#and that he started after his parents were killed. It’s such an underrated character trait
notmeagain6 · 2 years
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I started this diary after my family’s death…
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bookishable · 5 years
harry potter opinions
not all of these are unpopular
dumbledore should have been in slytherin
the only reason people ship dramione is because they think the actors are good looking, if the characters had been played by actors who aren’t conventionally attractive people wouldn’t ship them
draco and hermione are just not compatible at all
fred’s death was the worst one
the golden trio belong in gryffindor because they use the traits they have from other houses in order to be brave (harry has ambition to survive and a strong sense of self-preservation, ron’s loyalty helps him defend others “if you want to kill harry you’ll have to kill us too”, yeah thanks for ruining that movies, and hermione often uses her intelligence to find solutions and work a way out of a situation)
kreacher is more likeable than dobby
on balance the order of the phoenix is the worst film
i agree that the sorting system should be based on the traits you value most not the ones you have, and if this is canon then it should have been made clearer in the books
snape is not a good person but one of the best characters
it’s pointless to compare james and snape to figure out who is a worse person they had totally opposite lives
slughorn is a better example of a flawed but good character/person than snape
luna embodies ravenclaw house more than any other character
it sucks that ravenclaw has only luna as good character representation, we had cho who became a bigger character, but so many people in the fandom hate her and her relationship with harry ended badly from his pov
harry potter is the most underrated character in harry potter which is a crime
kreacher’s tale should have been in the films
percy, fred, george and ron could all have fitted in slytherin fight me
the best portrayed character in the films was snape
most of the hogwarts professors were also very accurate to the books and well acted, especially mcgonagall, sprout, lockhart, flitwick and madame pomfrey (although she should have had more lines from the books)
oh and also filch
daniel radcliffe looked most like harry potter in prisoner of azkaban
charlie and ginny fit in gryffindor the most out of all the weasleys
ravenclaws are probably the ones who procrastinate the most
peter pettigrew is such an interesting character
dean thomas needs more appreciation
ron and hermione are simultaneously the best couple and the most annoying couple
pettigrew should be viewed as a true marauder not just someone who tagged along with the other three because that’s what made his betrayal so terrible
regulus black deserved better
fleur delacour is underrated but i’m glad to see she’s starting to get more appreciation now
i could write a 300 page essay on how amazing harry and ron’s friendship is
it annoys me when people make harry potter as vines videos and just stick the name padfoot over any video of a dog even if it has no relation to sirius
most of harry’s escapes were due to luck and i love that he acknowledges that
but this doesn’t make him any less brave or skilled
the deathly hallows is the best book
the idea that mary poppins is a witch is more canon than hogwarts being a school (which isn’t saying much because honestly the only thing the students learnt there was that they lived in close proximity to several things that could kill them)
dumbledore is a better person than everyone makes him out to be
aberforth dumbledore is underrated
the best house pairing is slytherin and hufflepuff
harry should have named his children sirius, remus and ruby (rubeus), but i totally get why he used his parents and dumbledore’s names even though i can’t accept severus or luna
i still love harry and luna’s friendship and i guess since ginny was close friends with her too they both chose her name
jk rowling is not a bad person, yes she has done some controversial things, but people should be more appreciative of the world she created and how she encouraged generations of children to read
harry and hermione’s friendship is so precious
i love ron because he is a realistic character and a great guy
the crimes of grindelwald should have been named ‘the rise of grindelwald’
people need to stop complaining about characters being portrayed as poc in fan art, these artists dedicate their time to creating something and it’s their choice how they interpret the characters
also i’m sure lots of artists don’t design them this way just to encourage diversity, it can simply be a stylistic choice and some probably just prefer to draw them this way
not all slytherins are obsessed with the colour green omg
same applies to the other houses and their house colours, i just see the slytherin one more frequently
voldemort’s movie death is atrocious
but cool use of cgi i guess
ginny and ron were ruined by the films but not the actors
so was the entire weasley family a little
arthur and bill should have been in ravenclaw
molly should have been in hufflepuff
the whole “calmly“ thing doesn’t really annoy me, but i do think that dumbledore was too angry generally in the fourth film (maybe this was purposeful for the character i just prefer book dumbledore)
this leads to my conclusion that goblet of fire is the second worst film
i actually liked crimes of grindelwald, but i thought the first film was better because it was quite different to the harry potter series
however,, even though cog was very plot heavy, bear in mind that they are setting up for 3 more films. the first has to be simpler to set the scene and kick off the franchise, just like philosopher’s stone. the next film will naturally have more to it. it was dark because grindelwald played a bigger part. this is just like the chamber of secrets film (a lot of people dislike it) which was also plot heavy and had a different feel to it. people need to give it time, there’s 3 more films
jk rowling needs to write a new children’s book with a new universe to harry potter, and leave the harry potter franchise alone after fbawtft. it’s fine as it is. she still has the talent to create something great
the books are infinitely better than the films
even though i disagree that all the weasleys belong in gryffindor, i support the idea that they all have the same values and would probably choose to be sorted into gryffindor over the other houses
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