#and stephen is not an extremely enthusiastic roleplayer so like--
blujayonthewing · 2 years
we're playing Nyssa's campaign on new year's eve and her DM messaged us that we're picking up where we left off-- which was waiting to meet up with a new PC, whose player has since moved out of state-- and that we've got a couple days with no objective and 'think about what you'll want to do, the time is yours :)'
we've only just got into this campaign so our characters barely know each other yet and we have no real overarching goals or dangling plot threads or personal projects we could really be working on during in-town downtime, so like.......... I mean I can think of one thing my very touch starved satyr would love to spend the next two days doing, if that's what we want this entire session to be about,,
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Name: Leopold Stotch
Meaning of Name: Leopold: Brave People. Stotch: Bold, Darling, Brave. 
Nickname(s):  Butters, Professor Chaos, Marjorine,
Age: 18 
Birthday: September 11
Species/Nationality: Human, American (Born on the island of Kaua'i, Hawaii) 
Accent: Yes
Language spoken: English, Mongolian, 
Powers: Only his imagination.
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Normal mortal weakness, Herniated Colon/IBS/Crohn's Disease, Anger Issues, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Misdiagnosed), Unspecified personality disorder/mental disorder, Trauma, Nightmares, Stammering/Stuttering, Overactive bladder, Allergic to almonds, Sight impaired in left eye, Prone to mental breaks and self harm, Vocal Disability/Speech Impediment, “Pure of Heart”, 
Pet: Hamsters, Cat,
Occupation: College Student, Willy's Chilly Ice Cream Parlor Worker (Former), Applebees Employee, Author, Business Owner, Restaurant Owner, Butters Kissing Company (Pimping), Musician, Dancer, Vocalist, Cryptocurrency Enthusiast, Super Villain, Artist, Roleplayer, Internet Sensation, Entrepreneur, Vape Hawking, 
Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow
Description: Blond hair. Blue eyes (Left one is lighter than the right). Scar over left eye. Tiny pin-like scars on his right leg from being stabbed with a fork by his grandmother. 
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Jesus on the cross.
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 134
Body Build: Lean/Fit
Leopold was born to Stephen and Linda Stotch eighteen years before current events. He grew up in a severely mentally and physically abusive home due to his parents, and if not his parents, then from one of his own grandmothers. Who would often torment Leopold maliciously without much provocation, unlike his parents whose own brand of torment toward him seemed to have some restraint in it. Otherwise, the parents seem to adore their only child, when they are not tormenting him or grounding him. In a twisted sense his parents had often been flip floppy with their moods toward their son, but ultimately seems to come from a misguided place of love and their own upbringings getting in the way of being even anywhere near remotely decent parents for Leopold.
 As a toddler attending preschool Leopold had gotten another classmate in trouble and was sent away to juvenile hall. The other toddler threatened to come back and get revenge on Leopold when they got out. Leopold grows up, remaining an only child and being abused to the point he develops a stammer. As well as a lot of other issues which start to show more and more starting from when Leopold is around the ages 7-9. Up until that point Leopold remained a nervous yet still very much pure and mostly innocent child, unlike most, if not nearly every other child in his town. Leopold is often the butt of many jokes, or the scapegoat to many schemes to the main group of boys and then some, throughout the town. He is often abused by his so called ‘friends’ though doesn’t take most of those abuses to heart.
Because he accepts the abuses from those around him Leopold’s anger sometimes comes out in some of the most violent twists, opposing his natural personality to extremes which always shocks others witnessing the sudden splits he tends to have during his meltdowns. Leopold would often be left out from the games of the other children as well, which left him to play games by himself and develop many isolated hobbies such as art, and model building. He would even act out characters with himself, which had one time gotten him taken to be checked if he had Dissociative Identity Disorder. He was labeled to have it for a brief time before it was discovered that this was a misdiagnoses, simply due to the fact that the man who had diagnosed him with it had been using him to scapegoat their own DID, onto him. 
Outside of such events in his life Leopold continues to try and keep a happy and upbeat personality in spite of all the troubles he goes through. This has continued to solidify his appearance of having a pure heart. Though at times Leopold had fallen into many immature pitfalls due to his warped sense of reality, as many of the people in his town. This has made him, one of the more intelligent of characters, often come across as stupid, due to his gullibility and having not too much other immediate exposure to people outside of his home town, to help him develop more healthy quirks and/or personality traits and so often tends to get into toxic or otherwise indecent behavior with everyone else. Other times he does so simply to fit in with his friends. Either way he decides to live inside this seventh circle of hell, he continues to fall more and more into mental instability. 
As he grows up and becomes a teenager, life remains the same as previously described up until this point. Hardly changing for what seems like more years than he’s actually grown. Leopold continues to become the scapegoat to many schemes, certainly after becoming Eric Cartman’s go to for many of them, especially the more dangerous stunts Cartman can think up, that way Leopold can take the brunt of any damage or other torment. If Cartman is simply not outright directly pranking Leopold to torture the blond for his own amusement without the involvement of others. Leopold would also become more and more rich because of some of the boy’s schemes leading to acquiring businesses, or some other inane thing in a money scheme, probably proposed by Cartmen who would often fall on his own petard and dump the projects onto Leopold for any negative blame. 
After High School Leopold attends the local college in South Park, or around it, close enough he doesn’t have to go very far. He also works at an Applebee's, even though he’s so rich he legitimately doesn’t have to work at such an establishment ever again in his life, he enjoys the control and routine of going to a job, or going to college. As opposed to sitting around with any of his own thoughts while not distracted with his friends’ shenanigans. Despite this however, he does still seem to find himself often on his own, or abandoned by his friends, and stuck with his own thoughts and hatred toward himself, and/or others, along with his ever present mental instability and intrusive thoughts at times. 
The Future
Leopold ends up locked in an asylum because he’s just too good at convincing and manipulating people into buying or doing shit that he can’t even be trusted alone with a piece of fucking paper. Anyway, he’s left a piece of paper and escapes his cell one night, and is unleashed once more to wreak havoc, or not. Who knows.
(Work In Progress)
Self-Critical, Athletic, Hardworking, Imaginative, Adaptable, Self-Sufficient, Persuasive, Fun-Loving, Sweet, Innocent, Child-like, Nice, Intelligent, Kind, Naive, Self-Improving, Perfectionist, Thoughtful, Assertive, Wise, Self-Confident, Perceptive, Gullible, Vulnerable, Annoying, Inappropriate, Opportunistic,  Low-Self Esteem, Awkward, Sensual, Restrained, Neutral, Impressionable, Sarcastic, Whimsical, Enigmatic, Moralistic, Freewheeling, Pissy, Anti-Social, Rude, Insulting, Silly, Wishful, Brutal, Inconsiderate, Offhand, Treacherous,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Butters, Perfectionism, Tries to break the fourth wall (Thinking he’s in some tv show/movie), Hates how nail files feel, Androgynous Appearance (Depending), Is a heavy sleeper, Eats Ice, Stammers, Keeps Movie Tickets, Reciting Strange Facts, Skills: Theology, Adaptability, Map-Making, Cold Reading, Juggling, Trivia, Music, Crafts, Yo-Yo Tricks, Art, Writing, Singing, Dancing, Hobbies: Gambling, Pottery, Record Collecting, Creative Writing, Art, Lock Picking, Working out, Skateboarding, People-watching, Treasure Hunting, Cliff Diving, Sewing, Home Science Experiments, Reading, Netball, Spray-Painting, Model Trains, Backpacking, Robot Combat, Scouting, Roleplaying, Partying, Collecting Bookmarks/Movie Tickets, Bungee Jumping, 
Likes: Model building, Seashells, Stationary, Water Parks, Carpet Floors, Simplicity, Mythology, Blood Moons, Early Afternoons, Hello Kitty, The Dessert, Sarcasm, Droning Noises, Cities, Libraries, Buddy Cop Movies, Literature, Glass Art, Fashion, Bookmarks, Movie Tickets, Solar Eclipses, Science, Being on Time, Bananas, Singing, Pop Music, Dinosaurs, Hello Kitty Island, Blogging, Astronomy, Horses, Christmas, Hot Weather, Puns, Puppets, Early Summer, Fixing/Tuning Cars, Football, Dancing, Dressing Up, The Beach, Blanket Forts, Magic Tricks, Talking, 
Dislikes: The Ocean, Cold Water, Setting Sun, Facial Hair, Late Spring, Planes, Fish, Hot Pink, Road Trips, Horror Games, Rock Music, Clowns, Language Arts, Bees, J-Pop, Squid, Rocks, Porcelain Sculptures, Twitter, Vanilla Sex, Surprises, Comedy Podcasts, 
Fears: The number 666, The sea, Blood, Pain, His parents, 
Personality Tests:
Other: Virgo,   
   -> Father: Stephen Stotch
   -> Mother: Linda Stotch
Sibling(s): None
Other Relatives: Grandma Stotch, Budd Stotch (Uncle), Nellie Stotch (Aunt), Friends: Kenny McCormick, Dougie O’Connell, Bradley,
                                                            Alternate Universes
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