#and she's trying to build yae miko and a couple of others
carrotcouple · 5 months
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@rest-in-bees and I have a weekly ritual where we fight Scara's weekly boss even though we don't need his drops (because he's my favorite little meow meow)
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cookietroop · 3 years
Godlike! Reader x Yandere Scaramouche
Doll maker
So this is my first time writing on this app so yeahhh…. Anyways enjoy😊
Long ago before Ei even created Scaramouche and before the land of eternity was the way it was, there was a young maiden who was mortal, taking after her mother, a doll maker and seamstress, who was talented and passionate with her work and when her mother passed she took her place and married but then a turn for the worse happened, she couldn’t conceive a child of her own and so the husband left her for another, overcome by grief and sadness she searched desperately for a way to bring an object to life and the gods pitied the young woman and so they gave her a gift, a crystal that contain a life force that was stronger that any material. So the maiden threw herself into her work and that led her to the first doll that had its own conscious, overcome by the feeling of motherhood she cared for the doll and soon she made more and more alive dolls, soon they created a tiny functional village but soon the dolls wanted their creator to live forever with them so they pleaded to the gods for an answer and soon they got one, the crystal that made them have everlasting life. When their mother figure was asleep they cut her on her chest and put the crystal inside and it merged with her, soon as time passed when the archon war happened a young yae miko sought for her and she soon became the maiden’s apprentice and after she was finished yae left her to be with ei who was taught the ways of the doll maker from yae and soon she created the doll that was known as “The Balladeer”, as soon as it came to be to the other dolls they were shocked and angered by the failure doll and they hid the information from their motherly creator, fearing that she will blame herself and take her life. They wouldn’t have that! She was with them since their beginnings and looked at the work she done! They soon moved their village to where they will never be found by that dreaded failure of a doll in hopes that when ‘it’ caught wind of the city of dolls and try to find them they will be hidden away like Atlantis and ‘it’ would give up. But little did they know that ‘the balladeer’ will not give up so easily to see the first one who made living dolls.
Scaramouche was doing his business and collecting information about the gnosis when something happened that caught his eyes, something about dolls at first he was about to destroy it in a fit of rage and yell at the unfortunate fatui agent who thought it would be a funny joke, but then he say the words, ‘doll maker’ and ‘city of dolls’ that made him stop to read more about the information and after some speculation and more information he dug up, he decided to make a plan, a smart and unfortunate plan for the victim he wanted to give, the traveling hero, Aether who was searching for his sister. After careful planning and planting the right seeds of rumors, Aether was now searching for the city of dolls but in Scaramouche’s plan it would be a location where Lumine was last spotted and knowing the traveler due to their few battles, Aether would stop at nothing to find the location if it meant finding his sister.
Aether found it the city of dolls and it was a glorious sight to behold buildings that looked twisted and weird were made out of white stone painted with rare colors and the windows were so colorful while the inhabitants were so bright and so accepting to Aether and Paimon as a couple of small children wanting to play with Aether and Paimon but one thing that they found nerving were the guards that were very watchful and careful of Aether as he journeyed around the colorful city and he was now being lead by the guards to the giant castle that was a work of art and inside the castle it looked like the inside of a clock, gears clanking along with one another as strings were turned and golden colored windows that made it seam like they entered the steampunk era. But soon they saw a person, a young woman in a tight bun with she wore a black dress that made her seem like she was a depressed widow she looked the opposite of the entire community of people that lived in the city but one thing was, she looked so young and beautiful despite looking like a strict headmistress.
“Welcome young traveler and Paimon, I’ve had whispers of your arrival from my children.” Said the young woman as she stepped closer to the duo and looking at them with awe and curiosity in her eyes while her smile was like that of a child tasting a sweet candy for the first time.
“Your children?” Said Paimon with a confused look in her gaze as she looked at the guards and her.
“Oh right, I am their creator and I created all of them, from the tiny children that wanted to play with you two and to the hard workers that made this jewel.” Said The maiden with a sincere look as she looked the duo who were in shock.
“S-So you created them!?” Yelled Paimon as she took this information like a slap to the face.
“Yep they are my precious dolls that were created by the tough elements and my energy.” Said the creator as she held in her hands a ball of energy that didn’t look like a vision they ever seen.
“What’s your name? Have you seen my sister?” Asked Aether.
“My name is Y/n and no I haven’t seen your familiar.” Said Y/n as she bowed as an apology to the traveler as he sighed in disappointment at the dead end.
“Wait one question, Paimon wonders why you are not like the other gods? Like in strength or even making things alive?” Asked Paimon.
“Because I rejected the offer of ascending to celestia besides being a true god would mean for me that it would sever the ties of being mortal despite living eternally.” Said Y/n as she looked above to see more gears working tirelessly.
“So wait so you are the one that taught ei, the god of electro to make dolls like these people alive?” Asked Paimon.
“No but in a way yes, yae taught ei how to make things alive.” Said Y/n.
“So you are the reason that the balladeer is now alive?” Asked Paimon making the guards eyes widen as y/n got confused.
“The….. balladeer….. what do you mean?” Asked y/n, but then a explosion erupted causing a big hole in the castle.
“It means that I am here to meet the original doll maker.” Said Scaramouche as he grinned evilly at Aether and Paimon but he had his sights straight to the original creator.
He knew of the whole story of her but he had to say she looked more doll than person, her Snow White skin that was caused by neglecting the warm glow of the sun and her hands even though it had been bruised by working on dolls but still look small and dainty. He had to say the fool of the man that left her was a big fucking dumbo to leave a woman like her.
But besides that, she was a woman that was fitted just for him, who knew that soon enough a doll maker would become a living doll herself.
“You bastard! After so much work we thought we finally got away from a failure doll like you!” Said a guard as the other guards were prepared to strike him down.
Scaramouche only yawned as he hit them with a single blow of lightning, causing them to fall to their knees.
“Traveler! Get Y/n and lead her to saftey! One of the yarn birds will help-!” Said the guard but was knocked out by fatui agents.
Aether picked up Y/n bridal style and hurried while a yarn bird swoop down and lead them to safety.
Scaramouche only smiled while his angered eyes were remembering how perfectly she fitted into the traveler’s arm.
But that would be him carrying Y/n bridal style!
“Well what are you waiting for?!?! They’re getting away for fuck’s sake! Go after them!!!” Yelled Scaramouche and instantly a number of fatui agents went for the trio while he frowned sourly but that soon turned into a grin as he turned around and went off on his own while fatui agents were were going after the trio.
Part 1! Is there gonna be a part 2? Maybe it will happen once I have enough comments or likes?
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