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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Four Brothers (2005) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers" on YouTube
This happens really quick afterwards and we've been out there for years in this weather on these streets with these people. And they're constantly bothering us but these this Crew is not that bad compared to the Max and there are interested in them clothes are worse with the clothes are not as dangerous as the Macs he said it too these big boys are fighting over something and it's beyond there's humangpus ships and lasers that they couldn't believe it. It seems like lilly know something but they're really mistreating her and she doesn't know that much. I watching this movie again it's closing it is also sorts of cues and they have some strange people from other parts a lot of Hollywood actors believe it or not but they worked in a lot of George's stuff.
Hera Zues
I have no idea this is going to be so fierce and now I see something I'm finding Tommy F over stuff and he's down there and there's other stuff deep and we are possibly in trouble
This movie sucks the next movie is worse it just is going to get into more and more trouble and people keep talking and talking I guess he's just putting movies out there and slow down but boy I whay a pain
Mac had a friend here is right you know a few hundred bucks in the North end Pizza and I mean for Christ's sake which do you guys want
0 notes
bluesylveon2 · 4 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
A/N: I’m alive! I would insert a sob story, but I’ll spare you the details. I RECOMMEND looking up Mamma Mia Dancing Queen by Movieclips on Youtube to get a feel of the end (look for the ******). Enjoy!
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 5: Dancing Queen
Rico and Nanaba were out drinking again at a nearby bar while Hange was away. Hange mentioned how she had to grab some things from her goat house, so Rico and Nanaba took it upon themselves to drink some more and talk to the locals. 
Rico looked up at the bartender in front of her. She recognized him as one of the men who had helped her and Nanaba earlier. This man was way taller than her, and definitely over 6 feet. He had long, light ash-brown hair styled in a mullet, and he had small, intense golden-brown eyes. It almost gave him a vicious look. This time the man was shirtless and only wore swim trunks. It's a good thing wearing swimwear on/underneath clothing was considered normal on the island.
“Here you go, one cocktail for a beautiful woman like you.” he slides the drink over to Rico and gives her a wink. Rico grabbed the drink and gave the man a flirty smile. Definitely not vicious. He seemed like a nice and flirty guy to her. 
Maybe husband number 4? Rico smirks as she drinks her cocktail. Don’t get Rico wrong now. She knows what is out of line when it comes to choosing her future husband. However, a little bit of flirting won’t hurt.
“Thank you…” Rico trailed off. Shoot. She never got the guy’s name.
Jean grabs a wet rag and starts cleaning off the bar “Jean. I’m also one of Sasha’s friends.”
“Ah, I heard of you!” Nanaba yells out suddenly. She looks at Jean with excitement. Nanaba loves learning about the bits and pieces of Sasha’s life. After all, it’s been years since she has last seen her. “Sasha has talked a lot about you! You’re Niccolo’s best man, right? Have you been on the island this whole time?”
Jean nodded “Yes and no. Yes, I am Niccolo’s best man. No, I haven’t stayed on the island the whole time. I actually came back a few months ago to prepare for the wedding. I’ve been busy with college studying for art before coming back. I'm currently staying at the old house that I share with my friend, Marco.” 
Jean is a Fine Arts major at the Paris College of Art. He agreed to study in France because of his mom. You see, Jean originally lived in France before moving to Kalokairi to be more independent. He was from Strasbourg, which is about 500 km away from Paris. It’s a long drive, but it is worth it for him to see his mom’s smile every time he visits. Jean also works part-time in the bar in Kalokairi to help pay for his expenses. Jean is lucky his old boss let him work again, or else he would be doomed. 
Jean reminisced when he first came back to Kalokairi. He was excited to see Sasha again and for the wedding. Jean views Sasha as a sister he wishes he had, and he was genuinely happy to be a part of her wedding. 
Jean smiled at the memory. He was strolling through the island, greeting the locals and familiar faces. In fact, Jean was too busy reminiscing to even hear the sound of running footsteps heading towards him from behind. It was then when Jean’s peace was ruined by Hanami jumping on his back. She loudly proclaims her excitement for them working together for Sasha’s wedding (she is Maid of Honor, and he is the Best Man). 
Jean sighed as he finished wiping off the bar. That woman is gonna be the death of him one day.
Nanaba looked up to find Rico studying Jean, who was lost in thought. Oh no. Here comes Husband number 4 already. 
She rolls her eyes and looks at Rico's drink. It had a peachy color, decorated with an orange wedge on the rim and a mini umbrella. It looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t put a name to it. The orange slice meant it’s definitely fruity. Ironically enough, Nanaba is not a big fan of fruity drinks. She likes a fruity smell in her perfume though. Nanaba prefers drinking beer or hard alcohol like whiskey.
Nanaba grabs Rico's attention. “Hey Rico, what kind of drink did you get?” She proceeds to drink her beer.
“Sex on the beach,” Rico replies nonchalantly. This causes Nanaba to almost choke on her drink. She began to have a coughing fit.
Rico repeatedly slaps Nanaba’s back until she stops coughing. “Did I say something wrong, Nana? Why did you start coughing?” Rico raised an eyebrow.
Jean, noticing Nanaba’s coughing fit, stops making drinks for other customers, to give Nanaba a napkin. She thanks him, and Jean nods and returns back to his job.
Nanaba wipes her mouth and turns to Rico. “Are you trying to imply something by ordering that specific drink with him? You're staring is not exactly subtle, you know." She quickly darts her eyes to Jean, who was busy doing his job and not eavesdropping on their conversation.
Rico laughs and takes a sip of her drink. “Take your mind out of the gutter, Nana.” Rico smirks “I just wanted to order a drink. That’s all. Unless...maybe I am?" She winks at Nanaba and laughs. 
Nanaba rolls her eyes and smiles at Rico. She wasn’t surprised that Rico took the opportunity to mess with her. Nanaba looks over to Jean to make sure he is busy. She places a hand on Rico’s shoulder and looks at her with a serious face.
“Don’t mess with the poor boy, Rico. You’re old enough to be his grandmother,” she says with the most serious tone she could come up with. She takes her hand away and takes another sip of her beer. Rico lightly slaps Nanaba’s shoulder in fake offense and laughs again. Of course, Nanaba would point that out. Rico was ready to make a comeback but stopped as she heard running heading in her direction.
Both women turn around from their seats to see an exhausted and frightened Hange run up to them. Hange’s hair was messier than normal, and her glasses were slightly crooked. One of the straps of Hange’s overalls came loose too. She looked as if she ran a marathon or was practicing for the Olympics.
“Where’s Sasha?” Hange asks as if her life depended on it.
Jean, who noticed Hange's appearance, answers for Rico and Nanaba. “I think she’s at the beach with the other girls.” He goes back to his job but doesn't question Hange’s looks. He doesn't want to die before the wedding.
“What’s up?” Nanaba asks tenderly and reaches up to fix Hange’s glasses. Now that Hange was up close, she noticed how red her eyes were and the tears that were ready to spill.
Hange was overwhelmed with emotions. She has to juggle running the hotel, Sasha’s wedding, and now deal with her past lovers! This was not how she wanted Sasha’s wedding to go. She couldn’t bear the idea of having both sides meet. What would the men think? Heck, what would Sasha think? Hange has been vague about Sasha’s father for years now. Would Sasha hate her for keeping them a secret? She doesn’t even know who Sasha’s actual father is!
Hange felt her dam begin to burst and some snot running down her nose. Hange ignored Nanaba’s question and ran off to the nearest bathroom. She ignores Nanaba and Rico calling out to her. Hange ran into the nearest open stall, closed the door and the toilet seat, and sat down to cry. She didn’t want the whole island to see her at the moment, so crying in the bathroom was the best thing to do. Hange grabs a part of her overalls to blow her nose.
Meanwhile, Nanaba and Rico (who brought her purse and her drink) followed Hange to the bathroom and called out her name. Sadly, there was no reply. She only heard the soft cries coming from the nearest stall. Nanaba runs to the front of the door. Rico closes the bathroom door and sets her stuff down before joining her.
Nanaba knocks on the door and turns to Rico with a worried look on her face. There was no response again except for Hange blowing her nose.
“Talk to her,” Rico whispers to Nanaba. Nanaba nods her head and turns back to the door. She leans towards it and takes a deep breath.
“Hans.'' She starts with Hange’s nickname from college. Nanaba spoke to Hange with a tender and caring tone. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Nanaba places her ear against the door and waits to hear anything from Hange. She only hears soft whimpers instead. This caused Nanaba to frown. She turns to Rico and moves her hand in a hurry-up motion. She already put some effort into this. Now it's Rico’s turn.
“Oh, right! Uhh…” Rico was unsure about what to do. She hasn’t seen Hange cry like that in years. The last time Rico heard Hange cry like that was after Levi left, and it was over the phone too! She glances at Nanaba who kept encouraging her to go. 
Rico was unsure about what to say. She’s not the best at comforting people, but she will at least try. For Hange. “I’ve never seen you with so much sorrow, Hans." 
Nanaba turns to Rico in realization and grabs her shoulders "and the wedding is tomorrow!"
"We have to see Hange!" She whispers to Rico.
Rico nods in agreement and takes Nanaba’s hands off of her. "Good plan. You go on all fours on the floor, and I'll stand on your back. You look from the bottom, and I'll look from the top." 
Nanaba looked at Rico with disbelief "Are you crazy? It's logical for me to be on the top. I'm the tallest!"
Rico pinched the bridge of her nose, causing her glasses to move up slightly. She sighed while Hange’s crying continued in the background. 
"Now is not the time to be comparing heights, Nanaba. Hange is not emotionally stable right now, and she needs us to help. Besides, it's logical for you to be on the bottom. You're heavier than me."
Nanaba wanted to punch Rico for playing the weight card, but she did have a point. She also knows about Rico’s cleaning standards (which aren’t as high as Levi’s, but only Hange knows that), so she won’t go down on the floor unless she has to. 
Nanaba sighed. Now was the time for arguing. They needed to focus on Hange and can deal with Rico later. 
"Fine." Nanaba moved to go on all fours on the floor. She tilted her head towards her back "Hop on." 
Meanwhile, Hange continued to cry into her palms. She was too depressed to even hear what was going on the other side of the door. The memories with all three men kept replaying in her mind nonstop. Hange can recall cuddling on the beach with Erwin. She can picture dancing with Mike underneath the night sky on his yacht. She also remembers the time when Levi kissed her forehead when she pretended she was sleeping one day. Hange continued to cry but stops when she hears a thump on the door. 
Hange looks up to find Rico staring down at her and holding on to the door. Now Hange was confused. Rico is too short to look over from the top. Unless…
She let her eyes fall downward to find Nanaba looking at her from the bottom. Both she and Rico had a concerned look on their faces.
"I hate to see you like-” Rico gestures to Hange “-this."
Hange looks up at Rico as she continues on. Hange felt ridiculous. Here she was crying over 3 men on the toilet. She knew she looked like a mess. She needs to get up from the toilet first in case her friends suddenly burst into song. 
Nanaba adds onto Rico’s statement, "Hans, you can't deny that you're sad. It's just...We haven't seen you this sad since- ahh!" She and Rico scream as Hange suddenly opens the door. 
Hange runs out to the bathroom door and to the nearest sink. Nanaba and Rico quickly stood up and went to either one of Hange’s sides. Rico and Nanaba patted Hange's back to comfort her. They didn't want to force Hange to talk. She can talk when she is ready. 
Hange looks at herself in the mirror. She looks and feels like shit. Ironically, it made her think about Levi. What was that nickname Levi would call her besides Four Eyes? Shitty Glasses. Hange looked at herself in the mirror. Now her whole face played the part too. It almost made Hange laugh. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she could see some snot dripping down her nose. Hange wipes it off with a tissue Rico put out in front of her. Hange’s clothes looked disheveled too. She couldn't recognize herself in the mirror. 
Nanaba leaned her head on Hange’s shoulder. Hange smiled and put her right hand on Nanaba’s cheek as thanks. Rico leaned on Hange’s other shoulder, and Hange placed her head on top of Rico's.
"You're our best friend, Hange," Nanaba says softly. She uses Hange’s actual name instead of her nickname. That's how Hange knew Nanaba was being serious.
"You can rely on us" Rico replies next with a soft tone as well. 
Hange begins to cry again. What did she do to deserve friends like them? They saw Hange rise and fall in life, yet they stayed by her side no matter what. 
Nanaba and Rico, who noticed Hange’s waterworks appearing again, turns Hange away from the mirror. They push her up to sit on the sink. Nanaba and Rico sat down on the sink next to Hange after she was situated. 
Rico speaks up first after a moment of silence "You’re usually so sure of yourself Hange. Now, look at you. You look so broken." She looks at Hange with concern. "Just know that it's ok to cry. You’ll be up and dancing again once your pain ends" She rubs Hange’s arm and Hange smiles at the gesture.
Nanaba leans towards Hange to fix her overalls, and Hange turns to look at her. "I hope we can patch up whatever is going on, Hange. We just want to see you happy again." Hange smiles at Nanaba’s words. 
"That's it!" Rico suddenly says "you just need a little pick me up. That would help cheer you up!" Rico turns to Nanaba. "Help me out her Nanaba."
Both women jump down from the sink. Rico goes to her purse, which was nearby. Nanaba takes off Hange’s glasses and stands ready for whatever Rico has in store. 
First, Rico hands Nanaba some tissues to wipe Hange’s tears and snot. Nanaba wipes Hange’s nose until Rico starts throwing one too many tissues at Hange. 
Second, Rico grabs a breath spray freshener. Nanaba opens her mouth for Hange to mimic as she takes off the cap. Nanaba sprays it one time, but Hange starts coughing from the spray entering her throat. 
Third, Rico grabs some perfume and hands it to Nanaba. Hange was expecting a few sprits of perfume not bathing in the whole bottle! Hange sneezes because of the perfume. Maybe she would smell good enough to be up to Levi’s standards? Hange rolls her eyes at the thought.
Finally, Rico grabs her cocktail for Hange to drink. Nanaba works to redo Hange’s ponytail. Hange reaches over to grab the drink, but Rico moves it out of her reach. Rico places the drink on Hange’s lips and tilts the glass up to a point Hange might as well chug the whole thing. Hange moves her hands up and takes the drink away from her mouth. 
"OK! I appreciate the help, you guys!" Hange cries out. She sniffs and wipes her nose with her arm. She might as well confess and get straight to the point 
"It's her dad," Hange confesses. 
Nanaba and Rico were confused. "Who's dad?" Rico asks.
Hange looks at Rico with a serious face. "Sasha’s dad" she clarifies 
Hange stares at her friend’s faces but was met with silence. She decided to continue with her story. 
"Remember how I told you it's Levi, the supposed mystery guy who is actually a millionaire? The man who left to get married." 
Nanaba and Rico nodded to show they are following Hange’s story.
"Well, there were two other guys. Around the same time. You already met one of them before."
Hange looks up at Nanaba. Although Nanaba was looking at the floor, Hange could see the gears turning in her head and the puzzle pieces fitting together. Nanaba realized who she was talking about and how he and Hange did more than just ‘go on nightly boat rides.’
"The man who accidentally ran into you that day...the boat rides...” She looks up to meet Hange’s eyes. “One of them is Mike. Isn't it?" 
Hange nods and looks away in shame. She didn't want to see Nanaba’s reaction. Hange suspected Nanaba had a crush on the guy, but she noticed it too late. Hange’s mind was clouded by her summer romance to even notice Nanaba’s longing stares at Mike. Hange still feels guilty and selfish about it to this day.
Rico placed her hand on Hange’s cheek so she can face her. "Why didn't you tell us?"
“Well, I never knew I would ever have to really! I don't even know who Sasha’s actual father is!” Hange confesses.
Nanaba placed her hand on Hange’s shoulders for support. Hange didn't see any hatred in Nanaba’s eyes after confessing about sleeping with Mike. Bless Nanaba’s heart. “Well, we already know Levi and Mike. Who’s the third guy?”
Hange takes a sip of her drink before responding, “A man named Erwin Smith. I don’t think any of you know him. He left Kalokairi before you guys arrived.”
Nanaba takes her hand off of Hange’s shoulder and shakes her head “The name does not ring any bells.”
Hange looks at Rico expecting the same reaction as Nanaba. What she did not expect was Rico’s mouth wide open in shock. 
“Erwin Smith. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a face that looks like he starred in a movie? That Erwin Smith?” Rico asks as if she was in a trance
Hange looked at Rico with surprise. “Yes?”
Suddenly, Rico broke out of her trance and jumped with excitement. Hange and Nanaba looked at her confused.
“I’ll take that you know Erwin Smith?” Nanaba asks after Rico calmed down a bit
“Of course! Who doesn’t know who he is?” Rico said
“Apparently me,” Nanaba mumbles to herself, but Rico hears her anyway.
Rico sighs after calming down a bit. She takes out her phone and googles Erwin’s name. She pulls up the first image of him and shoves her phone to her friend’s face. 
“Of course you wouldn’t, Nanaba. Erwin was on the cover of People’s: Sexiest Men Alive a few years ago and was in the Top 10 of the Most Handsome Faces in TC Chandler!”
Rico looks at Hange and Nanaba’s faces. She was expecting an exciting reaction but was met with her best friends just staring at her. 
Rico continues instead “His dad was a successful university professor and is known for his contributions in research and activism. Erwin is similar to him, except he is a lawyer. Overall, Erwin is a very influential person in New York, and he has a good looking face”
Rico turns off her phone and pockets it away, and turns to Hange. “Hange, you’re a lucky gal to have slept with him. I gotta say that I’m impressed. You gotta introduce me to him sometime.” 
Nanaba rolled her eyes. Hange couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I knew he was a lawyer, but not all of that!” she waves her hands around to emphasize it. She ignored Rico’s suggestion for now. 
Rico gave Hange a sympathized smile “Well, you’ve been so focused and dedicated to your hotel and Sasha. I’m not surprised you don’t pay much attention to everything outside of Kalokairi or even Greece.”
Meanwhile, in Nanaba’s head, she was trying to fit all of the puzzle pieces together. She didn’t see any of the men when she and Rico first arrived on the island, nor did she see them while heading to the hotel. 
So that means they arrived after us, Nanaba thought. The question is, where are they now?
“Hange” Nanaba interrupts Rico and Hange’s conversation. Rico had asked Hange who she thought was the best out of the three she slept with. Nanaba could tell who she picked based on Hange’s small yet goofy and Rico’s 'are you serious?' face. “Where are the men now?” she asks carefully.
Hange’s face became horrified. She last saw them in the old goat house, but what if Sasha came back from the beach? How would she react?
“The old goat house,” Hange says. She looks at both of her friend’s faces “We can’t let them meet Sasha!”
Nanaba and Rico quickly grab their things as Hange puts the drink down and jumps off the sink. The three ran off towards the goat house, but not too fast to avoid any suspicion from any onlookers. 
Meanwhile, Sasha and her friends peeked up from their hiding spots to find Rico and Nanaba entering the barn. They went back into hiding as soon as Hange entered.
“Don’t let them hear you!” Hange whispers as Rico and Nanaba climb up the steps to the attic. 
Nanaba opened the hatch and looks inside first. Rico and Hange followed after only to find nothing. 
“There’s no one here,” Nanaba says in shock.
Rico turns to Hange. “Are you sure?” she asks questioningly.
Hange rolls her eyes. “Of course, I'm sure! Do you think I would forget my daughter’s dads?”
She sighs. “They were all here. Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, and Mike Zacharias.” 
Sasha takes a quick peek from her hiding spot with Mikasa to find her mom walking down the steps from the attic. Nanaba and Rico followed behind her.
“They must have gone on Mike’s boat,” Hange says as she walks out of the barn. “I hope they hit aground and drown.” 
Hange enters the hotel and goes up the stairs to go to her bedroom. “What are they even doing here? It’s like fate just hates me today,” she says and throws her hands up in the air.
“Do they know about Sasha?” Nanaba asks as she runs up the steps.
“What are they, psychic?. Of course not! I never told a soul.” Hange turns to face Nanaba before heading into her room. 
“Not even Pieck?�� Nanaba asks and puts her purse down. 
“I never told her too,” Hange says as she paces around near her bed. 
“Oh Hange, you kept this to yourself all these years,” Rico says sympathetically and puts her stuff down.
Hange stops pacing and heads to her balcony door. “It doesn’t matter to me.” She closes the door. “The only thing that matters is that Sasha does not find out.” 
Rico puts her hands on her hips and watches Hange walk around the room. “Maybe she might be cool with it?” she suggests.
Hange walks up to her bedroom door and closes it. “Cool with it,” she repeats. When would Sasha ever be cool with something like that? She might react the same way Hange reacted to Eren and Connie accidentally breaking her vase from Ms. Alexandra. It was not a pretty sight. 
Hange chuckles nervously and walks over to her friends. “You don’t know Sasha as I do. This would be like a bombshell. 
“But Hange, they’re gone!” Nanaba argues
“I don’t know that! They could be anywhere for all I know!” Hange runs her hands through her ponytail and moves to sit in front of her vanity. 
She looks at herself in the mirror “I did this all to myself because I was stupid and reckless little slut.” she says and glares at her reflection.
Rico and Nanaba both gasped. “A slut?” Rico questioned. “You sound like your mother, right Nanaba?” Nanaba nods and laughs
Hange quickly turns around “I do not!” she says offensively.
“Yes, you do,” Nanaba says as Rico laughs this time.
Rico walks over to Hange’s stuff and grabs a feather boa and a ridiculous-looking hat. She then turns to Nanaba and gives her a familiar look that only Nanaba could understand. Nanaba caught on to Rico’s message and took her phone out of her pocket. 
“Whatever happened to our Hange? The life and soul of the party.” Rico says dramatically. She puts the hat on top of Hange’s head and the boa around her neck. 
“Yeah, the one who would talk your ears off about her research but can convince you to do a random musical number in the middle of campus? I’m astonished by how many men agreed to join." Nanaba adds as she was scrolling through her phone. 
"Exactly, Nanaba! I remember how our Hange would attract so many guys with that back in New College." Rico laughs at the memories of different men walking up to Hange as she studied. Hange was too engrossed in her research to give most of them the time of day!
Hange could tell what Rico was trying to do. "Well, I grew up." She says as she recalls how much she has changed since. 
Nanaba nudges Rico and steps away from her to give them some space. Rico smiles. "Well, you need to grow back down again Hange."
Rico jumps in her spot to face Nanaba and points to her. "Hit it, Nanaba!"
Nanaba presses play on her music app and pocket her phone away to where Hange could still hear the music. The familiar tune of “Dancing Queen” fills the room. 
Hange watches her friends as they move their arms in a goofy manner, shook their hips, and sang their hearts out to the song. At one point, Nanaba and Rico faced one another and they sang to each other before directing their attention to Hange so she could sing along.
Hange squealed when her friends poked her sides. She ran to her bed and laid face down to avoid them. She moved her head up slightly to peek at her friends from her spot behind her blanket. Instead, she found her room empty, but the music continued to play.
Hange watched Rico and Nanaba rise up from the floor, go back down, and repeat the process a few times as they sang. The two eventually moved around Hange’s room and used multiple objects as props for their performance. In Hange’s opinion, Nanaba and Rico’s singing and dancing looked pretty ridiculous, but she knew they meant well. "Dancing Queen" is one of Hange’s favorite songs, and people at New College witness Hange dancing at parties. She was known as the Dancing Queen back in her college days. She wasn’t the best dancer, but anyone could tell she was having fun with one glance. 
Hange started tapping her foot to the beat as she continued laying on the bed. She started reminiscing about her college days when she would go out and have fun, all while learning about biology. She remembered how she and her friends would let loose and just live life to the fullest. Hange wanted to explore and discover new parts of the world. It was one reason why she left for Kalokairi on her own all those years ago. 
Hange sat up and pulled the blanket towards her. She watched as her friends go through her drawers to grab random articles of clothing to put on. Rico put on a puffy dress over her clothes, and Nanaba grabbed a random shirt and tied it around her head. Hange felt her mood change, and now she wanted to join in on the fun.
She sets the blanket aside and jumps during the song’s refrain. Hange felt as if she was the star of the show, her bed was the stage, and her friends were her audience. Hange felt alive! She felt like she was 22 again performing onstage with her friends. Hange even did a split in the air! Hange continued dancing on her bed before she had an idea. She grabbed her forgotten boa and ran out of her room.
“Where are you going?” Rico calls out while laughing.
Hange was running down the steps of the hotel, stops, and turns around to Rico. “I feel like singing today. Might as well do a musical number just like old times.” She winks and laughs as she continues running down the stairs.
Rico and Nanaba look at each other with glee before following Hange. They got their Hange back!
Hange, Nanaba, and Rico jumped around in sync as they passed the courtyard. The locals who watched nearby laughed. It looks like the trio was back at it again. 
You see, before Hange had met Mike, Hange and her friends did a few performances in Kalokairi to help Hange deal with her heartbreak. Occasionally, Hange would invite the locals to perform with her, and the island would break out into a big musical (which never happened until Hange and her friends came along). The island was quiet after Hange had met Mike and her best friends left. Ever since Sasha’s birth, the locals would often find Hange singing those old songs to herself as she strolled around with her daughter. It was a sign to them that the Hange they met was still there, just dormant for now. 
Hange stopped dancing once she reached a group of locals sitting around a table playing a board game. She places her boa behind one of the elderly men and lets the boa slide across his shoulders, much to his shock. The Hange he usually saw was too busy with her hotel to start dancing around for fun. Hange then places the boa across her back and on her elbows as she sang.
Meanwhile, Nanaba and Rico were out recruiting some locals to join them. It’s a good thing they were familiar with Hange and her group, or else the whole interaction would have been really awkward. 
The group marched across the hotel grounds as the music continued to play good Nanaba’s phone. Hange skipped past the entrance with everyone following her. Nanaba and Rico would occasionally leave to gather more people to join as she led the group through town. Other locals were drawn to Hange’s group after seeing her singing and dancing again. Everyone singing along helped amplify the song, and everyone was in sync.
Hange was having so much fun and was having the time of her life. She skipped and sang as leads the group through different parts of the island. It felt like old times when she used to perform with her friends. Now here she was singing "Dancing Queen" with practically the whole island!
Hange started heading towards one of the piers. At this point, the group had doubled in size. A local piano player and an electric guitar player accompanied the song from their boats. The group stopped moving on the pier and continued dancing and singing to the beat. Everyone followed Hange, Nanaba, and Rico’s lead. 
As the final parts of the song started to end, everyone who joined started to face Hange. They wanted her to end the song with a bang. Hange took her hair tie out of her hair and let her hair loose. She whipped her hair back and forth a bit and laughed cheerfully. 
Hange came up with a good idea to end her little musical number. She looked to her left as everyone sang the final note to see Rico, who was the closest to her. Hange suddenly ran up to Rico and pushed her into the water. She then turned to Nanaba with mischievous eyes. 
"Oh no, you don't!" Nanaba laughs as she attempts to run away from Hange. Nanaba didn't get far before Hange pushed her into the water too. Hange jumped in after her. Thank goodness for the invention of water-resistant cell phones. Everyone else jumped into the water after Hange. 
Hange felt much better now than an hour ago. As she trod on the water, she couldn't help but think of her memories with the three men. She has happy memories with Erwin and Mike. She wishes she could say the same for Levi though. Hange felt pain thinking about him although she spent the most time with him. He was the one who broke her heart the most. Yet, swimming in the water reminded her of one time when she took off Levi’s clothes and pushed him off a pier and into the water. Hange's plan backfired when Levi grabbed her wrist to drag her with him. The goofy smile returned for just a slight moment, but it was long enough for Nanaba and Rico to catch. 
Nanaba and Rico glanced at each other while treading on the water. Their plan worked for the most part. However, Hange Zoe still had some lingering feelings for Levi Ackerman.
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
Author’s Note:
The “Dancing Queen” scene was the hardest to write for me. I hope you like it and understand what is going on.
I apologize if any character is OOC and I know I portray Greece inaccurately.
I changed the character’s ages based on the school year in Greece (Sept 11 - June 15). Everyone is 20-21 and Armin is the oldest. Sasha’s bday changed to May. 
I appreciate ANY feedback (especially after this chapter). I hope you have a good day, and everyone affected by today’s earthquake is safe. 
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Luke//the very first moment i beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone
Request: Can you do a Luke Hemmings x female reader one-shot? The reader is a British actress and was cast as Elizabeth Bennett in the movie Prejudice and Zombies instead of Lily James (I have nothing against her, it’s just that she needs to be removed from the one-shot in order for it to work) and her boyfriend Luke’s there when she and Sam Riley film Elizabeth and Darcy’s fight scene and they go out for lunch with Sam and his wife afterwards? The scene’s from the video on the YouTube channel Movieclips
hey! so i know that this scene wouldn’t have been filmed all in one shot, but i just thought it would be better if i wrote it like i did. i also know they probably didn’t do their own stunts (lie, lily james can do absolutely anything and everything) but well, i made it so you do! anyway. how’s everyone’s day? i hope they’re well! and i hope future me’s day is going well too! i also hope future you is good too! 
Your whole life you’d been dreaming of this. Everything you’ve ever done has been leading up to this moment. Your first feature film, before this you’d had small roles in a few cable shows and side characters in a couple of films, as well as playing the main character in some indie film a friend was doing, but this was your big break. 
The director and casting agents saw something in you, sent you the script and asked you to send them a tape. You’d done it at 10am, and found out you got the job at 2, so they were clearly very impressed. 
And when you told Luke he was even more impressed. You’d never seen him smile so wide and the two of you jumped up and down in excitement before you phoned all your friends and family. 
Two weeks later you were on a place back to England with Luke in tow so you could find a small flat to rent for the months you’d be rehearsing and filming. You were of course happy to be home, your house with Luke may be lovely and LA’s weather may be a lot better than Britains but it doesn’t stop the home sickness. However that’s what you were worried about with Luke, he hadn’t been in London for this long since he lived here with the band, so you were worried he’d end up bored and lonely. 
But to your surprise he was loving it. He was glad to be back and with you being away filming for most of the day it gave him the chance to do some song writing and to catch up with other hobbies he may have neglected since the success of the band. 
Today however, Luke had asked if he could tag along with you. He wanted to see you at work and watch you do what you loved. He said it was only fair because you’d been to all of his shows you could possibly go to, and for a while you were even on tour with him. So now it was his turn to return to the favour. 
Plus, he said he needed to see you in action in order to hype you up to everyone he spoke to. 
“Okay!” The director calls and the room goes silent.
You make eye contact with Luke and send him a thumbs up which makes him chuckle and shake his head. 
“Everyone ready? Good. And action.” 
“I’ve come to feel for you a most ardent admiration and regard, which has overcome my better judgement.” Sam starts, his head moves as if he’s trying to find the right words and you stare at him in, your lips pulled into a straight line and your eyebrows furrowed at his sudden declaration. 
Even when the camera’s not on you you need to act, it helps keep you in character, helps keep you in the moment, and most importantly it helps whoever you're acting alongside. If they see your reactions to the words they are saying, they can use that to better their own performance and that gives everyone the most authentic scenes possible. 
“So.” He takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee. You take a step back, a small gasp leaving your lips as you stare down at him. “Now I ask you most fervently to end my turmoil and consent to be my wife.” He asks and there’s a few seconds of silence while you look between him and the floor. 
“If I could feel gratitude, I would now thank you...” You start, your voice quiet. Hurt flashes through your eyes as you take a deep breath and say your next line. 
You have to admit, the way Sam is staring up at you, it does kind of feel like you’re turning down an actual marriage proposal, and if this is what it feels like when you’re just pretending, you hope you never have to do it in real life. 
“But I cannot.” You sigh, nodding your head just to get your point across. “I never desired your good opinion and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly.” 
Sam blinks and looks at the floor, not really sure what to say next. He stands, confusion thinly veiling the disappointment that’s written all over his face and you shift awkwardly. The fabric of your dress crinkling is the only thing that can be heard in the room as you smooth the skirt out, waiting for Sam to say his line. 
“Might I be informed why?” He huffs. “With so little, endeavour at civility, I have been rejected?” 
“You intentionally ruined the happiness of my my most beloved sister.” You reply, and tilt your head up to try and regain some sort of authority. “Do you deny it?” You ask and he lets out a short breath. 
“I have no wish to deny it.” He replies, bitterness lacing his tone and you raise an eyebrow at him. “I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister.” 
Your jaw tightens and you look him up and down, both of you have a silent conversation, just to make sure the other one’s ready, and then you kick him. He throws himself backwards, landing on the desk with a loud crash, a fake vase breaks under the weight and you shout. “How could you?” 
“Because I perceived his attachment to her to be far deeper that to hers to him.” He replies, narrowly avoiding the books you’re throwing at him. Of course you’re told to try and miss him on purpose, but it still is really fun to be able to throw things at someone and get paid for it. “I believed her to be indifferent.” 
“Indifferent?!” You gasp incredulity. “She’s shy!” You seethe and finish throwing the books. One of the smashes a window and Sam looks behind him concerned before looking back at you. 
You walk around the room, deep in thought and Sam watches you as you grab a fire poker from the fireplace. 
When rehearsing this part, you seemed to have a problem with waving it around too much. 
You think you get a bit too into it and each time you swung it around you always seemed to break something, so you’re hoping and praying that this time you won’t cause any property damage. 
The props department has already had to replace three vases and a clock because of you, so let’s hope you don’t break anything or anyone else. 
Sam gulps as you slowly make your way towards him and he takes a few steps backwards, looking incredibly nervous as his gaze moves from you and the stick. 
“Did you suggest to Mr Bingley that his fortune had some bearing on the matter?” You ask and he backs up towards the glass. Nothing you’re saying is threatening, but the way you’re brandishing your new weapon, you do look like you’re going to stab him. 
Luke watches on amazed, he’s never seen you like this before. This is you in your element, doing what you love to do and transporting yourself and the people around you back to a time where people wore corsets and zombies ran around. 
Luke knows people that when they step in front of a camera or onto a stage, they are just totally themselves. Whatever they’re doing, whether it’s singing, acting or dancing, it’s like a second nature to them. They know what they need to do, when they need to do and they don’t even have to think about it. 
But he’s never seen anything like this before. A part of him wonders if it’s just because he loves you, but then he realizes that everyone else watching you and Sam work together are also totally floored by how brilliantly the scene its going. How the two of you work together, the small glances and little touches, every little thing you do just adds to the scene and he’s never been prouder. 
“I wouldn’t do your sister the dishonour...though it was suggested.” He adds and you swing the poker over your head. He ducks, missing each attempted hit and you fall onto the table. He takes the opportunity to jump over it and when you turn around to try and regain your balance, he grabs your wrists and pins you to the table.  
“By Miss Bingley.” You ask furiously and his grip tightens. 
“By your mother, at the ball.” He replies and you shut up. He glances down and you stare at him annoyed, pushing him off you and swinging your weapon around. He misses each hit, just like you’ve practiced and you can’t wait to watch it back. 
“Your character was revealed to me many months ago by Wickham.” You say after each missed hit, and he wrestles you to the floor, making you drop your weapon. “As I heard of his scandalous misfortunes at your hand.” You spit and wrap your ankles around his neck, squeezing just a tiny bit. 
“Oh, yeah. Mr Wickham’s misfortunes have been very great indeed.” He struggles to speak and grabs on your legs, his hands shake so it looks like he’s struggling and when he’s finished you pull him forward just a little and pretend to punch him in the face, making him stumble backwards again. 
A chair smashes when he lands on it and you quickly stand up, grabbing the letter opener as you do. He rolls over and stands and the two of you stare at each other before you move forward. He blocks each attempt at a hit and the two of you move backwards and forwards. 
Fight scenes remind you of well rehearsed dance numbers. You move one way, they move the other. Each hit has to be choreographed to make it look real but remain safe and both of you have to know exactly what you’re doing otherwise it can end in disaster. 
“You withhold the advantages that you know were designed for him.” You slice the letter opener down his shirt, popping the buttons and he stares down at it, watching the small pieces fall to the ground. He looks back at you, letting down his guard and you swing your arms up to hit him in the face. He grabs them and pushes you into the door. 
“This is your opinion of me?” He asks, grabbing the poker of the floor and swinging it around a few times. “Then I thank you for explaining it so fully.” He slowly edges towards you and you do the same, giving each other untrustworthy looks. 
You lunge towards him, raising the blade and he narrowly avoids it, using one hand to grab yours while the other slices the top of your dress. The buttons pop and a part of it comes down, exposing the top of the corset below.
You both look down before you slowly raise your head to glare at him. He looks at you afterwards, and he glances at you, raising his eyebrow before you take a deep breath and spin kick him. 
He falls to the floor and you raise the blade above your head, an annoyed groan escapes your lips as you run towards him. He grabs your arms spinning the two of you around and you back hits the floor with a loud thud. 
You feel the air being knocked out of you for a split second Sam looks worried that he’s hurt you, but you send him and look and he seems to get the message. Get the job done and then ask if you’re alright. 
His hands pin your arms to the hard floor and he rests between your legs, the two of you panting and hot while staring at each other. 
“You could not have made the offer of your hand, in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it.” You say through gritted teeth. “I had not known you a month, before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.” You finish and he lets go. 
You sit up, pointing the blade at his chest and he stares down at you, hurt flashing through his eyes. However the facade quickly comes back and he pulls his gaze away from you, his expression hardens as he stares straight ahead. 
“You’ve said quite enough, madam.” He forces himself to look at you. “I fully comprehend your feelings and now have only to be ashamed of what my own have been.” He stands and quickly walks away from you. 
He turns back around to watch you stand, his hands resting on his hips as he figures out the best way to end this. 
“Please forgive me and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.” He bows and quickly leaves the room. 
You pull yourself up onto the chair, waiting for the sound of the door closing as your cue to start crying. The camera slowly zooms in on you, tears run down your cheeks and you let out a shaky breath.
“Cut!” The director calls and you look at him. 
“Did we get it?” You ask and Sam pokes his head back through the door, glancing between you and the crew. 
“Yeah, we got it. Good job guys!” He replies and everyone cheers. 
“You were brilliant!” You grin at Sam. 
“You did pretty well too.” He jogs over to you, his boots squeaking as he runs and you let out a small giggle. He reaches his hand out to you, helping you stand and leading you off set and towards Luke and Alexandra. 
“You’re such a gentleman.” You tease. “You’re very lucky Alex.” You smile and she laughs, rolling her eyes at her husband. 
“Yeah. Sure I am.” She replies and the three of you laugh, while Sam just glares at you. You pull a face at him and he huffs loudly at you. 
“Take lunch guys. Everyone needs to back by 2.” A producer tells you and you let out a pained breath. 
“Oh shit. Are you okay. You hit that floor pretty hard.” Sam asks and Luke’s eyes widen in concern. He’s stood in front of you instantly, gripping your arms and he looks you over. 
“Babe, are you okay?” He asks and you smile at his concern. 
“I’m fine. It wasn’t so bad, I think it’s just the corset making it feel worse. I’ll be fine when I take it off.” You reassure them and Sam nods slowly, not quite believing you. 
“Come on. I’ll take you back to your trailer.” Luke says and looks around to try and figure out where he’s supposed to be going. 
“You go out of the door, walk all the way down the corridor, take a left and then a right and then another right. Go through them doors and her trailer is the first one you’ll see.” Sam explains and Luke’s blinks at him. 
“I’m fine.” You laugh. “Come on. I can get there on my own. I’ve cracked a rib not my brain.” 
“You’ve crac-” 
“Joking.” You place a hand on his arm and he lets out a nervous breath. 
“Not funny.” He pouts and you pull the same expression. 
“Aww.” You pinch your cheek. “Come on.” You grab his hand and start pulling him away. “Oh, do you guys want to head out for lunch together?” You call over your shoulder. Sam and Alexandra look at each other before nodding, an eager smile twitching at their lips. 
“Yeah. Sounds great.” Sam replies. 
“Great. Swing by my trailer in like twenty minutes and we can get going.” 
“Okay!” He replies and you wave one last time before disappearing through the door. 
“So, what did you think?” You look up at Luke and he gives you a toothy grin. 
“That was amazing!” He exclaims. “You were so fucking good. How are you so badass. How did I get the most talented, pretty, smart and badass girlfriend in the world. You like destroyed him and you still gorgeous while doing it. How? I jump around on stage for a bit and by the time I get off I look like a sweaty giant. But you. You literally fake fight people and act and cry all in a massive dress and you still look like...like that.” He motions wildly and you look at the floor, heat creeping up your neck and spreading across your cheeks.  
“Did you really like it?” You ask one more time. 
“Yes!” He laughs. “If I wasn’t a singer, I definitely would be an actor.” 
“You could be both. Harry Styles acts.” You reply, pushing through yet another door. He stops in the doorway, and hums as he thinks about what you’ve just said. 
“Yeah.” He nods. “That’s very true. Hey!” He smiles brightly. “You never know. One day we could be in a movie together!” 
“Have I ever told you that you look really hot wielding a weapon.” Luke asks as he watches you shuffle out of the bathroom. Your dress is bunched around your waist while you slowly try and pry yourself out of the fabric. 
Luke stands behind you, undoing the buttons at the bottom of it and after he’s done the last one it falls to the ground. You stand in a corset and stockings, with your hair up in curls and look over your shoulder at him.
“No, you haven’t.” You blush. “But you can tell me if you want.” You wink and his own cheeks heat up once he realizes he’s been caught staring. 
“Well, you look very hot when wielding a weapon.” 
“Thank you.” You smile and step out of your dress. “Can you pick that up and just hang it on that please?” You point towards the hanger on the chair. He nods and you watch him carefully pick your dress up. 
“It’s not going to break you know.” You tease as you undo the top of your corset. 
“With my luck it will.” He mutters and you snort a laugh. 
“True.” You agree. 
“Would you like some help?” He asks after watching you struggle for a while. 
“Please.” You slump as best you can and a pout takes over your appearance. 
“I hope when I ask you to marry me you don’t have the same reaction.” He mumbles while fiddling the strings and buttons. 
“It depends how you ask me, and how much you’ve annoyed me that day.” You shrug and he pauses to give you a disapproving look. “Joking.” 
“Not funny.” 
“You always say that.” You frown. “But I think I’m hilarious.” 
“Yeah. You think you’re great.” He grumbles and pulls on a bit of fabric. “And done!” He cheers and let’s go. You turn around and look at him surprised. 
“How did you do that so quickly?” 
“I’m just that good.” He winks and you roll your eyes. 
“Sure you are.” You walk towards the bathroom and pat his shoulder. “Give me five minutes to get changed and then we can get lunch.” 
“Take all the time you want.” He replies. “I’m going to snoop while you’re gone.” 
“If you find my secret phone and pictures of my other boyfriend can you just put them back where you found them?” You tease and he looks at you amused. 
“Of course.” 
“Thanks.” You grin and push the door closed. 
“So how are you finding London?” Sam asks after swallowing the last of his lunch. 
“I love being back home!” You grin. “I’ve missed England’s shit weather so much. There’s nothing like a miserable day to really cheer you up.” 
“Are they pulling that corset a little too tight?” Alexandra teases making you giggle while sipping your water. 
“I think it’s just an English thing.” Luke replies, shaking his head playfully while staring at you. 
“I think it’s just a Y/n thing.” Sam replies and you send him a glare.
“Hey, LA weather isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The rain can be good you know.” You argue. 
“Sure it can be.” He replies. “What about you Luke?” 
“It’s great! This is the longest I’ve stayed here in years and I love it. I’ve been seeing friends I have’t spoken to in years.” He talks enthusiastically and you watch him fondly as he waves his arms around. Sam and Alex share a look before looking back at him. 
“You guys are made for each other.” Alexandra smiles. “How did you two meet?” 
“Oh.” You giggle, a little embarrassed as you think of the story. 
“Ooo, you’re embarrassed. Tell us.” Sam prods your arm and you swat him away. 
“Fine.” You huff. “I was a fan of his music, so I sent him a DM and asked if he liked a certain show that I was in. He er, he told me he did and I told him I was in it, so he asked who I played. I told him and we just kind of started talking from there.” 
“Awww.” Alexandra gushes and you rolls your eyes. “And how is it dating an actor?” She asks Luke. “For me it’s a nightmare.” She looks at Sam and he stares at her offended. 
“What did I do?” 
“The black eye.” She raises and eyebrow and he shuts up. 
“The black eye?” You ask. 
“He came home with a black eye a while ago. I thought he’s been beaten up or robbed or something. It didn’t help that he limped through the front door, there was blood on his lip and everything. He wouldn’t tell me what happened and then after a few minutes of me panicking, he told me it was just make up from a film he was doing.” She explains and your jaw drops. 
“Sam!” You gasp. 
“I thought it would be funny!” He defends. 
“How is that funny?!” You and Alex say at the same time. 
“That is pretty funny.” Luke laughs and the three of you look at him. 
“Thank you!” 
“Fine. I’ll do that and then we’ll see how you like it.” You reply and he shrugs. 
“Well, you’ve told me you’re going to do it now so I’ll know what you’re doing.” 
“And what if I have actually been mugged? Are you going to take that chance?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“She’s got you there.” Sam says. “And I wouldn’t argue with her, she’s got a hell of a kick when she wants to.” 
“I didn’t even touch you.” You roll your eyes. 
“That’s not the point.” He argues. 
“I can actually kick you next time if you want?” 
“No thanks.” He shakes his head quickly. Him and Alexandra start their own conversation about what to have for dinner and so you turn your body to face Luke. He’s already staring at you when you look at him and you feel yourself become breathless.
“What?” You wonder. 
“Nothing. I’m just proud of you.” He shrugs.  “So when you win your first of many oscars, will I be the first person you thank?” 
“Hmmm.” You pretend to think for a while. “As long as I’m first on your grammy speech?” 
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soniaaristo · 6 years
Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
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Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
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youtubevideorelease · 3 years
Know Before You Watch: The Batman | Movieclips Trailers | Movieclips Trailers
Know Before You Watch: The Batman | Movieclips Trailers Welcome! The MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for hot new trailers the second they drop. The MOVIECLIPS Trailers team is here day and night to make sure all the hottest new movie trailers are available whenever you want them. In addition to hot new trailers, we give you original content like Ultimate Trailers, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly Mashups, Awards Show Coverage, and so much more to keep you up-to-date on what's new, and what you should be watching. Know Before You Watch: The Batman | Movieclips Trailers | Movieclips Trailers
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fluentlanguage · 6 years
De-Brief From An Organiser: Women in Language 2018
A few weeks ago, I was proud to co-organise and witness the first ever Women in Language conference, a unique online event designed to champion, celebrate, and amplify the voices of women in language learning. It was not my first online conference about language learning, but certainly the first I partly created and the first one ever to feature an all-female line-up of speakers.
In today’s article, I am going to lift the curtain and share my official de-brief as one of the three members of our organising team.
What I Felt at Women in Language
Let me start with the most important thing: I enjoyed every single presentation that I saw. And as I was often online making sure everything went smoothly, those were almost all of them. The quality of our many speakers at Women in Language was excellent, and the range of topics kept things interesting and inspiring.
Women in Language delivered on a few extra levels too. It felt as inspiring and intense as every offline conference could feel, with the added bonus of allowing me to sleep in my own bed. I adored seeing #womeninlanguage posts on social media, and to hear from our attendees in the live chat and Facebook group. And most importantly, I got SO inspired and motivated to learn languages in a brand new way!
If you want to learn more about languages, join the extraordinary four-day online conference #womeninlanguage with presentations by 50 incredible women! Day 2 has just started 😉 #language #onlineconference #cpd #neverstoplearning #alwayswanttoknowmore #passion
A post shared by Barbara TRANSLATIONS (@barbara.peckova) on Mar 9, 2018 at 4:09am PST
What I Learnt About Language Learning
A lot of the impact of four days of language love cannot be put into words. It’s a boost in motivation, a renewed commitment, a burst of energy. And at Women in Language, I got all of those out of it and more. I got to know more of our conference attendees and boosted my own desire to learn and teach languages in new ways.
Here are the most important lessons from Women in Language that will be essential for all language learners:
1) Dabbling Is Legit
At Women in Language, we celebrated the huge diversity of how people learn languages. You can choose whatever language you want to learn, and you can learn it for 2 weeks or 20 years, and you can dabble in a handful of languages at once if you want to. This is all “allowed”, and won’t make you any less of a language lover or polyglot.
Sometimes it’s easy to feel self-critical as a language learner, and to tell yourself that you’re doing this wrong if you don’t use Anki or speak from day 1 or spend many hours on your project. But dabbling is perfectly legit, and you are allowed to feel proud of it.
2) Compassion Matters
Leading on from the previous point, compassion was a regular theme of the conference. When you’re faced with so many blog articles and Instagram posts and YouTube videos and language books telling you what to do, it’s sometimes hard to remember that everyone has a bad day.
You can’t always be happy and you can’t always be 100% gold in Duolingo. Compassion means allowing understanding and empathy for yourself when times are tough, but also for other language learners. No one method is the right one. Allow other people to feel good about themselves, and extend that same kindness to yourself.
3) Everyone Loves Transcribed Audio
Finding something interesting to watch or listen to, at the right level, and then with a transcription…that’s difficult. But it’s also what a lot of our conference attendees wanted, and you certainly CAN find it online. If you want to get a few ideas, check out Speechling, Glossika, Rhinospike, and Movieclips on YouTube.
And by the way: Just listening is NOT enough. If it’s just a wall of sound, you’re not doing much good. You’ll need to know what you’re hearing. Find input that you can engage with, and check against your own skills. For more about this, listen to my podcast episode about listening skills.
4) There’s So Much to Talk About
It’s never enough to practice speaking by doing the “Hello how are you where do you live” dance over and over again. Speaking practice is best when you’ve prepared something interesting to talk about. And lucky for us, there are tutors and learners who already discovered this too, and they’ve even put together lists (like this one) of questions and conversation prompts.
5) When Your Brain Is Having Fun, You Learn
All too often we think of language learning as a STUDY activity, in all caps. But it’s just not necessary to do things this way. Language can be learnt through story, through fun activities, through play. The most important things are exposure and repetition, not how hard you study or how much your language experience feels like work.
Though some of these lessons may read as happy-clappy positivity notes, I found that they often helped to ease a learner’s mind and allow them to take a break and come back to language learning with new energy and enthusiasm. After all, we want to get fluent while having fun, right?
What Do You Think?
Whether you attended Women in Language 2018 or not, what do you think about those lessons above? Are you a dabbler, or a hardcore study nut? Leave me a comment below to join the conversation.
In part 2 of this blog article, I will put on my co-organiser hat (a very stylish hat, for sure) to tell you more about how Women in Language was organised, what we learnt in the process, and what you should consider if you want to run or contribute to an event like this in future.
Organising A Successful Online Conference
I’ll start with what we looked for in our speakers and talks.
For this first ever conference, we used our own network of interesting women to ask if they wanted to speak at Women in Language. Their social media accounts, blogs, youtube channels, relationships with us were what put them on the radar. So if you’re dreaming of speaking out yourselves, making yourself very visible is good advice.
Before contacting our speakers, we considered some guidelines about the types of talks we would be looking for. In addition to practical topics featuring tips and techniques for language learners at “Beginner” and “Advanced” levels, we also chose the tracks “Living with Language” and “Working with Language”. Each speaker we contacted let us know which of the four themes they would like to address in their presentation, and was allocated one. This way, we ensured that no topics would be repeated and we could offer a varied programme on every single conference day.
Here are just three of the 25 talks we saw at Women in Language:
Some of our speakers came to us with a firm idea of the talk they wanted to present, while others found themselves unsure at the start. As our programme officer, I found myself receiving several messages saying “I don’t know, maybe I have nothing to say after all.” If you have ever hesitated to put yourself forward for an opportunity, here is the thought process that does stop them in their tracks: “Maybe I don’t have anything to say here.” Meaning “Maybe my experience, my voice, my passion are not valid. Others will have more to say.”
I extended offers of a little “talk surgery” to those who needed an idea boost, and without exception it was the speakers themselves who came to me with fantastic topic ideas, and who delivered on them 100%. In fact, I found that the most intriguing topics came from a place of passion and excitement in each speaker’s mind. Topics like “Learning With Crime Novels” and “Managing Motherhood and Language Learnings” are not a language learner’s most burning question, but that’s exactly why they make incredible conference topics: They are real, and invite us to think differently.
Some People Voiced Different Opinions
I won’t lie to you, at times it felt hard to be out there putting together this positive, kinda feminist event. Some commenters felt that it was a wrong move towards equality, unnecessarily excluding male voices. To those guys, I want to remind you that we welcomed and celebrated male voices throughout the event - it’s just that this time only women got to speak “on stage”, and every single one of them brought expertise, commitment, quality, enthusiasm, and outstanding topics. We set out to show the language learning world from a different angle, and I was so encouraged to hear from several male attendees who were enjoying the conference just as much as everyone else.
If You Want To Be a Conference Speaker
If you are considering applying to speak at a language conference, please don’t hesitate. Even if you were to hear a no, don’t worry and keep putting yourself forward - maybe the programme is full already or the conference can recommend a future event for you to try.
Don’t be shy about suggesting a topic outside the memory-boosting-fluency-fast-track-performance mainstream. Don’t wait until you’re fluent in 16 languages. You’re good enough right now, as long as you have a cool topic. And what’s a cool topic? Your own experience!
You are so cool when you are yourself.
I want to give kudos here to all those women who agreed to speak and trusted Shannon, Lindsay, and me with Women in Language. You absolutely killed it, and we appreciate all the hard work you put into giving a great online talk at an event you’d never heard of before.
Many of our speakers were new to presenting online. From my perspective as a blogger and podcaster, I’m used to speaking to an empty room and waiting until later to see if anyone connects with my words. But these guys were new to the whole environment, and they handled it brilliantly.
When we put together our event, we knew that it was a risk to ask for payment from attendees of an online event. Many other online events are open to attendees for free, but we wanted to create an atmosphere where the sales pressure is off, and where our audience members were just as invested in having a great time as we were.
We found that the ticket sales achieved this goal, and allowed over 250 audience members to join us from all over the world. This reassurance also helped us relax and increase our commitment to Women in Language. So on the ticket selling front, we are happy to note that all went well and we are now able to give a donation of over $400 to our chosen charity, Kiva. The charity supports entrepreneurs who do cool things to alleviate poverty around the world.
Here I want to say thank you to our audience members, who went ahead and trusted us organisers with a brand new conference idea. Some purchased a ticket and even took time off work, others were unable to attend but joined the conference to support celebrating and amplifying women’s voices in language learning. We appreciated your trust and support.
About The Technology We Used
In terms of technology, we used a setup of Google Hangouts on Air for our live broadcasts and embedded them in individual Teachable lectures via YouTube. We also added individual Chatango chat boxes in each lecture.
At the end of any session, the viewers could click “Complete and Continue” at the top and move on to the next session in our packed programme. Credit here goes to Shannon for leading us on the setup of a gorgeous page and ensuring the information was up to date.
This format added to the feel of hosting a real conference, where you would often walk into the next room for another talk. But in addition, it made us into the Netflix of language learning, where any previous talk could be streamed from the beginning right after it was published.
All talks were offered on a single track (no two at the same time), which kept the conversation focused and helped create a live chatroom community. We also added an “after hours” experience through a dedicated Facebook group for Women in Language attendees.
Marketing Women in Language
Our marketing campaign, headed up by Lindsay, made it easy for Women in Language to get seen. We obviously talked about Women in Language in our own blog, podcasts, social media, newsletters, youtube, and wherever you see us.
Lindsay also prepared some beautiful pictures and tweets for the speakers and the attendees, so that everyone could easily spread the word about our event. We are so grateful that you guys supported us and shared your excitement before the event. It helped us so much.
Shout out to our friends How To Get Fluent, Language Learning Summit and Langfest for inviting us to present our new event, and to Mezzofanti Guild for hosting a guest post written by Shannon. Check those guys out - they are doing amazing work.
The Organising Team
Between three organisers, we found that we were able to play to our strengths and largely handle the large workload of running a conference like this one. We stayed in contact with each other through direct messages, but also weekly meetings, and the project management software Asana. When your organising team is living on three different continents, it’s helpful to ensure online communications are as good as they can be.
Our track record of collaborations was a key to our success. Lindsay, Shannon, and I were no strangers to each other’s work. We knew already that we appreciate each other’s work and that each of us knows how to use all parts of the technology and marketing setup. We had also met in person before and solidified our friendship. Throughout the organising process, we were able to stay supportive and open to suggestions from each other.
Sometimes, it can take courage and grace to reach out to a colleague and trust that they’re on board with your idea. From the minute Lindsay first mentioned the idea of Women in Language and Shannon hopped on the first Skype call to join us, that was something we committed to.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to run such a cool project with two colleagues and friends that I respect so much.
What We’ll Do Even Better Next Time
So we were excited, we were buzzing, we enjoyed four days of a successful conference full of tips. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t any mistakes to learn from.
On the technology front, a few hiccups taught us the following lessons. Maybe you’ll find them useful one day, so I’m sharing them here:
When you want to embed your YouTube events in another page, it pays to set up a dry run so that you’re double sure the embed will show up the way you want it to.
When you are planning to invite someone to a Google Hangout, you cannot send them a “join link” in advance because the software will discard that link the minute you close the video window in your browser. And then your speaker’s link will be useless and they’ll be confused.
Don’t click “eject” when you want to reset your Hangouts partner’s setup as they joined your Google Hangout. They won’t be able to join again, and you’ll have to create a new event.
Power Point going full screen in Google Hangouts is a bit of a gamble, so stay calm, have a dry run, and prepare trouble shooting notes to make sure all goes smoothly.
In terms of the programme, we tried a new format of round table discussions which was successful at large. The two-hour time slot did discourage some audience members from watching it though, and that’s something I had not expected and we will look into providing shorter round table discussions next time.
Finally: I feel fired up to expand our commitment to diversity and ensure we include more global voices. Our line-up was international but still looked largely like us: white women who speak English a lot. Even if each of them is different in nationality or language line-up, this still gives our attendees an unintentional impression of what the “norm” is. We can add to that during future events, and I’m excited that we now have 27 speakers who can help us grow our network and look for polyglots and language experts from more diverse backgrounds.
What About You?
Did you enjoy the online conference?
Have you ever thought about becoming a conference speaker?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
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duancocobay · 5 years
Blue Is The Warmest Color Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Romantic Drama HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Blue Is The Warmest Color Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Romantic Drama HD
The story of a young lesbian couple’s beginning, middle and possible end.
The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it’s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you’ve been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they’re released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! Nguồn:https://duancocobay.com/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://duancocobay.com/dau-tu
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phuongmadisonrep · 5 years
+1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS:  Subscribe to COMING SOON:  Like us on FACEBOOK:  +1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships — and whether they can stay alive.
The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it’s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you’ve been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they’re released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! Nguồn:https://madisonrep.org/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://madisonrep.org/meo-vat
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angelofberlin2000 · 7 years
Thank you yo much to Viktoria Blythe for making this amazing vid on occasion of Keanu’s 53rd birthday! 
Viktoria Blythe
3 hrs
🎉💛🎉This day has finally come, the 2nd of Septemeber, Keanu’s 53rd Birthday. I must admit that I’ve been waiting eagerly for it. It’s a special occassion for Keanu but also for his wonderful fans, a huge community of his great admirers, who are preparing wishes, edits, videos dedicated to him. This year, just like I did in 2016, I’ve created a special video edit. I combined one of my favorite clips from his films, interviews, movie premieres with a very nice song. I worked on it  Thanks for a couple of days, especially trying my best to find the most beautiful excerpts from the movies in which he has appeared in recent years. I hope that Keanu is spending this big day in the great company of his close friends and family. I’ve included birthday wishes in the video but I want to write them again, here, in a longer form. Those ones who have been following me for some time, probably have already managed to notice how important Keanu is to me, how much I admire him for his hard work, constant dedication to his craft, huge effort he puts, not only into playing his roles, but also in every single project that he decides to implement. I would like to wish him, first of all, great health becasue, just like all his fans, I want to see many more movies with him, loads of more incredible stories told by Keanu, always in such an accurate, precise way.  I hope that he’ll continue to do what he truly loves, what makes him happy and never stop amazing us with his incomparable performances, magnificent interpretations of roles. He’s a method actor, a true artist, who chooses unconventional, remarkable productions, always wants to provide his enormous, supportive audience entertainment and cares about their opinions. I want him to still portray phenomenal characters, have many artistic opportunities, achieve his goals successfully and be more appreciated for his talent, unique skills, commitments which he always makes by preparing so diligently to roles, doing a lot of extra things to picture a gripping story super perfectly, absolutely authentically. I can’t wait to see him in ‘Replicas’, ‘Siberia’ and ‘Destination Wedding’. However, maybe it might sound exaggeratedly but undoubtedly not in the case of Keanu, I’m already entirely sure that these films are going to be really engrossing cause Keanu never fails to enchant me by his beautiful, movie creations. I also would love to wish Keanu to have plenty of good friends- kind, warm people who will be able to fully respect him, his privacy, encourage him and help him whenever he needs it. I want him to find soulmates, lead a happy, fortunate life, to experience only cheery moments. I would like to wish his prodigious company to develop. I hope that they will create lots of new fantastic motorbikes, expand the activity into Europe. I hope that Keanu will continue to ride on his marvelous, two-wheeled machine and travel a lot, visit lots of terrific places, but also have time only for himself, to read, reflect, as he once said in an interview. Hopefully Keanu will always be such a genuine, humble, down-to-earth, grounded guy and the movie industry will eventually recognize him and he will be honored with some well-deserved awards but even without them, for me he will still be a gifted, outstanding, one of a kind actor.  His choreography, movie fights are always breathtaking, perfectly acted, with attention to every detail. I hope that we’ll see many of them in the near future and that he will have numerous possibilities to show his extraordinary abilities in a variety of movies. I wish him to work with creative people and keep on exploring, learning, getting to know new things thanks to starring in different, splendid productions. I want Keanu to never change and continue to be such a precious person, an impressive actor and especial artist for the next 53 years. Happy Birthday, Keanu! 🎉🌟🎉#happybirthday #keanureeves #53years #myvideo #edit #specialday #birthday #2ndSeptember #2017 #wishes #birthdaywishes #dedicatedfan #thankyou
🎈This is the first part of my Birthday post, it's long but because of that special occasion, I must have written a lot and it was too difficult for me to express everything only in a few words 😄🎈
--------------------------------------------------------- This is of course a non-profit video made purely for fun. I don't own the movies, the interviews or the music.
Music: Coldplay-Everglow
Footage (in the chronological order): The World- Interview with Keanu Reeves (credit to Keanu Reeves Russian Club), CBC Interview with Keanu Reeves, Keanu Reeves on Good Morning, America; The Matrix Behind The Scenes- Training Injuries (credit to Movieclips Extras), Side by Side- Interview with Keanu Reeves (credit to HitFix), 47 Ronin Interview-Keanu Reeves (Movieclips Coming Soon), John Wick 2 Interviews (FOX 5 DC), Keanu Reeves poleca kujawsko-pomorskie (credit to Gazeta.pl), TIFF Dracula and TIFF The Devil’s Advocate (credit to Sabrina Bottroff), Speed: Keanu Reeves on the cast (DVD Extra, credit to WendyCR72), For LTICS (credit to Jean Rea), Something’s Gotta Give (2003, directed by Nancy Meyers), clip from the interview from TIFF ‘Henry’s Crime’ premiere, Knock Knock Interview (Movieclips Coming Soon), My Own Private Idaho (1991, directed by Gus Van Sant), Point Break (1991, directed by Kathryn Bigelow), Much Ado About Nothing (1993, directed by Kenneth Branagh), The Devil’s Advocate (1997, directed by Taylor Hackford), Constantine (2005, directed by Francis Lawrence), The Matrix (1999, directed by Lilly and Lana Wachowski), Sweet November (2001, directed by Pat O’Connor), Hardball (2001, directed by Brian Robbins), The Lake House (2005, directed by Alejandro Agresti), Henry’s Crime (2011, directed by Malcom Venville), 47 Ronin (2013, directed by Carl Rinsch), John Wick (2014, directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch), John Wick 2 (2017, directed by Chad Stahelski), Chris Kenneally: The Making of “Side by Side” Documentary (credit to Alexandros Maragos), Keanu Reeves Reading From Paul Gauguin’s ‘Noa Noa’ (FondationBeyeler), Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant Book Signing Event (TTL Nerd), Arch “The Story” (credit to ARCH Motorcycle Company on youtube), Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger ride the new Arch KRGT-1 (credit to ARCH Montorcycle Company), It starts with the style (credit to ARCH Motorcycle Company), videos of Keanu riding a bike are from youtube (Bloomberg, CBS Sunday Morning), video from the Sanremo Music Festival (from Facebook, credit to the owner), John Wick 2 Behind The Scenes (from DVD Extras), Point Break Chasing Scene, Speed (1991, directed by Jan de Bont), The Matrix Behind The Scenes- Dojo (Movieclips Extras), The Matrix scene, 47 Ronin, John Wick (2014), John Wick 2 (2017), Interview with Keanu from The Tonight   Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Interview with Keanu from JW2 promotion (youtube, credit to the owner), Kid Stand-Up from Jimmy Fallon’s Show, a clip from Man of Tai Chi interview with Keanu Reeves and Tiger Hu Chen (credit to the owner), 47 Ronin interview (Entertainment Tonight), Keanu Reeves Knock Knock Interview, JW2 Behind The Scenes (DVD Extras), 2 scenes from Sweet November, 2 scenes from The Lake House, Speed Interview (DVD Extras), Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron from Oscars, Keanu Reeves and Chad Stahelski Interview (Build Series), video from Dogstar backstage (credit to the owner), clip from The Ellen Show material, fan videos from Winnpeg, Saint Petersburg, clip from the Camerimage Festival journalist material, Build Series Interview, interview from The Graham Norton Show (February, 2017), video from the ‘Henry’s Crime’ premiere (movingpicturesnet), Point Break scene, Speed scene, A Walk in The Clouds clip, The Devil’s Advocate scene, Sweet November scene, Hardball scene, The Matrix Reloaded scene (2003, directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski), The Lake House scene, 47 Ronin Scene, John Wick scene, The Grandmaster-Exclusive clip (IGN), interview from the Sundance Film Festival (The Hollywood Reporter), Keanu Reeves on The Dan Patrick Show, Keanu Reeves JW interview (2014, credit to the owner), Keanu Reeves Interview (Collidervideos), Keanu Reeves in Motorcycle Show (To Keanu with Respect), clip from the 47 Ronin Japanese premiere, Keanu Reeves- charming and funny (credit to csnelli), JW2 interview (credit to the owner), clip from the Jimmy Fallon’s interview (June, 2017),  clip from the CBS Sunday Morning Interview.
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Ghost in the Shell Official Trailer 1 (2017) – Scarlett Johansson Movie
Get Tickets - Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Michael Pitt, and Juliette Binoche Ghost in the Shell Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Scarlett Johansson Movie
A cyborg policewoman attempts to bring down a nefarious computer hacker.
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The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!
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Ghost in the Shell Official Trailer 1 (2017) – Scarlett Johansson Movie was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - Caesar Speaks Scene (1/5) | Movieclips" on YouTube
This individual seems smarter than his own mother and it's rumored that he is the son of his mother and his mother's brother. Tons of people can't figure it out you actually having a problem with it too because he doesn't look like a link but he is and they say it. Or you could look that way because George did surgery on him and his clothes today don't look like link and they know the difference and they know what the truth is they won't tell our son and they're having a real problem with him what he says is they come here and they look like other people and you think they're linked but a lot of people don't think that he is and when the two links had relations he came out as a normal link and slightly mutated into a human and is not extremely gifted no it's only a small part of his brain and it's a pleasure centers so he doesn't have this much and all of his clothes are like desensitized and Mac wanted it that way and he knows they're like super soldiers too just stronger and faster than most humans and they can withstand more pain and punishment and starvation and more and he knows about it cuz he helped make it happen and unfortunately he's not doing the job to recover and he admits it and he knows he's not he's had a lot of trouble doing it and we can't let the planet go and we can't let other people because he's not doing his job we don't want him to do. But the point is did none of these goofballs around here the big mouth who are retards who supposedly hunt him I've gotten to one ship the ship to talking about is his and his trumps in Mexico and they don't seem to want to pursue the ships it's really weird it's like these clothes who are the higher ups and have the keys and will know where they are and how to launch them an interesting and mostly no all of you are just sitting there saying where nothing and yelling at us and laughing like retarded people or laughing like really smart retarded people and what you're doing is saying is getting you killed because you sound quite insane so it's going to continue like this until you decide to try and do your job but really it looks like you're going to keep doing it until you're all dead and the foreigners will have to take over and we're sure they're going to sit there and infight and we figured it out years ago and now most of ours have
Thor Freya
But we were wondering is are people blocking our plan because they can't remember it and we have to find out what the hell's going on with that this is a simple plan and it should have been easier than this it's like drudgery and people will keep repeating things that we already know and explaining that's why I don't want to be explained to I want them to start running the plan so we don't have to put up with it
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merdorianmarketing · 4 years
Robin Hood Movieclips and Meme Robinhood is a historical adventure film based on the Robin Hood legend, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt, Mark Strong, Mark Addy, Oscar Isaac, Danny Huston, Eileen Atkins, and Max von Sydow. Lord Gunklin in his acting debut, as well as Dalton Boogers. This is the Plot, keep in mind I am just doing a short clip meme. The movie is absolutely amazing, a must watch I will say. In the year 1199, Robin Longstride serves as a common archer in the army of King Richard the Lionheart. A veteran of Richard's crusade, he now takes part in the siege of Chalus Castle. Disillusioned and war-weary, he gives a frank but unflattering appraisal of the King's conduct when the King asks his opinion, and Robin and his comrades—archers Allan A'Dayle and Will Scarlett and soldier Little John—find themselves in the stocks. When the King is slain during an attack on the castle, Robin and his men decide to free themselves and desert. They come across an ambush of the English royal guard by Godfrey, an English knight who has conspired with King Philip of France to assassinate King Richard. After chasing Godfrey away, Robin decides to take advantage of the situation by having his men impersonate the dead English knights to return to England. Before they depart to sail across the Channel, Robin promises one of the dying knights, Sir Robert Loxley, to return his sword to his father in Nottingham. Awaking to find his party in the Thames estuary, Robin must continue to assume the identity of Loxley to inform the royal family of King Richard's death. He witnesses the coronation of King John, who orders the collection of harsh new taxes and dispatches Godfrey to the North to do so—unaware that Godfrey will instead use French troops to stir up unrest and to prepare for King Philip to invade England. Robin and his companions head to Nottingham, where Loxley's elderly and blind father, Sir Walter, asks him to continue impersonating his son to prevent the Crown from seizing the Loxley family lands. Loxley's widow, Lady Marian, is initially cold toward Robin but warms to him when he and his men merrily recover tithed grain for the townsfolk to plant. I stop here in hopes that I left you with a desire to watch the movie, so you can see what happens. FamilyGamingTube, Make sure to Like, Comment, Subscribe, and ring that notification bell, make sure to please share this video with everyone. Thank you so much for your support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own no rights to this movie CREDITS: NBC Universal Studios (2010) Genres: Historical Adventure, Action, Drama Country: USA Director - Ridley Scott Writer - Brian Helgeland Producers - Ridley Scott, Brian Grazer, Russell Crowe Cast - Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt, Mark Strong -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: I own no rights to this song Band - Right Said Fred Album - I'm Too Sexy Song - I'm Too Sexy Composed by - Fred Fairbrass, Richard Fairbrass, Rob Manzoli Release Year - (1991) Labels - Tug Records ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can teach you how to do this, let me know in the comments below. The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “NOTWITHSTANDING THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 106 AND 106A, THE FAIR USE OF A COPYRIGHTED WORK, INCLUDING SUCH USE BY REPRODUCTION IN COPIES OR PHONORECORDS OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS SPECIFIED BY THAT SECTION, FOR PURPOSES SUCH AS CRITICISM, COMMENT, NEWS REPORTING, TEACHING (INCLUDING MULTIPLE COPIES FOR CLASSROOM USE), SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH, IS NOT AN INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT.” THIS VIDEO AND OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL, IN GENERAL, MAY CONTAIN CERTAIN COPYRIGHTED WORKS THAT WERE NOT SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED TO BE USED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), BUT WHICH WE BELIEVE IN GOOD FAITH ARE PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW AND THE FAIR USE DOCTRINE FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE REASONS NOTED ABOVE. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC CONCERNS ABOUT THIS VIDEO OR OUR POSITION ON THE FAIR USE DEFENSE, PLEASE CONTACT US SO WE CAN DISCUSS AMICABLY. THANK YOU.
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kimduancocobay · 5 years
Blue Is The Warmest Color Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Romantic Drama HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Blue Is The Warmest Color Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Romantic Drama HD
The story of a young lesbian couple’s beginning, middle and possible end.
The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it’s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you’ve been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they’re released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! Nguồn:https://duancocobay.com/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://duancocobay.com/dau-tu
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madisonrep1 · 5 years
+1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS:  Subscribe to COMING SOON:  Like us on FACEBOOK:  +1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships — and whether they can stay alive.
The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it’s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you’ve been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they’re released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! Nguồn:https://madisonrep.org/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://madisonrep.org/meo-vat
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soniaaristo · 6 years
Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt Black or White Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Kevin Costner, Octavia…
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hoanganhinkstitch · 5 years
+1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS:  Subscribe to COMING SOON:  Like us on FACEBOOK:  +1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD
Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships — and whether they can stay alive.
The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it’s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you’ve been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they’re released.
In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know.
Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! Nguồn:https://inkstitch.net/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://inkstitch.net/suc-khoe
The post +1 Official Trailer #1 (2013) – Rhys Wakefield Thriller HD appeared first on Ink Stitch.
source https://inkstitch.net/1-official-trailer-1-2013-rhys-wakefield-thriller-hd
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