#and she was like oh good I got it for my granddaughter hoping she'd learn to play but she wasn't interested
tj-crochets · 5 months
Hey y'all my neighbors had a yard sale and I got an autoharp but I know absolutely nothing about autoharps, how to tune them, or how to play them. Do you have any advice?
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [six] // wanda maximoff
summary: after spending some more time with Wanda against your will, you begin to realise how she feels for you.
warning/s: none.
author's note: hope you like angst! because you got it 👀 also there’s only one more part left after this so be prepared!
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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"You look like you're on a warpath."
I stopped speed walking around the place when Natasha appeared out of nowhere, stepping in front of me. She seemed entertained, before she realised I was probably actually on a warpath.
"Hey, what happened?" she asked, amusement replaced with concern in seconds.
"Wanda happened," was all I said, before walking around her and storming up to the Sokovian in question.
When she spotted me, she opened her mouth to say something, but I didn't give her chance to as I grabbed her wrist and began to drag her away.
"Sorry, if you'll excuse me," Wanda got out to the guests she was chatting with, before I yanked her away. She began to complain as I did, asking, "What are you doing? I was in the middle of a conversation!"
I ignored her and proceeded to drag her away, certain that steam would be coming from my ears if this was a cartoon. Finding a private place to talk, I let go of her hand and spun around with a glare.
"Your thoughts are very loud right now," she said playfully, clearly not reading the situation.
"Then you know that I'm imagining several different ways to murder you," I got out between gritted teeth.
She scrunched her nose. "They all end in you going to prison."
Something about that obnoxious smile she wore and the way her hazel eyes watched me with anticipation was making me angrier by the second.
"How can you do that?!" I asked with exasperation.
She quirked a brow. "And what is 'that' exactly?"
I locked my jaw. "You ruined my date! You kept getting into my head all day, you were rude to Elise, and you're just– you're oozing with jealousy when you're the one who broke up with me!"
She scrunched her nose for the second time, and whereas I would have once found that endearing, I know found it greatly frustrating.
"Oozing? Really? Who says that?"
I closed my hands into fists, trying not to get baited by her purposeful obliviousness. But she was already under my skin, and ever since she broke up with me, the anger had been bubbling away, ready to come out.
"You're such a bitch, Wanda!" I shouted at her without hesitation. "You don't care that you just ruined my chance at moving on! Six months has passed since you broke up with me – you don't get to be jealous! I had to learn to be without you because you gave up on us and that's on you! So, you don't get to be here and make me feel bad for having a chance at a date because you can't make up your mind about us. It's not fair!"
My shoulders relaxed as I got my thoughts out, the anger still present but not as heavy on my back. She was infuriating as I watched her. Barely fazed by my words, a small smile played on her lips. She did nothing to acknowledge my mini speech, instead waiting for me to say something else.
"Seriously?!" I squeaked, my voice rising with annoyance. "Nothing?!"
As if pulled from a daydream, she straightened up and seemed confused. "Huh?"
I groaned loudly, eyebrows raised with disbelief. "For God's sake, Wanda!" Running out of patience, I shook my head and glared harshly. "I want you to stay away from me. You don't get to be in my life like this. And just in case you don't understand what I'm saying, here's something you will. Otvali (fuck off)!"
Not bothering to wait for a response, I stomped past her and didn't look back. As I was walking away, a tear slipped from my eye and I whipped it away without question. She didn't get to do this to me, not again. It wasn't fair.
Despite practically yelling in Wanda's face to stay away from me, she didn't take the hint. Instead, I proceeded to see her two more times in places I least expected it. To be fair, I don't think she did it on purpose. But she could have easily walked the other way and pretended not to see me. Instead, she thought it would be best to piss me off further.
The first time was when I was at a park with a new patient I was caring for. He was wheelchair-bound, so I pushed him around as we spoke to pass the time. We eventually stopped at a newspaper stand since he wanted to buy a few magazines, and that's when I conveniently got bumped into by the Sokovian witch.
"Y/N, hey!" she exclaimed when I turned to see who was there. She had a wide smile on her face, eyes shining bright under the sun. Admittedly, it took my breath away for a second, as I didn't expect it in the slightest. But then I remembered who it was and tried to ignore the way my heart rate sped up.
"Hello," I mumbled, before looking back to the newspaper stand with hopes she'd go away.
"And who is this beautiful young woman, Y/N?" my patient, Dayton, asked as he noticed her beside me.
I pursed my lips, trying to figure out the best response without earning more questions from Dayton, but Wanda decided to answer instead.
"We were girlfriends," she told Dayton with a grin, eyes glancing to me.
"Key word being were," I added quickly, shooting her a look, before looking to Dayton. "It's not a big deal."
"It may not be to you, but it's good to see you, moya lyubov' (my love)," she said softly, grin fading into a genuine smile.
"Don't call me that," I snapped, hating the way her words had such an effect on me. Her stupid accent and her stupid smile and her stupid pretty eyes. Hated it all.
"Ooh, what does that mean?" Dayton asked, looking up between us.
"Nothing, Dayton," I told him calmly, before nodding to the stand. "Just buy your magazines whilst I talk to Wanda."
He shrugged and did as I said, leaving me a moment to stand back and look to Wanda disapprovingly.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, lowering my voice so I wouldn't make a scene. Nothing was accidental with her.
"Just enjoying a walk through the park," she answered with a shrug.
I rolled my eyes. "Well, enjoy your walk."
As I made an attempt to leave, she stepped in front of me suddenly.
"Wait, can we talk?" she asked, losing any sense of mischief.
"No," I deadpanned. "Now, can I leave?"
She frowned, eyes pleading. "Please?"
"I said no."
She sighed, glancing around with irritation. Her eyes settled on the flower stand beside the newspaper stand and I didn't have chance to question what she was thinking before her eyes began to glow red. Raising her hand conspicuously, red wisps of energy appeared and she levitated a single flower from one of the many bouquets, hovering it before me.
"For you," she said, and I ripped it out of the air, frantically looking around in case anyone saw.
"Very clever," I said sarcastically, before looking at the flower and shaking my head. "Stealing isn't cool, by the way."
I dropped the flower on the ground and walked away, my foot stepping on it as I did. She needed to get a damn hint.
The second time Wanda reappeared in my life was when Anna invited me to Sasha's home for a visit. I'd been once before, a few weeks after she'd moved in with her granddaughter's family, but not since then. This time, she'd invited me over again to catch up and I assumed it would just be me and her family; Oh, how wrong I was.
Sasha and her family were pretty wealthy, their house sitting on the outskirts of New York and on its own private land. She was a lawyer, hence the wealth, and her home was absolutely stunning with its high ceilings, floor to ceiling windows and three floor structure. Even as I parked out front for the second time in my life, I was blown away.
As I got out of my car and locked it, I noticed another car parking out front – a taxi, dropping someone off. Curious, I waited to see who it was. My eyes narrowed when I noticed a familiar face exiting the taxi and paying the driver. When the taxi drove off, Wanda saw me and began to smile with amusement, joining me at the front door.
"The stalking is getting creepy you know," I told her when she stood by my side.
I knocked on the door using the giant knocker and waited patiently for someone to answer.
"I'd love to take the credit for this," Wanda answered, and I could see her smug smile in my peripheral, "but I was invited by Anna."
I swallowed hard, resisting the urge to roll my eyes, both at Wanda's presence and Anna's secrecy. "Of course she did..."
The door opened to reveal none other than Anna Pivec herself, balancing on her cane and grinning at the sight of Wanda and I.
"Devushki (girls), you made it!" she exclaimed with delight, before stepping to the side. "Please, come on in!"
We both entered her home and watched as she closed the door before giving us both a big hug without warning.
"Oh, okay," I mumbled, but wrapped an arm around her gently. "It's good to see you, too, Anna."
Anna laughed wholeheartedly before pulling away. "I'm sorry. I just missed you both is all. It's so good to have you here, together again. Just like old times."
I forced a small smile, knowing what she meant but also feeling a pang in my heart because it wasn't completely like old times, not really. Naturally, my eyes fell to Wanda who was already looking my way, a similar expression on her face. I wondered if she was thinking the same.
"C'mon, I'll bring you to the kitchen where everybody else is," Anna said, already leading the way. "They're excited to have you over again."
"You didn't mention Wanda would be here, too," I noted as she led us through the main hall.
"Oh, didn't I?" she replied, feigning confusion. "I must have forgotten."
"Hmm." I pursed my lips, ignoring the obnoxious smile that returned to Wanda's lips as we followed Anna.
She led us to the kitchen where Sasha and her husband were preparing some food for the supposed barbecue we'd be having. I'd met her husband the last time I visited, so it was easy to get reacquainted with them both as we met them again.
After a brief catch up, Wanda and I offered to help with the food, but Sasha insisted we take a break and hang out with the twins – her kids – whilst they cooked it up outside. So, I soon found myself heading to the living room with Wanda as Anna went to fetch the twins from their bedrooms upstairs.
I wasn't exactly keen on being left alone with Wanda, so I decided not to say anything and simply keep to myself as we waited for Anna's return. Killing time, I wandered around the living room and looked at the family photos hung on the wall. It was the same as last time, except now there were a few new additions, clearly from Anna, which made me smile without thinking.
They were of Wanda, Anna and I, back when I used to care for her and we'd hang out at her apartment. Some were in the apartment itself whilst others were from places we'd visited together on different occasions. I recognised a handful of them from when Wanda and I were just friends and a few more from when we were a couple. It was clear in the photos which were which, as Wanda was holding my waist and grinning from ear to ear, myself doing the same. For a split second, I almost forgot she'd broken my heart.
"Wow, we looked really cute together, didn't we?" her stupid Sokovian accent sounded by my ear, and I lost my smile when I felt Wanda's presence stood a little too close to me.
She was looking over my shoulder at the photos on the wall and I tried not to get frustrated, but she made it impossible.
"Yeah, we were," I agreed, noticing the surprise on her face at my words, but then I continued, "until you dumped me because you were too scared to stay in a relationship."
Her smile faded at my words and I left her standing there, instead going to the couch to wait there. I wasn't sure why Anna had kept those photographs of us, but I wished she hadn't. 
After what felt like forever, Anna finally returned with her two great-grandkids in tow. Alex and Marina, both seven-years-old, grinned adorably at Wanda and I, betraying their missing teeth.
"Well, look who it is," Wanda said with a bright smile, bending over and putting her hands on her knees. "My favourite set of twins."
Despite how annoying she was, I couldn't help but smile at the way she treated kids. She was always so good with them generally, way better than I was.
"G.G. said we could play Mario Kart," Marina said behind a nervous smile, looking between us. "Can we?"
G.G. was what they called Anna – short for 'great-grandmother'. I found it cute that they accepted her into the family so easily, like no time had been missed.
"I think we can," I said with a warm smile. "But I can't promise we'll take it easy on you."
Alex fist-pumped with excitement before running to the TV to set up his Nintendo Switch. Marina, the calmer of the two, motioned for Wanda and I to take a seat on the couch with her. Anna joined us, taking her place on the recliner, and watched with amusement.
Wanda and I had never actually visited them together, so it was refreshing to see how excited they got around her. Clearly she'd made an impression last time.
"For you," Alex said politely, holding out a controller to me.
"Why thank you," I said, accepting it. "So polite."
He seemed embarrassed as he did the same with Wanda, who hadn't stopped smiling since they came in. After handing his sister a controller, he joined us on the couch, forcing everyone to move up a little and making Wanda press closer to me at the end of the seat. I gave her a knowing look to which she smiled innocently, making me roll my eyes.
"You not gonna have a go, Anna?" Wanda teased Anna as Alex began to set up the game.
"The moving cars makes my head spin," the older Sokovian woman admitted. "You guys enjoy though."
Soon enough, the first game commenced and I was surprised at how competitive I was being, adamant on at least beating Wanda if not the twins. They, of course, spent all their time playing this, so Marina won Wanda and I easily. Wanda came in fourth, I came in third and Alex came in second.
"You just got lucky," Wanda said with a shrug, glancing at me.
"If you say so," I played along, a ghost of a smile on my lips.
"I'm being Toad this time!" Marina exclaimed as Alex set up the next round.
"I'll be Princess Peach," Wanda decided nonchalantly.
"She won't help you win," I said without thinking.
"We'll see, milashka (cutie)," she responded with a playful smile.
I nudged her in the arm, signalling for her to not call me that, but she only smiled wider as she looked back to the screen.
We had a few more rounds, Wanda winning none of them and Marina winning all of them, when Alex began to complain.
"It's not fair, you have to be cheating!" he said to his sister.
"I'm just better," Marina stated casually, making me laugh.
Alex rolled his eyes before looking to Wanda. "Did you used to play this with Pietro? Did he cheat, too?"
I raised my eyebrows with surprise at the mention of Wanda's dead twin brother. I didn't think she'd tell the twins of him, but then I realised that it was only fitting to mention her twin brother to a set of twins that probably reminded her of herself.
Wanda smiled gently. "We didn't have these games as kids, Alex. But when Piet and I played other things, yes, he did cheat." 
Alex sighed, glancing at his sister with distaste before looking to me. "Did you used to play this when you were younger, Y/N?"
"Kind of... I mean, I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I used to play at my cousin's house whenever I visited," I explained. "And it wasn't a Switch. We had something called a Super Nintendo."
"Woah, you're old," Alex muttered with disbelief.
"Alex!" Anna scolded, making me laugh.
"It's okay, he's technically right," I said with a shrug.
"Milaya (sweetie), if you're old, then I'm ancient," Anna said disapprovingly.
"Right, sorry," I said, trying to stifle my smile.
We played another round and as Wanda and I were closing in on the finish line, my joystick began to veer left despite me aiming it to the right. I looked down in time to see red wisps of energy pushing it the other way.
"Yes! I won you," Wanda sang with pride, looking to me as her eyes faded from red to its hazel colour.
"You cheated," I said, eyebrows raised. "I just saw you."
"I don't know what you're talking about," she played dumb.
"Wanda," I said, giving her a knowing look. "You sure it was Pietro who used to cheat when you were kids?"
She grinned. "Very sure."
I studied her closely, entertained smile tugging at my lips. "I'm just gonna pretend I let you beat me since you won't admit it."
She shrugged, nudging me in the side gently. "Suit yourself."
"You're supposed to let your wife win anyway," Alex said naively, and I almost choked on my own spit when he did.
"What?" I spluttered out, losing my smile.
Wanda was doing her absolute best not to laugh as her eyes glanced towards me, noticing my shocked expression.  
"Your wife – Wanda?" Alex said like it was obvious. "Our dad says he lets our mum win stuff all the time. It's what you do when you're married."
"I– we–" I paused, clearing my throat and suddenly feeling very warm. "We're not married, Alex."
Alex furrowed his brows with confusion. "But G.G. said that you weren't together."
"But that doesn't mean we're married," I said slowly, hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt.
"Medovyy (honey), they're not together anymore, you're right," Anna started to correct him, though she looked like she was seconds away from laughing herself, "but I never said they were married."
Alex didn't seem to understand still. He pointed to Wanda's hands. "But she's wearing a ring."
Everyone looked down to Wanda's hands which were adorned by several rings on many of her fingers, though none were on her ring finger, so I didn't get what Alex was thinking.
"I always wear rings," Wanda told him with amusement.
"That's her right hand, idiot," Marina said to her brother with a scoff.
"No, it's her left," he said knowingly, before raising his left hand in the air and pointing to her right hand opposite him.
Marina rolled her eyes, already fed up with her twin's antics. She stood beside him and motioned to his hands as she explained, "That's your left. It's her right. Like a reflection. It's not a wedding ring."
It took a few seconds for Alex to understand, but when he did, he began to get flustered.
"Oh," was all he said, before returning to his seat. "My bad."
Anna laughed at her great-grandson's embarrassment as I began to flush with a similar embarrassment in my seat. Meanwhile, Wanda was biting her lip to contain her own laughter, eyes teasing me as they glanced at me with amusement.
Today was definitely not going to plan.
After gaming with the kids for a little while longer, we were all eventually called into the garden to have lunch together. Sasha and her husband had barbecued a variety of chicken, meat and vegetables for us to eat which was delicious. It gave us the chance to hear everything Anna had been up to with her family and for her to catch up with what's going on in Wanda and I's lives.
Anna seemed a lot happier, the happiest I'd ever seen her, when she was with family. I was glad that she was fitting in and that it brought her closer to her late-husband and daughter. This was all she'd ever wanted and she'd finally gotten it. Despite tricking Wanda and I into coming, I was kind of glad to be there because even if I wouldn't admit it at the time, it was just like old times.
After having dessert and conversing for longer than we realised over some tea and coffee, Wanda and I decided it was best we leave.
"Remember to come by anytime," Anna said to us both by the front door. "You don't even have to call!"
I smiled, nodding. "Thank you, Anna. It was great to see you again. I had a lot of fun today."
"Me, too," Wanda agreed. "It's really good to see you so happy."
Anna sighed contently. "Spasibo (thank you). Both of you." Pausing with thought, her eyes flickered between us both. "I do hope that you resolve things soon. For both of your benefit."
Chewing on my lip, I chose not to say anything. Wanda seemed to feel the same, opting to stay quiet, making Anna breath out halfheartedly.
"Right, well... are you both okay getting home?" she asked, changing the subject.
After reassuring her that we were, we gave her a giant hug before bidding her a goodbye. Once the door closed, I awkwardly glanced at Wanda before heading to my car.
"Hey, is it stupid if I ask for a ride?" Wanda's voice said from behind me.
I looked over my shoulder and saw her following after me, half walking and half running to fall into step with me. I refrained from rolling my eyes as I continued walking to my car.
"Didn't you get a taxi?" was all I said.
"Yeah, but my place is on the way to yours," she answered like it was nothing, finally catching up to me and grinning by my side when we reached my car. "And you're free, so..."
I narrowed my eyes impatiently.
"I won't do or say anything to piss you off," she added, putting out her pinky. "Promise."
As frustrating as she was, I wasn't a bitch, and we'd actually kind of gotten along today. With a dramatic sigh, I stepped to the side and motioned for her to get in the car. She wiggled her pinky, but when realising I wouldn't interlink mine, she lowered it.
A genuine smile fell on her lips as she nodded. "Thank you."
I simply returned the nod before getting into the driver's seat as she did with the passenger's seat. I put Wanda's address in the sat nav before setting off, trying not to overthink the silence that filled the car. Obviously, that was impossible, so I gripped the steering wheel tighter and glanced at Wanda.
"You can put the radio on if you want," I said uncomfortably, shifting around in my seat.
She tensed her jaw, looking (oddly enough) as uncomfortable as I felt, which was strange since she was content annoying me earlier. With a nod, she turned the radio on and some random pop music played quietly in the background, easing my nerves but not making anything more tolerable. It took about ten minutes for me to adjust to the silence when I finally got comfortable, focusing on driving and getting to Wanda's flat quickly.
Without warning, Wanda began to speak in Russian, but it was way too fast and incomprehensible so I had no idea what she was saying.
"Wanda, slow down, what are you talking about?" I asked, trying to cut her off, but she continued to ramble right over me, making me roll my eyes. "Wanda, I don't understand you!"
When I looked to her between driving, she seemed extremely passionate and stern about whatever she was saying. I wished I understood because whatever it was seemed to be eating away at her. I tried to ask her to slow down, speak English, do something to help me out, but she was stuck in tunnel vision, speaking quickly and with sadness.
After what felt like forever but was probably only a minute, she stopped talking and took a deep breath. I furrowed my eyebrows judgementally, eyeing her with confusion.
"The hell was that?!" I asked with surprise.
She didn't reply, making me curse under my breath. At the next red traffic light, I looked to her properly, noticing the distracted stare she directed my way.
"Wanda, what was that?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.
She pressed her lips together, hazel eyes swirling with a mixture of emotions that I couldn't make out. I thought she'd answer me, but she still stayed silent.
"Seriously, Wanda, what?"
The traffic light began to go orange and I sighed with annoyance, figuring she'd lost her marbles. But then she finally spoke, my attention half on her and half on the road.
"Ya skuchayu po tebe (I miss you)," she said softly, without mischief or annoyance or anger or anything. Just sincerity.
She looked away after that, eyes drifting to her shoes, probably thinking I didn't understand. But I did and I knew it shouldn't have affected me as much as it did, but I felt my heart ache in my chest as I put my foot on the gas to make the green light.
When I finally reached her apartment building, I waited for her to say something, but she looked as lost in her thoughts than I did whilst driving.
"Wanda," I called quietly, getting her attention.
She blinked, realising we were at her place. Clearing her throat, she barely looked my way as she mumbled, "Thanks for the ride."
As she opened the car door and got out, beginning to walk to her building, I rolled down the passenger's window and called her name. She stopped, looking over to me with a raised brow.
My mouth felt dry as I said, "I know what 'I miss you' is in Russian." Her eyes widened, embarrassed that she'd been caught, and I continued, "You don't get to miss me."
It was harsh, but it was the truth. And I didn't wait to hear her come up with a response as I rolled my window up and set off again. She couldn't act like that when it was her fault we broke up. It wasn't fair on either of us.
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Unattainable Things (Luke Patterson) Part 1
Summary: Luke's girlfriend had found out she was pregnant hours before they had died. 17 years later, their daughter is friends with Julie.
Words: 1.5k
A/N or Warnings: Hey! So I had to tweak the time frame a bit in order for this one shot idea to work. I hope you enjoy it.
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You were pregnant.
You took a look at the multiple pregnancy sticks on the counter and all said you were pregnant. You didn't know no idea what you were going to do. You didn’t have a lot of people in your corner only your boyfriend and his best friends. You didn't even know how he was gonna react to that the news that you're pregnant seeing as his band was about to blow up. He doesn't really have a support system either, because he left home when he was seventeen and is now twenty. You put your hands on the countertop and stared at yourself in the mirror. You don't know how long you stayed there till you heard the bathroom door knock. "Babe?"
You snapped yourself out of it and grabbed the test and hid them under the towels under the sink. You got up and closed the counter doors prior to turning around and opening the bathroom door. Luke looked at you with so much worry that filled his eyes. "Are you okay? You were in the bathroom for a really long time,"
You faked a smile and gave him a quick peck. "Yeah, I'm good,"
He watched you walk over to your shared bed. "Are you coming with us for rehearsals?
"Don't I always?
He smiled and walked over to you, kissed you and smiled at you again. "Yes,"
He walked out of the room and you sighed and laid down on your bed. You've heard footsteps, but you haven't turned your head and looked. "So are you?"
You turned your head to look at Reggie. "According to the test, that's a big y-e-s yes,"
Reggie leaned against the doorframe. "So when are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know. You're all having this big concert tonight and I don't want him to be distracted, but I don't know if I can keep it a secret".
Reggie nodded and remained silent for some time. "Every time you feel like telling him, scratch your arm and I'll do something,".
"Like what?"
"I don't know caw like a bird,"
You laughed at your boyfriend's best friend, who was more like your brother. "Yeah, you do that,"
You walked into the hallway to see your daughter walking downstairs with her music sheets and wearing her dad's old Rush shirt. You smiled every time you had seen her wearing it. Luke, Reggie and Alex have been dead for 17 years, and after they died, you made up with your parents. Her parents were a bit more sensitive because they lost their son, but they always liked their granddaughter, but your daughter really didn't want anything to do with them after she learned how they treated Luke what they said to her. She didn't really want to talk about his father because she said that although she didn't know him, talking about him was painful. "Yeah?"
"I'm gonna go over to Julie's today after school is that okay?"
Julie was one of her closest friends and she'd just lost her mother, so your daughter spent a lot of time with her. "Of course, Hunny, if you decide to stay overnight, send me a message,".
She nodded and gives you a quick peck on the cheek, says she loved you and runs out the door. She looks just like you but she is just like her dad. She inherited his talent and his love for music. She loves old bands more than the new bands. She is his mini me. Luke would have taken such pride in her.
Emily's POV:
As Emily was heading to Julie's house, she could hear music from the den, which was weird, because Julie was the only one who stayed in her house to play music, but she hadn't for a long time. You left your way to Julie's house and went to the den. You had knocked on the door and the music immediately stopped. No one answered. You opened the doors, you looked around and there was no one. "Julie?"
Emily jumped and turned around and looked at Julie walking into the den. "Where you playing music from your speaker or something?"
Julie looked as if she was thinking for a good answer. "OH yeah. I saw you walking up and I had turned off the music from the house,"
You didn't buy it, but you still ignored it. "What were you playing? I've never heard it before,"
She shrugged. "I don't know, I had it on a random station,"
"So I heard you killed it the other day,"
"Yeah, I did,"
"Sorry, I missed it, but had to stay after in a class to retake a class,"
"Let me guess. Mr. Kingsley?"
Emily just nodded.
"He has it out for you. Every day, he calls you out for something that you didn't even do. 'Emily, stop talking,; 'Why are you laughing, Emily?"
Emily just laughed. "No idea,"
Emily didn't noticed the guy that was standing in front of her until he had said something to her.
Luke's POV:
The boys were playing a few chords, waiting for Julie to come back when there was knocking at the door. They knew it wasn't Julie so they stopped playing and then the door opened. Reggie, Alex and Luke all stared at Emily with total shock. Reggie's the one that talked first. "Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? Does she look like-"
Alex was next. "Like Y/N?"
He saw Julie enter and started talking with the girl. Then the boys got to know Emily's name. Reggie took a look at the girl's shirt and realized it was Luke's shirt. "Oh,"
Luke didn't hear Reggie. He was too focused on that girl and how she looked so much like the girl he loved wildly seventeen years ago. It couldn't be Y/N. Is that her daughter?
Without thinking about it, he vanished and reappeared beside that girl. At first, she didn't notice anything until Luke said something that caused her to jump and trip over herself.
Julie reached out to help her get up and once she helped her and looked at her. "You can see them?"
Emily, obviously still freaked out nodded. Julie looked around at the boys and then back at you. "Am I not supposed to? What kind of question is that?"
"They're dead. They're ghosts,"
"There's no way. Wait? They're?"
The other two boys appeared beside Luke, who was still paying close attention to this girl. "Hi,"
Emily shook her head. "I'm losing it. I'm really losing it. This isn't happening,"
"No, it is. They're a band from the ninety’s called Sunset Curve that died,"
"This is some kind of-wait did you say Sunset Curve?"
Luke stepped forward at this time. "You know us?"
By the time Emily had a chance to say something, Reggie beat her to it. "Emily, do you happen to know Y/N Y/L/N?"
"You mean my mom?"
Luke took a couple steps forward to Emily which she took two steps back. "How old are you?"
Before she could even say anything. Reggie sighs, walked up to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "Luke, meet your daughter,"
Luke removed Reggie's hand from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "What?"
"Yeah....haha. Do you remember when Y/N was taking forever in the bathroom before we left to go to the Orpheum?"
Alex, who hadn't said a word for some time, didn't play with Reggie being slow. "Get to the point,"
"She did pregnancy tests and all of them were positive..."
Luke grabbed Reggie's shirt. "How long did you know?"
"Right after you left the bedroom after checking on her. She was gonna tell you after the show,"
Luke didn't tell Reggie but shook his finger at him, but turned to watch the girl he had just discovered was his daughter. He looked at her and for the first time noticed that she was wearing one of his old Rush shirts and one of his necklaces. He smiled at her, said she wore something of his. Then it hit him. She did not recognize him and it could only mean one thing... Y/N did not speak of him. She didn't, talk about him to their daughter. "Since, you didn't recognize me. I'm guessing your mom didn't talk about me?"
Emily shook her head. "No. She wanted to, but I told her no, because I didn't want to hear memories of my father I couldn't meet".
Luke wanted nothing more than to get to know his daughter. To know everything about her. To know if she's into music like he is or well was. Or was she like her mother who was more into writing? Was she close to her grandparents? He was going to ask him the same question aloud, but she got ahead of him. "I have a question,"
He took a step forward and went to reach out for his daughter, but stopped when he realized he couldn't. "Yes, anything?"
"How are you back?"
"We don't know. All we know is that Julie played our demo and it brought us back,"
Luke noticed that she was trying to figure out how to word this and almost looked like she was trying to hold back her tears. "So a girl, who didn't even know while you were alive, plays your CD and you come back, but not the cries of your girlfriend who basically disowned her family to be with you, and you were so in love with or the wishes of your daughter that you never got to meet? Dad of the year, huh?"
With that, she grabbed her backpack and took off running out of the den, tears flowing. "Emily!"
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