#and she was SUPER drunk and was like 'oh i didnt know lisa had two sons!' since i was introduced as y'know. a boy.
flowermist7432 · 4 months
Today is Mother's day and i'm not sure how to feel about it. Ever since i learned the news of my mom dying last year ive been struggling to understand how to cope with that- I really wish I knew the exact day she passed away. Which is weird right? But i dunno, i feel like having some day to mourn would help. I just remember being on the laptop playing a game and my grandma coming in to tell us the news. I remember the exact place my character was standing in the game when we were told. and I have so many unanswered questions that I can never get closure for. On top of that, learning from my older sister what happened in her life and how it led up to her death; fills me with so many mixed feelings. Angry? offended? sad? confused? I really dont know. I miss you mom
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parkaiur · 6 years
One Night Stand - Byounggon
❀ Romantic Comedy + fluff 
❀ Word Count: 8.4K words 
❀ Waking up in a stranger’s bed is always a bad way to start your morning. But, waking up in your best friend’s brother’s room is even worse. 
❀ A/N: no this is not smut you nasties ;( !! also i didnt think i would write for these boys again ...but the silver boys fandom made me want to ,,so here i am :)
❀ warning: suggestive content (not smut tho), vulgar language
⭢ spinoff of [Real]istic Fiction
❀ ❀ ❀
I woke up with a nasty headache.
My vision was blurry and as I rolled onto my side, the bright sunlight blinded me. I groaned and covered myself with the blankets once again.
And that’s when I realized.
These blankets are white. 
My blankets are red. 
My vision was suddenly clear as I shot up and looked around. Immediately I grew shocked at the boy snoring next to me who obviously wasn’t supposed to be in my room. 
But this wasn’t my room.
The room was a dark blue color with messy notebooks sprawled everywhere and empty beer cans on the ground that I’m assuming we had been drinking before we got in bed. 
I instinctively reached to touch my body and found I was only wearing shorts. 
Nothing else. 
I felt my chest turn ice cold at the morning air.
“Fuck this.” I whispered to myself, searching on the ground for my shirt. I eventually found it... across the room. 
At this point, I wasn’t even curious as to whose room I was in-- I just needed to get out. 
The boy next to me was snoring heavily, so I wasn’t that scared of waking him. Ok I was majorly scared because this was my first time running out of a boy’s room and I did not know what to do if he woke up. 
I scurried out of the room, tip toeing out of there. I looked back at the boy who was covered by a shirt and some pillows. I carefully opened the door and stepped out. The door creaked shut, but I made it out without waking up.
I walked down the frat boy stairs, seeing other girl’s walking out too. 
“Phew, I’m never going to a frat party again. Ever-”
“Oh, y/n? What are you doing here?” 
I jumped at the voice, dropping my phone on the ground. My eyes widened in shock as I stared at Kim Seunghun. Aka the alpha male of this frat house. And Lisa’s brother’s friend. 
Well fuck. 
I leaned against the staircase and scratched my head. 
“UHHH, good question.” I pretended to think and scooted past him. But nothing got past the boy. 
“Did you just walk out from that room?” He pointed to, yes, the room I just came out of. I felt my cheeks start to turn red from either the shyness or the barf that was rising in my chest. 
I looked to the room and shrugged. “Uhhhh can’t remember. That’s odd the hangover is killing me, uh, I should be going-”
“Oh well, I was just wondering because that room happens to be Byounggon’s room.” 
I froze at the name. 
I slowly backed up and stared at the taller boy who was now smirking down at me. He crossed his arms and examined my facial features. “Oh gosh. You didn’t.”
My head was spinning at the realization.
I had just slept with my best friend’s brother.
That was wrong in so many ways.
“Kim Seunghun. We are never talking about this again, ok? Never. Ever. You will not tell Byounggon nor Lisa. Or any other living soul, got it? Or else I’ll cut off your dick and feed it to the thirsty fangirls you have.”
He flinched at my vulgar words. “Jesus, ok y/n, I won’t tell anyone... besides Jihoon.” I glared at the boy, but I knew I couldn’t fight that. Those two told each other everything.
“Just don’t tell anyone who would tell Lisa or Byounggon, ok? Now I’m leaving I feel like shit dude.” 
“Ok but congrats for boning your crush! Woohoo!” I rolled my eyes and pushed myself past him, my cheeks burning furiously.
Before Seunghun could say anything else and before anyone else could find me doing the walk of shame, I left. 
❀ ❀ ❀
I had a lot to think about on my walk home.
The fresh air, the morning breeze, the multiple other girls walking back to the dorms after being boned by some of the hottest guys on campus, and also the fact that I had to hide one of the biggest secrets from my best friend.
It was no secret that I used to like Byounggon.
Lisa knew. 
Byounggon knew.
Unsurprisingly though, the boy had turned me down years ago. And ever since then, no one has truly known if I liked Byounggon anymore. I stopped talking about it and even I didn’t know how I felt about the boy. 
And no, I was never truly that upset because everyone thought me of as “that weird girl”. I was kind of socially awkward and annoying at the same time. It was a true talent.
Lisa was the only person who had embraced my oddness and we’d been best friends ever since the fifth grade. 
I didn’t know how it would sit with her that I slept with her older brother though.
I sighed in frustration. 
Soon, I reached my dorm and swiped my card, walking into the familiar halls. Thankfully, there were no kids up at 7am so I could calmly get to my dorm room that I did not share with Lisa. 
I opened the door quietly and saw my roommate, Sooyoung, passed out in bed. She was the heaviest sleeper.
And at that, I busted open my bathroom door and barfed all the alcohol out of my system.
❀ ❀ ❀
“So, how’d you get home after the party?” I almost spat out my chocolate milk at her question. Lisa grabbed the napkins out of her pocket and handed them to me. I thanked her and covered my mouth with the tissues.
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously. Lisa gave me a suspicious glance but said nothing. “I mean, you told me you wanted to stay longer at the party, so I left with Jackson, my friend from art class, and told Byounggon to bring you home. Did he give you any problems? I know my brother is SO annoying sometimes.” 
Oh... so that’s how we ended up... yeah.
I shook my head quickly. “Uh, yeah it was good, fine. Didn’t talk much, I was so drunk ahahahaha” I laughed nervously. Lisa was really dense. She couldn’t tell a thing when I was lying. She shrugged and smiled happily. “Cool, cool. So, your first frat party, how did you-”
“Never going again.” 
I tossed my carton in the trash and walked out of the cafe we were peacefully sitting in. Lisa got up abruptly and followed me.
“Woah, what? You seemed to be enjoying yourself last night.” I blushed red thinking back to last night. I had no recollection of what I did last night, but I could only imagine. And that was enough.
“Um, I was drunk, I had no idea what I was doing. And I’m never drinking again. That was terrible, I hate waking up sore.” 
Maybe you weren’t just sore because of the alcohol.
I shook my head subtly. Nasty brain. 
“Ok, ok, frat parties aren’t your thing. Got it.”
“Correction: parties aren’t my thing. I hate people.” I noted carefully while tightening the straps on my backpack. Lisa snorted and held open the door for me as we moved to our next class: chemistry.
“I hate chemistry. It’s a waste of my time as a foreign languages major.” I snorted at the Thai girl. “Whatever, chemistry is the only thing that makes sense to me. Learning languages is too hard.” I sat higher in my chair as the professor walked in so that I could see the board.
“You’re too hard.” The girl deadpanned. I shot her a death glare, but I couldn’t help but laugh shortly afterwards. 
❀ ❀ ❀
“Ah, here comes our favorite chemistry tutor, y/n.” I grinned at the other tutor there. 
“I’m the only chemistry tutor here, Junkyu.” I set down my backpack in the ‘tutor’s only’ area. The boy laughed and nodded his head happily. 
“You’re right.” I rolled my eyes and sat on the table. 
“Another day, another lack of tutoring.” 
Seriously, it amazed me at how many people were failing their classes, yet, no one ever got help. Until, of course, midterms and finals week, then the line became long. But it was only the beginning of the quarter meaning the load was light.
I got lost in my phone until I looked up at Junkyu who was writing something intensely into a journal. 
“What’s that?” I asked curiously. I jumped over to the boy and tried to look over his shoulder. He immediately shut his journal and glared at me.
I pouted and crossed my arms in anguish. “Wow, hiding things from me now?” Junkyu rolled his eyes at me. 
“This is none of your business, y/n.” He spoke with that same condescending tone all boy’s talked with. I hated it. 
“Ugh, whatever. Keep your damn secrets.” I sat on the table once again and huffed angrily. A few minutes went by until I heard him sigh loudly. 
“Ok, so you know my sister?” I set down my phone and nodded happily even though I only knew of her. Junkyu sighed and opened his journal again. “Well, so she sort of wants a boyfriend.” 
I raised a brow. “Well, can’t help with that.” I gestured to myself and Junkyu rolled his eyes. 
“Not you! Ugh, anyways, I’m helping her fall in love I guess.”
I grew more and more confused as the conversation ticked by. 
Junkyu sighed and tossed the journal at me. 
“Realistic Fiction Operation. Number one, you must talk to him-” 
Then, I realized what it said scribbled on the top.
“Operation: fall in love with Lee Byounggon? What?” 
Junkyu snorted and hopped off a table. “So, my sister failed this writing assignment of hers because she only writer fanfiction and the professor failed her. Blah blah blah, she is sad because she’s never been in love. So this way, she can write her story and fall in love with a super nice guy like Byounggon.” 
He then snorted.
“You would know how that feels right?” 
I hit him with a book and I felt happiness when he flinched in pain. “Fuck you, Junkyu.” I spat. “I was never, ever, in love with Byounggon, ok? I liked him when I was 14 years old, big fucking whoop. So did every other girl in our high school.”
Junkyu raised a brow at me. “Moving on, so now I’m trying to set my sister up with him ‘cause Gon is a great dude. Nice, funny, smart, athletic, good looking, charming, he’s everything.”
I glared at him as he said those things. Like I didn’t notice them or something.
“So, even though you think I’m in love with Byounggon, you would still set your sister up with her?” I question.
Junkyu smiled. “No offense, but Byounggon probably suits a quieter, nicer girl. You’re sort of vulgar and... mean.” 
It wasn’t the first time I’ve heard those words, but I admit, they weren’t nice words to hear. 
I felt a pang in my chest and I ignored the way it stung.
"Mean? I tutor people for a living! How nice is that: I’m sharing my knowledge with others.” I argued. Junkyu peered around the room.
“What others?” 
Suddenly, as we were arguing, we heard a bell ring. 
“What is that bell?” Junkyu said dumbly. 
“You idiot! That’s the bell people are supposed to ring when they need help.” I smacked him with a book one last time before walking over to the desk we had neglected for too long.
“Hi, how can I-” I paused when I looked up at the face. “Oh, hey Byounggon, what can I help you with ahaha?” I said nervously. The boy smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes like normal.
Oh fuck he knows. He’s going to kill me and bury me so his sister never finds out.
“Yeah, I was having some trouble with my chemistry homework, I was wondering if you could help me?” 
Oh... so it was only chemistry.
I felt my anxiety die down. I fake smiled like I did with all of the students I worked with.
“Oh sure, just... sit at a table. We’re pretty empty today.”
Byounggon nodded and then noticed Junkyu. “Oh hey dude.” Junkyu waved back and then his eyes lit up.
“Hey Byounggon, I heard you have creative writing with my sister.” Byounggon nodded and smiled. “How’s she doing? Getting into trouble yet?”
Byounggon laughed and shook her head. “Oh never, she’s not a troublemaker like someone we know.” He peered down at me and I rolled my eyes. When have I ever caused trouble? Besides sleeping with my best friend’s brother? Besides that?
Junkyu gave me an “i told you so face” and I flipped him off blatantly. 
“I’ll be in the lounge.” Junkyu shut the door and left Byounggon and I alone.
“So, what do you-”
“Can we just like, address the elephant in the room?” He finally said. 
Oh great, the jitters are back.
“W-what? What elephant?” I asked, feigning innocence. Byounggon sighed like he was frustrated with me already. 
“Y/n, I’m talking about what happened a few nights ago. Friday night to be exact.” 
He remembers. Definitely remembers. 
“Um... oh yeah, fun party that was. Exciting. Yup. That’s it. Now, chemistry-”
Byounggon pulled his homework away and I saw it was already completed. He just came here to talk to me. To turn me down once again.
“y/n, you know what I mean.” 
He then tossed something on the table which I realized was mine. My face turned sheet white as I locked eyes with him. 
“You left your socks in my bed.. and I know they’re yours because I got you them for Christmas.” He deadpanned.
A million ideas of how to get out of this went through my mind, but nothing came out of my mouth.
Instead, I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. “Why did you come to tell me this?” I said. The boy raised his eyebrows at me in surprise. Before he could say anything, I waved him off. “Ok, Byounggon, you don’t need to tell me anything. I don’t even remember it and I doubt you did too so like, we can move on. Ok? Thanks for coming, I’ll walk you out, and-”
Byounggon didn’t move even though I ushered him out. 
“Y/n, I didn’t come here to tell you to have you ignore it. I just....” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I just feel really guilty about it because Lisa and...” He trailed off once more which played with my emotions. 
“I just wanted to let you know that this was just a mistake on my part... we never should have done what we did.” He blurted.
For some reason, I felt my heart sink all the way to the floor at his words. Even though I’d expected them, it didn’t mean it hurt any less. 
“You’re right, we shouldn’t have done what we did so let’s just forget about it ok? We don’t even remember having sex so it doesn’t matter. Basically didn’t happen.” I fibbed. 
Byounggon gave me one last once-over before standing up. 
“Glad we’re on the same page then.” I nodded as he picked up all his stuff. 
“Exactly and uh, you’re not gonna tell Lisa right? Just to be sure.” 
Byounggon lifted a brow. “’Course not.” 
He walked off with one final wave and I tried to wonder if Byounggon was being honest with me.
❀ ❀ ❀
Later that night, it was the end of my shift since it was 9pm. 
“Later, y/n.” Junkyu left as soon as possible, typical Junkyu. I huffed and slowly packed up my stuff, scanning the room to see if I forgot anything.
“Wait, y/n!” I looked up and saw the familiar tall, caramel-haired boy running towards me. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Seunghun, my tutoring hours are over. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.” He shook his head. “No, I just wanted to talk.” Seunghun’s face was full of confidence and hope which meant mine was full of confusion and fear.
“About what?” I asked hesitantly. The boy hopped on the table across from me and stared at me. 
“Hm, so, I have a favor to ask of you.” I raised a brow. “And what do you have over me that...” Before I asked the question, I realized what dirt he had on me and I grew furious that he tried to hold it over my head.
“No, no, no, I wouldn’t do that. But, I do have an idea.” I raised a brow. “What?” 
Seunghun smirked and leaned back slightly to adjust his legs. “So, I sort of have this chemistry report that only needs to be five-six pages long and it counts for basically my whole grade. I’m already failing chemistry and my teacher told me that if I failed this too, then I should just not come back.”
My eyes widened. Seunghun couldn’t be failing that hard... could he?
“And... what are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying, can you please please please write it for me?” Before I could say no, he stopped me. “Ok, look, I’m not a prick so I would never tell Lisa about you banging her brother. But, let’s return to the idea I said I had earlier.” 
At this point, I just wanted him to shut up.
“Well, Junkyu told me that he was trying to set up his sister with Byounggon and if that happens, that means Lisa will no longer be suspicious of you and Byounggon because knowing you and Gon, you both suck at lying.” He was right. “And also, then Byounggon will be distracted by Junkyu’s sister that he’ll forget all about you. It’s perfect truly!” 
“Ok... and how does this involve you?” Seunghun gave me a smug look.
“I’m one of Byounggon’s best friends and I also see him everyday. I’ll give him advice and push him towards it.” I thought carefully about this. Despite Seunghun being obnoxious and crazy at times, people took his advice to heart. He was a nice guy and had a nice heart, his ideas mattered. 
I grumbled and couldn’t believe I was doing this.
“Fine, when do I start?” 
❀ ❀ ❀
Seunghun told me he would come back tomorrow during my tutoring hours and give me all the stuff needed to write the paper. I wondered why he didn’t just give me the stuff when he saw me yesterday, but he insisted he come back.
I sat at my usual tutoring table and of course, it was dead. I was reading a book until I heard someone clearing his throat. 
I looked up and almost dropped my book. 
“Byounggon, what are you doing here?” I spat harsher than intended. The boy scoffed and took a seat. 
“I think I know what’s going on...” He trailed off. 
“What are you talking about--” 
Before I could say anything, Seunghun appeared out of nowhere with all smiles. I wanted to strangle him. 
“Oh hey, seems like you guys are already here.” 
“What do you mean?” I asked with a jolt in my voice. I was so confused as Byounggon sighed.
“Seunghun, why did you tell me to write your paper if you already had y/n doing it?” Seunghun smiled innocently and my head spun at Byounggon’s statement. 
“Because, I felt bad and thought two smart heads would be better than one.” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “Now, here is the rubric along with all my notes for his essay. Good luck and thank you guys so much.” Before we could fight about this, the long limbed boy ran away, leaving me alone with Byounggon.
We sat in silence until I broke it.
“Ok, you can leave, I can write the paper myself.” I said sternly. Byounggon sighed and shook his head. 
“No, let’s just write it together. It’s not like we hate each other.”
I wanted to asked him ‘are you sure?’ but that seemed inappropriate. It wasn’t that we hated each other, it was just awkward between us at times since he had rejected me a long time ago. Obviously I didn’t have the same feelings for him.
“Ok, fine, how about this? The paper is split into 4 sections. I’ll take the first two and you take the last two and then we can combine to write the intro and conclusion. Sound good.” The boy nodded. 
I nodded too and pulled out my laptop and started typing away. I had already had this basic knowledge of chemistry but I occasionally flipped through Seunghun’s notes. 
Byounggon and I sat in silence for a long while until I heard him lean back in his chair. 
“You hungry?” I stared at him and shook my head. “Thirsty?” I shook my head again. 
“I’m fine, but if you’re hungry, you can get something.” I said. Byounggon was a lot of things, but he was always caring. It’s one of the reasons why I fell for him years ago.
Byounggon nodded and got out of his chair. 
It was about 15 minutes until he came back. He set two drinks on the table and two sandwiches. One cold sandwich, one warm.
“Wow, you extra hungry today?” He chuckled at my tone.
“Very funny. I got the strawberry frappe and one ham and cheese sandwich for you. And I got it pressed for you since I know you don’t eat cold sandwiches.” 
I melted at his actions. He remembered my favorite drink and the way I liked my sandwiches, things I mentioned long ago. 
“Thanks, that’s very nice of you.” I said quickly and took a sip of my drink before digging into my sandwich. Byounggon smiled, showing off his dimple that every girl swooned over.
“No problem.”
We ate in silence for a short while. 
“You know, it’s weird how we barely talk even though my sister and you are best friends.” He blurted randomly. I shrugged my shoulders and took another bite of my sandwich.
“I mean, most people don’t talk to their best friend’s siblings.” I pointed out. 
Byounggon sighed. “But we used to be so close.” He said nothing after those words, but I could tell he didn’t want to finish that sentence.
“Before you rejected me.” I finished for him. He flinched at my words, but nodded nonetheless. 
“Yea... before that.” 
We paused at the awkwardness that filled the room.
“You know, I wasn’t that upset at the rejection. I knew you didn’t like me.” I blurt.
Byounggon’s eyebrows shot up. “Why did you think that?” I laughed.
“Um, maybe because no one liked, or likes, me. I am weird, even I know that.” I gestured to my multi-colored hair. Byounggon chuckled.
“You’re weird, but that’s what makes you unique, y/n. Everyone’s a bit weird in their own way, but you do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, that’s what sets you apart from other people.” 
I felt my heart speed up as he got closer to me. 
Shit, I cannot let this puppy crush come back. It was so lame. 
“Thanks. And for the record, I do NOT still like you.” 
Byounggon laughed as he sipped on his caramel latte.
“I’m being serious you asshole. I feel like everyone still thinks I pine after you and it’s so annoying. I was fucking 14 for pete’s sake!” Byounggon laughed harder and set down his cup.
“That’s not what you were saying Friday night.” 
I choked on my frappe and gaped at him. He was holding in his laughter and staring at me intensely. 
“You... I’m going to pretend you never said that.” He laughed even harder as I tried to ignore the topic. But then I realized something, “Whatever, you don’t even remember what happened. We were both so blackout drunk.” 
Byounggon said nothing which is what made me nervous. 
“Wait... did you remember?” He avoided my gaze and returned to typing on his laptop. My jaw dropped.
“What the fuck, you what?” I suddenly felt nervous around him. Byounggon sighed and looked at me with a gaze that made me want to burst into flames.
“Ok, I didn’t remember who I slept with at first. I just got somewhat of flashbacks to what happened. But when I found your socks, I suddenly remembered a bit more...” Byounggon said honestly. I gulped as his eyes flickered to my lips. 
“Well... try forgetting it.” I spat and tried to rid of the deep blush on my face. Suddenly, his leg that was so close to mine made me feel nervous. My whole body felt like it was on fire. 
Stop it, you horny teenage girl.
❀ ❀ ❀
Night came sooner than expected. 
“Let’s work on this another day. You free tomorrow?” I nodded as I tutored every day of the week. “Yup, same time?” He nodded. 
Soon, Junkyu came out of the tutoring lounge. He usually never sat out in the open unless someone rang the bell for him. He turned to wave to me, but stopped short when he saw Byounggon.
“Byounggon, dude what are you doing here?” The boy smiled and gestured to the work.
“Seunghun.” Junkyu nodded in understanding making me realize Seunghun probably did this often.
Junkyu then gestured me to leave. I rolled my eyes and packed my things faster than usual.
“So Byounggon, I hear you got the hots for my sister.” Oh wow, so he was going to start that while I was still here.
Byounggon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Um, who told you that?” 
Junkyu shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. But, she likes you, so you should ask her to the party Friday.” 
Byounggon laughed and his black hair flopped around. I resisted the urge to fix it for him.
“Are you sure she likes me? I thought she had a thing for Mashi.” 
Junkyu shook his head vigorously. “Oh no no, they’re just friends. She likes you I swear.” Byounggon sighed.
“That’s what Seunghun said I should do too... but I don’t know man. She’s a nice girl and funny too, but-”
“No buts! Take her, ok?”
I saw Byounggon nod and I couldn’t hide my sadness. I walked away before I could hear Junkyu say anymore about how perfect she was for him and how I was inferior. 
“y/n, wait up.” I paused and felt Byounggon’s presence next to me. 
“It’s late, you shouldn’t walk home by yourself.” I felt giddy at his kind manners, but I ignored it. I hadn’t had a crush in a while and this was me trying to make up for it.
“Um, thanks.” To be honest, I was paranoid about walking home in the dark, but sometimes I just power through. 
We walked in silence to my dorm that wasn’t too far from the library. 
“So, party Friday? Do you guys have one every week?” Byounggon sighed and nodded. 
“Unfortunately.” He sighed. Byounggon was fun at parties, but he liked the quiet life as well. He was no Kim Seunghun.
“So, what’s this thing with you and Junkyu’s sister?” I asked like it was just a conversation starter, not like I was jealous.
Byounggon chuckled lightly. “Hm, why? Jealous?” I hit him on the shoulder and walked past him in anger. He caught up to me easily. “I’m kidding! And it’s nothing, just harmless flirting... I don’t know, I may like her but I haven’t liked a girl in a while.” 
I sighed. “I think you should go for it.” 
I unlocked my door but didn’t go in just yet. “What? Why, you don’t even know her.” I shrugged thinking about Lisa and Junkyu. I could move on from my confusing feelings towards Byounggon once he started to date Junkyu’s sister. And Junkyu was right... I wasn’t right for Byounggon. 
“She seems like a nice girl and Junkyu told me that she really likes you.” I said. To be honest, I was a bit wary about the whole “operation get Byounggon to fall in love with her” thing, but if that’s what it took, then so be it. 
Byounggon didn’t respond with words but just stared off into space to show he was done with the topic. “Can I use your bathroom?” I nodded and walked in. 
He thanked me and then went in. I walked shut the door to the outside and noticed that Sooyoung wasn’t there. She never was in the dorms besides the weekends. Which was weird since it was usually the opposite. She simply just told me it was because her boyfriend and her studied and hung out during the day and she was too lazy to walk back to the dorms. 
Soon I heard the toilet flush and Byounggon walked out shortly after. 
He was still putting on his belt as he walked out from the bathroom. That prick, he knows he looks attractive. 
“Well, I guess this is goodnight.” He said in a deeper voice than usual. I nodded and this time, I stared directly into his eyes which were dark and soft both at the same time. 
“See you tomorrow?” He nodded, but didn’t make any motion to leave. I nodded slowly and when I said nothing, he took a few steps back. 
I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he didn’t make a move. 
Oh... fuck it. 
“But if you want, you can stay a bit.” I pulled him in by his belt as he instantly had his face close to mine. 
“Fuck, I didn’t think you would ask.”
He brought his lips to mine and I felt the immense pleasure that brought back faint memories of last Friday night. His warm hands gripped my waist and then worked to pull off my shirt. I should’ve been intimidated that he did that so easily but I wasn’t. He ran his hands back and it made me shiver in excitement.
Suddenly, his shirt was off and I guided him towards my bed. I whipped his belt off and he groaned; I felt my brain go into a frenzy.
So much was happening so fast and I could barely process anything. I traced the outlines of his abs which made him sigh in content. I was about to take off my pants, but then, I felt him hold me back.
“Wait... we can’t do this.” I felt my heart drop at his words. “We can’t.” He sat up and tried to not look at my body as he picked up his shirt. 
“Why?” I hated how small my voice sounded.
“Because, I would feel like a dick if I slept with you and then went on a date with Junkyu’s sister a couple nights after.” Byounggon sighed and ran his hands over his face like he was regretting this ever happened. 
I felt anger rush through my veins as I jumped off of him and tossed on my own shirt, humiliated and confused at this whole situation.
“Ok... this whole thing with Junkyu’s sister is kind of suspicious to me. I don’t know.” I ended lamely. I felt like I was betraying Junkyu if I told Byounggon about how Junkyu’s sister was basically using him to write her paper, but I felt bad not letting Gon know she was tricking him.
Byounggon scoffed. “Really? Just like give minutes ago you were telling me how good she was for me.” 
I felt my cheeks burn at his tone of disbelief. “Well, I just... it’s complicated!” I fibbed. 
“Complicated how?” 
“Just complicated. Just be wary of her, ok?”
Byounggon shook his head. “This shouldn’t have happened ok? It was a weak moment.” This time, I was the one laughing.
“Weak moment? Is that we are calling this? Fine. Then it’ll never happen again, sound good?” 
He paused buttoning up his shirt and stared at me. 
“Sounds perfect.” He stood up and started to walk out of my dorm. “I guess I’ll go back to her then.”
He didn’t have to specify who “her” was, but we both knew I knew.
I clenched my fists and controlled the anger that was threatening to flow out of me. 
“Don’t come back crying to me when you find out that she’s using you!” I blurted. As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I wanted to take them back.
Byounggon laughed wildly and shook his head.
“You are exactly what people say about you. You’re mean. You would bring her down just to get what you want.” 
I refused to let myself cry in front of a boy. 
“Fuck you! You’re just as much as a player as everyone told me! Lisa deserves a better brother than you!” I lied. Byounggon was an amazing brother, but I knew it would hurt him.
“I guess I was just a one night stand to you after all!” He stopped moving at my words and I wondered if I went too far, but I couldn’t help but wonder.
He said nothing but slammed my door shut. 
Once I was alone, I fell to my floor crying. I picked up to call Lisa out of instinct, but I couldn’t tell her about this. I couldn’t tell her anything about this situation. She would kill me before she would comfort me.
I laid on the floor, crying undisturbed, wishing for my best friend next to me. 
Suddenly, my door flew open and there revealed Lisa. My eyes widened in shock at how she caught me like this. Instead of being surprised, she shut the door quickly and came next to my side.
“Byounggon called me and told me that you some mean guy was causing you some trouble during tutoring and you were really shaken up. I know how anxious you are about those things, but I’m glad he was there. And I’m happier that you’re safe now, ok?”
I nodded and felt safe in her company. I couldn’t help but cry harder knowing Byounggon called her, knowing I wouldn’t. 
Why did he have to be so caring til the end?
“Thanks for coming.” I whispered out. She flicked my forehead. 
“Don’t thank me, that’s what best friends are for.”
❀ ❀ ❀
I finished the report without Byounggon and texted him that I would. He didn’t argue with me. 
Soon, it was Friday night. Lisa was getting ready in my dorm.
“I can’t believe you’re not going with me.” She pouted. She looked stunning with her hair in a short bob and her fashion was always on point.
I shrugged and thought back to the last frat party. 
“Yeah, I am definitely not going to another frat party.” She sighed and applied the finishing touches of her makeup. 
“Fine, but just call me if you change your mind. You know these parties last all night.” I nodded, but I knew I wouldn’t change my mind. 
She sighed and started to pick out her shoes. “Well, Bobby is meeting me in the lobby in 5, so I should go now.” She hugged me and pulled back with a soft gaze. “You sure you’ll be fine?” I nodded even though I would probably use this time to cry over Byounggon again. 
“Totally, now go have fun with your hunky date.” 
She laughed and turned red. “Fine, fine, bye~” 
I waved and said “call me if he gets too handsy.” Even though we both knew it would be no problem if he got handsy. 
She laughed and shut the door.
I inhaled the scent of strong perfume in the air and I plopped on my bed. 
I closed my eyes to get some rest, but I heard my phone ring. I picked it up, thinking it was Lisa checking in on me but I heard a deep voice.
“Dude, what happened between you and Byounggon?” Seunghun’s voice was loud even though I could hear loud music in the background.
“What are you talking about?”
“He’s all over Junkyu’s sister tonight. Where the hell are you at??” He spat. I sat up feeling my anxiety wash over me again. So he did go with her in the end. Great. 
“That was the plan you dimbo! He was supposed to get with her and now it’s happening. Why do I need to be there? To interrupt their date?” I snapped. Seunghun sighed loudly.
“Y/n, we all know that you and Byounggon have the hots for each other.” I laughed and shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. 
“You’re wrong. Byounggon does not like me. In fact, I think he is disgusted by me right now.” Seunghun laughed. 
“Y/n, you are a lot of things, but you’re not dumb. You can’t seriously believe that right? He’s been in the moodiest mood since Wednesday night... I’m assuming something happened then?” My face turned red as Seunghun chuckled. 
“He likes you, y/n. Now get down and get your man. Or at least make him hella jealous and make out with some other dude.” I sighed and rolled back in bed.
“Seunghun... it’s over. We had too big of a fight that other night and I told him that I wouldn’t go back to him. I have too much pride.” I said softly. Seunghun said nothing for a couple of moments, but then didn’t waver.
“I’ll pay for your next two hair appointments if you come down here.” That definitely got my attention.
“What, why?”
“Do you doubt me?”
Seunghun was a rich dude... I did not doubt him. But I felt myself feel emotional at what he was doing. It wasn’t because he was bribing me, but he knew that by saying that, I could come down and pretend the reason I was coming down was for the free money, not because of Byounggon. 
“Thank you, Seungh-”
“Just come.”
❀ ❀ ❀
My blue hair was curled nicely and the layers showed beautifully. I had slapped on makeup and an edgy outfit. I threw on a beige skirt and a white crop top. I hated dressing up but oh well. 
The party was not that far and I took an uber, not wanting to walk so far in these shoes. I jumped out of the car and stared at the frat. 
I took a deep breath and made my way in. I was instantly bombarded by loud music and loud people. I sighed and made my way to the bar. 
“Hello, what can I get for you?” 
“One can of beer.” The bartender gave me a glance over and nodded. I didn’t like pretty drinks, I was pretty simple. I liked things that got me drunk fast. 
“Y/N! YOU MADE IT!” Seunghun acted drunk, but truth be told, the boy didn’t like to drink. He was naturally crazy. I nodded and opened my can of beer. 
“I did indeed. I don’t turn down money and thank you for feeding my hair dye addiction.” Seunghun laughed and slapped me on the back. 
“You look hot. You should go find Byounggon.” The older boy whispered. I shook my head and took a big gulp of beer to distract myself. 
“I’m not that big of a bitch. He’s here with another girl.” Seunghun shrugged. 
“I don’t know, the girl didn’t seem that into the party. You party better than her despite being a total homebody.” I laughed and shrugged. 
“I’m good at not caring what people think I guess.”
❀ ❀ ❀
Soon, the night picked up and the party got more intense as more and more people came. 
A boy sat next to me and ordered a can of beer, similar to me. I knew the boy wanted to be drunk. No one likes the taste of beer.
“Bad night?” I asked trying to strike up a conversation with him. Everyone else was on the dance floor. 
The boy turned to me. He was quite good looking and had big and bright eyes. He looked ... Japanese?
“You could say that.” He glanced to my 4 cans of beer. “You?”
I laughed maniacally. “I guess you could say I’m here to forget about someone but they happen to be here so... that’s tough.” The boy sighed. “Actually, same.” 
I laughed once he started to. “I’m y/n by the way.”
“Mashiho.” I nodded. He got his drink and then downed it. “You wanna dance?” He asked. I didn’t have the best rational at the moment so I nodded.
“Yes.” We both drunkly made our way to the dance floor and he had to hold me up so I could stay upright. 
“You are so drunk.” 
I nodded. I was never that bubbly of a drunk. I just lost control of my body truly and slurred my words. 
“I know, asshole.” The boy laughed and swung me around at the music. I loved dancing, it made me forget everything. I just loved losing control and not having anyone judge you on the dancefloor. 
Soon, the boy leaned in closer to me. “The girl I’m trying to get over is to our left.” I nodded, and took a peak but I could barely see anything in the sea of strobe lights. I took a step closer to lean in and look like we were kissing. I gave him a light smirk as he look nervous but did nothing. 
Then, I looked to my left and saw the girl storm out. I suddenly felt bad but I just helped a dude out.
“Oh shit.” I grinned forcefully but then looked who was running after her. My heart dropped and I loosened my grip on Mashiho.
“Please, please don’t tell me the girl you’re trying to get over is Junkyu’s sister?” His eyes widened in surprise. 
“How’d you know?” I then felt like everything was too overwhelming for me. I was dancing with the boy who she most likely had a past with. And I just messed up everything for Byounggon. 
I’m such a bitch.
“Fuck, Mashiho. It was nice meeting you and I’m sorry about that girl... From what I just saw, she likes you too. I’m sorry, I need to go.” I took off running and left the poor boy stranded. 
I had no idea where I was running to, but I felt myself wobble due to the large amounts of alcohol. 
Soon, I knocked into someone which made me hit the ground. 
“Hey, are you ok-” I looked up and locked eyes with the person who was watching tears stream down my face. 
“Lisa, I’m-”
She sighed and looked towards her date. “I’m sorry, it’s girl time.” 
She took my hand and guided me out of the party. 
“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to tell me everything that’s been happening since last week. And start with what the hell is going on between you and my brother.” 
❀ ❀ ❀
“So... you slept with my brother?!?” She screamed. I shut my eyes and shook my head, trying not to laugh.
“I know, I know, even I was surprised.” 
Lisa hit her face with a pillow and started to laugh.
We were sitting in my dorm room since Sooyoung was gone. We had ordered pizza hut pizza and were munching on it like no tomorrow.
“But you don’t remember anything of it?” I nodded. “Nothing.”
“And then... you guys ended up doing it, or half of it, again... but then he lashed out at you and you guys got into a big fight because of Junkyu’s sister?” I nodded.
She sighed and took a bigger bite of pizza. 
“Damn... I feel like I should be saying congrats but this is my brother.” I turned red and hit her arm gently. 
We were silent for a few moments until I shook my head.
“I’m really sorry, Lisa. This never should have happened. If I could rewind time, I would redo this whole week.” I felt my eyes water and Lisa tossed down her pizza. 
“Oh, y/n, I’m not mad at you.” 
I jolted up in shock. “What?”
She laughed and shook her head. “I’m not mad at you. And in fact, I sorta expected you would get together eventually...” I choked on my Coke.
“What? What how?” I exclaimed.
She gave a knowing smile. “Well, first off, you liked him when were like 13 or 14... and then he just openly rejected you. Then he told me that he liked you too but only rejected you because of me. And back then, I was thankful... but as I got older, I felt bad. I might have ruined something for the two of you.” 
She sighed and moved closer to me. “But we can’t redo that past, we can only work with the future. So, I’m sure you enjoyed canoodling with my brother, and I know you don’t regret that. But I’m sure you feel bad about fighting with him, so all you need to do is fix it.” 
I furrowed my brows at the girl.
“Go talk to him, you dummy. You guys haven’t been talking... just.. doing.” I slapped her on the arm and she winced in pain.
“You-” I started, but I knew she was right. “are right.”
❀ ❀ ❀
I ignored Byounggon the entire weekend. But then Monday came, and I guess I saw him around campus occasionally. And he knew where I tutored. I guess I was afraid of seeing him all day. 
I walked into the library and felt my mood go down as I saw Junkyu waiting for me. This was weird... Junkyu never waited for me.
He stared at me for a few moments and I braced myself for him yelling at me.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted to my surprise. 
I sighed in shock. “Why? You have nothing to be sorry for.” He hopped off the table and followed me to the lounge. 
“Yes I do, I was an asshole to you. You’re not a mean person and my sister is not better than you. I was too hard on you this week just because I wanted to see her happy. But I should’ve realized it would hurt you because of what I was doing... so I’m sorry.” 
I felt a sadness wash over me thinking back to how miserable I must’ve looked at this moment. I nodded and gave him a tight smile. 
“Thanks dude, but don’t feel too bad. I’m not that upset.” I lied. The boy said nothing even though I knew he wanted to.
❀ ❀ ❀
I shouldn’t have been disappointed that Byounggon never came around. But I was a bit, even though I’d expected it. 
This week taught me that even though I expect things to happen, doesn’t make it any less upsetting.
“See you, y/n.” I waved off Junkyu as I walked to my own dorm. 
As I walked onto my floor, I saw Byounggon standing there. I stopped as we both made eyecontact. I felt my heart stutter as he stood there in black jeans and a striped longsleeve shirt. 
He gave me a nervous smile. 
“Um, can we talk?” 
I nodded quickly. “Sure.” I opened the door to my dorm and let him inside. I tried not to remember what happened the last time he was in my dorm. 
“So...” I started. He tucked his hands in his pockets.
“Um, so I just wanted to tell you that... I never really liked Junkyu’s sister.” My eyes widened. 
He sighed and moved closer towards me.
“I never liked Junkyu’s sister. I feel like a dick now but I was sort of using her to get over this other girl I like...” He trailed off but stared at me with a boyish glance. I felt a smile bubble out of me onto my lips. 
“hm, wow, a girl not liking the Byounggon? Unheard of.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, she’s sort of a tough cookie.” I let out a bark of laughter and shoved him, breaking our facade. 
“You asshole, tough cookie? You’ve known for ages that I’ve liked you!” I exclaimed. He looked at me sadly and sighed. “I know, and I’m so, so sorry that I let my sister’s opinion get in the way of how I felt. I should’ve convinced her.” 
He took my hands gently and I relished in their warmth. 
I shook my head. “You did what you thought was protecting me and her. Plus, I couldn’t imagine dating you as a preteen anyways.” He smiled and I had to resist the urge to kiss his dimple. 
“I should’ve controlled myself that Friday night. I shouldn’t have slept with you before we were officially together.” I shook my head. 
“Don’t blame yourself, it takes two to tango.” He laughed at my old analogy. “Plus, we were both very drunk.” I finished. He nodded. 
We stood there in silence. 
“I’m sorry for being such a tough cookie.” I whispered. He shook his head and lowered his face to mine. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. I was a dick.” 
I laughed.
“Also, Junkyu’s sister told me that she was using me too... so I guess that would’ve never worked out.” My eyes widened. “She got with Mashiho?” Byounggon gave me a weird look.
“Yeah... how did you know that?”
“Oh, I was the reason why she ran out that night... I was dancing with him.” I felt his grip tense but he had no reason to be jealous.
“Of course you were. That’s sorta funny now that I think about it.” I nodded.
“It is indeed.”
“Also, Junkyu told me everything. About that weird operation thing and also told me that you knew so thanks for trying to protect me even though it would hurt you.” 
I gave him a sad smile. “I guess I was more in love with you than I thought.” I confessed. Byounggon was shocked at first, but then his gaze turned intense and hazy. “I was supposed to say that first.” 
I shook my head. “Well you didn’t, so hah.” 
Byounggon didn’t say anything else but lowered me onto my bed. He took off his shirt rapidly and I couldn’t help but enjoy the show. 
“For the record, you’re more than just a one night stand to me.” 
I laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.
“I know, dimwit. Now show me.” 
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phdead · 7 years
85 Things
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @lil-bittypenguin (thanks so much for the tag Alicia!) (i love doing these)
The Last 1. drink - tea that scorched my tongue because i was choking on a cracker 2. phone call - my dad welp 3. text message - my neighbour so i could drop off their mail 4. song you listened to - Never Apart 5. time you cried - day before yesterday 6. dated somebody twice - nope 7. kissed somebody and regretted it - nein 8. have been cheated on - noop 9. lost someone special - i guess so 10. been depressed - ....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11. gotten drunk and thrown up  -nope! (icry my answers are so boring)
Favorite Colors… 12. to wear - Gray, black 13. all shades of blue - turquoise? (does that count) (and well p much any shade) 14. pink - I AM LEGIT AWFUL AT NAMING THESE just.. i guess pink thats not pastel?
In The Last Year Have You 15. made new friends - yep! 16. fallen out of love - nope 17. laughed until you cried - y e s   18. found out somebody was talking about you - yeah? 19. met somebody who changed you - does my professor count? 20. found out who your friends are - :) definitely 21. kissed somebody on your Facebook list - nope
General 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - pretty much all of them  23. do you have any pets- YES her name is zoe and she’s so precious (oh and she’s a pup)  24. do you want to change your name - not really, although i’m finding it harder to refer to myself with my given name because im not used to it 25. what did you do for your last birthday - I had :) two finals :) on my birthday:) but i got to call and celebrate with tygger so that was !!! 26. what time did you wake up - 8:15 :) 27. what were you doing at midnight - deciding what to watch  28. name something you can’t wait for - j an u ar  y 29. when was the last time you saw your mom - 10 minutes ago 30. what are you listening to right now - captain bunbun humming (he’s my pc) (built him about 1.5 years ago c’:) 31. have you ever talked to somebody named Tom - uhhhhh if i did they didnt stand out 32. something that is getting on your nerves - ahhh seeing as the last answer had to do with parents, tbh same 33. most visited website - tumblr 34. hair color - brownnnnnnnnnnn 35. long or short hair - man i had long hair, loved the ponytails, then kept cutting it and i love my short hair 36. do you have a crush on somebody - ;3  37. what do you like about yourself - i like that i like to care and can be empathetic  38. piercings - 👂 39. blood type - O  40. nickname - nerd, josh 41. relationship status - um 43. zodiac - aries 44. pronouns - she/her 45. favorite tv shows - currently: breaking bad, black mirror, 13 reasons (dunno about fav tho) 46. tattoos - i wish ;-; 47. right or left handed - right handed (although you’ll occasionally hear me being bitter that i could’ve been ambidextrous but to play the violin, my parents made sure i kept to my right hand) 48. surgery - yeah 49. piercing - (isnt this a repeat) but ears 50. sport - Muay Thai 51. vacation - i’m confused but umm its still summer break? but im working so welp 52. pair of trainers - my gray hightops are super comfy 53. eating - surprisingly not but thats because lunch is soon 54. fav drink - thisissohard.. i could go for a milkshake rn 55. what you’re up to - i should be drafting a letter for my dentist to sign for a stupid settlement thing  56. waiting for - january 57. want - freedom/peace 58. get married - yeahhh 59. career - welp endgoal is a professor for consumer behaviour  60. hugs or kisses: bothh (not like i would know though 🙄) 61. lips or eyes - eyes (but lips are a++) 62. shorter or taller - just a bit shorter so i can make fun of them for it (ikidilu) 63. older or younger - ollddderrrr 64. nice arms or nice stomach - they’re both def def nice 65. hook up or relationship - relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant - imcrying def a troublemaker (but hesitant too :’3) 67. kissed a stranger - again with the kissing icry, nope 68. drank hard liquor - i think so 69. lost glasses/contact lenses - nope (unless it counts when the optometrist tried putting contacts in me and couldnt find it after)  70. turned someone down - yeahh 71. sex on first date - noop 72. broken someone’s heart - yeah 73. had your heart broken - yes 74. been arrested - nope 75. cried when someone died - yeah 76. fallen for a friend - yeahhhhh
Do You Believe In 77. yourself -  yep! (okay i should stop giving one worded answers, i just realized) but yeah i do, life just sucks a lot sometimes 78. miracles - yeah, im hoping for / definitely need a few 79. love at first sight - no i dont see how that’d work :/ 80. Santa Claus - welp sadly no 81. kiss on the first date - im kinda indifferent, i guess not though 82. angels - yep i do
Other 83. current best friends names - ty 84. eye color - brownnnn (but i wear coloured contacts because thats the only benefit to being blind af) 85. favorite movie - stares into the camera
i’ll be tagging  @startxts, @starsarelimitless, @noharm-intrying, @pandamonious13, @fxnfiction, @jakaaron, @llghthouse, @gallaxygay, @pemils, @stop-hurting-cas, @zupakid, @starqt, @equilateralwaffle, @galaxydefender-shawol-kee, @mind-of-ice, @lisa-is-awkward, @evilunicorns-say-baaa, @youresostrongandquiet, 
no pressure to do it or anything ^^
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