#parkner secret santa 2019
peter-parkner · 4 years
All I Want
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“Pep, I don’t think I went overboard.”
“Didn’t go overboard!? Tony, there’s fifteen boxes of gingerbread cookies on our counter!” Pepper jabbed a finger toward the offending baked goods while she spoke.
Tony’s lips quirked into a nervous smile as he rubbed idly at the back of his head. When he opened his mouth to speak, Pepper pinched the bridge of her nose. “Look, you said we needed cookies for Christmas.”
“Yes, Tony. I asked you to order a few boxes of cookies, not the entire bakery! We’re only having four people over!”
“I kept telling you I could have made them.” The moment the words left his mouth, Tony instantly regretted them. Pepper’s left eyebrow rose and her stare hardened as she continued glaring at her husband. Gaping like a fish, Tony desperately grasped coherent sentences, “I mean, you’re completely right sweetheart. I would have burned the kitchen down if I tried to bake.”
Tony slowly moved toward his wife. His eyes never left her while he approached, like prey warily eyeing a predator. “You gave me one job and I definitely screwed it up. Royally.” Pepper’s resolve cracked a little as a small smile appeared on her face. “Think of it this way,” Tony’s hands came up to rest comfortingly on her shoulders, “now Morgan won’t be pestering us for dessert for at least another six months.”
Pepper broke into a grin and rested her forehead on Tony’s chest as he hugged her. She emitted a small laugh that Tony felt in his chest. Pepper’s voice came out muffled as she spoke, “At least they’re good cookies.”
Four hours, three showers, two disasters and one hour in the oven later, the Stark penthouse smelled of lasagna, cookies and home. Normally, Tony and Pepper would host Christmas at the lake house, but this year they decided to use Stark Tower in an effort to create new, good memories. Pepper was setting out the last of the plates on their dining room table when JARVIS alerted them to visitors at the door.
“Morguna, can you go get the door for our guests?” Tony smiled sweetly at his daughter while carefully balancing the lasagna straight out of the oven.
She nodded in affirmation before setting off down the hall on her mission. Somewhere, a door opened and muffled voices spilled down the corridor. They became clearer the closer they got until the entourage, led by Morgan, entered the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!” May gleefully exclaimed as she wrapped Pepper into an expected, unexpected hug. Happy trailed close behind and delicately shook Tony’s hand while his other balanced a boatload of presents.
Behind the couple were Harley and Peter, the latter of which was holding Morgan in his arms. “Merry Christmas old man! Thanks for having us again.” Harley nodded in Tony’s direction while he made his way over to the ceiling high Christmas tree in the living room. He whistled while looking up at the evergreen monstrosity and started unloading his miniature pile of presents. The Stark’s Christmas tree was at least twenty feet high and lit up brighter than Rockefeller Center’s.
While Harley admired the Christmas décor strung about, Peter set Morgan down and walked over to Pepper. He wrapped her into a tight hug and tried to ignore the fact that, in heels, Pepper stood three inches taller than him.
“Is there anything we can help you with?” May asked while Happy followed Harley’s lead by setting their gifts down under the tree. “I feel so bad not even bringing anything!”
“Oh May, we insisted. All you needed to bring was yourselves and an appetite!” As if on cue, Peter’s stomach growled from the living room.
“Well, guess that’s our cue to start dinner!” Tony chuckled and led everyone to the dining room.
After dinner, everyone moved to the living room to open their presents. Morgan had already unwrapped a majority of hers in the morning, but Tony and Pepper saved a few for the evening when company was over. The flurry of presents and laughter fueled the unwrapping chaos while Nat King Cole’s Christmas album blasted in the background.
“Pepper, I have literally never been this full in my entire life,” May groaned while slumped over in an end chair. A slew of wrapping paper was at her feet.
“Yeah, I’m feeling full and that shouldn’t even be possible with my metabolism,” Peter chipped in from the loveseat, where he sat plastered to Harley’s side. The older boy had an arm contentedly slung around Peter’s shoulders.
The adults idly chatted while Morgan nodded in and out of consciousness on the couch. Her head was propped up on Tony’s lap, and his hands intermittently ran through his daughter’s hair. Surveying the scene, Peter nervously running his hands through his curls before turning toward Harley.
“Hey, I have one last gift I want to give you if – if you don’t mind going somewhere more private.”
“Oh?” Harley waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Normally, that move alone would send Peter into a flurry of giggles. When it didn’t, Harley’s expression morphed from playful to worried. “Hey, what’s wrong? Is it something I said?”
“No, no. It’s fine. Just, uh, follow me.” Peter grabbed his boyfriend’s hand reassuringly and stood from the loveseat, hauling Harley up as well. “Guys, we’ll be right back! I have to, uh, grab something from my room.” He gestured weakly down the hall toward his part-time bedroom, where Peter would stay when he was too exhausted to go home after a long night working or on patrol.
Pepper nodded, businesslike, while Tony smiled and tried to suppress his laughter at Peter’s badly concealed lie. Thankfully, May was in the kitchen pouring more wine so she didn’t have to witness the funeral of Peter’s finessing skills. Ignoring all of the adults, Peter continued towing Harley down the hall toward his room.
Inside, Peter paced nervously while Harley shut the door behind them. The lights came on automatically while the glittering city outside illuminated the room further. Peter’s pacing came to a stop in front of Harley. “I have one last gift for you, but I’m kind of scared of how you’ll react.”
“React? What are you talking about, Peter?” Harley’s faced was scrunched up in confusion.
Peter thought it was adorable, but now was neither the time nor place. “I know we’ve only been dating for six months, but I already feel like I’ve known you for my whole life.”
“Yeah, the feeling’s mutual.” Harley flashed Peter a small smile.
During the stretch of silence, Peter reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, plainly wrapped box. Harley’s eyes widened impossibly larger as he zeroed in on the present. “I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not a ring,” Peter chuckled as he gingerly plopped the box into Harley’s outstretched hands.
The other man hesitated before slipping his index finger underneath the wrapping paper and neatly tearing it open. The silence in the room was deafening, and the anticipation caused Peter to bounce lightly from foot to foot. He could hear Harley’s heartbeat quicken as shaky hands flipped open the lid of the now unwrapped gift box.A brief look of confusion flit across Harley’s face before he broke out into a wide grin. He looked up, “Peter, is this the key to your apartment?”
“Spare key, actually,” Peter cleared his throat. The grin on his face mirrored Harley’s. “You’re already over so much anyway, that I thought moving in with me would just make things…more convenient. I know we haven’t been dating for a long time, and that moving in with me is obviously a huge commitment, but it just feels right. You know?”
Harley nodded, considering Peter’s words while he fumbled to take his keyring out of his pocket. As he fixed the precious piece of metal onto his key ring, Harley spoke in a serious tone, “What exactly will be made more…convenient by this arrangement?”
With an eye roll, Peter let out an exasperated sigh and held his head in his hands. “You’re impossible, Harley Keener.
“I know, but you love me.”
Peter leaned up on his tip toes to give Harley a peck on the lips before dragging him back to the living room, where their small family and the rest of Christmas waited.
Merry Christmas @the-fifth-marauder101​ !!!! I hope you like your gift for 2019′s @parkner-secret-santa​ exchange
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Merry Christmas @shxkita-blog ! I'm your secret santa for @parkner-secret-santa ! The first two mood boards are for Harley and Peter, and the last is for Parkner. I got inspiration for them from this post of yours. I hope you like them!
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takenbyemrys · 4 years
Merry Christmas Peachy!!! For @peachy-keener for Parkner Secret Santa event
Peter laid his head down on his books. He let out a muffled groan as Ned patted his back. MJ rolled her eyes from across the table. They were trying their best to get a last minute study session in before classes started.
“Come on, loser, it’s english,” MJ said. Peter huffed and sent her a mild glare.
“Says you.” Peter said. “All you ever do is read.”
Ned chuckled. “He’s not wrong MJ. English is so much easier for you than us.”
“Help us Michelle Jones, you’re our only hope.” Peter snickered as he said it, earning an eye roll.
“You’re both massive losers. It’s not that hard. But fine.” She leaned forward and began explaining just where they were wrong. MJ was halfway through her explanation when she was interrupted by Principal Morita walking up to their table. A tall girl followed closely behind him, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
“Oh you three will do,” Morita said. “Peter, MJ, Ned, this is our new student, Abbie Keener. Abbie is a junior, but she’s going to be taking a lot of senior classes, so I want you three to show her around.”
With that, he nodded to the four of them and walked out of the library.
MJ snorted. “Okay then.”
Peter, however, jumped up and grinned. He held out his hand to Abbie. “Hi, I’m Peter!”
Abbie raised an eyebrow at his outstretched hand but reluctantly reached out to shake it.
“Nice ta meet ya.” Her southern twang was rich.
“You too, Abbie.” Peter waved to the empty seat next to MJ. “This is MJ, who was oh so graciously helping us not fail English. And this is Ned.”
Abbie nodded to them, but otherwise said nothing.
“It was gracious of me, wasn’t it?” MJ smirked. “Why was I doing it again?”
“Because if you didn’t, we wouldn’t be going to NYU together next year,” Ned said. MJ huffed. “And what would you do without your soulmates?”
“Y’all are soul mates?” Abbie asked, clearly trying to assess the relationship with her eyes.
“Yeah, we’re all platonic soulmates,” Peter explained. He held out his left arm that had two phrases tattooed on it. MJ and Ned held out their wrists as well. “For me, the top one is Ned, because I first met him. Ned and MJ’s first was me too, even though MJ met us at the same time.”
Abbie studied his wrist, where the first phrase said ‘Do you like star wars?’ and the second said ‘Sup Losers.’
“Cool. My Brother’s my platonic.” She held out her left wrist. Peter saw that it said, ‘Hello, little sister.’
“Oh that’s adorable.” Peter grinned. Abbie grinned. Most people thought it was weird that her brother was her soulmate. “So, where are you and your brother from?”
“Tennessee,” Abbie answered easily. “My brother and I moved up here because he started at NYU this semester.”
Peter’s eyes lit up. “Oh cool! Are you planning on going there too?”
“Probably,” Abby explained with a grin. “I think i want to travel first.”
MJ nodded. “Same. Hard debating ditching these losers.”
Ned grabbed his chest, giving her an exaggerated gasp and the ultimate eyes of betrayal before crying out, “You would never!”
“Yeah, sorry MJ.” Peter shrugged. “After the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, you can’t really pretend not to like us.”
“I don’t know,” Abbie teased. “I’ll ditch my brother and you ditch them, and we can hit Europe.”
“The three of them can look after each other.” MJ agreed. She paused, looking between the boys. “Well, maybe.”
“Oh my god,” Peter gasped. “Ned, it finally happened. MJ found someone else who’ll be just as mean to us.”
He then wailed, burying his head in Ned’s shoulder. Ned, for his part, hugged Peter close and pretended to weep as well.
MJ stood up, both annoyed and affectionate. “Alright losers. Come on. We have class.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to go to class,” Peter groaned. Despite his dramatics, he looked to their new friend. “Abbie what classes do you have?”
Abbie pulled a schedule out of her backpack and handed it to them. It took only a few seconds for all three to look back up at her eagerly.
“Sweet!” Peter said. “You have most of your classes with us.” After he finished, he grabbed Ned and led the way out of the library. MJ snorted and pulled Abbie after her.
“Alright, Keener,” she said. “Looks like we’re adopting you.” --------
After that, Abbie easily merges into their friend group. She shares almost every class with at least one of them. This gives them all plenty of time together (especially she and Peter) and allows her to open up more. Her and MJ get on like a house on fire, making Peter and Ned sometimes wonder how they aren’t platonic soulmates, or maybe even romantic soulmates. Regardless, there’s nothing between them like that and they just all click. Abbie ends up invited to movie nights, lunch, and the occasional Aunt May sponsored thai food. She raises an amused eyebrow everytime Peter has to go to his ‘internship’ and everytime he has sprint out right after school.
It happened one day when Peter offered to walk Abbie home. He was rambling on and on about nanotechnology when it hit her. It hit her so hard she stopped walking, gaping at Peter.
“Abs?” He asked, eyebrows drawing in concern. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Abbie jolted out of her trance at his touch.
“Sorry. Just contemplating the inescapable chasm of loss in regards to abandonment.” Abbie pressed her lips together, trying to stop the onslaught of invasive and horrific thoughts. It was only natural. Harley and Peter were soulmates. There was no doubt in her mind that these two idiots would fucking love each other. The only problem was Abbie. They would run away together, and do science, and completely forget about her.
“Fucking mood. Literally my entire existence.” Peter snorted. Abbie raised an eyebrow.
“Who abandoned you?” She pried.
“Besides everyone? My parents dumped me on May and my Uncle Ben’s doorstop when I was like nine. Then, Ben died in my arms last year after a robbery. So, i get it. Whatever you got goin on, you’re not alone, and I’m not gonna abandon you. Never will.” Peter gave her a sad, lopsided smile, and Abbie melted. She launched herself at Peter, wrapping her arms around him. Peter gasped as Abbie knocked the wind out of him, but instinctively reciprocated.
“You’re great, ya know that Parker?” Peter shook his head and slung his arm around her. He led her down the street.
“I’m something. So, I shared. Who abandoned you?” Peter squeezed her shoulder. “Besides everyone?” Abbie smirked. “Dad left when I was a baby, but mom did the emotional abandonment thing. All I ever had was Harley.” Abbie shrugged. “Hopefully I’ll always have Harley.”
“Well, I’ve never met the mysterious brother whose never at your apartment, but based on everything I know about you and him, he wouldn’t leave you either. I mean he drug you all the way to New York because he refused to leave you at home didn’t he?” Abbie looked up.
“How in all seven hells did you know that?” She asked. Peter shrugged.
“Best guess.” He gave her his best dimples and a wink.
“You’re too smart for your own good Parker. But, I still appreciate it.” Peter stops at the door of her apartment building. “And for the record. I won’t abandon you either.” Peter lit up like a christmas tree. “Now get outta here. I know you have stuff to do.” Abbie winked and sauntered through the door. Peter shook his head, but slipped into the alley next to the building.
“Does he really believe he’s bein’ subtle about the whole Spiderman thing?” Abbie asked one day, watching Peter sprint across the courtyard. MJ rolled her eyes and Ned gaped at her, already trying to find excuses to explain Peter’s behavior.
“Unfortunately.” MJ despaired.
“Ya know. I think it’s time y’all met Harley.” She was still staring after Peter.
“Because?” Ned asked.
“Because I just have a feelin’.” Abbie said as explanation. “We can go meet him now, if you’d like. Then y’all’ll definitely know what I'm talkin’ about.”
MJ shrugged and closed her book. “Might as well. Ned?”
“Why not?” Ned nodded.
Abbie led the duo through New York, stopping at the entrance to a run down garage. “You’re sure he’s here?” Ned asked. Abbie held up her wrist, staring at the invisible string she knew was there.
“Yep. I’m sure. Come on.” Abbie pushed opened the door and led them through the waiting area. Music boomed the minute she opened the door. ACDC almost burst their eardrums. When they reached the garage portion, MJ raised an eyebrow at the sports cars, while Ned was too preoccupied with the state of the art parts strewn around the room. “Yo, Harls!” Abbie yelled over the music, pointing to a car with it’s hood up. They noted the shirtless man leaning over it. He stood up and yelled at the ceiling, turning off the music. He pulled a rag from his pocket and wiped his hands.
When he turned around MJ snorted. Ned grinned.
“Ya’ll must be Abbie’s friends. I’m Harley.” The southern dripped off his lips, sweeter than tea.
“Well, fuck Keener. You had a feeling, huh?” MJ asked. Ned shook his head.
“Just a feelin’.” Abbie answered.
“I’m missing something.” Harley said, his lips twisting into a scowl.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Ned grinned at him. “I’m Ned, this is MJ.” MJ jerked her head, smirk still dancing on her lips.
“Peter couldn’t make it. But, i’ll bring him by tomorrow, if thats cool?” Abbie asked.
“Yeah, you know that’s cool. So, y’all go to nerd school?” Harley asked.
“The nerdiest.” MJ confirmed.
“Is that the beginnings of a sublight engine?” Ned asked, pointing to a massive pile of parts on a nearby cart.
“Hell yes!” Harley grinned. He began to explain how he was making it. MJ leaned toward Abbie.
“This is the best feelin’ you’ve ever had. And i’m personally upset you didn’t tell me sooner.
“It just hit me a couple weeks ago. There’s no way they aren’t soulmates.” MJ grinned at Abbie, who hip checked her.
“When are you bringing him? I so want to see it.” MJ stared at Ned, a rare soft smile on her face.
“Tomorrow for sure. I wanted to make sure y’all agreed with me. We can do the exact same thing.”
“Do you know what Harley’s soulmark says?” MJ aked. Abbie grinned evily.
“Oh yes. And you won’t want to miss it.” Abbie collapsed on a couch near the wall and watched Ned and Harley nerd out over Star Wars and mechanics.
“Fucking losers.” MJ said fondly, sitting next to Abbie. They stayed for another hour, plotting the lovely demise of Peter Parker into the abyss that was Harley Keener. Ned and Harley kept getting more excited as the moved from engine to engine. MJ pulled Ned away after a while, offering to walk him home. As soon as the door closed, Ned turned to her with a grin.
“MJ. He’s fucking perfect.” Ned vibrated with excitement.
“Intelligence?” MJ asked.
“Off the charts. No way they won’t be on the same level. Also, did you see the abs?” Ned asked.
“You mean the ones literally showing through his shirt? I saw. The honeyed accent is no slouch either. I’m thrilled to see what happens tomorrow.” MJ hugged Ned when they reached his apartment and practically skipped to hers.
“I can’t believe I missed meeting Harley!” Peter groaned.
“We’ll go back today so we can meet him,” Abbie rolled her eyes. Peter lit up, a grin gracing his lips, and his dimples gracing Abbie. After class MJ and Ned led the way to the garage, having a heated debate on MJ’s latest book. Abbie was studiously ignoring Peter as he tried to pry information out of her.
“Come on, you never tell us about him. I’ve been so curious. I mean he’s your platonic soulmate and that’s adorable.” Abbie rolled her eyes at him.
“You’ll meet him in just a minute, Parker. Calm the fuck down.” Abbie bumped his hip against Peter’s. The boy huffed and crossed his arms. MJ opened the door to the shop, and they were once again blasted with ACDC. Peter’s eyebrows jumped in surprise.
Harley was working on the same car when they walked in, but this time, he was under it. Abbie walked up and hit the hood of the car. Harley’s legs jerked as he jumped in surprise.
“Ow! Fuck! Abbie!” Harley rolled out from under the car and jumped up, glaring at his sister. She gave him a sweet smile.
“Sorry Harls. Just letting you know we’re here. Also, you didn’t meet him yesterday. This is Peter.” Abbie flung her arm out, pulling Peter out from behind MJ and Ned. Peter’s eyes widened, following the line of grease smudged on Harley’s neck.
“Oh you. Fuck me.” Peter muttered. Harley grinned and leaned back onto the car. Harley held up his wrist that said ‘Oh you. Fuck me’ in Peter’s notorious chicken scratch.
“Maybe not now, but hopefully soon, darlin’.” Harley smirked as Peter’s eyes widened. MJ and Ned were trying their hardest not to laugh. Peter held up his matching wrist and grinned.
“Well, who'd've thought.” Abbie smirked, grinning between the two who she now thought of as her brothers.
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silvernyxa · 4 years
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happy holidays to @high-quality-not! I was your secret santa for @parkner-secret-santa and decided to draw a scene from Star-Crossed, hope you like it and have a wonderful holiday!!
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maywildflowers · 4 years
“I have some news,” Peter says, arms out wide. “My soulmate is coming to New York for Christmas.”
There are several shouts of joy, and Peter ducks his head.
“Yeah, I know, it’s finally happening,” Peter giggles. “But! I have one request for you all.”
“Please state it,” Tony teases. “I’m dying to hear.”
“From now on, the family is one,” Peter says. He looks between his parents and Steve. “I know there’s discussion about the Accords popping up, and I respect that there are different opinions in this room. But we are a family. And I need us to be one, now and always. Because I promised Harley a family a long time ago, when the people who were supposed to love him kept leaving. So whatever shit is happening with the Accords? We need a peaceful solution. A good one. A compromise, or something.
“And I will do anything I can to make that happen.” *** Or, 5 Times Peter Makes a Promise for his Soulmate + 1 Time His Soulmate Makes Him a Promise
Merry Christmas @charliebradburyismyspirit-animal
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mischiefandmagic6 · 4 years
For @nihilistic-piece-of-shit for the Parkner Secret Santa 2019:
Happy holidays, Tara! I hope you enjoy this!
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syssy22uwu · 4 years
Parkner Secret Santa 2019 gift
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Time zone is a little bitch, here is like 1am of the 26th but I hope that for you is still the 25th xD
Gift for @sapphic-tea-leaves
AO3 link here:
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surreal-honeypot · 4 years
This is the Parkner 2019 Secret Santa gift for the lovely @youre-killing-me-fandom. 
I hope you like it! Merry Christmas!
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parkneroses · 4 years
@even-dead-im-the-hero Merry Christmas from your secret santa! It’s a stupid little fluff thing but I hope it makes you smile :)
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tmarauder101 · 4 years
Merry Christmas @viviixen ! I hope you enjoy this fic! I had so much fun writing it and exploring these characters!
(For Parkner secret Santa 2019)
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moth-sword · 4 years
When Peter gets invited to Tony Stark’s holiday party he doesn’t know who to bring, but with Ned and MJ busy he asks Harley if he would like to go with him.
Parkner Secret Santa @maywildflowers
Happy Holidays
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker Characters: Harley Keener, Harley Keener's Sister, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones Additional Tags: Parkner Secret Santa 2019, Rose Hill - Freeform, Miscommunication, Fake/Pretend Relationship, almost?, Tree Houses, First Kiss, sleepy stupid harley keener, Awkward Peter Parker Summary:
Peter exited his classroom and skipped over to where Harley stood. That was the last thing of the day that made any sense. Peter grabbed Harley’s hand. “Hey, babe!” Peter exclaimed. Before Harley could express his confusion, Peter pulled him down to kiss his cheek. He whispered into the taller boy’s ear, “Just go with it. Please.”
Rose Hill Roses is a gift for @peter-x-harley-cat for the parkner secret santa. Hope you enjoy, and happy holidays!!
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 4 years
by MayWilder
“I have some news,” Peter says, arms out wide. “My soulmate is coming to New York for Christmas.”
There are several shouts of joy, and Peter ducks his head. 
“Yeah, I know, it’s finally happening,” Peter giggles. “But! I have one request for you all.”
“Please state it,” Tony teases. “I’m dying to hear.”
“From now on, the family is one,” Peter says. He looks between his parents and Steve. “I know there’s discussion about the Accords popping up, and I respect that there are different opinions in this room. But we are a family. And I need us to be one, now and always. Because I promised Harley a family a long time ago, when the people who were supposed to love him kept leaving. So whatever shit is happening with the Accords? We need a peaceful solution. A good one. A compromise, or something.
“And I will do anything I can to make that happen.” *** Or, 5 Times Peter Makes a Promise for his Soulmate + 1 Time His Soulmate Makes Him a Promise
Words: 4259, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Pepper Potts, Ben Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, Ben Parker/May Parker (Spider-Man), background Clintasha - Relationship, Background Thorbruce - Relationship
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas fic, Soulmate AU, Parkner Secret Santa 2019
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takenbyemrys · 4 years
Hi @peppermint-parkers​! I’m your secret santa! 
I wrote a little almost ficlet for how the playlist i made is supposed to be listened to! So the story goes that Peter Parker is being awesome nerdy high school Peter Parker and one day Harley Keener arrives on the scene. Peter immediately starts pining his butt off. About this time Harley meets Spiderman and pines for him. Harley works up the nerve and kisses the masked hero. They date in secret for a while, Peter never taking off his mask because, well Harley wants Spiderman, not nerdy Peter Parker. Their relationship begins to unravel as they both come to a stalemate. Harley wants to know what his boyfriend looks like, but Peter is too scared. They have an absolutely awful breakup. After mourning the loss of their relationship, Harley begins to notice one Peter Parker. They begin hanging out and Harley starts to really fall for him. One day he kisses Peter, but in the middle of the kiss, he recognizes him! He couldn’t forget Spiderman’s lips! Happy day, they finally found each other outside of the mask. 
I hope you enjoy the playlist and have a happy holidays!!
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sunnysideofsaturn · 4 years
2019, oh how you’ve destroyed me.
basically i’ve seen a ton of posts like this, especially by one of my best interweb pals (lookin at you, C @hey-im-pan ) and it’s inspired me to make one of my own! i journal a LOT but it’ll be interesting to try and sum everything up in little synopsis.
*side note: i struggle with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ocd, so those and their effects may be mentioned. be cautious. This also doesn’t include a lot of the more personal instances, so don’t take it as an accurate representation of what it is like living with these issues*
Honestly, not much happened. I went on a college visit trip with a few of my friends to my dream school, which was stressful but informative, and my anxiety attacks were far and in-between. Sleep schedule was wack (has been since 7th grade), but i was functioning. Dysphoria (i’m nonbinary, but hadn’t really even come out to myself then) was pretty high this month in particular for some reason, so i finally started trying to convince my mom to let me cut my hair off. (I had like 2.5 feet it was a mess)
Finally came out to one of my close friends as pan, kinda accidentally but she was chill with it :) My grandma had a weeklong sickness that scared the shit out of me, but she got better for the time being. I was constantly pushing myself academically and physically at practice, but my grades were taking a bit of a nosedive because i didn’t have the capacity to deal with everything, but i bottled it up because i hate feeling weak. I continued to explore my sexuality, and started to research the gender spectrum.
School and Crew (rowing sport) were the only things on my mind at all times. I started having more anxiety attacks again, and decided it was time to talk to my doctor about going back on meds after 3 years off them. IB was kicking my ass, but i’m so grateful for all of my teammates for giving me an escape on the water. Started to accept I was non-binary.
A month full of good vibes i really needed. Got my drivers license on 4/20. I hiked my grades up with the help of extra credit, held a “wedding” in a Dillard’s try-on section, and spent a few days of spring break at the beach with two friends. I finally cut my hair off!! That feeling was literally incredible and i try to get a haircut every other month to actually keep up with it now. Saw endgame, died inside, and competed in an art show! I was doing really well, so I went off my meds again (don’t do that without a doctors permission like me).
BAdddd time to be off meds, anxiety and depression were dropping my health and IB finals kicked my ass and the class i had been most excited about taking had become my worst at this point, but I got through the exams without missing any. Went to Jr. Prom though! We actually used going to Jr. Prom as a coverup to throw a surprise birthday party for my best friend. I still have no idea how she didn’t figure it out. I also started talking to one of my internet buds, Rosie. She’s helped me through so much she doesn’t even know about, and it such a beaut inside and out <3
MADE IT TO PRIDE MONTH!! I finished my actual finals with minimal panic attacks, and join a Parkner discord! That was short lived, but from it was born… The What the Actual Fuck Fam, whom i love dearly. You guys still crack me up, and i know i’ll always have people to fall back on ( or help me commit murder.) Turned 17 and watched Monty Python (again.) Was forced into not one, but tWo bible camps, but also went to my first pride in my city! I have never felt so loved by so many people i don’t know :)
Depression hit me HarD. I was constantly in a bad mood and taking it out on other people and myself, and I was losing even more sleep. Went back on meds for a bit. I got to see Far From Home, but pretty much isolated myself from anyone in my real life. July is always hard for me to get though for some reason. On a happier note, I started talking to @winterrs-child , who I now love dearly and @exbrodokills , which started out by exchanging memes but i think we can now call a friendship :D
More depression, yayyyy, but Rosie and my irl friends helped me through it so much, even if they didn’t know it was happening. I finally came out to my parents and grandma as pan. They honestly took it pretty well, even if my grandma thinks it’s a ‘phase’. Also came out to C, B, and T as non-binary. Ya’ll were the first people I told after a YEAR omg <3 developed a huge celebrity crush on a cosplayer i won’t name even though they’ll never see this :’) Also fell back into the kiribaku pit after finally stabilizing my Parkner obsession. Also, joined a sapphic server which is basically a big gay support group :) (thanks to Rosie)
Started my senior year of high school. So far, it’s pretty much been one big panic attack but i’m managing. I’m a mentor on the crew team this year and have adopted pretty much every underclassmen on the team. I love them all equally (except for my favorites) Cut my hair even shorter! I love it! Got back into writing poetry and short stories after an intense writer’s and reader’s block that lasted for almost a year. Went off my meds again (I should stop doing that, ik) Went to a Harry Potter fest, which was great, but started building up major anxiety for planning the rest of my life.
SPOOP MONTH. October is my favorite month, so I was determined to make it good. Went on a couple more college tours, but also celebrated fall and halloween with my favorite people. Came reallllly close to stabbing my IB Bio teacher, but he’s survived, so far. Cosplayer mentioned earlier followed me on insta, cue gay panic. i also accidentally created a huge cuddle pile of 30 girls on my team in the captain’s backyard. It was as amazing as it sounds :0 Applied for 6 colleges
CAVETOWN omg. I was also murdered with a bent hammer (don’t ask) and my mental health was pretty stable. I joined yet another server created by the cosplayer, and have made so many friends through it, plus gained a new dad figure :). Contemplated buying a binder on black friday, didn’t and deeply regret it (planing on getting one with the christmas money i get from my homophobic grandfather we pretend doesn’t exist) Discovered the goodness of Baby Yoda. Did pretty much no spanish homework. Solid 7/10
Honestly, school wise december has been the most stressful month of this year so far, and the 2nd worst depressive episode. I’ve written 6 essays and done 5 projects this month and that was not a good time for the already low seratonin levels. i got waitlisted for the school i mentioned earlier, but was accepted into the other 5 :) I got to see an Of Monsters and Men concert, and I’m trying to push thorough til break, but my grandma has been getting sick more and more frequently over this year and now she’s been in a lot of pain for over two weeks and in and out of emergency care 6 times. Just hoping to make it to 2020 with everyone in tact and healthy :) I’m doing a secret santa with my friends im looking forward to. My friends have been amazing support through all of this mess, even if ii didn’t tell you about it, and i love you all!!
special mentions:
@everyone’s users i don’t know/remember
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irondadfanfics · 4 years
by RandyQueen
“I am so sorry about this,” he said before he planted his lips on Peter’s. ___
Peter Parker despised his roommate's party-throwing habits until a gorgeous guy lands in his lap. Literally.
Words: 3319, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Pepper Potts, Harley Keener & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: First Meetings, Not Quite Meet Cute, Alternate Universe - College/University, Bisexual Peter Parker, Harley Keener is a little shit, First Dates, First Kiss, Tony Plots for a Few Seconds Only for Things to Backfire in his Face, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Parkner Secret Santa 2019
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