#and seriously we don't get enough of poseidon in LO
genericpuff · 2 years
apparently poseidon is the only god in all of LO who isn't casually or directly racist (/s)
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meanwhile hera is like:
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like rachel wants us to think "wow hades is really sad because he's the only one without a date" but really all i get from this now is hades checking if the nymph trash wife is at the party because hera literally just said 'nymph trash' aloud when amphitrite is LITERALLY THERE AT THE PARTY and also hades just got stood up by his own nymph partner
and hera's response is like "yeah i know, i didn't wanna invite nymphs to this thing either but we had to because poseidon is married to one"
uh oh spaghettio's, poseidon is the only cool god in the entire LO pantheon oop-
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
The Terminator | Film Locations
It's true that we think that the explosion happens to the north of Los Angeles and the fallout an explosion would not hit her but it wasn't her as clones of hers or sisters we know it's clones and she just hit with a second device which is not a nuke and it's a flame device I'm trying to say it's big and confused people and it doesn't work and the sandwich is spelling it now and what we say is good so it goes off and supposed it is north of the city like you thought it was and that is the area that blows up and it's near that posh area which actually gets fall out it's not as far as Malibu but it's near Pasadena and it does get evacuated and it's ruined and they plow it over and they treat it and people are blamed and they're horrified and they go after them pretty hard and then go after the clones finally and they take it seriously he's playing out where this stuff is because they go in and around there there are some more areas that they're not showing here and he can recognize them if he looks at them he's going to try
Thor Freya
It is the chase and it's the end of the movie that's where it is and he was guessing that the device was in the truck and that they don't detonate it till the next day
Thor Freya after removing it from the truck
Oh no but okay we're going to have to get ready and everyone in this could be a day or two or a week we think it's going to be a lot sooner than a week
We're going to plan on a day or two this stuff does not take long and they're just driving around and putting a weapon in place there are some things that happen that they get the weapons to use and we're going ahead with it and we think it might be muto possibly because it pushes people to get the ships out and that would happen in concert with Godzilla and Godzilla would be coming from here and they say it comes from New York City and that might be Godzilla who is not really a dinosaur actually that looks like a dinosaur the one that comes from here comes out because of infighting and it's happening over the apartment right around here and she comes out pretty big but not that not as big as what you see here it's one that's near where they're fighting all the time and fighting downtown and it's in that grassy Park area but that's not enough the fighting the tunnels is where it is oh and I know what it is and he just figured it out and she did it goes from the tunnels to the river and under the river tunnels and out of the river and it is what triggers it for some reason this particular monster is pretty big but it's not 2 miles and he's going to try and find it
Nuada Ariana we know where it is and father and mother know where it is and they want to say
You know where it is and they're not letting us but we could but we would have to do a lot of work we have to anyways but we're going to go ahead and let it ride
Poseidon and goddess wife
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. Okay how am I suppose to take the plot of LO seriously in any aspect of what it’s trying to be if only 1 month and a couple days have gone by. Am I suppose to actually root for a creepy age gap getting married after getting to know each after a month (I know they technically met before BUT Hades didn’t even remember)
2. THE BIGGEST PLOT HOLE in LO is the dress Persphone borrows from Artemis. Artemis is taller than Persphone yet that dress she has wouldn’t fit herself cause it barely covered Persphone.
3. what i remember about hxp getting popular was people loving hades wasnt like his brothers and was actually shy and timid while persephone this wildcard who demanded respect, and LO does the exact opposite of it? like lo hades is worse than his brothers and is every bad stereotype hades has been subjected to and lo persephone is laughably unimpressive, coming off as a spoiled child over a feared queen. it really is just rachel's OCs with greek names over even tumblr ideas of the gods.
4. its honestly gross how rachel made an entire race of women who only exist to praise hades and be killed off for persephone's "development". theyre claimed to be like her family and that she loved them enough to snap and kill a whole village when they died, yet they dont even have names. she doesnt even think about them or even mention them, we have to find out they even existed through minthe's scheming, not via persephone at all. they only exist to serve persephone's plot and that's it.
5. i dont know if its because of webtoons itself or the time crunch or burnout or just rachel bitting off more than she can chew, but LO feels like a husk of its former self at this point. any sort of unique ideas and style has been lost to whatever seems most marketable and safe. it feels like its lost its heart along the way. im thankful it made webcomics more viable, but i know whatever comes after it will be so much better, likely to not fall into the same pitfalls LO imposed on itself.
6. I feel like the fact even LO itself acknowledges its creepy Persephone is so young and Hera (who should have kept up her disapproving of the relationship, tbh) points out exactly how Hades can (and eventually does, even unintentionally) manipulates Persephone into who he wants to be is such a self-imposed issue. If RS is so self aware, why write these factors in to begin with and point out how creepy they are? Because it's not "having a laugh" about it, it just makes her writing look stupid.
7. I saw someone with the username Persephone with that one "dread queen" image as their profile picture studying Greek on Duolingo today. On one hand I guess it's cool that people are learning Greek because of LO, on the other hand I'm scared for the Greeks being told that they don't know their own mythology... in Greek
From OP:
LMAO! On a side note:
RS is also learning greek so maybe we'll see more of the language in the comic.
8. LO is so like "kronos ate hades! feet bad for him!" which like poseidon was eaten too? wheres his sob story then? and its dumb to pretend zeus wouldnt have a lot of baggage from kronos too? like he was born just to defeat him w/ his youth being nothing but training for it, how could that not mess w/ him? its like how minthe has the actual sad background and underdog status, but rachel frames her as the one oppressing the spoiled heiress. hxp favoritism is expected but LO does it so badly.
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