#and she loves to carry Abi around whenever and for whatever reason
emmagail-brainrot · 1 year
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Summer camp hiking dates
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rollzerox · 4 years
Omg Mal’s fic said that Zoe hadn’t had a make over so that means she probably hasn’t had one since JinAe. You two seem to be tag teaming the Jinae stories so can you write Jeaha giving morgan a make over?
Sure thing anon!  Sorry this took me a while I’ve been kind of busy ^^; Just remember Morgan is @zenoobsessed ‘s ok everyone! This takes place a month after the one shot she did where Morgan cursed Jae-ha
How did she get talked into this? Morgan groaned as she was sitting in the chair, little Ryokuryuu Lina sitting in her lap making sure she couldn’t teleport away. It was just one slip up…. One little mention that she hadn’t had a makeover since Jin-ae and…
 “Oh come on Morgan dear, you’ll look stunning when I’m done.” The former Ryokuryuu, Jae-ha hummed as he placed his comb in his teeth to hold together while brushing his fingers through the mage’s rat’s nest of hair. It was worse than Yona’s who often grumbled about unruly hair but Jae-ha insisted on wanting to this, after all he was utterly grateful this woman had saved his life a month ago by cursing him. In fact he had found out a lot about Morgan in that time, thanks to Zeno and Morgan’s own slip ups.
 “So tell me more about this beautiful past life of mine.” Jae-ha hummed, taking the comb out of his mouth and working on her hair. “You said I was the queen and your adoptive daughter but what else? Zeno mentioned the first Ryokuryuu was my brother.”
 “You were a mess.” Morgan chuckled, playing with Lina’s pigtails. “Always getting into trouble. And swung your axe around at anyone that ticked you off, took three grown men to hold you down since you’d get kidnapped every other week and most times by the time we went to rescue you, you already broke out and beat your kidnappers head’s in.”
 Lina giggled. “Daddy sounds like he was silly as a girl!”
 “You once walked in on an important meeting Hiryuu had with the nobles, sat on his lap and gave him a hickey right there.” Morgan snickered. “I thought Abi was going to have a heart attack.”
 Jae-ha started laughing at that one. “Oh my, I so could see myself doing that to Yona dear. And I guess I couldn’t be a damsel in distress.”
 “You got a little carried away and nicked me once with it, you wouldn’t stop apologizing over it.” Morgan shrugged, unconsciously rubbing at her shoulder.
 Jae-ha frowned for a moment. “Oh I’m sorry dear, I’m sure I didn’t mean-“ he was cut off as Morgan placed a finger over his lips.
 “I literally had a lifetime of you apologizing so don’t start.” She rolled her eyes.
 The former Green Dragon smirked. “Mmmm I must have been cute apologizing for it.”
 That made Morgan laugh. “You were adorable. Hiryuu couldn’t ever stay mad or frustrated at you.”
 “The little miss still can’t get mad at her husband for long, even when he does stupid things.” Zeno said in passing, coming into the room of the inn they were staying in. “But then Hiryuu didn’t even get mad that time the queen and Shu-ten broke his crown.”
 “Wait what?” Jae-ha snorted. “You gotta tell me this Zeno!”
 Morgan groaned. “You stole all of Shu-ten’s beer and he decided to use the crown like a flipping frisbee throwing it at you.”
 Lina giggled. “Uncle Zeno said before Ryokuryuu loooove to drink a lot!”
 “Wasn’t my fault he didn’t hide it well.” Morgan shrugged. “But he totally thought I helped you find it with magic when really anyone could have found that easily it was a bad hiding spot.”
 “Well he should have hidden it from his lovely sister better.” Jae-ha hummed, then stopped brushing at Morgan’s hair for a moment to think about what he just said when he saw the look on Zeno’s face. “Please don’t tell me I said that to him.”
 The Ouryuu nodded. “You did and Shu-ten tried to hit you as you ran off with Lady Zoe.”
 Morgan smiled at the memory. “Hm, he was always leaving someone on the roof of the castle. He had such a bad attitude.”
 “Zeno seems to recall you two didn’t help.” Zeno replied rather deadpan.
 “Jin-ae only got worse because he kept calling Hiryuu a dumbass and she didn’t like that.” Morgan shrugged.
 “Well of course I wouldn't just stand by with a brother calling my lovely husband an idiot.” Jae-ha chuckled. “I imagine he only got away with that being a dragon and the queen's brother?”
 Morgan nodded. “Hiryuu was pretty easygoing anyway. Forgave people easily and understood they made mistakes. About that time was when a lot of unrest and distrust for mages started surfacing. He really drew people to him and having a mage like me in his court and serving beside him, well. That eased tensions a little…. Until I answered that damn letter…” she looked down, suddenly going silent.
 “Auntie….?” Lina looked up at her worried, the little girl had gotten so attached to the mage since she saved Jae-ha so Lina had come to start calling her auntie lately.
 Jae-ha twisted his mouth, Morgan didn’t like to talk much about her darker parts of her past and he didn’t press… After all he was similar in that sense so the group didn’t press her or ask too many questions how or why she lost her core when they met, just that Yona insisted they help her find it especially after Morgan saved Jae-ha’s life. That’s why they were traveling to Awa to take a ship out to Morgan’s home country in hopes of finding said orb. He did know from Zeno there was a mage war after Hiryuu’s time and that Morgan could have been part of that, but the Yellow Dragon didn’t know all the details. “Well that’s all in the past, all we can do is move forward yes?” he hummed, still combing through her hair. “Now stay still as I make my finishing touches please.”
 Morgan sighed, clutching Lina a bit tight now as she did stay still and stopped fidgeting as he continued to work on her. Jae-ha hummed a tune as he finished her hair, putting a clip in to hold it in place and stepping back to admire his handiwork. “I didn’t stay stiff as a board dear, really you didn’t have to take it to heart.” He chuckled. “All done, you can let Lina go now.”
 Morgan just gave him a weak smile. “Just playing.” She released the little Ryokuryuu, petting her on the head. “So how do I look? Ridiculous right?”
 Jae-ha snorted. “Whatever makes you say that?”
 “Because as Jin-ae that’s exactly what you’d do, luckily you don’t have access to poofy dresses or else I’d be poured into one.” Morgan rolled her eyes.
 “You could teach me how to get one here with magic.” Jae-ha hummed, his mischievous grin showing.
 “Nope, I am so saving that lesson until I have to show you.” Morgan snickered, getting up onto her feet. “Because otherwise who knows what you’ll teleport to your side.”
 “Oh? Maybe I’ll just tickle your mark until you scream.” Jae-ha grinned, brushing her hair to the side and focusing his hand right on that curse mark of hers, concentrating a tickle spell there that made her yelp, teleporting behind Lina and holding onto the little Ryokuryuu.
 “Lina protect me from your daddy!” Morgan whined, still giggling from the tickle spell. She shook her head, laughing also at the fact Jae-ha used that old threat that Jin-ae used constantly when she wanted something or was trying to make Morgan sleep.
 Lina giggled as she was held by the mage. “I’ll protect you auntie! I’m a dragon warrior after all!”
 Jae-ha laughed. “Oohhh really? Look treasure! Grandma Yoon has rice balls!” he pointed off in a random direction.
 “Oh? Zeno’s hungry!” Zeno looked up immediately.
 “Silly daddy I won’t fall for that!” Lina stuck her tongue out at him.
 Morgan’s stomach though growled reminding her she was reminded she hadn’t eaten in several days. “Maybe we should go check anyway huh Lina? We can go together.”
 Yona right then had come running up. “Are you guys done? Lunch is ready!”
 “Ooohhh just in time my darling.” Jae-ha hummed, picking up his wife and twirling around with her before laying a kiss on her lips. He had gotten twice as affectionate with Yona if that was even possible after getting new life in him. Thanking everyday for more time with his family since Morgan came into their lives. “Mmm maybe I should give you a makeover next as we plan the next baby…” he hummed as he put her down, rubbing her stomach that only had a small bump as of now.
 “Later.” Yona bopped his nose before pulling away to come over to Morgan. “Sorry if he got carried away.”
 “It’s ok, no worse than how he was as Jin-ae.” Morgan chuckled.
 “Mommy I found this pretty flower out here in the woods earlier!” Lina cheered, holding up a snapdragon flower and smiled wide. “Auntie said this flower you used to call daddy back when you were Hiryuu!”
 “Oh? Yona giggled. “That looks like a dragon flower, isn’t it?”
 “Antirrhinum.” Morgan answered with a nod. “Lord Hiryuu had a thing with giving people nicknames after flowers. Mine was Amaryllis.”
 “Such a beautiful nickname, you should use it sometime, princess of my heart.” Jae-ha purred into Yona’s ear from behind, sending a shudder through her body as she blushed.
 “My memories are jumbled enough as it is.” Morgan made a face. “God you two are so like Jin and Hiryuu it’s scary, I mean it makes sense but seriously.”
 “Well then maybe I should start calling you mom then!” Jae-ha purred, offering a hand to Morgan as they were heading back to their campfire. “Since you did adopt me in that past life you said.”
 Morgan snorted. “You only called me mother whenever you wanted something or when you were in trouble.”
 “More reason to make up for it!” Jae-ha hummed. “Besides I welcome it, never got the chance to call anyone that before.”
 That made Morgan wilt, she had some idea about Jae-ha’s past but hearing about it made her heart ache. “… If you want to, just don’t be surprised if I start calling you Jin-ae then, sexy trouble.”
 Jae-ha winked at her. “I more than welcome it, maybe we can get into some trouble together~”
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goblinswamps · 6 years
“Howdy sir, can I top you up?”
Abigail wraps her hands around her mug and smiles thinly, the chapstick on her lips feeling suddenly too slick. “No, thanks,” she says, even though her mug is barely half-full at this point, all the warmth leaching out and into her palms. “I’m good.”
“Me too,” Max pipes up before they can be asked. “Can we get some fries, though?”
“Sure thing!” the waitress says brightly – her nametag says Lauren, but Abigail isn’t feeling particularly generous. She focuses on the smoothness of the mug under her fingers, the chip in the rim where the diner doesn’t have enough spare cash to buy new ceramics, and tries to filter out the click-click-click of the waitress’ heels as she walks towards the kitchen. Max leans over and takes her hand.
“The fries are better than the service,” Max promises, smiling apologetically. Abigail swallows the heavy feeling in her stomach and musters up a smile in return.
“It’s okay,” she says. It sounds hollow.
“It’s not,” Max says, expression suddenly serious. “Here, finish off my coffee. I can feel myself getting all jittery with caffeine; I’ll probably have a heart attack or something if I drink much more.” They pour the rest of their coffee into Abigail’s mug, slopping a little over the side and grimacing as they grab a handful of napkins to mop it up. “Shit, sorry. Did I get you?”
Abigail smiles again, more genuinely this time. “No, you’re good. Incurably clumsy, though.”
“Clumsiest bitch alive,” Max proclaims proudly, tossing their dark hair over their shoulder and then making a face. “You got a tie?”
Abigail hands over one of the hair ties clinging to her wrist, watching Max’s clumsy fingers tie their hair into a neat ponytail with uncharacteristic deftness. It’s one of the things they never seem to fumble, for some reason. Abigail pretends she doesn’t find it as endearing as she does.
“Cheers,” Max says, letting the hairband snap into place and pulling out a couple of strands near the front to frame their round face.
“No problem,” Abigail says, and tries not to think about how soft she knows Max’s hair is, the smell of the coconut shampoo they use because it keeps their hair moisturised better than expensive brands even though it’s one of the cheapest out there. “What did you wanna talk about?”
“Oh, I- let’s have our fries first, yeah? I’m starving.”
“…Sure,” Abigail says, even though their fries are probably a good ten minutes away and she’s been dying to know what Max is thinking ever since she got their text to meet here. “How’s your day gone so far?”
Max, looking perceptibly grateful, seizes on the topic immediately. “I didn’t wake up until like 2pm, honestly,” they admit, grinning. Abigail hides a laugh behind her mug, taking a gulp of lukewarm coffee. “Dad was yelling about something so I snuck out the window and spent a few hours in the woods. Hey, you wanna see the bones I found?”
“No! Gross, you haven’t even cleaned them yet!” Abigail says, wrinkling her nose, laughing as she dodges what looks like a dirty bird skull as Max thrusts it towards her. “Is that just in your pocket? You got pockets full of bones in the middle of this respectable diner?”
The waitress, who was bringing their fries over with a smile, pauses as she reaches the table and hears that sentence, her hesitant look morphing to horror when she sees the skull in Max’s hand. Abigail thinks there might still be some flesh on this one, if she looks closely, which she decides not to do.
“Fries,” the waitress says quickly, almost throwing them onto the table and fast-walking away.
“Thanks!” Max shouts after her, and abruptly they and Abigail are both laughing too hard to breathe, Max’s hand almost crushing the bird skull before they shove it back in the plastic bag in their pocket so they can press their knuckles against their eyes. “Did you see her fucking face? Oh my god…”
“Max! Don’t touch your face with your dead bird hand, come here-” Abigail gets out the hand sanitiser she’s been carrying around pretty much ever since they met, because Max has a habit of getting themself into improbable and unhygienic situations on the regular. Max holds out the hand and lets Abigail squirt some sanitiser into their palm, smacking their hands together a couple of times before rubbing it into their skin.
“Thanks, Abi,” they say fondly. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Yeah, well,” Abigail says, flustered as always by the affectionate tone. “Can’t have you getting necrogerms all over these apparently delicious fries, can I?” She takes one and bites into it and jeez, Max wasn’t kidding – they’re crunchy on the outside, fluffy and soft on the inside, perfectly salted and maybe even lightly dusted with paprika? Abigail finishes the fry in one bite and immediately takes another, dipping it in the provided paper cup of ketchup. “These are so good!”
“Told you,” Max says smugly, taking a fry of their own and biting decisively into it, a flash of sharp teeth. Their tongue darts out to lick up a smear of grease on their broad lips; Abigail averts her eyes. “Okay, so. What I wanted to talk about.”
“Yeah?” Abigail says encouragingly. She watches Max squash a few fries together into one gross, salty, oily lump and shove the whole thing in their mouth. They must be nervous; their eating habits get grosser when they’re anxious.
“Okay, so,” Max says again, “What I wanted to talk about. Okay, so,” and then blurts out in a rush, “I have a crush on you,” through a mouthful of potato. Abigail chokes on her food.
“I have a crush on you!” Max says again, their eyebrows pushed together, their eyes screwing shut as though they can’t bear to see Abigail’s response. “I’ve had a crush on you for months and I super don’t want to make this weird and shit but whenever we hang out I just want to kiss you and hold your hand and I can’t stop thinking about what if you were my girlfriend, y’know? It’s okay if you don’t like me that way, honestly, I can deal and I’d rather be friends than not be anything, but I just wanted to tell you in case you, y’know, also maybe like me, but if not then-”
“Oh my god,” Abigail interrupts. “You like me? Like, romantically?”
Max makes a noise like something on the verge of a really painful death. “Augh, yes!”
“Like…” Abigail lowers her voice. “Sexually?”
Max makes a noise like something that is currently experiencing that really painful death. “Do you have t- yes! Romantically, sexually, all of that. God. I want to kiss you and-” There’s a blush rising in the olive skin of their cheeks. “- I want to, ugh, make out with you, and fucking… take you out on dates, and buy you gifts, and do all of that gross shit with you. I want to feed you strawberries on a picnic blanket on a hill, and play your weird porn games-“
“They’re dating sims, not porn!” Abigail defends automatically, a well-worn argument. Max’s eyes open and they flash an unusually shy smile, the familiarity of the protest seeming to soothe their nerves.
“Whatever they are, I wanna play them with you. I want to watch horror movies with you even though they scare my ass clean off; I want to do anything and everything you want together. I know we’ve only known each other for like, a year, but I really, really like you, and I just… thought I should tell you. I think I’m kind of in love with you?”
“Oh,” Abigail says, stunned.
“Did I ruin everything? Fuck, I did, didn’t I, let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything and we can-“
“It’s been a year and three months,” Abigail interrupts. “That’s how long we’ve known each other. I put it into my phone a while back so I’d know our friendiversary.”
“Aw,” Max says. “Gay.”
“Yeah, actually,” Abigail says, aiming for casual and missing it completely. “For about 8 months, now.”
“Wait. Wait a fucking s- you like me? Like, girlfriend-like?”
“Yeah,” Abigail says, grinning. “Why do you think I keep stealing your clothes?”
“Oh my god… I thought that was just because your parents wouldn’t buy you feminine clothes and mine won’t buy me anything else!”
“I like wearing your clothes! I steal your plaid all the time, too, not just the feminine stuff. Not that I don’t appreciate you letting me keep the fem stuff,” she adds. “But I’d totally have stolen half your wardrobe even if your parents let you have all the butch stuff you want.”
“You bitch!” Max exclaims, laughing. “I can’t believe you’ve been using your shitty parents as an excuse to steal all my stuff!”
“I didn’t know you felt the same!” Abigail says defensively. “I just like smelling like your cologne, but I couldn’t exactly just say that!”
“Oh my- we are the epitome of useless lesbians,” Max groans, dropping their head to smack against the table. “I could’ve kissed you 8 whole months ago?”
“I mean, you still haven’t kissed me now, let alone 8 months ago,” Abigail says, hoping that Max will take it as the challenge it is. They do, of course, smiling in a way that’s somehow both sharp and soft, standing up to come round to Abigail’s side of the booth. Abigail shuffles towards the window to give them room to sit down; they do, kneeling on the soft padding of the bench and reaching out to take Abigail’s sweaty hands in theirs. Their almost-black eyes are mesmerising this close, the dark freckles clustered across their nose individually visible in a way that they aren’t from across a table.
“Hey,” they say softly, pressing their thumbs against Abigail’s palms, both of them just taking a moment to appreciate skin against skin, the intimacy of the movement spellbinding.
“Hey,” Abigail says, voice hoarse and stuttering. She’s been thinking about kissing Max for so long, been daydreaming about it looking at their lips, but now that the moment is here she thinks she might pass out with nerves before Max can even kiss her.
“You okay?” Max says, tone still so gentle. Abigail is suddenly glad the diner is so quiet, so empty; she doesn’t want anyone else seeing this.  
“I’m just… nervous,” Abigail confesses. “I’ve only ever kissed one person before. What if I-”
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months,” Max interrupts. “You could probably sprout fucking tentacles at this point and I wouldn’t care.”
“Oh, well, in that case I should probably tell you,” Abigail starts, trying and failing to keep a serious expression; Max’s eyes crinkle at the corners, their lips curving upwards, and then there’s soft, warm pressure against Abigail’s mouth. Max kisses her gently, their hands reaching up to cup Abigail’s jaw, not seeming to care about the roughness of her skin, the bump of a nearly-healed scab against their fingertips where Abigail cut herself shaving a few days ago. Their lips taste of coconut, just like their hair smells of it, and for a second Abigail forgets to even kiss back, so caught up in how good they feel that her brain goes completely offline. Max pulls back ever so slightly and whispers, “This is usually a two-person thing, Abi,” against her lips, and they both laugh quietly for a second.
“But you were doing so great by yourself,” Abigail murmurs. Max laughs a little louder, tucking their face against her neck and snaking a hand down to hold one of Abigail’s again, both their palms kinda sweaty now. Abigail doesn’t even care; it’s perfect.
“Dork,” they say, and now the fondness in it takes a different meaning, one that makes Abigail’s chest feel a little too big and too small all at once.
“You love it,” she says, daring to press a kiss to the top of Max’s head.
Max lifts their head to press another kiss to Abigail’s cheek. “Damn right I do.”
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