tiny bit uncomfortable for the way it portrayed Dany, but I was too interested to let those parts get to me and I have since kept up with it and plan to read it until it’s conclusion. 
When I saw the hate on FIC1, I posted about it. How I thought the fic didn’t deserve the hate it was getting and how I thought people were casting judgement without really reading it, just commenting based on what they had heard about it and the author. 
This got me some hate but I stood by my fellow author. 
This was when I first heard of the “Discord” group. 
Everything I knew about the discord was hearsay as I am not and have never been involved in it. I heard the discord was all men who stanned Jon Snow and hate-commented on any fic they didn't like and had been policing the tag since basically the S8 finale. As I had seen hate comments on fics with my own eyes, I had no reason to question this. 
Especially when fics began showing up in the tag of Dany getting raped in response to each time FIC1 would update. Comments on those fics were sarcastic and crude and supportive. I have never used A03 as a social media platform so I was not and still am not very familiar with usernames. 
More accusations flew around that those responsible for these fics and fics that plagairised FIC1 stemmed from the Discord. I had no reason to believe otherwise (but I also had no reason to believe it was all Discord people either which I should not have so readily believed).
More fics were posted by authors I read and respect and more hate was flung around. Again, the Discord was blamed, perhaps* wrongly. My prejudice against this supposed discord group grew.
Then I started writing “Queens Always Have the Last Word” (QAHTLW). At first, the response was positive - everyone seemingly hates Sansa. A few complained I wasn’t changing Jon’s general S8 demeanor which annoyed me. I had made it perfectly clear in the tags that the story would focus on Dany - and I had already written a fic for Jon where he was the star and got the last word. This was her turn. 
I did not and still do not consider it a Jon-hate fic or that the fic is an attack on Jon’s character in any way. I kept Jon essentially close to his S8 self but added a bit more to him - additions I thought were positive.
But my fic was somehow labeled “Jon Snow hate.”  
Some people in comments on my and other fics have said something about S8 fics being “serious” fics, hence why I guess my QAHTLW was labeled “Jon hate.”
For one, this to me this seemed an incredibly arbitrary rule and it still seems incredibly arbitrary. That S8 fics HAVE to be “serious”. Why is it just S8 fics?
For those wondering, my understanding of a “serious” fic is a fic that HAS to feature Jon and Dany as being 100% equal to each other and the narrative HAS to treat them as 100% equal and be kind to both of them. 
If a fic is not considered “serious”, it is okay for Jon and Dany to not be 100% equal or treated equal by the narrative - one example of “non-serious” fics in the Jonerys A03 tag were harem fics. 
At least, that’s what I’ve been told by commenters - harem fics are okay to be in the Jonerys tag on A03 (even though they are incredibly unequal in regards of who gets to sleep with who) because apparently “no one takes them seriously.”
This is what I have been told: “No one takes harem fics seriously.”
So, because of this new standard set forth by people who either had been policing the tag, or people trying to explain the motives behind people policing the tag, a line became drawn. 
Those of us who don’t write or read harem fics, we (I, rather, but others likely as well) began to see this line as “Jon Snow stans” and “Daenerys stans”. Because it’s highly unlikely many Dany fans would want to read fics where Jon just gets to smash everyone in ASOIAF.
So then I had a pretty damning encounter with someone in the comments of Chapter 4 of QAHTLW. The hate started off right out the gate:
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This comment was a lot of things at once. 1) It cemented for me this weird divide between “Tumblr” (“Tumblrinas” as some call us) writers and “others” (I assumed all the “others” were Discord users). 2) It cemented for me that all the “others” were exclusively Jon fans, due to the accusation here that I don’t care about Jon, and 3) it was the first time I had been told to literally stop writing and leave to community. 
I reacted immediately. The encounter was petty (yes, I was petty too, fully admit it) and went on for several comments. Then my hate commenter responded with this:
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I had seen that “reeeeeeee” before. Just a day before actually, here on Tumblr. It wasn't a post of mine, but a response to one of my mutual’s posts. The person who reblogged with the “reeeeeeeee” comment left a nasty note about Dany going crazy - it was clearly a comment meant to be offensive to Dany stans. I reblogged said post and blocked the user who had made the “reeeeee” comment.
So because my hate commenter on A03 used the same language as the Tumblr reblogger, I called him out on it, thinking I knew who he was. We went back and forth on that for another round of comments, and then he sent me this:
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1) The user claims he is not the same person from Tumblr, 2) he admits to being in the “Discord” group, 3) He admits the Tumblr user I had blocked posts things from Tumblr to share with the Discord group for the purposes of making fun of us, and 4) he admits to using a “throwaway” account on A03 in order to avoid being banned by the site, should his comments get reported. 
Because of this encounter, I felt I had enough information to pass blanket judgement on the Discord group. To me, because of this person’s comments, the Discord was a place where male Jon Snow fans hung out and talked shit about Dany stans from Tumblr. 
And because this person had said things from Tumblr were shared (and laughed at) on the Discord, and because the very next day I posted a link on my Tumblr to QAHTLW, I felt I had made a connection. 
To me, it seemed like this hate comment stemmed from the Discord and was encouraged because of my reblogging of the Tumblr post. 
These comments on my fic felt like retaliation for something that had happened on Tumblr. 
It felt calculated. It felt systematic. It felt purposeful. It felt really fucking creepy. 
I reported it to A03.
A little while after the encounter, I got a final comment from this person. He had deleted his “throwaway” account and whatever other account he had been using, leaving me this on anon:
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While I did think him a jerk for all the things he had said, I can respect this. Thank you whoever you are for realizing you were being a bully. My comments to you were rude as well, I know. 
But he admitted his fault in instigating the argument and said he would stop. So, I can only say, respect. 
Still, though one person had left this “tag policing” behind, it had opened a can of worms. Again, he had admitted to the discord sharing and laughing at shit from Tumblr. And so far as I knew, he only found my fic because of the Discord (may or may not be true, but that’s how it came across to me at the time).  
My view of the Discord was lowered further. 
Then, another "problematic” Jonerys fic was posted. We’ll call this FIC2. 
I didn’t think anything of it, honestly. I really, seriously didn’t. 
It was by an author I love to death so naturally, anything she writes, I excitedly reblog. Which I did. I didn't do so with any kind of snide remark, I wasn’t thinking about the fic’s treatment of Jon (because I didn’t think the fic would treat Jon badly...and it didn’t), I didn’t think about the other characters this fic involved. Nothing. 
I was seriously just fucking reblogging a fic from a friend, and then of course left a generic “loved it, this was hot!” comment on the fic on A03. 
And I got hate for that. Surprise Surprise:
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This is two comments from, I’m assuming, two different users. Both were on anon. Once again, we were called “Tumblrinas”.
But a new level to this creepiness was added. 
Someone started using my name on A03 as their anon name. 
(The above comment thread has since been deleted but I screenshot it before the delete because I wanted to report to A03 - using someone else’s name and/or misrepresenting another user is very much in violation of A03s Terms of Service).
So that was the first fic this happened on but this person from FIC2 has since been going on all kinds of Jonerys fics on A03 leaving more comments, calling himself “LAStoryWriterAlex’s Rules and Regulations Enforcer.”
This was on another “problematic” fic (I won’t call it Jon hate because FFS it’s NOT Jon hate!):
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Along with leaving a sarcastic remark about how I and my “crew of miscreants” apparently have now made a rule that “you can only leave praise in comments”, this person also called the fic he was commenting on “garbage”. So, rude. 
Then he left this on a RAPE fic:
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He did not call the RAPE fic “garbage” and even used “please” and “thank you”.
Because this all seemed to stem from my reblog of FIC2 on Tumblr, I again assumed that this person, my “rules and regulations enforcer,” was from the Discord and had only seen my reblog of FIC2 because someone had snapshotted it and shown it to the Discord. 
I admit, it was wrong of me to assume this. I have no way of knowing if this person is from the Discord or not. But because of my last encounter, and as this was another thing that seemed to start from Tumblr, this is what I assumed. 
Then I posted my Dandry fic, Retrograde. 
You all know what happened with that.
In all honesty, I didn't write this to “piss off the incels”. (I also apologize for calling the entire Discord incels. I now know a few of you and realize this was a mistake). I wrote this fic because the idea came to me, it excited me, and once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. I was having fun with it. I’ve never shipped Dany/Gendry before, but since 8x04, this fic was always an idea in the back of my mind and I himhawed with writing it, mostly because I was busy with other things, but I worked on it. And when I got the first chapter done I posted.
And all hell broke loose. 
At first I had anon commenting enabled, but then disabled it because I just couldn’t fucking take it. It was exhausting. 
I got kind comments, I got neutral comments, I got rude comments, I got people arguing with each other in the comments, and then I got just fucked up comments -
Comments about me, my family, my weight:
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In short, my parents should have aborted me brutally, my mother is a dirty whore, I’m cancer (not the zodiac sign I’m guessing), and I’m allegedly fat. 
I admit, the fat one got to me. I’m not fat, never have been overweight. But I do occasionally obsess about my weight, so that one got a reaction from me and I know, I know it shouldn’t have. But I made note anyway, of the fact that all my profiles are linked and there are pics of me in existence online that prove I’m not fat - I wanted to prove I’m not fat. My vanity got the better of me and so invited people to find pictures of me. Which had certain consequences I’ll discuss in a moment. 
I also got fucked up comments about Gendry and Dany - Dany in that apparently she’s a whore, and Gendry because he’s an uneducated bastard. Which, way to go elitist scum. I really don’t feel bad about saying that. These comments are elitist and misogynistic. Really makes me wonder what people would think of Jon if the show hadn’t made him legitimate. Would they all still stan him then? Do they only like him because he was heir to the throne??
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Anyway, that as just the first two pages! (There were more supportive comments than not - I think) but there are now 8 pages of comments. So you can only guess what the rest of those 8 pages contain. 
I got all kinds of anons on Tumblr because of this. Some who supported my fic - thank you - and others who spewed the same kind of drivel from A03. I’m a whore, cunt, dumb bitch, awful writer, etc. 
Then, because I had exposed myself and made note of all my profiles being linked (which I had initially done so friendly A03 people could find my Tumblr if they didn’t already connect the two), I started getting anons commenting on, of all things, my fucking forehead, which apparently is larger than normal? Whatever, fuck you, I think I’m adorable, so there. 
I got an anon recently talking about the connection myself and others had made between the Discord and the revenge rape fics.
I agreed with anon in my response, that it was wrong for me to blame the Discord for fics like the beastiality fic in the tag. I pointed out however, that people were not attacking that writer the way they’ve been attacking me and others.
Again, it was wrong of me to assume all people in the Discord were leaving the hate comments. I admit that and I apologize for it. 
But I have proof (above) that at least one of the people policing the tag was from the Discord. And I have since had reason to believe some in the Discord still police the tag and do so quite hatefully. 
I was thinking about this most recent anon a lot since I got it and answered it. And then today when I was cursing the tag...
I came across one of the Modern Targcest fics. 
And I saw red. 
I clicked on the A03 “Collection” and skimmed through. Many of the fics were ones I had already seen/skimmed or read. But looking at the collection as a whole, I got an impression of the tag. 
And yes, I admit, my impression did not apply to all fics. And even the fics it did apply to, I should have never called out. 
I wanted to make a point, and I went about it the wrong way. 
The point I had wanted to make was that all the people policing the tag were hypocrites because these DubCon fics (some are less consensual than others) had relatively low engagement compared to my fic which was 100% consensual.
This still is something that bothers me, honestly, though it is through no fault of the authors of these DubCon fics. 
I just really hate that those fics are left relatively in peace and a fic like mine is not. Do I want those fics to get more hate? No. I just want the hate on mine and others like it to stop.
But I did go about it the wrong way. 
Certain people felt I misrepresented certain fics when I made THIS post. I roped all the fics into one category, and made an assumption about them all and that was wrong. 
Also, some people thought by making this post, I was saying that these authors “like” rape or are real life rape apologists, which was not my intention either. 
I still believe some of these fics are on a rape-spectrum. I’m sorry, that’s just what DubCon is. Not all of these DubCon fics are rapey, but some of them are. 
And it’s fine if that’s what you want to write and read. Really, it is. As I’ve stated, fanfic is a SAFE place for people to explore taboos, like rape and incest. Just because we read and write about it, doesn’t mean we would ever do it in real life. In fic, it’s fine though. 
And I apologize if my post came off as kink-shaming. Not my intention. 
Again, my intention was merely to point out the discrepancy in reaction to these fics because to me, a DubCon fic is more problematic than a cheating fic. My opinion. You may not share my opinion. 
Really my intention here was for people to realize that, if you can turn a blind eye to DubCon (something I find pretty problematic), then you should also be able to spare the same courtesy to other fics, like cheating, cuck, or “Jon Snow hate fics” - (and it’s always someone’s opinion whether or not the fic is truly Jon Snow hate).
If Dany fans can make it through the tag without commenting on some of the more extreme DubCon fics, and through the Harem fics, then Jon Snow fans should be able to make it through the tag without commenting on the cheating and the cuck fics. (and if Jon Snow fans can pass the harem fics and not think anything of them and not hate comment, they should be able to pass by the cuck fics too!!) - cuz I don’t want people to assume I’m accusing all Jon fans of liking those harem fics. Probably many of you don’t. But if you’ve left hate on a cuck fic, but not a harem fic, that’s hypocritical. It really is. 
If you’ve policed the tag and harassed an author for “punishing” Jon in their fic telling the author that they’re not really a Jon fan or not really a Jonerys fan, but you haven’t done the same in a harem (or similar) fic and stuck up for say, Dany, claiming the author isn’t a real Dany/Jonerys fan, you’re a hypocrite. 
Because as I’ve pointed out, Jon and Dany aren’t at all treated the same or equal in those kinds of fics. 
This isn't to say those fics are wrong, or shouldn’t be written, or don’t belong in the tag. It’s just to say if you give them a pass, you must also give a pass to everyone else. 
You can’t just pick and choose which “unequal” Jonerys fics are allowed and which aren’t. 
Which S8 fix-it-fics are allowed and which aren’t.
Which fics are “serious” and which are “non-serious”. (Many of the harem/breeding fics have Jon/Dany as the main pairing!)
Which are written by “real” Jonerys fans and which aren’t.
You don’t get to just make shit up. 
Yes, some Dany stans are angry at Jon and want to punish him in their fics for S8 and make him sit by and watch while Dany hooks up with Daario or resurrected Drogo or Gendry or whoever.
Some Jon stans want Jon to breed Missandei and Sansa while still being married to Dany because they want to make Dany barren in their narrative even though in actual ASOIAF canon, she’s probably not.
It’s called, Deal with it. 
Again, no one here is on the “right” side. No one should be policing the tag. Period. 
Also, side note, no one should be insulting authors looks or using the public photos authors use as a way to harass them. This isn’t only happening to me. If we post photos of our lives, it’s because we want to share with people. It’s not an invitation for you to use that against us. Don’t be fucking creepy. And if you know if someone being fucking creepy, tell them to stop!
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kipbip · 5 years
hey remember when your friend would have a really funny response to an ask and you said "oh i GOTTA reblog that. can you screenshot this and post it so i can share?" like the thought "rebloggable version" just went through my head and sent me BACK
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demented-dukey · 5 years
that-reblogger tumblr post 186890222404 It's finally happened; Moxiety is starting to be targeted as well as shown in reblogger's screenshot. smh Soon EVERYTHING is going to be "problematic" in this fandom at the rate things are going on the hellsite that is Tumblr.
I explained it a little more in my reblog, but no, I think you’re jumping the gun a little, Anon. Moxiety isn’t being “targeted”, imo. As I read the screenshot, I saw someone who was mildly squicked by the ship asking ppl to be aware that it is a ~possible~ squick, and requesting that ppl not be sent hatemail or otherwise “bothered” if they end up ~blocking~ the ship due to how uncomfortable they are with it.
It was a call for awareness and understanding, not an attack. That’s my take on the screenshot, anyway. The reply may have been a touch too defensive, but emotions are running high, and misunderstandings are to be forgiven.
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newdirectionshq · 6 years
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Jess and I have mentioned bringing in a guide to ensure that every member is aware of what we are looking for in assigning views each week. To ensure we are all on the same page, we’ve listed what is required to meet the view threshold for each item on the VIEWS PAGE. Please be sure you’re reading this post to the end - this is very important, and moving forward there will be an expectation that you have read and understand the contents. 
I would also like to offer a reminder that the requirements for tasks and events will be explained in the task and event posts. 
As always, please message us if you have any questions.
Before we get into the guide, however, we do want to address something in a more general sense. We are blown away with the content that is being produced for the game, however we want to ensure that everything that is being produced for the game is and continues to be mindful. Everything should contribute to the character development or plot for your character. Please be conscious of what you are putting out and ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward and continuing to contribute meaningful content.
DO ( ✔ ) / DON’T ( ✖ )
The requirements for each of the options are as follows:
✔ A dash starter posted in the "NDHQSTARTER" tag which all other players in the game can respond to [ example, example ]; 
✖ Open texts; 
✖ Replies to post replies; 
✖ Social media comments.
✔ A dash starter posted in the “NDHQSTARTER” tag that reached 50 notes in the week it was posted (Sunday to Saturday);
✖ Texts
✔ A dash starter posted in the “NDHQSTARTER” tag that reached 100 notes in the week it was posted (Sunday to Saturday);
✖ Texts
✔ Replying to all dash starters posted in the “NDHQSTARTER” tag that are posted between Sunday and Saturday.
✔ Mobile text messages formatted as Tumblr chat posts open to anyone in the game, or to specific members [ example, example ];
✖ Social media comments.
✔ An on-dash para or f2f interaction open to anyone in the game, or to specific members;
✔ Including the header as indicated below:
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✖ Online/dash conversations.
✔ A f2f or para that reached 5+ notes in the week it was posted (Sunday to Saturday);
✖ Reaching 5+ notes in a subsequent week;
✖ Likes that the post may receive do not count for notes.
✔ A f2f or para that reached 10+ notes in the week it was posted (Sunday to Saturday);
✖ Reaching 10+ notes in a subsequent week;
✖ Likes that the post may receive do not count for notes.
✔ A f2f or para interaction written on Discord or Chatzy that is posted when it is 100% complete;
✔ Points will be available only when it is finished regardless of when it was started;
✖ Anything not totally complete.
✔ Tweets, Snapchat, instagrams, Facebook statuses or Youtube uploads to your characters social media;
✔ Each of the above requires a username for your character and in-character caption;
✔ FOR INSTAGRAM: a photo, an indication of number likes and comments on the photo;
✔ FOR SNAPCHAT: a photo or graphic, and whether it was sent to an individual or posted to a public story.
✔ FOR TWITTER: a minimum of 2 tweets per post, either in graphic form or posted directly to the dash, an inclusion of at least one mention (@) or hashtag (#) per set;
✔ FOR YOUTUBE: an image (either an existing video with credit, or a graphic of your own), an indication of the length of the video, the views of the video, and the number of thumbs up or thumbs down.
✖ Reblogged quotes or images;
✖ Reposted gifs or images without credit. If you are using someone else’s gifs, please credit in the tags or post.
✖ Gif sets or photosets with replaced captions;
✔ A 9-image gif board depicting a certain aspect of your muse or a relationship;
✔ A caption indicating what the moodboard is to represent;
✖ Reblogging or reposting entire gifsets which are not made by you. 
✔ A visual depiction of some aspect of your muse formatted as a photoset with a theme, or created in photoshop.
✔ A caption indicating what the aesthetic is to represent
✖ Reblogging or reposting aesthetics made for characters or tropes which are not made by you. 
✔ 150+ words of meta describing a headcanon or biographical point for your character;
✔ 5+ songs; 
✔ With an image or other type of cover art;
✔ Links to songs on Spotify or YouTube are required to get views for creating a playlist; 
✖ Links to online playlists not made by you.
✔ A scene written by you of 300+ words, either solo or incorporating non-playable characters;
✔ An indication of the word count in the post;
✖ Meta.
✔ A scene written by you of 500+ words, either solo or incorporating non-playable characters;
✔ An indication of the word count in the post;
✖ Meta.
✔ Reblogged photos, music, quotes, photosets or pre-made content;
✖ Reposted images without credit.
✔ Hitting ask limit outside of Sinful Sunday;
✔ Providing proof in the form of a screenshot at submission time.
✔ A maximum of once per week.
✔ Every 100 posts made on your blog when the total post count reaches the round number.
✔ A challenge or prompt suggestion sent in during points submission; 
✔ If you’re an existing member that has read to the end of this post, send an ask to the main acknowledging you’ve done so;
✖ Links to rebloggable memes. 
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