#and that if you dont hit it your gauge goes down. but then i remembered how large the window for the foresight slash was
gigginox · 7 months
i forgot that special sheath works different in world than it does in rise
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
Is it alright to request Bakugo, Todoroki, & Kirishima finding out that their usually well put together s/o secretly smokes (only to cope with stressful stuff like a rough home life) but now that she’s with them she tries to quit but then a bad mission happens & they walk in as she’s shakily holding a cig? Happy ending pls. Sorry if it’s complicated recovery isn’t linear & ive been feeling bad just thinking abt going back to it.
Sweetheart, please don’t apologize! I understand, okay? No judgements whatsoever. I’m really sorry you’ve not been feeling well, but keep fighting, love. You can do it!! You got this!! I’m so proud of you for taking this giant step for your health <3 and so are the boys :> I put it under a cut because it’s long ^^
Katsuki, Shouto, and Eijirou with a s/o who’s trying to quit smoking (Scenarios)
Warning: slight mentions of relapse, smoking
He knew. He knew you’d had a particularly bad day handling an awful situation - the kind of job any hero (maybe even Katsuki himself) would pass off onto a rookie so as to avoid having to deal with it. He knew you’d been trying your hardest to quit smoking. He knew you only picked it up as a way to cope. He knew it was hard. He knew it all. He was right there with you.
Yet it didn’t break his heart any less when he got home from his own hero shift to see you trembling and holding your head with both hands, an unlit cigarette nestled between your shaky fingers. A lighter lay on the coffee table in front of you, seemingly forgotten but not really. Your sniffling was loud, and it pained Katsuki to hear it, as if with each sniffle the hand around his heart squeezed tighter and tighter.
“Y/n.” He doesn’t say or do much else, and neither do you. It’s quiet, save for your sniffling and occasional hiccups. Katsuki sighs, not out of frustration, not out of pity, and certainly not out of anger. Well, maybe there was a hint of anger, but it was not aimed at you. It was aimed at whosoever pushed the put-together, organized you to this habit which was giving you a run for its money. Quietly, he moves to sit next your trembling form, wrapped in the plush blanket you got him for his birthday last year. It smelled like him. No smoke, no ashes. Him.
“Just take deep breaths,” he says quietly, afraid to spook you, as he slowly brings up his arm to wrap around your shoulders and bring you close. You’re rigid. Stiff. And so unlike yourself. “Don’t feel bad, y/n. Stuff like this... it’s hard. There’s no such thing as perfection when it comes to recovery. No one gets it right on the first try.” It’s hard, rewiring your brain not to crave a certain substance, or anything else, really. Katsuki hasn’t dealt with this firsthand, but as a hero he’s seen enough to know no one gets it right on the first try; sometimes people slip up.
“People slip up. And that’s fine,” he continued softly. “They just need to push themselves back up and fight back even harder. I’m so fucking proud of you, alright? And you - you’re tough as hell, you know that?” He stops, as if to gauge your reaction. And react you do. You bury your head in his chest, dropping your hands to your lap without a word. Saying something is too much right now. The cigarette is still between your fingers, but Katsuki gently takes it from you and tosses it onto the table.
“Maybe you don’t realize it, but you are.” Katsuki pats your shoulder furthest from him, leaning down to whisper at you. “You’d have to be, to put up with me and my bullshit,” he jokes with a pinch to your cheek, and finally you chuckle with a wee grin. “No, seriously! I always leave the toilet seat up, I scream at the TV, I never put my laundry right into the hamper, and I always forget to wash dishes... I’m kinda hard to live with.”
“You also kick in your sleep,” you quip with a giggle, voice tiny and meek yet full of love and spunk.
“Ah hell, do I? See, the list goes on and on.”
You shake your head wistfully, your grin growing by the second, but then it leaves you for something sweeter, something quieter. “Thank you for helping me quit, Katsuki.” The gentle lilt in your voice is music to his ears, though he wouldn’t outright admit it.
He huffs at you playfully. “Aw, shaddup. With everything you put up with from me, I’d say we’re even.” He almost seems bashful at your thanking him. Maybe he is.
“No, not quite. You also walk around naked at the worst possible times.”
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry.”
You turn to look up at him, eyes gleaming - and not from tears. “My friend really didn’t need to see you walking around in your All Might boxers.”
He shrugs it off. “She should’ve knocked. And you shouldn’t have bought them as a gag gift, babe.” Katsuki flicks your nose gently, leaving you to you wrinkle it and recoil from him.
Damn paperwork.
His back hurt, his eyes burned, and his wrist was currently cramping.
Yet it was better than everything you dealt with on patrol earlier. He wasn’t sure how you made it back in one piece like you did.
With a yawn he decided that’s it, a break is most certainly due. So he’d go looking for you, maybe even just five minutes together would make him a new man. But he couldn’t find you. Oh. Shouto wasn’t panicked by any means, but he was in a hurry to find you. He knew if even after one relapse, no matter how short-lived, you would beat yourself up about it better than you do villains. Even if there was no need to. Relapse happens sometimes.
Finally, he found you in the alleyway behind the agency. And he found the cigarette. It was lit, snug between your lips and slowly developing ash. Your hand was so shaky, Shouto was worried something was medically wrong for a second before he realized himself. He called out to you, a hand reached out as he approached. You jumped in your skin, head jerking his way, one lone tear trail on your cheek. “Y/n, please put that out.”
You wipe your nose with the back of your hand unceremoniously, but it didn’t bother him. “I’m sorry,” you breathe. “It’s just- it’s hard. I feel like I’m trying to put myself back together, but I’m missing a piece. Does that make sense?”
Shouto looks at you gently. “It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to me,” he says clearly. “As long as you understand it and talk about what you’re feeling, I’m happy. Why don’t you tell me more about what you’re feeling right now? It helped last time.”
“Overwhelmed. I’m overwhelmed as fuck.” You suck in a breath and bring your fingers to your lips to pick at them rather than take a drag.
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Being a hero is hard work.” He’s being supportive. He understands; he’s a hero, too.
“With everything at home when I started... and being a hero...” your voice breaks, “pushing one down for the sake of the other and trying to hold myself together and quit... it sucks, Shouto.”
Your love’s eyebrows pull upward with worry. “I’m sorry, love. You always do your best, you do so well.”
You glance at him with tears in your eyes before dropping the cigarette to the ground and stomping it out with a drawn out sigh. That... actually felt nice. It hurt, too, but it was nice.
“I know I’ve said this before, but I want you to talk to me when you’re craving, okay?” Shouto’s hands grab yours, thumbs rubbing the back of your hand soothingly and slowly. “It doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing. I want you to talk to me. I want to help.”
You nod quickly, unable to form words as tears well up and your lips fight against you to grimace. You wipe at your eyes with your free hand, sniffling all the while. You choke out a quiet “thank you,” and swallow thickly, only for Shouto to lean toward you and plant a kiss to your forehead before pulling you in for a warm hug in the cool alley.
“Dont thank me,” he whispers, squeezing you tight for emphasis. “It’s only natural I want to help you. I love you. All of you. No matter what.”
You nestle your cheek to his shoulder. “Even if I fuck up?”
“Are you kidding? Of course, y/n. I’ll always be so proud of you for fighting on.”
“Hey, y/n-“
You blink at him, cigarette between your lips and lighter in your shaky hand. Your eyes are puffy and your cheeks are red. The flame of the lighter licked the cigarette but did not light it, and then suddenly died out as you pulled your thumb off the plate below the wheel. You reached up and closed the window of the bathroom before sitting back down on the side of the tub with your hands in your lap. “Please don’t be mad...”
The grin he wore just before he saw the cigarette faded. “Hey, I’m not mad.”
“I had a really bad day and... I dunno.” You looked down at your hands and the lighter and cigarette within them. “I just needed one. Just one. To deal with it.”
“But...” He hesitated, worried he’d come off too chiding. “Remember? ‘Just one’ turns into two, then three...”
You nod. “I know, I know, but...” Your sniffle hits his ears and it’s hard to hear.
“I’m not mad, or trying to be mean... I’m just worried.” Eijirou scratches the back of his head almost awkwardly. “Why don’t we go for a walk, yeah? Get some fresh air, too?”
You didn’t feel like it, but agree anyway. Eijirou doesn’t take you anywhere in particular, just walking and turning here and there when he felt like it, your hand in his all the while. You’re quiet the entire time, but he speaks enough for the both of you, talking about everything he sees or whatever a certain sight seems to remind him of. His hand squeezes yours every so often, as if to remind you that you don’t need to say anything, as long as you let him do this, let him distract you, let him help you - how ever you want to word it.
But suddenly he stops and turns to you, red eyes bright and gleaming. “Can I ask something selfish of you?” It’s sudden and unlike him to ask something like this.
You’re taken aback, but nod anyway.
“Any time you get the urge, any time you catch yourself reaching for a cigarette, will you promise me you’ll get out and take a walk?” Eijirou’s voice is quiet and soothing, yet you pick up concern. “Or just get up and walk around if you’d rather not go out. Please? Even if I’m not around...?”
You smile at him, his expression immediately relaxing upon seeing it. “Promise.”
“Good! I don’t know how well distraction would work, but maybe it’ll help.” He shrugs and continues walking again, pulling you with him. He had a point. Some fresh air did feel nice, and hearing the birds chirping as you walked by a small park was relaxing. That, mixed with the warm and kind hand of your lover, seemed to wash away the awful day you’d experienced. It was so soothing, you wondered why you hadn’t thought of this sooner.
With a sweet sigh, the tension in your shoulders dies downs an you relax, finally, for the first time in a while. This was Eijirou’s doing, certainly. This walk would only be half as pleasant without him, but you promised. Push comes to shove, you could go out for a coffee or snack break on your walk to keep yourself occupied.
“Hey, Eijirou.”
His hand squeezes yours before he turns to look at you. “Hm?”
“Thank you.”
He gives you a toothy, closed-eye grin. “O’ course, sweetheart!”
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mellz117 · 5 years
Hello and welcome to the start of Mellz Plays Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM on the Playstation 2; Riku’s campaign
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If you haven’t seen my thoughts on Sora’s story, why not start with Part 1? For the 5 of you who’ve been following along since then, welcome back! Check out the rest under the read more! I’m playing on standard difficulty so if I’m having a hard time, I just suck.
So we, as Riku wake up in the basement of Castle Oblivion. How did he get there? Sora just waltzed in like it was no big deal. Riku has to materialize in a cold basement and be woken up by the disembodied voice of an all too familiar bastard… Who has a new voice.
Thanks for the card, voice of Ansem, “Seeker of Darkness”. That ain’t him. It’s been almost 10 years and I don’t remember much of this game but I know that new Richard Epcar voice ain’t Ansem.
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Riku’s got no time to waste, he’s a man on a mission.
So we get a melancholy scene with Riku happening upon the room Maleficent gave him during his association with her in the first game. Memories he’d rather forget.
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After progressing a bit, the disembodied voice returns once again to taunt Riku. “You cast aside your home, your friends, the darkness. What else do you have? Nothing. Your heart is as empty as your old room.”
It’s so weird playing as Riku but I hope we get more of that beyond KH3 (ReMind hasn’t released at the time of writing this)
Alot of this game so far has been me saying “I don’t remember this”… …So I don’t remember Riku’s level up system being this different to Sora’s.
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…well that’s bullshit. I vaguely remember that. The fact that I can’t even edit the order my cards appear to me in battle is even more bullshit. I like to organize my cards by type and value until I’m forced to use a different method.
So I dont have to wait for the reload gauge to count down, it’s immediate and I dont lose a card on every reload like I thought I remembered… What’s the catch? I don’t trust like that.
We meet up with Maleficent at the end of the map. She’s 100% aware she’s a figment of Riku’s memory. Riku is none too pleased to see her.
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I love his sass
Riku’s ready to kick the asses of everyone corrupted by darkness, including his own, he says. Time for a dragon fight because otherwise Maleficent isn’t a threat apparently lmao. I don’t think the mcguffen card even showed up.
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Oh look it’s that asshole. Or is it? Dun dun dunnnnn. God his lips look soft. Why was this necessary???
So who has dominion over this castle? Marluxia, or Ansem?
This fucker is like “Sonny, you couldn’t even win against Sora. You don’t stand a chance against me”.
You have a teenager lying on the ground... Please reword your demands.
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Oh my god it’s Mickey Mouse! well… sort of. He’s a bright light. Gives Riku some nice words to keep him going.
Knowing what I know now about the Guardian heartless bro, everything is so much worse…
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Ooh first scene with the boys in the dark room. “Don’t I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?” I don’t remember seeing this as funny before but now, like 10 years later I appreciate how funny it truly is. Zexion sounds so insulted.. Lexaeus is a man of few words. Then Vexen shows up and he’s getting right down to business. Zexion’s like “Nice to see you too. We all used to be so close, what happened?”
Vexen’s all offended about that and gets pissy about “rank this, rank that, ooh I’m number 4, you shrimpy child.” as if your number indicated rank. Xigbar is the 2nd member but Xemnas’s 2nd in command is Saix (from my understanding) so sit your ass down, Vex.
So Zexion’s special talent? He smells people.
Riku smells people too?. Oh ok he can smell the darkness in his skin. Take a shower! …When was the last time he even got the opportunity?
Mickey appears before him and tells him some words of encouragement. He’s transparent because he can’t fully manifest in the castle right now. So where’s the other 50% opacity hanging out at?
“We shook hands in our hearts” omg… 
Let’s go to Neverland first yay. I did a team attack with Mickey. I remember that!
Imagine being in Riku’s stupid, dumb, giant, anime boy shoes… addressing a giant, bipedal mouse as “Your Majesty”……….. Actually my sister and I used to do that back in the day when we both were obsessed with the series. Regardless of context we’d call him “King Mickey”. It makes me cringe thinking back on it.
Oh I was gonna try to challenge myself to avoid using the dark power but I guess I dont have a choice but to use it. Might as well put points into it if that’s the case.
uses Key to Beginnings, is immediately thrown into a battle with Captain Hook oh I guess we’re not focusing on any events in these worlds they’re literally just to pad out Riku’s story. Riku is officially less Disney than Sora.
How does Zexy know who Riku is? “Riku is here because Sora is here”. Vex that makes zero sense. What else is new?
Agrabah. Uneventful. Riku is not good at hitting small targets. Had a hell of a time fighting Jafar, or rather beating Iago to a pulp, in comparison to playing as Sora.
Next scene, and immediately like NO breath between the fade in and the scene itself, Vexen appears. And in even less time after he appears, “I take it you’re Riku?” This mofo has no time to waste. He’s a busy man.
Riku’s already tired of his bullshit and is ready to FIGHT. Same, Riku. Same.
I had him stun locked during most of this battle.
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Vexen is a fucking twerp. And seems alot more crazy, mad scientist-y when interacting with Riku than Sora. Emphasis on “mad”. He cray
Why do they hang out in the dark? I mean, why no lamps? All I can imagine is them hanging out and barely able to actually see each other. The only way anyone knows who’s there is because Zexion can smell people, everyone else just assumes Lexaeus is there, Vexen won’t shut up about something something science, and Axel likes to hear himself talk.
Fat boi
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Zexion and Lexaeus are talking about what’s going on,  I’m still not sure what they’re doing here. Like, do they want Sora for the Organization? But Marluxia wants Sora as his personal puppet? What about Roxas? Isn’t he like, in a coma or something? Just kill Sora, Roxas will wake up, and SOMEONE’S got a Keyblade wielder again. Lex says Vexen hates Marluxia and things with the replica could turn out disastrously because of it. What IS Vexen’s beef with Marly?
Ok I know it’s to pad out a second campaign but why does Riku go to SORA’S memory worlds? Unless Riku stalked him throughout the entirety of KH1, or had so visit them for darkness missions, and those are his memories as well? Idk, it doesn’t have to be explicitly stated
Oh no Riku, it’s you.
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So at this point he’s aware hes a copy? Does he forget later? With Namine’s meddling? How does Vexen create a living, breathing entity out of battle data? Like, where did the body come from? Did he have it on standby for a while until the right moment?
“You’re afraid of the dark” Repliku states.. Lmao yeah, Riku- he still sleeps with a night light. Don’t tell Sora.
Repliku is like, a worse Riku as far as personality goes. The punk-ass bitch Riku from KH1 but worse. Repliku is quick to ditch the double pants with suspenders and ankle belts for a muscle suit and grass skirt. I’m not sure which one’s worse.
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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I got two level ups out of that!
I high key love Repliku’s laugh here when Riku tries to attacks him again RIGHT AFTER THEIR FIGHT. It’s adorable, hilarious, and creepy. GG David Gallagher! Check out that video if you want. [video]
Dutch angles make everything more dramatic. Unofficial rule no. 1 of cinema. Repliku peaces out and we give chase up another flight of stairs and another cutscene plays. Repliku joins Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen in the dark room and they talk about introducing him to Sora.
Riku finds himself alone on the next floor, yelling at empty air. Ansem shows up to taunt Riku again. This dude just doesn’t quit. God forbid he learns no means go the fuck away.
Oh hey we’re in Atlantica! Maybe Riku can wash that darkness smell off his skin. Oh wait the water doesn’t really exist. And hes just a human, not swimming like a mermaid. Give me mer-Riku, you cowards. Twiggy mer-Sora is funny, twiggy mer-Riku with buff arms would be HYSTERICAL. I had a difficult time with Ursula because poor card management and I’m avoiding battles to get this game over with, which kinda shoots me in the foot as I’m not leveling up.
Yeah I was right, he ends up thinking HE’S Riku. I honestly feel bad for the guy… he’s so scared and betrayed. I know I was shit talking him just a bit ago but I need to protect Repliku. [video]
Give Riku a Halloween Town outfit, you cowards.
This scene between Repliku and Namine is so bittersweet. [video] Just listen to how gentle he talks to Namine. Oh, my heart cannot handle it.
This game makes me so sad. Poor Repliku, poor Namine… Larxene continues to be The Worst. Like, the ABSOLUTE worst. Was Elrena like this?
(I keep getting progressively more and more angry because I can’t upload a video file to this on desktop but I can on mobile, but if I post a video on mobile I can’t edit a read more on desktop. AND I HAVE THREE VIDEOS I WANT TO PUT IN. SO I MADE A BLOG SPECIFICALLY SO I CAN POST THEM THERE AND LINK THEM HERE)
See you in part 2, where I will continue to drag Larxene.
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asillqnjsowk-blog · 5 years
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catsdaydreams · 6 years
Lie in the bed you made
Chapter 2 Of The Heir. Catch up here.
I am missing TRR pretty fiercely. Even though I know this Hiatus will ultimately give the writers a breather so they can regroup, I miss my King. So in the meantime. I will write. 
Requested tags of amazing people who want to see my works: @ladynonsense @decisso @marcela13mars @jayjay897 @drivenbyfantasy @umccall71 @kiwairinin @hopefullmoonobject @mfackenthal @topsyturvy-dream @madriasim    @drakelover78
      Its honestly been so long, I dont know who wants to be in the tag list and who doesnt. let me know if you want to be added to it!
Recap: Our King has returned after two and a half years on his engagement tour and invited Kendra to the UN ball to catch up. He currently has no idea of his son, and is attempting to tie loose ends by getting Kendra to sign an NDA. However the two quickly rekindled their flame and spent the night talking.
side note: Y’all may think that Liam is an ass, and he kind of is. BUT in his defense remember that he has spent the last two and a half years alone with Madeline, with no MC to cheer him up, or give him a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ per say. Give the kid a break, lmao.
My head pounded when I woke, sweat from the night clinging to my skin as I dragged my eyes open. There wasn’t any light coming through the window, and I turned to see if Liam had woken yet. I was greeted with my answer when I met his blue eyes, gazing at me softly. “Good morning.” He whispered. Despite my head pounding, I smiled. “Good morning, Liam.” I whispered back, neither of us ready to break the peaceful quiet morning.
I relaxed into the pillows, as I felt his arm snake around my waist under the covers. I turned and pushed my back into his chest, form fitting myself to him. It had been a long time since I had woken to another persons touch. He kissed my neck from behind and I smiled wider. “You always were insatiable in the morning.” I chuckled. I felt his lips smile as he tugged of the shoulder of the shirt I was wearing to spread the kisses to my shoulder. I turned my head, and captured the next kiss with my lips.
Liam smiled, “I’m glad that you came last night. I didn’t think you would, and that I’d never see you again. Or that Ymir wouldn’t get the invitation to you” He said, his kisses trailing back up to my ear. His fingertips played with the exposed skin on my hips between my waistline and my shirt. Electricity tingled in the wake of his touch, and I could feel my resolve swaying. “You’re going to make me late.” I muttered, he laughed, “Late to what?” 
“I have a job you know.” I stated, rolling over to face him. He motioned outside, “The sun isn’t even close to rising.” Liam said, his hand still leaving trails of excitement on my skin. I gave him a sad smile. “I have to go Liam.” I said, sitting up and looking around for my dress. He sighed and sat up as well, “You can’t call out, just for today?” he pleaded. “I have to leave today.” I frowned at his words. He was only in town for the party then, “Well at least this time you can leave me a phone number, or email. We can keep in touch. I have people counting on me. I can’t just bail out.” I said, and Liam pouted. He sat still for a moment, thinking, “Come with me.” He stated. 
I turned to look at him. He waited, gauging my response. I gave him a surprised laugh. “Liam I can’t just pack up and move, I have responsibilities.” I told said. He got up, the conviction in his eyes growing, “Kendra I can give you another job, and a raise. Whatever you want, just please, come with me. Let me show you my world.” I had begged to hear those words at the statue of liberty. But now I had Cadence, and I wouldn’t uproot his life, I knew Liam years ago, but I didn’t know him anymore. 
“ I can’t.” I said firmly. Liam frowned, the mood soured. I stood and began collecting my items. My dress and shoes. I spotted the NDA agreement on the floor. Picking the pages up I read the terms, the agreement was ironclad, I couldn’t breath a word of our previous time together. A section in the agreement caught my eye, he had also covered any future encounters. 
“You have all your bases covered, huh.” I said curtly, suddenly irate with his arrogance. I reached my clutch, knowing there was a pen in it. “I want an amendment made.” Liam looked at me, noticing the NDA in my hand. “Oh, right. What amendment.” Liam said, rubbing the inside of his palm, a nervous tick he always had. “I want a non contact added. Under any circumstance.” I said bluntly. 
“What?” Liam said in shock. The dazzle of the ball last night had worn off, I still had my son to think about. Liam couldn’t just waltz in here, and turn my life upside down yet again. I maintained eye contact with him, “you heard me Liam.” His composure clicked into place, replacing my Liam with someone foreign. “If that is what you wish, Kendra.” My alarm rang, startling the both of us.
It was now 6, and my dad would be leaving to drop Cadence off at daycare. I cursed internally, I had meant to stay out this late, and I was sure to hear it from my dad later. Liam moved to turn the alarm off, I moved to grab my phone before he did. “I have it, Liam.” Liam was closer, but I managed to grab it first and hit stop on the screen. The alarm closed revealing the smiling, dimpled, blonde as my background. Liam frowned at my behavior as I quickly shoved the phone into the waistband of my underwear.
Panic internally built inside of me, I had come too close to exposing Cadence. I couldn’t battle a king for custody, I’d lose. My heart hammered, all I could see was Cadence being taken. Whisked away to some foreign country, I would lose the only thing in this world I cared about.
"I don’t understand.” He asked, his voice on the verge of breaking. “You seemed to enjoy being here last night. Was that just the champagne talking?” I shook my head no.
“Why then.” He asked. I looked at him, “Liam, I don’t know you anymore. I used to know you, once upon a time, but I don’t. The last time you entered my life you completely uprooted it. Now you’re back, and that’s enough of a wave, but you’re a king, Liam.” I sighed, motioning to the phone, “I don’t need or want the public eye on me.”
There was a soft but assertive knock at the door. “Άδεια εισόδου, η μεγαλειότητά σας;” I recognized the language as that of my table guests from the night previous. “ναι” Liam responded. I shot Liam a look as I shuffled quickly back to the bed so that I could cover my bottom half. 
A tan colored man with brushed back thick black hair and a styled beard and mustache opened the door and entered quickly. The two shared a rushed exchange in the foreign language, and the man bowed his head and left as quickly as he had come. Liam rubbed his temples.
I stood and stripped out of Liam’s shirt, noticing his lack of shame as his eyes roved my body in the mirror. “You could at least pretend to be a gentleman and not look.” I said catching his eye in the mirror in front of me. He raised an eyebrow, “There is a perfectly usable bathroom connected to the room if you cared so much about privacy. That street goes both ways.” I shrugged, conceding.  I started to pull my dress back over my hips. 
“Kendra, wait a moment. Ill get you a change of clothes. You cant leave here in the same dress from last night. The press will have a field day.” Liam said clearly annoyed. He turned to pull his own phone off the night stand and I mimicked him silently as his back was turned. 
My own thoughts tumbled, Liam had almost seen the picture of Cadence but instead I was home free. He was leaving today. He would get on a plane, I could sign the NDA and we could never speak of this entire ordeal ever again. Liam wouldn't have to deal with the scandal, I wouldn’t lose my son, it was a win win situation.
My own guilt tugged at my insides, my heart knew it was wrong. I knew that there would come a day when my curly haired little boy wouldn’t be so little anymore.
He would see all the other kids with their moms and dads and wonder why Grandpa always filled in. He would one day ask, and I would have to lie or explain my cowardice. In the end the truth has a habit of coming out, and I might be able to hold this off for 20 years, maybe even 30, but eventually it would get out. 
I gave in. I had to tell Liam the truth. “Liam, when does your flight leave?” I said with defeat. He looked up from his phone, pausing to think. “Eleven, why?”
“Let me make a phone call to work. I’d like to spend some time with you before you go.” I said. Liam stared at me, “Can you make up your mind please Kendra? You’re giving me whip lash. You either like me, or you don’t. You can’t keep switching it up on me.” I sighed, “I’m sorry. It’s just, I’m word vomiting because I’m in unfamiliar territory, and most of me wants to just go home and pretend I never saw you again and that I didn’t just learn that MY Liam is a king and that I didn’t see you and immediately want to jump your bones and slap you all at the same time and-” Liam laughed and cut me off.
“Kendra, relax. I am still me, the same guy that spend a week pent up the apartment with you. I’m sorry that you got blindsided by this, I tried to get in touch with you before news broke but you had already left your old job.” I gritted my teeth. “Yeah. About that.” I said, bracing myself for Liam’s reaction.
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