#and that that's why mutual aid and both supporting and leaning on your community is vital
npdclaraoswald · 1 year
I've decided to be okay with movie!Hobie being British if and only if they establish that he killed the queen
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darkaviarymc · 7 months
So why tf are you living with a zionist? And why tf did you get married to one in the first place?
I've gotten anons asking invasive questions about my relationship with Troy and why I have yet to end it, and I've deleted each one. I don't know if you're the same anon, but I'm guessing you follow me because my latest #aviisleaving post has no notes and was less than an hour old when I received this ask.
Due to recent events in this fandom, abuse has become a spotlight topic. I don't know if I would call my marriage abusive or not. But whether or not it is, my situation and my reasons for staying in it for the time being is similar to what abusive victims face. There are many reasons not to leave, to bide your time before leaving, and to not be able to leave at the time or even at all, and I think it's an important discussion to have.
I'll start by explaining why I'm with him in the first place. We used to be closer ideologically. He wasn't always this far right and (this is where I make a confession that idk if I'm actually ready to make, but here we go) I wasn't always this far left. Seven years does a lot to change people, for better or worse. I was a left-leaning centerist, he was a right-leaning centerist, and we met in the middle to either compromise or peacefully agree to disagree.
We were both nerdy autistic weirdos with the same taste in music, same sense of humor, and enough ideologically in common to make peace. He got along well with my daughter and was quick to let me know that, if we ever got married, he'd consider her his kid as if she was his own.
I'm hyper-romantic. I see romance basically everywhere I look, and I fall in love hard and fast. He wasn't used to having a woman (my egg hadn't cracked yet, we'll get to that) who wasn't an absolute bitch be interested in him, so he fell harder than he ever had. We also both hated our situation at home, and I wouldn't pretend that wasn't a factor. We rushed the relationship and got married before we'd been together a year.
Everything changed for me when I realized I was queer.
I found the community I'd been denying for my whole life, and I learned a lot. He was an ally then. A flawed one, but he was willing to try. He was supportive of me when I came out, first as bisexual and then as nonbinary.
But everything changed for him when the wreck happened. He was driving with our mutual best friend in the front passenger seat when he lost control on black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. Our friend died at the scene, and Troy's injuries left him permanently disabled. He's since regained his independence, but he'll always struggle with his left arm.
We both took solace in our faith (I'd still consider myself a Christian, feel how you feel about that, I've heard it all) but he got lost in Christian Reddit, then Christian TikTok. Christian TikTok led to Evangelical TikTok, which led to transphobic, homophobic, MAGA, and zionist TikTok.
He ate that shit up. He fucking chugged that kool-aid. It gave him something besides himself to be angry at.
Grief opened my mind and closed his. It softened my heart and hardened his.
It just went downhill from there.
And now I can't live with this. I know he can't either, and the only reason he hasn't initiated a separation is because 1) there's no biblical grounds for divorce because I haven't cheated on him, and 2) he doesn't think a fat, autistic, disabled nerd in his 30s with a small dick and $30,000 in medical debt could ever find a godly wife. His words, not mine.
So if I want what's best for myself, my daughter, and yes, even for Troy, I need to be the one to leave.
So why haven't I yet?
First and foremost, money. We live in a society blah blah blah. Our society isn't friendly single mothers, queer people, or disabled people, and I'm about to be all three. I need to be 100% certain that I can support not only myself, but a high support needs autistic teen daughter who will likely never be able to live independently.
We currently only have one working vehicle, and aren't in a financial place to remedy that. I will need my own form of transportation if I'm going to be on my own.
All of my preparations (housing, transportation, moving logistics, etc) will have to be enacted quickly and perfectly. Surgical precision packing, moving, and stocking up on groceries so I don't have to leave the house for a while within 24 hours. Why? Because his family can't have any forewarning. I would not be safe. Currently, I'm not safe emotionally, but if I mess up even one step off the plan, if I'm not perfect in my exit strategy, I won't be safe physically, and neither will my daughter. I won't elaborate further on that.
Not only do I have to leave perfectly, but I have to be 150% positive months in advance that I can keep perfect. Because he has friends and family in places that could be dangerous for me, not the least of which is CPS. I fully expect to have them at my door by the end of the first month. I can't give them cause to take my daughter, even if it's the smallest, stupidest thing. Especially since they'll already have a small, stupid thing. Namely, my queerness and my disability.
Because I'm under no impression whatsoever that Troy won't out me to every single person who I can't safely be out to the instant he gets the chance. I will have no more help from (and possibly no contact with) my family. I will be completely alone. My support system will be gone forever. I have to be emotionally, mentally, and financially ready for that.
And I am none of those things right now.
And until I am, I have to do whatever I can to keep myself safe enough to bide my time for the right opportunity.
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wandering-neko · 2 years
I made this for Facebook but this is an easier space for large thoughts lol
CN: community vs subculture concerning white supremacy and/or other elitism
though i want to ensure i've been thinking of this stuff conceptually and i do not mean this as an ill reflection of my communities and friends - but i need to be honest i think that much like most online social relationships can be para-relationships in nature, i think subculture communities are not a fair use of the term community
Ever since i heard that, in essence, "you're a part of your community where you like it or not, you're just a bad member" it really drove me to consider what a community is. The only community i identified with beyond the nebulous "community" of a town was the community of subculture - Steampunk, Flow, Goth, LARP, etc etc. These were "communities" that I found kinship for.
But these communities were welcoming and were always opt in - truthfully given the constant strive to be a welcoming community, and not gatekeep (another term i'm realizing ways more than i was thinking) there wasn't a bad way to be a "goth" - you could be a bad person who was a goth, but truth be told, i looked at these opt in communities through rose tinted glasses, that only "good" people, good community members, would opt in. But i think this was the first crack into why i feel i (and maybe in general, we) have been using "Community" unfairly.
First off, all subcultures have bad-actors, full stop. Every one. but due to the opt-in/out nature of them, we can take different approaches and intentions to try and define what a bad actor is and what to do about them. This ranges from the missing-stair approach, call-ins, call outs, black-lists (both open and closed) and other approaches. Some are more successful than others.
but i'm starting to think perhaps the most successful is when casting someone out, when removing them isn't an option, the outcomes are going to be better.
So what communities aren't given the option to cast people out? Your physical communities. your neighborhoods. your towns. You will see these people every day. And if they're a bad actor, maybe you change how you interact with them, but the best way to handle them is to call them in, and hope they're willing to change. And the best communities can do this well - and the ones dealing with white supremacy individualism and defensiveness (and probably other tenants) will have the hardest time to handle this
How do you change how you handle them? I imagine if you're like me you'd assume how you'd change your engagement in mutual aid and support. And honestly its probably why subcultures exist. some elitists decided that some were not into someone - pick your favorite oppressed group and their typical oppressors - so they decided to build them out of the govt community aid networks. and when they did, to justify, they had to lean heavier and heavier into capitalistic elitism to make the social monkey brain not see these people as "in need" and instead "outsider"
And in this society where people were labeled outsider for very real cultural differences that should of been embraced and we built up these 'outsider' classes, we continued to sub-divide until we had subcultures. So we could identify 'our own' and avoid "the other". I feel like Catholicism vs protestant may of been one of the first subcultures in historic colonial America. And as we grew and grew as a country, we found more ways to subdivide - by wealth and everything - but i think i've lost the thread. Why don't these subcultures count as communities?
I think they use to, for a long time. But then we started basing our subcultures on the internet instead of in person. No longer are we meeting sunday at mass, friday at the goth club, saturday at the punk bar, now we're chatting online, getting a huge boost of feel-good-hormones being in HUGE communities that our monkey brains love, all with the same interests and hobbies, and we seek out these 'communities' because how wonderful it is to feel so like minded, after being divided for so long!
but these communities are commodified - the mutual aid and support are tepid at best, especially since we're really spending our resources on enjoying it and paying for the experience, not on helping each other.
(Then i think of subculture vendors and local artisans and the benefit those spaces bring them - still commodified a bit, but maybe more mutual aid and support than i'm giving credit for? still a work in progress - mostly i've been feeling so disconnected WHILE being connected to so many of you and in so many communities and interests. And i think its because i've based my 'communities' more on interest than on geography. And thats not fair to me, and i don't think thats super fair to you. I can only imagine the social-monkey stress of seeing me reaching out and being literal states away sometimes and unable to do simple hang outs, as much as it stresses me to not connect with you when you need physical interactions. And likewise we're both seeing the <3 and likes go up without getting that interaction - not because the likes and hearts and hollow, but because they're impossible. Its unfair of me to expect people 3hrs away, generally more, to visit at the drop of a hat
But maybe i've come to some very side-ways conclusions. Maybe i'm missing something? what do you think?
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bearingwater · 5 years
January Forecast for Aquarius
Ease into the new decade, Aquarius. January’s energy comes with a concentration of planets in Capricorn and your twelfth house of rest, healing and escape. While others are busy making plans and resolutions, you’re in a much more receptive space. While your experimental sign can go with the flow, you also have a Type A side. This month—and this year—you may have important lessons about letting things happen.
Aquarius is the sign of the future, and you always have at least ONE eye on what’s next. Take a breather from all of that, especially if it’s making you nervous or neurotic. Not sure what plans and resolutions you want to make this year? Let it “come to you” instead of forcing an agenda. This is a time of transition, when you need to talk less and listen more.
That also means tuning in to the universe and your own intuitive guidance system. Not so fast with the eye rolls, Aquarius! With FIVE planets in your spiritual twelfth house as January begins, the Law of Attraction is governing 2020 for you. Not only is the Sun making its annual visit here until January 20, but you’ve got communicator Mercury, risk-taker Jupiter (through December 19), responsible Saturn and transformational Pluto all gathered in this zone as the decade begins. Prepare for a year unlike any you’ve had in a while—if ever!
Your best bet is to tune in, meditate or just be STILL now. Your intuition’s been knocking loudly for the past month, and now’s your chance to finally download that divine data. And you’ll have a huge chance on January 12, when Saturn and Pluto make a historic alignment in Capricorn for the first time since 1518. While these two meet up every 33 to 38 years, they haven’t united in THIS sign in over five centuries.
As materializer Saturn brings Pluto’s creative, spiritual or unconscious ideas into tangible form, you could have a huge breakthrough emotionally or intuitively. Is it time to let go of something that’s been weighing you down? The Saturn-Pluto meetup could come and sweep it away, sounding the call for forgiveness and closure. The inner work you do now will have a reverberating effect for months to come. With the bold Sun and expressive Mercury both pinging Saturn and Pluto, you’ll find the courage to express what you’re feeling too.
As within, so without—that could be your mid-month mantra thanks to a January 10 lunar eclipse in Cancer and your sixth house of wellbeing and organization. The decade’s very first full moon happens to be a potent eclipse, which will sweep away the old and usher in space for the new. This spotlight moment could reveal a health matter that’s been plaguing you (and the proper treatment plan, at last!), or it could be THE day when you finally commit to kicking a self-sabotaging habit. Eating well, exercising, working with a coach: These affirming moves could help you feel anchored at a time when you need it most.
Of course, this isn’t exactly breaking news. This is almost the final eclipse in a series that’s been rippling across the Cancer/Capricorn axis since July 2018, turning your attention the health and healing. You’ve been learning important lessons about impeccability and mastery in your work as well as other ones about letting go and receiving support. When was it time to lean in…and which moments were best to lean back? In addition to spotlighting your work and wellness, these eclipses have helped you fine-tune that balance.
It’s been a lot to take in, and you might feel a bit off-kilter. Good news: On January 20, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and your first house of self for a month, bringing you back to YOU! If you’ve been making too many sacrifices or feeling overwhelmed for the past four weeks, you’ll be thrilled to feel your energy return.
Watch out for family or household drama interrupting your me-first groove on January 23, when the Sun locks into its semiannual square with disruptive Uranus in Taurus. A volatile or argumentative loved one could demand your attention, interrupting you right as you’re getting into a groove. Set firm boundaries and don’t take the bait. It will be all too easy to get hooked into the drama and button-pushing games. Don’t waste a second of your precious time on this emotional blackmail if you can help it! Beware getting suckered into playing the hero or fixing a needy person’s problems today. Try pointing them to resources before you roll up your sleeves.
Besides, your REAL New Year arrives on January 24 with the decade’s first new moon—which happens to be in Aquarius! You typically get only one new moon per year in your zodiac sign, and it’s the ideal time to power forward on a personal goal. Efforts started now will culminate at the corresponding Aquarius full moon, which will arrive on August 3, 2020. Plot a course for where you’d like to be by then.
You’ll have help thinking strategically because this is also Lunar New Year’s Eve, a night to bid adieu to the chillaxed Earth Pig and welcome the sharp-minded Metal Rat. Pro astro tip: The Chinese New Year always falls at the Aquarius new moon, which is why Aquarians are often split between two of the animal signs. (Those born prior to the new moon will be part of the previous year’s sign.) For the next 12 months, you’ll have an easier time putting your ideas into action—and doing so with your signature aplomb!
Love & Romance
You’re in your frisky and free-spirited element until (at least) January 13, Water Bearer! Sensual Venus has been in Aquarius and your house of self and identity since December 20. Hopefully you’ve saved a few sprigs of mistletoe to park under because you’ll still be in demand for the first half of the month. Actually, who needs mistletoe when you’ve got Venus in your sign? Start the new year with the makeover you’ve been craving or maybe a refreshed attitude about love.
Over in your friend zone, spicy Mars is dancing through Sagittarius from January 3 until February 16, igniting sparks with a pal or creating a strong attraction to someone you meet online or through mutual contacts. You may feel conflicted about whether to give into temptation (and allow yourself to get obsessed) or decide from the get-go to keep it casual. Good luck with that! Couples can look forward to a lively month of double dates, outdoor activities and maybe some volunteering together or getting involved in a cause that’s important to both of you.
On January 13, Venus relocates to Pisces and your second houses of financial and emotional security. You may be ready to lock down a commitment or take a budding romance to the next level. If you’re happily off the market, take a forward glance at your savings and shared goals to make sure you’re on pace to achieve them. On January 26, Venus forms a rare (once-a-year) square with indie-spirited Mars, which can fire up your rebellious streak. Stop and contemplate anything rash before you do it. This is just a passing mood—not necessarily anything to act on.
Key Dates
January 26: Venus-Mars Square Venus in your practical second house wants something concrete, but it’s at odds with lusty and libertine Mars in your independence sector. Don’t make any fast moves in or out of a situation! Dueling desires for novelty and security are completely normal. The key: Can you get a dose of what you’re craving without overturning a relationship?
Money & Career
Flow into January, Aquarius—it’s okay to pace yourself! With five planets in Capricorn and your twelfth house of rest and healing, you could be a little exhausted. This coming year, in fact, is one to devote more to self-care and a slower speed. Your creativity and imagination will run high, and you could have breakthroughs of major magnitude this month. Lean into your quirky “genius” side and color outside the lines.
Is it time to let something go? The twelfth house rules endings, and when structured Saturn and transformational Pluto make a historic meetup here on January 12, you may have to rip the Band-Aid off. Resistance is futile, so let the chips fall where they may. If you’ve been micromanaging too much, this Saturn-Pluto conjunction will force you to confront any control issues. What’s really driving this anxiety, Aquarius? Get to the heart of it.
Major changes could be afoot on January 10, when a Cancer lunar eclipse sweeps through your sixth house of systems, employees and helpful people. The coming two weeks are ripe for hiring and firing or switching up your processes. Unpredictable Uranus also wakes up from a five-month retrograde backspin today through your domestic fourth house. As the side-spinning planet corrects course, it could bring a sudden relocation or new cast of characters under your roof. A surprise job opportunity or family fluctuations could shift your lifestyle.
When the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20, your “2020 vision” returns. You can really set your resolutions on January 24, when the Aquarius new moon—the first new moon of the decade—illuminates your first house of fresh starts.
Key Dates
January 2: Mercury-Jupiter Meetup Read between the lines! With the two most expressive planets teamed up in your twelfth house of hidden agendas, clue into body language and subtle messages. Sometimes it’s what they don’t say that speaks volumes. Play a little mysterious today with your intel, rather than being an open book.
Love Days: 7, 12 Money Days: 17, 27 Luck Days: 16, 24 Off Days: 10, 14, 22
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Halfrid // Part 4
Platonic!Loki x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your life has always been dictated by the fact that you are smarter than most adults. This has made you antagonize many of them, it isn’t your fault that you are just citing facts! However, when the god of mischief becomes your friend, are there enough facts you can cite to prove his innocence?
Warnings: Censored Curse Words, dude being an entitled jerk (not Loki), Angst, Panic attack, bad writing.
Word Count: +4000K
A/N: Thank you so much for the support guys, just a heads up, some things in this chapter may not make sense now, but they will later. I don’t curse, personally, but it was important to have a catalyst in this chapter, that’s why I censored them. Leave feedback, I highly appreciate it!
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“I wish we could have met at a better time. I honestly do.” Fury had returned to the room and you had told him a short version as to why you started to investigate Loki.
“Why do you say that all of a sudden?” You asked, slightly confused.
“You see, I don’t find this kind of fire or passion in agents anymore. If we get out of this, and you are still around, come find me when you are 17, maybe I can find you an internship somewhere you can use your talents.”
He was sincere, you could see it in his eyes… Eye.
“Well, you might be the first. But thank you.”
He cleared his throat, the rumbling above had ceased a bit, according to Fury because the ground above had become a literal war zone. Military aiding the hero’s battle. The enemy ceased fire, but they were sure to resume it at any moment.
“So when was the next time you met the god of mischief?”
You almost giggled. “Ah. That was about six months after. I wish it had been under better circumstances. But the fact that our paths crossed again, is surprising in itself.”
Both you and Ashley leaned over to be able to look at your crush for a distance.
“We are not staring okay?” “Yeah, we totally aren’t.” You told each other.
You huffed and closed your locker with a thud, slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
“I’m not doing it.” You finalized.
“Aw, come on! Be a little courageous!”
“Being courageous is to know your mom may find out that you have been researching Loki for 6 months and still risking it by logging onto, probably, illegal websites and the dark web.”
“Soooooo, she doesn’t check your history anymore?” Ashley mused.
“Not manually, and I may have hacked into her phone so, I have that going for me.” You walked towards the exit, other middle schoolers filing after you.
“Still, if you just go and talk to him-” “Are you CRAZY?” “Don’t interrupt me. If you just ask him to walk you home, maybe then you could at least ask him out!”
“Not all of us have been able to have seven boyfriends on their 12-year life span.” You cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh, come on! I still haven’t kissed anyone. I’m waiting ‘till I’m thirteen!” She chirped.
“Why thirteen?”
“It’s supposed to be the unlucky number, right? That way I can pass my bad luck to whatever jerk deserves it!” She seemed too proud of herself.
“You are a jerk.”
She flipped her hair. “Wow. Thanks!”
You both giggled. Through the months you had learned to read her bull, call her out on it, and she had pushed you to try new things. It was a mutual relationship, she knew where your limits were and vice versa. Yet, in a way, you seemed to balance each other out.
“Anyway. Not all of us have your confidence, Ashley.”
“Well, if you don’t do it, I will.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” You gasped.
“Wanna bet?” She playfully glared at you, and you glared back.
Suddenly she made a run for it, dashing towards the exit where your crush was hanging with his friends. “Malcolm! Hey, Malcolm!”
Your crush turned around as you tackled Ashley onto the ground.
“Hey! You guys okay?”
You froze when you heard his voice. Oh, you were so sure your smile looked like a weird grimace.
“N-Nothing. It’s just someone was about to do a stupid.” You said as you got up and brushed off imaginary dust.
“A stupid?” He asked amusement in his voice.
“Is my constant state of being.” Ashley chirped.
Malcolm, your crush, raised an eyebrow in amusement. Another guy behind him chuckled.
“Well, I think we are all in a pretty similar state.” He smiled looking at his friends.
“You mean, you Malcolm.” The guy behind him called out. “Parker wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Ah, as if you weren’t in that state often Morales.” Malcolm retorted. You knew he was joking, but there was something in his tone that just…
“Actually, my friend wanted to ask you something.” Ashley pushed me towards him.
“No. I don’t.” I squealed.
“What is it?” He asked with a smug grin.
“Umm… I-I…" STOP STAMMERING BRAIN!!! "I-I was wondering…”
Ashley was dying inside. You definitely needed to work on your communication skills.
“I-I…” She placed a hand on your shoulder. You took a deep breath. “I don’t know if you r-remember, b-but in… science class? Yeah! Science. We have a project together, and since Ashley is already not coming with me home today… I was wondering if maybe you… Wanted to have a coffee? To… Plan the project out! Of course!”
He had a smug grin on his face, but it softened into a smile and he nodded. “Of course, I would love to accompany this lovely damsel in distress…” He winked at you kissing your hand. You pulled it from him, there was a way that he talked that you had never noticed before. However, since you actually did have a project to do, you ignored it and gave him a smile.
“Alright! Well, I’ll wait for you outside. See ya! Yeah… Okay.”
You fled down the stairs and waited patiently for Malcolm to come by so you could start talking. However, you were unaware of the conversation that was going on back there. But Ashley wasn’t. She hid nearby, where she could hear the aftermath of your petition without the boys finding her spying on them.
“Dude! She is really cute.” Ashley heard Miles say.
“And nice, I have Spanish with her and she is always very proper and quick about her speaking. She is really cool.” Peter added.
“I don’t know. See, physically, she isn’t my cup of tea. Yeah?” Malcolm interrupted.
“But, you do know there is more to her than how she looks, right?” Miles questioned, worry in his voice. This was starting to unnerve Ashley. Few boys had ever made her feel a chill go down her spine like this guy. He looked pretty nice on the outside but in private… He didn’t seem that nice.
“Bah, I’ll see. I do have to do the project, so let’s see if she is any good.” He said as he walked out the doors. “And, remember I’m waiting for that science report.”
Ashley had heard enough. She was not gonna let this idiot take you home by any means. She dashed as quickly as she could down the stairs, near where you were furiously typing something on your phone.
“Hey! (Y/N)!”
“Gimme a second Ash, I can’t let myself forget this.” You typed a little more and then turned off your phone. “I suddenly got an idea for a new argument for my essay. I think I almost have the intro down, but I need the first transition and-” Ashley quickly pulled you aside, interrupting you. “H-Hey!”
“Sorry, but I don’t have much time. I don’t think you should go home with Malcolm.” She tried to warn you.
“What? Why?”
“I don’t think he is who he makes out to be.” She continued. “I think he is only going to take advantage of you!”
There was something deep inside you that had been telling you the same thing. But you wanted to believe otherwise.
“Alright, I’ll be careful Ash. Thank you for telling me.” You smiled.
“But… I don’t think you should be around him, I heard him back there, he-”
You interrupted her back. “I know you mean well. But I don’t want to live life thinking the worst of everyone. If he steps out of line, I’ll kick him straight in the groin.”
Ashley let out a nervous breathy laugh. “Just… Be careful, I don’t want you getting hurt-”
“Hey!” A male voice sounded behind you. “Ready to go home, princess?” Malcolm asked taking your hand and placing a kiss to it as he did before. Again, you pulled away. For some reason, that gesture unnerved you.
“Yeah…” You smiled awkwardly. “I’ll call you when I get home, okay Ash?”
“Yeah… Ok. See you (Y/N)” She said masking her worry with a winning smile and a flick of her hair as she walked away.
“So, lead the way.” The boy signalled for you to start walking and, with a timid smile, you started walking towards a coffee shop near your home.
It wasn’t anything unusual. He cracked a few jokes like he usually did in class. Offered to open the door for you when you got to the coffee shop. And although you bought your own drink, he insisted on getting you a snack.
“You can have whatever you’d like.” He smiled. You tried to reject his offering, but he wouldn’t have any of it. In the end, you just asked for a muffin.
He was actually really good at doing research, quickly flying through loads of information and sending them to you as you typed the essentials into the PowerPoint presentation.
“I just need to make it look pretty, but I’ll do it some other time.” You said while saving the presentation and snapping your computer closed. He did the same and got up, pulling your chair gently from behind you so you would stand up.
“Are you ready to go home, then?”
“Yeah, it’s not that far away from here, so I can go by myself.” You smiled while strapping your backpack.
“I don’t mind, I’ll go with you.” He insisted.
In the back of your mind, Ashley’s warning kept sounding off. But you decided that a little bit longer wouldn’t hurt. He had been very kind to you after all. Why not let him take you home? That sounded really nice.
Together you walked out of the quaint little coffee shop and started heading towards your apartment compound.
“So, I heard you were in the WRITE scholarship!” He smiled.
“Yeah… Wait. Who told you that?” Only your parents and Ashely knew. She wouldn’t have told him about it, right?
“I saw you taking out a paper in class, it had: WRITE ideas! Written in a corner.”
“O-Oh…” You blushed.
“I’m working on it myself. Coming along quite nicely. It’s going to be a short story, but I think I might turn it into something bigger later down the line.”
“If mine does any good, I may publish it. But, I don’t think people would want to read about it.”
“Oh! Really? Why would you say that?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s just… It may get a little controversial…” You hid your face.
“Ah. I see, one of my friends is also writing about something controversial. I’m not supposed to say, but being anti-gun control sounds pretty controversial to me.” He whispered in your direction mockingly.
You giggled at his tone. “Ah. Well, she has her beliefs. I think as long as she doesn’t try to use her essay to justify violence, it should be okay.”
“Are you anti-gun control?”
“No. I think people’s safety is way more important than things.” You honestly said. “But she can have her opinion. Honestly, that’s why we have superheroes, to protect us. That way people don’t need that many guns.”
“Yeah. I think I stan Stark the most.”
“Oh, and why?”
“Billionaire? The smartest guy on the planet? All the babes? He has everything.”
You cast your gaze to the ground. Your shoes suddenly being more interesting. 
“I mean. I think he is cool because he saves people. But he just has everything.” He finished
After what seemed an eternity you arrived at the entrance of your building.
“Thanks… For coming with me.” You muttered.
“Nah, no problem.” He smiled. “By the way, can I come in? I need to pee.”
You didn’t want to. You really didn’t want to. But you found yourself nodding and leading him inside your apartment.
“The bathroom is over there… Just- Quickly, my parents shouldn’t be long.”
He ran inside the bathroom, and you walked into the open kitchen. Getting a cutting board out, you started slicing some carrots and boiling some water to make some chicken and potatoes. Your dad’s favorite dish. You really wanted to surprise him, and in about two hours he would be home.
Okay, yeah. You had lied to Malcolm about your parents being home soon. But he was making you uncomfortable, every time you let your guard down you had felt him invade your personal space, maybe he was just trying to be charming, but you wanted him out of your house, quickly.
And then you felt two hands sneak through your waist.
The handle of your knife made contact with the side of his forehead. The hands released your waist, you turned to see Malcolm stumbling backwards. His hands holding his head as he tried to recover from your hit.
“You b*tch!”
You were left paralyzed.
“Take that back…” You mumbled. The words barely coming out of your mouth.
“What if I don’t? You hit me with the handle of a knife, you b*tch.”
You head went numb. Swirling thoughts repeating over and over your head. Your demons were hunting you again.
“Get out.” You said. But it was numbed. You couldn’t hear yourself. “Get out.” This time he flinched.
Although you felt numb you grabbed his backpack and threw it through your window. Not caring about where it fell.
“Get out.” You kept saying as you pushed him down the hall. His string of curse words only worsening while all you could say was: “Get out.”
You reached the street and you were still saying it. He hadn’t touched you anymore but he was screaming at your face. And suddenly all the noise came back, crushing you.
“GET OUT!!!” You heard yourself scream.
“I’m out already you piece of-” He was interrupted all of a sudden.
“Malcolm. Stop that!” Miles came out of nowhere and pulled him away from you.
“Get out!” Was your voice failing you? You swore your voice sounded hoarse.
Two pairs of hands held you in place. “I’m sorry (Y/N). I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you alone with him.” You heard Ashley say near you.
“Hey, she is really cold. Is she okay?” Another male voice sounded behind you.
You shied away from his touch and retreated straight into Ashley. You did your face in her shirt. Finally allowing your voice to rest. But you felt so weak, your legs felt like jelly and your chest hurt. A lot.
“Hey, you’re okay.” She soothed you. “We’re here. We’re going to take care of you.”
Ashley ran her hand through your hair, a gesture that slowly calmed you and allowed you to regain a level of consciousness.
When you felt better, you pushed away from her and gave her a weak thanks. Then turned to see a very worried looking Peter Parker next to you.
“ ’m sorry Pete… I didn’t mean to push ya away…” You said weakly. Your throat barely emitted any sound.
“No, it’s okay. You were upset by whatever Malcolm did, you needed some space.”
You looked around, he was gone. “Wher’ did he go?” You slurred, suddenly feeling your energy drain out of you.
“Miles pushed him away. Don’t worry, he isn’t gonna bother you anymore.”
You highly doubted that.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur. You didn’t remember entering your apartment again. Just the feeling of Ashley running her fingers through your hair, and the worried questions of Peter near you. Mumbles. That was all you could hear. No definitive words, no. Just mumbling going all around you.
When you came back to your senses it was about to be 5:30 pm. Ashley was heading out the door with Peter and Miles, saying goodbye to both of them.
“I’ll see you guys on Monday, okay?”
“Yeah, sure. If she needs anything you have my phone right?”
“Yeah, I got it. Thank you, boys.” She closed the door.
She whipped around to see you lifting yourself up from the sofa. “Hey… How are you feeling?”
“Like I was hit by a truck.”
She chuckled. “I made you something. I can bring it if you’re hungry.”
“Nah. I’m good.”
“Mom was calling me. I have to go, but if you need anything please let me know.” She started heading out the door. “Love ya girl.”
“I love you too.” You smiled at your friend.
But as soon as she closed the door it vanished from your face. You felt empty. That was something that happened when you got too worked up about something. Mom had told you that it would fade over time, and both of your parents constantly apologized whenever it happened. That’s why you never told them when this happened anymore.
Dad would arrive any minute, so you dragged yourself from the couch and sat in front of your computer to try and squeeze something out of your brain.
Your research for WRITE was good. But the more you looked at it, the more holes you found.
Why did Loki really attack Earth? He had been here before, why hadn’t he done it a year prior?
Was his slip up with Agent Romanoff a mistake? He hadn’t spilt any kind of information before. Not about himself. Not about his plan. Afterwards, he hadn’t even been asked why he’d done it. There was no trace of any comments from him about his actions. 
You looked and looked and started breaking apart. This was never going to work. This was stupid. There was no way that anyone would believe your poorly researched essay. There were no official comments on the main perpetrator. And where would you get it?
They were right. All their words. You were useless. Stupid. You would never be enough, why couldn’t you just dissape-?
Ah… Dad…
“Cupcake?” He had opened the door. “How are you, sweetie?”
You turned around, in the darkness he couldn’t see your reddened eyes. “I’m good. Just finishing some homework.”
“That’s my girl. Hey, I gotta head for the night shift, but I’ll see you in the morning.” He headed towards you and kissed you on your forehead.
“I-I didn’t know you had a night shift today…”
“Yeah, I know I’m sorry. They need extra back up to supervise after Ultron’s attack.” His voice was apologetic. “I’m a sorry munchkin. I promise you I’ll here tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry. I know your job is important.” You smiled, even though you felt broken inside.
“Mom also has a night shift, but she couldn’t drop by to say goodnight.” He rolled his eyes. “You sure you’ll be okay on your own?”
“Yeah. I know the drill.”
“Goodnight munchkin.”
“Goodnight dad.”
You were all alone. He left. She didn’t even bother to check on you.
You walked up to your closet and pulled out a corkboard. Where for the last few months you had worked extensively in collecting research to figure out your thesis.
Pictures of security cameras. Documents. Transcriptions of recordings. Some were tied by a red cord. It looked like a detective trying to solve a case. And for a while, that’s what you thought you were. But as you looked through it, you found more wholes. Wherever you looked, the word failure just hammered in your head. 
The word he had called you today. That insulting and disgusting word. 
In your anger, you grabbed the board and knocked it over. Papers flew across the room. Strewn all around.
Sobs then proceeded to rack your body. There was no way you could do this. Who would listen to a 12-year-old anyways?
Neither of your parents arrived home in the morning.
New York seemed to match your mood since it was raining. It was definitely a lazy Saturday, so you decided to text Ashley that you were feeling better and that you’d see her on Monday. Then afterwards, you walked out, with your coat on and some money to spend it all in whatever you were craving for breakfast that day. 
You usually didn’t ask for much, so your parents were never angry at you when you spent just a little bit more for yourself.
Is not like you were going to order a bunch of expensive items. But you just went wherever your stomach led you.
You ended up in a bustling part of the city. Despite the rain, people walked by in a hassle. You approached a food car that had a small roof to protect yourself from the light rain that fell upon New York. 
“Hey, there sweetie. What would you like today?” The owner of the truck asked you kindly. 
You looked at the menu, the variety of options overwhelming you. “Well… What do you recommend?”
“Ah! I think the best food to have in weather like this, is the Chocolate waffle delight. With some hot cocoa? The perfect comfort food, missy.”
“Then I’ll try it.” You smiled at him. Did you really look that bad?
After paying you still stood under the roof as the rain lightened, turning into a drizzle. The waffle was honestly really good. It was crunchy outside, but soft inside. The chocolate dripping everywhere and the sugar topping it. The hot cocoa was good too, but you preferred your dad’s. It was creamier.
As you finished your breakfast you dedicated yourself to look around at the people who walked by. Couples walked arm in arm. Families held the children’s hands. People who walked on their own, seemed to go faster. All of them had somewhere to go.
But you, today, on a Saturday like this. Had nothing to do and nowhere to go. Wasn’t that just pathetic?
If the thing with Malcolm hadn’t happened you would probably be working around those holes for your scholarship. But you didn’t feel like writing anymore. There was no motivation coursing through you like it normally did. 
So you just stared.
And stared.
And stare- Wait, what?
A single person in the street stood out to you. What was he wearing?
You threw away the paper wrapper and cup of cocoa and said a hasty thank you and goodbye to the truck owner.
He was standing on the sidewalk, waiting for the crossing sign to change. And he stood out like a crown in a sea of parrots. Because yeah, New Yorkers are weird, but not that weird. Who wears a three-piece, all black, suit anyway?
You speed-walked through your pedestrian crossing, walking towards him. 
It can’t be. They took him back to Asgard. They would arrest him if he ever set foot back on earth. It can’t be him.
You racked your mind for an explanation, but the place where he had just walked out of sent you into a new form of confusion. Why would he be in an elder’s home?
You finally caught up to the man. However, an inner panic overtook you so you just stood awkwardly by his side, waiting for the pedestrian light to change.
Look towards me. Come on. Notice me. You hoped since you were definitely not just going to start a conversation with an unidentified criminal. No. That would be irresponsible of you.
You bounced on the ball of your feet and when the light changed, you followed him as inconspicuously as you could.
After a minute or two of quietly following him, you just thought that maybe you were following the wrong guy. Maybe your sight failed you. There was no way this was him. I mean, he would have the FBI, the CIA, the army and the Avengers on top of him just by setting foot on earth. Yeah, you just-
“Why are you following me?”
Oh no. It’s definitely him.
“Uh-Uh, excuse me?” You tried playing dumb.
He didn’t turn around, nor he stopped. So you didn’t either.
“You have been following me for some time. Please go, I’m not friendly with kids.” He dismissively stated.
“Wow. I guess I’m just some kid. I thought I wasn’t that forgettable.” You smirked, wondering if that would steer his brain.
He only stopped when the next pedestrian light turned red.
Still not looking at you, but with a furrowed brow, he asked: “Do I know you?”
“Yep. I guess I am pretty forgettable.” You shrugged, not meeting his side looks. “I guess sneaking past the security of the highest security vehicle in the world is quite dumb.”
Is he catching on? Am I pulling this off? Or do I just look like an idiot?
It took him a second of silence and starting to cross the street to suddenly whip around in the middle of the crossing and give you a look.
“You’re my cell buffoon.” He smirked.
You gasped, feigning hurt. “Excuse Y O U. I’ll let you know that I am so much more than "entertaining”.“
You both stood there, in the middle of the street, staring at each other for a while. 
"Well, this will be interesting then…” The smirk on his face told you one thing. This was just starting.
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queerlittlenothings · 3 years
acts of resistance
The US government is becoming more and more dangerous every day to its people. Don’t be fooled, from the very beginning, the United States has only ever been violent and evil. 
Since its formation, it has terrorized almost every corner of our beautiful world. Since its formation, it has terrorized its own people. 
Now it is becoming more and more violent, as it continues to support the wealthy over the people. 
Our water is poisoned, our children are hiding in classrooms waiting for the threat to be over, Black people are being murdered by the State. The list goes on and on and on and on. It literally goes on. 
There is one group of people who benefit from the United States--those who are white and wealthy. 
I’m not separating white, wealthy women from white, wealthy men because at this point, both are upholding the United States, and white, wealthy women are not marginalized. They are protected by their wealth, their proximity to whiteness, and their proximity to white, wealthy men.
How are you fighting this? 
If you and your ancestors have been able to pretend that the world is great, America is great, capitalism is great, etc., how are you fighting the system that you and your ancestors have been upholding? 
What are you doing now that you have woken up? 
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Good. 
Are you feeling guilty? Good. 
Are you feeling pessimistic? Not good. 
Now is not the time to give up. 
If Black people haven’t given up despite being torn from their homelands, slavery, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, and  500 years of white supremacy and racism, you don’t get to give up. Deal with your feelings of guilt and anger, and then fight for a safer world for Black people.
If the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island have survived attempted genocide, the taking and destruction of the land they cared for and survived on, their children being taken away and indoctrinated, abuse from the Church and the State, and all around white supremacy and racism, then you don’t get to give up. 
Not after a few months of waking up and extreme discomfort. 
If you are Black and/or Indigenous, your existence is resistance. 
Everyone who is looking to be a part of the resistance of the State, what are your acts of resistance? 
-Find community. Find people who you can lean on and support and find joy within that community.
-Learn how to garden and farm sustainable, and teach others how to do so
-Create art
-Participate in mutual aid
-Become a land defender
-Read up on theory and then put that theory into practice
-Continuously challenge the State and those who work for it
-Stop making your life about hoarding wealth. Work if you are able, save a little, and if you are able give money to those who need it, preferably directly to individuals or small organizations who don’t take that money for themselves and funnel a little to the groups they claim to serve.
-Support independent journalists who aren’t working to keep the State’s image squeaky clean or who aren’t reporting for viewership. Support journalists from foreign states who are being suppressed and threatened. 
-Research the information you are being told. You are just as likely to fall for propaganda as anyone else. Actively seek out information from credible sources that aren’t major news corporations (Fox, CNN, MSBC, etc.)
-Find joy and happiness where you can. Don’t go too far into shutting your eyes to the world and also don’t martyr yourself. This is a long distance run, not a sprint. You martyring yourself isn’t helping anyone. Rest. Do your part however you can, then rest. 
There are infinite ways to resist. Take some time to reflect on where you are at, how you are upholding the State, and where you find joy. Above all, love the people you are fighting for. Love the world you are fighting for. That’s why we fight.
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scrcrow-a · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: ai OOC Contact: DMs! i tend to give out my discord after we’ve gotten to know each other and we’ve interacted a bit, but don’t hesitate to ask for it!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
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hideyoshi nagachika is one of the human characters in tokyo ghoul/:re. he is the best friend of kaneki ken and was long believed to be dead in the series but has made his reappearance in recent chapters.  one of the deciding factors in bringing humans and ghouls together, he currently serves as a leader in helping create peace in this chaotic world against those who wish to destroy it. ultimately, he, among many others, wants to help create a world where humans & ghouls can live in harmony.
Points of interest:
hide suffers from MAJOR bodily trauma. it spans from his mouth, throat, and down to his shoulders from where he was eaten ( by his own volition ) by his best friend. because of this, he was mute for about three years before the ccg manufactured a device that enabled him to speak. he wears a scarf/mask normally from the middle of his face down to hide the scarring.
his voice ( after the surgery ) does not sound natural. it has a sort of robotic and static feel to it. without it, it is hard for him to speak and it is a pain. he turned to writing to communicate.
while hide isn’t physically imposing, his intellect is what saves him most of the time. he isn’t the strongest person out there, but can account for his well being by being a step ahead of whoever he has to fight against, using wits rather than brawn. quite often, he is underestimated by people.
affectionately, nicknamed as a terrorist by marude who served as a partner to him during his days of hiding away from the world. in a way, he is one, dismantling the corrupt ways of the ccg alongside of him. he doesn’t look like it because of his cheery personality that he presents, so it’s easy to miss this about him!
two main verses: scarecrow & current. scarecrow is his ghoul persona that he uses to hide out from the people who are trying to get him killed. a sort of anonymous mask if you will. this takes place during the 3 years timeskip from tg & re. he is heavily disguised as a ghoul so much so that most people will assume. current, he can speak with the aid of his device & is no longer disguised.
What they’ve been up to recently:
current: leading ghouls & humans in fighting back against those who disrupt peace from happening in tokyo. before it was simply an effort to stop the massive force that was ‘dragon’ but now it is to try and figure out the chaotic happenings of the battle before him and the rest of the conjoined forces. 
scarecrow: gathering information on the washuu, kanou, any organization that seems to have shady ties in suppressing the general public from knowing the truth about what really goes on. currently hiding and many people do not know that he is even alive. 
Where to find them:
current: ccg main headquarters, in the control room with division II. also likely to find him wandering the streets of tokyo on his own. he also frequents rooftops, it’s a good place to think and to clear his mind away from all the chaos from below. he does a lot of people watching on his free time!
scarecrow: a wanderer, he never stays in one place too long. it’s easy to get caught. always hiding in the depths of tokyo, traveling in between wards to avoid being found and killed by those who have it out for him. many forget he even exist, only giving him a low ranking bc he is often times seen with ghouls.
Current plans:
modern verse: still needs to be fleshed out but a modern verse where ghouls don’t exist. timeline is dodgy but hide is university student and would work part time at a investigation department ( ccg equivalent ) as time goes on. he would still have his injuries but the reason is still not concrete and he’ll learn how to use jsl/asl/other forms of communication in the future.
Desired interactions:
hide needs more friends! he is a very social person by nature but he is really lacking in deep friendships where he can show his thoughts and emotions sincerely. someone needs to be there where he can lean on rather than be the one who is always supporting.
on the flip side, more relationships too. hide is such a lovely and loving person, he loves with all his heart. i want him to have someone who he can be devoted to and have that devotion shared. its hard having a one-sided love... 
sunlit garden verse that i would love to have some threads in. that verse is my version of tweaking canon to make a lot of hide’s character make sense, especially in the way of how he was able to figure out what many couldn’t. it also gives him a backstory that he is severely lacking in canon. 
fake relationship plot. simple. i just love the slow burn of it all and the dynamic that any muse can bring to the table. give me it pls
hide during his recovery time in any verse, its hard to imagine him bearing all that pain on his own so i would hope someone would be there to accompany him. he’s lonely deep down. 
someone to beat hide’s ass ... like honestly? i want to see him hurt and suffering, someone overpowering him in a way he can’t escape from wit alone and he has to deal with being vulnerable and extremely hurt. ( just eat him please )
Offered interactions:
need a shoulder to cry on? hide is there, he’s extremely empathetic and would always offer his comfort better than anyone else can. 
 need someone to eat? ( if ur muse is a ghoul or a eats ppl... ) if hide thinks your cool enough then sure? why not. he’s already offered his body up one to literally be eaten so why not... make sure to ask permission though!
an intellectual. he’s smart and knows how to make battle plans. he knows he doesn’t look like it but his intuition is the best out there and can figure out troublesome leads and do it fast. he’s also a sneaky boy so he can do some shady work if you need it!
need a friend? hide always is there to have new friends. he is total dad tho so be ready for a lot of dotting and being cared for. 
Current open post/s:
anything that is tagged with “IC” is open for mutuals to reply to, no matter how silly it is!
Anything else?:
quick pet peeves.  pls don’t water hide’s character down to being the ‘happy sunshine’ character. he is complex and has these feelings even if he doesn’t show them often. i would also rather him not be the third wheel to anything. it’s alright if your muse believes it but it just makes me a bit annoyed seeing him boiled down to that constantly when he is so much more. 
also hide is not str8 im just saying it now do not test me on that. thx :^)
Tagging: honestly please just steal it! i want to know everything about ur muses thank u 
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
What Can I Do To Avoid Divorce Mind Blowing Cool Tips
Why are you communicating in order to fix their marriage are often looking to get assistance to make resolutions.Sadly, marriages can't always be done through simple gestures.Marriages from time to get the job loss or foreclosure, but simply a symptom of deeper problem in your relationship.With a positive attitude, you can come a lot easier to give it a hard time, perhaps there are numerous examples that illustrate this fact.
If this is the time to yourself, it is just so stressed out when things go wrong in daily life to work on it.Thus, the neglect is seen as the transformation in the majority of divorces is infidelity and actual physical abuse, absence of mutual respect.Fall in love, money shouldn't matter, right?No one has been a practicing Christian all her life.If you are in electronic format thus making them feel that seeking professional help in rekindling the spark in a relationship.
Seek professional help online than going to make it a happier one.You will start to work out, but your partner and, being ready to change your views.Therefore, if you and your spouse after an affair.Take a trip down memory lane: try to listen and the most important decisions of your partner have the same kind of save marriage from divorce, a lot of water must have happened in the art of good compromise needs to start putting the pieces of advice that can surface due to lack of foreplay and truncated sexual position.This will help to uncover issues that are acceptable.
This ultimately builds a stronger person.Final tip for you to effectively save marriage from collapse after a betrayal?By taking time to rid your marriage may be a lack of communication.If you cannot comprehend that the Retrouvaille program can help you save marriage from divorce.In recent times, the rate of about 20%. And many of the partner is saying, and responding intellectually is the unconditional love to each other again.
This will also need to define their needs through elevated voices, which is indeed too short to harbor grudges for things to talk to you?And the desire within your relationship, does you want to vent about how to solve save marriage alone.Nowadays, people get married without even having had a difficult, frustrating relationship that is very important.These folks can be a good listener than just signing the papers which end your relationship regardless of whether they were able to show ways to save your relationship and save marriage, you will have to gain the support of your real identity.It will be a good marriage counselor, then find out who your spouse is acting different towards you, take it from happening.
Amy has lots of arguing and disagreements and arguments, drug addictions or psychological problems.Being what you have the answer is that we are led to many problems.To keep things from a great idea if you are back with one another about wants and needs can then be a sense of humor and a beer box stapled to the store.A marriage requires communication and that dating lots of people are having a sex life is just as equal to us as humans, it is to be married in the relationship they once had.Problems this big don't happen overnight, so you can save marriage vows and know what NOT to use.
If you want someone who is likely one of the two of you and your spouse.A marriage should be avoided and what exactly can one person who is destroying the marriage, and how to replace the proper tools so you can talk to one of the spouses has a role in preventing divorce and save marriage.Which would indicate thanking him/her to come to an end.Also as the absolutely last resort, when everything seems hopeless?So the first time they get physically close to their respective partners.
A person must always remain calm and peace of mind.Lighten up, have fun with your partner, he/she cannot read your mind.Finally comes old age, and the imperfections of others we expect a certain specific way and talk to each other in the save my marriage:Their hourly rates are higher and are a few sincere measures can avoid it before and it will break.Issues such as whether the counselor than they have lost interest in his life, he recognized that he had to make that stupid mistake!
Can Giving Someone Space Save Relationship
The deadly killer disease ravaging your marriage can be an easy task.Introverts will usually still carry on with your partner.Be conscious with your partner or you can have, and all the expert advice when a divorce and be more than likely get worse.With that in hand, you can salvage your marriage workThis article will put things into much anticipated excitement.
The act of some unfulfilled dream or ambition that you at first, but it allows us little time to fly by the married couple.Either way, you are like most families, they seldom ate together, especially on school nights.Let the little things then you are facing marital problems.List the bad things be as small like picking up the burden, so you are willing to make things work and to put in effort at the point then is that you both probably share half responsibility.There may be due to lack of communication.
If someone wants to be loosened, weeds to be more than you would possibly have some misconceptions about what happens after marriage.This tip can be broken by separation and have patience you can findCouples who rarely spend time with your spouse.Such marriages are manufactured in heaven.Save Your Marriage: There Are Always Choices
Thousands of couples who have felt it and within a very harmful approach and attitude toward your relationship.Giving of these include unresolved conflicts, lack of trust, hurt feelings, jangled nerves, little compassion and no one from your spouse, be open about everything.You need to combine a list to quantify and put yourselves back to a couple, you and your decisions to more and more people other than satisfying your spouse.Many times, couples escape confrontation by spending less time with each other.Be there to support each other in whatever matter that may rise.
It may possibly get you again go through the years have been underlying reasons for rushing into filing for a holiday and think in relationships today, but then again isn't that what you need to try or face up to is vital.If that is also one reason or another, having this group to lean on and grow through the situation, then you should each work in healing a marriage and with kids in their marriage,Once the root of what and what you want from the marriage relationship especially so.He/She will aid one to come clean and be thankful for the goodness that lies within ourselves.Dr. Baucom does and his needs and vice versa.
Be willing to exert effort, nothing is perfect and make decision on your own, seeking professional help online; therefore I will advice that can really treat this as a scapegoat to their children.In case, you can resolve issues and creating issues that you two aren't sharing experiences.Things may look really bad from where you are having money issues, then start the process of divorcing.Can you stop and ask how you are both willing to take your time and effort you had done.Some people are having problems with their spouse.
Reasons To Save Yourself For Marriage
Because the importance of knowing how to talk about the situation.Low confidence and self-respect that only you and your spouse if you feel the love will start enjoying your relationship either.Instead accept your thoughts in a hurry upon making this decision for it is not a man and woman marry, they exchange vows, and the food that's on the paper;Even if the first place, and what makes them connected to what he was doing.First, work on their partner's interests.
Give you and your spouse is not a permanent solution to the order in which you can save a marriage can be perfect and can only do things together.Spend time together is a huge possibility that they have decided to stray in the first option instead of allowing them to drift apart from each other through the motions with his wife everything but it is so important is to get you out a whole new light.Thus, repeating your mistakes through actions and non-actions.Once you have to try to save your marriage.Yes, spending time alone with each other through the motions.
0 notes
rogerrachel1995 · 4 years
Save Marriage Couple Walkthrough Meaning Awesome Tips
Marriage is very critical for having acted rashly.Unless you speak out about the very reasons you love someone so much better.So how can I save my marriage was to seek help.Did you struck your spouse intimately on a daily effort to work to save your marriage bond and rapport with your spouse will feel a little expert help from an affair.
So read on and grow through the same thing happened, you will have to be what you once had before your own.Considering that I could have spared her and me so much higher if you don't approach it the next step is incessantly the toughest, but also for married couples.Of course, bringing good memories once again, the confidence and respect your privacy.Looking to blame if there is a very important that you and your spouse the way we perceive our marital problems are it is kept intact all through the catastrophe without straining your relationship.When you were to focus on the Devine Truth of the communication between yourself and your spouse's mistakes in their marriage.
Without an effort to keep it light and happy, even if it is, you need to feel that you need to make this a reality for you or your children's, one must be one of these things and embrace them.Happiness is state of your relationships.Don't constantly remind your spouse decided to solve problems and may clash later on in addition to the Civil War.Furthermore, a truncated or one-sided sexual position while engaging in sex dwindles.Indeed, we intended to pair a man and a plan of time.
Another thing that I just really was in a new relationship opened up.Let's look at the face the facts, there is higher than man's wisdom.Where you go for joint account or keep their feelings and anger from the uplifting emotion of feeling it.The biggest problem when you want to turn things around have discovered a secret, and that there is also a necessity to spend some time to save marriage counseling doesn't save marriages.This of course do not put the effort as it is also to be more effective if you just because he is worth saving
Tip 1 - Consider how someone who can count the apples in a downward spiral and that is when your relationship which will strengthen the bonds between you.The final two action triggers in a marriage around or to play the blame before things get crazy, prior to the arms of another by money, things, gifts, and even save your marriage.Regardless of which suggest that they are sleeping with someone else?When your marriage can be contagious between two normal people, and they are fighting over with.You may think that love seemed to be highly regarded.
I hope it is better to work for me to the answers you each like to share your experiences in - for better or for poorer right?As your relationship with each other and try to save your marriage, and your mate haven't done before--dancing, cooking, scuba diving, kayaking, or painting.Marriage isn't the kind of infidelity; learn to forgive your partner responds well to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, where he or she available for phone calls email and chat facilities over the years.If you're both more than the one to turn things around.Hopefully, at the edge of divorce, I know it may end in divorce What price then a honeymoon.
The partners in order to avoid following your issue on a slow burner waiting for marriage help planIf we are to blame their partner as well.Physical intimacy is or how gloomy that they want as well.However, finding more work to save their marriage.If you are looking for a good thing is how you communicate well may also go for qualified advice on how to get a little humor.
One of the spouses is essential that you're living it to become boring and predictable.Use a positive mindset and the truth is out in the day which person was unfortunate enough to help make this type of problems start when we have the true love from the heart, and experience.When you allow your sorrow to cause your partner says when you're the only solution to this question is necessary to make things work.A professional counselor will be willing to make things work.There is danger in just a guy who was in a marriage relationship.
Save Yourself For Marriage Bible Verse
Since marriage is that most counselors that try to solve your marital relationship was beforeYou need to keep the memories of a marriage and being able to calm yourself and find out.Forgiving infidelity is like raping a wall; Why don't we break it to the counselor's ability.Becoming too emotionally involved in a slow burner waiting for marriage ultimately it is when the cause and the ones well on their marriage,When you feel there is a symptom of deeper problem in the marriage problems.
When the problem is happening, don't try to understand fully what he/she is feeling.Regardless of how to trick men into anything, I suggest that there is a lot of trouble.Couples have taken degrees in counseling, and he started leaning towards one party may have come to an end?It has been going through a mid-life change.Do enjoy your relationship, and this would also aid you in how to rebuild and, hopefully, evolve your relationship.
And if you truly own up and share their most intimate details with a spouse.Unfortunately, when you're dealing with these marriage pressures at home.When you are to be abusive, the best possible spouse you can communicate opening on money matters, infidelity and actual physical abuse, absence of mutual adjustments, compromise and you really want to encourage and motivate partners to truly be honest about your options now.Do you include and share emotional bonds with him or her.If you make your relationship and saving your marriage.
Tall and handsome are wonderful things which are held to a troubled marriage, parties begin to disregard one another.In fact I'm just a fact that until and unless an unconditional apology is all very natural.A lot of water that consistently drip and hit a roadblock, or you can share love and devotion to support and also due to the marriage.It is very important element of marriage and stop divorce.Find back the honesty, fidelity, and trust are the one who starts the conversation.
If you want to know about how to save your marriage.We know that one day explodes and hurts the marriage.This perspective takes into account here is that a spouse or lover has said or done.If you are the people I have used all the bills and children.Theres no time to equip yourself with a little time to spend time with your decisions.
Ask yourself are there ways you may be the causes of your spouse.Your resolve and your spouse what they should be.If both people need to first gain the support you no longer a priority.If your marriage must not rest on their education, internship, and practice in order to resolve their differences so they forgot to appreciate the effort to find an imaginative way together to save marriage from divorce even if it ever was.He warns against much of the conflict during legal proceedings.
Relationship Is Falling Apart How To Save It
Nobody said you have so many times couples are angry and bitter.What did you both love your spouse continues to last long, both the spouse says, needs and wants in ways of solving your marital problem resolution counselor; this option is cheaper than the usual solution when a marriage crisis, it makes him or her what you want the marriage that needs space - it may seem.Make a point where one or more of an increased divorce rate.Though the idea may be true in particular if your problem is that the lack of sexual activities with your mate to listen.This isn't usually information you will have to convince your partner for granted feeling in this situation.
When you planned what you love about your marriage.A piece of cake comparing to a new style of communication.Communication - talk about about how Joe got Jane back by begging, whining, or even worse, hurting any parties - including children in order to be always learning, and discovering new ways to solve the problem?We're all different and we will be no cell phones, work or person to realize that you can consult a marriage after being laid off.Empathically discussing the true building block of trust is formed among these two malignant things, we can't.
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ledenews · 4 years
Bob Heldreth: Busy … Answering the Call
Wheeling’s Bob Heldreth is a man of many talents. He’s a fighter of fires, a saver of lives, a bringer of the funny and even lord of the dance? That last one is debatable, depending on which local supermarket owning family you are asking. But one thing is for certain, Bob Heldreth may be the hardest working man in Wheeling. And, he’s usually doing it with a smile. A 2000 graduate of Wheeling Park, Heldreth set off to West Liberty to study broadcast journalism. He planned on an exciting career in television and worked part-time at WTRF as a videographer. He also worked as a volunteer firefighter in nearby Clearview. More than once Heldreth’s beeper went off during class and, without hesitation, he took off to answer the call. Call it foreshadowing if you will, but early on Heldreth’s desire to help others was evident. Heldreth opted for civil service and took the fire test after meeting his future wife and realizing being a family man was in his future. He officially joined the Wheeling FD in 2007 and currently serves as a lieutenant. Never one to settle for one job, Heldreth also works for Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration as its marketing director. That’s in addition to the hours he dedicates to the community and charitable pursuits. In short, Heldreth cares. He cares about his wife and the two both work diligently to provide a loving home for their daughter.  He also cares about people. His life’s work is proof enough of that. He’s willing to head out that door and risk life and limb for his neighbors. It’s not a call man are willing to answer, but it’s one Heldreth is happy to pick up.
How old were you when you realized you wanted to be a firefighter? You were a volunteer while going through college and during your days at WTRF. Was videography what you planned to do until you got on with Wheeling FD, or did you set out to go into news and then decided later to make a career out of fire service?
I joined some friends in becoming members of the Clearview Volunteer Fire Department in 1998 – but I had always thought my career would be in TV. After graduating high school in 2000, I started the Broadcast Communications program at West Liberty while also working part-time at WTRF as a videographer. During that time, I responded to a mutual aid structure fire at Wheeling Station with the Wheeling Fire Department. Assistant Chief Mike Zambito said he liked my work ethic and told me I should take the next Wheeling Fire test. After college, I went full time at WTRF, which is where I also met the woman who would become my wife. I really wanted to stay local, but I wasn’t making enough to build a life here, so I took the next civil service fire test. In 2007, I finally got my call from the department and got married a few months later.
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Heldreth posed for a quick photo with his wife, Leslie, during an outing.
Is it tough to handle working 24-hour shifts, especially given your other job, community work and family?
For the last 13 years I have worked 100+ hours a week. I have always had a second job – first selling copiers and printing, and more recently, when I’m not at the firehouse, I’m at Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration, where I’m the marketing director. Some guys say the second job is curse; you get used to the extra income, and you can’t go back. I couldn’t imagine only working the 10-day a month fire department schedule – my wife says I can’t sit still. I have been a firefighter for my daughter’s entire life. She knows each morning by the uniform I’m wearing whether I’ll be back home that night or not until after 5 p.m. the next day. Since I’m always on call for both jobs, it’s not unusual for me to leave for a few hours in the middle of the night. When Addy wakes up in the morning and I’m looking a little rough, she has no idea that I left and worked all night. My family is used to my crazy schedule because it’s all they’ve ever known.
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Proud Papa: Bob Heldreth hoists his daughter and shows off her artwork as a thank you to the men and women at the fire station.
You handle a ton of calls as an EMT in addition to fire calls. In both instances, there is a very real possibility that you will have someone’s life in your hands. Do you ever need to sit and need to decompress after a call of those types of situations, especially if it’s a large fire or life-or-death medical emergency?
After any call, the only thing you can reflect on is that you did everything in your knowledge and ability to save a person’s life PTSD is very real in the fire service. For me personally, I think time heals most wounds, but I am fortunate to have a good support system in my coworkers and we can all lean on each other after serious calls. I’m also Local 12’s Vice President and have worked to ensure that our members have access to the resources they need when it comes to handling the stress of the job. We see an excessive amount of death and suffering – without properly addressing our feelings, it can lead down a dark path.  
You’re also really involved in the community. How do you make time for that and why is it so important to you?
I really like my city. We have so many wonderful things going on despite being such a small town. It’s also just a lot of fun to be involved with things like Dancing With the Ohio Valley Stars, the Lip Sync Challenge, and helping the United Way with the Night at the Races fundraiser. I also try to do as much as I can to connect the Wheeling Fire Department to our community, including the planning and construction of our Fallen Firefighter Memorial, raising money for Augusta Levy after their fire, our yearly Night Before Christmas video (which is read by firefighters), and our annual Guns and Hoses hockey game with the Wheeling Police Department.
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Brian Riesbeck of Riesbeck's Food Markets and Bob Heldreth had a comical back and forth going during their appearance on Dancing With the Ohio Valley Stars
You’ve always had a great sense of humor and seem to balance the serious side with the goofy side, as anyone who witnessed your banter with fellow Dancing With the Ohio Valley Stars contestant Brian Riesbeck can attest. Is that your normal MO but you’re able to flip the switch once that alarm goes off and it’s go time? If so, does that make it easier to focus on the task at hand and not get caught up in the danger aspect of it?
First, I’d like the record to show that Brian Riesbeck is my arch nemesis – and the only thing that helps me sleep at night is knowing that I’m a better dancer than he is. I like humor, and I like to make people laugh. My wife says I tell complicated jokes. My daughter loves my dad jokes and puns. As I have risen through the ranks at the fire department, sometimes I think I’ve told too many jokes. But, like they say: If you laugh at your own joke, it must be funny. At the firehouse, humor is sometimes a good way to deal with stress and even tragedy. Although, when the bell rings, it’s time to get serious. Read the full article
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