#There are probably other sidequests that are good and would be canon
elliewiltarwyn · 1 year
23. Are there any side quest storylines that you're particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL's experiences?
and 17 for the other! Their ambitions!
well for 23 i went off on another ask about the Eden storyline, so uh, there's that xD Aside from that, I think Ellie is fully, 100% invested in Hildibrand shenanigans. She was utterly confused and exhausted the first time, but very quickly realized she just needed to roll with it or she wouldn't otherwise survive. She enjoys the aftermath when she gets to recount the zaniness to her friends in the Scions and none of them believe her for a moment.
A little more seriously; going with F'lhaminn to recover and bury Minfilia's cats-eye after Shadowbringers, to say her final goodbyes. Having been in love with her, it's brutally painful and sad for Ellie, but it helps her close the book on a very important person to her.
Speaking of closure: Our Closure, the level 80 DRK quest. Also vastly important, in terms of reconciling her darkness and accepting Esteem wholly for who she is...as Ellie Wiltarwyn in and of herself.
As for ambitions... Ellie used to want to attend the Studium to learn what goes into making an ideal society- a utopia. After she's denied that opportunity, she doesn't really know how to work towards that anymore and aimlessly drifts for a while. When she's saved by Raya-O, the Padjali girl tells her just to pay her kindness forward...so that's what Ellie does, forever looking for the ways in every situation in which she can pay forward to someone the kindness she was shown at the nadir of her life. It's not nearly as grand a vision as it used to be, but she hopes that philosophy can be enough to change the world one little step at a time. And it ends up changing the whole world a lot, so, you know. :V
For Ellie, that eventually manifests into a desire to seek more adventure, more ways to pay it forward. For Mia, though... she's just tired. She just wants to rest, in a safe place she can call her own, next to the people she loves. As a co-Warrior of Light, she ends up becoming one of the strongest people in the world, and would gladly give that all up to be able to just live peacefully at whatever home she can find.
Lily feels like the world isn't worth saving if there isn't someone or something she can love in it. Fortunately, even when she doesn't actively have someone to love, she is always convinced that someone exists, and she just hasn't found them yet...and she also believes that that holds true for everyone in some way, that everyone is living for love of something. She would never admit it out loud because she thinks it sounds childish, but that's her big ambition: find love. has she tried looking right next to her? whooo knooowwws
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found-wings · 11 months
fit would have the Worst time traveling with resident Sillies incorporated (codebreakers) because its physically impossible for the two of them to adventure without the 15 stops they make along the way like omg. rewatching The codebreakers vod (july 13th one) and oh my god it takes them like triple the amount of time to get to the location on the map because of how often they find random structures to explore. (bonus is phil stopping to look at a tree tallulah likes and etoiles making fun of him for being hyped at wood before realizing the wood was pretty and taking some LMAO) and the only reason they skipped some structures- was bc phil needed to go to sleep soon 😭😭
with how fit (literally in canon too) is Very used to reeling phil back in when he gets distracted, I can't imagine this man having to deal with TWO OF EM with adventuring with codebreakers and etoiles who will see any structure that isn't garbage and stop the boat to go there with everyone since he doesn't explore with others often 😭) and with how they adventure for hours at a time ???? (not even including phils 2 hour sunbird chase from the recent streams. . .)
like quite literally in lore, 100% the only way for fit to quit the adventure which clearly isn't going anywhere without just straight up leaving (or praying someone messages him and gives him an excuse from these mfs who can't stay on topic for shit) would be to hope that they get a boring massive ocean and phil falls asleep on the ride which gives them an excuse to head back home, or for a code to sweep by at spawn and get messages in the chat which means etoiles would have to warp there 🙏🙏 other then that, he'll def be stuck with the sidequest lovers over here with no hope of seeing their destination before sundown (especially with how fit leaves earlier then everyone else on streams) - 💿
Thank you Fit for who would somehow probably ( barely ) have so much patience with these two sillies that are both equally as all over the place sometimes 🙏🙏
Etoiles 100% makes Phils wandering off even worse, they are just. all over the place if they notice anything barely interesting - Phil seeing something shiny and Etoiles tagging along for the hopes of a good dungeon maybe, disappearing from Fits sight within seconds AJAJAJ
Also the thought of Phil falling asleep while traveling through a giant, albeit boring ocean is <333 unless it‘s Phil driving the boat. then I‘d be hella concerned WHEEZE
I do adore the thought though of Phil dozing off as he listens to Etoiles and Fit, or the rushing of wind & splashes of waves as his eyes slowly close, staring off at god knows what. This usually ends up in a 50 50 chance at either Phil falling asleep or instantly waking up again if anything of interest flashes through his vision
( this has probably resulted in Phil suddenly jumping up out of his half slumber, pointing aggressively at whatever he saw and going either 'STOP THE BOAT, LOOK!! :D' or just straight up launching himself out of the boat before either of the other two can react. he needs the shiny )
Conclusion : Never go on a roadtrip with the silly Codebreakers, because you‘ll either have to constantly drag them along or quit the trip not even halfway there JAHJA
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mariyekos · 1 year
As Azure Fades Analysis, Part 1
Azure Dragoons: Aging and the Impact of the Eyes
@scrollsfromarebornrealm made an EXCELLENT analysis post about the newest short story from the official FFXIV sidestory website, and in my attempt to respond to it I ended up with something so long it probably won't fit in a single post. So, I decided to split it up before i hit the image/text limit.
And yeah, in case you didn't know there's a new official FFXIV short story out relating to Estinien and Haldrath. Go check it out, because it is AMAZING.
First things first, as is typical of me: I will be discussing both canon and headcanon here. I will do my best to make it very clear when I am discussing something explicitly stated or heavily implied in canon, and when I am discussing headcanon. Some of this will come from the new short story, but I will also make references to the whole game, so get ready for sources galore!
Introductory Sources:
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(Above: from the new story)
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(Above: from the quest Heart of Ice)
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(Above: from the sidequest Thar be Dragons)
Hraesvelgr's Line, and the Lifespan of Elezen
Alright with my sources out of the way, I actually interpreted the new story and Hraesvelgr lines differently! First, when I read Hraesvelgr's line, I took it as him saying that Estinien would be old and unable to effectively fight by age 50, rather than that Estinien would be dead by then.
Elezen live to be 100-120, but Edmont and Charlemald use old face models by age 56 I believe, so it's not like they stay spring chickens forever. I'm taking the fact that Haldrath and Aureniquart have young faces as the devs wanting them to be recognizable, or maybe aging a little more gracefully. It's been 20 years, so I would put them at mid 40s, maaaaybe mid 50s since Estinien and Aymeric are 32 in HW, which means 32 is a perfectly good age to still be fighting. If elezen live to 100-120, then 45-55 could definitely fit for "a brawny man well into his middle years."
In canon, it is heavily implied if not outright confirmed that transformed heretics can live for centuries (see: Thar be Dragons). In my long-established headcanon, Estinien ends up aging slower because of Nidhogg's power. In that HC, Hraesvelgr doesn't necessarily know of the impact that Nidhogg's Eye had on Haldrath, since Hraesvelgr basically peaced out after handing Nidhogg his own Eye. This new story is making me re-evaluate that HC... In Canon, the actual Eyes of Nidhogg are gone at this point, but Estinien spent some time a few days according to Lucia, but it's months/patch time in my HC again possessed by Nidhogg with the Eyes in his flesh, and there's no denying there have been lasting effects. Going purely on canon, Estinien can do the clone thing now, and is a huge powerhouse. The dragons recognize the bit of Nidhogg that resides within him too. Stuff like scales is pure HC that I happily accept but acknowledge isn't canon as far as anything we've seen. But imo that could partly the modelers being lazy since that would require excess effort .
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(Above: Estinien making clones, à la Nidstinien. Source, with video)
Haldrath, Estinien, and How They Age
Now, Estinien's lifespan might not be impacted at all by what happened with Nidhogg. But since heretics can live centuries, and we know Estinien has been impacted somewhat...I think it's possible Hraesvelgr's assessment about Estinien being spent by 50 was wrong. Especially if we go with the idea that in his isolation he didn't know what happened to Haldrath beyond just that Haldrath had the Eyes (general had, no knowledge of the merge). Plus, his "spent" assessment came before Estinien ended up melding with the Eyes. If we go with the assumption that Hraesvelgr does know about what the Eye did to Haldrath, it could also be that Hraesvelgr told Estinien he would be old and infirm by 50 because he assumed Estinien would get rid of the Eye before it had any lasting effects on him, like all the other Azure Dragoons. By getting rid of it, he'd get old too.
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(Above: from the new story).
Haldrath was still able to slay dragons during his middle years, after all. He collapsed because of Nidhogg's growing influence. Which admittedly could've been better-able to get him because maybe in aging he was growing weaker, but I think you could say it was more prolonged exposure to Nidhogg making him vulnerable than aging-induced-weakness.
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(Above: Thordan upon revealing Haldrath in the quest Heavensward)
In the new story, Estinien mentions Haldrath's aging corpse. In the quest Heavensward, Archbishop Thordan VII makes reference to the body's lack of decay. This preservation is why I HC that maybe Estinien would end up aging slower- maybe the aether would be enough to maintain him as he is, just as Haldrath was. Now we didn't take of Haldrath's armor so who knows what lies beneath, but what I find interesting is that his corpse apparently did not change. He most definitely didn't turn into a full-on dragon. He's still an elezen (albeit with an eye in his chest, which is notably smaller than the Eyes bound to Estinien! I really wonder if there is meant to be a lore reason, like the Eyes tunneling deeper into the flesh over time, or if that was just a visual thing to make possessed!Estinien seem creepier). It could be that Haldrath neither decayed nor transformed because Nidhogg's power could only transform living beings, not dead ones. Haldrath's body never rose on its own to return to Nidhogg, after all.
Dragon Eyes and Consciousness/Control
Which brings into question how much consciousness is afforded to the Eyes... Vrtra can operate Varshahn and his true body separately, but given the scene when he freezes as Varshahn while he calls to Azdaja with his true body, maybe Dragons can only instill consciousness in one Eye-containing vessel at once. Haldrath kept both Eyes, even if only one merged to him (and why only one...? just to make sure the story could happen, or maybe because Nidhogg was weakened by the attack and only one could...?). Estinien had both Eyes when possessed too. When Nidhogg speaks through the Eye to Estinien in the lv50 DRG quest, we don't see his true body (with Hraesvelgr's Eye) and whatever that's doing. Maybe Nidhogg can only keep his consciousness in one place/with one Eye (so it's rendered moot when both Eyes are together).
Maybe dragons can only use their Eyes operate living beings (Varshahn is made by alchemists, so he's special). Maybe there was some sort of seal on Haldrath's dead body that kept Nidhogg from making it rise and deliver the other Eye unto him, even after Berteline/the next Azure Dragoon(s) held the Left one. Maybe he just didn't feel like going through the trouble to reclaim it because he could wage his war perfectly well with Hraesvelgr's Eye and wasn't going for extermination/didn't need full power until HW. Maybe the writers just needed an Eye in Haldrath's body and let the reason for Nidhogg not reclaiming it slide to make an awesome story moment.
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(Above: comparison of Eye sizes. Also Estinien's Eyes move)
Summary on Aging, HC and Canon
In any case! Back to canon: 1) Transformed heretics can live for centuries. 2) Haldrath's body ceased to age and did not decay after the Eye merged to him. 3) The Eye was able to remain in Haldrath's body for a thousand years and was still functional when it merged to Estinien (it wiggles in the CSs).
HCs from this: maybe Estinien will age slower and be able to maintain his form. Maybe he will gradually be transformed into a dragon or more draconic being over time. Even a drop of dragon's blood- supposedly- is enough to transform an Ishgardian, and Estinien got fully blasted with Dragon Essence upon possession. We even see a middle form during the Nidstinien fight! Nidhogg's shade (dragon form) might just be an aetheric projection rather than flesh. But back to HC, I interpret that as Nidhogg attempting to actually warp flesh, before going to his Shade and then returning to the form that his body- Estinien's body- recognizes best as its own.
...All of this is a really long way to say that I don't think Estinien would necessarily be dead by 50. Well. Unless we take it with the idea that Nidhogg would have taken full control of him, and that the "youthful vigor" he would lose would be his ability to reject Nidhogg's influence before being lost as Haldrath was. For some reason that did not occur to me until this very moment, over an hour into writing this, despite the fact that that was probably what scrollsfromarebornrealm was implying... And/or that scrollsfromarebornrealm just meant that Estinien would probably get himself killed by 50 because yeahhhh, that man did NOT seem to care about himself enough to be safe and survive that long. Especially if aging meant he grew weak and then said weakness had him fall in battle (rather than Nidhogg's corruption straight up killing him by 50. Which is also an intriguing possibility).
"Becoming the Azure Dragoon is a death sentence."
The quote above comes directly from @scrollsfromarebornrealm's post. While I'm not looking at it as dragoons being too old/weak to fight by 50, I do wholeheartedly agree with the idea that (nearly) all Azure Dragoons die young. Partially because of the dangers of their job, partially because of the risk of Nidhogg's influence.
First, Alberic. Alberic retired 20 years ago and he's fine! But two things: 1) Alberic was 24 when he retired (don't feel like taking a picture, but in my Encyclopedia Eorzea it says he's 44, and it's been 20 years). 2) Alberic is a hyur. Haldrath held onto BOTH eyes of Nidhogg for 20 years before he could no longer handle it, and drank of Ratatoskr's aether. Most Azure Dragoons were probably Elezen given the racial distribution of Ishgard. Alberic, a hyur, does not bear elezen/dragon blood (as long as he's purely hyur, which I am assuming he is). In addition, he probably only had the Eye for a handful of years at most, since he was only 24 when he rejected it. It makes sense that he would walk away from Nidhogg with relatively few impacts. He didn't die in battle and he firmly rejected the Eye when it threatened to take control of him. I think retirement for an Azure Dragoon (followed by at least two decades of survival) is EXTREMELY uncommon in Ishgard's history.
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(Above: from the new story)
A few things here. I'll start with the point I was trying to make: "While the Eye lent him strength, in harboring Nidhogg's undying malice, it was also slowly corrupting his being. Ere long it would finally consume him..." In other words, the Eye is most definitely a death sentence. It will kill Haldrath eventually. Possessing an Eye long term- at least as a part of one's own flesh, though since it seems possessing it long term binds it to the Azure Dragoon's flesh you could just shorten that to "long term" only- will corrupt the Azure Dragoon to the point of no return. The only options left at that point seem to be Getting Consumed And Becoming Nidhogg's Puppet (Estinien) or Being Killed As To Not Become A Puppet (Haldrath). It was too late to reject the Eye, which is what Alberic did to make his escape.
Back into HC territory, I now want to pick up an old fic of mine about a previous Azure Dragoon basically having to be put down upon being too far gone due to Nidhogg's Corruption. Not to the level that the Eye melded to their flesh as it did Haldrath and Estinien, but mental corruption, and maybe attacks like the one Haldrath has. Ishgard would be wary of another Azure Dragoon being claimed by the Eye not only because they don't want Nidhogg to have a new pawn, but also because they can't afford to lose the second Eye with the first still bound to Haldrath. They also probably wouldn't want news of the Azure Dragoon's corruption leaking to the public, since the Azure Dragoon is supposed to be a hero and that would be Not Good for the Azure Dragoon's image. So maybe Ishgard kills Azure Dragoons who are too far gone (whether they're actually too far or whether the people in power are paranoid about it).
A different HC I'm not sold on but thought of is that the stress of being Azure Dragoon could lead to an early grave. Yes Dragon blood does extend the lives of transformed heretic, but it could be that without the transformation, the stress of it all causes damage to the insides of Azure Dragoons in a way that prematurely ages them and/or just causes them to die young. Alberic at 44 has some white hair. Which 44 year old men can definitely have without anything bad happening, don't get me wrong! But that could be a fun HC interpretation of that.
So yeah. I HC that Azure Dragoons die young as based on 1) them potentially needing to be killed to avoid falling to Nidhogg, 2) their jobs being so dangerous they're killed in battle (and the Eye retrieved) or die from wounds, 3) the stress of the Eye causing irreparable damage that leads them to die young even after relinquishing the Eye. Plus, as @scrollsfromarebornrealm points out, Valeroyant died 2 years after fending off Nidhogg. We don't have many named Azure Dragoons so even one early death is suspect!
Haldrath and the Two Eyes
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(Above: from the new story)
Yes, one of these is a repeat of the one above. But I really want to empahsize something in this because my eyes (haha) are SO wide at this. Haldrath refers to an Eye, singular, being what is corrupting him. Not the Eyes plural. And only one of the eyes has fused to his body, which matches what we know. At first I thought that maybe he only had one or something. Yet he tells Berteline that he will "entrust [Nidhogg's] eyes" plural to her.
So this is odd. Haldrath only mentions drawing on a singular Eye, and only a singular Eye has fused to his body. But he entrusts both to Berteline. My thought here is that maybe he stopped drawing on the power of the second one once the first fused to him, unwilling to give up the strength afforded by the first, but wary of drawing on the second lest it fuse to him too. I do wonder if he thought Bertiline would be able to pry Nidhogg's Right Eye from his corpse (in addition to presumably taking the Left Eye from him, which is the one Estinien has), or if when he said he was entrusting the eye to her he meant he was entrusting his dead body (containing the Eye) to her to...keep away from Nidhogg, or something. In the Echo Flashback to Haldrath following the events of The Aery, we can see Haldrath holding both Eyes and then storing them. It's heavily implied (if not outright stated) that Haldrath never met with any of the Knights Twelve again, save Aureniquart on his deathbed, so I assume Haldrath would've also had the Left Eye on him at his death even if only the Right had fused to him.
But yeah. Haldrath says he's been corrupted by One Singular Eye. It could be that the second just isn't mentioned here because it hasn't fused to him, and maybe I'm reading too far into this (see: me going feral over Estinien saying "Then you and Alphinaud threw my eyes off a bridge, and I’ve never known peace since."). Yet he must possess two to entrust both to Bertiline. Interesting.
I do wonder if anyone ever attempted to pry the Eye from Haldrath's body. It is possible they thought he was a Holy Object and didn't want to disturb him so never tried. It's possible that those who knew of him were worried they might also be corrupted if they touched the Eye, so they didn't want to try. It's possible they tried and failed. Who knows. But it seems like the Eye remained undisturbed within Haldrath's ageless corpse until Thordan used Primal Powers to fuel his ascendance to a God-King.
End Note
I honestly don't know what to say anymore other than Wow.
This one short story has blasted my mind open. I'm not sure how many words this giant essay is, but it's been about 3 hours so I think i should stop for now, despite the fact that I've hardly even begun to talk about some of the most intriguing parts of the short story! (See: Estinien being able to see Haldrath's memories and attributing it to Nidhogg, a more in-depth analysis of corruption, being able to hear Nidhogg and him sounding like the wind (hey remember that dragoon helmets are designed to make the sound of the wind going through it seem like a dragon scream, thank you levequest), whatever the hell was in that drink (I think it would be fascinating to explore it being an intentional flashback on the part of the Alchemists, using the blood they took from him...maybe fic worthy hmmmm), the parallels between Haldrath and Estinien losing their burning passion to fight, Aureniquart and the pain of being told to kill your liege-lord plus potential backstory there and some lines about loyalty...needless to say there's a lot more to talk about!)
So for now I am going to stop here. There's a lot to think about. Haldrath did not die in battle as I'd assumed, but due to the Eye's corruption. He entrusted the Eye to a successor, as Nidhogg had already begun to call out to others. He asked to be killed. This has big repercussions.
If you've read this whole thing, thank you! I hope my rambling was somewhat interesting. If you want to discuss anything here, reblog or reply and I would love to talk xD. I don't have every lore piece memorized, and I've definitely forgotten some things, so if I'm missing some crucial information I would be happy to know!!
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waterlogged-detective · 9 months
🔒 📙 and ⚠️ for the ask game!!
(from @the-capricious-socialite )
Hell ship! Hell ship! Hell ship!
🔒- Something one hopes that the other never finds out about.
So they both probably know this but they sort of uh, I'll call it play different sides when it comes to Bazaar related stuff. JC is literally a part of the calander council and working to dismantle the masters and reform the police and generally make flondon a better place while uh
Darcy is literally going to become Mr Cards (which JC genuinely doesn't know about.)
Granted Darcy doesn't really align with the masters for anything and he's just doing it because he likes chaos, but it's a bit of a betrayal isn't it? I'd be pissed at the least. Like he can make excuses about changing things from the inside and all of that, but he's not doing that. He's doing it for his own selfish reasons and he doesn't plan on making the neath a better place. He doesn't even care about the revolutionary cause, just what's fun.
Like, maybe he can be persuaded to be less shitty of a person? But it would be very hard. Darcy tends to keep his nicer part buried for reasons that aren't important for this ask, and I'm sure if anyone could make a case for him to be nicer it would be jc (and probably doe) but I don't know if darcy *wants* to be better.
I genuinely have no idea if this makes any sense.
📙- Favorite storyline you’ve played with the canon character(s) in it.
So full disclosure, I haven't actually played any of the rail stuff yet because im one of those sidequesting hoes. I gotta do all the sidequests before doing major stuff. So I'm gonna cheat a bit here and say I really love the interactions you can have at parties with him since uh.....I do not like the affluent photographer storyline since it clogs up my deck and doesnt change anything or give good rewards.
Deck please let me draw some favor cards at some point? I need to up my bohemians renown thank you.
⚠️- Write a warning/safety label for them.
WARNING: This ship is NOT going to end well. If you came here for laughs TOO BAD BOYO. They're about to RUIN your day. (But also maybe it'll be funny. Up in the air really.)
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meanlesbean · 10 months
Chapter commentary
are people interested in seeing my chapter commentary for Cadence of a Legacy? idk. I'm posting it anyway. voila.
Chapter 1 notes are longer than the others because I included more detail about the planning of the fic. Anyway, here there be: musings on family and brotherhood and how it shows up in linked universe fanworks, Hyrule as an arsonist, Wild's economy, and more info about card games than anyone else probably cares about. minor totk spoilers about one sidequest but nothing plot related (if you need, skip the bullet that starts "pre-totk release".) Here we go:
Chapter 1 - The Woods Between
I am not joking about having a phone note that says “making peace with your inner child when your inner child has physically manifested and wants to cause problems on purpose”. I would include a screenshot of said note, but then you would all see how long I have been toying with this idea and that’s too embarrassing
IMO, there is an astounding lack of fic focusing on the relationship between Time and Twilight even though they are the only ones who interact in game canon. And I’ve read every good Time-centric fic probably a dozen times. So unfortunately that meant I had to go write my own. Unfortunately the plot that I came up with doesn’t work with Time (or Mask) as the POV character, so it evolved into a Twilight-centric fic as well. 
The bones of this chapter were mostly written in a notebook last year at my terrible job when I had a desk in the corner and nothing to do 85% of the time. Large parts of the set up of the chapter remain the same from this draft, with even a select few of the lines staying the same word for word. But the handwritten version, which covered all of Chapter 1 and parts of Chapter 2, was only about 7 pages front and back (rip to the 11k monster it became)
Literally I never would have posted this fic if I hadn’t read the the FMA fic series demon alchemist and realized that the reason I hated my draft so much was because the narrative voice was too impersonal
So I started working on this fic again last fall with a lot more attention paid to establishing a clear voice, and I finally started making solid progress, to the point where I made it a goal to share it on AO3, which I have not done in a long long time
Hyrule’s missing fingers are a reference to the demon alchemist series btw. I do imagine he lost them from an enemy’s throwing ax or mace. Twilight complaining about the number of enemies with throwing weapons is also me complaining about how hard Zelda II is. fucking Dairas. 
Other fic inspiration includes: Call Them Brothers, for getting me thinking about situations in which Warriors doesn’t know that Time is the kid he fought with in the war, and more generally, Sinnatious’ LU and LOZ fics for inspiration on Time’s voice. 
I cannot tell you how much time I spent rewriting and reworking the first half of the chapter. Honestly writing that first part was just like. Agonizing. Nothing was working for so long. Every time I tried fixing a problem, I created two more. I was very close to cutting out the scene of Twilight scouting and the camp shenanigans and skipping to Twilight meeting Mask, but then it felt like everything went way too quick. I was very relieved when people liked the wrestling scenes because that whole section had me tearing my hair out. The things that kept me going were spite and also how desperate I’ve been to get back into writing. Literally that one defunctland tweet. 
In contrast, the second half of the chapter (everything from the Epona grooming scene on) came so easy. All of the latter stuff was written and edited within like 2 weeks. My favorite scene from this chapter actually ended up being that part with Twilight and Time taking care of Epona. 
More specific notes:
My take on Twilight’s aversion/distrust of magic is that he has a really strong sense for it, but he doesn’t have much of a knowledge base of how magic works. So this results in Twilight frequently getting a lot of information that he can’t make sense of, and it really fucking freaks him out. 
I know fandom likes to characterize Wild as the group arsonist, but I think Hyrule would be just as big if not a bigger arsonist, which was why I had him be the one to suggest using fire. If you want to uncover all the hidden items/heart pieces in the OG Zelda without a guide or walkthrough, you have to burn so many trees. Like, if you are ever stuck in that game and don’t know where to go next, 70% of the time your solution is either bombs or fire. 
I played ten thousand rounds of “should their titles (ie. rancher, captain, etc) be lowercase or capitalized?” while writing this. I know people usually have them call each other their fandom names, but tbh that always throws me off just a little, even though I 100% get why people do it because good lord it would be easier.
I feel like a lot of LU works (speaking generally about the fandom output as a whole, not about any particular fic) leans heavily into the emotional support and comradery aspect of the chain as family, and does not include nearly enough of like. annoying each other on purpose and play violence and rubbing each others’ faces in the dirt. which is a big reason for why I kept the wrestling scene.
Maybe it’s because me and my family members were little demons but like. I have brothers and mostly boy cousins, and a solid 60% of our time as kids/teens was spent playing some variation of King of the Rock. I appreciate the found family softness, and there will definitely be a lot of that in this fic, but my experience with siblinghood includes a lot of chasing each other around with wiffle ball bats and trying to strangle each other. The Links are brothers! and sometimes that means that you will try to ruin your brother’s whole day just because you are mildly bored. 
Warriors and the teens are playing Rummy. I imagine that the group plays a lot of card games, and since I grew up playing tons of cards, I have put way too much thought into all of this. Other popular games among the group (depending on how many people they have) probably include Texas (Ordon?) hold em, whist, knockout, BS, gin rummy, and hearts. Hearts can get contentious with them though because you can engage in coordinated sabotage. Four and Legend are not allowed to be partners in Whist because they’re the only ones who can count all the cards in play. There is a near-unanimous group ban on Spoons because it got too violent.  
Legend having heterochromia is inspired by an Oracles manga panel redraw someone posted on here years ago that I cannot for the life of me find again
I have this headcanon that Wild, in comparison to the rest of the gang, is absurdly rich but does not really realize it because he just does not have a ton of shit to actually spend money on. This is based on the ridiculous amount of rupees/gems I have on my 100% botw file and also my own musings on the state of Hyrule’s economy post-calamity. Mostly I think that post-calamity Hyrule does not have super discrete classes like most other Hyrules do, and that a luxury economy does not really exist. 
Pre-totk release I actually thought: okay, Wild has a lot of money, but his luxury purchases are limited to like fancy armor, which is directly related to doing his job as the hero. It’s not like most other eras where you can go build wealth by buying up a ton of land. And then totk came around and let you go buy a sizable swatch of land. I still think my original idea mostly holds true, if only because the monster-free areas of Hyrule where someone could safely make a land claim still seem to be pretty limited (even the totk house has monster camps right across the road from it). 
Mask is not dressed in the green tunic for two main reasons, one of which I’ll keep to myself because it felt way too spoilery when I wrote it down. Most importantly, it shows that time has passed since Majora’s Mask. In fact, in chapter 3 we'll learn that it's been just about a year since then. The Kokiri tunic is no more because he grew out of it :( 
I didn’t find this reference until after publishing, but I imagine he’s dressed more or less like this. Except he has his green cap and a leather belt, baldric, and boots.
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The whole “keep people guessing” thing they’re trying to do with Merula is so annoying though. They’ve done it so often that people are getting tired of it. I hate to say it but even when they did it with Rakepick it wasn’t this level of irritating. I mean at least with her we’re not forced to still care about her and be encouraged to “save” her and bring her to the right side after she did something to wrong us. Unlike Merula, that’s exactly what they’re doing. She’s treated MC appallingly from ever since I can remember yet we’re still forced to call her a “friend” and look out for her, it’s total bs. We give her chance after chance no matter how many times she fucks up and whether players actually want to or not. They’ll probably do it again after ch 38 even though there’s literally no reason why they should. It’s just the same thing over and over again with her, I’m so sick of it.
For better or for worse, I'm gonna say that Merula is the single most important character in the game, apart from MC.
I'm not even talking as a Merula stan right now. The rose colored glasses are off. I'm looking at this critically, and analyzing the narrative, and it's clear to me that Merula is the character who the story revolves around the most, by far.
Jacob is also significant but he kind of stopped mattering much at all after he was rescued from the Portrait Vault. The idea of Jacob was central to the first five years of the story, a guiding light. But as an actual character, he offers nothing to the narrative that MC doesn't already provide at this point. (Apart from answers, but for whatever reason he doesn't want to give answers, and MC has stopped asking.)
All of the Year 1 characters offer significance to the main story, at least to some degree. Well, apart from Penny. (Seriously, if you ignore any and all sidequest content, Penny's actually surprisingly irrelevant to the tale of Hogwarts Mystery.) Rowan, like Jacob, is significant to the plot more in concept than in presence, but this time I think it was intentional. The Circle of Khanna, Rowan's death, was the first time they'd played a major role in the story since Year 2. Not that I'm saying this is a good thing, but a significant part of Rowan's death was how it furthered Ben's character arc. Ben is probably the second most important character after Merula - there's a reason the two of them, alongside MC, were the Circle's founders.
But Merula. Oh god.
She's established in the first two chapters. She's been a constant presence ever since, a thorn in MC's side. She literally has her own track in the OST. (Though it's shockingly underused.) The only other character who does is Jacob. (And his theme is dreadfully overused, to the point where it's just a general "emotional moment" theme now...) I think Merula, and her character, were always significant to the story the writers wanted to tell. And, yes, part of that story is showing us her human side.
Honestly, I know I compare Merula to Draco a lot these days, but it's not like there isn't reason to. The further we get into the story, the more I feel like Merula's character is almost written as a response to his, and/or a kind of wish fulfillment for everyone who was rooting for him to be redeemed. (Merula canonically has a hawthorn wand, same as Draco, which is noted for choosing people going through "turmoil" and "inner conflict.") Because I do expect Merula to be redeemed. Yes, even now, I'd argue that the signs are pointing in that direction more than ever. Which is also a good thing for a number of reasons, but among them is this: Merula as just a straight up one-note antagonist would get pretty boring after a while. Draco, as a one-note bully, had already gotten stale by OOTP, until HBP fleshed him out. Showing us another side of Merula is a good way to develop her as a character significant to the story.
The thing is, there's no way to show us another side of Merula if the heroes aren't willing to listen. As a result, MC and the Circle simply have to listen. This can be frustrating when the characters arguably have no reason to hear her out, and plenty of reason not to...but I think the writers are banking on the idea that after everything MC has been through with Merula, it's not unreasonable that they might have developed some amount of fondness for her, or pity, if nothing else. Even if it's just pity, just MC being a good person - I realize how irritating this is for people who are sick of her, but, again, something else I've said before is that Jacob's Sibling is not ours. We get to decide a lot of what is true about them, personalize them, but at the end of the day their lines and reactions are still pre-written by Jam City. I think it's clear that Year 5, and especially "About Merula" were meant to signal a change in how MC sees her. The player might not agree. But unfortunately, I think we all just have to go with it.
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tmae3114 · 1 year
Hi, I'm thinking of getting back into Dragonfable and I'm a little confused about book 3. I know that some of early book 3 has been reimagined or something, how much do I need to replay and where does the reimagining stop?
Okay, so, the reimaginings are rewrites & such to bring the overall storyline, themes, & characterisation in Book 3 in line with each other, since early Book 3 had a bunch of different writers initially and things were a bit all over the place. Or, at least, that's my understanding of it and what it's for :p
How much you need to replay probably depends on when exactly you stopped playing but my broad recommendation would be to replay pretty much all of the Book 3 main story from the start. There's some significant differences that are important for understanding the story where it currently is. You shouldn't need to replay any of the sidequest storylines (e.g. the Book 3 Tomix Saga, the Thorns questchain) because the Reimaginings are mostly just for the Main story. (That said, though, I also recommend replaying the Book 3 Tomix Saga because It's Good)
Reimagining at present runs through pretty much all of Sulen'Eska. The most recent Reimagined release was the Queen of Swordhaven quest and I think we're almost caught up to the main story with the Reimagineds. The DragonRider War, while still available from Mritha in Sulen'Eska, is no longer canon. The Espina Rosa questchain is *wobbly hand motion* at the moment - Espina Rosa is still canon but it's set to be Reimagined and integrated into the Shears questchain rather than Sulen'Eska, so we know it's going to be different, just not how yet. The existing Espina Rosa quests are still available from Sulen'Eska, though, they're just a little bit at loose ends for the time being
Hope that helps!
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mannakete · 2 years
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#wolqotd’s from twitter, Adelline Roux edition
> Hoes does your wol(oc) feel about their name? (from RikaXIV on twt) related q:  depending on culture or circumstance, does your WoL have an alias or multiple names? How did they get their new name? (from OriWhiteDeer on twt)
Adelline enjoys her name quite a lot since she’s distanced herself from her birthplace so much, she no longer has any connection to her birth parents or tribe.
>  Does your WoL have a signature hairstyle or is your WoL like me who fancies changing hairstyles every now and then? (from rinkunffxiv)
Gyr Abanian Plait. Adelline has a tendency to neglect taking care of her hair (in that she leaves it long) so Vynya tied it up in this style and it hasn’t changed (much) since. [Tho I have tried other, shorter hairstyles I always go back to the plait in the end)
>  Just out of curiosity, how old are your WoLs in your canon? (from Mortinfami ART (answered last year))
Adelline would be in her early 30s now based on how I personally see the story progression (which is the irl time it takes for the patch releases is how long it takes for the year to progress. I’m sorry, Thancred did not go through All of That in a few months)
> who's your wol/oc's favorite twin: alpinhaud, or alisaie? (from protractions on twt)
Adelline favors Alphinaud a LITTLE more. Part of it is feeling partially responsible for a lot of the things that have gone wrong during the story. She’s usually attentive to details, she missed many things in the early days in Eorzea as she was preoccupied with Raze and Vynya’s safety in a new continent. She also feels more comfortable nudging him back on track when she has the mind to. Also she’s never had a brother, she only has a sister. So she likes the novelty
> I assume the question was about the WoL’s feelings about the end of Crystal Tower, but the tweet no longer exists sadly
Adelline (and Raze) was pretty sad about it. She does not enjoy people sacrificing themselves (hi shb) but she knows too well from travelling that partings come, but she still wasn’t prepared for a parting like this.
>  I have another incredibly important wol question. summer theme let's go. could they crush a(n allagan) watermelon between their thighs. (from catnipfarm)
Adelline could with a bit of effort. And by effort, I mean you need to get the “why” through to her.
> (Endwalker spoilers)  While recovering from the final fight with Zenos, who comes to visit them? Do they even want/allow visitors? (from InMyLeyLines)
Adelline didn’t get to choose either way, Raze made sure of that. Adelline allowed it, not only because Raze suddenly became a miqo’te shaped octopus, but also because if she didn’t, Raze probably wouldn’t have slept well. 
 >  If your ffxiv character wasn't the warrior of light, what would they be instead? Job quest npc? Custom deliveries npc? Raid story npc? Whacky sidequest npc? (from Loudwindow)
Adelline was a wanderer before she became the WoL in her plotline, and that’s what she (and the others) would be if she was never chosen/a shard of Azem.
>  How did your WoL take learning about their Azem? (from faeth_s)
Adelline doesn’t care. The past is past and Azem isn’t her anymore regardless of what people say about it thus she holds no attachment to the identity or name, both good and bad. [I have not thought extensively about my WoL’s Azems because I don’t deep dive into lore enough to do that.)
>  What's the most unnatural job for your WoL to play? What's the least suited to them as a person/their combat style? (from byletri)
Healing and pure magic classes of any kind. She prefers being upfront to cover the more magically adept fighters.
>  Inspired by a recent question about what scents they like: I want to know what their magic smells like! If they're not a caster, are there any scents you associate with particular kinds of magic in general? (from InMyLeyLines)
Adelline's is either like a completely sterilized room or a restaurant's spice cabinet
>  WOL/OC question: what disciple of the land/hand jobs do you consider canon for your WOL? Is there any special context in their story? Are there some that they like and partake in but maybe aren't very good at? (from thancredulous)
Adelline likes Alchemy. She’s especially good at potion brewing and making drinks, Everything else she’s not super good at. Usually she applies too much force but she’s somehow managed to be patient and careful enough for potions
>  Did your Wol want to be a Wol? (from RikaXIV)
Absolutely not. All Adelline concerned herself with before was keeping her family safe, but now she had to do that and she could no longer make the decision that they could just leave the area when things got too dangerous.
>  What type of crier is your WoL? Loud, ugly-sobbing type, or perhaps it takes far too much to get even a single tear? (from WoLQuestions)
Adelline doesn’t cry outwardly. She’ll stubbornly hold it in until it becomes FAR too much (such as what happened with “In From the Cold”) but even then, it’s quietly and in private. Not even Raze has seen her break down. 
>  On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being incredibly easy, and 10 being nearly impossible, how difficult is it to date your WoL/RP OC? (from ChubScarlet)
10. She’s in a committed relationship and I don’t do polyships.  But just for fun, Adelline would realistically be an 8 because you need to be pretty fucking blunt with her.
>  everyone wants an ishgardian ballroom scene but how well would your wol actually handle all those noble lords and ladies mobbing them for dances (from radicrow)
Adelline would hate it because she’s just plain not interested. 
>  Who is your WoL’s emotional support? (from WoLQuestions)
Raze and her sister, Vynya. She HAS gotten closer to the scions enough to consider them true companions but she wouldn’t go to them for her own emotional needs.
>  What kind of video games would your wol play in a modern AU? Any reason for that? (from CGekkou)
Adelline would play RPGs. She’ll also play MonHun on co-op with Vynya or Stardew with Raze (raze LOVES stardew). Her favorite series is Atelier (but don’t tell anyone). 
>  Your WoL returns to their childhood home. How do they react? (from AnrhiOri)
She doesn’t care. She has no attachment to that land and she would leave as soon as she could.
>  What would be your WoL's catchphrase when you select them in the Trust menu? (from FF_XIV_EN (official)
if healer, "If I have to.." If Tank or DPS, "Don't dawdle."
>  Cringe/comedy/awkward scenario— given how known the WoL is now; what would YOUR WoL/D do if just outside the Rising Stones a bunch of obnoxious fans now gather to try and get a glimpse of them??? (from SmolWol)
Adelline pushes her way through while being absolutely embarrassed to the seven hells by the attention
>  where was your wol during the calamity at the end of 1.0? (from bardings)
On another continent, she hadn’t yet made it to eorzea with the others.
Non qotd facts from my twt: > Adelline is a TERRIBLE liar > She had several scars, due to being a melee fighter. So she’s littered with small cuts and probably a few puctures > she has said her name was “Nyadelline” to Raze once while shitfaced drunk. Raze punched her for it.
Adelline’s class path:  (2.0) WAR > (2.1+) SAM > (3.0) SAM > (4.0) SAM > (5.0) SAM > (6.0) RPR
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lavellenchanted · 16 days
The way that fandom either willfully or unintentionally misunderstands the zack/cloud situation is so frustrating to me. This idea that he "is" Zack until post LS sequence is... just so lacking in understanding. Even if you are confused by what is going on, they have two totally different personalities (both in terms of Cloud's soldier facade and his "real" personality, which I also agree is talked about weirdly) so that interpretation of the situation doesn't even fit. But you're right, nuance is generally lacking in discussions in this fandom haha. I know the iffy english translation of the OG game is partly to blame but... at this point it should be pretty clear.
I can see how CC was an interesting idea with a perhaps questionable execution, although I will refrain from too strong of an opinion having not played it myself (also how I feel about advent children and DoC). To me it just... exists, but now I have to pay some attention to it because of retrilogy and I can definitely tell that it wasn't fully thought through when it was being made, but I suppose this is their chance to create some sort of definitive version of events, although personally I prefer to view retrilogy as its own entity/narrative I agree about the LS sequence! I was thinking about how we already saw big parts of it with Tifa in Gongaga. I feel like they kept dancing around the "not really friends" reveal in rebirth (the Gongaga scene, a brief convo after Tifa's cat sidequest in Nibelheim) so I'm hoping they plan to fully get into that with the LS sequence in game 3, I feel like it's important. I was thinking they were going to really dig into that and maybe spend even more time on Nibelheim but adding in the reality of the FC scene/Aerith's fate would also be a good addition. I can't decide if I think Aerith dropped Zack back in terrier or if he's in Beagle... Terrier feels too important to just move on from like this so we are probably not done with it and thus he is likely there but I know a lot of people think he is in Beagle now. Also need to see how the Cloud saving Aerith during the FC scene reality plays into things... And thank you, I will watch that 👀
Oh god, yeah, the ZaCloud argument is one of the most awful and annoying ones in the fandom and I hate that is has so much traction. I'm willing to allow for the benefit of the doubt and believe that there is a number of people who don't fully understand exactly how the Jenova cells work or what Cloud's persona is because the English localisation is iffy in places, and the more detailed explanation is the Ultimania which a lot of people won't have read. But I do think there are also a number of fans arguing that "Cloud is Zack" in very bad faith because it gives them a convenient reason to dismiss anything Cloud says or does that they don't like. Even though, as you say, it could not be more obvious how different they are.
I wouldn't worry too much about CC - I can't find the interview now but I definitely saw one with one of the devs (Nojima, I think), talking about how if they'd had Retrilogy in mind they would have planned CC better. I think they're incorporating some elements but not others, so how much of it is really canon to Retrilogy is up in the air.
Oh they are definitely dancing around the not-really-childhood-friends reveal. There are some lines in Tale of Two Pasts that hint at it as well as the in-game quests. And even Tifa's GS date has her saying she "can't remember a time when we were this close". I think they'll also show the true version of the false memory from Remake to hammer it home. I think it's such an important reveal for understanding both Cloud and Tifa's characters and the dysfunction in their relationship, they have to dive into it - but I think definitely think they want to do more with the LS sequence this time, hence Gongaga.
My current prediction is: in the Northern Crater Sephiroth will break Cloud by revealing that Aerith is dead, with some sort of vibe of "of course you couldn't save her, you're just a copy/clone". Cloud will look to Tifa to reassure him that Aerith is alive, and she won't be able to do so. Then when we get to the LS, they'll start with the childhood reveal and SOLDIER, then pivot to the FC at which point Tifa will remember the flash of both worlds she saw at the end of Rebirth and realise Cloud did save Aerith - or a version of her, as I think Zack may also come into it at that point as proof of multiple worlds.
I go back and forth on what world Zack's in. I think it also depends what world Cloud's in - I definitely believe he's in a different world at the end of Rebirth, so possibly Zack's now in the world Cloud just left. But we've absolutely not seen the end of Terrier, I fully believe the endgame of P3 will involve Terrier Aerith and Cloud finally waking up.
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puniper · 2 years
I finished the main story in xeno 3 so I wanted to write my thoughts on it (or well what i can since im super tired lol)
first of all I love u melia and i always knew you would never be evil, what a beautiful bird i love you 4ever
anyways overall I enjoyed the game a lot, I would put it above 2 (tho i do think 2 does some things better) but it doesn’t really surpass 1, 1 really just holds a special place in my heart for me haha also shulk is there 
in terms of individual character writing tho xeno 3 really does sweep the previous ones though, the main party does really feel like a group of people that slowly become friends and learn to care about each other and I actually ended up liking everyone in the main party which is rare, I also really loved the hero quests and system big time because it fixed a huge issue I had with xeno 2 which was the shitty gacha system they had for recruiting blades, in xeno 2 it felt like they had all of these character designs and quests they wanted the party to recruit but since they didn’t know a way to weave them naturally into the story they just shoved them into a shitty gacha mechanic that is as punishing and time consuming as actual gacha, you can tell most of the effort in the game went into implementing all these little hero storylines and tbh I ended up getting more engrossed into the sidequests then the main story at some point lol
speaking of main story, it definitely peaked with chapter 5 and chapter 6 but after that it kinda loses steam, i’ve seen a lot of people saying the moebius were boring villains and tbh they were except for the ones that had actual connections to the party like Joran and Crys and N/M, but for the rest eeehhh, tho I didn’t really mind Z being evil for the sake of entertainment thing, I enjoy villains that are just unashamedly evil, one of the reasons I didn’t like Amalthus in 2 is because they tried to shoehorn a tragic sad backstory for him to make him sympathetic like right at the end of the game and it was like man..just let him be evil and thats it, not every villains needs to be a sad boy lol, I do hope the DLC gives us more info about him cause I’m like 99% the ‘Z’ stands for Zanza or the side of Klaus from Shulk’s world still trying to hang on to his ideals
ironically I think probably my biggest nitpick with the game was that the environment design idk didn’t feel as enchanting as in 1 and 2, like I don’t think I ever arrived at a location that made me go ‘wow’ like satorl marsh or valak mountain did in 1 or like tantal at night did 2 (you know when the giant space squids show up), elaice highway was probably the closest it got to that but the rest didn’t wow much as much but who knows, I still have the post game to do and like 50% of my enjoyment of these games comes from the post game anyways
oh yeah the battle system!, 2 still has my favourite one along with Xeno X, also thank fucking god they got rid of the field skills 2 had, glad monolith caught up on the fact that absolutely nobody liked that
mmmm, i dunno what else to say, oh yeah the Rex harem photograph ended up being canon all along which sucks but Rex is most likely long dead now so Nia is free to kiss Melia instead, still im surprised xenoblade 2 continues to have bad writing even years after its over 
i think thats all i can think for now I’ll add more if I remember anything else
GOOD GAME, Monica is a big milf
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chaserainbows · 3 years
Here we will fix Calem’s rival arc with a hammer ✨enhance the rival Calem experience✨, one step at a time
Calem’s the son of influential trainers who’ve won numerous accolades all over the world. Because of that, expectations were high and he was taught a very competitive mentality, believing that the only thing worth dedicating himself to was aiming for number one- and that if he’s not good at something, or if it doesn’t bring him success, then it’s not worth his time.
His friend group is important to him because that’s one of the few places where he doesn’t have to think about competition and can just be himself. However, as the most experienced trainer of the lot, he ends up standing out anyway and that makes him gradually start falling back into old habits.
All of them represent different aspects of a Pokémon journey:
Tierno wants to build an unique team and partake in sidequests;
Trevor wants to find all kinds of Pokémon and complete the Pokédex;
Shauna wants to discover things at her own pace and make good memories;
And, finally, Calem wants to compete in the Kalos league and become the strongest trainer.
Since all of those different aspirations involve the same basic steps of traveling the region, catching Pokémon and fighting other trainers, Calem’s knowledge is useful for the entire group, making him act as a mentor of sorts.
He sees each of his friends’ goals as something to learn from- someone standing at the top would need good teamwork, knowledge about many different Pokémon species as well as a good sense of adventure- but at the same time he had a hard time seeing them as anything other than temporary fads they’d eventually get over, since he was taught that any self-respecting trainer wanted to be the best.
One day, a girl around his age moves in from a distant region and becomes his neighbor. Reasoning that she most likely didn’t know anyone there and that it must get pretty lonely, he made an effort to integrate her into his social circle and help her acclimate to living in Kalos. Later on, he was surprised to learn that Sycamore wanted her to join his group of assistants, but figured that since he was already teaching everyone else the basic steps of being a trainer, having one more protégée would hardly be an issue.
(It did make him feel a bit jealous that she got handed a starter Pokémon so easily when he went through all the effort of getting the professor to take everyone else in as assistants, but figured that it probably had something to do with her mother’s reputation and kept it to himself.)
With his journey actually beginning, much like in the canon games he wouldn’t be fought in earnest until later on in the plot. Instead, he’d convince his friends to fight as a way of getting stronger, motivating them to compete and rise to stardom with him while also giving them advice on how they can improve. Basically a walking tutorial. Any boss fights he gets during that point (since in the canon games he doesn’t get anything) would be very lighthearted, with him blatantly holding back to help Serena get the hang of being a trainer.
(So, basically, in the Amano timeline there would be WAY more rival boss fights because Shauna only having two is a crime)
However, as the plot progresses, one thing becomes clear- he’s the only one who actually cares about rising to stardom. For his friends, being able to handle themselves in a battle was more of a necessity than something they actually enjoyed, so they had no intention of competing alongside him- that made him worried, since from his perspective they were wasting their potential on frivolities like building uncompetitive teams, documenting Pokémon without training them or wandering around without a purpose. In fact, his own determination to win was starting to make him drift apart from them, and that was the last thing he wanted.
He wanted things to stay exactly as they were, with his friends close to him and progressing in the same direction. Because of that, his encouragement to make them improve becomes less of a selfless act of benevolence and more like pressure to keep them in line.
This reaches a boiling point when they’re told to compete for the Mega Ring and his friends outright refuse. Calem can’t hold back his frustration at their perceived laziness any longer and questions why they’d all want to give up on something that could help every single one of them- it’d give Tierno his own niche as a performer, it’d give Trevor access to nearly undiscovered knowledge about different Pokémon species, and it’d give Shauna unique memories to hold on to. He wants to be stronger, and Mega Evolution would give him an advantage over other trainers, but that doesn’t mean he wants his friends to hold themselves back for his sake. What he does want is for all of them to become strong together.
With that in mind, he decides to compete for the Mega Ring to show that he’s different from all of them- conflicting egos are what drive this world, so he’s not gonna roll over and accept defeat without even trying. He fights Serena seriously for the first time, but even after doing his best ends up losing, and that makes him realize one thing.
Things have permanently changed, whether he likes it or not, and his best is no longer enough. If he’s not Calem the great trainer, the one who excels at everything and leads the path for others to shine… then who is he?
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createandconstruct · 3 years
can i ask about amarant coral? the monk in red himself~
Can you ask about Amarant Coral? *cracks fingers* Oh I insist that you do. Welcome to my Amarant Appreciation Post:
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favorite thing about them: First off best thing about Amarant? His theme. The percussion and the guitar. It’s great and it captures him so well. People out here like “take Amarant out of the game he adds nothing.” EXCUSE ME? You remove the Amarant you remove the Amarant Theme my friend and that is something I do NOT vibe with. 
least favorite thing about them: I wanna know more about him. Now Amarant doesn’t need a backstory or history in the game. In a sense, he already has one that connects him to Zidane and explains his motives and actions and eventual arc. But my issue is, Square never gave him anything else. If you look at Ultimania there’s additional lore about other characters, like Steiner for instance. You learn Steiner was a war orphan who was saved by the Pluto Knights - explaining his devotion to them. Amarant though? Square was like “uh... yeah he was born....? And then he uh got famous...? Idk then he met Zidane. You figure it out.” Square. I hate you. 18 years from his birth until he became “well known”. WHAT WAS HE DOING. WHY’D HE BECOME A SECURITY GUARD. WHAT WAS ON HIS RESUME. TELL MEEEE. Like, okay, what the actual in-game canon gives us on Amarant is sort of enough. He’s a purposely written mysterious “cool-guy” character so we’re given scraps to make him unknown but come on. In the published after-game canon, like Ultimania, we could have been given a bit more. He says he doesn’t remember anything about his origins or parents, but why. Was he another victim of Gaia’s wars? Probably. Was he born on a battlefield? Fighting for his life, living without comrades, taking scraps whenever he could? Was he betrayed when he was young? Is he a supposed to be a version of Zidane had he not been adopted into Tantalus by Baku??? These are questions I deserve answers to, Square.
favorite line: “’I can't just walk away. It goes against my nature...’ You're a real simpleton. Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool." I love this. Amarant figures Zidane out pretty quickly after Ipsen’s Castle. Zidane is hardheaded and also an actor. He acts cool and pretends his reasons for doing things are loose but when he’s decided something it’s always for a reason. You don’t need a reason to help people, but Zidane has his reasons for helping Kuja and while Amarant doesn’t give two shits what they are he knows Zidane won’t be stopped because, despite everything, Zidane saved a loser like him. Also this line “Tell me! Why didn't you kill me!?" Because I quote it all the time and it makes myself laugh. Amarant is such a drama queen and Zidane knows it. Zidane’s like “dude... what is your damage, it’s 5 pm on Tuesday in Madain Sari. I ain’t getting blood on my gloves cause you’re having a temper tantrum.” And then Amarant runs away to have an existential crisis. He’s 26 but compared to Zidane, he’s the real teenager with angst.  
brOTP: I could talk about Zidane or Freya with Amarant but instead I’m gonna say the underrated dynamic of Amarant and Eiko (and also Vivi).  Amarant with the kids is truly the greatest gift given by his presence in the game. Amarant has never known true suffering until he became a designated legal guardian of a group of minors. It also kills me how he’s the one to volunteer to carry Eiko and Vivi up the Iifa tree. He looks at Zidane and is like “you have seriously been the ‘adult’ of this group???”
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OTP: Gotta say the Freya and Amarant dynamic. I really enjoyed their unlikely friendship in the game but then the content. The fan content. The Freya x Amarant fans out there, you win. Ya got me. You captured me and I am now imprisoned by their banter and begruntled allies to lovers story. Even if they’re not romantic I love them together and really wish the game gave us more of them. But even Lani and Amarant together are valid, though I prefer them as butting head bros. Not much content for my girl Lani out there either, she deserves more.
nOTP: Nothing I can think of. I tend to like platonic pairings for Amarant. The dude needs friends because he can barely define the word friendship.
random headcanon: Before Zidane returns at the end of the game Amarant wanders around a bit, unsure of what to do. He doesn’t feel any place with the others in Alexandria, Burmecia, or Lindblum. I imagine he goes off on his own for a bit like before but this time he’s not after Zidane or a fight. Instead he’s got no particular destination. Yet he somehow always finds himself running into people just like him - or the old him - friendless lonely people who are looking for a fight. He doesn’t go out his way to find these folks he simply runs into them and decides he might as well knock some sense into them. He does however make it his business to go after any murmur of people hatching any ideas of going after the far off little village on the Lost Continent. The home of the genomes and black mages. They were so helpless, so weak that anyone who’d want to mess with them is pathetic in Amarant’s book. Until Zidane returns, no one has the chance to even look at the Black Mage Village the wrong way because in the shadows Amarant lurks, making damn well sure of that.
unpopular opinion: I kinda love that he’s just there for most of the game? While I agree he gets the short end of the stick in the same way as Freya, not receiving additional individual character spotlight (which could have very well been supplied through discoverable lore in the world/npcs or through sidequests) I never considered his “standing off to the side” as a detriment to his character. 
Many would probably agree that Amarant always felt like a bit of a parody of the loner character, or at least the stereotype of the loner character. Amarant is so easily paralleled with Squall and Cloud’s surface-level attitudes because his dialogue always felt like something to poke fun at. As the player we’re supposed to align with Zidane’s way of thinking and how he views Amarant. When Amarant loses to Zidane and pretty much grits his teeth and goes “KILL ME,” along with Zidane we’re supposed to kinda raise our brow at him and go “...really, dude?”
 Amarant’s a character introduced as an antagonist who has more in common with the power hungry villains of the game. Like many of the characters in FFIX, Amarant is in search of purpose in life, which he has never found, because he was always looking in the wrong places - in places of violence and power. Very toxic-masculinity of him. Amarant is “cool” on an aesthetic level but in reality he’s the polar opposite of cool in terms of what FFIX states about the need for others to be intertwined in your experiences so that you can live a full life. 
I sort of love that he’s like a grumpy pitball following a 16 year old and his friends around. Then he sits in the corner when they all meet up and discuss current events acting like he doesn’t care (not to mention he casually walks as everyone is running as fast as they can to escape Terra - made me laugh cry on my first playthrough) He is “just there” but that’s because he has no where else to be, no where else to go, he’s a man without a home. And until Zidane offers his hand, at the point where Amarant is most willing to take it at Ipsen’s Castle, he’s not truly a party member. He IS an outsider for almost the entire game but at Ipsen Castle he joins the party, becomes a comrade, and decides he’ll allow himself to change paths and start a life where he has friends and lives, as well as fights for them. Which is why after that moment, Amarant finally has a victory pose.
song i associate with them: I was scratching my head for so long trying to think of a song or track that had Amarant vibes until it hit me. Outskirt Stand by Tsukasa Tawada (from Pokemon Colosseum). Amarant is so chill, he’s not a bombastic guy, so he needs a theme that drops me in the rocky open desert of the Lost Continent like I’m just lumbering around looking for a monkey-tailed menace. Some other Amarant tunes:  Pyrite Town, The Under, Snagem Hideout tracks from Pokemon Colosseum. This post is just an elaborate call to action for everyone to listen to the Pokemon Colosseum soundtrack. Tsukasa Tawada is so great and he has a YouTube. Check him out.
favorite picture of them:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Salamander Coral. I love him. He had too much power. 
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Also everything drawn by @crispy-ghee. Everything. I will think of this Comic forever until I die. Tattoo it on my flesh. The banter, the dynamics, the post-game content, the Zidane prince-consort outfit, the new Amarant outfit, the stuck-in-the-same-place relationship him and Freya have. Perfect. Go read it and consume Crisipy’s stuff. And also check them and their current art out, they just consistently get better and better. Here’s a first panel preview of my fav comic. Read it.
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 @hannahlady​‘s Amarant art and their Freya/Amarant art is just ugh. *Chef’s Kiss* Here is another preview because you should go look at it.
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Here’s a piece that deserves so much more love by @snackage. I LOVE how they drew Amarant. Here’s a little preview. It’s SO GOOD
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Anyway TL;DR: Amarant is love and life and you’ll have to pull him from my little gremlin hands.
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I’ve been thinking about how Xenoblade 2′s character writing and why it doesn’t work. It's not uncommon in animes, especially ones with large casts, to make characters with a handful of really loud and obvious character traits and then have one extra character trait that the viewer can only learn about by spending extra time with them. For the sake of convenience, I'm going to call these "surface traits" and "hidden traits." To use Nia as an example, her surface traits would be that she's a snarky and sarcastic cat girl who is slow to warm up to the party while her hidden trait would be her fear of persecution over powers that she didn't ask for. Every major character in Xenoblade 2 does this.
This type of character writing has a lot of advantages, disadvantages, and requirements to make work effectively. The big advantage of writing characters like this is that they're easy for the audience to follow. This also usually results in characters who are easily identifiable among a large cast because you can list 3 or less surface level character traits and you'll know who's being talked about. When talking about Xenoblade 2, I could talk about a "super powerful hot-head," "talks like a butler," "flirts constantly and is uncool," and you can probably guess which character I'm talking about. This can also be really good for characters that the player isn't supposed to spend a lot of time with but the writers still want to leave an impression. The Rare Blades are good examples of the type of character where writing them like this is a good idea, especially since it's not guarantee that the player will do their sidequests or h2hs after getting access to them. This style of character writing also doesn't prevent writers from making interesting or complex characters. Pyra and Mythra are actually really good examples of characters that fit this style of character writing but are still super complex. When a story has a lot of these types of characters, they become interesting by having those attributes intersect with and synergize with as many other elements in the work they're a part of as possible. 
The reason why Pyra and Mythra are able to be extremely complicated characters that still follow this model of character writing is because the traits that the writers decided to give Pyra and Mythra feed into both the other character, the individual character, the plot, and the gameplay, but also it's possible to trace how the traits of other characters interact with them. Addam is a reluctant hero, normally that's seen as a noble trait in fiction. But in Xenoblade 2, Blades are emotionally reliant on their drivers to such a massive extent that it can shape both how a Blade views themself and how they view the world as a whole. So, Addam being scared of Mythra's power, having only resonated with her out of the necessity to defeat Malos, and often referring to "the Aegis" as "Malos, the guy who sinks continents for fun" all feeds into Mythra seeing herself as something that is dangerous and can only cause harm. This also feeds into the gameplay. Pyra and Mythra are presented as glass canons who deal nice crit. However, building Mythra towards being a dodge tank or giving her a crit heal build can make her really powerful defensively. Pyra's a lot weaker than Mythra because her attack doesn't reach the same levels as Mythra's and she doesn't have a lot of utility outside of dealing damage. This synergizes really nicely with their character arc because, for Pyra, it shows that Mythra really did see herself as only a weapon when she created Pyra, so Pyra, alongside being a lot weaker, is also a lot more limited to that role. While Mythra, while powerful offensively, becomes broken when used defensively. Which mechanically synergizes with her learning that she isn't an evil ball of destruction. They also have the potential to synergize nicely with the majority of the party. Rex doesn't know about the Aegis war gets to know Pyra as Pyra rather than as the Aegis. Azurda was there for the Aegis war and really should have something to say about Mythra blowing up Torna. Nia's character arc also involves her sealing away her powers because of a fear of being judged for them, Dromarch is an emotional support to Nia, Tora is responsible for creating a blade that can rival Mythra in power and Poppi is that Blade (considering how Pyra and Mythra feels about their own power, this could go somewhere), Morag and Brighid both rub the Aegis war in Pyra's and Mythra's face (Morag initially opposes Rex because she believes the Aegis is too dangerous to be left unsupervised and she's scared of the Aegis's power, which is a parallel that could be drawn to Addam's own attitude towards the Aegis, while Brighid was not only there for the Aegis war, she was extremely judgy and one of the people responsible for Mythra turning into Pyra), and Zeke and Pandoria don't really have any immediately obvious connections, which can be nice if Pyra's and Mythra's relationship with every other character is so closely related to the heavy topic that is her hidden trait. Of course, Xenoblade 2 doesn't do anything with most of these potential synergies, so they don't exist in the context of Xenoblade 2. But they are very useable and potentially very powerful in the context of fanfiction, which is why I made that comment. Mythra's already one of the most complex characters in the game and the writers only really did anything with her potential synergies with Pyra, Addam, and maybe Rex (which could have been further explored). In turn, Pyra and Addam are more interesting characters than they would have been had Mythra not been written to be a part of the story. If Xenoblade 2 had taken more advantage of the potential synergies between different members of the cast, the character writing would be a lot better than it is in the game.
A common issue with writing characters like this is that they can easily feel one-dimensional or tropey. These types of characters work best if you imagine any individual character as a puzzle piece rather than a whole thing to be viewed in isolation. Going back to the example of Pyra and Mythra, if you were to write Pyra without having Mythra or any of the stuff going on there, she becomes a boringly written character that only really plays into the sexist ideals of what makes a good housewife, with her surface traits being that she's demure, sexually innocent, and good at cooking. So by not making those connections and synergies when writing these characters, they become weak characters. The issue becomes worse when the characters synergize badly with other elements of the work they're a part of. This is an area where Xenoblade 2's big issue of its pieces not fitting well together comes to bite the character writing in the ass.
For example, one of the reasons Rex suffers as a character is because the writers tried to make him a weak child character who barely scrapes by most of his encounters, but this does not work well with Xenoblade 2's cathartic combat system. Xenoblade 2's combat system does a lot to make the player feel awesome. It has the flashiest attacks in the series so far, it has some narrator going "excellent" "awesome" "amazing," and it emphasizes the player juggling a lot of simple to execute ideas at once, which makes it extremely satisfying when the player successfully juggles those things and makes big numbers that go brr. This makes Xenoblade 2's combat really unique and fun (easily my favorite moment-to-moment combat in the series). But in relationship to how Rex is written, it's really bad. Gameplay is as much a part of the story of a video game as the writing is, so if the gameplay says "the party is an unstoppable, epic, flashy, and cool and this is a power fantasy where the party can handle anything (that doesn't instantly kill them)" while the story says "the party barely survives the majority of their encounters and the protagonist is way in over his head," then there's going to be a disconnect and players are likely either going to react by believing Rex is terrible protagonist who constantly loses or they'll lean towards believing that the gameplay isn't canon. Neither of these are good results.
The character designs are another aspect of the game that screws over the character writing. For these types of characters, they need to be accompanied by character designs where you can know at a glance what they're all about. This can mean having over the top character designs, but that isn't always the case. If you want some examples, the Fire Emblem series is generally very good at conveying information about its characters through its designs without needing over the top designs. Full Metal Alchemist manages to convey a lot of information about it's characters through their designs even with the majority of them wearing the exact same uniforms. Xenoblade 2 utterly fails at this goal when making its character designs. Pyra's the worst example of this, so I'll use her design to get at what I mean. She's a shy, modest, carries a lot of guilt with her, and is shown multiple times to either be ignorant or disapproving of horniness (mostly shown in H2H's involving Tora). Those are all pretty surface level traits about her, which her character design should convey the most loudly. Alongside that, it's also important that her design connects her to Mythra in some way since their relationship is extremely important to both of their arcs. Because Xenoblade 2 has a mechanical focus on dividing ether in different elements, it's a good idea for Pyra's character design to say "I'm a fire type" in some way. It may also be good to have the design imply that Pyra is a weapon and that she is sealed because that's also relevant to her character arc. Because the Aegis and the Monado are supposed to be connected (but that connection is a massive spoiler), Pyra's design should also have something subtly tying her to Malos and the Monado. Out of those things listed, Pyra's design does convey a connection to Mythra and it does say that she's a fire type. It either doesn't do or does an extremely poor job at conveying everything else. If Pyra is supposed to be demure, why is her design so flashy? If Pyra is going to have multiple lines of dialogue where she explicitly says that she doesn't like horny clothes, why is her design so heavily sexualized? Her flashy design works really well with the flashy gameplay and the sexualized design works well as a waifu collection gacha game, but that comes at the massive expense of the character. The character design and combat animations imply that Pyra is supposed to be cool and sexy, but the character writing says that she is not remotely close to that. If the purpose was to make the character design intentional contradict the character, then a point should be made about that rather than leaving it to the viewer to piece together whatever explanation sounds the smartest to them.
Another way that Xenoblade 2′s characters falter is that their hidden traits often don’t come into play outside of the moment when they’re established. Making anything like that just results in something where there’s a lot going on but it isn’t very interesting. Tora is the worst offender for this, he’s a super-genius, has a strong admiration for Rex because he’s a driver, is overweight, and has a maid fetish. This could easily lead into him having an arc where he has to learn to see Poppi as a real Blade or as a person (and it could synergize nicely with some of the later plot twists about all Blades being artificial lifeforms). It could put an interesting spin on the maid fetish aspect of his character because Poppi is on the receiving end of that most of the time. It could also work nicely with Mythra’s character arc because she has experience being seen for what she is rather than who. It could lead into Poppi having a character arc. Tora could also easily have an arc about learning to believe in himself. Which could work nicely with Rex’s development, or even Pyra or Mythra’s arcs. Instead, Tora gets all of his development in Chapter 4 (which really wasn’t a good time for it because there was a lot that needed to get unpacked with Mythra’s introduction and that gets sidelined a lot quicker than it should have been). And it focuses a lot on how Bana kidnapped his father and forced him to make a bunch of Artificial Blades and also finished Lila. There’s a lot of extra information added about Tora, but the game never draws a connection between Tora’s existing character traits and the new information, nor does it do anything to link those traits. So, a lot of people will see either Tora as a character as “the creepy Nopon with a maid fetish” or “the super-genius who wants to be a real driver.” The deeper stuff about him missing his dad and wanting to honor their memory by finishing a multi-generation long project barely has anything to do with any of his actions outside of this one arc. Alongside that, this hidden trait doesn’t synergize with his surface traits. It’s not that these character traits can’t reasonably coexist, but they also don’t feed into each other very well. And connections absolutely can be made between these traits, but the game opts not to make them.
Azurda is a character who suffers from the game not exploring its characters as much as it should. He is old and he likes to tease Rex but genuinely cares about him. Those are his surface level traits. His hidden traits are that he knows a lot more about the backstory than he lets on and withholds a lot of critical information from the characters because he doesn’t trust Rex to respond rationally with that information. There’s a lot that can be done with that, but the game does nothing. Azurda never expresses any opinion about Rex being Pyra’s driver despite having seen for himself how badly Addam’s partnership with Mythra went. Even if his opinion is that he’s chill with it, that’s something he should have been asked to elaborate on (probably by Pyra?). Instead, he doesn’t serve much of a purpose to anything. Brighid, Poppi, Morag, Dromarch, and Pandoria also suffer from a lack of being properly explored by the writing.
Another issue that Xenoblade 2 has with its character writing is that it turns some of the most important aspects of its characters into late-game plot twists. The advantage of plot twists is that they’re exciting, can carry huge implications for earlier parts of the story that the player can notice upon revisiting it, and can change the trajectory of the story in interesting ways. The problem is that these character plot twists tend to also be at the end of their arcs. The audience doesn’t know about Nia being a Flesh Eater or that she struggles with fear of rejection because of how people have reacted to her being a Flesh Eater until that conflict has already been resolved. We don’t learn about Pyra and Mythra being suicidal until a minute before it’s resolved. That’s a problem because all of the potentially interesting character stuff happens off-screen, which means the player doesn’t get to see it (unless they read fanfictions that specifically address these topics). I already talked about Pyra and Mythra, so I’m going to talk about Nia. Up until a bit before the Flesh Eater reveal, she largely plays straight-man to everyone else’s bullshit and makes a few funny snarky comments. Her role in the party comedically works really well. She is comedic gold and plays especially nicely off of Zeke. However, when it comes to her non-comedic writing, she struggles to be interesting. The first potentially interesting thing we learn about her is that she was allies with Torna (but didn’t know that they kill people? or did she just not think they’d murder a random innocent kid?) The game doesn’t use Nia’s former allegiance to Torna to progress her character, especially in the early game. Nia has been on the run from Indol for years and caused her so much fear that it prevented her from saving Vandham, that should have been a huge deal in the moment, that Nia could have saved him but didn’t. But because Nia being a Flesh Eater isn’t revealed to the audience until much later, the best we get is being able to see her hesitating and clutching her chest and that becoming significant on rewatch. Putting this plot twist so late also means that Nia doesn’t react to Mor Ardain capturing her, Cole openly revealing himself to be a flesh eater, Fan’s powers (in Chp. 4), or her having to exist in Indol nearly as much as she should have. It also makes her join Azurda in the ranks of having known critical plot information but chose not to share it party. The flesh eater reveal happens at an awkward time. Players will either realize early in Chapter 6 or in Chapter 7, depending on whether they caught on during the Niall revive scene. Either the plot twist comes out of nowhere and proceeds to not get addressed or receive any context until midway through Chapter 7 or it comes at a time when the viewer should be concerned about Pyra and Mythra and draws a bunch of attention away from that. Either way, Nia being a flesh eater only manifests in the story as an OP power-up after the reveal. This comes at the expense of certain scenes. For example, Nia soloing Malos visually looks really cool, but because the writing never puts any time on Nia’s relationship with Torna or how that impacted her views of herself as a Flesh Eater, there isn’t any emotional pay-off to this encounter. Her revealing herself as a flesh eater also falls into the same category. The scene is mostly known for “I love you and all you guys!” If the game revealed to the audience that Nia was a flesh eater and spent most of her life having to hide that fact or else be forced to go on the run or get taken advantage of for it, then her character development wouldn’t have to be all cramped into Chapter 7 and her two major scenes there could start to have some emotional payoff. Revealing her status as a flesh eater to the audience early on would also allow for Nia’s arc to compliment Pyra’s and Mythra’s. It could even allow Dromarch to have moments (since a lot of his character is based around him being a support for Nia). Unfortunately, the most interesting aspect of Nia’s character doesn’t get explored, doesn’t show up until really late in the game (late considering that she’s the second party member), and it gets crammed into a spot where the story should have been focusing on Rex and his ability to function without Pyra and Mythra’s help. 
Overall, the character writing in Xenoblade 2 is rather weak because while the characters do function well as comedic units, they try and fail to do anything deeper than that. Either the characters needed to have their deeper or more complicated features way more fleshed out (and also synergize better with other aspects of the game, such as the character designs and combat) or Xenoblade 2 should have backed off from its heavier themes and stuck to being a comedy. 
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Ordinary Date
Ahaha! So I did write something for Valentine’s Day, now that it’s basically over, but it’s still 9:40pm my time, so it counts! So, sequel-ish to The Path we Walk and prequel-ish to Goodbye Winter, with Talbott and Ravenclaw!Alexus, my favorite pairing to write about, it seems. It’s not a fic of the Valentine’s Day Ball sidequest, this is kinda AU-ish on what I think their first date would really be like. First date hymns, poetry, angsty stuff, the world’s smallest canon complaint, preppy-nerds-who-pine, banter, little proof-reading, this did not go remotely the direction I thought it was gonna. Things started out so nice for them. He made her feel like an ordinary girl, if only for a few hours. But she was not meant to last a whole night, it seems. Rated T, 6,000+ words.
The soft glow of the street lanterns casted an orange glow onto the otherwise pearly white snow that rested to the sides on the main street of Hogsmeade, dulled grey by the night’s gentle darkness. It wasn’t snowing, but the clouds looming in the sky suggested that fact would change. There was a gentle coldness in the air, not a biting freeze, but it still made the breaths of the passersby illuminate a smoky puff as they walked along the wet cobblestone path. Their breathes would turn orange or yellow as the air would catch the soft light glow of the window shops. The people walking in front of the warm interiors would only have half their face casted in light, the other halves of their bodies turning to near translucent shadows.
Talbott Winger watched people turn into silhouettes, only seeing shadows as they walked from shop to shop.
He stood on the opposite side of the street of the Three Broomsticks entrance, the adults and the students pouring in and out of the establishment, walking hand in hand, or storming out furiously, one girl running out, crying. It must have been a date gone wrong. It was Valentine’s Day, after all.
Talbott’s first Valentine’s day with Alexus Johnson, the girl from his year he gave his heart to on accident and against his better judgement. It was not a deathbed confession, but she was recovering after being tortured by a dark witch when he confessed his mutual attraction.
A lot of their relationship milestones seemed to be an accident. He accidentally let his guard down enough for her to become his friend. She accidentally confessed her feelings first. He accidentally got feelings for her, more than he knew what to do with.
He just didn’t want to accidentally ruin tonight.
He was waiting outside the Three Broomsticks because that’s where they agreed to meet. She was discharged from the Hospital Wing earlier today, and he left while her friends dragged her to the dorm room to “get her ready” even though Alexus herself was wildly protesting.
Talbott was anxious, even if he would never admit it. He would never admit he was anxious or that he consulted his dormate, Andre Egwu to help him pick out an outfit.
Andre was ecstatic, almost insultingly so, to help Talbott dress for such an occasion as a date, and while throwing different clothes from Andre’s own wardrobe onto Talbott’s bed, he admitted to giving the girls tips about what should be Alexus’s outfit for the date.
So, that was how Talbott ended up standing in the cold while wearing some dull tan overcoat over a light grey pullover sweater and that was over a white button-up shirt. Not to mention, blue jeans. Overall, he was kept warm, which Andre must have accounted for. Maybe a little too warm, as the back of his neck was burning. Maybe that had nothing to do with the heat of his clothing layers. He let out a breath, that smoky breath that visibly danced in front of his face before disappearing the next second. He gently placed a hand over his chest, over the feather charm on his necklace. He pressed down, feeling it against his palm, against his skin. He was nervous.
God, who would have known he would be nervous taking out the girl he really liked?
They both agreed to no grandiose plans, as Alexus was still technically in recovery and they both hated grandiose plans. Talbott knew what his ideal date entailed, and he had a decent idea of what Alexus would enjoy for a date.
So why was he so nervous?
“Talbott!” he looked up and his heart stopped.
There she was.
“Alexus,” he said as she walked up, not quite smiling, but he stared at her with something soft in his eyes.
She wasn’t alone, but he saw only her, his vision tunneling as her appearance was stunning. She wore a neck dress that was a deep, royal shade of blue that cinched at the waist and swayed around down her legs with each step, ending just above her knees, the rest of her legs covered by black, opaque tights. White lapels peaked over the collar, and a fitted dark grey cardigan hugged her torso.
Alexus walked in the middle of a trio which consisted of her, Badeea Ali, and Penny Haywood, the three girls linking arms, walking to Talbott like they were moving down the aisle, giving their daughter away for a wedding. Maybe that was a semblance of their motivations, but in reality, he knew they were just making sure she made the walk to him, as they were rather unsure of all the spells that dark witch had used on Alexus just recently, unsure if there would be any lingering effects.
As they reached him, Alexus broke from the girls and slid her hand into Talbott’s waiting one.
“Thank you,” she said to them.
“Have fun!” Penny waved off cheerily.
Talbott nodded his head to them respectfully before they disappeared into the Three Broomsticks. He watched them leave before looking down at Alexus. He brought her hand to his lips for a second. “Are you ready to go?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” she replied, smiling at him.
He returned her smile before leading her away, down the street of Hogsmeade.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I feel you’d prefer to avoid crowded places today,” he started as they walked.
“I’d prefer to avoid crowded places any day, but since the rumors of my dating habits have been picking up, I would prefer to be away from as many other students as possible.”
“As you wish,” Talbott said, winking at her.
Alexus rolled her eyes, still smiling. “Since when do you watch The Princess Bride?” she asked.
“Since you mentioned how good it was in five letters after fourth year,” he chided.
“It was good!” Alexus said defensively.
“Well, you always were a sucker for romance. Who would have known?”
She poked his side. “You have no room to talk, Mr. Read-Poetry-to-the-Girl-in-the-Hospital.”
He stopped walking and looked down at her. “As I recall, you enjoyed being read to.”
She stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I never said I didn’t.” She walked further along, dragging him with her a few steps until he started walking on his own, again, taking the lead.
“You’re… impossible,” he said with admiration and burning cheeks.
“You’re paradoxical,” she retaliated as she fell into step with him. Before he could question her adjective, she continued. “Where are we going, anyways?”
He frowned, but let it roll off his shoulders. “You can fly, yes?”
“As gracefully as the day I first transformed.”
“Oh dear, we might be in trouble then.”
He laughed as she nudged his side with her shoulder.
“The Courtyard, Alexus. The Clocktower Courtyard.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You have me escorted all the way to Hogsmeade just to fly back to Hogwarts?”
“Well, eventually. I thought you’d enjoy Honeydukes first. You can tell a lot about a person by the sweets they enjoy.”
He stopped as they reached the front of the shop in question. She didn’t even realize that’s where he had taken her.
She opened her mouth, probably to say something smart back to him, but he was already opening the door for her like a proper gentleman and ushering her inside from the cold.
She gave him a look that was half a smirk and half a challenge and half a battle of wits when they left.
He just winked back and grabbed her hand, walking with her through the shop. There were other students, more crowded than they both would have liked, but also not as busy as a place such as the Three Broomsticks. There were other couples, walking and poking around the shelves.
“So, what is your favorite sweet?” Talbott asked as they made their way through a natural path of the store. He inspected a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans.
“Not that. Too much risk,” Alexus replied, scrunching her nose at his selection.
“You break curses in your spare time,” he pointed out, almost laughing.
“Ever since Jacob gave me a wasabi flavored bean when I was four, I’ve been rather weary of them.”
He laughed and kept the package. “Then I’m definitely getting this. I’ll give you the good ones.”
“Oh, you’re such a gentleman,” she said, sarcastically before reaching up. He found it incredibly endearing that her fingers barely brushed the bag of liquorice wands, straining to grasp them before she caught the plastic with her fingers, pulling it forward just a centimeter before pulling it closer until she could slide it off the edge slowly and into her palm.
“You could have asked for assistance or a step ladder you know,” he said, trying not to burst out laughing, but there were tears in his eyes from the strain of holding himself back.
“Sod off, Talbott,” she muttered before looking at her parcel. “These are my favorite.” “Liquorice wands?” he asked, glancing at her hands.
“Ever since I was little. My mum…” she stopped and looked at him cautiously.
He caught her look before turning away, trying to make his demeanor as eased and nonchalant as possible. “Continue,” he assured her.
“My mum always bought these when she went to a wizard market. Jacob and I would pretend to duel.”
Talbott laughed lightly. “See? I told you, you can tell a lot about a person based on the sweets they enjoy.”
She rolled her eyes. “What about you? What’s your favorite?”
Talbott hummed and put the peppermint toads he was holding back onto the shelf. He grabbed her empty hand with his own before leading the way to another aisle. He picked up a displayed cardboard box with a saran wrap window, showing off the gelatinous sweets inside.
“Jelly slugs?” Alexus asked incredulously while Talbott beamed, like he was the creator of the confections.
“They’re right and proper when you have a craving for sweets, Alexus,” Talbott said seriously.
“They’re good, but I didn’t think they’d be your favorite sweet,” she shrugged.
“Oh? What did you think would be my favorite?” he asked, added the box to his collection.
She hummed, thinking before letting go of his hand, disappearing behind a shelf before reimaging, walking up to him and shoving a box of ice mice into his hand.
He stared as she pressed her lips together, eyes lit up with something wicked.
“You know,” she said, voice shaking with restrained giggles. “Because… well, birds of prey tend to enjoy mice.” She laughed as he gave her a pained expression.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he put the box back. They looked at other sweets when they were approached by a wiry and young employee with a tray in his hands.
“Chocolate raspberry fudge?” he asked. “Free samples for Valentine’s couples.”
Talbott looked at Alexus before taking two off the tray, thanking the employee.
“Are you fond of raspberry?” she asked.
“Very, when it’s paired with chocolate,” he replied, handing her a small square of the pink and brown treat.
They ate them together as they finished their shopping and walked to the register, Talbott grabbing two bottles of butterbeer on their way. They paid before they left the shop, still talking about the sort of treats they would enjoy in their childhood.
“Muggle candies, have you ever had those?” Alexus asked.
“I can’t say that I have.”
“You’d love them. If I make it to summer, I’ll be sure to buy a bunch to share with you.”
He looked at her. “If?”
She blinked. “Uh, when,” she corrected herself, “I mean, when I come back from the summer.”
He stopped, his grip in her hand making her stop as well. She turned to him, reluctantly meeting his piercing red eyes.
“Do you not think you’re going to make it past the Final Vault?”
“It’s- it’s not that, Talbott. I just… can’t guarantee it,” she looked down and held his hand tighter. “I have to be realistic.”
He sighed and kissed her head. “That is the path you walk?” he asked.
She nodded and pressed her head against his chest.
He wrapped an arm around her. “Then I’ll walk it with you. I promised you that much, Alexus.”
“You’re… paradoxical,” she muttered before pulling away.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked.
She looked up at him and sighed before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He admired her, that orange glow illuminating half her face, her emerald eyes shining even brighter as the moonlight casted it’s soft mercury glow onto the other half.
He felt a compelling force that almost pushed him down, if only to… well, he wasn’t sure. He felt some great pull towards her, a desire for something but he didn’t know what. He saw that in her eyes, he saw so much in them. That mysterious and compelling force.
She leaned back, taking her hand into his. “Let’s go back. The long way, yeah?”
He nodded and walked with her back down the street of Hogsmeade.
They didn’t talk. They didn’t need to talk, which was not an infrequent occurrence with them. Sometimes, the only thing they needed to say could be expressed with the silence, the energy that they could feel passing between them.
As they got to Hogwarts, it was around dinner time, so not too close to the curfew, but it was close, so Talbott and Alexus knew they had to be careful about avoiding any teachers or other staff members as they walked past the Great Hall.
Eventually, they walked outside and into the Courtyard. They held hands still as they sat at the base of the fountain.
Alexus took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
He smiled before opening the two bottles of butterbeer, setting one down next to her before he took a swig from his own.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“Nothing, actually,” she replied, opening her eyes and grabbing her bottle. “Just… the sound of the fountain, and the silence of the night, it’s always relaxing, to me. I missed it, while I was in the Hospital Wing.”
“Yeah? You sneak out here often?” he asked, reaching through his bag, pulling out his box of jelly slugs.
“Not as often as you go to the Owlery for the same reasons,” she replied before taking a long drink from her bottle.
He gave a small chuckle and opened the box. He selected a strawberry and lime flavored slug and bit into it, leaning back before looking at Alexus.
He was startled to see her looking at him, that intense look, where the expression holds the million thoughts running through her head faster than light, every single one causing the most minute shift on her face, but at the same time, all those million thoughts were about one subject. Him.
Her eyes, catching the moonlight again fixated on him, one eyebrow raised, the other pressed down in the lightest furrow, a crease in her forehead because of it. Her lips, pursed together, mostly hidden under the hand that she pressed to her mouth, one corner of her lips only just lifted and visible next to her thumb. Anyone else might have seen a soft neutrality, a few thoughts, a contemplating look. He saw that and so much more.
The way something lit up in her eyes when he looked at her, the flush in her cheeks, a centimeter rise in that one corner of her lips. He did that, by looking at her.
He felt that great pull on him again, like there was something inside his chest, in his instincts that was gripping him, trying to move him forward. He wondered if this was what being under the Imperius Curse was like. Something was trying to control him? No. He’d read personal recounts from survivors, about the effects, and this was not that.
But what was this pull?
Alexus slid her hand over his and reached over him, grabbing one of his jelly slugs for herself. She bit the head off and chewed before laying her head on his shoulder.
He moved his arm to wrap it around her lower back and pulled her closer.
“I hope the lack of eventfulness was okay for our first date,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her crown softly for a second.
“With my daily routine? Lack of eventfulness was the best thing you could have planned. Thank you for making me feel ordinary for the night.”
He chuckled. “Somehow, I don’t think you can be ordinary, Alexus. You are… fantastically remarkable.”
“And you are fantastically corny.”
He laughed, turning away from her to hide his little outburst, which made her laugh.
“Corny, but appreciated,” she assured him, gently putting a hand on his chest reassuringly.
He looked down at her, at the laughing grin on her face, and as she was wiping away a tear from her eye, he leaned down, tilting his head.
He kissed her.
So suddenly, he kissed her, soft lips meeting softer lips, eyes closed, her hands sliding across his arms to wrap around his shoulders, his hands moving to cup her face.
As suddenly as he kissed her, he pulled away, taking a couple deep breathes, watching her, eyes wide, mouth agape with a breathless panting. Her cheeks grew warm rapidly under his hands.
“I-I’m sorry… I don’t… uh… I don’t know what came o-”
She cut him off by leaning up and kissing him this time.
It was hard for him to say how long passed before one of them pulled away again.
When they kissed, he discovered in about five seconds that time became lost. The world was lost. Stars twinkled around in the sky above them, water trickled into the pool behind them. Talbott could swear he felt the ground move beneath them. Until it was all lost. There was nothing around them, there was no world, no stars, no water, no ground.
Just her.
Just him.
Just them together, connected in the purest form of a kiss.
When it was over, when they were pulling away from each other, the noise of the world slowly came back. There was that water trickling, soft insects calling in the night. An owl hooted somewhere far away, a wolf howled in the distant forest. Heavy footsteps clacked on the stone floor nearby, and it was coming closer.
Talbott and Alexus looked at each other before at their supplies from Honeydukes.
“Conceal it!” she whispered quickly, whipping out her wand, Talbott following suit. They quickly casted the disillusionment charm over their bags and bottles before pocketing their wands. They nodded to each other before assuming their animagus forms, Talbott as a brown eagle, Alexus was a chihuahuan raven. They flew up, right to the end of the courtyard as some… unknown person walked into the courtyard.
Alexus watched, ready to fly away at the first sign of trouble. Whenever dark-hooded figures with most of their faces obscured walked in her general area, it was never good, and they always seemed to be for her.
Talbott let out of call, a warning one.
Alexus looked at him, where he was perched on a ledge that overlooked the courtyard.
Alexus got ready to fly away, waiting for when the stranger would least likely be bothered by two non-nocturnal birds. She watched as the wizard stalked around the courtyard, poking stone with his wand.
As his back was turned, Alexus called out to Talbott, and they both spread their wings to take off. This was something they had to report, and fast.
They flew up, Alexus aiming for the sky to disappear into when there was a terrible, fiery pain in her right wing. She cried out, the vocalization coming out as a pained caw.
The wind was rushing through her feathers from her rapid descent.
She landed on her side, curling her arm into herself, black feathers swaying onto the ground around her.
“Alexus Johnson, small raven. Right there in the registry where any one can read it,” the wizard said, making his way over to her.
Alexus groaned, slowly sitting up, her wand in her grip, but she couldn’t lift her arm, it hurt too much to bend it. Her cardigan and shirt sleeves had already been burned or blasted off.
“It’s a chihuahuan raven, actually,” she corrected the wizard as he pointed it wand at her. “The base of the neck has a white coloration, native more to the Mexico and western United States area.”
The wizard didn’t say anything as he stood over Alexus.
Alexus smiled and set her wand down. “I’m not coming quietly. In fact, I’m not coming with you at all,” she assured him as she slowly rose to her feet, eyes trained on his wand.
“You know what ‘R’ wants, so you might as well make it easy now. Before we make you abide by our ideals.”
Alexus laughed lightly. “No.”
There was a screech and Talbott descended, talons extended, right towards the dark wizard’s face.
While he was distracted, Alexus stooped down to grab her wand with her left arm.
“Get away!” she shouted to Talbott.
He flew off, and Alexus sent a powerful blasting spell at the dark wizard, sending him flying back across the courtyard, landing in the fountain.
Talbott landed next to Alexus, turning back into human as he did. He pulled out his wand and kept it trained on the wizard.
“Do we run?” he asked.
“No, he’ll slip away.” Alexus walked to the wizard, ready to attack if he moved. “You go get a teacher, Dumbledore, Filch, anyone. We can’t let him get back to ‘R’ when he knows.”
Talbott didn’t want to leave Alexus alone, but he knew she could handle the wizard better than he could. But he still hesitated, looking at her.
“Talbott, go!” she insisted as the dark wizard started to stir.
She wanted to watch him leave as he ran into the castle, but she was too terrified to take her eyes off of the dark wizard.
“So… ‘R’ must be getting more desperate, if they’re just sending any idiot to try and retrieve me,” she commented as the wizard slowly sat up from the water.
“What can we say? Your work with the Vaults continues to be impressive.”
“I believe I have given you my answer already. Incarcerous!” Ropes sprang from the tip of her wand and coiled tightly around the torso of the dark wizard, binding his arms to his sides.
She walked over and grabbed his discarded wand, kicking it further across the courtyard.
“You gave us the wrong answer,” the wizard said, nonchalantly.
“Ferula,” Alexus muttered, pointing her wand at her burn. Bandages delicately wrapped around the injury. She’d find Chiara for a more permanent solution.
“It is cute that you think ‘R’ is giving you a choice.”
“PROTEGO!” Alexus shouted, twirling on her heel, slashing her wand up, throwing up a quick shield to counter the second assailant’s attempt to stun her as they came up from behind. The force of her opponent’s spell on her shield made her slide back a few inches.
“You didn’t think I’d come alone to collect such a… volatile target?” the man asked, inching his way out of the fountain as Alexus faced the new dark wizard.
“I was certainly hoping, but I guess no one wants to be alone today,” she muttered, planting her foot behind her. “Expelliarmus!”
The wizard dodged and sent his own spell back to her, causing her to jump to the side.
“Locomotor Mortis!”
Alexus tripped as her legs were bound together. She swore under her breath and gripped her wand as the wizard advanced upon her.
“Flipendo Maxima!” she shouted, trying to buy herself more time, but he blocked that too.
All Alexus saw was red sparks and then stars. Lights and shadows swimming in the darkness of her vision. She groaned and turned on her side, towards the fountain. Vision was slowly coming back to her, her surroundings blurred.
Semi-conscious…. Semi-conscious was better than unconscious, which could have been the outcome with the stunning spell.
She saw the two dark wizards at the fountain as blurred figures, coming in and out of focus. “She really got you, didn’t she?” the second assailant asked as he undid the ropes on his companion.
“She had a bird friend, another animagus. Little bastard got my face, went to get help.”
She looked at her hand, extended, laying on the ground.
Her wand…
She had a wand.
“We better get out of here quickly.”
She moved her fingers, brushing along the stone. It must have been knocked out of her grip. Then, she felt it. That familiar wood, the warmth in her fingertips as she found her wand. She gripped it firmly and looked back at the two. The second one was helping the first wizard up out of the fountain. She pointed her wand at the ground by them. “Bombarda!”
The second wizard jumped back as there was a small explosion at his feet, the first wizard falling back into the fountain.
She sat up as the second dark wizard whirled around to face her.
“Everte Statum!”
“Lacarnum Inflamari!”
His robes caught on fire as she was sent rolling back across the courtyard, stopping when her body collided with the far wall, a sharp pain in her torso where the spell hit her.
“PUT IT OUT!” the wizard shouted, stomping on his dark cloak rapidly.
“My wand!” the other one shouted, jumping out of the fountain and looking at the dark ground.
If Alexus wasn’t reeling, she’d be laughing, but as the pain was subsiding, she slowly climbed to her feet as the wizard just shrugged off his robe, revealing his face.
He was a gruff-looking figure, with patchy black and white facial hair on his jaw, his head shaved, a massive scar on his scalp. His dark eyes pierced Alexus as he raised his wand.
Where was Talbott? Should it have taken him this long to get help? Was he on his way with Dumbledore and all she had to do was stall?
“I told your friend, I wasn’t going to come quietly,” she said, raising her wand as well
“And I told your friend, I’m willing to take you in bloody if that’s what it takes.” He shot a spell at her, and she jumped to the side before firing her own at him.
“What did you do to him?” she asked, trying to keep her voice bold and even.
“Just gave him a full-body bind so he wouldn’t have to get any pesky teachers involved. Someone will find him, but you’ll be gone by then.”
Alexus set her jaw. Talbott would be terrified. She couldn’t let him be any more scared than he already was with her in her danger. But more importantly, they got to Talbott. They hurt him. She couldn’t let that slide either.
If Talbott was in that courtyard in that second, only he would have seen the darkness in her eyes, like a thunderstorm overtaking clear, green, rolling fields. A brewing and dangerous storm that made it seem like the sky was about to explode, Heaven’s fury being unleashed like Hell’s wrath.
Alexus focused her wand on the men in front of her as the wizard finally found his wand and joined his partner.
The air became still for a second as the intensity of the silent rage culminated in her chest.
“Incendio!” she shouted, waving her wand in arch before herself, sending a wall of flames to the men in front of her.
They only had time to wave the flames away in one swoop before she thrusted her wand forward, at their feet.
The bald wizard threw his arms in front of his face while his friend jumped back as shards of stone flew up in all directions from their feet.
She sent furious spell after furious spell, making them dodge and jump out of the way to avoid serious injury. Now that there was no backup, she had to win.
“Expelliarmus!” she disarmed the bald wizard, his wand flying behind him.
He looked at the discarded wand behind him before back at her. “Who knew you had such a weakness, Miss Johnson? Don’t worry, weaknesses aren’t allowed in ‘R’ so that will be fixed soon enough.”
She froze, only for a second, but that was enough for the other wizard.
The air stilled again.
Alexus pressed her hand against her stomach, shuddering as she felt something arm and stick saturating her clothes and hand. Gulping, she pulled it away and held it up in front of her face, even if she already knew. In the moonlight, she saw the dark stain on her hands.
Before she could do another thing, before she could even think about healing herself, the first wizard snapped his wand at her.
“Petrificus Totalus!”
Eyes widened, mouth slightly agape, wand outstretched, bloody hand near her chest, she became frozen.
The first wizard rushed forward as the second one went to retrieve his wand.
“There we go,” the first one muttered as he moved his wand over her injuries, healing her slowly.
“Don’t need to kill ya, just needed you stunned enough.”
Alexus moved her eyes, watching him as the wound disappeared, like it was never there. He patted her head when he finished. She would have broken his hand if he could move.
“Ready to go?” he called back to the bald wizard as he picked up his wand.
“Take her wand from her first. I’ll bind her, you unfreeze her.”
The first wizard snatched her wand from her hands and took a few steps back.
Alexus watched the bald wizard and he raised his wand at her. “On three.”
“One… Two…”
“THREE!” Alexus looked past them just in time to see the red sparks before the first wizard was sent flying forward, skidding at her feet.
The bald wizard turned around only to be knocked back the same distance, his back colliding onto the wall behind her.
“Excellent knockback, Mr. Winger!” Professor Flitwick complimented, pocketing his wand after knocking the second assailant.
Alexus had never been more relieved to see her head of house and the Headmaster before, but it was Talbott’s presence who reassured her the most. He was okay.
He gave no acknowledgement, instead, running over to Alexus.
He cupped her face lightly and looked down at her. “Are you hurt? Are you okay?” he asked.
She wanted desperately to collapse into his arms. For him to hold her as she felt her legs could no longer support her. But she couldn’t. She could just control her eyes and even then, she couldn’t stop the heavy streams of tears that spilled, cascading down her cheeks, catching on his hands.
“Mr. Winger, I believe she is petrified at the moment,” Professor Dumbledore stepped forward. “Allow me.”
With a wave of his wand, Alexus stumbled forward, right into Talbott’s waiting arms.
She closed her eyes and stifled a sob in his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso and hiding her face into his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asked again, softly, cupping the back of her head with his hand, holding her close to him.
“Miss Johnson, are you hurt?” Professor Dumbledore asked.
Alexus pulled away and took a breath, quickly collecting herself. “My arm, it got burned.” She extended it to show the bandages she had placed on her arm.
“I see. Mr. Winger, will you please escort Miss Johnson to the Hospital Wing to be treated while we take care of the mess here?” Dumbledore requested.
“Yes, Professor. We’ll go straight away.”
Talbott gently placed his hand on her back and they began walking, but hadn’t taken more than two steps when Professor Flitwick cleared his throat.
“Miss Johnson?” he called, prompting them to look back.
“Yes, Professor?” she asked hesitantly.
“Your wand, don’t forget it please!” he held up her wand, which he retrieved from the first wizard.
“Oh! Right, thank you, professor,” she said while walking over. She took it and nodded in thanks before walking back to Talbott. They finally left the courtyard, silently.
He kept his hand on her back, reluctant to not feel her with him, but she didn’t mind. She stayed close to him as they walked.
When they went into the Hospital Wing, it was filled with mostly petrified students. But there was also Chiara Lobosca, attending to a girl who looked sickly with a very runny nose.
“Just take this potion before bed and your cold will go away by the end of the night. Be mindful of smoke in the ears,” the Hufflepuff was advising the girl as they approached.
“Chiara,” Alexus said, softly.
She turned around, a pleasant expression on her face, but when she saw Alexus, the bandages, the blood, her eyes turned as big as the moon.
“Alexus!” she almost cried, quickly walking in front of her.
“The slice was healed, I’m not bleeding anymore, but I am faint from the loss of blood I did experience, but the most severe injury is my arm, it’s burnt under the bandages I applied. I was in a duel. Don’t tell the Circle yet.”
Chiara blinked, processing, before nodding and she quickly guided Alexus to an empty bed.
“Are you okay?” she asked, gently extending Alexus’s arm out and unwrapping the bandages.
“Barely. Talbott got Dumbledore and Flitwick just in time,” Alexus winced at the movement.
“Thank you, Talbott,” Chiara said, looking at him before back at Alexus.
She looked at the burn before back at Talbott. “There are bandages in that cabinet. Can you please get them for me?”
He nodded and walked over to the cabinet while Chiara gently traced her wand on Alexus’s wound.
Alexus flinched and wanted to yank her arm away, but the skin slowly started to mend.
She bit her lip and turned her head away from the healer and tried to suppress any cry or outburst.
“There we go, you did good,” Chiara assured her before pocketing her wand again.
Talbott came back with the bandages.
Chiara took them and began dressing the wound, slowly wrapping the bandages loosely over the area.
“It will take a few days to heal fully, but there shouldn’t be any scarring as long as you leave it alone.”
“Thank you, Chiara,” Alexus said. She gently moved her arm back and looked at the bandages.
“Remember, if you want to talk about it, I’ll always listen,” she reminded.
Alexus looked at Chiara, incredibly touched. “You’re too kind,” she said, smiling softly. “I’m good for now. I think now is a good time to call in the night.”
“Goodnight, then, you two. Hope your next date is safer!”
Talbott walked into a hospital bed and slammed his leg into the railing while Alexus nearly fell off her bed.
“Who told you?” they both asked, almost shouting, making the healer jump back.
“Penny! Penny told me before she went to help you get ready!” she quickly said.
Alexus groaned and buried her face into her hands. “Hasn’t she ever heard of stylist-client confidentiality?” she cried.
“Oh no,” Talbott muttered under his breath, remembering Andre.
“Well, you two better get going! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!” Chiara quickly and pleasantly excused herself before walking to another student across the Wing from them.
Talbott looked at Alexus, resigned.
Without a word between them, they both walked out of the Hospital Wing.
The second they closed the doors behind them, they looked at each other.
Alexus gave him a weak smile. “Thank you. You… definitely saved my life.”
“I’m sorry that your cardigan got ruined.”
Alexus snorted and looked at the burnt off sleeve that now ended at her bicep. “I can remedy it… I think.”
Now he snorted. He looked down the hall and sighed. “Let’s head to the Common Room, before Snape or someone deducts house points for being attacked after hours.”
She laughed and grabbed his arm gently before leading the way.
“Hopefully, our sweets are still there by the morning, we can get them then,” Talbott said.
“They were still invisible by the time we left, so they might be,” Alexus agreed hopefully.
“I’m sorry this… didn’t end up how I wanted it to,” he looked down at her.
“You don’t have to apologize, Talbott,” she assured him. “It was magical. I had a really great time.”
“I’m glad.” He glanced at her and took a breath. “The… kissing… was that okay? I should have asked, and-”
“I wouldn’t have kissed you back if it wasn’t,” she assured him. “You don’t have to worry, you gave me an amazing night. I was ordinary for a couple hours. That’s the best thing you could give me.”
He gently nudged her side with his arm. “I told you before, you’re incapable of being ordinary. You’re… the most… remarkable girl I’ve met.”
She smiled. “You make me feel remarkable, Talbott. I’m really just doing things that need to be done. And sometimes, doing those things…”
“Lead you down a hard path?” Talbott completed for her.
“Yes. You’re the one I want to walk with me. I know that now. I realized that when I was dueling, oddly enough.” She looked forward.
“Oh?” he said, not pressing her to continue, but he still wanted her to say more.
“It’s… that dark wizard, he told me he petrified you. I… lost it. I was scared. You could have been hurt, I couldn’t just… let them get away with that.”
He looked at her, not sure of what to say. He was stunned, but unharmed. Dumbledore and Flitwick had stumbled upon him in the hall. All he could say was that Alexus was in danger before running off. He was terrified for her. He thought she was going to die and it would have been his fault for not being better. That he could have done more. Just like with his parents.
He just brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently before they continued walking.
The common room was almost empty, students tired from a night of festivities, winding down, talking to one another about their dates and otherwise.
“Hey,” he tugged on her hand before pulling her to a nearby bench, gesturing to sit down. “Before you go up to your dorm, I had… one more thing planned.”
She tilted her head, looking at him quizzically.
He gave a small smile before pulling a small box out of his pocket. He held it out to her.
She took it and gave him a small smile before opening it. Her eyes widened when she saw the contents.
“Talbott,” she said softly before grabbing the silver braided chain and pulling the necklace out.
There was a single charm, a brown eagle feather.
“From my own wing,” he muttered.
She looked at him before kissing his cheek. “I love it,” she whispered before quickly fastening it around her own neck.
“I’m glad,” he said, relieved.
She admired the feather before looking at him apologetically. “I didn’t… get you anything, but… I was thinking… I could maybe… read a poem to you?”
He pulled out a small booklet from his other jacket pocket. “I’ve been waiting all night to open this.”
She snatched it from him. “Reyes’s Handpicked Poems!” she exclaimed.
“I may have already marked a couple,” he said, a little slyly, a self-satisfied smile crossing his face as she eagerly thumbed through the collection. “It’s not as hefty as The Romantic Collection we fight over, but there’s something charming about knowing these are the author’s favorites.”
She stopped on a page and quickly skimmed it. “Found one,” she muttered before leaning against him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head, closing his eyes
Come see me, Eros Where the woodland sings of their secret songs of the evergreen
Come see me, Eros In the break of the trees Where Apollo touches the land where lovers meet
Come see me, Eros In this forestry dream Surrounded by nymphs and Demeter’s love
Come save me, Eros Follow me down Where Hades’ lips kiss away the light
Come save me, Eros From Thanatos’ grip that’s keeping me away from you
Talbott sighed. “That’s a sad one,” he muttered.
“It’s heavily symbolic, which just adds weight,” she agreed.
“Death of the Lover… what a perfect poem to end Valentine’s Day on,” he muttered sarcastically.
She closed the book and looked at him. He waited for her sarcastic rebuttal, but instead, she kissed him.
He was shocked, but he wasn’t going to complain, and instead, placed his hand on her cheek, closing his eyes.
“Oh dammit all to Hell, they’re kissing!”
They pulled away quickly and turned to see Tulip Karasu fuming. Alexus didn’t like the look in her eyes before the mischievous Ravenclaw ran to their dorm room. “BADEEA! TELL TONKS PENNY WON! I’M OUT FIVE SICKLES!”
“Oh… Merlin’s saggy left…” Alexus grumbled before burying her face into her hands while Talbott sighed.
There were better, more romantic notes to end their first Valentine’s date on, but this was not one of them, it seems.
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hi! Can you do an analysis where after you do all the sidequests in chapter 3 and Tifa asks Cloud which outfit to wear? Thank you!
You're talking about the alone at last discovery, but you want all the dress options? I mean, the mature one is canon for her even if you don't do alone at last, so the other choices are optional within an optional scene – and the only reason it's optional is because you get the mature dress anyway.
Basically I'm just gonna do the mature dress lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be medium.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Recap time!
A pouting Cloud – who will always be my favourite Cloud cause adorable af – has been convinced by Tifa to help collect money for water filters to cover his pay for the reactor job. While they're making their rounds he gets stopped by Marle for a little heart to heart and a very important life lesson that he takes with him through the rest of the game.
Once that's over and he's changed the filter in his room, he pops next door to see Tifa.
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AGH SHE'S SO CUTE! She's totally being cute on purpose too! Big eyes, hands behind her back, leaning forward, she's doing everything she can to put Cloud at ease because she's about to be nosy and we know Tifa doesn't push people.
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The wide eyes, surprised “hmm?” and unguarded expression show he thought she had something else in mind besides this question lol
This isn't real!Cloud btw, it's just surprised Cloud lol
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This is real!Cloud. After some back and forth between them, where Cloud seems to have a small deliberation with himself what he's ok to reveal while Tifa wears an earnest and hopeful look of expectation he'll share with her, Cloud turns away and gives some basic info that's emotionless and has very little attachment to his SOLDIER persona. A part of him seems to realise that and we see a flicker of grief cross his face. His mouth downturns and his brows pull together for a brief moment. He may well be getting a reminder of Zack's death, but it's so detached at this point he can't recall it or feel anything besides the slightest flicker. He grows confused and tries to muddle it through, but there's no conclusion. It's yet another odd feeling he has that comes with no reason why.
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Tifa senses Cloud's upset and apologises for pushing him. She's very aware of his feelings and the distance between them from the long years apart.
We get a wide shot of them, showing the physical distance, which highlights their emotional distance. However, between them on the rug is the pattern of the reunion flower. This imagery has likely been placed there as a metaphor for them reuniting.
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Cloud gives Tifa his profile as she talks about them maybe never meeting again and it being a strange coincidence they did. Since part of him assumed she was dead the entire time, it's likely a painful association to him and that's why he can't face her when she says it. With his head down and eyes obscured we can't really read his face very well, but from the glimpse we get, he looks hurt.
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The distance between them closes when Tifa takes steps towards Cloud and he turns to her. She suggests they celebrate and Cloud looks surprised. Since he's probably wanted to ask her out since forever, the ease in which she does it makes him doubt she's sincere.
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Tifa clearly becomes defensive here. The potential rejection from Cloud's “really?” has made her cross her arms over herself in a protective gesture. Her expression is hiding the hurt that Cloud might not want to go out with her. She tried to close the distance between them, but then took a small step back, indicating they're not quite comfortable with each other still. They're both wary and tip-toeing around each other, being careful. In Tifa's case, it's likely so Cloud won't up and leave all of a sudden. And for Cloud, we can guess it's because as much as he wants to be with Tifa, he feels like he always fails her and has no right to be around her.  
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Cloud, you're a goddamn troll and I hate you lol
Caught the smile the third time I watched this bit back. I knew he was teasing her anyway, but his micro-expressions give me life and I need to find the exact moment they appear. He wants to see her dressed up. Just the idea of her dressing up for him is making him want to smile. Cloud joking around is adorable and I wanna see more of it. This is hints of real!Cloud teasing his crush because he thinks she’s cute.
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Remember during their promise scene when Cloud would try and bait a reaction out of Tifa and she'd one up him and he'd end up being the one who got stuck in his feels? Yeah, this is that.
You'd think by now Cloud would've learned not to tease Tifa if he can't handle the come back. I mean, this is a clear, check me out, pose.
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When Cloud says, “Something refined,” Tifa smiles and replies “we're not kids anymore” which is definitely suggestive of her. The look on her face hints that she's got plans already and she's pleased that it seems Cloud doesn't think of her as just his childhood friend anymore. Which is why she draws attention to them not being kids any longer. She wants Cloud to think of her as a woman.
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And Cloud likes the idea of them matching. It's suggestive of a couple, which he'd like to be with her, so the fact she's asked him to match her is a huge hint that she still has a crush, although Tifa's so reserved her hints are very small and take a keen eye to spot. That Cloud smiles at the thought shows how much he's looking forward to going out with her, he does this tiny little shy glance away then back to her – we were robbed of a cute date up on the plate #cries#
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More Cloud smiling. He's looking forward to it, even if he replies “maybe” to Tifa saying how much fun they'll have. He was asked out and agreed. That's how dates work. We were robbed #cries even more#
It's an introspective moment for him. He's likely wanted to ask her out for years and this is how easy it was the entire time lol
Get married, make babies, we're getting old here!
Cloud isn't pressured into going out with Tifa, the amount he smiles during this exchange shows he's excited to have a date with her – even if they're not calling it a date. Tifa got Cloud to open up a little and they closed some of the emotional and physical distance between them. It's a step on the path to them becoming a couple.
I say a lot that they have good eye contact and this is where they begin. Before this moment, Cloud looked at her, but didn't hold her gaze as much. After Marle telling him to try more, he's putting himself out there for her and making that emotional connection. Their eye contact in this scene isn't there at the start, because of the seriousness of the conversation at times, but Tifa's very sympathetic to Cloud's needs and does her best to cheer him up. It works because he teases her and by the end, they're on their way to that moment in the corkscrew tunnel when neither of them broke eye contact even after getting up.
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A morbid thought hit me just now, how many romance sidequests do actually hold up? Like thinking on it I only love two of the six, and kinda like one. Over half of the romance sidequests have been duds! O__O
I don’t quite agree that they were all duds, but some of them were pretty bad, and others didn’t quite live up to expectations. Let me take a look-through: 
The Celestial Ball is probably my favorite overall, even to this day. It just holds up really well, and it doesn’t really have any problems that the other quests don’t have as well. (The recycled dialogue, for example.) I think the success of this one comes from the focus on the event, preparing and enjoying it with our friends. This one is the best TLSQ out of all of the others overall, but it’s not necessarily the best Dating TLSQ, if that makes any sense. Because it plays things more ambiguously. It stars Penny, but her inclusion makes sense for the character and the rest of the cast does get adequate screen-time. The only thing is that, once you’re at the Ball, you wind up spending most of the night with Penny except for one scene with your Love Interest. So it winds up feeling like you’re on a Date with Penny regardless of who you pick, but again, the lack of overt romantic themes make that easier to swallow. Andre being the Style Wizard is introduced here, and he comes up with three boss outfits. Not to mention, Rowan gets a bigger role, and their relationship with Ben comes into play. Bill x Rowan gets teasing, too! How could I not love this one?
The First Date TLSQ is much more steeped in romance. Not just in the sweet and wholesome moments, but also in the high school drama, alas. It was the quest to introduce cutting characters and it removed three of them, while only adding one in return. So it’s got that working against it. The whole premise of MC writing the note is just so damn silly. I can laugh at it, but it really doesn’t make sense, especially since half of the options aren’t even in their Potions class. Tonks and Charlie, for as much as I love them, really need to work on their social skills because guys, guys, guys. What were you thinking? Characters expressing sadness that you didn’t choose them is an interesting concept, I’m both relieved and a little disappointed that they never explored this more. The scene in the courtyard at night was nice enough to make everything else worth it, but the whole idea that MC’s love interest might not like them anymore is a bit hard to go along with. One final plus though, is that this quest has the best outfits to choose from, period. I know it’s subjective but damn, Andre really outdid himself this time.
Valentines Day I...oh boy. The culmination of so much I don’t like. This quest started the tradition of having all of the love interests needlessly confess to MC, taking up valuable time for a reveal that doesn’t matter if you don’t choose the character and makes things awkward...and also doesn’t matter if you do choose them because it removes all tension and  honestly? If the character is available, I already know they’re going to say yes. Penny acts like she’s drunk during the entire quest, and not in a charming way either. It really gets to the point of being out of character. And Gilderoy. Fucking. Lockhart. He is so annoying. Jam City got so caught up in featuring any canon character they could, that they never stopped to realize no one wanted to see this guy and watch him consume most of the screen time. He gets away with stealing MC’s story at the end, as well? Like, what? How? The Greenhouse scene is one of the most beautiful to be depicted thus far. It honestly makes the entire quest worth it...but it doesn’t save the quest, and I maintain that it comes out of nowhere. It’s a brilliant standalone scene...but it doesn’t make up for the final sin: Tulip is omitted for absolutely no given reason and as a major fan of hers, I am not happy about this. 
The Festival TLSQ: Better than First Date and Valentines I, but not as good as the Celestial Ball. The story is more fun, especially with the added feature of outside classes. I like the overall carnival feel of the event, but I kind of wish this game didn’t constantly centralize MC, Penny, and Merula. Especially in the dating quests, with the whole concept of the election. Why is MC on the ballot if they didn’t run? Why can they only vote for two of the potential love interests? I know it’s a personal thing and it really kind of started in Valentines, but Andre’s outfits appeal to me less and less as time goes on, and he’s making fewer of them. That being said, I much, much prefer the concept of a “Secret Admirer” to just having everyone confess to MC, and “I think about you gobs” still makes me laugh every time I hear it. Lockhart does show up again and his sequence absolutely frustrates me. Like, he doesn’t stay as long as he did the first time and we do get to kick his ass...but why would he even dare show his face again after the botched memory charm? Why is anyone even listening to him or letting him hog the spotlight? Why is he here? Damn it, just let me and my date play around with painting our faces! I whine, it’s true, but this one is still miles better than it’s predecessor. It adds new characters, quite a few of them, and it also stars Andre. He normally doesn’t get the spotlight, so these things really work to the quest’s favor. 
Valentines Day II: This one is far from being the best TLSQ we’ve ever had, but I actually do think that on the whole? It is the best Dating TLSQ we’ve had. It really captures the theme of falling in love, and the feeling of being a Valentines Day episode. The whole storyline about Pince and Filch? I really like that! The fairytale, storybook motif? It kinda really works! We once again have everyone outright confessing to MC, but I’m just gonna ignore it. The outfits look pretty damn good actually, but I am heartbroken that Luca can’t wear that skirt. Ah well, at least gals can wear the suit. The characters just work together well in this quest, there’s a sense of comradery in putting together the event and melting Pince’s frozen heart, right down to putting Filch in that hilarious outfit and dying Mrs. Norris pink. The whole plot being a reference to a rumor from the books is great. And yeah, MC’s date would have had absolutely no time to set up that whole set-piece in the library but what do I care? It was a really sweet moment. That’s just what works so well about this quest - it’s sweet. Between MC and their Date, between Filch and Pince...it was just a fun story to watch unfold, and at the end of it all, you get to celebrate with your love interest. 
Enchanted Kiss: This one had such a promising start. I love the whole concept of MC auditioning for a play, actually putting on a production, and being cast alongside their love interest to be the romantic leads. It’s not even a “dating” TLSQ technically since you don’t go on a date with your chosen character. But you get to choose them early on and ignore all of that confessing nonsense. You get to work toward putting on a play. You get to work toward saving it...but unfortunately, that’s when it all goes wrong. I’ve said my piece about why it was a terrible idea to make everything about MC, and that kind of infected the rest of the quest. There are no outfits for any of the dating options, nor does MC even get to choose between outfits this time. Little details like that combined with how quickly this one came out after the last one lead me to believe they were perhaps rushing to get it out and I don’t know why. They went to the trouble of coming up with that adorable animation for the enchanted kiss...and they couldn’t have put a lip kiss in it, at the very end? Come on Jam City, you know that’s what everyone really wants! It’s the same as how they tease the idea of MC and their Date saying “I love you” for the first time, but this doesn’t happen either. It just started so well and became very disappointing, but it was still fun overall. 
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