#and that he couldn't measure up to wei wuxian
wutheringskies · 9 months
Wangxian is that dynamic: Rant Post
I personally think Wangxian is one of the most complete, compelling and near-perfect dynamics to ever be written. Like, think about it. All of our favourite pairings generally include one T (Thinking-type) and one F (Feeling-type), or both Feeling types as they are easier to relate to.
But then you have Wangxian - an ISTJ and an ENTP. Such... annoying personality types.
You have Lan Wangji, who's going to fight your procrastination for you. The guy who's stability personified and Mr. He Is Indeed Better, and then you have Wei Wuxian, who's going to argue his mouth off than take a hint; a little too aware of just how great he is and constantly onto the search for new angles of discovery.
Generally, these sort of personalities are put into the background while an INFP (or whatever) find love. These are the cliche best friends. But never the main leads.
But look at Wangxian!
Look at them being so smart together, sharing the same values. Look at Lan Wangji showing his anger by frosty, cutting words (just a few) or worse... utter disregard for you. The guy's going to glare at you with such frosty chill or go out of his way to ignore you. You're not going to get to him, and it's going to PISS you off.
Then there's Wei Wuxian and it's like...are you getting to him? Or, is he getting to you?? If you argue with him too much about his alleged failure and arrogance and quirks, he's gonna tap into them, and make you feel unstable. He's going to wield his flaws like a blade at you. You're going to just want to avoid him and the snark that filters in through his sunny disposition.
And... look at Wangxian taking the "scientific way" to sex.
"What am I supposed to do?" / I cannot believe I'm asking Lan Zhan for sex advice.
"Relax." / To the point answers only.
Also in the Extra, when discussing their CNC kink they go all the way into the story of how they're going to scene:
"So I'll do this and you resist and then I'll do this."
"Sounds difficult."
"Okay, let's switch positions."
Like... perfection??? Like go, find yourself a partner who's equally as weird as you and have your happy ever after with them: accomplished.
Not just that but the aftermath of the bichen incense burner:
"I have never been treated like this before."
"Mn." (fond smile)
"I'll chop you if you do that again."
Like... how easy is it to communicate ? Without any fears, without any remnant feelings, without guilt - how easily they understand each other.
And not Wei Wuxian showing his love by gifting Lan Wangji a numerous weird things, and constantly talking about exactly what he loves about Lan Wangji. Not Lan Wangji doing every sort of act of service for Wei Wuxian (and Wei Wuxian allowing it), and being calm but not quiet with his words.
"It is as it is" - loving Wei Wuxian is a fact for Lan Wangji, backed up by his actions.
They never go out of their way to think of certain events differently. Perhaps, that's what takes them so much time and 2 life times to get together. Because, hell, it's obvious to us. But you're telling me Lan Wangji wouldn't stand up for anyone who's in the right and framed incorrectly? He totally would. Lan Zhan is just that nice. Similarly, Wei Wuxian is also just that nice.
He took a brand for Mianmian. He couldn't remember her for a minute afterwards. He saved Su She. Twice. He has no idea who Su She is. So, yes. He did a lot of things for Lan Wangji but what is he supposed to be?
I love how their relationship is built upon a pact of no apologies and no thanks. Loving each other isn't a duty, a responsibility or a debt. It is just natural. There's nothing to be repaid. There's only things to discover together.
You don't need to thank me because thanking means you recognize my effort as helping you, but you are not required to - as it is the nature of things. I will help you. You will help me. We will never measure who helps each other more. You don't need to apologize for your actions, because I trust that you will not do wrong unto me. Never by intention.
And, let's talk about how they gravitate towards each other ?? Lan Wangji sitting in Gusu thinking about Wei Wuxian and his lotus seeds and stems theory. Wei Wuxian sitting in Lotus Pier thinking of Lan Wangji. Analyzing every word the other has said, thinking back to all that they have done for each other, lingering not on the pain they have caused each other but the happiness, and you know, that they'll be able to talk about the pain, through the pain, because they are people rooted in the present.
I imagine just how insane it would be for Wei Wuxian, the no golden core until the age of 9 to head disciple to one of the strongest cores to the reason why Yunmeng Jiang win every night hunt event at Discussion Conferences, to lock swords with Lan Wangji and feel, "Ah, this is an equal. This is a new puzzle to be solved. This is a cabbage to be pricked (canon)."
And for Lan Wangji, who's equated insolence and disobedience with poor performance to suddenly come upon someone who appears larger than life, raking up answers and top spots in tests, and duelling as an equal yet never adhering to the rules, finding loopholes and shaking up Lan Wangji's whole dimension.
Another thing I really love is how Lan Wangji isn't, like, his uncle. Or his brother. He isn't his uncle in the ways that he allows himself to break rules when they don't align with the rules he considers superior - his moral calling. His hanguang-jun-ness. He absolutely loves rules; he does; and he loves his stability but he's not afraid to embrace change if it is required.
And, Lan Zhan just isn't his brother. He doesn't like you? Trust, you're gonna know. He thinks you're stupid? It's going to be translated across. He's not going to appease you, or make his presence or his wishes lesser to comfort you. He is his own person (which is so similar to how Wei Wuxian is; like poor boy was punished all the time for being himself, at Lotus Pier by Madam Yu, and yet he never downplayed his talents. He never bowed down.)
And I think it's obvious just how well Lan Wangji knows how worthless words can be if they're not followed with actions. Similarly for Wei Wuxian, he speaks a lot. But he does do what he speak. Protect Jiang Cheng? He will. Fight for Lotus Pier? He will. Protect the Wens? He will absolutely.
Thus, you see, as a couple they will never have to face those sorts of arguments where someone seriously states how they feel about A event but behaves differently when they can do something about it. As a couple they will never have to worry about the other not being themselves. Compromising is one thing - pretense is another. Wei Wuxian compromises and doesn't try to break rules. Understands that he's going to insult Lan Wangji's position by acting out. Lan Wangji compromises and breaks some rules for him. They both compromise and take care of each other's needs and habits to cohabitate together successfully, and at the same time, there's no pretense. No lying. No manipulation. No "I'm fine when I'm not."
Think of them going to night hunts together, with Wei Wuxian's easy brilliance and Lan Wangji's easy dependency. Like that guy, is strong and capable enough to protect Wei Ying. He knows that. Wei Ying knows that. The cultivation world knows that.
Think of how both of them are such healthy adults and loving to children. Lan Wangji isn't a cold dad and Wei Wuxian isn't an irresponsible one. They're both so very capable.
So, my point is - Wangxian is perfect. I will die on this ship.
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Lives, taken (Futures, traded)
Chapter 1 - Desolate 
Chapter 2 - Fracture
Summary: Lan Wangji comes to terms with Wei Wuxian’s death… 
Chapter Warnings: child abuse mentions, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, suicide, gore, psychological horror, possession, major character death
The entire playlist for the fic is here, primary songs for this chapter are this, this , and this , in order.
Please be mindful of the warning and... Enjoy! <3
Lan Wangji has always hated medicine. The taste and the texture of it have always felt repulsive to him, and he has never felt better after taking it. In fact, he often felt worse, nauseous, unable to scrub the bitter taste of medicinal herbs and powders off his tongue for hours. 
When he was little and he became ill, they had to hold him down and pry his jaws open to get him to swallow his medicine. He still remembers the helplessness he felt, the way nobody would listen to his cries, how his body was forced to take in the pills, his gag reflex inevitably triggered... The painful travel of the rough pieces of medicine down his esophagus, slow, scraping against tender tissue, the way  he could feel it like a stone sinking inside him - and the punishment for disobedience that came after. 
He's learned resistance is pointless then - and so he hasn't stood against anything his sect had him do ever since. The impassive way that they'd proceeded with their duties, even if they hurt a child, even if they were wrong - Lan Wangji carried that with him, deep inside his soul, a dark reminder of what would come of him if he dared protest. 
But he's grown now. They can't hold him down and force him to take whatever they're giving him. He can stand up for himself, he can stand up for what he believes in.
He has.
His back bears proof of it, phantoms of the discipline whip striking his nerves with abandon ever since. 
He doesn't regret it, never will. Even if, in the end, he couldn't save Wei Ying. Even if his pain only earned his beloved a few more weeks to live. 
Great news! Wei Wuxian is dead!
Lan Wangji is on his third vial of pain medicine. He hates it the more he takes it. But he can't stop taking it.
Do not grieve in excess.
Who’s to say what excess is? How can one quantify grief and decide when it’s enough? When it’s too much? How can there be any measure of pain one is allowed to feel?
Lan Wangji knows he has long passed excess. He can no longer invoke the absurdity of that rule - he’s delved beyond that since long ago, knowingly and willingly. He’s been grieving from before he found out Wei Wuxian even died - that night, when he bore his soul to the person he loved and he was sent away - Get lost, get lost, get lost! - the night he went against his sect for the first time ever since he was a child...that was the night his grief started, the night pain took home inside of him like a tumor, overwhelming his organs, heavy, aching, in every heartbeat and every breath, every blink, every day.
Do not find comfort in vices.
As much as Lan Wangji hates medicine, he’s made an - unlikely, unbecoming, unhealthy - friend of it. It dulls his aches, it calms him, it makes him feel distant from his body, as if it’s lessening the connection between his mind and his body, makes him deaf to his screaming nerve endings. If he takes enough of it, he separates from himself completely, numb near the point of unconsciousness. He doesn’t feel anything then, and it’s the closest he can get to peace, to silence, to…
What if he takes just a little bit more than his body can process? What if he takes all of it at once? Nobody would suspect it was intentional - nobody thinks him able to take his own life, nobody thinks him able to disobey the  most important rule in his sect.
What if he disobeys this time too? Like he did when he was little, like he did when he protected Wei Ying, like he should have done before Wei Ying even died at all? There won’t be any more punishment then, because there would be nobody left to punish. They won’t be able to summon his soul, they won’t be able to ask questions. He’ll be free - of rules, of reprisal, of pain, of everything.
Wei Ying would hate him if he knew of all this. He tried so hard to live, to protect, to save, to be good. He defied all the odds.
He’s dead now. What if he wanted to live, so desperately, as they were killing him? What does that make of Lan Wangji, who’s still alive, and wants so desperately not to be? A coward? Ungrateful? 
Would Wei Ying ever forgive him? 
But what is there to forgive? 
What isn’t?
Lan Wangji has decided he wants to ask. He wants to see, to convince himself, to try and resign to what’s happened. He wants… is he in any capacity to want anything? What has he even done to give him the right to seek Wei Ying out now? And what does he even think he’ll find? So many people have said… have rejoiced in his death, what does Lan Wangji even want to confirm? 
Wei Ying has been rumored dead before. For three months, he was nowhere to be found, as if the earth swallowed him whole. Wen Chao bragged about it, about what he’d done.
Lan Wangji never believed it back then - and he was right not to, Wei Ying was still alive. He wasn’t himself, not fully, not in the way Lan Wangji knew him. Not in the way Lan Wangji grew to understand he loved him. But alive nevertheless. What more could Lan Wangji want than to know he was still out there, somewhere, living? 
Maybe they’ve all been wrong. Maybe Wei Ying didn’t die this time either. Maybe he’s hiding, maybe there is still a chance that he’s tricked death again. Maybe Lan Wangji will find him and the world will make sense again. 
He knows he won’t, deep inside. He knows Wei Ying is dead. 
He still wants confirmation. Why? Why does he want to see the aftermath of the massacre? What kind of masochistic demons has he been harboring, to want to see the dead bodies of the Wen remnants, of Wei Ying, of A-Yuan, of everyone that lived in that place and that willingly shunned themselves at the edge of the world, still not even allowed to exist?
It hurts - to live, to breathe, to be. It hurts even more to move, his wounds seeping blood and pain with every ripple of muscle underneath. But Lan Wangji is resolute in not letting it dissuade him. 
He’s going to go there, to the Burial Mounds, and he’s going to look for Wei Ying, and then… and then he’ll decide what comes next. He’ll… 
He’s snuck into the infirmary the night before, and he’s taken every single painkiller he could find. He stumbled through cabinets and broke through protective glass and talismans, cutting the skin of his hands and the soles of his feet - he left blood stains on the pristine floors and glittering pieces of broken vials. That’s all that he is now - an addict, a wound.
He has purpose now - so the medicine doesn’t entice him anymore. He takes it because he can’t move otherwise. He’s not going to abuse of it, he needs it to last. 
He still takes three vials just so he can sleep. 
(His dosage is a quarter of a vial every two days. But then again, what do they know about the pain he’s feeling?)
He falls into the same dreamless slumber the moment he feels relief sweep over his body and mind, and wonders if, maybe, he’s taken too much this time. 
Because he could swear he heard somebody call out his name. 
Somebody who’s dead.
The road is long, winding through settlements of people celebrating the death of a man they’ve never even met. A man that has done nothing to them, a man that’s no longer able to defend himself. A man that Lan Wangji loves, a man that will never love him back. 
There are festivals, parties. They’re selling portraits of him to ward off evil. They’re drinking and laughing and sharing outlandish stories about the dreaded Yiling Laozu. They’re happy.
They’re a formless mass of loud voices and empty minds, fallen prey to political machinations beyond their imagination. And Lan Wangji wants to shut them up, to kill them - irrational. He knows he can’t. He’s weak, he can barely hold his sword. And they’re innocent, fallen victim to manipulation, to scapegoating.
Wei Ying wouldn’t want that. He never hurt people that didn’t hurt him first. He loved people, and people loved him. Lan Wangji remembers the way everyone gravitated towards him, how many friends he made back when he was studying in the Cloud Recesses… How Lan Wangji wishes he had been one of those friends now…!
Wei Ying was a good man. So good, so kind, the very picture of righteousness and courage… and everyone’s forgotten about it. How could they forget so easily?
Drinking alcohol is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses. Maybe that’s why the doctors haven’t told Lan Wangji not to mix his medicine with it. But Lan Wangji has had enough of hearing how the man he loves deserved his fate, how it was right of him and everybody else to be killed.
So he buys a jar of the strongest alcohol he can find and pours two vials of medicine in it, gulping all of it down as quickly as he’s able to. He doesn’t want to taste it, doesn’t care to. He knows he’ll hate it, the taste of the painkillers and the sharpness of the alcohol - he doesn’t want to feel them just like he doesn’t want to feel anything else.
Minutes later, he doesn’t hear anything anymore. The world becomes fuzzy and distant, sounds muffled and sights blurred, as if replaced with a dense fog. Lan Wangji’s mind enters a placid state, unthinking and unfeeling.
He wonders if this is what it’s like being dead. He hopes it is. 
He hopes Wei Ying doesn’t feel anything anymore either.
It doesn’t last forever. The medicine wears off, eventually. No matter how much of it he takes, it slowly ebbs away and out of his system. The fog lifts, and Lan Wangji has to face reality again. 
He’s tempted to take more again. He always is. When he’s rational and feeling again, it’s almost an impulse, an instinct - he wants it to go away, to get high enough not to register it anymore. 
But he has to resist it now. He’s entering the Burial Mounds, he’s at the end of his journey.
He knows where to go, he’s been here before. He’s met the Wens, he’s seen Wei Ying, he’s had A-Yuan cling to him, he’s taken them out to eat… he’s left them to die.
There is nothing left of the little, shoddy village. Ruins, blood stains, broken pieces. 
He does find - remains. If one tried to piece them together, perhaps some semblance of a body would be obtained - but the way Lan Wangji sees the bloody and bruised pieces of who once used to be Wei Ying, his mind doesn't compute that far. 
He only knows it’s him because the robes around the few body parts - part of an arm with the hand still attached, something of a torso and other pieces that Lan Wangji finds it hard to identify - are covered in tatters of the familiar dark robes Wei Wuxian used to wear. 
This is all that’s left - of Wei Ying. All that’s left of his radiant smile, his genius, his beauty, his bravery, his resilience, his spirit, his body, his life. This is all that Lan Wangji has left of the man he loves but he was too late to understand it. 
This is all that’s left - This is what Lan Wangji has traveled so far for, this is all they left after they stormed the Burial Mounds and destroyed the only shred of life in this wretched place. 
This is all that’s left - of Lan Wangji’s hopes, of his pointless fantasies of finding Wei Ying alive and running away into the world together, away from everyone and everything. 
There is nothing left.
He falls to his knees, overwhelmed with his feelings - grief, regret, disbelief, anger, despair - and the resentful miasma now rushing around him, breaths heavy in his lungs. He burns and freezes at the same time, and the wounds on his back protest with pain as his body tenses up, struggling with the onslaught of sensation.
He feels his core tremble in his dantian and the qi in his body becoming poisoned - and all he can think about is whether this is how Wei Ying died too. If he suffocated with resentment like Lan Wangji is right now, if he felt the dark wisps slice through his skin like thousands of blades. 
He wonders if Wei Ying had regrets, if he wanted to live, if he cried, if he had a last wish. 
Lan Wangji screams out, the sound raw, animalistic - and then it all stops, just as sudden as it had started.
Air rushes into his lungs faster than he can take, and he heaves with it, coughs out red that smears all over his dirty robes - but he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care about anything. There’s nothing left to care about. 
Lan Wangji’s head snaps up - why? It’s not like he cares whether anyone finds him, or if a fierce corpse is going to kill him. All he can do is gently - so very gently, why couldn’t he have been so gentle when Wei Ying was still here? - caress the top of Wei Ying’s hand, the skin cold and translucent, shriveled at the fingertips, blood dried all over it. Oh, how he wishes he could have held Wei Ying’s hand when he was still alive, how he wishes he could have felt his warmth…
The footsteps near, and a figure comes into focus. Small, so very small. 
“A-Yuan is no longer here.” The figure responds, in a thousand voices, shrill and low, feminine and masculine, soft and loud, all at once. “There is nobody here.”
Lan Wangji’s eyes fill with tears. That little boy, innocent, guiltless, the little boy he bought toys for, who called him Rich-gege - not even he was spared. Whatever’s possessing him now has his features twisted in a dark expressionlessness, his eyes shining red - just like Wei Ying’s every time he used his cultivation. He’s so tiny, but there’s nothing left of him now, nothing but his body.
“Why are you here?”
“I-I’ve come to see-”
A-Yuan screams in those thousands of voices and the Burial Mounds shake, a mighty earthquake striking the ground so hard that it splits open, a chasm now between Lan Wangji and the boy’s figure. 
“Why are you here? Haven't you done enough?”
"I...I'm not..."
“Haven't you taken enough?! There is nobody here left for you to kill!”
"I haven't-"
“Don't lie! You lot, all of you, are wretched! You should have been the ones torn to pieces! You should have been the ones the fierce corpses feasted on!”
The words scream deep inside Lan Wangji’s mind. 
Lan Wangji's vision blurs, tears hitting the rattling earth where he's kneeling. He's been crying so much his eyes burn with it.
“If he had allowed us, we would have killed all of you. None of you deserved him, none of you deserved mercy!”
Lan Wangji’s heart leaps into his throat. "A-allowed...you...?"
“Foolish! Do you believe, in your pathetic, small minds, that we would have stood by to watch him die?! He allowed this! He did not want any more death done in his name!”
Lan Wangji screams as the words echo in his mind, screams until his voice gives out and blood pours out of his mouth, fingers digging into the cursed,  bloody ground beneath him. The Burial Mounds shake and scream with him, and suddenly the world feels senseless and overwhelmingly clear, pointless and purposeful all at once.
Lan Wangji's fingers curl around Bichen's hilt.
Do not grieve in excess. 
Lan Wangji takes a hold of Bichen, eyes looking over the sword as if it's the first time he's seeing it. The ornate hilt, fine details carved into it with the highest mastery; the blade burning brightly with its name embedded in beautiful calligraphy; the shine of it, tearing into the darkness like a relentless candle in the very pit of hell. 
Do not allow your emotions to overcome you. 
He stares at his sword, thinks over the moment he received it, how he promised to only use it for a righteous purpose, for saving people, for delivering justice. He thinks about how he learned to use it, how he had been so easy to synchronize with the sword spirit, how it often felt like they were one. 
Do not become prey to your impulses.
The sword spirit thrums as Lan Wangji picks it up, and his core binds qi into it, like it's done for the past twenty-something years of his life. He thinks about how his sword has only seen living, warm blood during wartime, how he’s never used it like that since.
Why are you still here? 
He doesn't know. He should have died already. The lashes should have done him in. He doesn't know why they didn't. He wishes they had.
Why are you still here?
Wei Ying let himself die. There was no fight, there was no struggle. They came and they killed him and he let them. 
If the Burial Mounds could have saved him - him, all of them - then why...
Why are you still here?
There is a price for everything, Wei Ying had told him back then, when Lan Wangji came to see him here and the world hadn't become empty. Nothing is unconditional, what is given must always be repaid in kind, and with interest.
Was the price too high for Wei Ying to afford it?
He always said he could... but then again, Wei Ying has never been someone to give up if there was even the slightest chance of things turning out well. 
Perhaps it really had been hopeless. 
So if it had been hopeless for even someone as resilient, as hopeful, as inventive and kind and powerful as Wei Ying…
Why are you still here?
Lan Wangji reaches to undo his forehead ribbon, his last tears sliding down his face without any expression to accompany them. He moves with practiced ease, the knot coming apart without protest. He stares at it - remembers Wei Ying touching it, remembers the way his heart stuttered in his chest every time it happened. Remembers how he’d fantasize about wrapping it around Wei Ying’s wrist himself and finally confessing his feelings.
He lays the white, pristine ribbon over Wei Ying’s hand - not at all the way he imagined it would go. There is no response, no reaction, no confession. The hand is no longer connected to its owner, and he would never know about any of this - not about Lan Wangji’s feelings, not about the forehead ribbon, not about anything. 
But Lan Wangji does it anyway. He does it for himself. Selfishly. He hopes that, somehow, Wei Ying would know, the message would transfer across realms, a ripple in Wei Ying’s afterlife. A ripple to let him know he is missed and loved - and he always has been, even if he didn’t know it.
Why are you still here?!
“I won’t be…” Lan Wangji responds, his voice foreign even to himself. “I won’t be… not for much longer…”
You don’t deserve to be here.
“I don’t…”
You didn’t deserve Wei Ying.
You don’t deserve to be alive. 
He holds Bichen in his right hand and reaches for Wei Ying’s own one last time with his left - yet he decides against touching it. He doesn’t deserve to. He doesn’t deserve to be alive, he didn’t protect Wei Ying, he didn’t even get the chance to tell him…
“I love you…”
He lifts the sword to his throat, and ignores the way the sword spirit protests at the intention. 
Demonic screeches respond in his brain, and Lan Wangji closes his eyes so the desolate image of the Burial Mounds isn’t the last thing he sees. A deep breath, and then a practiced slice of his sword through the air. 
Powerful, precise, deadly.
Do not strike unless it is with the intention to succeed. 
He feels the bite of the blade and his skin prickles, his heart rate kicks into overdrive and his breaths border hyperventilation - but it’s too late. Bichen is sharp and Lan Wangji’s hit is definitive - blood gushes out in the wake of the blade, and it’s nearly instant. Images pass in a rush before Lan Wangji’s eyes, snippets of memories he can’t grasp anymore. Mother, brother, uncle, Wei Ying, bunnies, a song, the cave, Nightless City, whips, drugs, alcohol, Wei Ying, Wei Ying, Wei Yi…
The Burial Mounds shake again, and the screeching is louder than ever before, coming from all directions, from inside Lan Wangji’s mind and from the world around all at once… it sounds so much like laughter… 
But Lan Wangji doesn’t hear it for much longer, not as the world disappears into nothingness and the very last thought he has is whether Wei Ying would ever forgive him. 
A-Yuan collapses by his side, his body empty of soul. 
There is nobody here any longer.
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eyes-of-mischief · 8 months
weekly fic recs | 43
prompt: resurrection
fandoms: bnha, dc, hq, mdzs, tgcf, tua, tw, yoi
help me leave behind some (reasons to be missed) by intheeveningsunrise
The darkness had learnt not to swallow him whole, had learnt to dance with him as he felt the warmth enter his veins, and learnt to give him back.
Or, five times Izuku Midoriya kills himself, and one time he... well.
What the Fire Withheld: the Renaissance of Midoriya Izuku by orkestrations
Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress sneak into a morgue. This is the setup to the cosmic joke that is Izuku's life. Or, his re-life? His undeath? What's the proper term for his condition?
Maybe it's actually a bit earlier than that, when he bleeds out beneath Sir Nighteye's hands while Overhaul escapes with Eri.
or, the jason toddification of midoriya izuku
RE: Izuku by thecozydragon
(graphic depictions of violence)
Wheezing through the pain, staring down at the body of an opponent Izuku should reasonably never have been able to take alone at his current level, Izuku realizes he just discovered a latent quirk.
“Fuck.” Izuku hisses. “That’s the worst fucking quirk I’ve ever heard of.”
It only activates on death. You have to die first.
OR... Midoriya Izuku's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.
Banshee In A Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee)
(graphic depictions of violence)
Tim is five years old when he drowns in his parents' pool. He dies quietly, waiting for parents who love him, but will never be there, to realise that something is wrong. They never show up, and he sinks into oblivion.
When he wakes up and claws his way out of the water, the sun has set, and the lights of his house are on. He is cold and wet and his lungs burn.
But most of all, Tim is alone.
(If you die and no-one is there to see it, were you ever alive in the first place?)
The Next Life by spqr
“I don’t need an exorcism,” Tim says.
“I beg to bloody differ,” Constantine mutters.
Nobly, Tim elects to ignore him. “I want you to teach me.”
“Teach you what? Manners?”
“I already know manners,” Tim says, then barrels on as Constantine snorts in disagreement, “what I need to learn is necromancy.”
Never What You Were Before by Romiress
Bruce Wayne is dead, and Gotham has moved on. Slade, for the most part, tries to stay out of it. He has enough work to do without having to take jobs near the Bats.
Until Red Hood calls him in to help, refusing to explain what he's found.
Maybe Wayne isn't as dead as he seems.
one day i'll die by doxian
(major character death)
"What's happened to me?" Bokuto asks, confused.
Akaashi sits with his face in his hands for a long time. Then he straightens up and asks Bokuto: "Would you like to see where you were buried?"
Moon in Water, Flowers in a Mirror by PlumTea
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
When Oikawa turns up in the corner of his garden, crouched behind the bushes, Iwaizumi couldn't be happier. He'd lost Oikawa months earlier, but the long days of mourning are gone. Now he's back. Still, there's something odd about Oikawa, something that just seems wrong.
in the land of gods and monsters by rikke
(mature) (major character death)
Lan Wangji was never supposed to die. Thirteen years later, the Yiling Patriarch rules the world with his corpse bodyguard.
Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa
(explicit) (major character death)
There is a dead man in the mountains.
A corpse in mourning robes, a ghost with bleeding fingers.  A power beyond measure, with too-pale eyes and red blood dripping down his throat. - In which Wei Wuxian finds himself brought back to life as a very confused god, stumbles into a revenge plot, and wants to know what's up with all these ghostly rabbits. - TGCF fusion, god!WWX/calamity!LWJ
carousel: an endless cycle by potatopersonal
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Frustration builds in his chest, an angry sob leaking from his mouth. It hurts, agitates his destroyed torso, but does it really matter?
His wishes don’t matter. His actions only hurt others, only cause suffering and misery. Even with four centuries spent atoning, he hasn’t learned.
(Xie Lian can't die. This is something he never truly learns.)
lion's tooth by curiositykilled
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
The second time he dies, it’s almost funny. He laughs—or well, he tries to. It catches on his broken ribs, comes out a rasping gasp instead. It’s funny. Really. The Flower Crowned Martial God, dying of a broken neck amidst the wildflowers.
And When I Look In My Window, So Many Different People To Be by CowgayKermit
If you were to go looking for Klaus, you wouldn't look to the alleys where drugs are bought, or to a rave where you could lose yourself in dance, no. No, you would look to his garden full of protective herbs, to his bedroom at three in the morning where he tends to make magic amulets. Klaus grew into his power, both as a witch, and as the Séance.
The End Times Are Blue by Jumblejay
Klaus’ skin is cold as death, just like the rest of his siblings had been. Five lets his hand linger for a moment, steeling himself, preparing to grab on tight and haul the corpse to its grave.
What he’s not expecting is for Klaus to suddenly take in a deep, shuddering gasp, cough harshly, and flail around until he slips off the mound of rubble he’d been lying on with an abrasive clatter.
Five snatches his hand back with a shriek and stares wide-eyed as Klaus props himself up on his hands, blinks hard, and glances around at his surroundings until his eyes catch on Five.
“Oh, shit,” Klaus says, looking almost as shocked as Five feels. “Five?”
Five promptly bursts into tears.
Thirteen year old Five time travels to the future and finds himself trapped in the apocalypse, surrounded by the dead bodies of his siblings. Klaus, however, happens to be immortal. They figure it out from there.
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross
Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
Triptych by feelslikefire
Victor is a human; Yuuri is a fae. Relationships between the two are always doomed to end in disaster, but true love is stronger than any magic — even death.
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sweetygirl90 · 2 years
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Failed ritual AU:
The self-sacrifice ritual has failed and Wei WuXian has been brought back from death as a ghost that only Mo XuanYu can see and hear. With the beginning of a friendship, both decide to go in search of the most significant remnants of Wei WuXian to complete the ritual without XuanYu having to die in the process. On the way they are interrupted by the encounter with HanGuang-Jun and the mysterious case of the corpse arm. Their main mission will be put on hiatus to deal with this mystery. After all... Repairing the ritual does not have a time limit. Or does it?
⚠️(This could cause dysphoria for some trans people, so if this is the case, you can skip reading. I remind you that MXY is a misaligned soul just like many other characters in the AU)⚠️
It shouldn't be long before it's time for dinner. He thought about it when he noticed the dim light that entered the room, stretching to be able to get up. The pain was gone, but a new sensation of damp discomfort was beginning to stand out. Wei Ying had also sensed it, but XuanYu's calmness helped him not to pay too much attention to it, as the latter had his own suspicions for the reason behind it. Did I sweat while sleeping? It used to happen to him when the weather changed abruptly and the night before he didn't measure how warm he should be. For that alone he didn't care at all, until he pushed back the sheets to get up and the blood that gave color to his face drained instantly, leaving him pale with horror. A dark and extensive stain that was born from his pants had covered the white purity of the fabric. The sheets, the mattress, everything dyed a deep crimson red that he felt welling up from him. That is… It was blood, and it wasn't someone else's blood, it was his. He was bleeding… For God's sake, he was bleeding badly! He was so scared that he could only mumble incoherently in silence, his hands trembling clutching the sheets and his eyes filling with tears. "A-Ah… Ah… W-What…?" He spoke to himself, touching the stain on the mattress just to make sure he hadn't gone insane, and only when his now-contaminated fingers of that terrifying scarlet before his eyes did a ragged-throated scream full of fear echoed in the halls outside his room, unleashing a huge cry. Wei WuXian also didn't take long to panic when he glimpsed so much blood all at once and for no apparent reason, putting aside the reason to start screaming as well, even though it was supposed to be a memory and no one would be able to hear him. “A-Yu?! A-Yu, what happened?! What did they do to you?! SOMEONE CALL A DOCTOR!" He couldn't believe it. What the hell had happened?! What had he missed?! All of this had happened so suddenly that he couldn't even formulate an idea. But the one who had it worse was not him, but the sobbing and frightened child, who, in addition to dealing with that horrifying surprise, felt the fear increase along with the painful prick that came from where he supposed the wound must be, going up to his belly in an uncomfortable way. (. . .) (. . .) Jin GuangYao was just as horrified, but he did not panic. "XuanYu… A-Yu, breathe… Here I am, you have to calm down… I can't understand what you're saying if you cry…" He did everything he could to control his voice, although he was still visibly upset while letting XuanYu hug him. "Whatever it is, tell me. Only then can I help you." XuanYu tried to hold back his sobs, speaking haltingly as he reminisced about his day. "I-I… I-I don't know what happened! I-I woke up from my nap and I was bleeding! And it hurts a lot! I-It hurts!" The only explanation he could think of was that, an internal or external wound that he wasn't seeing and that would slowly kill him. "But I haven't done anything! Help me, I don't want to die!" I'm going to die…! I'm going to die and I've only been here a few days! He still felt blood coming down, how much longer would it take for him to bleed out and die right there? Wei Ying was so upset that he couldn't stay still or quiet, continuously moving around both brothers. "Can you ask later?! He's bleeding! It hurts! Make him a tourniquet or something! A doctor!" Jin GuangYao had already turned pale, because his brother's explanation did not help at all that he stopped thinking about the worst of the damage, to the point where he did not even want to continue looking at the blood, just hug the child until his crying stopped or he could connect with reality again.
Ah, there's nothing more frightening for AFAB folks than entering pretty puberty uninformed (?)
I remember when my girlfriend and I were writing this scene we were laughing ourselves to death. Mostly because we found it amazingly funny how after the healer told JGY about XuanYu's misaligned condition, he relaxed too quickly. He had gone from being scared to death to saying "…Ah, that's why." JGY is a protective big brother, we can't blame him for caring too much about his little brother.
As for WWX, his siblings are misaligned souls, he even has a terrifying experience with JWY that is very similar to this one, but he used to YunMeng, misaligned conditions don't hide, so the poor man assumed that if XuanYu didn't I told him, it is because he was not a misaligned soul. For that alone, he later connects the dots and berates himself for being so clueless (?)
I'm sorry I've been missing a bit, college has been tough lately, but I think I'm getting into the groove. I'll try to upload more often and keep working on writing the fanfic. It will be quite an issue to have to translate it into English (?
And, yes, this is a memory from empathy(?)
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softgothweiwuxian · 4 years
i would also like to say, as an aside, just cause i’m seeing a lot of either jiang cheng or wei wuxian bashing on my dash today for some reason, that i am always equally sad about both of the yunmeng bros and their respective issues. they both have faults and bad coping mechanisms and both did things to hurt each other. they both need to work through the layers of trauma they have experienced and understand how their actions have effected each other. but they are also both deserving of love and happiness and healing, whether that happens together or apart.
to me it isn’t a function of “this person is worse than the other,” or “this person should feel inherently more guilty than the other” it’s “hey, these two abused, traumatized kids who were constantly belittled and hurt and pitted against each other, who were used as pawns in war, who had everything taken away from them over and over despite their best efforts, have made some bad fucking choices and have lashed out or lied to each other because they were left with increasingly little options and were in various states of distress.” 
and like, let’s be honest they have both done some really fucked up shit (see non-consensual golden core transfer, strangling and other varieties of physical violence, lying about very important things and then being dismissive of valid feelings, and bringing your brother’s worst childhood fear into a room to purposely torture him). neither of them are scot free in the deterioration of their relationship or the continued strain of it. and if we are gonna start pointing fingers at one, we kinda gotta point them at the other too. 
but also underneath all of that, they love each other so fiercely and so desperately that half of their bad choices were made in an attempt to protect each other. or out of frustration and betrayal because they cared so fucking much that when the other wasn’t standing beside them they were gutted. 
these boys both deserve some peace in their lives. they were both worthy of love the whole time, whether they believed it or not.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
For the Qin Su!WWX AU, what happened to Wen Ning? Did it somewhat follow canon at Mt. Dafan? Did WWX pull a heist from the depths of the mirror room?
When Wei Wuxian freed Wen Ning from his husband's secret chamber, he hadn't expected to let go of him so soon.
But he couldn't let Wen Ning stay bound here a moment longer, not when he spent the last sixteen years chained up in an iron cage with nails in his head, and there was no way to keep his friend close by. He waited for Jin Guangyao to leave on one of his monthly trips to Gusu, making every excuse under the sun to avoid going with him; and then he shut himself up in his room and walked through the filigree mirror by the bed, after which he proceeded to free Wen Ning from his bonds and smuggle him out of Lanling.
“But gongzi, he’ll know it’s you,” Wen Ning begged him, after Wei Wuxian brought him up to speed on his resurrection and the state of the cultivation world in the decade and a half since his death. “Who else has admission to these chambers? He took Su She with him, so wouldn’t he suspect you?”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head and shows Wen Ning the talisman golem in his sleeve.
“I took a little of your blood, to make it look like you,” he whispers. “Jin Guangyao won’t notice the difference long as he doesn’t try to use you for anything in the next few months, so I’ll be fine. Now take these supplies, and get as far from Lanling as you can go. Go up north to Meishan, if you can--the terrain is too harsh for anyone to go looking for you there, and my grandmother’s family has almost nothing to do with the rest of the jianghu.”
Wen Ning grasps his hands, distraught, and refuses to look at the trapdoor under his feet. From what he managed to find out over the years, the trapdoor leads to a passageway that ends somewhere near the servants’ laundry, which means that Wen Ning can leave the Jinlintai unseen if he goes after dark: that is, if Wei Wuxian can persuade him to go at all.
“I won’t go that far. Not when you might need me to protect you here.” Wen Ning insists. “I’ll find somewhere to hide in the city.”
“Jin-zongzhu’s men will catch you. A-Ning, please, you can’t--”
“Give me a transportation talisman I can activate, and I’ll go.”
Wei Wuxian throws up his hands, more frustrated than ever. “You’re dead! You can’t activate talismans!”
Wen Ning only lifts an eyebrow at him. “Then invent one. Otherwise, gongzi, I’m not leaving your side.”
Growling, Wei Wuxian has no choice but to stomp over to the corner desk near the mirror (which had, according to the nine-fingered gloves in the drawers, once belonged to Xue Yang) and invent a transportation talisman that works more or less as Wen Ning specified. He paints it in blood, his and Wen Ning’s mixed in roughly equal measure, and finishes the ink seals with one of Qin Su’s sandalwood inksticks.
“If I’m injured, it’ll bring you straight to me,” he says, wrapping up a package of supplies and a few sets of clean clothes. “I’ve given you three, just in case it doesn’t work the first time. Is that all right?”
Wen Ning hugs Wei Wuxian so tightly that his ribs creak, and then he cups his rouge-dusted cheeks before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I feel as if I am leaving a beloved sister behind with a cruel husband,” he murmurs, “but as long as these talismans work, I will go, and not make any trouble for you. Will you come to find me after you’re free?”
“The moment Jin Guangyao is brought to justice. Or sooner, if it’s safe,” Wei Wuxian vows. “A-Ning, go. We’ll meet again, I swear it.”
So Wen Ning goes, clearly loathing every step he takes away from Wei Wuxian; and after the trapdoor closes, Wei Wuxian puts the clay golem in its cage and enlarges it to Wen Ning’s size, standing back to observe the effect before going back to his bedroom.
Jin Guangyao is still not here, and Yongpei and Shao Tai are still in town, choosing new jewelry for their mistress to wear at the upcoming discussion conference.
Wei Wuxian has the place to himself, for now; so he throws himself onto the bed, exhausted, and sleeps until Shao Yongpei shakes him by the shoulder and asks what he wants for dinner.
Wen Ning is away by now, he thinks, as he writes a list of orders for his ladies-in-waiting before collapsing back onto the bed.
Even after Qiongqi Dao, even though the Jin clan vowed to kill him, I have saved Wen Ning.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Fem! WWX AU But what if it wasn't LWJ? Maybe LQR was in love with CSSR, he too saw the signs and took the opportunity to be with the closest thing to her former love. After what happened between them, they get married and LWJ has to see for the rest of her life how WWX is married to his uncle, who is also twice their age.
In the end, Madame Yu does not care who WWX marries in the Lan sect, as long as she is not in Yunmeng, far from her husband she will not protest even if it is LQR whom WWX ends up marrying.
Uuuuuugh this just got worse in a different direction. I love it and hate it in equal measures.
Wei Wuxian felt safe talking to Lan Qiren about her issues at home. The man was a sect leader, but he was also a teacher. He just wanted to help his students and make sure they were safe- that's what he told her. She told him everything. It was the first time she had ever actually talked about it with someone and she couldn't stop herself from crying half way through. Lan Qiren was kind and listened to everything she had to say. He even moved closer and put his hand on her back to comfort her while she cried.
Once she had told him what Madam Yu ordered her to do while she was in the Cloud Recesses and all her tears were dried, he began to help her plan a way out of Jiang Fengmian's household and things quickly went downhill.
When he explained it to her it made sense. Marrying Lan Qiren made sense. He may be more the twice her age, but he is a good man with a powerful status that equaled Jiang Fengmian's so he wouldn't be able to fight him for her. Sleeping with him so the wedding can be rushed made sense at the time, even if she was scared and felt disgusting during the act.
But in the weeks that followed the meeting with Lan Qiren... nothing happened. Yunmeng Jiang was not written to, the Lan elders were told nothing, and no marriage that would get her out of Lotus Pier was arranged. She tried to go back to Lan Qiren's office to talk with him, but he assured her he would handle everything and that she shouldn't worry. Then he shooed her away because he was very busy.
The only thing that happened in the month that followed their meeting was that Wei Wuxian's monthly blood never came.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Do you think that Jiang Cheng was insecure in the book? Because when I read I thought that he was actually felt entitled to success. He was the sect heir, rich and powerful so he of course should be better than the servant's son. And when he couldn't measure up he grew resentful because he felt wronged and robbed of his rightful place. He wasn't beating himself up for not being able to do it, he was blaming Wei Wuxian for having the audacity to best him.
He was both, I think. Insecure and entitled to success. And also unwilling to put in the effort to be the hero while berating WWX for shinning too brightly. I don't fault him for it when he was a kid because that's how kids are. His character really sinks when he holds onto a grudge and takes it out on others during the intervening years. JC's biggest sins aren't really against WWX. They are against the Wen remnants, against the people he captured, tormented, and possibly killed or kept captive.
Seriously, such an unimpressive guy. Mediocre person with too much power. That's the state of the world everywhere.
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scarletjedi · 4 years
I think we need an au where Lan Wangji, in a fit of desperation to make the oblivious nitwit of his life Pay Attention, writes Wei Ying a beautiful calligraphy scroll that says 'I like you. Do you like me? Check yes or no' (and it probably STILL wouldn't work but kissing Wei Ying every time he starts to explain why Lan Wangji couldn't possibly love him? That works. Eventually)
I think this works best when there’s build up, you know? Like -
Wangji is desperate, so he goes to his brother, who always has the answer for *emotions* - and maybe XiChen isn’t alone. Maybe Mingjue is there, visiting his sworn brother (and a little like- really Wangji. Him? Not my circus, not my monkeys), and he’s the one who gives Wangji the advice: “tell him you like him.” It’s very straightforward. Very Nie.
And Wangji gives him that look, like “bitch I *tried* he won’t *listen* —
So Mingjue says “Hauisang is his friend, right? Ask him.”
And Wangji thinks back the guest lecture days and the way Hauisang and Wuxian would egg each other on— and *does*
(Hauisang is *delighted* - so much so, he leaves his newest fan half painted, losing the light.)
Thus starts a multi-step plan, the above note coming after *several* attempts that Wuxian just *doesnt* get - and it can be canon compliant- Wangji throwing Wuxian a flower, the kissing - could be either part of the plan or what prompts the plan, but-
Wangji shows up in Yilling with a multi step plan that Hauisang assures him will work, and it’s his luck that he runs into Wuxian (with a child!?! Oh no he’s cute! And it doesn’t matter that dinner is technically step 5). But that does means Wangji doesn’t leave after Wen Ning wakes up because he has a *list*. Meanwhile the Wens are all like - We like this Lan guy - quiet, but helpful, and Wuxian seems to like him—good for them! Wait—does Wuxian not realize...woof, sorry Lan Guy, Wuxian is the most oblivious genius we know. He’s a good kid, but slow on the uptake.
So finally Wangji writes the note, and Wuxian plays it off like a prank —or maybe gets mad because what the hell Wangji why would you do that— but no, it has to be one of the uncles who have been teasing Wuxian by calling Wangji his “young man” and how dare you say such things about Wangji (and Wangji is all like - no, yes, think those things, but he can’t just *say* that, not in front of anyone who isn’t Wuxian) Which, of course, leads to some wonderful low-self esteem h/c because Wangji is *aghast* that Wuxian thinks so low of himself—
And, well, maybe he can’t *say* it, but kissing Wuxian in front of all the Wens (including A-Yuan who may be too young to see kissing like that) certainly makes a *statement*
Wuxian is speechless, and Wangji has a moment to worry when Wuxian pulls away, convinced that he just ruined everything, but Wuxian is scrambling for that beautiful rendered scroll and cutting his finger o his tooth because who has time to find *ink* and marks a hasty check through *yes*, underlining it for good measure and just *shoving* it at Wangji before dragging them both back to the cave.
Hauisang considers it a great success (and if it gives him access to Wen Qing and her knowledge of golden cores, it’s a surprising bonus. He certainly couldn’t *plan* for *that*)
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