#and the fact that I'm a wheel-using disabled person who can't hear and has no phone and specialists keep contacting my partner telling me to
scriptlgbt · 5 years
Delightfully, we are at an ever-increasing follower rate and there are plenty of new people checking out this blog daily. That’s rad, and I love you all and am glad you’re all here!
Right now we are overwhelmed with unanswered asks (well over 100) and our inbox (ask/submissions) are closed to sensitivity-based questions. Our private messaging is open for more logistical things, like contacting mod applicants and so on. If you’d like to send us a question, unfortunately it’s going to have to wait until our inbox opens again for questions.
Until then, please remember that we’ve answered a lot of questions and our archive and tag page is a great resource for the things we have answered on before.
Thank you for your patience!
- mod nat
#technically I can do sensitivity reading for you but right now I'm dealing w housing instability and a semester of school starting soon#which is a New Endeavor and I'm Really Really stressed out about it bc I also need to sort out student loans#and the fact that I'm a wheel-using disabled person who can't hear and has no phone and specialists keep contacting my partner telling me to#call them back like!! buddy with what ears!!! with what phone!!#I set up TTY on my partner's phone but I've not used it before and there is No instructions online for how to actually make those calls on#an android - only an iphone. so like what's up with that yknow? I asked twitter but it's like all my deaf friends use apple. idk.#and bc I can't reply to these institutions they've written 'noncompliant' in my file so I'm dealing with a lot of problems right now.#oh and students loans defaulted while I was homeless in 2015 so I'm not qualified to re-apply until I can get that sorted out#and I've already went to the office to be like 'what do I do!!' and they were like uh idk email us instead bc idk how to help u everyone's#in a meeting rn so this is bad timing.#I have looked at some of the mod applicants and that will get sorted eventually I promise#everyone else who is active in blog duties has also looked at them#and frankly I'm real impressed at so many of you BUT I do advise applicants look thru our stealth tag and binarism tag bc like#nobody got those questions right and I have a feeling I should have given some hints about them maybe.#honestly if you have trouble with any of those questions#just a tip: we've answered almost all of them before in this blog's history#more specifically I think I've answered them all before. not in the exact wording but I've talked about them for suresies#I'm telling stories in tags like I'm 19 again but let me tell u this: I haven't logged out of this acct in months so#I haven't been able to do tag stories in eons and if I log out of this account the queue will run dry and I won't notice tbh#it's all a hassle. anyway ily all and thank you for the patience to read this#also you may or may not know this but I am literally A Beggar so if u want to help me out financially and can please click my signature#(rn it's like -19c here and I don't have a winter coat. I've just been layering a gazillion sweaters under a tactical jacket and I'm not ok)#(plus have u seen the cost of parkas???? it's obscene)
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theunculturedsavage · 3 years
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This is the comment someone made to me today ( just realized the comment was actually made 2 days ago I just saw it today)on an online post on an article where I said the justice system in my state is fucked up because a young black mother is being tried on reckless endangerment and involuntary manslaughter charges for leaving her 3 year old with his wheelchair bound grandmother.
My mother worked in banks her whole career while also juggling all the work and stress of first simply being a military wife and then the added stress of being the commanders wife and somehow managed to raise well balanced, intelligent, successful kids while doing it. My father has literally never been absent in my life. In fact it's been quite the opposite he was wayy too involved for years. He balanced a 35 year military career with teaching Sunday school, coaching sports teams at all levels, showing us the world through incredible travel opportunities and supported every dream, goal, and random idea along the way. The kids they raised were all successful in their first careers and have all set their sights on secondary careers in the medical field just like our father did after he got out of the military. All of us were raised in the church and were active members of our church community. I even taught Sunday school all 4 years of highschool. I am not heterosexual and my family knows it, I've been open about my bisexuality since I was young, I am however currently engaged to a wonderful man whom I wouldn't trade for the world and both of my brothers are completely straight as far as I know.
This is the casual and unnecessary racism I deal with far too often. This case is already tragic to begin with because of the loss of a child, but to then compound that tragedy by charging his mother with recklessly endangering him and involuntarily causing his death because she had to work and our state shut down every school, day care, and child care facility due to Covid so she left him in the care of his grandmother who happened to be in a wheel chair. Which is a whole other issue in my eyes. The incredibly ableist idea that a person in a wheel chair is incapable of taking care of a child and therefor leaving a child with them constitutes reckless endangerment sets up a precedent that's nearly Hitlerian, how many people are now going to use this case a precedent to take kids away from good parents just because they are disabled in some way. I can see it now, it starts with taking all the children from wheelchair bound parents, then it's "well deaf parents can't hear their kids in an emergency", then "blind parents can't possibly watch their kids safely if they can't even see" Lost your arms in combat or born with out them , you can't carry your kid to safety in an emergency so we're taking them too. It's completely insane.
For 🤍 people to then compound this tragedy by saying things like this, and other awful things about black people as well. (There was another response not directed at me saying "3 years old, just in time, in 10 years he would have blossomed into another criminal" ) Yes literally saying they were thankful a child was dead because they are so racist they think young black boys all become criminals.
These 🤍 people are literally celebrating the death of a child, saying they hope his mother serves the max for essentially leaving him in her mother's care when an unforseeable tragedy occured, saying all 🖤 women are bad mother's, Yet according to so many of them we are supposed to be the Uncultured Savages of the world. One again I'm pretty sure I'd rather be an Uncultured Savage than a racist ignorant horrible excuse of a human being, but maybe that's just me.
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