#and that's how nora saved remnent
thebunnyremix · 4 months
[Salem is laying siege to Vacuo.]
Salem: [sinisterly looking over the heroes] All that effort...and yet somehow...you still couldn’t-
Nora: [comes running towards her at full speed] aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! [whacks her square in the face with a frying pan]
Salem: [recoils] AGH!!! [clutches face] Augh...augh...aaauugh...aaaurrrgh!! [glares at her] WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?
Nora: That’s called a frying pan, bitch!
Salem: [flabbergasted] A fryin--? A frying pan!? [clutches nose] Ugh...how did it hurt so much?
Nora: I have a lot pent-up trauma.
Salem: That doesn't make any sen- [looks at her hand] Oh my god...I’m bleeding! [glares at her] YOU MADE MY NOSE BLEED!! OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?
Nora: [rears back for another swing] A LOT!! [whacks her again]
Salem: AUGH!!
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