#and thats just the first book. without even thinking ab marvel
lovebroken · 2 years
u all gotta Pray i never reread thg
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rogersnbarnes40 · 5 years
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HELLO YES I AM HERE TO SCREAM THAT I MET SEBASTIAN STAN THIS WEEKEND AND HE IS THE SWEETEST MOST SOFT SPOKEN HUMAN BEING I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE TO MEET IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The photo of us hugging was the first time I met him and I said hi and that it was so nice to meet him and HE SAID HI SO SOFTLY I ALMOST DIDNT HEAR IT. I also TOUCHED A WHOLE ASS AB DO YOU SEE MY HAND???? theres a rock hard ab under there and I will never forget that. Then when I left I said thank you and he said “YOurE weLCoMe”. I think he was nervous to be meeting everyone on the first day 😭 hes actually the softest boy
So my friend and I ended up buying another photo op each after the first day because we’re both clowns and we love Sebastian. I wanted a funny photo so I edited the background of the second one because I was trying to emulate one of those cheesy 80s couple shoots but also i got the photo and i was like ...why do i look like that??? So ignore my horrible facial expression but Seb is perfect so thats all that matters 🥵 i also touched his stubble and it was WONDERFUL.
The gif is part of a longer video that my friend took during my autograph. I’ve been working on a Marvel cocktail book for the past year and I’ve written and illustrated it and I just recently finished it and printed it and so I gave him the first copy. I ultimately want to sell it to other fans out there because I think a lot of people would have fun with it. So I basically told him all of that and when he flipped to the Winter Soldier page he yelled “WHITE WOLF!!!” (thats what the name of the drink is, thats also what the gif is showing) and then he got this dorky smile and I think I died inside a little. He also said it was really cool and that it could go really far and LONG STORY LONG HE WAS SO KIND AND HE LOOKED AT ME WHEN HE TALKED TO ME AND HES JUST SUCH A GENUINE PERSON. Its really awesome to show your artwork to someone you look up to and have them not only acknowledge it but even go so far as to be excited about it. 🥺🥺 I cry
Also I do want to somehow get my book out to people so if anyone is interested maybe reach out and let me know?? I don’t have a lot of followers on here but I know there are probably a lot of people on here who would be interested, so yeah... hopefully it goes somewhere.
Sorry for the long post I just really love Sebastian Stan.
*please dont repost these photos or gif without my knowledge, they are very dear to me thank you
@buckysbrat @captainrogerrspumpkinslut @captain-rogers-beard @kentuckybarnes @barnesrogersvstheworld @bucky-at-bedtime @carterbaaizen
(Im tagging a few people, I apologize if you didn’t want to be tagged I’m just hoping to get some awareness out about my book, THANK YOU!)
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takenbyemrys · 5 years
Merry Christmas Peachy!!! For @peachy-keener for Parkner Secret Santa event
Peter laid his head down on his books. He let out a muffled groan as Ned patted his back. MJ rolled her eyes from across the table. They were trying their best to get a last minute study session in before classes started.
“Come on, loser, it’s english,” MJ said. Peter huffed and sent her a mild glare.
“Says you.” Peter said. “All you ever do is read.”
Ned chuckled. “He’s not wrong MJ. English is so much easier for you than us.”
“Help us Michelle Jones, you’re our only hope.” Peter snickered as he said it, earning an eye roll.
“You’re both massive losers. It’s not that hard. But fine.” She leaned forward and began explaining just where they were wrong. MJ was halfway through her explanation when she was interrupted by Principal Morita walking up to their table. A tall girl followed closely behind him, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
“Oh you three will do,” Morita said. “Peter, MJ, Ned, this is our new student, Abbie Keener. Abbie is a junior, but she’s going to be taking a lot of senior classes, so I want you three to show her around.”
With that, he nodded to the four of them and walked out of the library.
MJ snorted. “Okay then.”
Peter, however, jumped up and grinned. He held out his hand to Abbie. “Hi, I’m Peter!”
Abbie raised an eyebrow at his outstretched hand but reluctantly reached out to shake it.
“Nice ta meet ya.” Her southern twang was rich.
“You too, Abbie.” Peter waved to the empty seat next to MJ. “This is MJ, who was oh so graciously helping us not fail English. And this is Ned.”
Abbie nodded to them, but otherwise said nothing.
“It was gracious of me, wasn’t it?” MJ smirked. “Why was I doing it again?”
“Because if you didn’t, we wouldn’t be going to NYU together next year,” Ned said. MJ huffed. “And what would you do without your soulmates?”
“Y’all are soul mates?” Abbie asked, clearly trying to assess the relationship with her eyes.
“Yeah, we’re all platonic soulmates,” Peter explained. He held out his left arm that had two phrases tattooed on it. MJ and Ned held out their wrists as well. “For me, the top one is Ned, because I first met him. Ned and MJ’s first was me too, even though MJ met us at the same time.”
Abbie studied his wrist, where the first phrase said ‘Do you like star wars?’ and the second said ‘Sup Losers.’
“Cool. My Brother’s my platonic.” She held out her left wrist. Peter saw that it said, ‘Hello, little sister.’
“Oh that’s adorable.” Peter grinned. Abbie grinned. Most people thought it was weird that her brother was her soulmate. “So, where are you and your brother from?”
“Tennessee,” Abbie answered easily. “My brother and I moved up here because he started at NYU this semester.”
Peter’s eyes lit up. “Oh cool! Are you planning on going there too?”
“Probably,” Abby explained with a grin. “I think i want to travel first.”
MJ nodded. “Same. Hard debating ditching these losers.”
Ned grabbed his chest, giving her an exaggerated gasp and the ultimate eyes of betrayal before crying out, “You would never!”
“Yeah, sorry MJ.” Peter shrugged. “After the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, you can’t really pretend not to like us.”
“I don’t know,” Abbie teased. “I’ll ditch my brother and you ditch them, and we can hit Europe.”
“The three of them can look after each other.” MJ agreed. She paused, looking between the boys. “Well, maybe.”
“Oh my god,” Peter gasped. “Ned, it finally happened. MJ found someone else who’ll be just as mean to us.”
He then wailed, burying his head in Ned’s shoulder. Ned, for his part, hugged Peter close and pretended to weep as well.
MJ stood up, both annoyed and affectionate. “Alright losers. Come on. We have class.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to go to class,” Peter groaned. Despite his dramatics, he looked to their new friend. “Abbie what classes do you have?”
Abbie pulled a schedule out of her backpack and handed it to them. It took only a few seconds for all three to look back up at her eagerly.
“Sweet!” Peter said. “You have most of your classes with us.” After he finished, he grabbed Ned and led the way out of the library. MJ snorted and pulled Abbie after her.
“Alright, Keener,” she said. “Looks like we’re adopting you.” --------
After that, Abbie easily merges into their friend group. She shares almost every class with at least one of them. This gives them all plenty of time together (especially she and Peter) and allows her to open up more. Her and MJ get on like a house on fire, making Peter and Ned sometimes wonder how they aren’t platonic soulmates, or maybe even romantic soulmates. Regardless, there’s nothing between them like that and they just all click. Abbie ends up invited to movie nights, lunch, and the occasional Aunt May sponsored thai food. She raises an amused eyebrow everytime Peter has to go to his ‘internship’ and everytime he has sprint out right after school.
It happened one day when Peter offered to walk Abbie home. He was rambling on and on about nanotechnology when it hit her. It hit her so hard she stopped walking, gaping at Peter.
“Abs?” He asked, eyebrows drawing in concern. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Abbie jolted out of her trance at his touch.
“Sorry. Just contemplating the inescapable chasm of loss in regards to abandonment.” Abbie pressed her lips together, trying to stop the onslaught of invasive and horrific thoughts. It was only natural. Harley and Peter were soulmates. There was no doubt in her mind that these two idiots would fucking love each other. The only problem was Abbie. They would run away together, and do science, and completely forget about her.
“Fucking mood. Literally my entire existence.” Peter snorted. Abbie raised an eyebrow.
“Who abandoned you?” She pried.
“Besides everyone? My parents dumped me on May and my Uncle Ben’s doorstop when I was like nine. Then, Ben died in my arms last year after a robbery. So, i get it. Whatever you got goin on, you’re not alone, and I’m not gonna abandon you. Never will.” Peter gave her a sad, lopsided smile, and Abbie melted. She launched herself at Peter, wrapping her arms around him. Peter gasped as Abbie knocked the wind out of him, but instinctively reciprocated.
“You’re great, ya know that Parker?” Peter shook his head and slung his arm around her. He led her down the street.
“I’m something. So, I shared. Who abandoned you?” Peter squeezed her shoulder. “Besides everyone?” Abbie smirked. “Dad left when I was a baby, but mom did the emotional abandonment thing. All I ever had was Harley.” Abbie shrugged. “Hopefully I’ll always have Harley.”
“Well, I’ve never met the mysterious brother whose never at your apartment, but based on everything I know about you and him, he wouldn’t leave you either. I mean he drug you all the way to New York because he refused to leave you at home didn’t he?” Abbie looked up.
“How in all seven hells did you know that?” She asked. Peter shrugged.
“Best guess.” He gave her his best dimples and a wink.
“You’re too smart for your own good Parker. But, I still appreciate it.” Peter stops at the door of her apartment building. “And for the record. I won’t abandon you either.” Peter lit up like a christmas tree. “Now get outta here. I know you have stuff to do.” Abbie winked and sauntered through the door. Peter shook his head, but slipped into the alley next to the building.
“Does he really believe he’s bein’ subtle about the whole Spiderman thing?” Abbie asked one day, watching Peter sprint across the courtyard. MJ rolled her eyes and Ned gaped at her, already trying to find excuses to explain Peter’s behavior.
“Unfortunately.” MJ despaired.
“Ya know. I think it’s time y’all met Harley.” She was still staring after Peter.
“Because?” Ned asked.
“Because I just have a feelin’.” Abbie said as explanation. “We can go meet him now, if you’d like. Then y’all’ll definitely know what I'm talkin’ about.”
MJ shrugged and closed her book. “Might as well. Ned?”
“Why not?” Ned nodded.
Abbie led the duo through New York, stopping at the entrance to a run down garage. “You’re sure he’s here?” Ned asked. Abbie held up her wrist, staring at the invisible string she knew was there.
“Yep. I’m sure. Come on.” Abbie pushed opened the door and led them through the waiting area. Music boomed the minute she opened the door. ACDC almost burst their eardrums. When they reached the garage portion, MJ raised an eyebrow at the sports cars, while Ned was too preoccupied with the state of the art parts strewn around the room. “Yo, Harls!” Abbie yelled over the music, pointing to a car with it’s hood up. They noted the shirtless man leaning over it. He stood up and yelled at the ceiling, turning off the music. He pulled a rag from his pocket and wiped his hands.
When he turned around MJ snorted. Ned grinned.
“Ya’ll must be Abbie’s friends. I’m Harley.” The southern dripped off his lips, sweeter than tea.
“Well, fuck Keener. You had a feeling, huh?” MJ asked. Ned shook his head.
“Just a feelin’.” Abbie answered.
“I’m missing something.” Harley said, his lips twisting into a scowl.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Ned grinned at him. “I’m Ned, this is MJ.” MJ jerked her head, smirk still dancing on her lips.
“Peter couldn’t make it. But, i’ll bring him by tomorrow, if thats cool?” Abbie asked.
“Yeah, you know that’s cool. So, y’all go to nerd school?” Harley asked.
“The nerdiest.” MJ confirmed.
“Is that the beginnings of a sublight engine?” Ned asked, pointing to a massive pile of parts on a nearby cart.
“Hell yes!” Harley grinned. He began to explain how he was making it. MJ leaned toward Abbie.
“This is the best feelin’ you’ve ever had. And i’m personally upset you didn’t tell me sooner.
“It just hit me a couple weeks ago. There’s no way they aren’t soulmates.” MJ grinned at Abbie, who hip checked her.
“When are you bringing him? I so want to see it.” MJ stared at Ned, a rare soft smile on her face.
“Tomorrow for sure. I wanted to make sure y’all agreed with me. We can do the exact same thing.”
“Do you know what Harley’s soulmark says?” MJ aked. Abbie grinned evily.
“Oh yes. And you won’t want to miss it.” Abbie collapsed on a couch near the wall and watched Ned and Harley nerd out over Star Wars and mechanics.
“Fucking losers.” MJ said fondly, sitting next to Abbie. They stayed for another hour, plotting the lovely demise of Peter Parker into the abyss that was Harley Keener. Ned and Harley kept getting more excited as the moved from engine to engine. MJ pulled Ned away after a while, offering to walk him home. As soon as the door closed, Ned turned to her with a grin.
“MJ. He’s fucking perfect.” Ned vibrated with excitement.
“Intelligence?” MJ asked.
“Off the charts. No way they won’t be on the same level. Also, did you see the abs?” Ned asked.
“You mean the ones literally showing through his shirt? I saw. The honeyed accent is no slouch either. I’m thrilled to see what happens tomorrow.” MJ hugged Ned when they reached his apartment and practically skipped to hers.
“I can’t believe I missed meeting Harley!” Peter groaned.
“We’ll go back today so we can meet him,” Abbie rolled her eyes. Peter lit up, a grin gracing his lips, and his dimples gracing Abbie. After class MJ and Ned led the way to the garage, having a heated debate on MJ’s latest book. Abbie was studiously ignoring Peter as he tried to pry information out of her.
“Come on, you never tell us about him. I’ve been so curious. I mean he’s your platonic soulmate and that’s adorable.” Abbie rolled her eyes at him.
“You’ll meet him in just a minute, Parker. Calm the fuck down.” Abbie bumped his hip against Peter’s. The boy huffed and crossed his arms. MJ opened the door to the shop, and they were once again blasted with ACDC. Peter’s eyebrows jumped in surprise.
Harley was working on the same car when they walked in, but this time, he was under it. Abbie walked up and hit the hood of the car. Harley’s legs jerked as he jumped in surprise.
“Ow! Fuck! Abbie!” Harley rolled out from under the car and jumped up, glaring at his sister. She gave him a sweet smile.
“Sorry Harls. Just letting you know we’re here. Also, you didn’t meet him yesterday. This is Peter.” Abbie flung her arm out, pulling Peter out from behind MJ and Ned. Peter’s eyes widened, following the line of grease smudged on Harley’s neck.
“Oh you. Fuck me.” Peter muttered. Harley grinned and leaned back onto the car. Harley held up his wrist that said ‘Oh you. Fuck me’ in Peter’s notorious chicken scratch.
“Maybe not now, but hopefully soon, darlin’.” Harley smirked as Peter’s eyes widened. MJ and Ned were trying their hardest not to laugh. Peter held up his matching wrist and grinned.
“Well, who'd've thought.” Abbie smirked, grinning between the two who she now thought of as her brothers.
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Hey guys! First of all, the work you do is just bomb af. Second, idk if you would be into this scenario, but what are ur thoughts on an short oracle that challenges Taqtu to a wrestling sparr and Taqtu jokes he'll "take it easy on them" only to find himself lying on the floor with the oracle's foot on his chest like 5 seconds later thinking "holy shit im in love"
Our first scenario omgtankuallsomuchforthesupport💓
It was around 10:30 in the morning when the rays shown through the window of the room you were sleeping in. You had been in Huatzintepec for almost a week but every time you would wake up the room still felt unfamiliar to you. You sit up in the bed rubbing away the remainder of sleep from your eyes, stretching your body as you get ready for your day.
‘Maybe today is as good a day as any to go around exploring the palace for a bit’ you thought to yourself. Ever since the whole “Huatzintepec is stuck inside a barrier” incident everyone has been in a bit of a frenzy trying to figure out what or who has been causing this, including yourself but even oracles need a break every once in a while and even though you had been there for a full week already, seven days is not enough for you to be able to take in the grandness of the palace.
You finished dressing yourself and headed out the room. You walked through a couple of hallways marveling at all the intricacies and the vibrant colors used to decorate even the most insignificant room. As you’re walking you pass a small hallway that is dimmer than any other hallway you’ve been through or passed, so instinctively you chose to ignore it, until you heard a scream emanating from the hallway. You peek your head inside and you hear another scream followed by a hearty laugh. Curiosity takes the best of you as you start walking down the hallway. As you get closer and closer to the noise the darkened hallway opens up to a small training arena with an open ceiling. In the middle of the arena, and the cause for all the noise, stands Taqtu in a fighting stance surrounded by three guards, to your left you see Cipactli siting on the small benches reading a book paying no mind to the hollering coming from the enormous man in the middle.
“Come on princeling!!! is this really all the guards you got to fight me”  
“Yes Taqtu, these are my strongest warriors…”
The prince answered him without even breaking contact with his book. He flips the page as Taqtu throws another one of the guards into the benches. You cautiously approach the prince.
“Excuse me? Good morning my prince but what on earth is going on here?”
Cipactli’s ear twitches at the sound of your voice, looks your way, and give you that ever radiant smile.
“Well good morning, did we interrupt you with all this noise?” He says while staring adamantly at Taqtu.
“Oh no my prince I was just wondering through the palace, figure I might as well get some sight seeing done while I was here” you say as you shoot him a friendly smile.
Cipactli smiles back as he offers you the spot next to him.
“Taqtu said he wanted to get a work out in, he said he was getting “cabin fever” but I think thats just an excuse for him to just start shouting at ungodly hours. He woke me up at six in the morning today telling me to get my best warriors for a wrestling match…”
As Cipactli was venting away you couldn’t help but to feel your sight being drawn to Taqtu. He was in the middle of yet taking down another guard but he made it look so brutish and graceful if that was even possible. You watched as his muscles contracted at the strength he had to put in in order to throw that guard to the side. Once he did, and straightened himself out, you noticed how the sun glistened across his chest, his abs, his face, and that when you noticed he was staring right back at you with a smirk that just read trouble all over it.
“See something you like shorty?”
You can’t help but to give a defeated smile as you shake your head. Cipactli had fallen silent at this point but he seemed oddly intrigued with this new interaction.
“Nah! I was just thinking about how much I need to work out too, muscles are getting stiff” You replied, Taqtu snickers.
“Well I know a way to get those muscles moving” He gives you a suggestive wink as he’s stretching out his arms. You squint at his response.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure you do, but I was thinking maybe a little wrestling wouldn’t hurt.”
Cipactli’s eyes grow wide as he looks at Taqtu. At your declaration, Taqtu finds himself trying to hold in a laugh.
“What are you trying to say shorty? You wan’t to take me on? Think you can handle it?”
“Oh, i know I can handle you!”
You get up from your seat as you stroll your way to the arena.
“Alright shorty, if you insist, but I’mma take it easy on you.”
“Oh come on Taqtu, I like it rough.” You shoot him a smirk with that last remark that puts a smile on his face from ear to ear. You both take your stances in front of each other and immediately Taqtu charges. You do what you do best, use your height to your advantage. You stick close to the ground and once he’s close enough, you charge at him with as much force as he charged at you. You attack him by his legs, wrapping them both in your arms as you lift him from the ground, above your head making him land flat on his back. You straighten your posture and look back to see Taqtu on the ground, eyes wide with a look that says: “what the hell just happened?”. You stand next to him with one of your feet on his chest which seems to snap him out of that dazed look he had on earlier making eye contact with you. A blush spreads across his face as you try not to fluster from the oddly cute expression he’s making.
“We’ll I guess that’s a match, thanks for taking it easy on me. I’m gonna go take a shower now all this wrestling made me work up a sweat.” You take your foot off of him as you stroll back to the hallway that lead you to this place. You look at Cipactli who is staring at you in wonder and you thank him for allowing you to sit next to him. You look back one last time before you go to see Taqtu hoisting himself up by his forearms as he stares at you with an adoration he can’t hide anymore. You blow him a kiss and a wink as you strut your way out of the arena. Now that was a sight worth seeing.
-Admin Nani
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