#and shes gonna wear a dress and i presume its gonna be kinda fancy so what do i wear. a tie. with what
alri-xo · 4 years
Ship of Dreams (Titanic 1997 AU) | Chapter 3
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Gif not mine.
A/N: So I honestly needed to get on with the third chapter because I took so long to make the second. And I can't let another idea slip away for this now that I'm trying to distract myself from my negative thoughts. But this all comes from a good place called my heart. And I hope you are all loving this so far... There are parts of this story that I added more to the plot or whateva... I also actually watched the deleted scenes and some of them I wanted to include in the story to make things more interesting because in all honesty they deserved to be on the movie so I'm just going to include SOME of them.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Reader, Alexander Pierce x Reader
Warnings: Mention of Suicide.
Reader's Point of View
The night came, and just like that, it was supper time. All people in first class dressed up in some of the jewels and dresses they have brought with them for just this time of day.
Clearly, everybody fancies the night, especially like in this part of the ship, where everyone of good name and full pocket get together for a brandy and thick cigars... For the men at least.
Here I am seated beside my fiancé and my mother across the table as I try to look like I enjoy myself. I assume a smile or a small giggle, mother told me to be more proper. So this is all just for show.
I dare not tell what I truly feel, or why I don't tell why I don't say so if ever I did. People like them will never understand. Too caught up in the champagne they drink and the hats they wear as big as the egos they hide behind. Too caught up in the thick rolled cigar with gold lined in the middle and the brandy they drink.
Too caught up in the forthcoming wedding to even care for what I feel.
I saw my whole life as if I already lived it... An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches... Always the same narrow people and the same mindless chatter.
I felt like I was standing at a great precipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared... Or even noticed.
I stared blankly at my plate, the appetizer growing cold as the fork meant for it remains untouched. I was deep in thought that I forgot that I wasn't alone.
"Sweetpea... Are you alright?" Alexander asks me worried... Like he really cared for me.
My mother looked at me, as worried as he is. I asked to go to the powder room.
It was all wrong.
I rushed back to our suite, not caring about the looks I recieved by the other passengers as I passed by. I entered my room quietly and walk to my mirror.
I looked at myself, and realized how I am just posing. I don't see myself and I don't feel myself being happy with all of this. I'm done.
I don't see myself being happy, but the rest of them are. I didn't want this. I didn't need all of this. Heck, Much better if I was better off dead.
That's it.
I reached for the back of my dress unable to do so as the corset kept me bound in my limited actions.
"Carol..." I call to her, "Carol, help me please..." I call to her, my voice near screaming.
The next thing I know I went off. I snapped my pearl necklace, the beads bouncing and rolling over the floor, I yanked off the pins keeping my hair tamed and let it them flow freely on my face as I screamed in anger, sobbing.
I looked at my reflection, I see a girl in a state of distress... But I know I am not in melancholy... At least that's what I know...
Actually, I don't know. I mean, none of it matters. I don't matter.
I never mattered.
I ran out of the suite, my eyes in tears staining my cheeks in specks of black, bumping into some of the passengers. Like they could save me. No one will. No one can.
Bucky's Point of View
The stars sure shine differently when you're on here, especially with a quick smoke. The world looks so big, but it is so small at the same time...
The wind is chilly, but it's comforting. Knowing that nothing stands between this ship but just the distance and how far I am from home.
All this though collecting and all of the stars twinkled in my mind as they flared far away in the dark sky, subtle clouds like a veil and the moon is the bride shy under it all but glows so beautifully.
Just like her... She's the moon in a place full of stars, glowing so beautifully up there in a place I will never ever reach.
Then I hear sobbing, and the clicking of shoes running across the floor boards of the ship. I sit up and find where it's coming from.
It's a girl.
She looks all too familiar, but what if it's not her? And she looks like she's about to jump.
I approach her slowly, her back turned as she stared at the dark raging waters, her fate right in front of her.
I can't have this happen. I'm the only one here near her and I'm from third class. What are these people going to think of me if I just leave her?
"Don't do it..."
"Stay back... Don't come any closer..." she says, her voice trembling as she tried to fight off her tears, facing me.
It's her.
"C'mon... Just give me your hand I'll pull you back over..." I say as I approach her, I put out my hand to help her get back on board safely.
She's not having it.
"No! Stay where you are..." she says, as she looks back at the deep blue, "I mean it... I'll let go..."
I took out my cigarette and showed it to her. It was slowly becoming ash as the embers glowed, still hot. I threw it overboard just to show how far down it actually is, and how it's not right to do this.
"No, you won't..."
Reader's Point of View
Who does he think he is? Like, a cigarette's gonna change my mind.
"What do you mean, 'No, I won't'?" I ask him sternly, "Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do! You don't know me!"
"Well, you would've done it already..." he says cockily but he keeps his distance, his steel blue eyes playful but gentle.
"You're distracting me! Go away!"
"I can't..." he says, pausing for a moment as he thinks, cocking his brow, "I'm involved now... If you let go I'm gonna have to jump in there after you."
This man doesn't know me. But, what if he feels me... That's why he wants to help me.
I shouldn't be so trusting... Let alone to a man like him and he's a stranger... He shouldn't be silly.
"Don't be absurd!" I scoff looking at him as he unlaces his shoes and sets his coat aside, "You'll be killed!"
"I'm a good swimmer..." he says like he will be diving in a pool of lukewarm water that it completely still.
"The fall alone will kill you..."
"It'll hurt... Not saying it wouldn't..." he says as he finishes untying his other shoe, releasing his foot, "To tell you the truth I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold..."
The wind gets colder, for me at least. The thought of what he's saying makes me feel a bit petrified now that I'm in my place. However, I have had my fair share of cold winters and occasional cold baths in the summer. It couldn't possibly be that bad. Right?
"How cold?"
"Freezing..." he says uncertain, "Maybe a couple of degrees over..."
I fell silent as he removes his shoe, setting it aside before he continues, "Ever been to Wisconsin?"
"Well, they have some of the coldest winters around... I used to go there near Chippewa Falls..."
I listened to his story about the cold, "I remember when I was a kid, me and my father went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota... Ice fishing is-"
"I know what ice fishing is!" I scoff frustrated as he thought I didn't know nothing of a sort.
"Sorry..." he muttered then I felt his eyes on me, eyeing me, "You look like, kind of an indoor girl..."
I was always indoors, yes. It wasn't on my terms though...
"Anyway, I went through some thin ice and I'm telling you... Water that cold, like right down there... It hits you like a thousand knives all over your body... You can't breathe, you can't think... Least not about anything but the pain..." He continues to tell as he removes his other shoe, "Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in after you... But like I said, I don't have a choice... I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over and get me off the hook here..."
"You're crazy..." I said as the wind picked up and it gave a chill to my cheeks, it was all I could say to him, "And I don't know you..."
"That's what everybody says... But with all due respect, Miss... I'm not the one hanging off the back of the ship..." he says stepping closer to me.
He does have a point... But this is all emotion I'm feeling. However, it's funny how someone like him from third class is not as raunchy as I thought...
"Come on... You don't want to do this. Give me your hand..."
His hand outstretched for him to hold on to me as I turned to him. As soon as I did, his gray blue eyes looked into mine, and they seem to twinkle. Its small lines visible as I prolonged my gaze and got lost in them.
"I'm James Barnes..." he says with a small smile as he held on to my hand...
"Y/F/N..." I say smiling back and I see his eyes become bigger.
"Well, that's a mouthful..." he chuckles, his eyes twinkling as he does.
I slowly turned on the rails, holding on to him. I wasn't wrong when I got lost in his eyes... Because the next thing I knew, a sudden drop and my body going cold in fear dominated me. As if I lost my soul as I felt my body dip and dangle at the edge of the ship, barely hearing myself scream for help as my heart beat in my ears.
"I got you... I won't let go..."
The only thing that I held on to was James... And I held on to him tight. He held on to me like he depended on it and looked at me with eyes that made me feel safe. Safer than I ever was.
I skipped breaths as he held my hand, feeling myself not to slip. All my body ever wanted at the point was to completely shut down in fear... But my mind forbid it.
"C'mon pull yourself up!" He encouraged as I mustered up my strength, pulling myself up like he said as he pulled me over the metal rails. We landed onboard with a thud, him hovered over me as the footsteps of the seamen are heard vibrating on the deck.
"What the hell is all this?!" The Quartermaster exclaims as he pulls James off of me, holding him by the collar, "Fetch the Master at Arms!"
Bucky's Point of View
"What are you thinking?! Getting your filthy hands on my fiancée!" The man screams at me holding me by my collar as I try to look down, "Look at me, rat. You horny bastard-"
Fiancé?! This man is old enough to be buried!
"Alexander..." Y/N calls as the man turns his attention to her, she was being comforted by another person in first class, "It was an accident..."
The man scoffs and takes a long blink and a deep breath, "An accident?"
She fell silent for a moment, as I looked at her attentively, our eyes met, "You see... I was... I wanted to take a look at the... uh... the... Propellers... I slipped, and I would have gotten overboard... But Mr. Barnes here saved me... He almost when over as well."
"You wanted to see the propellers, darling?" Her fiancé asks endearingly and she nods with a hum.
"Like I say, women and machinery do not mix." The man holding his glass of brandy says as the Master at Arms approach me.
"Was that the way of it?" He asks me sternly and I look at Y/N, her eyes worried and waiting for my answer.
"Yup... It pretty much is..."
The one with a drink pats me on the back, "Well, the boy's a hero then! Good for you, son!"
He nods to him as he holds Y/N close to him, "You're freezing, Y/N..."
The man turns to speak to Y/N's fiancé, "Uh... How about a little something for the boy? A token of thanks perhaps?" He asks him.
The man grumbles before he speaks, "Rumlow! Give him a twenty... A twenty should do it."
Y/N looks at him in disbelief, "Is that the rate you're going for saving the love of your life, dear?"
"Y/N is not pleased..." He looks at me for a brief moment in thought, "I know... Perhaps you can join us for dinner tomorrow to share how heroic you are?"
I look at Y/N, her body swallowed in a thick comforter, " Count me in..."
"Settled then..."
He walks away with Y/N in his arms going inside and I hear him mutter quietly under his breath, "This should be amusing..."
His wingman passes by me stalking after his master as I whistle sharply, "Can I bum a cigarette?"
He approaches me and takes out a silver box opening it. I grab one and hold in between my lips and the other tucked behind my ear for later. He lights up the one I intend to consume for the moment.
He looks down, eyeing me, "You might want to tie those..."
I look at my shoes, the laces in complete disarray. I look back at him as he looks at ne smugly.
"Funny how the lady slipped so suddenly and you have time to remove your jacket and your shoes..."
Reader's Point of View
We made it back to the suite. I cleaned myself up, ridding myself of my makeup and evening dress and replaced it with a flowy silk night gown, adorned with lace.
I was seated in front of my vanity room mirror, brushing tangles out of my hair when I saw Alexander leaning against the door frame.
"I know you've been melancholy... and I don't pretend to know why..." he says tenderly nearing to me with a black velvet jewelry box as I accept it. I open the box to reveal the biggest gem I have ever seen upclose.
"I have intended to save this until the engagement party next week... But I thought tonight, perhaps a reminder of my feeling for you..."
"Alexander..." I begin as my mind was still in shock, perplexed, "Is it a-"
"Diamond... Yes it is..." he says as he takes it out of the box, "56 carats..."
He puts it on me, the stone weighed on my chest as it shone in the dim light of my room, "It was once worn by Louis the Sixteenth... They call it Le Coeur de la Mer..."
"The Heart of the Ocean... Alexander... This... This is overwhelming..."
He looks at our reflection in the mirror, as if he is being foretold the future, "It's for royalty... And we are royalty, Y/N..."
He holds my hand on my lap and I let him, though I don't hold his back, "There's nothing I couldn't give you... There's nothing I'd deny if you would deny me... Just let me love you, darling... Open your heart to me..."
Of course his gift was only to reflect light back onto himself, to illuminate the greatness that was Alexander Pierce. It was a cold stone... A heart of ice...
In a way it was just like my own, wrapped in a layer of ice, a frost which he fails to melt.
Before I slept, I couldn't get rid of the thought of wearing it for a moment. Any woman would melt over that necklace and where it the moment their skin touches the blue diamond.
However, every second it had on my neck and every word that came out of Alexander's lips were synonymous with two things. One, a dog collar slowly getting tighter and tighter and two, his words like the noise that a dog owner uses to call his pet over.
I stare at the ceiling in thought, my mouth slightly agape and felt a tear escape my eye. I didn't know if I felt sleepy or just trapped. However, the thought of the events earlier and his eyes...
His beautiful gray blue eyes...
The way he looked at me and didn't see me as how others do... When I looked at him with begging eyes, he was hush about the real thing.
Now, we have our own little secret. A secret that Alexander or anyone doesn't deserve to know.
Just us...
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A/N: That's the end of that! And I extended the scene in Y/N's room because like to me, it's impossible that she just went straight to bed and was like "okay sleep." Aaaaand I think that this chapter looked really short compared to the last ones. Soooo yeah. I hope you enjoyed this chapter either way... sooo stay safe mommas
@witchymegg @luna4501 @underworldqueen13 @amisutcliff @likeit-or-leaveit @theaussiedragon @vhsbarnes @uglipotata72829 @moshymosh
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years
3x11 “The Red Dahlia” - Riverdale Reaction
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Somebody ought to go in these handcuffs, and I happen to think it should be whoever approved this episode.
Let’s be clear...even if this episode was filmed in black and white, it probably still would have been the garbled, sleep-deprived ramblings of writing room edits as opposed to a compelling narrative about dames with dubious intentions and secrets to kill for. For me, at least.
I love how Betty still judges the hell outta Hal for his malevolent appreciation of a woman with a body count.
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Archie “the Hulk” Andrews. Nobody likes him when he’s angry. This poor overseer even has to fight with people about TAKING A BREAK. Eat a sandwich, Archie! Maybe you’re hangry on top of needing therapy.
Veronica calling out the temporary fabulous gesture of flowers from Elio and demanding precious jewels. Pretty RICH, considering she got Bettykins flowers and cupcakes in s1e1. That is growth. Maybe.
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“We all had problems, and a helluva good-looking one was about to walk through my door.” Anyone else expecting a Pop’s delivery?
I had to sigh. I know, I know it’s just the poor attempt at Noir language, but Jughead mocks her hat like two seconds later and I’m sure certain shippers were squeeing as I squinted at the general tolerance these two have for each other. He likes the $ and opportunity to play detective with Nancy Drew. V likes results. That’s it. Business partners. Woo.
Go, Fred! You PARENT your child! Aaaaand there he goes to take shots at a speakeasy. Well. You tried.
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Is Thornhill big enough to have its own funeral parlor AND cemetery? Just makes it easier to hide the murder victims and suicides, I guess! This is at LEAST the second wake-ish thing they’ve hosted here. Weird family. Sorry you’re related, Betty.
Not sure why Cheryl is SO offended by the insinuation that her prostitute/murderer/sent-her-to-conversion-camp mom is dangerous. I thought Penelope was kicked out anyway? Nana Rose is my new favorite Blossom murderer for the weird line implying that she finds pretending to cry over her son/a man is a waste of time.
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Did they seriously make cutoff vests with the Serpents insignia for the “TOO-WARM-TO-MOVE-A-BODY” weather, and yet dress Jughead in a SHERPA JACKET? I know he’s an “outsider,” but COME ON.
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“MOBSPLAIN” - only on this show. Also, the line about it being “unrealistic” made me laugh. This show is such a cheeky bastard. Love watching V make grown men stand up straighter.
SMITHERS! Didn’t even recognize him at first. This kinda works? But I’m confused. Is V just...doing the shakedowns now? And she doesn’t see the issue with that? Got kinda creepy Daddy Issue vibes when she smiled at Reggie and called him Man in Black. I know WHY she did and it probably wasn’t meant to be creepy, I just FELT it, okay?
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THEY’RE SO SOFT I’M GONNA DIE! The little back-rub? The cutie heart-eyes? I’m dying. But the writing was silly here, because Betty is all ABOUT investigating, and would totally help Jughead break in and have his back for sleuthing shenanigans with plenty of time for her thing. Also Betty seemed bemused/unimpressed at discovering the super over-the-top Maple Sex Club (THIS SHOW) whereas Jughead seemed totally unaffected. They have a more impressive setup at home, I presume.
Josie shoving Archie in a cold shower and telling him to sort his shenanigans was probably the most fun thing she’s ever done. And she wears cat ears and fancy outfits on the regular, so that’s saying something. Also, don’t they only serve mocktails at the speakeasy? Or am I not supposed to remember that?
Honestly? Most of this episode from about halfway on gets...expositional and boring and just a bunch of blackmail stalemates that do not further character, plot, relationships, nor aesthetic. Boo. Booooo! Unsatisfying stalemates don’t get better as a plot device because you acknowledge them at the end! Even Jughead’s narration was a hard cringe.
Like, did anyone think Kelly Ripa was gonna shoot Jughead? Or that he would be obnoxious enough to juggle the egg super awkwardly instead of getting ready to smash the thing as a threat? Just...no interesting conflict. Nor resolution. These actors could’ve used better staging and script, and honestly even the cinematography was unimpressive with a few exceptions (Archie’s shadow-pan to aiming the gun at the hooded man was one).
Jughead keeps shoving all his money into other people’s hands in bribery and I find that extremely problematic for many reasons. As was Betty’s later monologue about “black and white” morality with Hal. Sigh.
Minetta was alive? Who was dismembered then? Random goon #42? Is being a mayor in Riverdale just a cover for f***ing the Sheriff?
DOUBLE-TAP, MAN. Or headshot! FP’s been around this stuff enough where he should’ve gotten this right! After that whole “I’m not a killer” speech to Jughead back in season one, I just kind of rolled my eyes during this scene and went, “Sure.”
Aw, people keep trying to beat Archie to the punch...and the shot! (HA. The puns...I digress). The “atmosphere-building” monologue beforehand and lying to V indicates he might be on the path...to VILLAINY! (again) But maybe now he has some Black Hood closure. Some.
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“Thank goodness it’s over” -- me, about this episode. Love the contrast of Hermione’s flimsy white trench coat though. Is Falice still a thing? Or was the one scene for fan service and now their duty is done?
Veronica: And Archie...if you ever need a friend...to talk to...
GET ON ANOTHER SHOW, because this episode only has time for dastardly plots and random sex scandals! (although I will accept a spinoff Bughead romantic detective show ANY TIME now) I realize everyone has their own agenda, but come on. Throw us a milkshake, here. At least Hiram will stop trying to kill the poor teenager. Archie, to be clear. Jughead is probably still on the table.
They literally had to write “In case you’d forgotten” in Jughead’s narration before returning to a scene. Wow. The narrative.
Ugh. Hermione. That cleanup is going to be a MESS. Shoulda shot him in the shower.
This is the second time Jughead’s been in the awkward position of his dad shooting a classmate’s dad. Oh well. “It’s Riverdale.”
That Bughead sex scene teased in the next episode better be good after this week’s shenanigans.
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neganandblake · 6 years
The Slytherin and the Hufflepuff - A Negan & Blake Hogwarts Teachers AU
What if Professor Negan, ex-Slytherin, ex-pro Quidditch beater, started at Hogwarts as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch coach. And what if the one person that caught his eye was lovely, kind Madam Blake, ex-Hufflepuff and Hogwarts nurse. Harry Potter/Walking Dead crossover.
Chapter 6 - February
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January slipped slowly into February in a flurry of bitter wind and frost.
Hagrid had been out each and every morning since the snow had cleared, salting the pathways and ensuring that Madam Blake didn't have to deal with yet another pupil breaking an ankle or an arm because of the slippery conditions (so far alone this month there had been four!).
But despite the harsh weather and the cold conditions, there was an excitement and a buzz amongst those in the wizarding community. For only a week or two ago, after rumours of unhappiness within the Ministry, a snap election had been announced, meaning that three new candidates had put themselves forwards for the position of Minister for Magic.
Two of the candidates were of course well-known backbenchers, both of their policies they now put forward, rife with bad habits and pompousness, often seen by the other Ministers of old.
But most of the excitement, instead hovered, around the new candidate, Gavin Randall, who had emerged from almost nowhere.
He was young by comparison to the other candidates and his policies seemed fresh and new and fun. His slogans and taglines were marvelously catchy and when he spoke, people stood up and took notice. He was change and everyone seemed to be looking forward to that.
The whole country seemed to be supporting him, with his red and blue banners and flags seemingly everywhere.
Even the Hogwarts students, far too young to vote themselves, were still seen sporting Gavin Randall badges and covertly sticking up posters everywhere around the castle, much to Filch's dismay. Most likely due to the fact that Radall had proposed some fun policies that snared the young voters, such as free chocolate frogs for all, and to reduce the price of Firewhiskey by at least thirty percent.
It felt like a new age was dawning for wizards and witches, and almost everyone signed themselves up, registering to vote, completing a routine census, giving their parents names and their dates of birth, to do so
It was all everyone seemed to be talking about, although come the second week of February, this was shadowed somewhat at Hogwarts, by the announcement that the next Hogsmeade trip would be taking place on Saturday the 14th of February.
Valentine's Day.
Talk of what everyone was going to wear and who planning to take who on dates to the small town just beyond the Hogwarts gates, filled the corridors and common rooms.
And even Professor Negan, who normally would have rolled his eyes at any mention of Valentine's Day, was putting together plans of his own.
Things had settled somewhat at Hogwarts since the day of the fire on the Quidditch grounds, with Dumbledore and Negan putting all sorts of protective spells on what felt like every inch of the castle and its grounds,
But since then, there had been nothing. No more messages. No more threats. And no more discussion on the matter. Both likely hoping that it was silly one off occurrence.
For it was hard to think that anyone in this day and age could share THOSE kind of severely old-fashioned prejudices against Muggle-Born Witches and Wizards
But Negan had found himself slightly distracted from thoughts of this anyway, his concentration now instead, fully on Valentine's Day.
Things between him and Blake had been a little off this last few weeks if truth be told, and Negan felt almost sure she was avoiding him.
He wondered if it was because of his choice of words after the lesson they had spent together.
But no matter, Negan had a plan to change all that.
The ex-beater had in fact been wandering out of the Great Hall when he had noticed the sign-up sheet for the upcoming Hogsmeade trip and had immediately spotted that right at the top was Madam Blake's name written there in elegant cursive, for she had signed herself up to be a chaperone for the day.
And in that moment it was as though a lightbulb had pinged above Negan's head, his eyes twinkling as he hurriedly grabbed a spare quill and signed his name just below hers and a couple of other staff members' who would be heading out there too.
And so, today was the day.
It had turned out to be an overcast day, with a bitterly cold wind that that whipped at the children's pink faces as they made their way down towards the castle gates, wrapped up in scarves and mitten and hats and all talking animatedly with each other about what boy was planning on asking what girl out, or which Gryffindor was going to ask what Hufflepuff for a snog in the alley next to Zonko's.
Negan had bundled himself up in a long black coat, digging his hands deep into his pockets as he headed down the steep slope, jogging a little to catch up with a familiar face walking just ahead of him in amongst the masses of Hogwarts students.
He could see her now, dressed in a pretty powder blue coat that fell to her knees, her chin buried in the oversized knitted yellow scarf that was wound around her neck to deflect the wind a little.
Negan jogged forwards, out of breath, by the time he came to stop at Blake's side.
"Hey, fancy seeing you here..." he said into her ear, trying to seem cool despite the fact that he had practically run the length of the Hogwarts ground to catch up with her.
Blake at once looked up, a bright smile appearing over her gorgeous features, as they fell easily into step with one another.
"Hey!" she said looking a little surprised to see him. "W-What are you doing here?"
Negan lifted a hand, trying to tame his ruffled hair.
"I'm uhhhhh...chaperonin'..." he said easily.
But this earned him a bemused look from Blake.
"I didn't think this would be your kind of thing….spending time with the students out of hours…" she said with a teasing wrinkle of her nose.
But Negan merely grinned back, giving a shrug of his broad shoulders.
"Just thought it might've been fun, an' hey, what else is a guy like me gonna do on Valentine's Day?" he said with a small scoff.
But although Negan had thought Blake would find this kind of self-deprecating humour funny, instead, the blonde woman reddened slightly, turning away from him, giving a visible gulp, as she detached her eyes from his.
There was a moment of silence between the pair, where both of their eyes awkwardly landed on the sight of two fifth year students snogging right in front of them, tongues battling as though their life depended on it.
Blake took a wide-step to avoid barreling into them as Negan did the same.
"So…." the caramel-blonde nurse said brightly, after a moment or two had passed. "You know who you're gonna be voting for in the Ministry elections next week?"
The topic was on everyone's lips at the moment, so it wasn't a surprise it had come up so early in their conversation.
"Yeah….I mean I wasn' convinced about that Randall guy at first, but that damn policy on Firewhisky really got me impressed" said Negan with a chuckle, earning himself a smile from Blake.
"Yeah I like him too," she hummed. "He's got great things to say about Healers and is offering all sorts of funding for apprenticeships for young wizards who want to start a career in Healing Magic…"
Negan nodded.
"Yeah...he's got some great ideas. Kinda almost sounds too good to be true, right?" he said with a half-laugh.
"Yeah, almost," Blake laughed back. But strangely, their memory of this thoughts, faded almost the moment they had uttered those words.
Hogsmeade was a buzz with Hogwarts students by the time Negan and Blake arrived there.
Children spilled out of every shop and of course Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. And Negan, to his annoyance, was forced to dodge out of the way of students as they ran past him in a flurry of excitement.
He noticed Blake smirk at the look of his face as they passed yet another snogging couple, third-years this time.
"Jee-suz, I gotta admit, these kids hav' got balls. I never did anythin' like that in my day, on the goddamn street too, in front of everybody…" he tutted, causing Blake to raise a playful eyebrow in his direction.
"Aww late bloomer were you?" she asked teasingly, as Negan merely rolled his eyes smirking. But he didn't answer her.
Their pair had walked half the length of the Hogsmeade high street now, and Negan glanced up at the sign hanging above their heads, as Blake came to a stop just outside the door to the Three Broomsticks pub.
"You...err...fancy a drink?" said Negan with a smiling, yet questioning frown.
But at once he noticed Blake redden at his words, her eyes falling from his, just like they had en-route here.
"I…...ummm….actually…." Blake said in a slow voice, looking like she was trying to delicately search for the words. "...actually...I have a date."
At once, it was like Negan's had suffered a hard blow to the chest, winding him completely,..
"Oh, I err, that's cool…" he muttered.
It was a lie.
In fact it was anything but cool.
But all this, well it was his own fault. He had had plenty of opportunities since Christmas to ask Blake's out on a date of their own, but he had chickened out at every opportunity.
And she had obviously presumed after so long that he had lost interest in her. And that wasn't her fault..
"So...uhh...who's the lucky guy?" he asked, putting on a brave face, although inside, his stomach was churning with jealousy.
"Um, well apparently he's a freelance photographer for the Daily Prophet" nodded Blake, tucking a wisp of caramel hair back behind her ear. "It's a blind date," she explained. "My friend set us up, so…"
Negan gave another nod, as silence fell over the pair again, broken only by the shouts of students as they ran by.
"Listen," said Blake looking at him and offering him a warm and beautiful smile. "He's not supposed to be here for another twenty minutes or so. Do you want to come inside, keep me company for a bit?"
Negan rocked back on his heels for a moment, stuffing his hands ever deeper into his pockets.
"I dont know…" he said, wincing and giving his nose a small wrinkle.
But his look earned him an elbow in the ribs from Madam Blake.
"Come on," she said pleadingly. "I'll buy you a butterbeer."
And at this, Negan's face lit up.
"I guess I could stay for one drink, just until your "date gets here," he groaned in a playful manner, as Blake grabbed his hand, entwining her fingers with his and pulled him into the pub.
It was cosy in here, and to Negan's relief, the only students in here were a couple of seventh years who were sat near the bar talking in sickly sweet voices, their eyes on nothing but each other.
Blake with her fingers still clasped within his, pulled Negan over to a table at the very back of the pub, letting go of his hand when they had reached it, to unfurl her scarf and remove her coat. But he couldn't help but let his eyes linger on her for a long moment as she fussed with her hair and smoothed down her gorgeous pale pink dress, before picking up her bag and fishing in it for her purse.
"So, a butterbeer ok, or do you want something stronger?" she asked, as Negan dropped onto the cushion covered bench that overlooked the entire room.
But he gave a frown.
"Here Darlin, let me get these-" he began, but Blake cut across him with a smile
"No Negan, I told you I'd get these," she scolded before disappearing off toward the bar.
Five minutes later she was back, placing two steaming mugs of Butterbeer down onto the table in front of Negan, before, to his surprise, instead of taking the seat opposite she moved around and sat next to him instead.
"So I can keep a eye out for my date," she explained, causing Negan's pleased smile falter slightly.
But he knew he needed to snap out of this.
Blake was going on a date and there was nothing he could do to stop it. All he could do was savour this moment of the two of them together for as long as it lasted in the meantime.
The pair of them talked,and laughed, and Negan almost made Blake snort Butterbeer out of her nose with his impression of Professor Snape.
And by the time they had each almost drained their mugs, Blake was turned into Negan, giggling, their knees brushing beneath the table, listening to him tell her the story of when he won ten thousand galleons at a wizarding casino, only to lose it all again to a sweet-talking Veela con-artist.
"Yeah apparently it was all some big scam," he said with a groan. "Appricanly the American Magical Congress had known about it for a long time and picked her an' this damn croupier up a short while after."
"So they were in it together?" asked Blake in shock, shaking her head.
"Yhhhmmm," he hummed. "Coulda' done a hell of a lot with that money too."
But he looked up seeing a knowing smile on Blake's face.
"What?" he asked her, grinning.
But Blake just bit her lip. "Well I know you're gonna hate me when I tell you this, but my great-great aunt was actually half-Veela," she said pulling a 'sorry' face.
Negan's eyebrows shot up into his hairline and he leaned forward, placing his arm around the top of the booth behind her.
"I knew it!" he said pointing at her with his other hand. "I told myself the first time I saw you...damn that gal has got some Veela in her I'm almost sure of it."
Blake blushed a little, her eyes flickering down between them.
"Yeah, well I looked into my family tree a few years ago and wanted to see if there was any more magic in my family," she explained. "Both my parents were Muggles so I know it didnt come from them…"
Negan suddenly stopped, blinking hard, his mind going back to the words he had seen burned into the grass back at Hogwarts.
"So you're-"
"Muggle-born, yeah," the blonde woman said with a smiling laugh. "Why? Does that surprise you?"
It didn't surprise him actually. For why would it?
The old-fashioned and terrible idea that somehow Muggle-born people were any lesser witches and wizards that the Pureblood ones, was a preposterous notion.
For Blake was so very talented at what she did. She was kind and beautiful and was one of the most intelligent witches he had ever met.
She had likely graduated from Hogwarts with far better grades than most too, for to become a Healer you needed to get the highest grades in the most difficult of N.E.W.T examinations.
"Doesn't surprise me at all…" he said with a grin, his eyes soon drifting away from hers and coming to land on the empty mug she was setting down. "What DOES surprise me though, is how quickly you downed that damn Butterbeer!"
Blake gave an immediate laugh at this, flushing slightly.
"What?" she said playfully, glancing at her wristwatch to check the time."I've only been drinking it for-"
But it was like in a split second all of the light had fallen out of Blake's words, the smile instantly disappearing from her face.
"...an hour," she finished, blinking up and gazing around suddenly.
"My date...he was supposed to have been here forty minutes ago…" she said sounding crushingly disappointed.
Negan could see the cogs turning inside her head, her brain coming to all sorts of silly conclusions about why exactly her date hadn't showed up, or if he had, why he hadn't come over and introduced himself.
He watched as a gulp visibly trailed it's way down her throat.
"No matter…" she said quietly.
But Negan could tell that it did matter.
He offered to buy her another drink but Blake politely declined, instead telling him they should probably leave and check on the students, hastily putting her coat back on.
But out on the street,that was a still a flurry of children moving to and fro, Blake lifted a hand to her head.
"Listen, I've um...I've got a bit of a headache, I think I'm going to head back to the castle early," she said avoiding Negan's gaze, and looking far more than a little disappointed now, her shoulders slumped and Negan was almost sure he could see tears in her green eyes. "Minerva and Pomona are around and can help you round up the students….s-sorry…"
And with a shake of her head, clutching her coat around her, Blake walked quickly away, leaving Negan standing there, outside on the blustery Hogsmeade High Street...alone…
It was late afternoon, and the sky had darkened significantly, by the time Blake had finished shedding all of the tears she had in her.
She stared into the mirror hanging above the mantel in her cosy office at the far end of the Hospital Wing, and tutted at her reflection.
She knew she was foolish for getting upset over someone she had never even met, but somehow that rejection and embarrassment hurt more having Negan there with her.
Madam Blake liked Negan, more than she would probably care to admit out loud. And ever since they had almost kissed on Christmas morning, she had hoped that maybe they would get the chance again. But after helping him out with his lesson last month, Professor Negan had indeed made it very clear that there was nothing going on between them and likely never would be.
And so Blake had hoped to move on, allowing her friend to set her up with a guy she knew, but perhaps all this had proved that dating, well, it just wasn't for her. For it was hard enough to get out of the castle as it was.
As a nurse, Blake needed to constantly be on call throughout the year, only having two months off over summer to herself, and she very much doubted even that would be enough time for her to find someone and fall in love. Knowing that having family was just a far off dream for her. Always had been, always would be.
Blake wiped at her tear stained cheeks fixing a smile onto her face.
Dinner would be soon and despite not feeling that hungry, she didn't want the students and teachers to start questioning why she wasn't there.
And so the blonde nurse was just about to fix her hair and prepare to head downstairs, when all of a sudden there came a soft knock upon the ajar door just over her shoulder.
"Knock knock, jus' came to check if you were feelin' ok, Peaches?" came a sudden husky voice that Blake recognise immediately.
She hurriedly swiped at her face once more for any stray tears, before turning around and smiling at him brightly.
"Hey…uhh, yes, much better, thanks," she said gently, seeing Professor Negan stroll into the room, carrying two bottles of chilled Butterbeer in one hand, and a small white box in the other.
He sucked at his teeth, glancing down at the items in his hands and smirking."Oh, 'cause I thought...if you were still feelin' under the weather...you might prefer a picnic up here instead with yours truly, instead of all that noise downstairs. Damn kids drove me crazy on the walk back up to the castle just now."
Blake's heart swelled at this, a lump appearing in her throat.
Had he really made this gesture just for her?
Negan moved across the room now coming to stop at Blake's neat and tidy desk, placing down the bottles and the white box.
"So, I've got chocolate cake or carrot cake, both from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. So take your pick," he said opening the box with ease, before using his wand to remove the cork from each bottle of Butterbeer easily, handing one to her.
Blake smiled almost un-surely, biting her lip before taking a step towards him, her cheeks flushing.
"Both maybe?" she tried, earning herself an eyebrow raise from Negan who shot her a look.
"Damn, well I know you had a sweet tooth, Peaches, but-"
But Blake laughed, cutting across him.
"I MEANT, can we share both?" she muttered, with a playful roll of her eyes.
Five minutes later the pair of them were just like they had been back at the pub. Laughing, talking, joking, perched on the edge of Blake's desk beside one another, eating forkfuls of cake and drinking their deliciously ice cold butterbeer straight from the bottles.
When they were done, full of sugar and chocolate and such lovely things, Blake placed down her fork next to her bottle and turned to Negan.
"Thank you," she said gently. "For everything, Negan. You've made yet another crappy Valentine's Day better…"
And Blake meant that, she really did.
They were both quiet for a short moment, both of them smiling and both of them happy, Blake forgetting her woes if only for a little while.
"Listen," said Negan finally, placing his bottle of untouched Butterbeer down onto the desk beside him and getting to his feet, moving around to face her, closing the gap between the pair of them, his hand reaching for hers. "For the record, if I was gonna take you on a date on Valentine's Day there is no way on this earth that I would stand you up."
Blake gazed up at him now, her green eyes searching her face as Negan's hazel ones did the same in return. His thumb brushed over her smooth knuckles affectionately.
"You make my damn days brighter, Peaches…" he croaked in an earnest voice, smiling suddenly. "And hey, part-Veela or not, there is no way I wanna see you heartbroken over some asshole you've never even met."
Blake smiled back at this.
And in that moment it was as if the entire world had stilled, as Negan stared down at her.
Everything going quiet…
...time stopping for them…
Blake blinked up at him now, watching Negan frown with purpose, as he lifted a hand down to her cheek, his face hovering just an inch above hers.
And the blonde nurse could only close her eyes gently, reaching her hand out for him and coming to rest her palm flat over his racing heartbeat.
"Happy Valentine's day, Peaches," she felt him murmur into her mouth...
...feeling his lips finally meet with hers, in a gently and very, very welcome kiss.
Their first.
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