#and the ending where you flee the country and doom the rfa
Its an honest to god tragedy that cg of Saeray is tied to one of his most heartbreaking bad ends bc real talk? Easily my favorite look on him. The light pink waistcoat and pants, the black rose, buttons, and glove details, the swept bangs? God tier.
Actually if you let him undo the collar on that shirt and move the rose corsage (The shirt collar is tight with the rose right at his neck, because he's trapped all over again. Clever, Cheritz. Heartwrenching, but clever) I can imagine it being a formal outfit he wears to future RFA fundraisers?
Or maybe im just desperate to have this outfit in a positive light bc im weak for light colored suits lmao
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This is one the worst endings you can give Saeran Choi. Why? Because unlike in Ray Route when you team up with Rika to create a Puppet Savior, you're well aware of what Saeran wants and needs after a long two months and some change of knowing him and loving him as a free man. Yet, you throw his life and needs out the window the second Rika offers a reality where you're not separated from Saeran and he gets to live with you. You don't care about what he wants in this timeline. You care about what you want and the easiest way to get it.
You go and subjugate him to a living hell as a love puppet since you know he'll do whatever you think is right even if it's wrong for him. The worst part in all that? Saeran will burn and suffer for you if this is what makes you happy. He's dead inside. That's the reason why there is a black rose on his collar. It is a significant mark of death. He is dead inside and will only live to please you. He's not happy and he won't ever be happy in this timeline.
He is, for all intents and purposes, dead and numb to what's happening to him... for the sake of giving you what you want.
You trade what he wants away for a fantasy life Rika sold you and the worst part about that is you knew him so deeply and truly and that didn't even matter anymore. That's what makes this worse to me. You didn't know him that well when it came to the path you can take to make him the False Savior. You had no idea of what life he wanted apart from the mess you heard from Ray and Suit Saeran's lips. But, this path right here?
You knew him and you damned him to this horrible fate despite everything he dreamed of. You helped remove the chains from his throat in Magenta only to put them back on in V's mountainside villa.
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