#and the caveat of covering Tuesday night was that he would do Thursday
saintsurvivors · 3 years
#sorry guys readmore isnt working for me on phone so#im just really annoyed#i took myself off night shifts and onto purely afternoon shifts because ive founs that doing a mixture and even just night shifta#have such an adverse reaction on my mental health like it mentally and emotionally makes me feel suicidal#i go off my fucking rocker#and as my best friend jsed to say i go down hard ans fast#and right now in just sat here fucking crying because of just how shit and awful i feel#like i wasnt even supposed to be on last nighr but the guy that always calls in sick did it again and ita alwayw ME that 3nds up covering#ans they want me to do three twelve and a half hour night shifts ans two nine hour dya shifts#and i just //cant//#and i dont feel like ic an tell work thst it affects my mental health#bc thats why two other people refuse to either do afternoon or night shifts#and so i feel like im piggy backing off them#but i genuinely want to kill myself becuase of how fucking shit i feel and how irritated and furstrated i am#and i want to write this long email explaining everything to my field supervisor but i dunno how to do it#i might just ring her up in thr morning and jusy explain it#and never mins the fact that between finishing my shift at ninein the morning i have six hour training at half nine so i wont even be able#to sleep properly#and the caveat of covering Tuesday night was that he would do Thursday#and yherea yhe whole yhing of how he said he was fine to do Thursday night and yet just tol#just topd us oh i might not be able to so it like beo#bro please#ik so fucking fed up if being dicked around and i dont wanna leave this package bc i love it but i cant take it much longer#i feel like im.over reactinh so much lmao
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Maid – Part One of Three
Featuring: Tommy Shelby x Virgin!Reader
Words: 5095
Warning: Smut
Summary: It was Sunday Evening and you working at a nightclub in London. This was your first job and today you were to meet an interesting man who would make you a job offer that you couldn’t refuse. When you took up the job with him, you got so much more than you bargained for.
Tag List:
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal  @chrisevanshoeee  @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse  @captivatedbycillianmurphy  @fookingshelby  @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  
Meeting a Stranger
‘Good Evening Sir, may I get you a drink?’ you asked as you looked up into his deep blue eyes.
‘Whiskey. Irish please’ the man said without looking at you as he lit himself a cigarette.
It was unusual for men in this establishment not to make eye contact. It was almost like he was disinterested in his surroundings.
When he lifted up his whiskey glass, you noticed his wedding band. Of course, he was married and here to cheat on his wife.
She probably no longer satisfied his needs. But what did you know? Being 19 years old and rather shy, you had never been with a man.
It wasn’t long until the mistress arrived at the bar which also was unusual. He must be a special guest if the mistress herself was taking the time to talk to him.
‘Mr Shelby, I apologise, but Laura is absent tonight. Clara might be of interest’ the mistress said.
‘Not Clara. Someone new’ he responded.
‘Of course. I will make arrangements’ the mistress said before excusing herself.
Just as the mistress had left, the man ordered a second glass of whiskey.
‘Your name is Shelby?’ you asked surprised as you served him. ‘Are you related to Thomas Shelby by any chance?’ you added.
Without a response, he finally looked up at you. His eyes widened and his facial expression changed, almost like he had seen a ghost.
‘Is everything alright?’ you asked as you didn’t receive a response to your question.
‘You remind me of someone I used to know’ he responded. ‘You just look like her’ he added.
‘So I’ve been told. It’s a shame I never got to meet her’ you said, knowing exactly that he was talking about your half sister Greta Jurossi.
Greta and her mother passed away of consumption before you were born. Your father became very upset by their passing and found comfort in your mother who he fathered two children with. You were the oldest.
Your half-sister Kitty Jurossi spoke about Thomas Shelby quite frequently as the love of Greta’s life. They had been together since they were 16 and you know that he left for France shortly after Greta passed at the age of 19.
Just as Tommy introduced himself to you and began asking you questions, the mistress returned and advised Tommy that arrangements had been made.
‘I changed my mind’ Tommy said. ‘Although, I would like Miss Jerossi to accompany me. I will cover her wages for the night’ Tommy said, causing your heart to skip a beat.
‘Mr Shelby, I am afraid to inform you that she has no experience. She is not one of our working girls. She is simply a barmaid. Although, if you insist and this is something you wish to explore further, we could perhaps come to some to an arrangement’ the mistress said.
You were speechless and felt like you were auctioned off to the highest bidder.
‘I am not intending to fuck her. I would simply like to continue our conversation, eh’ Tommy said sheepishly, catching the mistress by surprise.
‘This should be enough for her time and for you to put another barmaid on for the evening’ he added as he handed her 10 pounds.
‘Of course, Mr Shelby, thank you’ the mistress said before telling you to get your coat.
You grabbed your coat and met Tommy at the front of the club. Just as you arrived, he had lid himself a cigarette.
‘Common’ he said before you followed him to his car.
‘Where are we going?’ you asked. You were still slightly uncomfortable about the situation unfolding right in front of you.
‘A place I know’ he said as he drove off and, within ten minutes, you pulled up in front of a nightclub of a different kind. It was full of artists, a band was playing in the background and everyone enjoyed champaign and cocaine.
‘Common, have a seat’ Tommy said as he sat down with you in a somewhat private area.
He ordered you a drink and began to talk about Greta, his long-lost love. You were still unsure why you were there, with him. Whilst he asked you several questions about your life and your circumstances, it was mostly him who was doing the talking.
After several hours of talking, on the stroke of midnight, Tommy made you a proposal which was too good to refuse.
He offered you a job in Birmingham, as a maid. Apparently, his household was short-staffed and his wife needed more assistance. He was of the view that working in an up-market brothel as a barmaid was no job for a woman like you. Somehow, he didn’t know you, but he cared. He was concerned that, the longer you work there, the more likely it will become that you be asked to do more than just serve drinks.
His offer was kind and you accepted it with caveat that you had no experience as a maid.
He assured you that you will learn all you need to know on the job.
New Life
A week after your encounter with Thomas Shelby, your new life began.
You were introduced to the household and tried the best you could to settle in.
Most days, you were on your own with the other maids, Elizabeth Shelby, who was Tommy’s wife and Tommy’s two children.
Tommy’s wife Lizzie disliked you for obvious reasons. She insisted on older and experienced maids and it was evident to her why Tommy had hired you.
For a while you tried very hard to make Lizzie like you, but nothing took away the apprehension she had in respect of you.
Whilst you could understand her concerns, Tommy had never made any advances towards you. After all, you were much younger than him.
But, over the next few weeks, you learned why Lizzie was so apprehensive. Her marriage to Tommy was on the verge of breaking.
According to Sarah, one of the maids, Tommy and Lizzie were no longer sleeping in the same bedroom and she overheard Lizzie speaking to a solicitor in London to ascertain what her options were if she was to divorce him.
Sarah was of the view that there is no love between Tommy and Lizzie. There never has been.
Lizzie enjoyed the life and the money. Apparently, she used to be a working girl in Birmingham and this is how she met Tommy.
They used to sleep together, quite frequently, until one day she fell pregnant. When Tommy became a member of parliament, he married her. Clearly, he had to appear to be doing the right thing in a position like that.
Sarah herself had her eyes on Tommy and was the only other young maid who managed to stay. For some reason not apparent to you, Lizzie tolerated her. Perhaps she knew too much. After all, one of the reasons maids stayed at the Shelby household was because they were paid well, much better than in other households. Sarah was one of the few maids who had access to Thomas Shelby’s office and it was likely that she had to put a blind eye on the illegal activities Thomas Shelby engaged in.
Every Thursday Evening at 8 o’clock, Sarah would go to Tommy’s office and she would be there for an hour exactly. You timed it, right to the second, every week.
One week, you managed to quietly pass by the office on a Thursday evening at half past eight and you could hear them being intimate.
To your surprise, despite their weekly encounters, Tommy was cold towards her. He didn’t treat her differently to any of the other maids. It appeared to you that the sex they have was no more than another business transaction for Tommy.
Whilst Tommy wasn’t around much, when he was, he was different with you. He was kind and warm in his own way. You were the youngest maid in the household and even Francis said that you get away with mistakes that aren’t usually tolerated because Mr Shelby seems to have soft spot for you. Sometimes, he would even smile at you and you began to like him more than you should have liked a man his age. Sometimes, you even imagined what it would be like if it was you in Tommy’s office with him instead of Sarah.
To your surprise, after a month of you being at the Shelby house, Tommy started to call you into his office as well. You recalled the first time. It was a Tuesday evening, 8 o’clock and you were nervous.
Whilst you could imagine yourself sleeping with him, you had never been with a man before.
But, intimacy and sex was not what Tommy was after. He simply enjoyed your company and you would talk for hours, about horses, racing and politics.
Like a real gentleman, he kept his distance, offering you a drink and a cigarette while you talked and talking was all you ever did.
Sarah noticed reasonably quickly that your Tuesday night encounters with Tommy became a habit and once she even overheard you referring to him as Tommy as opposed to Mr Shelby.
Tommy insisted that you call him Tommy when you talked in private. It was not part of your work and he said that he felt old every time you called him ‘Mr Shelby’.
As another four weeks had passed, you could see the man within him who your step sister fell in love with and Kitty had spoken so highly about. He appeared to you every Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, a different man.
Mistakes Happen
To Lizzie’s and Francis’s annoyance, you made many mistakes. Burnt toast was just one of them. But none of that bothered Tommy.
As it has happened, one day you even managed to break an incredibly expensive vase as you paid more attention to Tommy getting dressed through the crack of his bedroom door. It was a sheer accident which probably wouldn’t have happened if you paid more attention to what you were doing at the time rather than Tommy’s naked chest.
‘I am so sorry Mr Shelby, I didn’t mean to drop this’ you said, totally embarrassed and flustered as the vase dropped to the floor and, hearing the shatter, Tommy emerged from his bedroom.
‘It’s alright Y/N, seriously. It’s just a vase, eh’ Tommy said with a smile on his face as he bent over, helping you to collect the pieces.
‘Please Mr Shelby, I can do this’ you said with some embarrassment. Your cheeks were flushed by the sight of him, wearing nothing but his suit pants.
Tommy’s eyes gazed over to you as he picked up the pieces and it was clear to you that he noticed your flushed cheeks.
‘Tommy, what are you doing?’ Lizzie said as she observed him collecting pieces of broken porcelain with you from the floor.
‘What does it look like Lizzie?’ Tommy asked. It was clear to you that they were fighting, again. They always fought. Sometimes you wondered why they were married at all.
The constant arguing between Tommy and Lizzie was exhausting. It exhausted everyone, even the maids.
‘I’ve got it Mr Shelby, please’ you said as you put more pieces of the broken vase into a bucket.
‘See, she’s got it Tommy, now would you please see Arthur. He is downstairs yelling and Charles has started to pick up the swear words’ Lizzie said.
‘Alright Lizzie, fuck’ he said as he got up and left you to it. As you were cleaning up the last of the broken pieces, you overheard Lizzie talk to Ada about you.
‘I really don’t know why Thomas had to employ her instead of someone more experienced’ she said.
‘She looks exactly like Greta, his first ever love, that’s why Lizzie’ Ada responded.
‘Well then he should have left her at the whorehouse and visit her there’ Lizzie said frustrated before walking off.
Lizzie’s comment made you rather upset and you were beginning to feel even more uncomfortable at the house with every day that went by.
Lizzie had begun to notice Tommy’s favouritism towards you and it was clear to you that she did not want you around.
After another two weeks, you couldn’t bare it any longer and decided to resign. The tension between you and Lizzie had become too much to tolerate.
You handed your written resignation to Tommy at noon on a Monday and, just as he read it, he walked to his office door and closed it behind him.
‘Sit down Y/N, have a drink’ Tommy said, causing you to flush.
‘Common’ Tommy said as he poured yourself a glass of whiskey, neat, before sitting down on one of the arm chairs.
You sat down across from him as he handed you the glass of whiskey.
‘I cannot accept this’ he said as he took a sip from his glass.
‘Tommy, I cannot continue to work for you. I am not suited for this job and I am fairly sure that neither your wife nor Francis like me very much’ you explained.
‘That might be right but, in the end of the day, I make the decisions, eh’ Tommy said. ‘And I would like you to stay’ he added.
‘Why? You can easily find a better maid’ you laughed.
‘Because you are smart Y/N and I enjoy your company. Please’ Tommy said.
‘Alright, I will give it another month and then reconsider’ you said.
‘Good’ Tommy smiled. ‘I see you tomorrow at the usual time?’ he asked, causing you to nod with a smile.
It was difficult for you to deny Tommy especially since your attraction towards him was growing, becoming almost unhealthy in a way. Why would you feel like this around a man who was twice your age? You wanted him and stayed around in the hope that he would offer you more than employment.
And just like this, with Thomas Shelby in the back of your mind, you went on with your work.
It’s Fucking Tuesday
Tuesday evening approached quickly and you couldn’t wait to see Tommy.
At 8 o’clock, you sneaked into his office as usual, barefoot and without knocking so that no one would notice.
Little did you know that, that evening, you would reveal a lot more to Tommy than you had initially anticipated.
As such, after two glasses of whiskey and a couple of cigarettes, you spoke honestly about your political views. You too were in support of communism and felt as though Tommy had lost his way in his political campaigns for the Labour Party.
‘The good old cause, eh’ Tommy laughed after you outlined to him where the Labour Party went wrong in your opinion. ‘You know Y/N, you remind me of someone, someone who was just as idealistic and passionate about changing the world as you are’ he added.
‘I’ve been told that before, by my father. He used to get rather frustrated with us both’ you said.
‘Kitty said that you were idealistic and in favour of an armed revolution once yourself. But then she told me that all of this changed after the war. The same Tommy never came back from France. You had changed. But I am not sure if I am willing to believe that’ you added.
‘No one came back Y/N’ Tommy said. ‘The war changed everyone’ he added.
‘That is true but, I think that the Tommy she spoke so highly about many years ago is still in there somewhere. I’ve seen it. You are still a man with ideals and a man who cares, even if you don’t want to admit it. If you didn’t care, I wouldn’t be here’ you said as you walked over in front of where Tommy was sitting in order to fill up your glass of whisky.
For a moment, you placed your empty glass on to the desk besides him and kneeled down in front of him.
‘You are a good man, Tommy. A good man who does bad things sometimes where necessary and the world needs more men just like you’ you said before you leaned in and pressed your lips onto his.
Without the two glasses of whiskey, you would never have been able to build up the courage to do this, but there you were, kissing Thomas Shelby.
Tommy gave into the kiss for a moment, his lips dancing with yours but his hands not leaving his chair.
‘This is wrong Y/N’ Tommy said as your lips drifted apart.
‘Yes’ you said before pressing your lips back onto his for a short moment. ‘Yes, it is’ you added and, just in that moment, Tommy leaned forward caressing your face and returning the kiss.  
This is what you wanted for so long, his lips on yours and your tongues exploring each other.
After about a minute, Tommy pulled away, looking into your dark eyes.
‘This is a bad idea Y/N’ Tommy said again, still cupping your face.
‘Well, then tell me that you don’t want me and I will leave right now’ you said.
‘I want you alright, but you are half my age’ Tommy said.
‘So what? You are Thomas Shelby, you can have whoever you want’ you said and, just like that, your hands reached for the buckle of his belt, undoing it slowly.
You could hear Tommy inhale deeply and knew exactly that he likes to be pleasured this way. You had never done any of this, but the working girls at the brothel spoke about it frequently. Sometimes, you saw them do it, in a quite corner of the club or the lavatories if the men liked to be watched.
‘Have you ever done this before?’ Tommy asked, looking down at you, his hand tangled in your hair. He could tell that you were nervous and completely out of your comfort zone.
You shook your head shyly and, as much as Tommy wanted to feel your mouth on his cock, he wanted you to feel entirely comfortable with what you were doing.
‘Come up’ he said, taking your hands and guiding you up towards him before pressing his lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.
‘You don’t want me to?’ you asked as you broke the kiss and Tommy buckled up his belt.
‘Trust me, I want you to’ Tommy smirked, cupping your face again.
‘But not like this’ Tommy said before giving you another kiss.
Just after your lips drifted apart, your eyes wandered downwards where could see Tommy’s erection pushing against his pants. He clearly was ready and you wondered why he stopped you.
‘Tomorrow, after 10 o’clock, in your room. If you want me to come, you leave your bedside lamp on. I will see the light through the bottom of the door. If you don’t want me to come then turn it off and I won’t, alright?’ Tommy said.
Tommy wanted you to be sure about this. Not influenced by whiskey and not in the heat of the moment.
You agreed to his suggestion and, after a few more kisses, you left his office.
A Night to Remember
The next evening, after you finished work for the day and had dinner, you made your way to your room. You had a bath, washed your hair and got dressed in some lingerie.
The fire was lid and, just as instructed, you left on the bedside lamp. It was only 9 o’clock and you had to wait another hour before Tommy would meet you. You tried to kill the time by reading a book, but you couldn’t think about anything but Tommy and what was about to happen.
You wondered what it would be like to be with a man, especially a man like him. He was clearly experienced. Nonetheless, you were worried that it would be painful.
Five minutes to ten, you put the book that you weren’t really reading aside and put on some perfume. You wanted to smell nice for him.
You positioned yourself on the bed, seductively. Your black lace underwear was highlighted by the light of the bedside lamp. Your hair was open, your curls running over your shoulders. Your porcelain pale skinned was complimented by the dark red lipstick you had borrowed from one of the maids.
Waiting impatiently, just as the clock stroke ten, you could hear the door opening.
‘You look beautiful’ Tommy smirked.
‘Just for you’ you said shyly, taking in a deep breath as Tommy walked over towards you.
He was wearing nothing but underpants and you couldn’t help but stare at his perfect body.
It wasn’t long until he climbed onto the bed with you and his lips met yours for a passionate kiss.
The kiss was urgent and his lips tasted like sweet whiskey. He took his time, his hands roaming over your body while his tongue was dancing with yours.
It wasn’t long until he found the clip of your bra and he opened it with ease.
‘If I would have known that it would come off so quickly, I wouldn’t have spent half my weekly wage on it’ you giggled.
‘Just an unnecessary piece of fabric’ Tommy chuckled as his fingers began to trace the lines of your body, curving around your now naked breasts, stroking and teasing your nipples.
His lips soon moved from your mouth down to your neck and then all the way to your breasts.
‘Mmhm’ you moaned as he began to bite your nipples gently while his hands roamed downwards to your stomach and then your lace panties.
Tommy hooked his thumbs in your panties and slowly drew them down your legs, leaving you totally exposed.
While kissing over your breasts gently, one of his hands moved directly in between your legs and his index finger traced through your wet slit, dipping into slightly.
You inhaled sharply and tensed up suddenly and unintentionally. Tommy could feel your body become stiff and your legs closing around his hand.
‘Do you want me to stop?’ Tommy asked as he moved upwards slightly, worried that this was too much too soon for you.
‘No Tommy, I want you’ you said desperately before pressing your lips back onto his.
‘Please’ you then said again as your lips drifted apart.
‘Alright. I will take it slow and you will tell me if I hurt you or if you want me to stop. Agreed?’ he said, causing you to nod.
And just like that, his lips met your again before he started to trail kisses down your body.
Just as he reached your stomach, he stopped and lowered himself further, right in between your legs.
Tommy hooked one of your calves around his shoulder and then started kissing up your ankle, your calf, your knee.
You had no idea what he was doing until he got closer and closer to your already soaking wet mound.
‘Tommy, what are you doing?’ you asked nervously. His face was so close to your most intimate parts that you flushed from embarrassment.
‘You’ll see’ he smirked just before, all of a sudden, he dipped his tongue to meet your sex.
‘Oh god’ you cried out, partly from pleasure and partly from the exhilaration of a sensation entirely foreign to your body.
He drew lazy circles around your clit, making your legs twitch of their own volition. Your hand nestled in Tommy’s hair, stroking it as you moaned.
Tommy adapted quickly, gauging your moans and learning your sweet spots.
While his tongue circled over your client, he carefully and slowly pushed a finger into you.
You tensed, but relaxed quickly as you couldn’t feel any pain.
He began to thrust it in and out in time with the rhythm of his tongue.
You felt dizzy, quivering with anticipation as heat pooled deep in your belly.
You whimpered, whispering "please" over and over again as you felt yourself on the verge of exploding. No orgasm you had ever given yourself had been like this—it felt electric.
Tommy could soon feel your walls tightening around his finger and increased the speed of his thrusts.
You clapped a hand over your mouth and screamed as you came, your back arching, legs shaking, hips grinding against him. Even after you were past your highest peak, you felt the energy tingling, jolting through you, inspiring little sighs.
When you opened your eyes, you saw him grin, wiping your nectar from his face with the back of his hand.
‘I think you are ready now eh’ he smirked before taking off his underpants.
He was large, larger than you had imagined.
You took in a deep breath, knowing exactly what was to come next.
Tommy could see the nervousness and concern on your face.
‘Don’t worry, I will go slow and we can stop at any time, alright’ he said as he positioned himself in between your legs.
‘Tommy, are you sure it will fit, I mean…’ you said nervously and, before you could finish your sentence, Tommy interrupted you with a mild chuckle.
‘It will fit Love’ he said before his lips met yours again for passionate kiss.
As he was kissing you gently, he positioned his cock at your entrance and began to press just the head into you.
It felt warm and moist.
Tommy’s normally-cool countenance was wide-eyed and intense as he began pushing into you.
Your breath hissed out in tandem as he began to stretch you open and you couldn’t help it but hold onto his upper arms tightly.
Pushing into you inch by inch, you groaned when he finally met the resistance of your hymen.
‘Tommy, please’ you moaned as you squeezed your eyes shut and braced yourself for what was coming.
Tommy leaned forward, slowly pushing through the resistance.
You both struggled to contain your yelps of pain and pleasure as he tore through you.
Your eyes welled up with tears as your recovered from the white-hot sharpness, but before long it was replaced by a feeling of blissful fullness. You fluttered open my eyes and gave him a lazy smile.
‘Are you alright?’ he asked, holding still, allowing you to adjust to his size. His voice was throaty and intense.
‘Yes’. I feel so... fucking... full’ you giggled and, just like that, he began to push deeper, then rocked his hips back out.
He thrusted in a slow, deliberate rhythm, working his cock into you inch by inch.
Every new thrust stretched you out beyond what you thought you could handle.
He looked down in a moment of surprise as your hips began to grind against him, trying to work his cock in and out of you. He chuckled, re-positioning himself for leverage, and began to fuck you.
He began with slower, shallower strokes, finding his rhythm and stretching you out. You could tell that he wanted to go faster, but your walls were gripping too tight for him to pound you just yet without hurting you.
You could see the hunger in Tommy’s features, feel it as his hand tangled in your hair and gave it a sharp tug.
The tug distracted you and gave him the opportunity he needed to thrust hard and deep into you.
You cried out, and the lingering pain in your body was suddenly replaced by explosive pleasure. You threw your arms around his neck and he drew his hips back before pounding you with another powerful thrust, and another, and another.
The sensations—the sound of your bodies slapping together, the smell of sex, the feeling of his body pounding into you—collided suddenly in a violent eruption, and you couldn't contain your cries of pleasure as you came for the second time.
Your pleasure and the feel of your walls spasming around him sent Tommy into overdrive.
He pounded you harder and harder, before tensing and releasing his seed inside you with a shuddering roar.
You both gasped for breath, covered in sweat, hearts racing from the heat of your encounter. His lips met yours in a deep kiss, and you tasted yourself again on his tongue.
‘You are so fucking beautiful’ Tommy said in between kisses before he finally pulled out of you, causing some of his cum mixed with some of your mildly blood-stained juices leak on the sheet.
‘Will you stay with me for the night?’ you asked as you pressed your cheek onto Tommy’s warm chest.
‘You know I can’t’ Tommy said as he ran his hand through your hair.  ‘But I’ll stay until you fall asleep eh’ he added before pressing his lips onto to yours yet again.
And so he did, he stayed with you until you drifted off to sleep.
The Aftermath
The next morning, you woke up early. Somewhat sore but full of energy.
Tommy didn’t have to tell you that, what happened last night, had to remain a secret.
Nonetheless, you hoped that you would have an encounter like this with him again soon.
To your surprise, when you got dressed, you noticed the stains on the white sheets.
You pulled them off quickly and decided to get them into the wash before the other maids had to use the laundry facilities.
As you walked into the laundry room with your sheets, you saw Sarah.
‘You are up early?’ you asked surprised.
‘Charles was sick last night and I have to clean his sheets. I think he doesn’t tolerate cows’ milk to be honest’ she said.
‘What about you?’ she asked.
‘Washing my sheets before it gets too busy’ you said shyly.
‘Didn’t you just wash your sheets?’ Sarah asked, taking them off your hands.
‘Sarah, please, let me’ you said. ‘It’s this time of the month’ you said nervously, lying of course, but trying to justify the somewhat small but obvious stains on your sheets.
‘Don’t worry, if I can clean up vomit, I can clean up anything. Despite, you don’t know how to use the new machine’ Sarah chuckled.
With reluctance and embarrassment, you agreed but, just as Sarah placed the stained sheets into the basin, she noticed a familiar scent. Tommy’s aftershave.
‘You know Y/N, you might want to see a doctor’ she said.
‘Why is that?’ you asked.
‘You said that it’s the time of the month for you. You had your menses ten days ago. That’s not normal don’t you think? Unless there is something else you have to hide Y/N?’ Sarah said sharply.
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