phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Morning, Castor.
It’s been a long, strange journey since the last post was put up here. I know for a fact that we have let this place grow some cobwebs. As we tidy those up, we decided, as a group, to allow OC’s! This was a rather easy decision, hoping this will start getting people to apply and join! We are still remaining, as players, on a semi-hiatus as we wait for more players to join the fun! We felt this was the best decision and we’re more than excited to see what others come up with for Phoenix! You can find the OC Application here as well as through our Submit page. There is a link that’ll take you right to it! 
We are, however, limiting the amount of OCs we allow because of how much detail that is required to write an OC. We aren’t being picky, we are just incredibly thorough and want to make sure you’ll have the best time writing with us while not having to think you over-stepped or lacked in your character’s biography. The limit at this time is 10 and we may increase or decrease that number as time goes on!
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this and we hope you take an interest in Phoenix!
 - Admin Ay
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Good Morning, Castor!
As many people have seen if they have checked out the pages of our characters, activity has been very...limited. It has nothing to do with our lack of interest in the group. That’s far from it! We just know that with only the five of us going for nearly over a year by ourselves has really made us realize that we’d like to have more people involved. Phoenix, before Tumblr, was always about being in a big province, so we need extra players to keep it going. We’re interested in our plots and even our characters, but we need more characters to interact with.
We’ll be shoveling out biographies as much as we can, trying to put together something so people can have a larger variety of characters to choose from. We love the idea of people coming to us with questions as well since we are here to help as well as RP.
Thank you to those who posted our shout-outs, by the way! We truly appreciate it. As for those who are following our RP blog, thank you as well! It means the world to us that you have enough interest in this group to keep it around on your dashboard!
So, with that being said, we’re open for applications and keep checking back for more biographies!
 - Admin Ay
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
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“You gotta know how to treat me like a lady. Even when I'm acting crazy, tell me everything's alright.” - Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor
NAME: Aubrey Savage
AGE: 40
OCCUPATION: Sentinel Officer
BIRTHPLACE: Miami, Florida
FACE CLAIM: Emmy Rossum
Aubrey thought she had it all as she grew up. A great home life, friends, and she was head-over-heels in love with her high school sweetheart, Brent. However there were little things she didn’t catch on to; His constant need to check on her, the attitude when she didn’t answer her phone, the overly tight grip on her arm when he wanted to leave somewhere, or the belittling remarks that increased over time. They were chalked up to being both overly caring and teasing at the same time, however there was no denying the truth after the black-eyes started.
She was a young woman and all she knew was the life she had forged with him. They met as freshmen in high school and kept their relationship going all four years and even afterwards. Brent constantly was between jobs and in the process increased his intake of alcohol, the liquor only fueling him further when his outlet for anger was Aubrey. Sure, she tried to leave more than once, but he always found her and convinced her to come back with claims he had changed and was sorry. Over time she started to accept this as her life and shut down, the toxic relationship at home causing her approach to others to be just as toxic to keep them at bay. The final straw was when Aubrey’s sister called her in the middle of the day in the midst of a panic attack. Aubrey immediately grabbed her car keys and headed for the door but Brent stopped her, claiming her sister was simply being over dramatic and that Aubrey didn’t need to leave. An argument ensued and Aubrey, fueled by her sister’s need, did not back down and made it out the door.
That evening, while still at her sister’s apartment, she gathered up the courage to break things off with Brent over the phone. He took it uncharacteristically well, something that hadn’t happened any other time she tried to leave, and she foolishly was not suspicious. What she had anticipated to be a smooth transition was far from it, for when she arrived to gather her things Brent was there waiting for her...With his gun. The police bought the story that he thought she was a burglar and the entire incident was accidental, but there was no way for them to know the truth. Aubrey tried her best to get them to understand but her screams fell on deaf ears and it wouldn’t be long before she knew why there was no response to her pleas - She was dead, watching as a ghost as Brent was deemed innocent. He even dared to shed a few tears and the entire thing infuriated her. How dare he! He may have gotten away with it legally but she wouldn’t let him live on peacefully after all he had done to her. Vengeance would be hers.
For over a year she haunted Brent and all that he did. He would never get a full night of sleep again but all of Aubrey’s efforts still did not satiate her need for revenge and it enraged her more. This anger should have been something she avoided but she embraced it and used it to her advantage. It soon became too much for him - The constant whispers taunting him of his guilt, the stress from lack of sleep and coming home to his home trashed - And he suffered a heart attack.
Satisfied by her revenge, Aubrey moved on with her life though it wasn’t simple. She had caused Brent’s death, she was the one driven strongly by her anger without ways to control it. It has now been years since she she settled in Castor but the possibility of becoming a poltergeist still lingers over her. Even while using her job as a Sentinel to channel her emotions, it is a daily struggle to keep her guilt and anger in line, and part of her wonders if she’ll ever regain full control and be able to live without worry. The question is, though, what will happen if she doesn’t?
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Passionate, Strong-Willed, Quick-Witted
NEGATIVE: Distant, Agressive, Hot-Tempered
CHARLIE: Charlie is one of the few that helps keep Aubrey grounded. She finds his large caffeine intake amusing and a way to distract her from whatever troubles her. He knows more about her own species than she does and she doesn’t hesitate to ask him for input or advice.
FREJA: Freja’s difficulty making friends did not play a part for her and Aubrey. She was one of the first few of the Cirque that the Ghost met and the some of the mermaid’s traits reminded her of her old self growing up. She just can’t place why.
BLAIR: Aubrey met Blair shortly after the other Ghost joined the Sentiels. Blair has every right to be angry over her own situation...Yet she isn’t, and it fascinates Aubrey. She’s curious as to how her colleague can remain so put together, far away from the path Aubrey was going down.
GERALT: What Sentinel wouldn’t have Geralt in their phone on speed dial? This man’s talent and respect for weapons has most definitely won over her friendship. Though, with his craft, she’s got no problem calling Geralt her favorite. Whenever a new weapon comes out, she’s on the phone with him and ordering it. The same goes for when her weapons need fixing or replacing.
ADELA: This woman’s strength intrigues her, leaving Aubrey completely excited by the prospect of getting to know her. She knows, though, that there is something more to the woman than the air she gives off. To Aubrey, if they were to become friends, she’d hope the woman wasn’t involved with anything that could get the both of them on Mischa’s bad side.
LYDIA: Despite her lack of need for eating what-so-ever, she finds the woman’s artistic ability with food to be more than interesting. She’s seen the woman cook when the Sentinels get called in for some sort of call of a domestic disturbance, but that’s usually the only time she sees her. Though, someday, Aubrey might actually meet the woman for coffee.
TOBIAS: This sweet Angel has got to be the only one she can tolerate without feeling that aggression boil up. Sure, he was chipper just like the rest of them, but he seemed so sweet that she couldn’t help but be nice to him. Since she’s gotten to know him, though, she’s fiercely loyal and would do anything for Tobias. If he’s ever hurt, though, you can bet her anger is raging and she’s fighting off becoming a poltergeist.
This character is: OPEN || RESERVED || TAKEN
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
It honestly seems a bit unfair that you aren't even open but, you have so many characters taken.
Hey there! We're sorry you feel that way, but Phoenix has evolved from a closed group to what it is today. We're officially open and taking applications, though!
The characters that you mentioned are taken up by admins themselves. We needed these characters to help establish the plot and storyline.
We do have quite a few open characters and there will be plenty more available in the very near future.
If you have anymore questions, do feel free to message us off anon so we can go over any other concerns you have!
 - Phoenix Admins
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
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Morning, Castor.
I’ve been hard at work with trying to bring in more female and non-binary characters who are POC. There are five females in the making, though I’m still trying to find more non-binary/androgynous FCs that have enough gif hunts for the group. It’s proving difficult, but it will get done...even if I have to end up pulling out my hair with gif-making.
In other news, there is a large amount of promos posts on our promo blog! I will also be working on the inspirational blog for this group as well. They need some love, honestly.
I’m more than excited to see this group up and running once we get some applications. I know it’s getting stale with just the five of us so I really hope we can get more activity soon. Once we do, we can finally open up completely!
If any of you have suggestions, even those not in the group, we’re open to hearing anything!
- Admin Ay
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“Here I am and I take my time. Here I am and I'll wait in line always, always.” - Parachutes by Coldplay
NAME: Shasa Balewa
AGE: 340
OCCUPATION: Lifeguard for Orchid Coastline
SPECIES: Water Sprite
BIRTHPLACE: Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia
FACE CLAIM: Lupita Nyong’o
It was far more intense than many would’ve thought for someone like Shasa. The screams, the raging fire and sounds of sliced body parts falling to the ground...it tormented her. It brought such a darkness to the Sprite that she never thought possible. Fire was their opposing element, but she had to watch it all happen. She was one of the few who survived, though their combined abilities just weren’t enough to save her home.
Before she left completely, her dying mother gave her a map, one to show her were to go to find relief. Instructions were on the back and told her where to dig, where to distribute, what to purchase...all to make a life for herself. When she realized what her mother had given her, it was something she never dreamed. Riches beyond her wildest dreams resided in many trunks on the shores of the Eastern Shores of Africa, leaving her more than just comfortable.
With the other sprites who had the same maps, all dug up what they could and traveled to wherever. For Shasa, the map for her was to go to Castor, reside there and build a home just like her mother had always talked about when Shasa was growing up. There promises that her mother, only in death, could keep. Without a doubt, the Sprite made it there and had done so without a second thought.
Though, with the war following after many years of peace, Shasa fought hard, though the fires frightened her immensely. She tried not to let the burning ashes fall upon her body, trying to use a busted fire hydrant to put out as many as she could while drowning the Loose-Mouths. Her element swam through her soul, tears pouring in joy as Castor had won the war.
Ever since then, though, she’s remained pessimistic about the peace. With the disaster that haunted her childhood memories, and the war still fresh in her mind, she figures there might be another. For Shasa, no peace lasts forever, no one can ever say it will. Someone, she is sure, will retaliate sooner or later. But many, in Castor, believe she’s being paranoid...or is she? Until then, she’ll remain on the shores of East Garler, watching after the ocean in hopes that she is wrong, that nothing will come of them again.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Patient, Adaptable, Quirky
NEGATIVE: Disorganized, Indecisive, Pessimistic
ADELA: The woman’s love of the sea had been enough to intrigue Shasa. She’s seen her around, especially with them being neighbors. But, because of how strong the woman seems, Shasa has kept her distance and remained where she usually is at her lifeguard post. There’s a lot to figure out about Adela, but one day, she’ll approach the mermaid and start develop an actual friendship.
KAI: The Water Elemental is a gem in the sea, to be quite honest. Shasa has seen him on and off at Orchid Coastline and usually offers some sort of sunscreen despite the man needing it or not. She is a lifeguard and she wants all of the patrons who attend the beach to understand she’s there for them, not just the sea.
FREJA: With the arrival of the Cirque, Shasa was more than excited to see another water-based being wandering about. With Freja going to the ocean, she’s had no hesitation to make friends with her. Though, Freja is friendly, she can tells she’s rather nervous at times around some of the men. Though, Shasa feels there shouldn’t be anything to fret about. She’s there and will help if those need it.
NELLI: Despite the loveliness of the gym, Shasa has problems with the owner. It’s not personal, no real interactions to make it so, but Shasa finds Nelli incredibly tense. She’s sure the woman has a sense of humor, a side of her that no one sees. That intrigues the Water Sprite but it’s all up to whether Nelli is willing to complete her side of the bridge.
BLAIR: Every Sentinel from the A.F. is valuable, no matter what. So, with Blair being new and Shasa having to make a report or two of Loose-Mouths, it was no surprise to see a new Sentinel accompanying a well-seasoned one. Ever since their run-in on the beach, the Water Sprite has made sure to visit the A.F. Station in order to catch and see if she can help at all. Usually, though, she approaches Blair first.
ADAM: The Sprite is never surprised to find the Sloth Demon sleeping under the lifeguard tower, but she lets him rest. When she does wake him up, though, is getting sand in his mouth so he doesn’t sleep the day away. He may be lazy, but that’s no excuse to break rules all the time. She’s not annoyed by him, but she does wish he would find a better place to sleep one hundred percent of the time.
LYDIA: It was the incredible food that drew her to Karma, so when she went to compliment the chef, she was completely blown away it was made by a Ghost! She had met a few before, but she had no idea they had such talent for flavors! Ever since she complimented Lydia, she’s had no problems asking the woman over for tea in East Garler, glad to have made such a talented friend.
This character is: OPEN || RESERVED || TAKEN
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“Now you've got some diamonds and you will have some others, but you'd better watch your step, girl, or start living with your mother. So don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire.” - Play With Fire by The Rolling Stones
NAME: Briana Prescott
AGE: 301
OCCUPATION: Bartender at O Positive
SPECIES: Fire Sprite
FACE CLAIM: Kat Graham
Briana’s life outside of the Human realm may not have been sunshine, rainbows and perfect, but it was still far better than the other side. There were strong family ties, a strong community built on culture and who they were. She embodied her species, a wild child giving her parents a run for their money while embracing who she was. At times her behavior or mouth got her in trouble but it never dampened her spirits. 
However her pride and ego both took a hit when she dared to venture into the Human realm - It was the late 1700′s then, and her exploration of the world quickly took a toll on her. She didn’t have to open her mouth, before she could introduce herself she faced the harsh backlash all due to her skin tone. They didn’t see her for what she was, what she was capable of. It didn’t matter - All they saw was her skin. The hatred was strong but it didn’t break her - It enraged her enough to stand up against it, to fight back. Fires that could not be explained began to pop up, a vice the Sprite turned to for the idea of causing fear as revenge.
It was only intended to be a barn fire, something that would be noticed but nothing traumatic. However, soon enough the fire in Mr. O’Leary’s barn spread to the shed, and from there it was long gone. The Great Chicago Fire has since faced multiple rumors as to who, or what, started it - And clearly something inhuman would not be considered, the population was oblivious to her kind. In the end there was over 300 fatalities, and instead of facing it in any sense Briana fled and soon found herself in Castor.
The fire is a topic Briana avoids as her reason for settling in Castor, often making up a reason on the spot when asked and never sticking to one more than a handful of times. She adores her new home since it is a place she can be herself and thrive with more of her kind. The hardened edges that formed over years of hatred still remain, her words driven by sarcasm and lack of acceptance for anything below par. Though now with the population of Castor growing, she finds herself bristling at the idea of competition and being outshined.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Witty, Independent, Determined
NEGATIVE: Vain, Sarcastic, Outspoken
ACADIA: It isn’t surprising that with two (no pun intended) fiery personalities that the two would clash. Acadia wasn’t one to just accept being told what to do, and Briana didn’t take it well when the other snapped back at her with some smart-ass remark when she could. While they do their best to remain civil around Levi, Briana makes it a point to get under Acadia’s skin whenever she can, though she has caught on that the Cirque member isn’t as confident as she tries to seem - Something Briana has made a point to look further into. for her own enjoyment.
LEVI: Briana is one of his longest employed bartenders and she respects the man for both the employment and trust he has put in her. She keeps her mouth in check around him and keeps the conversations to business, specifically what she has observed in O Positive. The rush of new members from the Cirque brought along a round of trouble and while the majority of those in Castor accepted them with open arms, the danger is something she keeps an eye out for.
SINCLAIR: He’s been to O Positive countless times, specifically on nights Acadia works, and his flirtatious behavior is impossible to miss. Because of Acadia’s obvious connection to the Demon, she���s been wary of him and is sure the other sprite’s talked to him about her. Though, if the flirting is anything to go by, she might be able to use it to her advantage. Though, in all honesty, she’s aware this might blow up in her face.
MAIA: The tension between Acadia and Briana most likely is the one thing stopping the Sprite from forming a friendship with the Elemental. It doesn’t mean she hasn’t tried, but given the closeness of Maia and her roommate, it’s no surprise she’s aware of the issues between the bartenders. Briana isn’t aggressive towards Maia, just rather distant but does act somewhat civil towards her.
QUINN: While he may not visit O Positive as a patron, he is the one more often than not showing up when there are issues with other guests. Briana has gotten used to seeing him when there is trouble and checks in on him after all is said and done. It is hard to speak with him, though, outside of work since he’s incredibly intimidating. But, to be fair, when has that ever stopped Briana?
ALEXEI: Whenever the wolf comes into O-Positive, she overhears his cheesy pick-up lines and his painful flirting. She knows he’s trying, and that he only means well, but it’s borderline sad at times for her. Briana has no problem sending the drinks to those he flirts with, she only wishes he’d keep his mouth shit for one fucking second.
MONTE: Another Sprite she has made it a point to get to know, happy to have more of her kind around. However she is oblivious to his cousin is and at times finds herself irritated with his behavior at times - One moment nervous and fidgety, the next bouncing around. It was part of the reason why, while on the hunt for a place of his own, he did not last long at her apartment and it served as another reminder that Briana enjoyed living a life of solidarity.
This character is: OPEN || RESERVED || TAKEN
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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Morning, Castor.
It’s been awhile since we’ve made any updates and we apologize whole-heartedly for this. A lot has been happening and we’ve been diligently working towards our goal of opening. We know we were supposed to be open during the holidays, but all of us got sick with that horrible cold that has been going around.
We’ve got many things planned for when we officially open. We are taking applications as of right now and are open to suggestions as well as questions. Feel free to flood our inbox!
Here’s what we have already planned:
6 different types of tasks
A three-part questionnaire
2 week-long events
1 event that is bi-weekly
1 plot drop
In other news, we have not published all of our open character biographies because we haven’t finished all of them. Many are very close to completion! So, if it seems as though the ratio of sex/gender is off for our open biographies, it’s because we’re still trying to fine-tune them. The ones that have been posted are ready for reading!
Once again, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to message the main!
 - Admin Ay
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you.” - Count On Me by Bruno Mars
NAME: Tobias
AGE: 860
OCCUPATION: Volunteer at the Youth Center
SPECIES: Angel (Guardian)
FACE CLAIM: Alfie Enoch
Being a Guardian Angel is not an easy task, no sir it isn’t! Tobias knew this when he went down to the surface to help those he knew needed it. The thing was, it was far worse than the other Angels led him to believe. Suffering ran rampant throughout the world and he knew he couldn’t fix it. It saddened him, making it hard for him to handle his job. But, there was one small boy he was put in charge of, and by golly he’d do everything he could to help him!
The little boy grew up, doing well for himself in his own life, but Tobias knew something that the boy didn’t. Death, no matter who was being saved, would always come for their soul. It was inevitable and it was something a Guardian Angel had to live with. But, he wasn’t in charge of how the boy would go, not at all. That was up to Him to make such a course for the boy. Tobias secretly thought it was unfair, but he knew to keep quiet.
The boy’s passing came, leaving Tobias devastated after watching over him for so long. A burial was done, helping the boy’s soul pass over to the next life. He lived well and deserved a place up above and with Him. It hurt, but at least he knew the boy would be at peace like so many should be. It made it easier to move on, though he still hurt that he couldn’t save him from disease.
After this first time, he knew his position and everything that came with it. They weren’t just their to be guardians and save them...but to guide them in this life and onto the next. He applied this aspect with each person he was meant to be a Guardian for. Though, he knew, it wouid never be easy after that.
He had inhabited several bodies over time, just trying to make sure those who suffered a premature death had lived on to pursue their dreams. His go-lucky spirit kept him from falling too far down after each one would pass, though he still held a special place in his heart for them. That was, until, there was one child he had been assigned to in which he felt needed him more than any other.
Tobias watched this boy grow up, reading and trying to make a better life for himself. It was not a positive place for a boy like him, knowing that he had this immediate threat of death upon his head. One day, as the boy was leaving his home to go to the library, a couple of boys in a truck chased him with it through a field. Tobias knew the reasons why they were doing this and he continued to chase after those in the truck. Soaring up above and diving head first into the situation, a gun was pulled and the boy was shot dead. For Tobias, it was slow motion when the boy’s body fell to the ground.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he couldn’t take it. After the boys drove off laughing, Tobias stood there with his wings out to greet the boy’s soul. When he walked over to Tobias, all the Angel could do was hold that soul against him. The boy asked repeatedly why this was happening and all Tobias could tell him was that he would find out when he met Him up in the Heavens. Before the boy ascended to Heaven, he did ask Tobias to take care of his body.
And Tobias did just that. He took over the boy’s form, living out his dream of helping the younger ones get through their lives. How did he pursue this? He took the boy’s body to Castor and inhabited before traveling. He took up a position at the Youth Center, helping anyone who had been bullied or tormented like that boy there. He resides in West Garler, enjoying such a quiet life because he felt this vessel deserved it after all of the turmoils it had suffered.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Optimistic, Considerate, Helpful
NEGATIVE: Worrisome, Self-Conscious, Clumsy
ADAH: If there was ever an Angel he felt understood him, it was Adah. She may have come from the Cirque but she had been the sweetest out of their kind. Sure, all Angels had been sweet and kind, but not to Adah’s level. Well, at least in Tobias’ opinion. He knows he’s got some romantic feelings for her, but he doesn’t want to jeopardize their friendship because of that. So, for now, he keeps it to himself, but who knows. One day, it might slip and he’ll run off. Well, at least he thinks he’ll be doing that.
COLE: He knows Cole is going though a tough time, he can just see it in the man’s eyes. Tobias has spent time with him while at the Center but also outside of work as well. They sometimes have lunch, catching up if they have different shifts. But, even then, Tobias wants to help Cole but knows it’s something that’ll have to be on his own. Even then, Tobias has offered a his friendship to the Taboo.
ELIANA: Without question, Tobias finds Eliana adorable. She has her own feistiness that suits her, which is a good change from the Angels he hangs out with. She reminds him of them, but her own personality quirks offer a breath of fresh air. He usually ends up bring over lunch or offering up his free time if she so wishes to spend time with him. It’s completely platonic, his admiration, and enjoys her stories about the Cirque. Well, just as long as they’re happy ones.
SINCLAIR: It’s hard to say that Sinclair rubs him the wrong way. The man is so curious and full of adventure that Tobias loves hearing his stories, even if they are rather erotic in some senses. He sees him at Libellus since the Demon works there, but he usually ends up having deep discussions with Sinclair about the world and the man’s view on it. It’s refreshing, really, and he enjoys talking to him often.
SAMSON: Nefarious vampires always have put Tobias on edge, not in an aggressive way, though. It’s more fearful than anything since Tobias isn’t necessarily the strongest man on the planet. Whenever the man comes into Libellus or anywhere else that Tobias hangs out at, he shies away and feels silly afterwards. He wants to get past his fear, but how can he do that? It’s not easy for the Angel, but gosh darn-it if he didn’t try!
ANGELS OF CASTOR: All of the Angels in Castor are far and few between. He’s close to all of them, rather appreciative of their friendship. They’ve guided him much more than he’d expected and he trusts them fully. They have become like a family to him, knowing he was the youngest out of all of them. Tobias, to no surprise, though, would do anything for them since they had taken him under their wings. Since the war, though, he’s tried to make sure he sees them every day just for his own peace of mind.
LYDIA: Karma is Tobias’ favorite restaurant. He loves spicy food since he feels it’s immensely exciting! Because he loves the place so much, he’s met the chef behind such great cuisine. At first, Tobias was nervous since he knocked over a pan she had some food cooking in, but he let it slide when she didn’t seem to be too upset. Since then, their friendship has blossomed and he tries to catch up whenever she’s not busy...as well as stays out of their kitchen.
This character is: OPEN || RESERVED || TAKEN
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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"And though the sun is rising, few may choose to leave, so shade that lid and we'll all bid adieu to your ennui.” - Let’s Have A Kiki by Scissor Sisters
NAME: Levi Tsai
AGE: 1,021
OCCUPATION: Manager of O-Positive Night Club
SPECIES: Lightning Elemental
BIRTHPLACE: Dapenkeng, Taiwan
FACE CLAIM: Godfrey Gao
The Paiwan tribe of Aboriginals in Taiwan had been polytheistic, creating Gods and Goddesses to make sense of the world they were living in. The thing was, when storms came, it wasn’t a God that took control of the sharp flashes and bangs. It was Levi, though his name was not always so. The name the Paiwan people gave him had been something rather interesting, though this was a close-kept secret between Maya and himself. Not because of shame for who he was, but because of when the Dutch took seemed to seep into his lovely country. Christianity took over their world, something the Lightning Elemental was rather upset about.
Walking away from his country, he traveled the world and found himself meeting all sorts of people. Though, when they asked for his name, one popped into his head that he felt fit him well. Ever since then, he was known as Levi, and knew that he’d be able to put his past behind him. He loved his culture, but to know that humans could be so easily persuaded, just rubbed him the wrong way. Keeping small bits of his history in his bag that he made himself, he moved to Castor and found himself without much else.
Maya would’ve set him up, but he had already done so himself because of how charming he could be. Though, with his element, he made sure to live at the top of one of the penthouses. He was able to skip out on rent, finding work in places all over the place. It did help that, whenever storms would pass by, he’d feel closer to his element and create spectacular light shows for those in Castor. Though, he was a bit bitter when electricity had been invented and he wasn’t really needed for said light shows.
Though, with his element, he did find a use for it and it was to power his own penthouse when the power would go out. It was only lightning, but it was a form of electricity that could be used to light his building. It wore him out from time to time, but it did wonders for his ability. Once the 1960′s came around, he was easily able to find work in O-Positive, the most popular night club in all of Castor. Creating light shows in the club, all the while raising everyone’s hair by static, he felt a purpose again. Then, when Lucas approached him with running the club, he easily took it and fell in love with his job.
That was decades ago, but he wouldn’t give his job up for anything nor anyone.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Supportive, Patient, Charming
NEGATIVE: Possessive, Manipulative, Restless
ACADIA: With her being one of those Cirque people, he knew he had to check them all out. They had been worldly like he was, seeing everything the world had to offer. Acadia was someone he found interesting, especially with her accent but also the fact that she was of an element that provided heat and light. Though, as he is her boss, he keeps their interactions friendly outside of work.
MAIA: Levi had seen this young Elemental when she had first arrived in Castor, loving the idea of an Earth Elemental being around here that wasn’t attached to Judas. He did notice that Acadia and Maia knew each other, so it gave him a clue as to where she was from. The Cirque really did provide rather interesting characters to show up in Castor.
COLE: One thing that Levi does love is a good party, and Cole’s Sires throw some of the best ones on the Immortal Strip. But, because he hadn’t really seen Cole besides in photos, he grew curious as to why the man had been such a wallflower in his club. His Sires were the opposite of him, which caused him to stand out from the rest of the patrons in O-Positive. He can see Cole’s a bit skittish, so he’s taking his time to approach. One day, though, he’ll get there.
SINCLAIR: Practically everyone who knows Sinclair just can’t hate him. The only time that’s really happened is if Sinclair unconsciously hurt someone. But, for Levi, that wasn’t the case at all. He enjoys Sinclair’s company, the man’s intense curiousity and lust for knowledge furthers Levi’s positive opinion of him. He does find him rather abrasive when it comes to his flirting, though. If Levi was interested, he would’ve been the one to make the first move.
ACE: An Electricity Demon and he was an electrician? It was perfect. As soon as he heard a Cirque member was of that kind, he instantly found himself wanting to befriend him. With an element in common, he offered many jobs to Ace and hopes they’d continue such a contract. It did help that he ran a club and lighting upgrades would be needed as technology advanced. Though, he does offer the Demon to come and spend nights in his office and have drinks. He seems like a quiet man to Levi, but still finds him intriguing none-the-less.
BRIANA: Being one of her long-standing bartenders, he respects her craft of providing patrons with her creations. He does have Briana keep an eye on the crowd, wanting her to alert security if anything is out of the ordinary. With the War and raids that happened in the past, he can’t take any chances and Briana is someone he can trust with this task. Even then, he keeps an eye on the club as well with his security cameras. But, to Levi, there’s no such thing as being too careful.
SARAH: This is a lady he does enjoy spending time with. He knows what she is, but he doesn’t let that bother him at all. Their friendship isn’t business-oriented at all, though, because they’re both rather charming people. Whenever she steps into his club, all of her drinks are on the house and he always offers her the VIP section right off the bat. One would wonder what kind of friendship they have, but it’s always been the way it is now: platonic.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“For the loser now will be later to win ‘cause the times they are a-changing.” ” - The Times They Are A-Changin’ by Bob Dylan
NAME: Lydia Powell
AGE: 86
OCCUPATION: Chef at Karma
FACE CLAIM: Rashida Jones
The 1930’s was a difficult time for anyone in the United States as they suffered through the Great Depression. In particular it was a difficult time for anyone of color, and also for interracial couples. Lydia Powell’s parents faced daily ridicule and intolerance but raised their daughter otherwise, teaching her to fight hate and anger with love. It was what she followed but, as time went on, the stress caused her to fight back – Not physically, but with her words and knowledge. She sought for ways to bring change to the oppressive views of those around her, to bring people together and let her voice be heard from any perspective that was looked down on. She educated herself beyond what any system could offer her.
As Lydia grew up, so did her passion. When she wasn’t letting her voice be heard she was home caring for her aging parents and found another area to flourish in – Cooking. It was a way she could channel her emotions from the day, positive or negative, and a non-verbal way to thank and care for the two that had fought to raise her against the injustices they or those around them faced. She picked up a job at a local diner, starting off as a waitress until she convinced the owner to let her in the kitchen. From there she worked every shift she could as a way to help provide at home, only taking a day off when forced to. The only personal time she requested, aside from her mother or father’s birthdays, was in August 1963. The Civil Rights march in DC called to her and she didn’t think twice about going, standing in awe to watch the most inspiring speech she would ever recall to date – One given by Martin Luther King himself. It inspired her, lit a new fire in her, and she found a new energy in all that she did.
Shortly after she arrived back home she was back to the workforce though not for long. While working late one night Lydia came face-to-face with someone desperate enough for money that they stormed into the restaurant and brandished a gun. Without fighting she emptied the register and gave them what they wanted, but things went sour when she finally lifted her gaze and realized she recognized the face of the robber – A neighbor that had only recently moved in to the neighborhood. In a quiet voice she started to plead with them, to tell them she could help, but it didn’t work. Instead her plan backfired and, after they had the money, Lydia was shot point-blank in the chest for the simple fact of being a witness and daring to say their name out loud.
Things were a blur for some time – Lydia could remember the sudden feeling of being cold, so very cold, wash over her…But then she was looking at herself. More specifically, down at herself in a pool of her own blood. It wasn’t until she heard the screams of the others that were in the restaurant and the sirens that it finally registered the chaos she was looking at – She was dead.
Adjusting to being a ghost took troubles, trials, and most importantly – Time. Fortunately enough she stumbled on Castor and has been there for the last decade. She was quick to settle in and embrace those around her as they helped her adjust to the new life she now had. The one thing that seemed to ground her was finding a job at Karma, a place where she quickly worked her ways up the ranks to Head Chef, the job being like a warm hug from home.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Passionate, Patient, Gregarious
NEGATIVE: Blunt, Determined, Emotional.
MAIA: When those from the Cirque arrived she did her best to reach out to them without being overbearing, and once Maia was hired at Karma was when Lydia saw her opportunity. Unfortunately both women’s outspoken natures caused them to clash some, though the two have learned to keep it civil in the workplace.
BLAIR: Among those the Cirque brought, Blair was another that stood out. It was refreshing to meet the Ghost, and while Blair is significantly younger it only leaves Lydia curious about their different experiences with their species. Unfortunately when she pushes, Blair changes the subject - A fortunate idea, as Lydia isn’t sure just how she would react if she knew the truth behind Blair’s death.
DELILAH: Lydia wishes her and Delilah had been able to cross paths before either of them met their fates - She finds the Demon an inspiration but sympathizes with what she has become. Their history of being involved in different passion-fueled movements makes her enthusiastic but she does her best not to be around the Demon for too long while she works on her anger. It isn’t something she would outright say, but more often than not Lydia makes an excuse to leave their conversation when she feels emotions rising.
KAI: The two met when Kai poorly executed a magic trick, the entertainment of the lost coin just what Lydia needed after a long day at Karma. Since then an odd friendship sparked between the two. Lydia likes to seek him out when she’s had a hard day or is looking for a good light-hearted laugh.
SINCLAIR: Sinclair’s upfront nature seems to rub a handful of people the wrong way, Lydia included, though she does her best not to let it show. Though she’s learned to shrug off his comments with a faint smile, enduring through it when she visits the bookstore - While she may not enjoy it, it’s a sacrifice worth making for the selection of books.
COLE: Cole is just...Precious to Lydia. Word of who the Cirque members were spread quickly after they arrived and the one that seemed to surprise her the most was Cole - A clown? Lydia met him when she brought meals by the Youthcenter as a surprise and his rapport with those there and the kids gave him a special place in her heart. The friendship is slow growing, the Ghost visiting the Youthcenter when she can to check on him.
MONTE: With Lydia’s constant trips to the bookstore it’s no surprise she’s gotten used to seeing the Sprite, but it doesn’t mean they’ve spoken much. At times he seems distracted an it makes Lydia feel guilty for approaching so she decides to give him space -- But something about him makes her curious to learn more about him and just what has him so preoccupied.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“So maybe next time when you cast your stones from the shadows of the dark unknown, you will crawl up from your hiding place and take a look in the mirror to see the truth in your face! ” - Whore by In This Moment
NAME: Delilah Sumner
AGE: 109
OCCUPATION: Poker Dealer at Midas’ Touch
SPECIES: Wrath Demon
BIRTHPLACE: Chicago, Illinois
FACE CLAIM: Kaya Scodelario
At a young age, Delilah wasn’t one for conventional roles in society. Not that she wasn’t raised in a house that praised her own opinions, it was the complete opposite. Whenever she’d offer to help with the hard labor, her father would strike her down and tell her where she needed to be. It wasn’t fair to her, but she kept quiet. She would be who she wanted when she got older, spiting her parents. The thing was, it would be harder since she saw how the rest of society came about.
That was, until, women’s suffrage came in. She wasn’t exactly old enough to vote, but she definitely supported and tried to get her mother to join in on it. When her father found out, he was beyond furious and shoved them both back into their home while trying to keep control of what he thought was all his. This, again, had been swallowed painfully by Delilah. 
Anger had hung in the air of their home, like a plague that seemed to infect all of them. The best example of this rage was a certain night when her father came home in a drink stupor. It was just midnight, Delilah fast asleep in her bed while her mother was still up and anxiously waiting. When her parents started fighting, Delilah’s eyes snapped open and she made her way to see what was going on. Seeing her father beating her mother against the mantle of the fireplace, she screamed and in horror before running to the kitchen in order to hopefully run to their neighbor’s.
With a fire poker in his hand, her father chased after her but stumbled every so often while he saw red. He shouted for her to get back into the living room, stopping in the doorway and staring her down. With one strike towards her with the weapon, she fell but got back up with a growl. But, before she could let out any anger that had been building up over the years, her father murdered her.
With the anger burning in her soul, she felt she would’ve haunted her old home but instead had been dragged down to Hell. She thought that she would end up tortured for all of eternity. Though, their offer came as a surprise. When presented the opportunity to become a Sin Demon, she questioned them. Their answer had made more sense as they went on. Because of her anger, because of the hate she held towards her father, it was just enough to be Wrath, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. She could bring vengeance to her father and anyone else that had wronged her. Without thinking, she took the opportunity.
Soon enough, she was on the surface and being mentored by the Wrath Archdemon who showed her all of what to do. Learning all she could, Delilah found herself in a new vessel and had been left to fend for herself. She knew exactly what she was going to do, and everyone knew exactly what that was. The thing was, where was she to start? How was she going to begin this search?
Running off and finding her father, it was easier said than done at this point. She asked around for the man, finding dead-ends or empty spaces where they said they had seen him. But, with a stroke of luck, she came across him and learned the source of his anger. He had been a lackey for Capone and had done a lot of the dirty work. With every ounce of anger for her father gone, it had been transferred to the mobs in the area. If her father wasn’t involved with them, maybe she would still be alive!
In 1929, she had done her first real influential act of Wrath. It was St. Valentine’s Day and she had been working hard on raising the Wrath of every mobster in Chicago. With one little push, her plan worked. A massacre proceeded and she made sure that it wasn’t traceable to any particular mob boss. The only one that really stuck out, on purpose, was Capone. What made this more sweet and beautiful to her was that her father had died by Capone’s hands since she made sure it seemed as if he had something to do with framing Capone.
Having finished this, she left the US and traveled the world to influence other aggressive violence that only caused peace to take over her. Finding a home in Castor after years of influencing Wrath, she settled in the city of Highton and rested easily at night. But, because of what she was, it was hard for her to truly rest when she felt anger boiling up within her. With her work at Midas’ Touch, she has found her aggression piquing from time to time. With no real outlet, she tried to suppress it with alcohol and bar fights.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Strong-Willed, Determined, Independent
NEGATIVE: Hot-Tempered, Sarcastic, Cynical
STEFAN - Being the same type of being, Delilah finds Stefan intriguing. The thing is, the anger he holds reminds her a lot of her father...for that she loathes his presence. She does, however, try to put that aside when she does speak to him at bars or around the Strip. Though, for Stefan, he’s wanting to help her become a great Wrath Demon and wants to become closer to the young woman.
MISCHA - The Captain of the Sentinels is hard for her to read, but she can feel the anger rolling off of the vampire. The thing is, she’s just as aggressive as Delilah is and their tempers flare whenever in the same area as one another. One day, though, Delilah will find a balance to her own hot-temper and making friends.
BLAIR - Another angry Sentinel she has talked to when crimes happen at Midas’ touch, which only cause Delilah discomfort. Though, unlike Mischa, Blair is a ghost and it was something Delilah had believed she would’ve been. Rather curious of her species, she has tried to start a conversation in hopes it wouldn’t end up violent.
ADELA - Delilah could’ve felt this woman’s anger from a mile away if it were possible. The former Pirate is someone Delilah sees as a powerhouse just like the Captain, but in a completely opposite position. She’s curious about the underground Black Market the woman’s a part of, but she’s wary of what she might end up getting herself into. The last thing she wanted was to be like her father...
KAI - Since Kai is attached to Adela, she’s seen them both together while roaming Midas’ Touch. If there was a man that made her feel nervous, it was him. He was like Stefan, large and aggressive, but there was also a peacefulness that Delilah was not used to at all. She wasn’t sure of what Element he was, but she’d find out one day.
ODEN - Her boss, simple as that. She’s not intimidated by him but she does listen and take orders from the Greed Demon. It was hard for her to really admit, but he was a fair man. She thought she’d never say such a think about a Sin Demon in her life. But, it was the truth. For that, she respects him.
SARAH - The older Lust Demon had been someone her mentor had known and introduced her to decades ago. She sees the woman as like an authority figure and would never want to be in her way. She may not have been an Archdemon, but Delilah was sure the woman was on that track with how well controlled her Sin was.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you. Yesterday, you'd forgiven me but it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry.” - One Week by Barenaked Ladies
NAME: Fabian Ortega
AGE: 989
OCCUPATION: Lawyer for the Chambers & Ortega Law Firm
SPECIES: Pride Demon
BIRTHPLACE: Central America
FACE CLAIM: Ryan Guzman
None of the people on the surface know exactly what Fabian’s original body had looked like. He always had different names, different vessels; there was no need to settle in his mind. His past is just as much of a secret as his original name. The only ones who know it are the Sin Demons older than himself. Even then, he’s never too happy with them saying it out loud. Though, with the vessel he has today, there is quite the attachment and he might actually keep this one and the name. For the first time in centuries, he’s found Pride in something that is attached to his existence.
As he was traveling America in order to delve into his Sin, he saw how Prideful the political aspect of the country was. It wasn’t just the politics that kept him there, no. It was far more than that. It was the entire aspect of what this country was built on. The Pride these people had for where they lived, the falsehood of the people overlooking the mistakes that had been made by the government, and the how flashy their Pride was...it appealed to him on such a deeper level than he could’ve thought. With this in mind, Fabian knew that he would take some part in this country and stick around for a bit.
The thing was, his happiness was short lived as he experienced a side of Pride he hadn’t in ages. In the 1970s, the gangs in Southern California were far different than the Mafia he was used to experiencing on the Eastern portion of the United States. It was more about terrorizing; complete chaos than it was about organized crime like the Mafia. No, it was much darker, but the Pride they felt was far different than anything he’d felt so far. He stuck around, having kept a watchful eye while making sure no one saw him. Though, what happened next wasn’t something he was entirely prepared for.
Seeing an explosion of guns between two rival gangs, bats being smashed over people’s heads, cars running over those trying to get away. It was madness. Though, with one of the gang members he was following, he saw something that had struck him to the core. The man looked a lot like his brother from his former life, something he knew was impossible. With watching the man die in front of him from bullet wounds, Fabian dragged the man into the alleyway he was hiding in and waited until the soul fell down to Hell. Slipping into the vessel and writhing in slight pain since the wounds were still fresh from the bullets, Fabian took off to search out this man’s true desires.
When learning the young man wanted to be lawyer and get out of the gang life, Fabian knew it was meant to be. Studying in several schools and taking on the name he is known by now, he’s made sure to get as many degrees in law from several countries as he could. Though, as he traveled around to learn said laws and government, he came across Castor which had been a far different place since he’d last been there. It actually had structure to it’s Province, let alone a law firm that he knew he had to be a part of. Upon meeting Drake Chambers, he knew his goal was to learn from the man. One would think it to be strange that a Pride Demon was learning from someone younger than himself, especially one that wasn’t a Demon himself. The thing was, it went beyond that. It was his own Pride that told him to go for it, to become one of, if not the best lawyers in all of Castor. Well, that was until the War broke out.
During the War, Fabian had fought hard but nearly lost his favorite vessel and had been humbled by his own mortality and could’ve been sent back down. But, no, he fought hard and pulled through in order to keep himself where he was. The thing is, the War fueled his pride more than one could think possible. When Castor won the War, though, he felt the highest amount he had ever felt in all of his time being a Demon. The world celebrating World War II had been a very close second. He knew, from that point on, he was not going to leave Castor and partnered up with Drake in order to give his skills as a lawyer to those who had given him such a feast.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Calm, Intelligent, Quick-Witted
NEGATIVE: Proud, Vain, Regretful
DORIAN: It’s no surprise that Fabian stood by and watched as Dorian got beat up by a Wrath Demon. He could smell the Pride coming off of the new Sin Demon and just couldn’t resist. The thing was, when he saw how broken he had become, Fabian couldn’t help but feel remorse. Instead of walking away after feeding, he introduced himself to Dorian and has offered the young Demon his guidance. He knows, in age, Dorian is much older than him, but he’s new to being a Sin Demon, and Fabian is too prideful to just let the man fall.
SINCLAIR: Every Sin Demon knows Sinclair in some way or another. For Fabian, he’d met the Lust Demon many years ago while the other was venturing into one of the countries that Fabian was studying in. Though, because of Sinclair’s obvious lust for learning, he had taught Sinclair what he knew about the laws that ruled the countries. They delve into deep, intellectual conversations, though knows Sinclair has tried to turn their conversations in a lustful direction. But, because Fabian is much more interested in Sinclair’s intelligence, he always steers it back to what they were originally talking about.
STEFAN: When Fabian came across Stefan during one of the Cirque’s landings in America, Fabian couldn’t help but become fascinated with Stefan’s skill and determination. It was no surprise what Sin he was, but he knew he could learn from this man. Though, because he was a performer, Fabian kept his curiosity at bay. Then, like a strange coincidence, the two Sin Demons crossed paths when the Cirque found permanent residence in Castor. Now, with Stefan close by, he’s seeking the man out to finally fill his curiosity.
BLAIR: Ghosts, to Fabian, are a symbol of pride in some ways. Either they are still on this plane of existence because of their own unfinished business or they’re too prideful to really go to the light. Without a doubt, though, this Pride Demon finds it more intriguing to know their pasts than to know more about their species. A ghost is a ghost to him, but each story is different with the same outcome. With Blair, he could sense the pride in her, wanting to get to know more about this Ghost that is, somehow, capturing his interest.
MISCHA: With the Captain and him being on decent terms, he’s more than likely the one coming into the station if a criminal is in need of a lawyer. He has no problem doing this, seeing as how the city pays him for such a civic duty. It also helps the reputation of C & O Law Firm, not to mention boosts his Pride. It doesn’t help that he can sense it from the Captain that she’s just so fucking prideful. He can’t help it, just as any Sin Demon can’t help but feast when they meet someone full of their Sin.
ADRIENE: Upon meeting Adriene on the strip, he knew there was something strong and mysterious about the woman. It wasn’t because she was a vampire or any of that. It was that pride she held whenever he saw her. The thing was, where was it coming from? Why did she feels so compelled to let it hang over her? He hasn’t asked her much besides the typical ice breakers, but he has invited her out for drinks. Each time she has said no which has stung a bit to his pride. Usually people went along with him, his own sin having some charm to it. He’ll get to have drinks with her one day, and he’d be damned if he didn’t keep trying. 
BRIANA: Talk about a Sprite with Pride! She’s the main reason he even goes into O-Positive since she feeds him all night long whenever she gets a compliment or a tip. It’s just too much to resist. He’s spoken with her, made sure to boost her pride to feed and then leaving a hefty tip in thanks for her company. Just like Mischa, he just can’t get enough of her. Though, as he has gotten to know her, he’s given her the number to his personal smartphone just in case she ever wants to talk to him outside of work.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See, heaven's got a plan for you.” - Don’t You Worry, Child by Swedish House Mafia feat. John Martin
NAME: Monte Sciarra
AGE: 284
OCCUPATION: Bookstore Clerk at Libellus
SPECIES: Fire Sprite
BIRTHPLACE: Naples, Italy
FACE CLAIM: Matthew Daddario
In the 19th Century in struggling Naples, the Sciarra family had little, but they still had each other and made the most of what they did have. They lived in shacks but managed to have pride in what they were, something they eagerly passed down to their children. The Fire Sprites emphasized the importance of family and it was something Monte took to heart. In particular he took to one of the youngest of the Sprites, his cousin Isabella, the two as thick as thieves.
All was not well for long and soon enough the warfare in Naples was unavoidable. Hunters with knowledge of what the Sciarra family was raided their home and the Sprites were split between running and fighting back. Monte chose the latter, though regardless of their decision, the Sciarra family was slaughtered. He falsely believed himself to somehow be the lone survivor, oblivious that Isabella had hid in the debris of a shack until long after the attack.
Guilt-ridden that he didn’t do more, Monte attempted to continue on with his life and swallow down the pained memories of his lost family. Time went on and he did his best to keep himself distracted, finding any means necessary to keep his mind and hands busy, choosing a life of solidarity under the pretense that he deserved it for his failure. However, long after the attack and when he thought he was finally living the life he should have, a world-renowned circus came through Italy. Drawn to the hype and energy that surrounded it, Monte found himself suddenly speechless and flooded with memories when he caught sight of their lone fire dancer. There was no mistaking the dark hair and piercing eyes, or the way there was pure control to the fire she worked with - This woman may have called herself by a different name, but he was sure it was Isabella. At the end of the show he went looking for her but she had somehow managed to disappear for the night, and so the vicious cycle began - Monte dropped his life in Naples to follow after the Cirque, struggling to keep up with how they managed to appear in cities thousands of miles apart in such a short period of time. Each time he thought he had a lead he was too late, and over time exhausted himself in the search to reconnect with the only other surviving member of the Sciarra family.
Reluctantly he soon ended his search and settled in Castor, a place of safety for the supernatural where they didn’t need to hide. It took some title to settle and he spent the majority of his time couch-hopping and picking up odd-end jobs when he could. He took on a job in the bookstore, something strikingly calm in comparison to his need to constantly be on the move and going. Though it seemed fate refused to let the idea of this cat and mouse chase go so easily, and soon enough word spread about a new group of residents coming to Castor - Members of that very Cirque, now stranded when their home had been raided by hunters. It was the perfect opportunity to reach out to his family again, though something holds him back from taking that final step and keeps telling him both are better off none the wiser...
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Excitable, Fiesty, Resourceful
NEGATIVE: Nervous, Lonely, Stubborn
ACADIA - The cousin that Monte was once attached at the hip to and thought was lost in the raid on their home. He knows she’s in Castor but struggles with the idea of taking the final step of reaching out to her. Part of him wonders if the decision to change her name was her way of casting aside where she has come from, but when she comes into the bookstore to visit Sinclair he instead busies himself instead of taking the leap.
SINCLAIR - Sinclair was the one to offer Monte a job at the bookstore after he found out the Sprite’s fascination with travel and knowledge of the sort. In return, Monte can appreciate Sinclair’s love for books and literature. He finds the Demon and his antics amusing, if not somewhat overbearing at times.
MAIA  Monte has seen the Elemental in passing at her job but mainly knows of her through eavesdropping on conversations between Sinclair and Acadia. From what he’s gathered, she’s Acadia’s roommate, which makes her another person he’s seeking to meet in connection with his cousin.
STEFAN - To say the sentinel intimidates Monte is an understatement. He’s a powerhouse as is, a Wrath Demon at that. He’s seen him come through the bookstore and, similar to how he found out about Maia, has learned of his and the Lust Demon’s attachments to his cousin by eavesdropping.
GERALT - Being one of the first ghosts that Monte has met, it’s no surprise the Sprite enjoys talking with him and getting to know the other man. He finds their conversations interesting and a way of keeping him grounded as he settles in.
CHRIS - It should have been a given that Monte would find himself gravitating towards another Sprite, especially the first he met in Castor. Chris is a subtle reminder of who he is, someone that helps Monte adjust and feel less lonely knowing there are more of his kind around.
LEXA - One of the first friends Monte made since moving to Castor. While still apprehensive about who he opens up to, Lexa is someone he finds himself drawn to and enjoys talking to.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“Give me scars, give me pain; then they’ll say to me, ‘there goes a fighter...’” - The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes
NAME: Anton Rousseau
AGE: 103
OCCUPATION: Student at Castor University
SPECIES: Vampire - Militant
BIRTHPLACE: New Orleans, Louisiana
FACE CLAIM: Cameron Monaghan
Anton may have reminded everyone of his grandfather, but he had been the only one in all of his family to not go through the change. It wasn’t because he wasn’t old enough nor was it because he was a late-bloomer. No, it was because the gene skipped him completely. When Anton had found this out, it devastated the young man. He had loved his grandfather, hoped to be just like him and work for R.A.V.E.N.S., but that seemed less likely as the days went on. It infuriated him, causing him to pull himself away from his family further and further.
Though, when his grandfather had passed away, Anton feel into an even deeper depression where he felt he lost everything he thought he would be. His family tried to reach out to help him, to pull him out of this, but it wasn’t working. Every time they’d push, he’d pull back. He wanted to grieve on his own, to find a way to feel better. Alcohol, drugs...anything. But nothing worked. Guilt riddled him because even if his grandfather was dead, he felt he was putting shame to the man’s memory.
As he wandered Castor, he ran into someone that was part of his family...but wasn’t a were-bear. She saw the darkness in him that had been in herself, taking him under her wing which caused Anton to feel some comfort. This woman told him who she was, showing him photographs of her uncle and her before the War. She had been the older sister to her grandfather, offering more comfort to the young man. She had even took him home, watching over him to make sure he didn’t do anything to harm himself.
Soon enough, he grew close to her like he had been with his grandfather, and taking her offer to turn him so he could live a long life and make something of himself. Though, instead of being part of R.A.V.E.N.S., she made a deal with him. Once he finished college, since he was still attending, she’d make sure he had a place at either Phoenix or the Authoritative Force. This was the perfect deal for him, seeing as how he was a rather determined and stubborn man just like her brother was.
Never straying from his deal, he continues to go to school, and is nearly done with his education. The thing was, he remained with Ayjay and in her penthouse, finding a home in a place he never thought possible. He now talks to his family, but they are rather shocked of his decision to become a vampire. This has put a strain on his relationship with his family, but he won’t let it stop him from making his grandfather proud...and now his great aunt as well.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Determined, Strong-Willed, Compassionate
NEGATIVE: Intense, Confrontational, Grievous
ELIO: The Elemental was introduced to Anton when Ayjay had stopped by to show him around Phoenix. A lot of Elio reminds him of Helix in a way, but he’d rather keep that to himself. It does help, though, that Elio is friendlier than the Fire Elemental. With his connection to Phoenix, he’s kept the man’s number in his phone, just in case he wants to help out around Phoenix.
ELIANA: Being close to were-creatures soothes Anton in a way, especially those who are sweet and kind since it reminds him of some of his cousins back in Louisiana. Eliana is one of the sweetest he’s encountered out of the Cirque, making it hard for him to not befriend her. They go out for steak sometimes, though his have to be altered thanks to what he is. Either way, he enjoys her company.
OFELIA: Anton spends a lot of his time at Six O’ One since he loves to study there. He’s spoken to Ofelia, even had a bit of a crush on her when they first met. He’s not her type, he feels this to be true, but it doesn’t hinder his desire to be her friend. He has volunteered to help around the coffee shop, sometimes even making some of the sweets from back home for her to sell to other patrons there.
AXEL: Another Militant Vampire is always good company, at least that’s what Ayjay had told Anton when he was first turned. He spends a lot of his time at the Warehouse, causing trouble with the Brothers. This has made it easy for him to talk to Axel and get to know the man. It also helps that Eliana and Axel are together, since he can always meet up with them if they aren’t on a date. No one likes being the third wheel, after all.
SINCLAIR: He’d seen Sinclair around the city plenty, even had a conversation with the man once in awhile. If there was anything Anton liked about the Demon, it’s most definitely his flirtatious side. The vampire has no issues with doing so, he just hopes that Sinclair hasn’t made a move on anyone in his family. If he had, that’d just be a huge red flag and he’d step away. No need to mix that up at all.
CAYDEN: Being one of Anton’s professors was hard during the time his grandfather passed away, but Cayden had made it a point to check on the young man. He knew Anton’s grandfather, especially because they hung around the same people. He sees a lot of the man in Anton, hoping he’ll keep to that. What Cayden does admire Anton for is his determination. He stills makes sure to check on Anton, even if he seems to be better than  before. 
ALICIA: The two of them have been classmates since they both started college, but not really taking a lot of the same classes. Where as his are focused on physical abilities, her are science and math oriented. She has, however, gotten into working out more and finds Anton whenever she needs a spotter. He’s impressed by her abilities, but even more so enjoys her sense of humor and bright personality.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“You should’ve known better than to mess with me, honey. I’m gonna love you like a black widow, baby.” - Black Widow by Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora
NAME: Adriene Salba
AGE: 41
OCCUPATION: Store Clerk at The Bakar’s Bazaar Crystal Shoppe
SPECIES: Magi Vampire
BIRTHPLACE: Bronx, New York
FACE CLAIM: Zoe Kravitz
Adriene was an only child to a single mother, one who wanted to support and love her daughter just as any mother should. They lived from paycheck to paycheck, but it was alright for just the two of them. No one came between her mother and her, though there were definitely people who tried. Adriene never took that lightly and would always find a way to knock them off their boots. Not like her mother would stop her at all. What Adriene didn’t know, of course, was that her mother’s occupation was a lie.
As she grew older, Adriene did find herself becoming drawn to the occult and delving into Wicca. She studied it with borrowing books from the library and digging through the bookstores around the city. Though, as she was wandering one night, she found her mother being held against a wall with a man sucking on her neck. Growing disgusted with the situation, she chucked a book at the man on her mother’s neck and that had been one huge mistake.
She found out, later that night after her mother had stopped the man, that she had been a blood doll all these years for the vampires who lived in New York. Every night her mother would go out, it was because of this and nothing more. Feeling betrayed by the only constant in her life, Adriene ran off but didn’t go home. She avoided her mother, staying at friends’ houses or waiting until her mother left so she could spend time in her own bed.
She only did this for a few months, finally confronting her mother but they worked things out. Instead of her mother going off in the middle of the night and hiding in alleyways, she’d at least get a room so she could have a place to sleep after. Like Hell they’d let this happen in their own home. Though, one night, her mother hadn’t come back and this frightened Adriene. Fear riddled her and she set out to find her.
The motel they agreed she’d stay at seemed empty, except one room with a door that was just ajar. Slowly stepping in and feeling her heart race, she saw her mother lying lifeless on the bed and her body fully drained of blood. Screaming and rushing over, she tried to shake her mother despite her knowing it wouldn’t do any good. That’s when a hand was on her shoulder, and she’ll never forget that icy touch.
She blacked out, waking up without a memory as to what happened. Hell, she wasn’t even in the same place...let alone the same city block. Looking around and feeling the sun burning her skin, she scrambled away from it and looked around to find a shadowed figure in the corner. The being came out of the shadows, explaining who he was and why he had done what he had. It was her mother’s wish, to save her daughter, and the man promised her that. Apparently things were far worse than her mother previously explained.
Reluctantly agreeing to listening to the man, he told her all of what happened and even shared the memories with Adriene so she could see he was telling the truth. Though, because of what she was, she couldn’t just tell him to fuck off and run away. It was better to find out all she could about what she was and then kill the bastard while he slept. The thing was, when the time would come, could she do it? If her mother really wanted him to keep her alive. Well, as alive one could be when they were a vampire.
After a couple of years, she found out her niche when it came to their race. He could see her talent, her built up aggression for those who wronged her...and it could manifest into curses. He taught her all he knew, showing her the world of possibilities as to what she could offer those in need of their services. He had been part of Phoenix Bounty Service, helping her get a place there with the other Bounty Hunters that wanted an upper hand against Loose-Mouths or Hunters.
When the War happened, she fought alongside her Sire and those in the Bounty Service to take down as many of those bastards as she could. Though, when her Sire was killed, she felt something dark inside of her build and let out a scream so loud it blew out some of the eardrums of the Loose-Mouths. Instead of continuing to fight, she took her Sire to the sides and held onto him just as she had her mother years ago.
It’s now been a few years since the War ended, her selling her curses and spells at the Crystal Shoppe and leaving the Bounty Service behind. This was easier for her, but she still resents any Loose-Mouths who come near the city. She’s been known to kill them herself, taking them down without a second thought as to who or what was around. Adriene also, interestingly enough, makes sure to sell the deadlier potions to the Underground rings that need it all the while making deals with Mr. Reed from time to time for extra cash.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Independent, Flirtatious, Witty
NEGATIVE: Aggressive, Headstrong, Cynical
CHARLIE: She thinks Charlie’s wasting his affinity, it’s plain and simple. It’s not because of what he does with it, but what he could do. Whenever she goes into work and she’s sharing a schedule with him for the day, she tries her hardest to get him to push his ability to the limit. She hasn’t seen anyone with Necromancy, which just makes her all the more curious. Still, she has little respect for him.
ADELA: Now, this is a woman she’s more than happy to speak with because of who she’s connected to. She had no idea that Castor had such a world like the one Adela’s a part of. Adriene isn’t want to join them, but she will do what she had before in New York: sell her curses and spells to make quick cash.
ZEKE: Everyone knows his father that lives in Castor, especially with the War and what he had done for everyone there. The thing is, Zeke’s not really like his father at all. She likes to talk to him, get to know him, but she finds his element more useful than him. But, with every day Adrien speaks to him, she’s finding herself becoming more of a friend than a source.
ELISE: She may not visit the brothel all that often, but she sees Elise wandering about the Strip from time to time. They’ve even had a few drinks at The Snake Pit and enjoyed a hunt once or twice. Adriene has nothing against the older vampire, but with being what they are in general, the Magi finds it more appealing to keep the Taboo around.
BLAIR: With Blair’s occupation, Adriene seeks her out from time to time to get a handful of files on any Loose-Mouth cases she can probably get her hands on. That and also offering her curses and spells to help Blair in cases that involve a confession. With their personalities being headstrong and independent, she knows the woman will be touch to convince.
LEVI: O-Positive is one of Adriene’s go-to spots after work. With the drinks being fantastic, the music being on point, she’s found no reasons to stop going there. Levi, though, is a major factor into that since he has used her spells and curses on those who might seem to pose a threat on this nightly hotspot. He finds them business partners, as Adriene does as well.
ODEN: Because of his sin, Adriene has found an interest in getting closer to the Demon. With his massive casino, she has no problem spending time with him. Though, she has found out he’s part of the Sentinels, which causes her to feel a little more determined than usual. Just like with Blair, and even Levi, she sees potential business between them.
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 8 years
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“Peel me off this Velcro seat and get me moving; I sure as Hell can't do it by myself.” - Longview by Green Day
NAME: Adam Slych
AGE: 561
SPECIES: Sloth Demon
BIRTHPLACE: Dublin, Ireland
FACE CLAIM: Robert Sheehan
Adam was never a man who had ever thought to envy others, to get really angry all that often, nor really feel any overwhelming jealousy. Even as a child, he’d just shrug and find something else to do if someone got more attention or got upset at him. Of course, his indifference was more than just a setback. It got him into a lot of trouble, especially when it came to doing household chores or tending to his family farm. A shrug, sigh, or even a roll of his eyes would be his response to pretty much everyone who tried to get him to do something he didn’t want to...or felt would take up way too much of his leisure time. Adam would always be this way, no matter what.
As the man got older, the more he perfected his ability to con people out of anything they had. He’d stand in his village, using water and a sprig of rosemary as a tonic to cure all of what ailed anyone’s illnesses. There were times where he’d convince hard-working men to do his work for him through faking an illness, paying them with fake gold or silver, or even killing rabbits for dinner. There was no stopping his need for people to do things for him, it was just much easier and reliable for Adam.
This, of course, caught up to him when those in his town decided that he was taking advantage of their kindness. It didn’t help that he gave people fake precious metals as a way to pay for their labor. Because of his actions, they burned his house down with him tied to the bed. He had no idea this was going on, because he had been sleeping for the past few days thanks to his own desire to not leave his bed. Though, as he was burned alive, Adam had been dragged down to Hell in order to receive his punishment for his Sins. 
The thing was, when he got to Hell, he only shrugged and did absolutely nothing. Even with the punishments, he always found a way to delay them. Even if it wasn’t logical, he was able to distract the Demons with other souls who weren’t cooperating. The Archdemon of Sloth was impressed by his complete desire to be absolutely lazy. He didn’t want to do anything, letting people do the dirty work for him while sat around and did nothing. Offering Adam to Lucifer, he showed him what he could do for their Circle. He was convinced and Adam was then sent above to become a Sloth Demon.
Ever since then, he’s travelled the world, influencing his Sin upon the world. All of the con-artists were pushed to do their work because of him, causing mass laziness around the world. Hell, he even went on to perform his own cons since he didn’t really want to work at all himself. Though, when he was presented Castor as a home, Adam took it and used some of the money he got through his cons to go out to Castor. Ever since then, he’s been there. The thing was, the only time he wasn’t lazy, was during the War in Castor. For Adam, this place had become a home to him, and he would put his Sin aside to help the province out.
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Easy-Going, Quick-Witted, Humorous
NEGATIVE: Lazy, Unmotivated, Selfish
STEFAN: One would think that because of what Adam is, Stefan would find him absolutely repulsive and irritating to the core. That’s not exactly the case, though, with these two. They get along well, especially because of what they are. They both influence their Sins upon unsuspecting passerby's, leaving their victims to deal with said Sins. Stefan gets easily sucked into Adam, just as Adam does with Stefan. It’s a strange, brotherly friendship that no one really understands but them.
SINCLAIR: These two don’t clash, like anyone else and Sinclair. Adam knows it’s hard to not like the Lust Demon. He’s just too damned charming! That may be the only thing that bothers Adam since he needs his own charisma to get his cons to work. He does ask Sinclair what to do from time to time in order to perfect his own charm and suave mannerisms. It also doesn’t help that Sinclair and Adam egg each other on to see how far they could go with both of their Sins at once.
MISCHA: He’s run into this woman too many times because of what he does, always being thrown into a holding cell just to keep him out of trouble for even just a night. He knows he annoys her, and he likes it. Hell, she even gives him a place to sleep outside of the Sleep Inn motel. Not like he gets food in the holding cell, which he has suggested she do multiple times, but he’s patient. He’ll get what he wants soon enough.
SAMSON: They both work under Mr. Reed, though Adam’s more of the one to perform cons while Samson steals things. He likes hanging out with the Nefarious, especially when they have jobs together. It’s all too much fun, though he knows the vampire just isn’t as lazy as himself. He’s seen him outside of their respected jobs, of course, always up for a few drinks with the Nefarious. Though, one day, he’ll see if Samson wants to join him on a side con outside of Mr. Reed’s rules.
ACADIA: He knows what she’s capable of, overhearing from Stefan and Sinclair about her having lived on the streets. He’s done the same thing, but because he just didn’t want to go look for a place to sleep. Though, with his thoughts on what she might be good at, he’s thought of going to O-Positive and see if she wants to join him on a job. Even then, he was sure Stefan wouldn’t want him sniffing around his lady. Not in a sexual manner, just to see if she’d want to cause some trouble with him and gain money out of it.
FABIAN: This is Adam’s lawyer, the one who gets him out of the sticky situations he’s put himself in. Without Fabian, there wouldn’t be any freedom for the Sloth Demon. That and he pays the Pride Demon well for it. He knows the man can’t resist a challenge, his Sin always taking over whenever he was in court. It made it easier, though, for Adam to keep him as a lawyer since Adam was a challenge himself. If he conned an Elder Vampire or an older Were-Creature with tons of evidence, it would only make it more fun for Fabian. That and Adam would be off the hook. It’d be a win-win situation for both of them!
AUBREY: These two had dated for only a few months, having no idea how lazy Adam was until she’d seen his occupation. When she realized who he was and how many times he’d been in the holding cell, she dropped him like a hat. No need for her to keep anyone so negative around! But, because of how Adam felt about her, he thought about changing himself just a bit. It’s much too late for that now, having bad blood towards the Sin Demon that she just can’t shake.
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