#and that ambition question got oddly philosophical for them; i hope those are satisfactory answers lol
elliewiltarwyn · 1 year
23. Are there any side quest storylines that you're particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL's experiences?
and 17 for the other! Their ambitions!
well for 23 i went off on another ask about the Eden storyline, so uh, there's that xD Aside from that, I think Ellie is fully, 100% invested in Hildibrand shenanigans. She was utterly confused and exhausted the first time, but very quickly realized she just needed to roll with it or she wouldn't otherwise survive. She enjoys the aftermath when she gets to recount the zaniness to her friends in the Scions and none of them believe her for a moment.
A little more seriously; going with F'lhaminn to recover and bury Minfilia's cats-eye after Shadowbringers, to say her final goodbyes. Having been in love with her, it's brutally painful and sad for Ellie, but it helps her close the book on a very important person to her.
Speaking of closure: Our Closure, the level 80 DRK quest. Also vastly important, in terms of reconciling her darkness and accepting Esteem wholly for who she is...as Ellie Wiltarwyn in and of herself.
As for ambitions... Ellie used to want to attend the Studium to learn what goes into making an ideal society- a utopia. After she's denied that opportunity, she doesn't really know how to work towards that anymore and aimlessly drifts for a while. When she's saved by Raya-O, the Padjali girl tells her just to pay her kindness forward...so that's what Ellie does, forever looking for the ways in every situation in which she can pay forward to someone the kindness she was shown at the nadir of her life. It's not nearly as grand a vision as it used to be, but she hopes that philosophy can be enough to change the world one little step at a time. And it ends up changing the whole world a lot, so, you know. :V
For Ellie, that eventually manifests into a desire to seek more adventure, more ways to pay it forward. For Mia, though... she's just tired. She just wants to rest, in a safe place she can call her own, next to the people she loves. As a co-Warrior of Light, she ends up becoming one of the strongest people in the world, and would gladly give that all up to be able to just live peacefully at whatever home she can find.
Lily feels like the world isn't worth saving if there isn't someone or something she can love in it. Fortunately, even when she doesn't actively have someone to love, she is always convinced that someone exists, and she just hasn't found them yet...and she also believes that that holds true for everyone in some way, that everyone is living for love of something. She would never admit it out loud because she thinks it sounds childish, but that's her big ambition: find love. has she tried looking right next to her? whooo knooowwws
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