#and take major pay cut to the point where idk if id actually be able to afford to live there
gaystardykeco · 11 months
the problem with vacation is that now in three days i have to go back to working and being alone the rest of the time and idk if i can handle it
#cw suicide#genuinely i dont think i can handle that anymore like the idea of going back to that makes me want to die so bad#like its so lonely and work is so bad#what am i supposed to do when work makes me want to kill myself#and i have nothing to look forward to outside of work bc i lost all my friends and cant make more without inevitably hurting and losing the#and the only shot i have at a new job would mean i have to move to a more expensive city that i dont want to live in on short notice#and take major pay cut to the point where idk if id actually be able to afford to live there#and then potentially be in the same kind of work situation as here where i feel alienated from everyone and am shitty at my job#like im just always going to feel like this bc im bad at what i do so no job is going to be better#and im never going to be able to maintain friendships bc i cant fix the things that are wrong without support from friends#but i cant ask for support from friends bc that just leads to me emotionally draining them till they leave#and im so fucking tired i just feel like some ppl arent meant to survive and im one of them#like im just not built to exist or to be a real person ultimately me dying is the best thing for everyone at this point#sorry to be suicidal on here i try not to but lately its just all so constant and overwhelming#i just have nothing to look forward to as soon as this trip is over#like i had one more thing which was a friend visiting next week but we havent really been speaking so i assume thats off#and i just. idk im fucking tired and empty and lonely and nothing helps and i cant deal with being the only person that can fix me anymore#ive tried for so many years to fix me and apparently im the only one that can and i just keep failing so i clearly dont deserve to live
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Okay, so the brain’s a bit caught up in one of my other writing projects, but I refuse to abandon this entirely. So I’m gonna just power through this and then get back to Vibing™. 
Actually, it’s kinda cute that the hero Thirteen is introduced in chapter thirteen. I wonder if Hori did that on purpose or just managed it as a fun coincidence. 
[No. 13 - Rescue Training]
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So we start off on Wednesday morning (which would be April 12th/11th) at 7:35 AM. There’s a hostage situation by a villain who looks like a goddamned pokemon (my brain has made the ‘buff ditto’ comparison and now I am Shook) who is, according to Mt. Lady, a serial robber and murderer by the name of Habit Headgear. Kamui Woods, whose wood bindings have apparently been broken trying and failing to contain the guy, is tossed back on the ground as he notes the villain is strong and a quick strategist.
Seems like she and Kamui Woods have teamed up together! Or at least responded to the same villain attack again. Also, who’s this dude?
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Random Mii Blaster escaped from Smash Ultimate and is now in BNHA, when will the madness end. 
Naturally, the hostages are not handling this situation super well, though the crowds watching don’t seem as worried? IDK hard to tell from far away. The buff ditto villain uses double team, no wait I mean agility, actually his high speed to show how outclasses the heroes on the scene are. 
As he announces his plans to escape, we see All Might rushing in loud enough for the stomps to be heard. He announces his arrival mere moments before he fucking snaps the villain’s neck with a handchop - or, well, not really, but damn that had to be a hard hit. All Might also managed to grab the family out of harm’s way in the process, announcing that he’s on his morning commute. 
The crowds cheer for All Might, while Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods are somewhat put out - they appreciate the help, but also worry All Might will put them out of business.
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(I guess this is where all those fics that do bring up how All Might cuts down the hero job market on his own pull from? Or just coincidence, who knows.)
The police thank All Might with salutes for the help, and All Might give his own quick responding salute before he declares he needs to head off so he won’t be late. Of course, that’s when he hears about a hit-and-run (that super hearing lol) and takes off, just so coincidentally in the direction of said trouble. Despite that fact that he needs to get to work. This man.
While he’s in the air, he considers how his speed has dropped, and that he’s been weakening since he passed on his power. Not to mention that after his rescue of Izuku and Katsuki from the sludge villain, his maximum time went down. Which is not at all referencing him about to overdo it again and lose more time, no siree.
We descend into a flashback to right where we left off after the battle trial, with All Might confronting Izuku about telling Katsuki about (some of) One For All. All Might is surprised and a bit nervous? Worried? Or that bead of sweat in the flashback might be from the strain of holding the form when he’s about to run out of time. 
In any case, Izuku in the past apologizes and says he hasn’t even told his mom, but that he had to tell Katsuki something… All Might determines this might be a consequence of not being explicit enough about keeping the secret, since Izuku isn’t the type to brag or boast. Also calls Izuku too sincere, hah, isn’t that the truth. All Might says it’s lucky Katsuki thought he was joking, so All Might can forgive the slip this time, but that Izuku cannot tell another soul. 
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(Stares at this.) (Looks at recent manga events.) Whelp.
Anyways, All Might catches the car of the hit and run guy (and man, that face the dude is making) while thinking about how, suitable successor or not, Izuku’s still just fifteen, so All Might had to make things clear. Of course, then All Might overhears about a hostage crisis the next town over, and, well.
We transition to right after lunch (12:50) with Aizawa announcing that that day’s hero training plans - something supervised by himself, All Might, and one other teacher. Izuku realizes it has to be a special class, while Sero raises his hand to ask what they’re doing. Aziawa’s reply?
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I swear this is exactly the same shit All Might did before the battle trial, gimme a second-
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Bahahahaha incredible. Though then again, I wonder if those are security cards keys to certain locations. It would make sense, though then I wonder how Katsuki and Izuku were able to get into Training Ground Beta without one… hrm��
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Anyways! Kaminari, Ashido, and Kirishima end up talking about it; Kaminari says it’ll be a rough day, with Ashido pumped as she agrees, and Kirishima also pumped as he says that it’s what being a hero is all about. Asui notes that she’ll be right as home in a flood. Aizawa silences them with a glare, saying he’s not done. He presses the button to unveil the costume lockers, telling the class that it’s their choice whether or not to wear their costumes, since some of them are ill-suited for this kind of activity.
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Oh boy, will this put you on the path to the hero you’ll be come… but not for the reasons you think, buddy. The joke here is trauma.
It seems like most of the class does still choose to go in costume, barring Izuku - whose costume is still being repaired after the damage done to it in battle training. However, he still has his belt, gloves, knee pads, and mouth guard (with the mouth guard being new) on him. 
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Golly, I wonder why your costume needed to be replaced, Izuku.
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Also Tenya jkfdkjdgfkj Oh My God You Dramatic Egg. He’s got a whistle and he’s directing the class to line up by ID number so they can fill the seats in an orderly fashion. 
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I’m love this boy so much. And it’s even funnier because the bus has an open layout, meaning it was pointless. Poor Tenya is in Despair, with Ashido teasing him for his efforts being wasted. 
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Savage. But yeah, looks like it’s Sato, Izuku, Asui, Kirishima, Tenya, Ashido, Aoyama, and Kaminari in the front seats. And Asui - sorry, Tsuyu - just outright says she says what’s on her mind, which startles Izuku since he didn’t expect her to talk to him I guess? She tells Izuku to call her Tsuyu, then turns to him and just says his quirk resembles All Might’s. 
Izuku, being the sincere boy he is, stutters and stumbles out something that almost looks like a denial, before Kirishima, bless his himbo soul, points out that All Might doesn’t get hurt by his own quirk, so they’re already different in that way. He then goes on to state that that kind of simple, strength enhancing quirk is awesome and that a lot of cool stuff can be done with it. 
Kirishima then goes on to show off his hardening, saying that it’s good for a fight, but otherwise boring. Midoriya ‘holy fuck I love quirks’ Izuku thinks otherwise, actually sparkling as he proclaims the quirk to be neat and more than enough for going pro. Kaminari notes that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal. Aoyama says his navel laser quirk is both strong and cool, and thus perfect for heroics. Ashido then kneecaps him by adding in that that’s as long as he doesn’t blow up his own stomach.
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Ashido’s Savagery: The Sequel.
In the next panel, we see Katsuki’s been paying attention to this convo, which has me wondering if this is when he was first starting to piece together OFA from Izuku’s mention of ‘getting the quirk from someone else’ and ‘like All Might’s’. However, when he is brought up in the conversation (alongside Shouto) as examples of ‘strong and cool quirks’, he feigns disinterest and looks away, trying to play cool.
(Also, he doesn’t seem to have his gauntlets on him here, though I know he’s brought one with him as seen a bit later. I wonder whether he chose to leave one of them behind or if he might have been restricted from bringing more than one by Aizawa… interesting either way.)
Tsuyu then brings up how Katsuki being so unhinged means he’ll never be popular. Katsuki, naturally, takes offence and slams his hands on the rail in front of him, demanding to know what she just said. Tsuyu sticks out her tongue as she points at him making her point. Poor Jirou, having to be seated next to someone so loud.
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And the moment literally the whole discord was waiting for, Kaminari’s brutal vocabulary takedown of Katsuki, something cut entirely from the anime. Friendly reminder that Kaminari is, in fact, a major lit nerd! He’s Not Dumb! Stop Making Him Dumb In Fics! He not only has the most verbose vocabulary in the class that isn’t from the rich kids (and in some ways is even more so), he also has Katsuki absolutely pegged despite only knowing him for a few days. He Earned His UA Spot.
While Katsuki snaps back at Kaminari, Izuku is hunched over in disbelief that Katsuki’s the one getting bullied for once, but he supposes that that’s UA for you…
To the side, Yaomomo declares the conversation vulgar, while Ochako is laughing and saying it’s fun. Offscreen, I’m assuming that it’s Kaminari mock-marvelling at how he didn’t think Katsuki’s mouth could get any fouler. 
The last panel on the page is Aizawa interrupting them to announce that they’ve arrived at the training grounds, and to look sharp. The whole class (I guess?) snaps to attention.
And that’s the halfway point, so I will leave the USJ proper for next time! This has been a Savage Mina and Smart Denki appreciation post, so appreciate them, or else.
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Lmao im a dumbass and accidentally deleted the ask this went to but i still have the answers oH WELL HERE WE GO ANYWAY @anakinkshamer​ Without further ado this is all the asks on that one post, for Hooker Green. (Under a cut to save space and not clog up everyone’s dashboards.)
1. Are they a good liar?
Depends on the lie. White lies? Sure. Big ones, nope. He get’s nervous and shifts around a lot and usually doesn’t make eye contact.
2. Thoughts on tattoos, piercings?
A+++ He has an eyebrow peircing and I think some ear piercings I never draw? Also he thinks tattoos are hella (and tbh a weakness of his lmao) but he doesn’t have any of his own.
3. In which historic era would they like to live?
hfdskhg iDK MY DUDE. He likes now. Idk maybe he’d like to see what the 1920s were like or maybe thats just my general love for the 1920s speaking.
4. Do they like to watch movies? Read books?
He loves watching movies. When he can keep his attention focused or smth he’ll try reading, but he’s not as big on it.
5. How do they act when they are sick?
Lazy afffffffff. He whines for Sunglow to come take care of him 100% of the time when he’s sick.
6. Thoughts on one night stands?
AHAHA Well he’s participated in them, so he’s certainly not against them. He legit just is like, yknow, wear a condom and shit. Don’t be stupid.
7. Are they funny?
Yep, whether he means to be or not he’s p funny sometimes.
8. Are they scared easily?
I wouldn’t think so, no.
9. Are they stubborn?
He can be, depending on the topic. Most times he give tf up and just lets the other person think they’re right, even if he knows he’s right.
10. What would they do if they found out their best friend was cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend ?
”Dude what the fUCK QUIT THAT SHIT. You know that’s gonna end in hell for all three of you by the end of it if you keep it up.” And generally kinda. Doesn’t let them forget what they’re doing is shitty.
11. Thoughts on abstinence? He’s cool if they want to do it, he didn’t though.
12. What would they do if their best friend told them they were doing drugs?
”Cool, whatever you want. Just either don’t do that hard shit, kay? Or at least keep it from me, I’m good w/ just smoking pot”
13. If they drank a truth serum what would they say? What’s their biggest secret?
”Sometimes it really frustrates me that I never feel romantic love for people, I’d love to be in a relationship, but I can’t give love back the way they’d want.”
14. How would they take if their friend, family member, lover died?
Sob. A lot. A not get over it for a long time. He doesn’t take loss easy.
15. Do they smoke?
Weed? Yep.
Cigarettes? Nope.
16. Do they worry about physical appearance too much?
Nope, not really.
17. Most extreme thing they’ve done?
I mean? One night stands and smoking pot is really as bad as he gets? He’s drove drunk and stuff before when he knew he shouldn’t? Idk he’s not really that bad.
18. How are they under pressure?
P okay I guess??? Idk he could be a lot worse. He gets a little shaky, but he can more or less hold it together if he needs to.
19. How would they react if they saw someone on the street being robbed?
Grab the robber if he could, if he couldn’t, he’d at least tell the police
20. How would they react if one day their best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend woke up and it turns out he/she has amnesia?
Be really sad tbh, but y’know kinda try to help jog their memory if he could.
21.Thoughts on anal sex?
A+ 10/10 in his opinion, but y’know, if ur not down w/ it thats ur deal and he’ll respect that.
22. One thing they would never ever do, under any circumstances?
I answered another one with a different answer, so another one is rape, or just generally take advantage of anyone like that. He couldn’t even force himself to if it’d keep him alive.
23. Do they have any sexual fantasizes?
Yep yep.
24. Most weird place they had sex?
Not His House. Like at a party. Idk it weirds him out to have sex in a place he’s not familiar with.
25. If they can meet anyone on this earth, dead or alive, who would they want to meet?
Maybe his granny. People always talk about her in a good manner, but she died before he was born.
26. Would they rather travel to past or the future?
Future, I’d think.
27. In what movie, book, tv series would they enter if they could?
Harry Potter. Magic is cool af.
28. What would they do if they won the lottery?
He wouldn’t know what the fuck to do w/ the money. Mainly I think he’d help Wenge and his friends and family. Then put the rest in a bank. Bc otherwise I don’t think he’d know what to do with it.
29. Who do they love more, mom or dad?
Momma. Not that he doesn’t love his dad, just his dad was at work more, so he spent more time w/ Momma.
30. If they are on the deserted island and they see a box, what would they like to be in that box?
A way to get home.
31, How do they express their love towards friends and family? (Presents, words, actions?)
Actions when he can. Otherwise, words.
32. Who is the most important person in their life?
Wenge tbh?? Idk he’s just? Been through a lot w/ Wenge.
33. What powers would they like to have?
Healing powers.
34. Do they like to travel?
Nah, he likes being at home.
35. Where do they travel most often?
To mom and dad’s house, or to Wenge’s. Though that’s not really traveling. The biggest traveling he does is to a lake most people don’t visit. He kinda sits by himself for a bit an smokes and thinks n whatnot.
36. How much luggage do they carry?
Just what he knows he’ll need.
37. Favourite transportation?
Walking. Or a car if it’s Long Distance.
38. Do they have a life motto? Or just a quote they really love?
”Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.”
39. Favourite season?
The spot inbetween Fall and Winter when all the good things and parades happen.
40. Favourite holiday?
Thanksgiving. He loves the warmth and family attitude that comes with it.
41. Do they and how do they work out?
Nope. So N/A I guess.
42. Do they sleepwalk?
43. What’s their astrology sign? (You can do a test here)
44. What’s their temperament? (You can do a test here)
45. What’s their personality type? (You can do a test here )
46. What’s their strongest intelligence? (You can do a test here)
Nature w/ a 4.57
47. Do they know how to ice skate?
I mean, probably not but he wouldn’t find it that hard to learn.
48. Where was their favourite and where their worst vacation?
Fave - To see cousins states away
Worst - A different time they went to see their cousins so much shit went wrong he gets mad thinking about it
49. Do they have a bad sexual experience?
I mean? Yeah, of course. Everyone who has sex does at some point. It just wasn’t major. More like, it just didn’t work or no one had an orgasm or they had a fight or something idk.
50. Do they masturbate?
Yeah, sometimes. Not as often now as he used to.
51. Biggest regret?
Not being able to help more.
52. How do they dress?
Comfy mainly. If looks can be added, cool. But mainly just for comfort.
53. Who was their childhood love?
He didn’t have one.
54. What they wanted to be when they grow up?
I don’t know. Maybe a zoologist.
55. Who in their family do they like the most?
56. Did they ever did something in school they were grounded for?
Yeah of course. Probably snuck out.
57. Thoughts on abortion?
To each their own just don’t hurt others for disagreeing.
58. Biggest adventure?
He’s on it fam, being a god father.
59. How they react when someone offends their friend/boyfriend/sibling?
He get’s defensive.
60. How would they react if they found out they were pregnant?
”Well.. This is a.. Predicament. To say the least.”
61. Who would they tell first about the pregnancy?
Sunglow probably?
62. Do they pay with cash or credit card?
Cash, mainly bc he never remembers if he has money on his credit card.
63. Best childhood memory?
Going to a waterpark during summer w/ some cousins.
64. Worst childhood memory?
Idk probably like?? Something that happened at school. People are dicks.
65. Are they scared easily?
I think I said no already.
66. Did they tried weed?
Multiple times fam lmao
67. Did they try more serious drugs?
68. Quirks?
He taps drumbeats on stuff when thinking
Talks to plants
Can recite the alphabet backwards w/ out fucking it up
69. Pet peeves?
Saying “Let there be light” every time any light switch is flipped on.
People who read over your shoulder on public transportation.
Suburban kids who think they are gangstas.
70. Do they have phobia?
Scared of spiders, cockroaches, and things flying in his face
71. Do they have any mania?
Nah I don’t think so.
72. Are they allergic to something?
Nope, not currently.
73. Do they sing in the shower?
I think he hums maybe, but not outright sings and belts a song.
74. What are they most embarrassed about?
His lack of romantic love.
75. Favourite art?
Starry Night probably. It’s makes him feel happy.
76. Who they call when their car breaks in the middle of nowhere?
His dad.
77. With whom did they lose their virginity and where?
His best friend in highschool. In their house, not his. I think he actually id get teary-eyed if not actually crying during/after. Wasn’t bc he was sad, just bc so many thoughts ran through his head at the time and it was all a little overwhelming.
78. How would they react if someone tried to rob them?
Punch the dick in the fucking face.
79. Did they have any family tradition when they were young?
Mhm. Visit cousins and other family every Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.
80. Do they cry at weddings?
Depends on the wedding. If it’s someone close like Sunglow or Family, of course. He’s a teary-eye’d mes. But they’re good, happy tears.
81. Who do they like to spend more time with, significant other or friends?
Friends. Doesn’t have a significant other and he doesn’t want one.
82. What’s their theme song? Some Hozier song, but I’m not entirely sure which? Hooker Green just has a very Hozier kind of feel. Perhaps Like Real People Do would be it?
Relationship Questions
1. Did they ever give/received a blowjob? Yep, he’s gave and recieved one. 2. When did they say they love each other? He says platonic ‘i love you’s all the time, but when he kinda? Meant it was to Wenge, when they kind of figured out this was gonna be a regular thing. 3. Favourite memory with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Look okay, Wenge is/was the closest thing he’s gonna have to a boyfriend. Anyway, favorite memory is probably laying around with Wenge, probably after it was very established they were good friends, best friends even, and Hooker Green could’ve called Wenge anytime for his Services and not have to pay, but he still did. They laid together on Hooker Green’s bed and talked for a long, long time before Hooker Green began to get sleepy and passed out in Wenge’s arms. He still remembers it, and thinks fondly on it often. 4. Biggest fight? Hooker Green is usually very non-confrontational, and avoids fights when he can. The worst fight he’s gotten into was when he was younger, someone said in public about how ‘that brown guy deserved it, the little bitch. He should’ve enjoyed it, getting that dick like he did, he’s a whore anyway..” among other things. Hooker Green stood up to him, and when the guy punched him, Hooker Green punched right fucking back. It escalated from them as you can imagine, and while I don’t have all the details worked out, I can assure you that Hooker Green won. 5. Who usually starts the fight? Other people. Like I said Hooker Green is super con-confrontational.
6. What do they mostly fight about? Hooker Green and Wenge specifically? Minor things, it never lasts long.
7. Who is most likely to cool off and forgive first after the fight? Hooker Green. He avoids fights any time he can, and likes making up better than arguing. 8. Who pays the wedding? They’re not in a relationship, I want to make that very clear. Most of these questions are hypothetical. But they would pay together. 9. Where will they have they wedding? And when? It’d be a small backyard wedding. Outside Hooker Green’s home because there’s much more greenery and forest-type of things back there.  After 5 years of being together. 10. What kind of dress will the bride be wearing? Hooker Green would be wearing the dress tbh Tea length illusion cap sleeves lace tulle rustic A-line wedding dress so this one: http://www.luckybridals.com/tea-length-illusion-cap-sleeves-lace-tulle-rustic-a-line-wedding-dress-768.html 11. How old will they be? Uhh Hooker Green would’ve been about 27-28 and Wenge would’ve been about 30-31 12. How will he purpose? At home, after just spending the day together, no sex or nothin it’d probably when they were laying together, he pulls out the box and sits them both up and with nervous mind and shaky hands, pulls out the box and asks quietly if he would marry him hooker green wouldn’t be able to hide his smile if he tried when he hugged him and said yes. 13. How many kids will they have? Does Cotton Candy count? bc 1 then. 14. Who will kids love more? Their kid? Wenge probably? Only a teeny tiny bit more. Other kids, Hooker Green. 15. When did they meet each other’s parents and how? Wenge met Hooker Green’s about 2 and a half years after meeting him Hooker Green met Wenge’s a few months after meeting him 16. How do your character parents get along with his/hers boyfriend/girlfriend? They get along really well on both sides 17. How do your character parents get along with his/hers boyfriend/girlfriend’s parents? Get along a little less, but overall really well too 18. Who cries over movies? Depends on the movie, if it’s enough, both cry. Hooker Green is more likely to cry, though. 19. Who starts the snowball fight? Wenge! He’s a silly dude. 20. Who is friendlier with neighbours? Hooker Green. Wenge is still a little anxious sometimes. 21. Who is more jealous? Also Wenge. He’s a bit nervous of the possibility of Hooker Green leaving him sometimes. 22. Where did they had sex first? Hooker Green’s house. When was the first night they met. 23. Who worries more about wedding plans? Wenge. Hooker Green is positive things would go fine, as long as they had each other. 24. Who would decorate the house? Mostly Wenge. It’s a beautiful forest-y kind of feel when they’re done.
25. Who cooks? Wenge probably. Hooker Green helps, though!
26. Who is more organized? Wenge out of habit. Can’t do what his job was without being organized.
27. Who initiates things in the bedroom? Hooker Green. Wenge was always asked if he would come over so they could go for it.
28. How often do they had sex? *shrugs* Like???? At least 2-3 times a month????????? I Don’t Know.
39. What’s the craziest place they had sex? In the living room. *shrugs* they’re not public-sex type of people.
30. Favourite non sexual activity? Hooker Green’s would be if they laid together an got high, just talking about whatever. Or going out to movies.
31. Who kills spider and all the bugs? Wenge. Hooker Green doesn’t like killing things.
32. Who drinks more? Eh, neither really? Wenge thought about drinking away the problem, but never went through with it.
33. Who steals blanket in the middle of the night? Wenge probably. He Needs to be warm.
34. Who is more romantic? Probably would be Hooker Green but mainly just bc sometimes out of no where he’d bring home flowers for Wenge bc they made him think of him.
35. Who falls asleep first? Hooker Green tbh. Sleepy boy.
36. Who wakes up first? Also Hooker Green. Early to bed, early to rise. He likes watching the sunrise.
37. Who takes care of chores around the house and waters the plants? Hooker Green! He’s really good with plants.
38. Who reads bedtime stories to the kids? They take turns, but Wenge does it more often
39. Who experiments more? In general normal life: Hooker Green Sexually: Wenge By Far.
40. Who is louder? Normal life: Wenge but not by much Sexually: Hooker Green. By no means a ‘screamer’ but he’s vocal and makes his opinions heard by Wenge
41. Who is more of a risktaker? Wenge I guess. Hooker Green would rather stay in a pattern while Wenge is open to the schedule changing. Sometimes. Not really after the Incident.
42. Who is more patient? They’re both patient. But I guess Hooker Green because Wenge gets twitchy and nervous after waiting long enough for something, especially after the Thing.
43. Do they have some kind of rituals? Morning rituals. Hooker Green makes some warm morning drink, it might be coffee. But with a lot of creamer and sugar and a splash of milk. He hates it black. He takes it to the porch in the spring and fall with a jacket or blanket and wakes up with it. Wenge gets up when his body lets him, goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and watches morning cartoons with CC or some other show if she’s not awake yet.
44. Who makes all the travel plans, books the tickets and packs the suitcase? Wenge, but mainly because Hooker Green doesn’t like traveling much at all.
45. Where do they go on honeymoon? God I can’t imagine them Going Anywhere. Maybe?? A town or 2 over? Where they’d just get away from stuff for a bit.
46. Who likes to take pictures more? Hooker Green. Most all of ‘em go up on his IG when they come home.
47. When they are going together somewhere, who is driving? Hooker Green, steadier hands.
48. What kind of presents do they buy? Simple stuff. Or food related little gifts. Lil snacks n stuff.
49. First thing they noticed about boyfriend/girlfriend? Their Colors(tm) but also Wenge noticed Hooker Green’s hairstyle and Hooker Green noticed his like, his face in general, but specifically his eyes. They set him easy.
50. Do they lie in the relationship? Nope, first thing they made clear was to not lie, especially if they were uncomfortable.
51. Do their boyfriend/girlfriend turn around after other people on the street? If so, how do they react? Eh? Not really considering they aren’t really dating tbh. An even then it’s usually men they turn at and they actually discuss if he was cute from their glance at him lmao
52. Would they forgive an adultery? No, probably not, depends on the situation.
53. Would they confess an adultery? Noo?? But neither have been married so?????
54. Have they ever fantasized about someone else during sex? Who? Yes, I’m sure they have, but they’re also Not An Actual Couple sooooo? HG was a ‘crush’ he had at the time and Wenge doesn’t really fantasize about anyone else, he keeps his mind occupied on pleasing whom he’s with at the moment.
55. Do they take showers together? Sometimes, yes.
56. Who is their inspiration for love? Not TV Stars. Wenge’s parents are his inspiration. HG’s are probably his own parents lmao
57. Perfect date? Later at night, walk around town holding hands, maybe get something to eat (tbh like pizza or Mcdonalds or smth lmao), and come home and lay together and talk and fall asleep together.
58. How they spend anniversaries? More or less doing that lmao. Less walks around town at night but still def the pizza thing and laying and talking together. They watch movies on their ‘anniversary’
59. Favourite date? Maybe their ‘first’ one. It was just?? Weird and special and nice tbh?? They kissed a lot and tbh planned to have sex but never got around to it lmao. They ended up getting sleepy before they could and just fell asleep together on HG’s bed.
60. In what moment did they realized that they love each other? When they woke up the next morning from that first date and saw the light gently slanting over them from in-between the slats of the blinds and thinking ‘i wouldn’t mind waking up next to this everyday for the rest of my life’
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