#and special appearance luke!k my alpha
nomniki · 11 months
also thinking abt shadow hunters ! enhypen hmmm ….
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Finding Her
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Finding Him Part 3 - Finding Her
Pairing: AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Language, A/B/O Dynamic, spn level gore, wolf fights, mild angst, fluff, mention of pregnancy, implied past smut.
Summary: She has been gone for weeks. Sam and Dean, while on a werewolf hunt, Dean is faced with the ultimate task. Finding her.
Word Count: 3,017
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a/n: Finding him part 3 but it’s finding the reader.
a/n: A little Line from Ten Inch Hero, a movie starring Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris (at the time of filming the movie).
“So get this, there’s been findings of victims hearts missing.”
“Werewolves. Where?”
“Up in a small town in North Dakota.”
“What’s so special about this pack? You always say some big, mind blowing thing about what we’re hunting when you say, ‘so get this.’”
Sam gave him his bitch face.
“It’s her pack. Or what was left of it.”
Dean’s heart dropped. “Is she there? Are there signs of her there?”
“I don’t know, but we’ll find out when we get there.”
She sat at her desk. The half breeds that escaped the battle she set out on the pack looked for her help.
She had occupied an abandoned building that used to be an old asylum. They had cleaned it out and furnished the buildings for them. Two buildings were furnished in being dorms for boys and girls. And three buildings for schooling, one building K-5, another for 6-8, and another for 9-12. She has one goal, give these kids a some kind of normal life.
She knows deep down they can. But with so many that need help she can’t keep track of them all.
“Miss?” one of the half breed girls asked, coming into her office.
“What is it, Riley?”
“Um, Brad, Tad, and Luke, they came back home smelling funny.”
“Funny how?”
“I smelled human blood on them.”
“Hunting human is forbidden in this pack. Were they aware of that?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Riley, you and Luke are a thing. You talk about everything.”
“He was quiet last night. He never told me about this.”
Y/N nodded. “I’ll go talk to them.” She says getting up. Following Riley out of the room.
Riley led her to them.
“Tattle bitch.” One of the half breed boys shouted. His smug attitude told y/n that was Brad.
“Brad!” y/n shouted.
The boys shuddered.
“Brad, Tad, Luke,” she says. “You know that hunting is forbidden in this pack. Because we are half breeds. We don’t need human hearts to survive. You can easily survive on normal food like humans.”
“But we couldn’t help it.” Brad argued.
“The Alpha told you to hunt humans, but it was only a means to get my attention. The Alpha is dead. I may not be your Alpha, but I am teaching you ways to be human. And human hearts is not the way to go.”
They nodded.
“There are hunters out there, if they were to catch you they’ll kill you without a second thought.”
“But not the Winchester’s!” Riley argued.
“No not them, they understand you kids. Because of what happened. I’m talking other hunters that aren’t Sam and Dean.”
“Are we going to be okay?” Riley asked. The boys looked at her as if their eyes are saying a prayer. Hoping they didn’t just endanger their family.
“I don’t know. I do hope Sam and Dean picked up the victims if you didn’t clean up after yourselves. But if I do notice any hunter near our pack I got a backup location for us.”
“I’m sorry Omega for endangering the pack.”
“What did you call me?” she asked, concerned.
“Omega, you smell like an Omega.” Brad answers.
“Half breeds don’t normally present. Why am I presenting?” she asks.
“Alpha says it was because you are becoming more in tune with your wolf genes. Becoming more wolf than human.”
“But the human genes?” she asks.
“Those don’t go away. He was saying, our senses are more heightened, we present. But there’s still many things to learn, he says.” Luke explained.
“Yeah, Okay, just don’t call me Omega. Just call me y/n.” she says, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable.
They nodded.
“What now?” Riley asked.
“Just, get back to class with Ms. Miller. Go about your day like none of this happened.”
“Okay.” They say.
And they left to get back to their classes. Catching the boys holding hands.
“Tad and Brad…well isn’t that…gay.” She muttered with a kind smile. Aw, young love. She thought. She loved seeing that tiny bit of normalcy in her pack.
 “It was way too sloppy Dean for it to be her. She knows better.” Sam says in the motel as they regrouped after seeing the bodies.
“I don’t think it is her.”
“Care to share with the class?”
“The Alpha forced almost every woman in that pack to,” Dean trailed, growing uncomfortable talking about it.
“I know Dean, you don’t have to go into detail with it.”
“Well, it was to impregnate them, I’m guessing we’re dealing with the kids.”
“But I thought we killed every single one?”
“No, the Alpha got them out of there before you guys attacked. My guess is y/n took them all in.”
“Why would she? She’s not their mother or an alpha for that matter.”
“No, but you also know what kind of person she is like.”
“Yeah I know.” Sam says sadness in his words.
“Lets find the pack, if we find them we find her.” Dean says with surety and determination in his words.
 “Miss,” Riley says coming into her office.
She heard a low growl on the other side of the door.
Her hairs stood up on end.
“Omega?” She asks, against her wishes.
She opened the door. Seeing a large, white wolf, in a protective stance.
“Miss, are you okay?”
She let out a pained howl.
“You feel like you let us down?”
She let her head down low, giving the girl apologetic eyes.
“Miss, you  didn’t let us down. It’s the Winchester’s. You told us they’d let us go if we don’t hunt humans.”
She let out a pained howl again.
“You don’t want him to see you.”
She saw the wolf nod.
Doctor Hudson would know what’s going on. Riley thought.
“Hang on y/n, I’m going to get Dr. Hudson, he’ll know what’s going on.” She says, running out of the office, determined to help her leader.
 “She’s perfectly healthy, nothing’s wrong with her.” the doctor says after looking over the wolf.
“But she’s not in her human form and her mate is coming.”
“Ah, that explains everything now.”
“When miss y/n sought me out to help raise you kids. So that you could have a chance at a normal life without fearing hunters, or needing to hunt. She was distraught. Lost.”
“She did tell me that they didn’t know about her lineage until her mate was missing.” Riley spoke.
“She didn’t want to be judged. It seems. Or she was afraid of this happening. There are a lot of things in play here. And while she is in her wolf form we won’t know. Because as you noticed, she doesn’t speak human. But wolf. And you being half breeds can understand her. Myself, being a full fledged werewolf can understand her. Those human hunters will not.”
“Are you saying, let them come? But what if she looses it?” Riley asks.
“It’s her mate, she can’t lose it on him.” Brad spoke.
She let out a whine. The pack was having her back on this, whether she wanted it or not. This pack was becoming a family. Dean wouldn’t want her then if that was the case. And that made the pain her more. And she let out pained howl at the thought.
“He would so want you after that, you two are soulmates. You were made for each other.” Riley says, raising her voice some.
The hairs on her back rose up, making her appear larger.
“Um, doc, what’s that?” Luke asked.
“She senses another wolf. An Alpha. Oh god, no, Not his Alpha, I thought they killed them.”
“Oh, but you missed one.” An Alpha sneered as he charged in the room at the wolf.
The wolf lunged at the still human Alpha.
“Pfft, you think your wolf form is good enough in a fight.” He sneers.
He transforms into his wolf from, shredding off his human skin and clothes into a golden brown and white wolf. Larger than her by two, making her seem like a normal sized dog to him.
“See half breed, you’re small and weak, infatuated with humans and these children that aren’t yours!”
“Hurt the kids and you will regret it.” a deep familiar voice made himself known in the room.
Dean entered the room, his gun at the ready loaded with silver bullets.
“Oh this is rich.” The alpha sneered.
Not turning his back on y/n, keeping an aggressive and ready stance between y/n and Dean while the kids looked on from the sides.
“Kids out, now.” The doctor urged. And everyone but Dean, Y/N and the alpha left the room to safety.
Dean raises his gun to aim.
“Pfft, get out of here human.” The alpha swings his fluffy tail, knocking Dean down and out of the room.
Dean let out a grunt at the impact, landing in the hallway with a thud.
Y/N let out a snarling growl at the alpha.
“You don’t scare me bitch, you’re going to pay for what you did to the Alpha.”
And the wolf lunges at her. Fangs bared.
From the hall Dean could only hear the ferocious snarling and growls from the room as he got up, grabbed his gun, and got ready to head back inside.
As Dean reentered the Alpha took quick notice, and with his hind leg he kicked Dean out of the room.
The force caused Dean to let out a pained grunt as the claws of the wolfs back foot left gashes along his legs and abdomen.
She could smell it.
His blood.
Something snapped in her mind, she saw red.
Her fur stood up on end along her neck and back as well as her tail. And she let out a ferocious snarl that could have torn a hole in her throat. The Alpha didn’t seem phased.
“You don’t scare me.”
“You should be.” She growls.
And she lunges for the Alpha. Not holding back. She kept aiming at the alpha’s throat. At one point she managed to have a hold of his snout somehow and clawed ferociously at his face and eyes.
He swung his head around, howling in pain trying to see where his target was.
She took the opportunity to grab hold of his throat and tear away the flesh causing him to bleed out.
The alpha laid dead in the doctors office, bleeding to death, but she couldn’t calm down.
“Miss?” Riley says coming back into the room.
Y/N let out a snarl. Causing the girl to scream.
“Get back sweetheart, let me try.” Dean says, urging the girl back.
“Be careful sir.” She advised. Dean nodded.
“Hey,” Dean says, entering the room.
Y/N backed to a wall, growled at Dean. It was as if her humanity left her. And she was all wolf.
“Sweetheart, it’s me. Dean.” He cautiously walks towards her, walking around the dead alpha.
Y/N let out a growl-like bark at Dean.
“I know you are lost right now, but I’m trying to get you back. This is not the y/n I know. Who gives in, who gives up. You can fight this urge.”
She let out a pant, his words, his voice getting to her somehow.
“You know, you think, us finding out you were a half breed. That, that day was the time we found out?” he asks.
Her ears went back, ready to attack when ready.
“It was your first hunt. While Sam was down and out sick, it was just you and me. We were after a Wendigo. We were too late, but we had to kill it, and it nearly killed me. It got me really good. And I saw something, in your eyes.” He continued.
Her ears relaxed, as did her stance. She was remembering that hunt. He noticed?
“Your eyes flashed, like something snapped. You rushed over to me, you tried to stop the bleeding and then the Wendigo attacked. You had let out this growl. I was out of it, but I heard it. I thought at first there were two Wendigo’s, but I looked, and saw you. You’re claws had emerged, and you were just ready for a fight. And the Wendigo backed off.”
The only hunt, she had to let a monster go. Her head perked up. He knew. All this time he knew.
“I never told Sam. And sometimes I forget you’re a half breed, you blend so well with us. You belong with us. Humans.” Dean says. Then turning to the half breeds in the hall.
“You all belong with us.”
“But the monster in us?” Brad asked.
“We’ll find a way. Just like we always do.” Sam says entering the hallway to the room.
The kids nodded.
An odd sound could be heard, and Dean turned his gaze towards her to see her in her, naked, human form.
“You knew. All this time.” She says.
“I knew. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“You wouldn’t have.” She smiles.
“Babe, um…” Dean says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Who’d have thought she was really hot?” Brad says ascendingly.
Her cheeks burned up at the comment. She grabs Dean turning him around so he could walk out with her behind him. He let out a chuckle.
“Dean, here.” Sam says, handing him some sweatpants from his duffel.
Dean grabbed it and handed it to y/n. She haltingly put on the pants. Dean shrugged off his flannel and handed it to her. She gently grabbed it from his hand and put it over her shoulders, buttoning it up.
“Are we safe now?” Riley asked.
“Hopefully he was the only Alpha we missed, but we’ll stay just to make sure.” Sam says.
“So, what now then?” Luke asks.
“Now you guys can go back to normal.” Dean says.
“But what about your mate?” Hudson asked.
“She and I can figure it out.”
“Like we always do.” She adds. Approaching Dean at his side.
He looks at her, tears threatening to surface as she is beginning to allow herself to be with him.
Taking her by arm, he brings her in for a sweet and longing kiss.
“Okay kids, you heard the man, get back to your dorms.” Hudson tried to shoo the teens out of the hall.
 Months later…
“Miss?” Riley asks knocking on her office door.
“Yes, what is it Riley?”
“Mr. Winchester wants to see you.”
“Of course he does. Wait. Is it Dean or Sam?” she asked.
“Your husband.” Riley answered with a giggle.
“Right, well we have two Winchester’s working here. One teaching you kids a proper diet and exercise and the other on self-defense. You got to be more specific.”
“Will Do ma’am.” Riley says with a smile.
“Get back to class, I’m sure Mr. Gates doesn’t want you skipping out on his Economics class again.”
“But it’s so boring!”
“It is, but it wouldn’t hurt to know those things. it’s just basics, College is where it gets worse.”
“UGH!” The girl groaned.
“Get going!” Y/N urged.
Y/N got up from her desk, her now pregnant belling showing off as she tried to steady herself with the new and added weight to her body.
She walked down the halls, seeing now not only human kids, but half breed kids. She made her school for the gifted more open. Day classes were more for humans, half breeds if they wanted. But night classes were solely for half breeds. The boys joined her not long after ensuring her pack’s safety and openly suggested she made her little ‘school’ an actual school for other students.
She had built onto the campus, a dormitory for human boys and girls of all ages. Night classes curriculum was more geared towards teaching half breeds how to be more normal and more human. How to blend in human communities. Do’s and don’ts. Retrain and reteach what the half breeds have been through. Sure everything was still in it’s infancy, and still learning and growing but she has confidence that this will surely help.
She entered the gym, seeing Dean in his ‘gym teacher’ get up. Not shorts this time. He wore his own pair of comfortable pants, whether it’d be plain sweats, or jogging pants. He made a hot gym teacher.
His class were all human and he was just going through the fitness tests.
“Sure there is no studying, but there is training. We’ll be doing exercises that will be geared towards you doing well on your fitness tests. One test in particular is the pacer test,”
He got a collective groan from the class.
“I know not fun; I went through it too when I was your age. Private or public we still do things public schools all over do. Sadly. Now, we have five minutes before class ends, go shower, get changed I’ll see you guys Monday.” Dean dismissed his class.
He turned to see her standing there with a sweet smile on her face.
“You seem to fall in the teacher role well Dean.” She says with a smirk.
“You think so, maybe I could teach you a thing or two.” Giving her a devilish smirk.
“No, I think you taught me enough.” She says, rubbing her pregnant belly.
“How are the twins doing by the way?” he asks, coming up to her, placing his hand over hers. Feeling a slight kick.
He smiled. Tears wanting to surface.
“I’m so ready for this.” he says, bringing her in his arms. Bringing his lips down to hers in a loving kiss.
“You think you can handle two more pups versus, how ever many you fathered already?” she teased.
“You’re going to have fun with that aren’t you?” Dean asked, rolling his eyes with a shy smile.
“I know it’s a dark side of our past, but we got through it. I think we can get through whatever life, whether it’d be the normal apple pie life or the hunter life, can throw at us.” She says, kissing him softly on his lips.
He hums.
“I love you.”
“And I love you Dean, I’m glad we found each other.”
Did you like it? What was your favorite part? Let me know by either leaving an ask or reblog. Feedback is fuel. This came to me while I was on my hiatus, hope you enjoyed!
Dean Girls
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @akshi8278, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @jayankles​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 2/10/2021
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I’d better get going with Housetraining 101, rather than letting my dog door allow me take the lazy way out. And, as an adjunct to the basic training, I’ll be teaching my new pup to ring a “Hey, I gotta go!” bell. It’s pretty simple to train a dog to ring a bell (I think of this as a call for room service) and in terms of my learned response (jump up and attend to her), I’m a pretty quick study. (For instructions on teaching a dog to ring a bell on the door, see “Target-Train Your Dog to Ring A Doorbell”.) Register a Litter Dog Training Shirlee Kalstone • Never punish the pup for housetraining “mistakes” – scolding has dire consequences. How to Stop Your Puppy Pulling: Perfect Loose Leash Walking First aid Screen Reader: Supported By Lori Chamberland on 11/02/2017 My Sweet Puppy says the MidWest Life Stages crate offers maximum visibility and ventilation while also being lightweight and easy to store or transport. 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J9’s K9 Courier Tips and Tricks for Leash Training Officials said the officer interviewed the trainer, staff and a manager, who said the dog in the video was getting the “alpha training” for being really aggressive. Don’t forget to reward him with praise, special treats, play, or walks for doing his business outdoors! WebMD Magazine Bear Bear’s Blog Show More Whippet More From A Dog Lover’s Handbook Sponsor Opportunities Belgian Tervuren Schipperke If he’s about to jump up to join you, tug sideways and ignore him until he sits quietly on the floor. Sport VetBabble is a pet care site ran by veterinarians to babble facts and opinions for everyone and everything. We enjoy helping animals and technology and want to combine both to give readers and pet lovers a place to share our enjoyment and make lives better for everyone. Personal Development 3.4 Animal services decided the trainer’s behavior in the video didn’t rise to the level of animal cruelty and the case was closed. © 2018 Four Paws Inc. All Rights Reserved. Purebred Dogs  Buy Now Bark at the Park Cheezie Chews The important thing to remember is by the time your dog is relieving himself on your floor, your opportunity for a successful potty break outside has passed. Insuring you’re doing your part in helping your dog succeed is the most important aspect of housetraining. That’s one tough lady who never gave up.What was this perv even doing walking the streets after so many prior sexual attacks? © Depositphotos.com / AOosthuizen Remember that puppies don’t have good bladder or sphincter control yet, and excitement can make them need to pee or poop. Take your puppy out to potty after 15 to 20 minutes of play, as well as after every meal. A potty run should be the first thing you do with him in the morning and the last thing you do with him at night. What is the best way to potty train a puppy in winter? As soon as the poop/pee is complete, immediately praise him, quickly give him several treats and then play. International Editions: 20 This is very unfair on your puppy and it will destroy the crates power as a house training tool if they lose the instinct to keep it clean. Malaysia MY Current News A: Please please email customer service at ([email protected]) or call our customer service team at 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. They have the ability to update the email address so you can put in your correct account. Nutrience Hi I have a shitzu pup she is 16weeks old….I have read all your articles about potty training.I have been trying very hard with this and days she does good and other days she’s bad.Like today for instance..we went out at 9am and was out there til 1pm she peed twice but never pooped till 4pm in house on peepee pad.I have put these pads where she has gone before in my kitchen. I have to get that cleaner natures Miracle sounds great.Today wasnt an ordinary day..usually the pup eats in the am and about an hour later poops and usually after dinner she poops too..but not today she is quite off her normal schedule.And the other problem I have her ..I would like to know how to get her to stop barking when I leave her and she continually bites and chews when petted.Have any ideas would be truly appreciated.I do crate her but she hasnt been in crate too much lately cus I have been home from an operation…she use to be on a tight schedule…will this be bad for her when I go back to work..and what should I do to get her use to it again.Thankyou, Book Online Did you know there are five kinds of barking? Professor Donaldson examines the various reasons dogs bark and provides suggestions to train your dog out of this behavior. She also explains why this is one of the more frustrating areas to train, but by understanding the motivation for barking and applying consistent methods, you can more effectively and efficiently learn to work with ways to stop it. x …even housebreaking! April 15, 2018 SUBSCRIBE (Left) Lifestyle The Studio Most Popular Articles chewing (the wrong things) July 27, 2018 Schedule 3. Get started Dog Psychology Heartworms and Worms 2.0 out of 5 starsCute little tricks territorialism Menu Tom and Curley When you remember these basic instructions, it will enable you to set the right course from the get-go. This way, you’ll be sure always to stay on track on how to potty train your puppy, even when there are accidents and setbacks. Exercise & Toys for Birds PetLock See 11 Top Tips for Great Puppy Recall. Start early and be consistent. You should start disciplining your puppy as soon as you bring it home. Puppies learn quickly and should be shown what behavior is unacceptable in your house. This also means that you must be consistent when responding to bad behavior. If not, your puppy will be confused, making it harder to prevent the bad behavior.[1] 3.9 out of 5 stars 72 More For Dogs Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Play specialized games to build reliability The best way to do this is to include it in your vocabulary lessons and your respect lessons. If you teach words and respect properly, acceptance of being handled will come naturally – they go “hand-in-hand”, so to speak! Check your puppy’s tail – it should be wagging. Is your puppy comfortable? Does he like the trainer? Here’s the trick to a clean poo pickup… turn the bag inside out, place your hand inside and grab the poo. Fold the sides of the bag up around the poo, turning it right side out, and tie the bag tightly. That wasn’t so bad, was it? POTTY TRAINING FOR PUPPIES Complete Guide: How to potty train your puppy in just 7 days A STEP-BY-STEP program so your pup will understand you! (potty train puppy, puppy training potty, potty train) Dog Breeds Training (7) Link a “call” to a “reward.” Mental Health Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house. For example…. brushing, bathing, clipping nails, cleaning teeth, giving a pill, putting on a collar or harness. So pick a command like ‘toilet time‘ that you will only use when you’re taking them to the bathroom and you will not allow them to do anything else. Share your thoughts with other customers 4 Housetraining Ground Rules March 24, 2018 at 3:26 pm Catcher doing an NW3 Nose Work vehicle search If you can’t keep your eye on her, she should be crated (such as at night, when you are gone, etc.). Luke Kountz Is a Christmas Puppy a Good Idea? Pocket Beagle How to potty train your puppy if you work full time – method 2 Tropical Carnival August is… The idea is to test your Dog to see how he responds in an environment which is new to him. Set-up a situation where you are in control of the environment and your Dog. What You Should Do Between Scheduled Bathroom Breaks Good luck…let me know how you get on! Sign Up & Save puppy training tips for kids | Puppy Training Session: Stop Running Away and Stopping Other Unwanted Habits puppy training tips for kids | How to Train your Puppy to Stop Biting puppy training tips for kids | 6 Dog Training Questions YOU Probably Don’t Know the Answer to… Legal | Sitemap
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chocolateheal · 5 years
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Ronnie Milsap is one of the best acknowledged country artists in history, abnormally from a archive standpoint: In a career that dates aback to 1963, he’s becoming an absorbing 35 abandoned No. 1 hits in the U.S. A Grand Ole Opry affiliate as of Feb. 6, 1976 — and a 2014 Country Music Hall of Fame inductee — Milsap has additionally won six Grammy Awards.
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The North Carolina native’s constancy and acceptance accomplish sense: He has consistently congenital assorted influences into his piano-based tunes, including gospel, R&B and alike bedrock ‘n’ roll, and has connected to bout and almanac regularly. On his 2019 duets album, Ronnie Milsap: The Duets, he re-imagines some of his best-known hits with country legends (Willie Nelson, George Strait, Dolly Parton) and avant-garde stars (Kacey Musgraves, Luke Bryan).
Below, get a accept to The Boot’s picks for the Top 10 Ronnie Milsap songs.
A ardent piano carol burst with across-the-board strings, the No. 1 hit “What a Difference You’ve Fabricated in My Life” is Milsap at his best straightforward. More specifically, he’s a addled adventurous administration how a cogent added has adapted his activity for the better. “What a change you accept fabricated in my heart,” he sings, with amore in his voice. “You replaced all the burst genitalia / Oh, what a change you accept fabricated in my heart.”
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Written by Kris Kristofferson, “Please Don’t Tell Me How the Adventure Ends” spent two weeks at No. 1 and becoming Milsap his aboriginal Grammys trophy, for Best Country Articulate Performance. A admirable apathetic ball belted with pedal steel, the tune is about active in the moment and adequate a adventurous black — after annoying about what tomorrow ability bring.
A Top 10 hit, “Prisoner of the Highway” — which boasts arresting keyboards and one of MIlsap’s best bull articulate performances — feels like an outlaw country song adapted for the ’80s. It’s the adventure of a long-haul trucker who has a love-hate accord with the road, and finds it both absolution and restricting. Mark Wills and Aaron Tippin accept additionally covered the song.
Milsap shows off his vibrato-laden carol on this Don Gibson-penned No. 1 ballad, which has additionally been covered by Roy Orbison, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. The access is appropriate: “(I’d Be) A Legend in My Time” appearance a lovelorn protagonist, who tries to accomplish ablaze of his bearings by badinage he’d win a affliction challenge (“If bareness meant apple acclamation / Everyone would apperceive my name”). Plaintive piano, aerial orchestras and candied advancement harmonies accord Milsap’s adaptation a bequest ’50s vibe that apparel him well.
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Written by Eddie Rabbitt, Milsap’s upbeat aboriginal No. 1 country hit is a candied and somewhat-cheeky ode to the little things that accomplish a accord special. “With authentic love, baby, it’s authentic love,” he sings. “Milk and honey and Cap’n Crunch, and you in the mornin’.” What’s bigger than that?
Milsap adapted to the slicker assembly and keyboard-heavy appearance of the ’80s bigger than abounding of his ’70s country peers. Exhibit A: the dark, bedrock ‘n’ roll-leaning “Stranger in My House,” which beyond over to the pop archive and depicts a accord breakdown with ample keyboards and a abundant electric guitar solo. Luke Bryan abutting Milsap for an appropriately boxy booty on this song on the latter’s 2019 duets album.
If this song makes you alpha singing Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man,” that’s no accident: The Grammy-winning tune starts out an attentive piano ballad, afore blooming into a jaunty, accepted nod to the iconic country hit. Milsap portrays a man who touts adulation and allegiance against his partner: “When she’s down, she knows I’ll be beside her / ‘Cause I’m not aloof her lover, I’m her friend.”
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Milsap channeled aboriginal bedrock ‘n’ cycle action on this No. 1 hit, which charcoal one of his signature songs. Woozy saxophone and ablaze bang add a awakening ’50s blow to the addled ballad. For an extra-authentic feel, the song incorporates elements of the Five Satins’ 1956 archetypal “In the Still of the Night.” The song spent two weeks at No. 1 on the country chart, and additionally beyond over to the Top 10 of Billboard’s Developed Abreast chart. “Lost in the Fifties Tonight” additionally becoming Milsap a Grammys bays for Best Country Articulate Performance.
A No. 1 hit on both the country and developed abreast charts, and a Top 40 pop crossover hit, the mid-tempo bendable rocker “Smoky Mountain Rain” tells the adventure of a man hitching a ride aback to Tennessee because he’s had a change of affection about an ex. Unfortunately, his admired has disappeared, and while he understands (“I can’t accusation her for absolution go / A woman needs addition balmy to hold”), he’s vowed to acquisition her: “I feel the rain active bottomward my face / I’ll acquisition her no amount what it takes.”
Known by a few names over the years (including “No Getting Over Me”), this song was Milsap’s better pop crossover hit, landing at No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100. Milsap sings from the angle point of addition who’s been dumped, but knows his ex won’t be able to balloon him: “I’ll be the bill you forgot to pay / I’ll be the dream that keeps you alive / I’ll be the song on the radio.” On his 2019 duets album, Milsap teams up with Kacey Musgraves for an aggressive avant-garde update; in fact, abacus a changeable angle brings new, richer ambit to the song.
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THE PROPHECY OF Zacharias - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 3
Zacharias or Zachariah began to prophesy in the same year as Aggeus, and upon the same occasion. His prophecy is full of mysterious figures and promises of blessings, partly relating to the synagogue and partly to the Church of Christ. Ch. --- He is the "most obscure and longest of the twelve;" (S. Jer.) though Osee wrote the same number of chapters. H. --- Zacharias has been confounded with many others of the same name. Little is known concerning his life. Some have asserted that the ninth and two following chapters were written by Jeremias, in whose name C. xi. 12. is quoted Mat. xxvii. 9. But that is more probably a mistake of transcribers. Zacharias speaks more plainly of the Messias and of the last siege of Jerusalem than the rest, as he live nearer those times. C. --- His name signifies, "the memory of the Lord." S. Jer. --- He appeared only two months after Aggeus, and shewed that the Church should flourish in the synagogue, and much more after the coming of Christ, who would select his first preachers from among the Jews. Yet few of them shall embrace the gospel, in comparison with the Gentiles, though they shall at last be converted. S. Jer. ad Paulin. W.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin.
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 3
In a vision Satan appeareth accusing the high priest. He is cleansed from his sins. Christ is promised, and great fruit from his passion.
[1] And the Lord shewed me Jesus the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord: and Satan stood on his right hand to be his adversary.
Et ostendit mihi Dominus Jesum sacerdotem magnum, stantem coram angelo Domini : et Satan stabat a dextris ejus ut adversaretur ei.
[2] And the Lord said to Satan: The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan: and the Lord that chose Jerusalem rebuke thee: Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?
Et dixit Dominus ad Satan : Increpet Dominus in te, Satan! et increpet Dominus in te, qui elegit Jerusalem! numquid non iste torris est erutus de igne?
[3] And Jesus was clothed with filthy garments: and he stood before the face of the angel.
Et Jesus erat indutus vestibus sordidis, et stabat ante faciem angeli.
[4] Who answered, and said to them that stood before him, saying: Take away the filthy garments from him. And he said to him: Behold I have taken away thy iniquity, and have clothed thee with change of garments.
Qui respondit, et ait ad eos qui stabant coram se, dicens : Auferte vestimenta sordida ab eo. Et dixit ad eum : Ecce abstuli a te iniquitatem tuam, et indui te mutatoriis.
[5] And he said: Put a clean mitre upon his head: and they put a clean mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and the angel of the Lord stood.
Et dixit : Ponite cidarim mundam super caput ejus. Et posuerunt cidarim mundam super caput ejus, et induerunt eum vestibus : et angelus Domini stabat.
[6] And the angel of the Lord protested to Jesus, saying:
Et contestabatur angelus Domini Jesum, dicens :
[7] Thus saith the Lord of hosts: If thou wilt walk in my ways, and keep my charge, thou also shalt judge my house, and shalt keep my courts, and I will give thee some of them that are now present here to walk with thee.
Haec dicit Dominus exercituum : Si in viis meis ambulaveris, et custodiam meam custodieris, tu quoque judicabis domum meam, et custodies atria mea, et dabo tibi ambulantes de his qui nunc hic assistunt.
[8] Hear, O Jesus thou high priest, thou and thy friends that dwell before thee, for they are portending men: for behold I WILL BRING MY SERVANT THE ORIENT.
Audi, Jesu sacerdos magne, tu et amici tui, qui habitant coram te, quia viri portendentes sunt : ecce enim ego adducam servum meum Orientem.
[9] For behold the stone that I have laid before Jesus: upon one stone there are seven eyes: behold I will grave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts: and I will take away the iniquity of that land in one day.
Quia ecce lapis quem dedi coram Jesu : super lapidem unum septem oculi sunt : ecce ego caelabo sculpturam ejus, ait Dominus exercituum, et auferam iniquitatem terrae illius in die una.
[10] In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, every man shall call his friend under the vine and under the fig tree.
In die illa, dicit Dominus exercituum, vocabit vir amicum suum subter vitem et subter ficum.
Ver. 1. Jesus, or Josue, the son of Josedec, the high priest of that time. Ch. --- To him this literally refers. W. --- As high priest, he represented the nation, whom several calumniated to Darius. 1 Esd. iv. &c. God represses the adversary and adorns his people. It seems something has been done amiss. v. 4. C. --- The high priest, (S. Jer.) or rather his sons, have married strangers. Chal. 1 Esd. x. 18. Many Fathers take Jesus for a figure of the Messias, covered with the sins of mankind. C. --- But the Orient (v. 8) would not thus be promised unto him, (S. Jer.) unless we consider him also as high priest. --- Satan. Sept. "the devil;" the accuser and calumniator. Apoc. xii. 10.
Ver. 2. The Lord said. This may refer to the angel, or to the Father and the Son. Ps. cix. Both are styled Jehovah. --- Bread, alluding to the nation, or to Jesus. Have not the suffered enough? Amos iv. 11. C.
Ver. 3. Garments. Negligences and sins. Ch. --- Jesus had neglected to urge the building of the temple, or to repress unlawful marriages. 1 Esd. viii. W.
Ver. 4. Change, such as were worn on festivals. This shewed that the people should exchange adversity for joy.
Ver. 5. Mitre, (cydarim) the pontiff's tiara, of byssus. Ex. xxviii. 4.
Ver. 7. Judge. The high priests were at the head till the Machabees. Jos. Ant. xi. 4. and xx. 8. --- Yet the nation was, (C.) till Simon, (H.) always dependent; and the judges were under foreign kings or governors. C. --- Give thee, &c. Angels to attend and assist thee. Ch. --- They are promised to help the pastors of the Church. W. --- They shall give information. v. 9. Ex. xxiii. 20. C. --- Of them. Sept. "who shall converse in the midst of these who stand:" (H.) thy children shall succeed in the pontificate. Theod.
Ver. 8. Portending men. That is, men who by words and actions are to foreshew wonders that are to come; (Ch.) or rather they require prodigies before they will take courage to build the temple; or they understand how to explain such things. C. --- Orient; Christ, who according to his humanity is the servant of God, is called the Orient, from his rising like the sun in the east to enlighten the world. Ch. --- S. Luke explains this of Christ, (W.) recording the words of Zacharias. H. --- Christ's birth was most pure. He gave light to the world. Some would explain this of Zorobabel; but as he was already present, it would seem more applicable to Nehemias. Yet both were only figures of Christ, and could not efface the iniquity of Juda, &c. The Messias is styled the Bud, C. vi. 12. Is. iv. 2. &c. C. --- Tsemach signifies either "the bud or the orient." H.
Ver. 9. The stone. Another emblem of Christ, the rock, foundation, and corner-stone of his Church. --- Eyes. The manifold providence of Christ over his Church, or the seven gifts of the Spirit of God. Ch. --- The Jews were lately returned from a country where seven chief officers were styled "the king's eyes," having to inform him of the conduct of governors, &c. Zorobabel shall build the temple, as a figure of Christ establishing his Church. C. iv. 10. --- Grave. Sept. "dig a pit." The rest agree with us. Christ adorns and instructs his Church. C. --- Day. The day of the passion of Christ, the source of all our good: when this precious stone shall be graved, that is cut and pierced with whips, thorns, nails, and spear. Ch.
Ver. 10. Tree. All shall be peace and concord. H. - They shall communicate to each other spiritual goods, abounding in the Church. M.
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