#and the Lupins getting some indirecting causing consequences through lack of information
firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Oh, Touma...
... Pegged you as the one most willing to die for this from the beginning.
Not that the other two aren't all in, Touma’s just... Clearly hardcore singleminded. Like, self-destructively.
He’d die w/out a thought if it was the surest way to ensure that Aya would be brought back. He’s down for this.
Of course, this being only episode 16, him being one of the core team, and the title of the episode make it pretty clear that's not gonna be happening. But he would.
(this turned into much musing, so more below)
I’m, of course, excited bc maybe it’ll be Kairi-Touma brotherly feels. Bc I’m inferring from the preview stuff I've seen that Kairi does indeed hesitate. I mean, he’s just a kid, and as I’ve mentioned, I hc Touma as slowly becoming a dad/big brother figure to the other two, even if they didn’t notice. Kairi’s lost his older brother, he’s not gonna be ecstatic about the idea of having personally cause the death of/hurt someone who has been starting to become another to him. And Umika would never until they’d exhausted all other options. I mean Touma’s been an anchor for them several times (so has Umika, too, though in a different way). I’m super excited that this could be the beginning of that--keeping in mind my, uh, skewed perceptions. This might also be the Touma starts to think about caring ep. At the very least, he may begin to realise these two kids care about him.
But also... Did they just ask the the actor to make the most ridiculous faces he possibly could? Bc those are pretty impressive. Plus, given the way the Gangler is apparently behaving around ladies, I’m wondering if it’s going to try and hit on Tsukasa and she’s going to be like ‘... Okay something’s wrong here. Kairi, Umika, why is your stoic chef trying to flirt w/ me what is this?’ (there’s this preview/spoiler image of those two and the three Patos in Juer and it looks like Tsukasa’s talking, so I just made that up--plus the images of her interacting w/ Gangler¡Touma in suit).
This is gonna be weird though. Like. There’s no way they can explain it w/out revealing their identities. It’s not even poor communication kills. It’s ‘the fact that we cannot communicate this in any way is fucking shit up.’
I’m certain they’ll make it. I mean, the preview did kinda give that away.
Plus, I think if they killed Touma off, Kairi and Umika would starve to death and that would be, in a word, bad.
Oh, and something a comment reminded me of--Blue got switched w/ an enemy in Dekaranger, too. That guy who tried to blow up the base? Wow, it’s almost like Toei recycles plots sometimes.
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Enthusia 100mg
Buy Online Enthusia 100mg Tablet: Uses, Price, Side Effects, Composition
Buy Enthusia 100 Mg Online, Since Its Inception, Enthusia 100 Mg Has Become One Of The Most Well Established Treatments For Men Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Men With Symptoms Of ED Buy Enthusia Because Of Its Proven Track Record Of Being A Highly Effective Way To Alleviate Their Symptoms. Enthusia Manufactured By Lupin Pharma, India under Highly Qualified Supervision, In Facilities Conforming To GMP Standards…
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Introduction This product contains an active ingredient Sildenafil which is FDA-approved medication used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. After being introduced in 1998, Enthusia 100mg became the most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. Also is a fast-acting medication that can last up to four hours. It works well for men at any age, regardless of how long the patient has been having issues getting and maintaining an erection. What is Erectile Dysfunction? It has been estimated that around 140 million men worldwide suffers from impotence. Over half of all men with impotence are thought to have some physical (medical) cause. The remainders are believed to have psychogenic causes of impotence. Medical causes of impotence include diabetes and circulatory, neurological, or urological conditions. Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory s**ual activity. Erectile dysfunction is different from other conditions that interfere with male s**ual intercourse, such as lack of s**ual desire and problems with ejaculation and ejaculatory dysfunction. How Enthusia 100mg Treats Erectile Dysfunction Problems? This product belongs to a group of medicaments known as PDE5 inhibitors. In order to understand exactly how the medication works it is necessary to understand the physiological mechanism of erection.After the s**ual arousal, nitrogen oxide is released in the corpus cavernous body of the p**is. After release Nitrogen oxide actives the enzyme called guanylate cyclase leading to synthesis of cyclic GMP or cGMP. Cyclic GMP ineracts wit hthe smooth muscles of the cavernous body causing them to relax. As a result more blood flows to the p**is and the erection is achieved. Cyclic GMP is inactivated by the enzyme PDE5 or hoshodiesterase type-5. By inhibiting this enzyme, Sildenafil citrate increases the amount of cyclic GMP and thus improves erection. The main advantage of Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors is that is works only in presence of s**ual stimulation meaning that it resembles the natural mechanism of erection. Use Information This product is all for men. Age group does not matter. Irrespective of age the drug is prescribed to men suffering with erectile dysfunction. Is Enthusia 100mg For Women And Children Too? No. Women and children come at health risks if take this medication at all. So, it is advised to keep the drug away from their reach. Why Enthusia 100mg Is A Popular Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction Problems? This product can start working within 15 minutes. It’s a popular treatment for ED issues because it has been scientifically proven to help approximately 80% of men experiencing s**ual difficulty. It was the first FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction problems and it has a long history of success. Clinical trials from around the world have shown that Enthusia 100mg is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. Each dose lasts up to four hours and some men can get multiple erections from a single dose. Typically, Enthusia 100mg is covered by most health insurance plans. Can Enthusia 100mg Be Taken On Empty Stomach? Yes, absolutely. In fact, it is preferable to take it on empty stomach. Taking the drug after taking food can delay its working. How To Take Enthusia 100mg? Enthusia 100mg works best if it’s taken approximately one hour before s**ual activity. To get an erection, you will need to be s**ually stimulated. Doctors usually recommend taking 100 mg  per day, but the dosage can be decreased to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg if needed. Do not take more than one dose every 24 hours. Enthusia 100mg cannot be taken at the same time as other medications used to treat male erectile dysfunction problems. You should not take Enthusia 100mg with a high-fat meal, because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication. Enthusia 100mg does not protect you from s**ually transmitted diseases. Side Effects Any side effects from taking Enthusia 100mg are usually minor. Typical side effects include headache, stomach upset, vision problems, dizziness, light sensitivity, flushed skin, and rashes. Rare but serious side effects include hearing problems, temporary blindness, and an erection that won’t go away. If you have one of these side effects after taking Enthusia 100mg, seek medical attention. Precautions Before you start taking Enthusia 100mg, see your doctor to discuss your medical history. Let your doctor know if you have high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver damage, sickle cell anemia, cancer, bleeding disorders, myeloma, or if your p**is has anatomical deformities. If you are buying Enthusia 100mg through MyMediStore, be sure to include all your medical information on the consultation form. If you aren’t sure if it’s safe for you to take Enthusia 100mg, make an appointment with your doctor. Contraindications You cannot take Enthusia 100mg if you take nitric oxide donor medications like nitroglycerin, isosorbide, dinitrate, or nitroprusside. Before taking Enthusia 100mg, tell your doctor about all your prescription and non-prescription medications. If you are currently taking quinidine, cimetidine, antifungals, niacin, erythromycin, high blood pressure medications, or medication used to treat an HIV infection, do not start taking Enthusia 100mg. See your doctor to discuss your erectile dysfunction treatment options. A warning about counterfeit Enthusia 100mg Since Enthusia 100mg is so popular, there are many counterfeit versions sold illegally online. Use caution when buying Enthusia 100mg online, especially if the website is offering a version of Enthusia 100mg or medications with large discounts. These medications can be ineffective and can sometimes be dangerous. At MyMediStore, you’re guaranteed to receive genuine Enthusia 100mg made in the India By Lupin Pharma. A Indian licensed pharmacist dispenses all medications sold by MyMediStore. Will I Suffer From Side Effects When Using Enthusia 100mg? Every medication has the potential for side effects. Fortunately, Enthusia 100mg is safe and effective for most men. The majority of men who do experience side effects, are not bothered enough to stop treatment. Rarely, men experience more serious side effects. The most common effects are headaches, temporary visual problems, and stomach pain. Enthusia 100mg can be taken with or without food but you may find that Enthusia 100mg takes longer to work if taken after a heavy meal.Drinking alcohol can temporarily effect your ability to achieve an erection. It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol before taking Enthusia 100mg in order to achieve the maximum benefit from your medication. How Long Does It Take For Enthusia 100mg Work? You should take Enthusia 100mg about 1 hour before s**ual activity. However, you may take it between 30 minutes to 4 hours before s**ual activity if needed. Enthusia 100mg can be taken with or without food. If you take Enthusia 100mg after eating a high fat meal, it may take a longer amount of time to take effect. What Happens When Nitrates Combine With The Drug? Nitrates make horrible combination with Enthusia 100mg for health. Confirm with your doctor you are not taking nitrates in any form. It can lead to serious health issues Where The ED Drug Should Be Stored? Room temperature between- 15 to 30 degree Celsius is appropriate for storing the ED drug. Enthusia 100mg have greater chances of losing on efficiency if heat, light and moisture come in contact with the drug. Therefore, store it in dark and cool place. Out of date pills should be disposed properly. Is Enthusia 100mg Available In Regular Stores? No, the drug is not available in regular stores. Why Buy Enthusia 100mg From MyMediStore? Low prices : We sell prescription medications at low prices. A free medical consultation is included with every prescription. Total privacy : We always kept your information strictly confidential. Convenience: You won’t need to wait in long Queue at the pharmacy, because your medications will be delivered directly to your door. Authenticity: We only sell authentic Enthusia 100mg, manufactured by Lupin Pharma at a plant in the India. Disclaimer We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment. For More Information visit us our website: mymedistore.com Read the full article
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Enthusia 100mg
Buy Online Enthusia 100mg Tablet: Uses, Price, Side Effects, Composition
Buy Enthusia 100 Mg Online, Since Its Inception, Enthusia 100 Mg Has Become One Of The Most Well Established Treatments For Men Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Men With Symptoms Of ED Buy Enthusia Because Of Its Proven Track Record Of Being A Highly Effective Way To Alleviate Their Symptoms. Enthusia Manufactured By Lupin Pharma, India under Highly Qualified Supervision, In Facilities Conforming To GMP Standards…
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Introduction This product contains an active ingredient Sildenafil which is FDA-approved medication used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. After being introduced in 1998, Enthusia 100mg became the most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. Also is a fast-acting medication that can last up to four hours. It works well for men at any age, regardless of how long the patient has been having issues getting and maintaining an erection. What is Erectile Dysfunction? It has been estimated that around 140 million men worldwide suffers from impotence. Over half of all men with impotence are thought to have some physical (medical) cause. The remainders are believed to have psychogenic causes of impotence. Medical causes of impotence include diabetes and circulatory, neurological, or urological conditions. Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory s**ual activity. Erectile dysfunction is different from other conditions that interfere with male s**ual intercourse, such as lack of s**ual desire and problems with ejaculation and ejaculatory dysfunction. How Enthusia 100mg Treats Erectile Dysfunction Problems? This product belongs to a group of medicaments known as PDE5 inhibitors. In order to understand exactly how the medication works it is necessary to understand the physiological mechanism of erection.After the s**ual arousal, nitrogen oxide is released in the corpus cavernous body of the p**is. After release Nitrogen oxide actives the enzyme called guanylate cyclase leading to synthesis of cyclic GMP or cGMP. Cyclic GMP ineracts wit hthe smooth muscles of the cavernous body causing them to relax. As a result more blood flows to the p**is and the erection is achieved. Cyclic GMP is inactivated by the enzyme PDE5 or hoshodiesterase type-5. By inhibiting this enzyme, Sildenafil citrate increases the amount of cyclic GMP and thus improves erection. The main advantage of Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors is that is works only in presence of s**ual stimulation meaning that it resembles the natural mechanism of erection. Use Information This product is all for men. Age group does not matter. Irrespective of age the drug is prescribed to men suffering with erectile dysfunction. Is Enthusia 100mg For Women And Children Too? No. Women and children come at health risks if take this medication at all. So, it is advised to keep the drug away from their reach. Why Enthusia 100mg Is A Popular Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction Problems? This product can start working within 15 minutes. It’s a popular treatment for ED issues because it has been scientifically proven to help approximately 80% of men experiencing s**ual difficulty. It was the first FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction problems and it has a long history of success. Clinical trials from around the world have shown that Enthusia 100mg is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. Each dose lasts up to four hours and some men can get multiple erections from a single dose. Typically, Enthusia 100mg is covered by most health insurance plans. Can Enthusia 100mg Be Taken On Empty Stomach? Yes, absolutely. In fact, it is preferable to take it on empty stomach. Taking the drug after taking food can delay its working. How To Take Enthusia 100mg? Enthusia 100mg works best if it’s taken approximately one hour before s**ual activity. To get an erection, you will need to be s**ually stimulated. Doctors usually recommend taking 100 mg  per day, but the dosage can be decreased to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg if needed. Do not take more than one dose every 24 hours. Enthusia 100mg cannot be taken at the same time as other medications used to treat male erectile dysfunction problems. You should not take Enthusia 100mg with a high-fat meal, because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication. Enthusia 100mg does not protect you from s**ually transmitted diseases. Side Effects Any side effects from taking Enthusia 100mg are usually minor. Typical side effects include headache, stomach upset, vision problems, dizziness, light sensitivity, flushed skin, and rashes. Rare but serious side effects include hearing problems, temporary blindness, and an erection that won’t go away. If you have one of these side effects after taking Enthusia 100mg, seek medical attention. Precautions Before you start taking Enthusia 100mg, see your doctor to discuss your medical history. Let your doctor know if you have high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver damage, sickle cell anemia, cancer, bleeding disorders, myeloma, or if your p**is has anatomical deformities. If you are buying Enthusia 100mg through MyMediStore, be sure to include all your medical information on the consultation form. If you aren’t sure if it’s safe for you to take Enthusia 100mg, make an appointment with your doctor. Contraindications You cannot take Enthusia 100mg if you take nitric oxide donor medications like nitroglycerin, isosorbide, dinitrate, or nitroprusside. Before taking Enthusia 100mg, tell your doctor about all your prescription and non-prescription medications. If you are currently taking quinidine, cimetidine, antifungals, niacin, erythromycin, high blood pressure medications, or medication used to treat an HIV infection, do not start taking Enthusia 100mg. See your doctor to discuss your erectile dysfunction treatment options. A warning about counterfeit Enthusia 100mg Since Enthusia 100mg is so popular, there are many counterfeit versions sold illegally online. Use caution when buying Enthusia 100mg online, especially if the website is offering a version of Enthusia 100mg or medications with large discounts. These medications can be ineffective and can sometimes be dangerous. At MyMediStore, you’re guaranteed to receive genuine Enthusia 100mg made in the India By Lupin Pharma. A Indian licensed pharmacist dispenses all medications sold by MyMediStore. Will I Suffer From Side Effects When Using Enthusia 100mg? Every medication has the potential for side effects. Fortunately, Enthusia 100mg is safe and effective for most men. The majority of men who do experience side effects, are not bothered enough to stop treatment. Rarely, men experience more serious side effects. The most common effects are headaches, temporary visual problems, and stomach pain. Enthusia 100mg can be taken with or without food but you may find that Enthusia 100mg takes longer to work if taken after a heavy meal.Drinking alcohol can temporarily effect your ability to achieve an erection. It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol before taking Enthusia 100mg in order to achieve the maximum benefit from your medication. How Long Does It Take For Enthusia 100mg Work? You should take Enthusia 100mg about 1 hour before s**ual activity. However, you may take it between 30 minutes to 4 hours before s**ual activity if needed. Enthusia 100mg can be taken with or without food. If you take Enthusia 100mg after eating a high fat meal, it may take a longer amount of time to take effect. What Happens When Nitrates Combine With The Drug? Nitrates make horrible combination with Enthusia 100mg for health. Confirm with your doctor you are not taking nitrates in any form. It can lead to serious health issues Where The ED Drug Should Be Stored? Room temperature between- 15 to 30 degree Celsius is appropriate for storing the ED drug. Enthusia 100mg have greater chances of losing on efficiency if heat, light and moisture come in contact with the drug. Therefore, store it in dark and cool place. Out of date pills should be disposed properly. Is Enthusia 100mg Available In Regular Stores? No, the drug is not available in regular stores. Why Buy Enthusia 100mg From MyMediStore? Low prices : We sell prescription medications at low prices. A free medical consultation is included with every prescription. Total privacy : We always kept your information strictly confidential. Convenience: You won’t need to wait in long Queue at the pharmacy, because your medications will be delivered directly to your door. Authenticity: We only sell authentic Enthusia 100mg, manufactured by Lupin Pharma at a plant in the India. Disclaimer We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment. For More Information visit us our website: mymedistore.com Read the full article
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