#and that D/orothea was just hit EXTERMELY hard with this
butwhatifidothis · 11 months
Tbf to Dorothea's hypocrisy on CF, couldn't that be blamed more on the fact that the vast majority of the optional recruits in that route are written heavily out-of-character so they can side with Edelgard, including Dorothea herself?
It doesn't fix 3H not realizing that she's much more priviliged than an average commoner, but i feel like Dorothea being hypocritical on CF is is more an example of that route's generally clownish character writing than something specifically wrong with her imo.
character hate under the cut it goes
If it weren't for Ferdinand I'd say sure, but that specific aspect of her hypocrisy stays with her no matter the route. She's never angry at Edelgard. Ever. She's only ever regretful that they have to fight each other, and never shows off that she feels betrayed by Edelgard's actions. She can stay pissed at Ferdinand for what he did as a fuckin' NINE YEAR OLD CHILD put into AN INSANELY FLUSTERING SITUATION for a child to be randomly put into out of nowhere - and stay mad at him FOR OVER A DECADE - because it hurt her feelings, but she had a chill year with Edelgard (that gets revealed to her to be built on a foundation of lies and blood) so that means she's chill with Edelgard's
and will NEVER bring that event up, and will NEVER get pissed at her for doing it. Even though HER LIFE WAS NEARLY ENDED because of it.
And also, she still does explicitly hate nobility on all routes - she will lambast them for crawling back to the player's army once Edelgard is defeated out of self-interest. She'll praise and cry for Bergliez for giving up his life to spare his men, and that and hating nobles would all be just fine... except she does all this without ever acknowledging who exactly it was that caused Bergliez's sacrifice to be a necessity in the first place. You know, the one who threw everyone into war? For her own benefit? That thing Dorothea literally just got finished showing off she didn't like nobles doing? But it's fine if her bestie does it!
So, not really - while CF certainly does exacerbate these issues in Dorothea, they are always there to some degree regardless of where she's at
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