#and the bobacobb tag desperately needed an update
vvitchering · 1 year
Cobb getting out of bacta tank containment and promptly filling tf out because he finally has access to enough food and water for the first time in his life. Finding out he wasn’t tired and worn out all the time because he was getting too old to be marshal, it was because he was living in a town never sure when it’s next delivery of food and water was coming. He was getting by on much fewer calories and less water than everyone else because less in his mouth meant more in someone else’s. He was having spotchka for dinner most nights. Now with his town under the new daimyo’s direct protection and a couple weeks of good filling meals under his belt, Cobb looks and feels like he’s in his thirties again.
And of course Boba notices. He’s the one who personally flew supplies out to Freetown the first time Cobb refused food because no way was he eating steak while his people needed water.
He’s watched the marshal slowly and stubbornly claw his way back from the brink of death, from the loss of a limb, to where he is now: practically glowing with health and in the best spirits he’s been in since maybe ever.
Cobb was attractive before. He’s got kind eyes and an honest smile and a not very well-hidden feral side that comes from living his sort of life. There wasn’t an ounce extra on him when they brought him in. There was a lot of speculation on whether his body had the resources to bounce back at all.
Subjected to the full force of the man’s personality, the attraction only grew. Cobb might be the only other person Boba has met who’s as much of a stubborn bastard as he is. He hates to lose, hates to feel like anything is out of his control, and that’s something Boba is intimately familiar with.
Now that he doesn’t look like a strong breeze would send him flying anymore, Boba is having a hard time focusing on much else during their sparring practice. Cobb’s artificial arm had to be resculpted recently to match the progress he’s made on his remaining flesh and blood arm. He’ll always be on the leaner side, it’s just how he’s built, but the muscle he’s packed on and honed is impressive.
He’s been learning close combat skills with Fennec. It’s helped him become more comfortable with his new arm and been a productive way to work out his frustrations at being essentially trapped while he continues to heal. He still gets his ass kicked up and down the length of the training hall on a regular basis, but he’s improving.
Fennec taps out after an hour or so and leaves the wrap-up to Boba most days. Which means he gets Cobb when he’s at his sweatiest and most eager to prove himself. Boba is beginning to think Fen does this on purpose.
Cobb gets closer and closer to scoring a hit on Boba every day. It’s rewarding to see he and Fennec have made a difference in this man’s life. And maybe a different kind of rewarding to watch him swipe strands of damp silver hair out of his face and smile crookedly when Boba calls a stop for the evening.
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