#and sustainable mold is arguably more challenging to set up
thankstothe · 1 year
Episode: breaks the mold and stars to go surreal, flips the script, plays with the timeline, generally confusing
Excited me to me: I'm gonna love it aren't I
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mhornar · 6 years
A Defense of the Tau Caste System, Part 3: Caste Mobility
So in part 1 I talked about the overview of the Castes and the biological nature of their separation.  Part 2 focused on the history of the castes and how that influenced their modern social structures.  We also looked at the internal structure of the castes, and discussed what limitations it provided to rising on one’s own merits within the caste. Now we’re concluding by looking at the other traditionally recognized flaw of a caste system, it’s mobility, or lack therof.
Caste Mobility: So here's where we drift solidly into fan theorizing.  We've already discussed the wide population discrepancy between the Castes.  Fire Caste members serve only in the ground forces of the Tau military.  Air Caste members are so committed to orbital and space travel that they have developed physical variation from the basic Tau biology.  Water Caste members serve as diplomats and free traders.  The Ethereals are priest/bureaucrats.  Every one of these professional focuses represent a very small percentage of the total Tau population. Everyone not in one of these Castes falls into the Earth caste.  It's certainly probable that the other castes include civilian populations, but if so we're not told about them explicitly.  The Water Caste would certainly stretch easily into a similar role at home.  Social workers, marketers and shopkeeps would all benefit from the talents we are told are inherent to the Water caste.  The Fire Caste depends on the Earth Caste to develop and produce their weapons, armor, and drones.  However there are positions in that development chain that require consults with people from the field. We already discussed the “who pilots local transportation” when discussing possible Air Caste civilians. Even with those possible “civilian reserves” though, the professional Castes have one glaring weakness.  Where do they get more personnel if needed? Going back to the biology discussion, we are told by the codexes that the Tau have a strict ban on cross-caste children.  In looking at their histories we also discussed how that strict ban can't have been in place in the beginning as the caste stratification would have taken centuries or millennia to settle during the unification of the homeworld. In 1913, Germany had an estimated population of approximately 65 million people.  During World War I they sustained approximately 2 million casualties.  So in the process of fighting a single war they lost 3% of their population (primarily their young, male population at that).  During the war their total births per year cut in half by 1917.  By the 1930s though their population had returned to pre-war levels, and they had an entirely new population of soldiers.  This time their next war killed a total of 6% of their total pre-war population, without even factoring in their genocide against their own citizens. In the Warhammer 40k setting, casualty rates like those that Germany sustained are a feature, not a bug.  The Imperium regularly hurls crusades numbering in the tens of millions of soldiers at threats.  Space Marines kill thousands of enemy soldiers without taking so much as a scratch themselves.  For many of those factions “recovering from losses” is built in. Orks and Tyrannids simply make more of themselves, through spores and biomass.  Chaos recruits from among those trillions of Imperium citizens.  The Necron have huge galaxy spanning armies hidden away everywhere just waiting to be awakened. The Tau don't do that. They make more soldiers the old fashioned way, by raising children into young men and women and asking them to do the impossible.  When they send their Fire Warriors against a major offensive, what happens if they lose?  Hell what happens even if they win?  Losing an entire generation of German soldiers crippled their nation for a time, but they recovered militarily because all they had to do was wait until the next generation grew up.  They still had 65 million people who could produce possible soldiers.  If instead only 10 percent of the population were genetically allowed to serve in the military and a third of that population died in a single war (or even a single battle for something like Stalingrad) then Germany might never have recovered (especially if their enemies planned to exterminate their entire population if they surrendered, thereby denying them time to recover the natural way). The Air Caste is even more specialized.  What happens if a fleet of Hero class frigates and Colony class carriers is destroyed in battle.  It's not like you can pull your remaining crews off the front lines and tell them “all right guys, for the future of the empire you have to spend the next decade having as many babies as you can.”  I mean if you can get a cease fire...definitely do that.  But you need those crews fighting. Of course there is a huge population they can pull from which solves all of these problems.  The Earth caste is the vast majority of the population.  It has to be because they're doing everything else.  However we're explicitly told that it's the Fire Caste the provides the soldiers, and the Air Caste provides the spacecraft.  The Earth Caste are just civilians.  What if we inverted our understanding about Tau society a bit?  I've noted before that within each Caste there seems to be little class stratification and it otherwise seems to work like a professional track.  What if the Castes aren't instruments of genetic purity, and are instead primarily professional organizations? The Tau believe in serving the Greater Good at all cost.  They gladly lay down their lives in order to ensure that everyone in their civilization will do better as a whole.  While the communist analogy is overdone and inaccurate, the Tau do plan out their economy to a degree.  Children born into specific Castes receive education and training in the professions of their Caste.  We're told that Fire Caste soldiers are so good because they have been trained in the hunting strategies of the ancient nomads on their homeworld.  
You know where hunting strategies derived from wide open plains might not be useful?  On spacecraft boarding parties, where the field of battle is three dimensional, cramped and subject to a wide array of environmental dangers.  The folks who probably would have a natural understanding of those environments?  The Air Caste.  Yet for some reason, it's Fire Warriors who do this job.  Most navies, when faced with the challenge of boarding enemy ships, landing on beaches and otherwise fighting at sea developed some form of specialized marines.  So why did the Tau, arguably the best space navy on a per capita basis (god I loved my Tau fleet in Gothic), decide they didn't need this? What makes more sense is that people born into the Air Caste population are chosen and trained as marines, given the Tau's standard battle gear, and inducted into the Fire warriors for service in space.  Being asked to leave the traditions of your birth family to take up a new family for service to the Greater Good is precisely the kind of sacrifice the Tau have been trained to make.  Over generations this would also breed new capacities and skills into the Fire Caste and make them more effective in their own assigned roles. A Fire caste child who shows no knack for combat, but who has the gift to create amazing music would be wasted as a common soldier.  Why would the Ethereals simply throw away a gift that would stand out exceptionally amongst the Earth Caste, merely to fill a private's slot in a unit of Fire Warriors.  How does that serve either the Greater Good, or the Ethereals' planning.  Especially if that child would end up later having children who might also not fit the mold of the Fire Warrior, creating a cascading effect over time. If large numbers of casualties are sustained or expected to be sustained, why not draw replacements from those amongst the Earth Caste who show a potential for the Fire or Air fields.  By the time you have finished training them, they will be Fire or Air Caste, not Earth.  They might still have relatives in the old Caste, but their family will be in their new one. The response of course is that none of the Codexes or other material say that this happens. Now obviously that's why I said we'd be hitting fan theorizing here. My response though is to once again point out that the Codexes are largely written from an outside point of view (and are also almost entirely focused on the military forces).  An outsider sees the Tau Castes and sees an inviolable wall, because to the Tau once you cross that wall you don't go back.  Your service to the Greater Good means letting your old life go and becoming your new self. This theory is also interesting to me because it might in time allow the other species of the Empire to be drawn into the Castes.  A Fire Warrior could, in the end, be a Kroot, Human, or Vespid just as easily as it could be a Tau. So in conclusion.  The Tau Caste system would likely seem oppressive to those of us who grew up in upper or middle-class American or European society, with the privilege to believe that we could be anything we wanted when we grew up.  To the Tau however it is a valuable part of their society, offers the freedom to climb as high as your abilities take you, and may even allow for Caste mobility in service to the State.  Most importantly though, it is how they determine who among them will offer themselves in direct service to the Greater Good, and to the Tau that is the greatest honor they desire.
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
Transfer distraction, injury blows: Why Man Utd figure's luck has drastically changed - opinion
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s first few months in the Manchester United hotseat had some people thinking he was the answer to the club’s many problems.
The Norwegian almost won all of them, drawing the other, whilst swatting teams aside and being able to coax genuine consistency out of the likes of Marcus Rashford and Paul Pogba, who seemed like lost causes under Jose Mourinho.
Had the Red Devils cracked it? Was their former fox-in-the-box actually the managerial reincarnate of Sir Alex Ferguson?
One point separated City and Liverpool but twenty-five separated them from the rest! Fans discuss who could reduce the deficit next season in the video below?
He had only previously managed Molde and Cardiff, and most people involved in football would have been able to tell you that his early success would be a mere flash in the pan based on no substance whatsoever; someone forgot to tell United that, however, and they handed him a three-year deal.
To compare Solskjaer’s first ten games to his last 10 in all competitions, while he began his stint with nine wins and a draw – 5-1 win over Cardiff being his first game – the Norwegian won just two games and lost six as the season drew to a disappointing close.
But why? What changed?
Well, to start off with, Solskjaer didn’t really face a serious challenge in his first ten games. He picked up wins over Cardiff, Huddersfield, Newcastle, Bournemouth, Reading, Brighton and Leicester, and also drew to Burnley.
To make matters worse, those wins weren’t on the basis of a sustained, effective plan, but more down to fortuitous circumstances, proven by the wheels coming off at the end of the campaign.
Everyone was fit. Everyone was happy that Mourinho had gone. And most importantly, everyone had their confidence back and had the freedom to express themselves; Solskjaer physically couldn’t do any worse than the Portuguese boss had done in his final weeks at the club.
Man Utd under Solskjaer
Goals 39 Expected Goals 29.8
Goals Conceded 13 Expected Goals Against 21.3
Games played 17 Penalties won 7
— Orbinho (@Orbinho) March 6, 2019
As of the 6th of March – admittedly after his first ten games had been played – United’s expected goals were down by almost 10 in comparison to their actual amount of goals scored, which suggests that they were performing well above the level they should’ve realistically been at. In short, it was unsustainable.
At the other end of the pitch in defence, United were expected to have 21.3 goals go past them, although in reality, they conceded just 13; again, this was unsustainable and showed that opponents were creating enough to beat them.
The Red Devils were also awarded seven penalties before the 6th of March, which helped make their actual goals in comparison to expected goals look a little bit easier on the eye.
In the last ten games, Solskjaer picked up just two wins having come up against considerably harder opponents.
The Norwegian faced off against some of Europe’s elite clubs in Manchester City, Barcelona and Chelsea and ended up losing six of the last 10 games of the campaign whilst drawing two.
Along with the fact that the quality of opponent was ramped up in comparison to his first 10 matches in charge, a number of other factors have to be taken into account.
After reports emerged towards the end of March linking star man Paul Pogba with a move to Spanish giants Real Madrid, the Frenchman’s form tailed off massively and consequently saw United’s level of performance suffer too.
Since being linked with the switch to the Spanish capital, Pogba hit just two goals from then until the end of the season; both of those came in the same game, a narrow 2-1 win over West Ham.
Given the fact that the former Juventus man was arguably one of the main catalysts behind United’s revival post-Mourinho, any dip in form from the midfielder would have been bound to negatively affect the whole team, and so it did.
Furthermore, Solskjaer also saw some important players crippled with injury problems, but none more damaging to results than Ander Herrera.
The Spaniard, who has since announced that he will be leaving the club, is the only one of his kind at Old Trafford in the dogged, determined way that he sets about winning the ball back and distributing it wisely; he was Solskjaer’s N’Golo Kante.
So, when a hamstring injury forced the former Athletic Bilbao man off against Liverpool in late February, it would prove to be a monumental blow for Solskjaer and United as he managed to appear in just four games throughout the remainder of the campaign.
All of these individuals factors proved too much for Solskjaer to handle, and completely tore apart the arguments that could’ve been made to justify his appointment on a permanent basis.
It was unbelievably foolish of the Red Devils to jump the gun and hand him a contract as long as a three-year one after a decent run of form in which everything fell into place for the former Molde man; surely they should’ve waited until a rainy day arrived to see how Solskjaer would stand against the tide?
Solskjaer really was riding the crest of a wave at Old Trafford whilst the shackles of Mourinho were taken away from his players’ legs, but it was never going to last.
It was a ‘new manager bounce’, the type we see relegation candidates enjoy momentarily before their actual state of incompetence and inferiority resumes and normality is restored.
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2X6di05 via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2VShvDh via IFTTT
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armorroofing · 7 years
Wow! Armor Roofing - Waldron MO Roofing Estimates
The article Wow! Armor Roofing - Waldron MO Roofing Estimates originally appeared on Armor Roofing Kansas City.
Your house's roof is a fundamental part of your property. Finding a lovely and beautiful household may be the intent of any one with a family. You will definitely spend an enormous amount of time in your home with your family. But you have got to first confirm that your family home is definitely the perfect location for your entire family to live comfortably. It is usually hence necessary that no surprising situations like mold from a rooftop rupture result in misery in your own home. Optimal maintenance of your roof structure must be of the greatest importance to you and your household members, therefore.
The roof is the most crucial section of the home arguably, as without a healthy roof covering, the interior of your home could be exposed to the elements which make having a household immaterial. In the event that a considerable thunderstorm strikes the Waldron locality, consider phoning us to make sure that undiscovered water property damage will in no way affect your household.
Here at our company, buyers contentment is definitely our most serious care. We are very pleased to uphold a top score with the local BBB as a verification of to our commitment to superiority. Numerous roof replacement work ought to be covered by insurance, and we can help you understand through the red tape to increase the chances that your claim agreed to by your adjuster. We give at least a 5-year assurance on virtually every roof top project we execute, and your total satisfaction is ensured.
The very last thing you wish to have is for an unseen roof structure leaks to trash your building and things on the inside. Contact us this morning for your risk-free examination.
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If you prefer your roof to persist through the strong rainfall in the Waldron region, then you are encouraged to make certain your roof is well maintained and mended at the point it is appropriate. If you think your roofing material is pretty old, then it may well need to be ultimately changed out, and this can certainly get incredibly costly. Even so, one should not use that as a reason to hold up making sure it is cared for. The issue is straightforward. Because the damage caused will become worse, it will likely set you back more than previously, and I am sure that no-one, would desire that to manifest. Being subjected to inclement weather frequently, the rooftop will in time have a need for fixes, it is merely a matter to do with when.
The good news is usually two fold. For starters, the majority of people impacted by roof structure damages only require a low-budget service of the worn piece of the roof structure with leaks. Second, of all, for the most par, for the most part, be taken care of by your insurance vendor. This challenge is that they only will compensate for the work if the roofing job is performed to their exacting quality standards. Subsequently it will make sense to engage the ideal Waldron roofing contractor to boost the likelihood the roof work is actually done with the essential high-quality, and subsequently, your insurance inspector is gratified.
So, What Kinds Of Roof Damage Should One Look For?
To actually assess a roofing materials' dependability, you will find a bunch of questions you should have to understand conditional upon the design and style of roof covering you have got:
So Why Would A Guy Go Ahead With A Complete Replacement?
Can you come across any wood corrosion through the roofing parts? Wood decomposition is depressing info for proprietors. Regretfully, some sort of roofing contracting will in your coming future. Some waiting probably would bring on larger concerns and then you might require participating in a substantial remodel of your abode on account of damages attributable to water.
Do you ever spot the physical appearance of deterioration with your house's aluminum roof covering? Corrosion is quite obviously not a positive sign. Right now would definitely be a sound moment in time to find the direction of a professional. Everywhere you will find there's rust, there can be a leak, and that may very well be truly horrible news or information for any family house.
How exactly does the sarking down below your shingles come across? The part underneath the rooftop is known as sarking. Think of this damage as a sign that in depth roof structure servicing is required. So long as you need to keep the problem safely contained, it is recommended to sort out the situation as early as you can.
Are a ton of roof top tiles messed up? You ought to especially switch out the cracked tiles and then would probably need a 100 % re-roof if the wreckage turns out to be major.
If you happen to do uncover injuries, you can do a negligible remedy or sometimes a whole replacement, each with good aspects and issues. Many people might seek to pick a roofing repair contractor with extensive experience ahead of making a final determination as to whether or not a roof structure remedy or roof replacement might possibly be called for. Pay attention to that you will discover no need to take a look at the asphalt shingles on your own time to spot wear. Many esteemed roofing companies will offer you inspections gratis, and so it's best not to attempt to go over your roofing to survey for property damage.
You should make contact with Armor Roofing at once for your zero cost roof top inspection, and so you do not have a motivation to begin doing it yourself.
Call Us Today!Call Us Today! (816) 331-7663
The best thing you can do is to speak to Armor Roofing LLC this moment for a gratis roof inspection so that you have zero motive to do it yourself. Subsequent to a thorough assessment, your Waldron roofing contractor can explain to you with realistic actuality what your improvement available alternatives happen to be and specifically how much each will be priced at. If perhaps it would seem that the roof consultant is leaning against an entire replacement, they're just a few factors you really need to investigate.
Just What Precisely Are The Several Many Benefits Of the Roofing Replacements?
The plain benefit will be the fact that you will certainly have a spanking new roof top. It is easy to loosen up normally for a generation considering that the roof top ought to sustain what ever the Waldron weather throws against it with the exception complete catastrophe. In the case a new roof ultimately isn't going to entice you at the moment, a much more simple mend can even be undertaken if or when the deterioration isn't actually that bad.
Whenever you decide to get rid of your current home in the future, a fresh new rooftop is definitely a great decision. Lots of people will search for a building offering a recently installed roof and that is why mending, or possibly updating your rooftop can raise the price quite notably.
Top Reasons To Reject A Total Roofing Installation in Waldron
Without a doubt, a cool new roof covering is going to be a more protracted and challenging endeavor as opposed to a super-easy fixing. You must not be stressed about this too much any time you go for the top roof company who seems to have the practice down to a science. In terms of the total price, $7 thousand and $10 thousand is normally a traditional cost range with respect to a roof structure replacement. Clearly, this is an ordinary band, and very much probably will vary upon the manner of shingles a roofer chooses for the new roof. As mentioned previously, this is commonly taken care of by your insurance corporation, just strictly in the case when the replacement is agreed on up front and completed with the proper workmanship. Just one motivation why our valued clients delight in our services is that we make an attempt to ensure to aide you get a remitted demand.
In cases where you are taking a look at the best roofing inside Waldron, we are ready to work with you after you are actually eager. No one betters Armor Roofing Services every time it comes down to customers happiness and superiority. Simply click on the hotlink right below to make contact with us today!
Call Us Today!Call Us Today! (816) 331-7663
Armor Roofing LLC - Kansas City 6600 NW Tower Dr #104 Kansas City, MO 64151 (816) 935-9312 http://kansascity.roofsareus.com
The post Wow! Armor Roofing - Waldron MO Roofing Estimates appeared first on Armor Roofing Kansas City.
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