#everyone else who is active in blog duties has also looked at them
nrc-research-club · 2 years
driver’s license
↬ Summary: In which you finally get your driver's license and offer a ride to the guys. It goes as well as you can imagine.
↬ Characters: Jamil Viper, Jade Leech
↬ Tags: fluff, bit of crack
↬ Notes: i am back!! from a very long hiatus!! i also have another side blog for another fandom now haha so that made me think of writing something for here. also on a side note.. should i open ko-fi or something similar for those who want to commission when requests are closed? let me know in an ask or a reply or literally anywhere haha
Jamil Viper
↬ When you tell Jamil that you've finally gotten your license, he feels, at the very least, proud. Driving is hard no matter how you look at it, and getting a license is just proof of how much you've practiced earning one. He gives you reminders such as to never drink and drive or to always take a break if you feel like you're too tired to drive.
↬ He's quite confident in you, so when you ask him if he wants to join you for a ride, he thinks of how to leave Kalim in someone's care for a while before saying yes. His family would kill him for this, but Kalim would kill everyone in the car if he were to join.
↬ With Kalim out of the way and you being super enthusiastic about driving, the two of you get in the car with high hopes. You've planned on driving around town to do some errands, but the moment you start your car, it makes a weird noise that drains the color from Jamil's face.
↬ "Hey," he says after a long pause, getting nervous and rechecking his seatbelt. You still have a smile on your face, but it doesn't ease his worries one bit. "That doesn't sound good—"
↬ The car jerks forward before moving again, and he swore he got whiplash and a heart attack from it. Your engine sounds like it's dying, making whirring noises that definitely sounded wrong.
↬ "It's okay!" you say as you step on the gas. The car whirs and buzzes as the speedometer rises (along with Jamil's blood pressure), and then realization dawns on you. "Oh! I forgot to change my gear. Hold on."
↬ As you take one hand off the steering wheel, the car starts moving to the side. Jamil snaps, holding onto his seat for dear life as he watches his life flash in front of him. Maybe this was good since it would free him from his duties, and yet… dying in a car crash seems too terrible, even for him.
↬ "What are you doing!?" he asks when you accidentally turn your headlights on instead of making a signal. A car from behind you honks its horn, but you pay it no mind as you make a turn and activate the signal at the very last moment. It's a wonder you haven't gotten pulled over yet.
↬ "Just relax! See, let's park right there," you say, briefly gesturing to a spot sandwiched between two, very expensive-looking cars. Jamil glances between you and the cars, sighing in disbelief as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
↬ "Get out," he says, already halfway through the door. The last thing he needs is to pay for damages when you inevitably crash into those cars. "I'm going to be the one driving from now on."
Jade Leech
↬ Jade is very supportive from the start, his carefully practiced expression dismissing any of your initial concerns. Little do you know there are pads, a helmet, and a first aid kit in his bag, just in case the two of you needed it even before you arrived at the campsite. He observes you as you start the car, noting how you checked the mirrors and seatbelts first before anything else. Good.
↬ It's a long drive ahead, so he's resigned himself to keeping you alert so you don't fall asleep. After all, you're the only one with a license between the two of them, because driving with his new legs is a little too complicated for Jade yet.
↬ The drive starts out fairly fine. He has never heard that many suspicious noises in the span of a few minutes in his lifetime, but he chalks it up to your relative inexperience. No one starts out perfect at driving, especially with how difficult it is in the first place.
↬ He would've applauded you for even getting to the freeways without crashing into anyone yet if it weren't for your personality change midway. You start spewing out insults, pressing on the gas to overtake some poor grandmother who was in the wrong lane. If he hadn't known you for some time, he would've been… scared.
↬ "Yeah, get your ass off the highway if you can't keep up with the minimum speed limit," you spit as you get back to your original lane. Jade retains the calm facade on his face, but he's already thinking if he should force you into pulling over and calming down soon.
↬ "My dear," he starts out, one hand in his backpack in case he already needs to take the helmet out. "Shouldn't you exercise more patience? You are a new driver yourself, after all."
↬ "Nah," you say, swerving as another slow car blocks your way. Jade is sure you're breaking so, so many laws right now. "Oh hey, that's our exit. Crap, I'm not in the outer lane right now."
↬ After narrowly missing your exit and decreasing Jade's lifespan by at least a few years, the two of you are finally at the base of the mountain you decided on camping at. Jade's legs shake as he gets out of the car, threatening to give up as he attempts to walk over to your side.
↬ With a gentle, yet firm hand on your shoulder, he gives you his signature smile before saying, "Let us take the mirror next time, shall we?"
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stvharrngton · 7 months
Can I ask a genuine question?
I have shared stuff on here, but my friend hasn't because she uses this as an escape from the real world. She has shared on her other social media. Isnt that ok?
I keep seeing this issue pop up in the Fandom. Maybe i have a different way of looking at it, but if you have for example a sideblog where you only reblog fanfiction or one solely for nsfw things, it would feel weird and almost disenguineois to share something once. Like you're scrolling through smut and then there is just a random post? It feels almost like you are just sharing it to say you did, at least in my mind?
And now people are being attacked for supposedly not saying anything. I got a nasty message from an anonymous and I HAVE shared things before (I also only have like 15 followers so it probably wouldn't be hard to figure out who did it).
I understand the creators of the show are shitty people, and people can call that out and should, but are we also not allowed to live in a Fandom space? I know that is very privileged of me to say, but can we stop sending hate and bashing those who may or may not have shared about what is going on because I fear it's going to have the opposite effect.
Like for me getting that bad message...I ignored it but it also made me disgruntled. Like, im still going to share stuff and be vocal cause my blog has been for other things in the past and this is more important. But if it annoyed me and made me want to not say anything out of spite, how many others who run solely Fandom blogs? If that makes sense?
it does make sense what you’re saying and i do understand your point.
for me, and this is my personal opinion, it doesn’t really matter whether you are solely a fandom blog or not? this is a side blog for me to post my fanfiction and reblog any steve/stranger things related content and yet i will still post things relating to palestine and those within the show who are zionists because i believe it is an extremely important belief to express and whether you like it or not, it relates to stranger things and the fandom itself, in my view, and by not saying anything or believing you shouldn’t have to say anything is condoning their behaviour. its genocide at the end of the day and when it comes to an issue of human rights i don’t believe it should matter whether it fits in with your blog or not, or whether it would be perceived as weird to be scrolling through fanfiction and to then see a random post about something else i truly don’t think it should matter? i know i wouldn’t find it weird or disingenuous. but then again i am just one person and like i said thats just my opinion really
i totally understand the want to escape from the real world and why people may use their blogs and fanfiction to do this and this is a valid response as we all have lives beyond on our blogs and stuff going on personally but like you said it is privileged and i do believe we should all acknowledge that. the images are graphic and what is happening is extremely upsetting but in my opinion that is no reason to simply ignore what is happening. i don’t have an issue with people necessarily being silent (i don’t really have the time to trawl through people’s blogs to check if they have posted or not!) although i don’t agree with it, i would never try to police how people use their blogs or try and police their activism but my issue is specifically with people who are asking the question as to why they should bother saying anything if that makes sense? because for me it comes off extremely shitty and privileged that people seem to not be bothered about what’s happening because it’s not happening to them. i do believe everyone has a responsibility to condone a genocide that many of our governments (my own included) are funding and supporting
whether people want to believe it or not some people in the fandom do have a certain amount of influence due to their large following and i’m not saying it’s their duty to speak up on every single issue but i do believe it should be acknowledged but personally for me it doesn’t matter how many followers i have on either blog if it’s important i’m going to post about it and it’s a shame that others don’t share that view. i don’t know if it’s because im extremely political and have no issue articulating or expressing my beliefs? but i know others are not the same as me.
i don’t condone anyone getting hate asks, having been on receiving end of those, it isn’t nice. no one should be on the end of those no matter what the subject is. i don’t think it has any place in fandom at all and it’s such a shame that it seems to be so rife in the stranger things fandom. but i do believe in debate and a civilised discussion of politics and world issues in fandom spaces ESPECIALLY when it is directly linked to certain members of the cast and the show
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Various services are provided by National Disability Insurance Scheme and Supported by independent living groups.
Everyday living for specially disabled people is not easy. They tend to face challenges even in the smallest of small chores of life. Especially disabled people have always been looked up to differently by normal people. They have also been treated differently many times. We should always show compassion and kindness towards everyone in society. Everyone in this world has a specific motto and goals in their life, and so do differently disabled people.
The world will become a better place if they also get the same respect and kindness as others. They will find their path of living and lead their own life successfully. Particular service providers help differently disabled people in leading an everyday life like everyone else. Some of them are National Disability Insurance Scheme services providers, supported Supported independent living groups, and disability support workers. In this blog, we are going to discuss the various services provided to differently disabled people by the service providers.
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Everything you need to know about the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Disability service providers-
NDIS service providers are dedicated to working with differently disabled people and making them feel normal like others. They also help them in their day-to-day activities, which they find difficult. They do not treat them as mere customers but treat them personally. These service providers perform their duties with complete dedication and passion, not just for money. These service providers have professionally been trained by their seniors and experts on how to handle differently disabled people with care and good love. They know precisely what they are doing and are considered the best choices for differently disabled people.
Let us now discuss in detail the various services provided by them.
Services provided by National Disability care Insurance Scheme services providers and Disability support workers-
1) Housing short-term, medium-term, and long term living-
There is a section for differently disabled people who have been abandoned by their families or who do not have families. NDIS service providers assist and guide them in receiving housing loans which ultimately helps them in standing on their own feet. They support and empower them to be better versions of themselves for their excellence.
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2) Providing them Personal assistance if necessary for all their daily activities-
There is a section of differently disabled people who can walk or stand-alone due to physical limitations. Support groups come into the picture by providing them with the needed assistance and help for their daily activities. They are constantly available with them to cater to their requirements because the family members can’t be available for the service for 24 hours.
3) Supported Independent Living-
NDIS helps in creating a supported independent living for differently disabled people with their professional assistance and emotional support. They not only help them financially but also provide them with passionate service by being there for them whenever they need it.
These institutes are the hope for differently disabled people with a lot of positive energy and motivation.
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kai20th · 2 years
Asuncion_11 TITUS_E-TECH
For me, blogging is a way or a platform in which we are given a chance to reflect on life or works of art and show it to the world not to brag but to inspire. I will introduce myself to the blogging community by focusing on the questions of who I am, why I do this, what I want, what I do every day, and finally, what my story is. I want to use conventional and original approaches to help my audiences achieve their goals. I want to use this opportunity to uplift and inspire everyone. I want to use it to inform people about my advocacy and tell the world who I am.
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Showing and presenting myself and my future job/career ten years from now is a little bit scary, for we don't know what will happen in the future as they say, "Huwag kang magsalita ng patapos." Still, I would say that ten years from now, I see myself doing the things I love and being an Architect and Engineer.
All the learnings we learn inside our school, experiences, and daily routines are vital in every step we take to our destination. The lesson on our different subjects would help us when we become professionals, and we can also help others by sharing our knowledge. More thing that I would say that will help me is the core values that I learned from St Paul. These are Christ-centeredness, commission, community, charism, and charity. The central focus of a Paulinian's life in Christ; we emulate and follow Him in everything we do. Like Christ, a Paulinian actively works "to save" our world by making it a better place to live. It is our mission in life: to proclaim the good news. As responsible family members and citizens, we care about creating communities, advancing people, justice, peace, and environmental protection. Our responsibility is to develop our abilities to use them to benefit the community. We continuously work to improve, constantly looking for the ultimate good. The Paulinian is kind, welcoming, and "all to all," especially to the underprivileged, driven by the love of Christ. Paulinian Education is committed to the formation of self-directed Catholic Filipino men and women who find fulfillment in thoughtful conversation and effective leadership as we fulfill our duties to God, our nation, and our fellow citizens. One of our goals is to use the image of God to make a difference in the world.
The STEM strand is an approach to learning and advancement that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Under the STEM STRAND, you can become a pilot, an architect, a physicist, a biologist, a chemist, an engineer, a dentist, a nurse, a doctor, and a lot more. STEM, which emphasizes more mathematics and sciences that we can utilize in our daily lives, is, in my opinion, for an aspiring architect and engineer in the future it is the best option. It matters because it touches every aspect of our lives. One of the subjects that most directly correspond to the STEM strand is undoubtedly architecture. Architecture is a discipline that includes science, technology, engineering, and math in every aspect. Students must learn about science, technology, engineering, and arithmetic when building a room, building, or structure. The Foundation makes the addition the arts because they inject creativity into the science of building structures. It enables the students to approach concepts that nobody else has in unique ways. The STEM strand is critical in linking recent scientific and mathematical advancements in engineering to practical, real-world applications. Students might follow numerous distinct subfields in the engineering area, even though its main concentration is developing, evaluating, and testing novel structures and concepts.
Architecture is one of the most demanding courses "In history" we could take in college. Many say architecture is easy because "it's just about drawing ." But for the record, architecture is not easy because it will base on measuring, shading, painting, carvings, patterns, etc. Another one is engineering, and people underestimate engineering because they think it is just all about building something like a house but little do they know that it's more than that. Architecture and Engineering are also about creating a work of art. When I started studying here at SPUP, I was very excited, especially about our subject, "Arts ." Arts here at SPUP taught me to improve, especially my skill, and I joined the "Pintados" club under Sir Jayson Villanueva (My T.L.E. teacher since my 1st year and our Coordinator in pintados). Pintados is a club where you can find the funniest students in the whole JHS BLDG, and in this club, we can always do what we want and here we can learn many types of techniques, and it also tests our ability, especially in arts. Learning arts is very important for future architecture and engineering students like me, and I always want what is best for my future. So, I plan to take an entrance exam on U.S.L. & U.S.T. (in the future) because USLT is one of the best schools here in Cagayan regarding architecture and engineering. It goes the same with U.S.T., the first architecture school and the Top 2 here in the country. They are also known for engineering. I aim to learn more and be the best version of myself someday.
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scriptlgbt · 5 years
Delightfully, we are at an ever-increasing follower rate and there are plenty of new people checking out this blog daily. That’s rad, and I love you all and am glad you’re all here!
Right now we are overwhelmed with unanswered asks (well over 100) and our inbox (ask/submissions) are closed to sensitivity-based questions. Our private messaging is open for more logistical things, like contacting mod applicants and so on. If you’d like to send us a question, unfortunately it’s going to have to wait until our inbox opens again for questions.
Until then, please remember that we’ve answered a lot of questions and our archive and tag page is a great resource for the things we have answered on before.
Thank you for your patience!
- mod nat
#technically I can do sensitivity reading for you but right now I'm dealing w housing instability and a semester of school starting soon#which is a New Endeavor and I'm Really Really stressed out about it bc I also need to sort out student loans#and the fact that I'm a wheel-using disabled person who can't hear and has no phone and specialists keep contacting my partner telling me to#call them back like!! buddy with what ears!!! with what phone!!#I set up TTY on my partner's phone but I've not used it before and there is No instructions online for how to actually make those calls on#an android - only an iphone. so like what's up with that yknow? I asked twitter but it's like all my deaf friends use apple. idk.#and bc I can't reply to these institutions they've written 'noncompliant' in my file so I'm dealing with a lot of problems right now.#oh and students loans defaulted while I was homeless in 2015 so I'm not qualified to re-apply until I can get that sorted out#and I've already went to the office to be like 'what do I do!!' and they were like uh idk email us instead bc idk how to help u everyone's#in a meeting rn so this is bad timing.#I have looked at some of the mod applicants and that will get sorted eventually I promise#everyone else who is active in blog duties has also looked at them#and frankly I'm real impressed at so many of you BUT I do advise applicants look thru our stealth tag and binarism tag bc like#nobody got those questions right and I have a feeling I should have given some hints about them maybe.#honestly if you have trouble with any of those questions#just a tip: we've answered almost all of them before in this blog's history#more specifically I think I've answered them all before. not in the exact wording but I've talked about them for suresies#I'm telling stories in tags like I'm 19 again but let me tell u this: I haven't logged out of this acct in months so#I haven't been able to do tag stories in eons and if I log out of this account the queue will run dry and I won't notice tbh#it's all a hassle. anyway ily all and thank you for the patience to read this#also you may or may not know this but I am literally A Beggar so if u want to help me out financially and can please click my signature#(rn it's like -19c here and I don't have a winter coat. I've just been layering a gazillion sweaters under a tactical jacket and I'm not ok)#(plus have u seen the cost of parkas???? it's obscene)
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wwilloww · 4 years
restless sleep | myg
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PAIRING yoongi x reader
RATING explicit. 18+
GENRE smut. fluff. established relationship. sleeping beauty!au. 
WC 4.5k
SUMMARY When one of you is always asleep, spending quality time together becomes easier to do in dreamworld, especially when you’re clear with Yoongi exactly what it is you’ve been fantasizing about. 
WARNINGS AND TAGS explicit conversation about somnophilia and consent. consensual somnophilia. fingering. mouth fucking. grinding. dirty talk. unprotected sex within an established relationship. creampie. cum play.
AN Please read the warnings and tags before diving into this piece! If it doesn’t toot your horn, don’t worry! And a little reminder: this blog is a space of sexual exploration into consent and kink in my own life and that this piece is a part of that, although in a different direction than I’ve gone before. With that in mind, I ask that you be respectful of this new exploration. Thanks!
With that out of the way, @joopiterjoon gets all the love and finger hearts from Namjoon today as they helped me beta this on a whim this afternoon. We can thank them for helping me string together this story to where it is now. And of course, sending love to @thatlongspringnight who somehow finds a way to becoming an integral part of my creative process no matter what it is I’m working on. 
This fic is part of the Wish Upon a Star Collab. We have a full month of Disney inspired stories, so keep an eye out for them! 
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©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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restless sleep
It’s been so long since you’d been to the ocean. You missed the sea breeze, that familiar and spiteful twang to the air. You missed the ocean, lapping at the tops of your feet as you walk for hours. You missed wandering into the gentle swells of the waves on impulse until the water reached your collarbone. You would only stop your walk into the ocean when you were far enough out that you could hear the breakers crashing behind you. And then you would just stand there — or float, if it were deep enough — and let the rocking rhythm of the ocean moving towards the shore roll through you.
The best part would be that as you fell asleep that night in some hostel bed or in the warm cocoon of a hammock, as sleep began to lap at your consciousness, your body would remember the rocking. The push and pull of water around you. Completely dry, you were surrounded by the water, the careful, pulsating embrace of the sea.
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Yoongi promised he would take you.
“Soon, I promise, soon,” he would tell you, gripping your hand and smiling at you after you told him about another dream about the coast. When Yoongi made a promise, it was going to be kept.
But there were things to be done first. After your marriage, life exploded with expectation, with responsibility. Even as you settled into the gentle sway of life in your new home, there were obligations that kept you tied here.
So, in dreams, you chased the ocean. Hunted down the salted air, the sand between your toes, and the feeling of being wrapped up in something so much larger than you.
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“What if I told you I wanted you to be able to do… anything to me.”
Yoongi lowers the book he’s been reading, looking up at you over the thick spine. You stand at the foot of the bed, wearing one of your softest, largest shirts. You often wore something like this to bed, only to shuck it off over your head the moment Yoongi’s hands came to rest on your waist.  
His brow presses for a moment, mouth opening in that cute little gape.
“What — You don’t mean anything, do you?”
You laugh and plop onto the bed, crawling towards him. Why does it have to be so goddamn big? You think, eager to be in his lap.
Despite being a deep sleeper, you were also a restless sleeper and the reason why Yoongi had invested in such a large fucking bed.
A large fucking bed, he chuckled to himself.
Not only were you wild in bed, you were wild in bed, often switching positions at least six or seven times during the night. It was a frequent occurrence to find you half slumped off the end of the mattress, ass in the air, as if you attempted, failed, and collapsed in the middle of trying to climb into bed. Yoongi often woke to find you starfished across the blankets, a leg thrown across his abdomen and three fingers shoved into his mouth. If he wasn’t such a deep sleeper himself, if he wasn’t so fucking in love with you, he might be annoyed by it. So he just bought a bigger bed and made sure to thoroughly wear you out before you fell asleep. You were happy to oblige with his exercise suggestions, especially when they involved rope, roleplay, or pushing the boundaries of your desire for each other. With Yoongi, it was always safe to explore.
Finally settled in his lap, you take the book out of his hands and toss it towards the nightstand. You reach out for the thick lock of hair that has fallen into his eyes and brush it back, smoothing out the press of his forehead. He softens beneath your touch.
“When I say anything — I mean anything.” Your lips purse for a second, thinking about how to say the next thing. “There’s something that thrills me about the idea that I’m yours, entirely. That I’m here, for you, for every single one of your needs and wants and—” you smirk on the last word, “ — desires.”
“Surely you can’t mean anything.”
“Consider this my blanket consent statement.”
“So if I insisted on cooking dinner every night of the week? You would just let me?”
You frown. “I’ve just offered you a blanket consent statement and your first instinct is to take on more of the household duties?” He chuckles.
“Well, then. That and…” Yoongi shifts you in his lap and you gasp. He’s still wearing his jeans, but you can feel the press of his hard cock through the fabric against your bare pussy. “What if during those dinners, I asked you to crawl under the table, onto your knees. Take my cock out of my pants and suck me dry.”
“I’d happily oblige you,” you say, your voice wavering a little as you press your clit against the rough fabric, seeking any kind of friction to ease the quickly rising ache in your cunt.
“If we were out swimming in the lake and I wanted you there and then.”
“Then you’d have me, there and then.”
His voice drops, becoming quieter, darker, as his hands dip to your waist, underneath the shirt. “If I wanted to tie you up, spread wide and willing in the front room for everyone to see, and fuck orgasms out of you until you couldn’t cum anymore.”
“I know,” you say, brushing your lips against his. “that you’re actively trying to dissuade me of my desire, but instead you’re only convincing me that this was absolutely the right thing to bring up. See?” You take his hand and, lifting the fabric of your shirt, bring it beneath. You guide his hand to the apex of your legs to where wetness has gathered and is now dripping.
“Not wearing anything beneath this. Do you see how willing I am to be anything for you, my love? To be fucked by you? Used by you?” You let your lips trace the angle of his jaw towards his ear. “To be your pretty little sex toy?”
His breath hitches in his throat.
“Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll drop it. I won’t bring it up again,” you whisper.
“That’s not it. Not it, not one bit.”
His eyes glimmer with mischief.
“Then where is your hesitation?”
“Just contemplating when and where to begin.”
“What would you say if I told you I wanted you to fuck me while I was sleeping?”
In a moment, Yoongi has flipped you so that you’re beneath him now. Your breath rushes out of you as your back lands on the mattress. He crawls up your torso, an animalistic fire glinting in his eyes. He takes the hem of your shirt between his teeth, guiding it up your chest until your breasts are exposed to him.
“I’d say that sounds like an excellent idea.” He continues to move up ever so slowly until he’s face to face with you. In one swift movement, you feel his clothed erection press up against your cunt and you gasp. “Tell me more. Exactly how do you imagine me fucking you?”
“Good—” You gasp as he presses his hips to yours, your hand automatically reaching for his arm for grounding as pleasure shoots through you. “I imagine you fucking me good.”
Yoongi chuckles.
“Don’t I always?”
“I need you to be more specific. When can I fuck you?”
“Anytime,” you say. “You can fuck me whenever. Whenever you want.”
His nose traces up your neck until his teeth latch onto your earlobe.
“You sure?”
“And how can I fuck you?”
“Literally—” Your hands wrap around his neck, pressing him to you as he kisses and nips at the sensitive skin on your neck. “--however you’d like. I don’t think you—” You gasp as his hand drifts down to your center, two fingers sliding through your folds. But you grit your teeth and keep going. “--you understand what a blanket consent statement entails.”
He pulls back just enough for you to see the determination in his eyes.
“Oh, I do, my love. I just want to hear from you exactly how you imagine this little fantasy playing out.” As he slips a finger inside you, you bite down on your lip. “So tell me. Tell me about this fantasy of yours.”
You struggle to keep your breath under control as he begins pushing his fingers deep into you. He is still wearing his rings — just the way you liked it — and the shocking contrast of the warmth of his body and the cool metal of the jewelry slipping inside you always had you gasping.
“I want you—” You squeeze your eyes shut as he curls his fingers against your g-spot. “I want you to fuck me in whatever way comes to mind.” Another press, another gasp. “Want you to take what you need. Whatever thought crosses your mind—” He slides a third finger into you. Begins pumping in and out as he watches your face and drinks in every flicker of pleasure. “Wanna be your fuck toy.”
“And what else do you want?”
“Wanna wake up with your cum inside me.”
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Sleep feels like a fucking boulder, resting on Yoongi’s chest. Crawling out from underneath it is painful. Difficult, even. If he wakes in the middle of the night, it’s with squinting eyes and a bit of an ache in his limbs.
But tonight when he wakes, his chest heaves, his breath coming quickly. He blinks as the wisps of his dream seem to linger around his mind, both intangible and utterly drowning:
Your fingers, wrapped around his throat, pressing so lightly. You smiled down onto him, that smile he couldn’t erase from his mind’s eye. Was it the pressure on his artery or the delight in your gaze that made his head dizzy?
He sucks in a deep breath, feeling his cock twitch against his stomach.
A light snore echoes from the other side of the bed.
You’re stretched out on the pillow next to him. No matter where he slept on your extra large bed, you always seemed to gravitate towards his presence. Tonight, your hand is reached out towards him, fingers wrapped lightly around his bicep.
Your face half pressed into the pillow, your cheek rounded and reflecting the lightest stream of moonlight.
Your lips, pressed so sweetly together, he could imagine himself slipping inside, feeling the warmth of your tongue lapping over him, the divine heat of your mouth sucking him dry—
His eyes shoot open.
The last time you two had tried this — fulfilling your little fantasy — you had been so excited that you woke up as soon as his dick touched you. It had ended in all of your sheets stripped from the bed and your head and one arm draped off the end of the mattress as you both panted like you’d just run a marathon without any training. It was good. Sex with you was always good. But it hadn’t been what you wanted.
Looking over you now, you’re dead asleep. With the ghost of a smirk playing against his lips, he pulls himself up to sitting and comes to kneel by your head.
You look so serene while sleeping, he almost doesn’t want to disturb you. But as your lips part and you take a long, deep breath, his dick twitches against his stomach and he realizes: He wants this just as much as you do.
Wrapping his ring-clad fingers around the base of his cock, he gave himself a slow stroke up and down the length, stroking from half hard to a little more than half hard. Carefully, he presses the tip to your lips. They part without him pushing.
Your tongue flicks out, licking up the bead of precum that glimmers at the tip. You hum sleepily in delight. While you were a restless and responsive sleeper, you were also a notoriously deep sleeper. Yoongi pushes the head of his cock into your mouth, your jaw widening, your tongue flattening instinctively at the intrusion.
You purse your lips and suckle softly at the tip of his cock and Yoongi can't help the hiss that leaves his mouth.
"Even asleep," he whispers, "You're such a good little pet for me." He reaches for you, smoothing the hair out of your eyes and coming to grip your head tenderly.
Ever so gently, he presses further into you, feeling the warm and wet heat of your mouth envelop him. He doesn't go too far though. He's not interested in gagging you awake with his cock. He'd much rather watch your eyes flutter open, mid orgasm. Fighting the urge to throat-fuck you - because that is always the urge with you - he strokes in and out of your warm and waiting mouth with deliberation, using his grip on your head to maneuver you to his whim. With each pull, his cock gets a little bit harder.
When he's fully hard, he slips out of your mouth with a slight pop.
In your sleep, your brow furrows and you sleepily reach out for him, fingers tracing over the now-unoccupied pillow. If a sleeping person could look disgruntled, you're the perfect image of it.
"Don't worry, baby," he murmurs. "I'll give you exactly what you want."
Yoongi moves the thin sheet aside and you mumble a little as the cool air of the room sweeps over your skin, raising goosebumps to the surface. Beneath it, you're the image of perfection. Every curve, every roll, every little mark and bump and detail you might have found issue with radiates with the mark of perfection: the mark of you. Tonight, your rambunctious sonambulations have brought you into a strange but oddly convenient position. Belly down, face half pressed into the pillow, knee pulled up to your side. The position adds a slight curve to your lower back and accentuates the round hill of your ass.
"Perfect," Yoongi whispers, pressing a hand to your lower back before letting his fingers spread wide, letting his hand cup the rounded swell of your ass, watching the way your flesh moulds to his touch.
Hand wrapped around the base of his cock, he glides the head of it through your sopping folds. A small sound of satisfaction slips from you as he presses against your clit, and you adjust in your sleep, pushing your ass up even further for him, already pushing towards the pleasure building in your lower abdomen. With a bit more bravado, Yoongi pushes more of his length through your lips, gathering the moisture there to coat himself thoroughly.
There’s a part of him that just wants to go like this, rutting slowly against your ass until he cums, spilling himself into the small of your back. But you had been specific in what you wanted — and, after all, who was he to deny you?
He notches the head of his cock against your entrance and after a deep breath, begins to push inside. A shaky breath racks through him as the tight walls of your cunt wrap around him, drawing him in, drawing him closer. He slides a hand up your spine, tracing your body as he continues to push inside you, working his cock into you inch by inch.
Finally seated fully within you, he lets out a quick breath, a laugh almost. You, wrapped around him, is as incredible as ever. Warm. Tight. Wet.
Slowly, he begins to move, pulling in and out, watching the way his cock emerges from your cunt coated in your arousal, watching the way your ass jiggles just enough when he slides in all the way. Your body accepts him, tightens around him, sparks him with pleasure. Your breath stutters as he sets a pace.
“Mm,” you murmur. “Yoongi.”
He pauses for a moment, gaging whether you are awake or not. But your eyes stay shut and your limbs stay leaden.
Are you dreaming of him? he wonders. With his cock buried inside you, will you notice the warmth that spreads through your abdomen? Are you dreaming about him fucking you, taking his pleasure — or are you somewhere else entirely, your body responding in tandem to his actions?
For him, the answers to the same questions cut like clear and cold water through his mind. Pleasure, rearing her head in his consciousness.
He wants to touch you.
He pulls out of you and you whine at the loss of contact, hand drifting through the sheets around you in search of him, coming up empty. But his touch isn’t quickly lost — his hands grip your hips, turning you gently and slowly until you’re laid out for him on your back. You smack your lips sleepy, a sloppy hand coming to brush the hair in your face. When he crawls over you, he settles his weight just enough on top of you that his presence drifts down through layers of dream, layers of sleep and into your sense of presence.
He fits right where he’s supposed to. On top of you, surrounding you, within you. He was there in your dreams too, sitting beside you in some kind of strange and foreign garden, speaking softly and in words you know but don’t understand. You’re drawn up through the dream, greens and pinks shifting into the deep purple of the room, the dark red of the pleasure burning low and hot in your abdomen. Dream, mid-sleep, waking: through it all there is one constant.
Your eyes flutter open, splitting from the warmth of your mind to the blanketing darkness of the bedroom. He watches.  
“Sh, baby,” he murmurs, brushing the hair off of your face. “Relax. You can go back to sleep.”
“Closer,” you mumble, the word half spoken. Your arm wrapping weakly around his back.
He chuckles, pressing his cock against your belly once more, grinding into you with the lightest of pressure. He’s hard. Painfully hard.
“I’m going to fill you up,” he whispers in your ear. “Fill you up with my cum.”
You hum, fingers slowly spreading down his arm. “Good boy.”
He’s not sure if it’s supposed to be deriding or complimentary or what, because a yawn is already spreading across your face, eyes fluttering closed shut again. Whatever you meant, it comes out sweet. Contented.
He lets his hands run over you, tracing the dip of your waist up towards your chest, hands skirting the swell of your breasts before taking them beneath his palm, kneading them softly and slowly. You sigh into his touch. This, getting to look at you, laid out beneath him, sleepy and still — it’s something else entirely. It is the act alone, an indulgence, a new way of looking at you. Getting to take you in completely and without boundary.
For the second time of the night — or early morning — Yoongi grips his cock and begins to ease slowly inside you. He grips your hip for leverage as he pushes inside, maneuvering your body to his will. Your walls part willingly for him and he slips easily within you. Laid attop you, it feels as if he is notched against you, within you, like a puzzle piece. There’s no way he could go any deeper, reach any further into you. When he begins to move, hips pumping at a dangerously slow pace he chokes a little at the pleasure of it all.  
You’re entirely still beneath him as he fucks into you — and quiet too, beside a couple of hums and sighs that slip from your lips when he hits a particularly sensitive spot.
Sleep and wake are entirely blurred at this point. You hang suspended between the boundless embrace of dream and the guiding touch of the physical world. It feels like the sea, that rocking pleasure that rolls through you, tide taking you where it will. The pleasure, though partially in the movement of him against you, is in the letting go. The release as the current carries you to an unnamable location.
Body pressed against yours, his hips rocking in and out of you at an instinctual pace. His breath begins to build in his throat, a quick pant.
“Fuck,” he grunts as the walls of your cunt pulse around him. He holds his voice back, and the word barely brushes against you.
You stay silent — somewhere between sleep and presence — and the worry that he’ll wake you has entirely slipped from his mind. Beneath him, you are you, vessel of his love, his affection, as well as the means of the pleasure that you draw from him over and over and over again. The combination swirls dangerously in his mind, love, lust, animalistic desire combining in a heady mix until he’s not sure which way is up. All there is is you, your body, the pleasure of it all.
Your eyes don’t open again as he fucks you. He lets his desire set the pace — agonizingly slow in one moment — then pounding into you, chasing the reeling sensation in his gut in another. Is this what it is to let himself go too? To release himself to the limits of his own want?
“Do you feel me?” he whispers softly, quiet enough that he knows you won’t hear it — at least not in a waking sense — as he continues to rock against you, his cock reaching deeper and deeper into your tight warmth. He imagines that his words, that the deep gravel of his voice, will drift down through the layers of sleep and into your mind nonetheless. And they do, settling into you with a warm thrill. You reach for him, want him closer, want him deeper, want him to sink into every cell of you. Your hand smooths against his back, dropping lower to the small of his back.
“Can you feel me inside you, filling you, taking you—” The words are more of a grunt now, him forcing the sounds over his tongue, holding back the fire that burns in his abdomen just enough to linger on the edge of the drop. “Do you feel how good you feel around me? Do you know what you do to me—What you make me into?”
His breath comes in pants, the sharpness flickering across your skin like the flame of a candle. He continues to grind his cock into you, pressing his body as tightly to yours as he can.
“Do you know how good you are for me? Letting me use you like this? Letting me fuck you and fill you up?”
He grunts as your cunt clenches around him. Each thrust pushes you deeper into the mattress, his hips now ramming into you with power and desire.
“Fuck—” he hisses. “If only you knew—”
Your hips press into his changing the angle just enough that your cunt clenches even tighter around him. Your eyes flutter open, sleepily locking on his in the darkness of the room. His gaze burns against yours, a desire set free within his expression that you haven’t seen before. Through the haze of sleep you hear it:
“Come for me. Come around my cock. Come while I fill you up.”
You gasp as your orgasm rushes through you. Back arched, mouth pressed into a perfect o, sleep-ridden limbs wrapping around Yoongi, pulling him impossibly close.
He grunts as his pace quickens, pounding into you, stuttering as he reaches the final edge. His head falls against your shoulder, hips still rocking against yours as he bites and nips at your neck. Finally, he presses his hips into yours, stilling with a groan as he spills within you, cock twitching and spurting.
Your combined breaths shudder against one another as you slip down from the heights of your orgasm.
When he pulls himself from you, you whine, again, reaching for him. He watches for a moment as his cum begins to seep from your still clenching cunt, mouth watering at the sight. You begin to squirm a bit, still distressed from the loss of contact.
“Sh,” Yoongi murmurs, settling between your legs. “Sleep now.”
Your fingers trail down your stomach, coming to wake enough to feel the soft hush of bliss that radiates through your body and the stickiness that is coming to spill onto your thighs.
“Leave it inside,” he says, his hand coming down on top of yours to still your actions. “I want to see it drip from you.”
You hum in understanding as he lays his head down on your thigh, watching as his cum begins to spill out of you. His cock twitches at the sight. You, filled and marked by him. The thought quickens his breath, stirs the once-satiated ache once again. He chuckles at the thought. Filling you again and again until he’s entirely spent.
He watches the flow of the white liquid ease out of your spent cunt.
“Squeeze for me,” he whispers, and you oblige him, your instinct to please strong even when half-conscious. As you clench and even more cum leaks from your cunt. It slows, but only for a moment before he’s gently pushing two fingers inside you again, to see how much will spill from you. Then, he presses his mouth to your lips, licking a broad stripe up, collecting the taste of you and him mingling on his tongue before swallowing, his adam’s apple bobbing. He looks up at you, your chest rising slowly and steadily as you drift towards sleep. He lowers his head. Again, and again he licks at your cunt, until any trace of his own cum has disappeared.
If it could, your cunt would be gleaming with how thoroughly he’s cleaned you up. As he smiles at his handiwork, he realizes he’s entirely hard again.
A couple minutes of rest, he thinks. Then, he’ll fill you up again, leaving you to find another load of his cum dripping from your thighs as you wake, just as you had begged him to.
Sleep is already sneaking up on you, the tendrils of dream and of darkness seeping like salt water into your mind as you settle into the comfort of Yoongi’s body wrapped around yours, holding you safe and tight. You grumble happily as he pulls your body tight to his, so that you are both laid on your sides, your ass notched perfectly against his cock.
With stillness, you fall back into the dream of the garden. As warmth spreads through your body, the ground fills slowly and steadily with water, consuming everything in its wake. Together with Yoongi, his body pressed to your back, you watch with a calm and steady heart as the world around you turns into an ocean.
For once, you don’t stir once until morning, until the sky warms to a deep purple, streaked with the low burn of dawn.
©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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padawanlost · 3 years
Hey there! First of all I wanna say that I love your blog 😊
If I may, I wanted to ask you something regarding the Jedi Code. What did it say exactly about love and family? From my understanding, they were forbidden to form attachments, yet one Jedi (can't remember the name) married and had several kids. So, as long as there was no love or risk of attachment, they could marry and/or have kids?
I'm so confused
Before anything else is said, we need some context. The Jedi Order is over 25000 years old, which means a lot of things changed over the years. what’s really important to keep in mind is that theirs rules were no set in stone. There’re multiple variations of the “Jedi Code”. Also, not every rule the Jedi had to live by were part of the Jedi Code. Some rules were more about tradition than the code itself. Because of that every generation of the Order has its own particularities. That’s why the Prequels Order was different from the Old Republic’s Order and that was different from New Republic’s Order.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about the prequel era Jedi.
1 – Jedi were NOT allowed to marry or reproduce (without the Council’s authorization):
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“If anyone finds out that I’m expecting a child, I’ll be thrown out of the Jedi Order and I won’t be able to serve. I have to carry on. I can’t let the men down.” Skirata was furious. She felt it. She could see it, too. And if she thought that was bad, it would be nothing compared with how the Jedi Council would react. She’d be kicked out of the Order. She’d no longer be a general, no longer able to play her part in the war. [Karen Traviss’s Triple Zero]
2 – Jedi were allowed to have sex, but they were not allowed to have romantic relationships or to have any kind of emotional attachments to their sexual partners.
“Jedi Knights aren’t celibate. The thing that is forbidden is attachments and possessive relationships.” George Lucas.
“But ol’ Pellaeon’s just having a spot of romance, if you know what I mean. It’s not like he gets attached to any of them, is it? Is romance allowed? Can you have a spot of romance if you don’t get attached?” Ahsoka’s stripes became more vividly colored, embarrassed. Yes, she obviously did know what Coric meant by romance. It wasn’t the word he usually used for it, but Ahsoka was only a kid, and Rex had decided from the start that talking about that sort of thing was something best left to her Jedi Masters. Yes, General Skywalker, I think that’s a job for you, sir. It wasn’t a clone’s duty at all. “Romance,” Ahsoka said stiffly, “is acceptable. Jedi are not … celibate. Just … no attachment.” [No prisoners. Karen Traviss]
He felt his fingers fist. Don’t you lie. Not about this. Don’t you dare.  “You love her.” Monotonous blasterfire filled the silence between them. Then Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes, Anakin, I love her. But I was never in love. For a short while Taria and I needed each other. And when we no longer needed each other, we parted—and remained friends.” So that was how it worked, was it? Stay aloof, stay detached, never let yourself feel too much, too deeply, and the Order didn’t care? So if Padmé and I pretended we weren’t in love … [Karen Miller’s Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Siege]
3 – Jedi were not allowed to have contact with their biological families;
“After the Jedi Masters decided that it was too dangerous to train anyone familiar with fear, anger, and any other emotion that might lead to the dark side, it was agreed that Force-sensitive juveniles, adolescents, and adults would no longer be eligible for enlistment or conscription. Instead, they sought out and adopted Force-sensitive infants who would be raised and trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; to prevent any emotional attachments that might cloud judgment, most recruits would never have any subsequent contact with their families.” [ Ryder’s Windham’s Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force]
The entire baby Ludi case
Still no word from the Jedi Council about what happened at the Battle of Naboo. Watto is beside himself with fury, complaining that if I can spend a hundred credits to send a message, then the Jedi can spend a hundred credits to answer. It worries me that it’s taking them so long. Three days should be long enough to figure out whether you were at Naboo, and whether you’re still alive. […] Shmi seemed to believe that Watto genuinely missed the boy. Leia had trouble accepting this, but was forced to at least allow for the possibility when Shmi reported that Watto had actually made a gift to her of the ten credits she had borrowed to help pay for her message to the Jedi Council. […] An administrator on Coruscant had finally replied to Shmi’s ’Net message: Anakin was well, but the Jedi did not discuss the activities of their Padawans even with parents. Even that was enough to elate Shmi. [ Tatooine Ghost by Troy Denning]
4 - The love they were allowed to experience was nothing like how we experience love in real life:
Who wept their tears on the inside, where they would not be seen. To weep for a fallen comrade was to display unseemly attachment. A Jedi did not become attached to people, to things, to places, to any world or its inhabitants. A Jedi’s strength was fed by serenity. By distance. By loving impersonally. [Karen Miller. Wild Space]
It was impersonal. It wasn’t like loving your family or your friends. It was more compassion, than love (the kind of love that connects you to someone on a emotional level).
Instead, they sought out and adopted Force-sensitive infants who would be raised and trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; to prevent any emotional attachments that might cloud judgment, most recruits would never have any subsequent contact with their families. [Ryder’s Windham’s Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force]
“Not that Luminara is indifferent, but that Luminara is detached. It’s not that she doesn’t care, but she’s not attached to her emotionally. And at the end of the day, one of the questions that I guess I pose is, is that really a good thing? Is Anakin’s way of being so compassionate wrong? Because on a certain level, you have to accept that the Jedi lose the Clone War. So there is something that they’re doing that’s wrong.” Dave Filoni
Nobody asked the obvious—whether clone troopers were everyone else or not. Joc looked from Ahsoka to Rex and back again. “What’s wrong with attachment?” he asked. “Why can’t you have attachments? You mean love, right?” Ahsoka looked at the clones wide-eyed but in slight defocus, as if she was trying to recall something. “Love is acceptable,” she said at last. “But not attachment.” “What’s love if it isn’t attachment?” “Attachment is … putting personal relationships first, caring about the people you love so that it influences how you act.” Ahsoka seemed to be picking her words carefully. Coric stared back at her. “You know, it affects your judgment.” [ No prisoners by Karen Traviss]
5 - The exceptions:
There were some exception to these rules, most of them happening during a different time (Old and New Republic Eras). However, there’s one notable exception all the rules above during the prequels: Ki-Adi-Mundi. Unlike most Jedi he was allowed to marry multiple wives and have multiple children and still remain a jedi. They allowed it because he belonged to an endangered species, so him being in a polygamous relationship was part of the greater good. Fun fact, he was emotionally attachment to some members of his biological family.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
A/N: Please send an ask to be in my taglist! If you comment I will not read it or I might unintentionally ignore it because I get spammed a lot on my blog and I forget! :) and when you do send an ask I don’t ignore it! I always check my inbox to see if I have any taglist requests and I add them on the day I update! Thank you! The same goes for dms! <3
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up next Masterlist
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Chapter four
Five years ago
“Kita-san, do you think Suna is okay? He hasn’t been to practice in over a week.” Agaki asked during a water break. “Well I mean he is banned from club activities, it’s just Atsumu is practicing outside with Osamu. Maybe Suna preferred just staying at home?” Aran spoke up. “Maybe I should check on him. It probably has nothing to do with volleyball, maybe he’s upset about Y/N.” Kita said.
“I tried talking to Suna about that...and he said that he cut it off, the twins and even the cheerleader who was involved decided to call it quits. Should we still be punishing them for something they stopped?” Agaki asked, “He did?” Kita-Senpai was stunned. “Yeah, he truly loves Y/N, and even though it started off as a bet he’s now madly in love with her. I’m pretty sure he looks terrible. I don’t even think he went to school today.” Agaki said and Kita sighed.
Suna was horrible, honestly he was unrecognizable. When Kita came knocking on his door, it was opened by a skinny Suna, his eyes were swollen, his hair was a mess. You can tell he was crying, his phone was in his hand.
“Suna, are you okay?” Kita gasped at his appearance. Before he knew it Suna started crying, again. “She won’t answer my phone, she blocked me. I tried explaining to her what happened but she doesn’t want to listen to me. She deleted all her social media accounts and she’s practically a ghost. All I know is that she’s in Miyagi and I’m worried if she made it safe, who is she staying with? Is she eating? Is her Senpai making a move on her? I don’t know what to do, should I go to Miyagi and beg for her forgiveness?” His voice shook and he finally looked up to meet Kita’s eyes.
“If you truly love her, then let her go. I don’t mean to sound rude but she’s gone. She wants nothing to do with you hence you’re blocked on everything. You look like you’re taking this too hard, you lost a lot of weight in just a week. I’m worried and I think you should come back to practice.” Kita told him and Suna wiped his boogers on his long sleeve. “But surely she still loves me right? She can’t get over me that easily right? I gave her everything, she gave me everything and just because of a stupid mistake, I ruined everything.” He started to cry again and Kita hugged his underclassman.
“I don’t know Suna. Please just come to practice. You need the distraction. You had a long enough punishment.” He said as Suna cried on his shoulder. “But I thought I was banned?” He sniffled. “Agaki said you quit the bet because you realized what you were doing was wrong. Sadly she just happened to find out before you told her. I’m still upset that you did it in the first place but you learned from it.” He said and pulled away. Suna nodded and wiped his eyes. “I want you there at practice tomorrow six am sharp. Got it?” He asked and Suna nodded.
“Yes captain.”
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“You’re not gonna eat?” Osamu asked as Atsumu passed by the kitchen. “N-no, I’m fine. Probably later. There’s some things I need to go over for tomorrow.” Atsumu said as he lifted the notebook. Your manager notebook. “Ahh yeah, captain stuff huh.” Osamu said and turned to the kitchen. Atsumu sighed and made his way to his room. There he sat on his desk and went through the notebook you wrote so much in. Every little thing about him, Osamu, Suna, and everyone else.
Now as captain he needs to burden all this responsibility of not only doing captain duties but manager duties as well since you’re gone.
How long has it been?
A little over nine months?
He sighed and rubbed his face. Suna was still madly in love with you and Atsumu doesn’t know what to feel. Yeah he fell in love but he already knew you were all googly eyed for Suna. He wasn’t expecting you to leave the middle blocker anytime soon. But when you did he knew he didn’t even have a chance. You already know what he and Suna did. If you didn’t want to be with Suna there was no way in hell you’d ever want to be with Atsumu. At the end of the day, he started the bet. He’s sure you hate him even more than your now ex.
Atsumu glanced at his phone, there was no way to contact you. You had blocked the three boys on everything. Even though Atsumu made a fake account and he tried going to your social media, it wasn’t there. You deleted it. He tried searching up your first name, last name, anything. He just wanted to see you one last time. He wanted to know if you were happy now without dealing with him and Suna, but he couldn’t find you anywhere. He even looked up Tobio-kun and he also got nothing. While he scrolled through your cousins account he clicked on the tagged section and soon enough found a selfie of Tobio, you and Hinata.
His eyes widened and he immediately clicked on the shrimps account. Sure enough he saw you not once not twice but three times. One was a selfie of you two and a grumpy Tobio in a gym, and the other two times were videos of you instructing Hinata how to do a jump serve. He realized you were tagged in one of those posts so he clicked on the @ and it was nowhere near your name but it was definitely your account. You didn’t really post a lot of things but he noticed Kita Senpai and the other third years as well as Hitoshi followed you. He scrolled through your account and eventually found a photo of you sitting on a hospital bed. He swiped to see the photo after and it was a baby with a blue beanie. His head tilted in confusion and he scrolled to the next photo and it was another little potato looking babie but with a pink beanie this time. The last was both of those babies laying down wrapped in blankets like burritos and he finally decided to read the caption.
Meet Rini and Akira 🖤🤍
At that moment he knew your parents didn’t kick you out because of a stupid fight.
It was because someone knocked you up.
And he knows who.
But who knew Atsumu was so good at keeping secrets and playing dumb?
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A/N: Yes yes and yes. Atsumu did know she was 🤰🏽 this whole time k bye.
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar @sredamancy
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
ML Spite: Yeeting Off the High Road and Dragging You All Down With Me
Imagine, if you would, a slightly different scenario in our usual “High Road” plot. Instead of turning Lila’s lies against Lila, Marinette uses Lila’s lies against the classmates themselves.
Realistically speaking, in these fics, the class has already made it a matter of sides and have already made it clear just whom they’re going to side with. The fact that Lila has no proof of anything whereas Marinette at least has two potential witnesses to the truth (Adrien and Ladybug) doesn’t seem to matter. That means the classmates are actively choosing to trust the new girl over their “Everyday Ladybug”. And if they are putting their trust in someone they don’t know that well vs someone they do, whom they KNOW is a good person whom has helped them before, that means it’s because they WANT to trust Lila more. It seems that choice is primarily based on this belief regarding what Lila can do for them rather than a matter of whom is actually trustworthy.
Under these circumstances, trying to reveal Lila will only backfire. Lila can just pull out the crocodile tears and claim she “only wanted to make friends”, and you know the class will eat it up because a positive impression of someone can’t be broken that easily when people REALLY want to believe the best of the person involved.
To beat Lila, Marinette realizes she can’t just disprove Lila’s claims or even let Lila accidentally out herself. That won’t be enough to get the class our from under her thrall.
No. What she has to do is make Lila’s lies unappealing.
Cue Pettynette’s version of the “High Road”.
“But wait!” I can hear you say. “Hasn't that been done?”
Not like this.
In the other versions, Marinette, even when being petty, kept her focus on Lila and twisting her lies against her.
In this case, Marinette is twisting Lila’s lies against everyone else.
Marinette “apologizes” for doubting Lila, making the classmates happy that she’s seen the light. And she has! So she’s going to "do right by Lila”.
Lila is suspicious, but Marinette seems sincere. She takes the lies and treats them like they’re real. But she doesn’t do it in a way to counter Lila, oh no! If anything, Marinette seems to be going out of her way to give Lila what she wants.
EVERYTHING she wants. Rearrange the seating chart and ensure Lila has the seat next to Adrien. Having people assigned to take notes for her. Making the classmates take turns being her “helper” to complete tasks. Letting Lila avoid the things she doesn’t want to do while keeping her front and center for anything she could be interested in. Lila’s going to have a ball.
The rest of the class? Not so much.
After all, it helps build resentment when they're the ones being put out by Lila's sudden and ever changing "needs". Lila needs a seat close to the door in case she has to leave for an emergency? Marinette rearranges the class seating chart to put everyone BUT Lila in seats they don’t want. Lila can't write out her notes? That's fine. Everyone in class can take turns writing her assignments for her. Lila has an allergy? Gee, guess no more free pastries.
Soon enough, the class starts to have “problems” with Lila.
Nathaniel doesn’t like that he can’t draw in class anymore.
Nino doesn’t like having his time with Adrien or Alya interrupted, or just having to come to school early or stay late to help Lila with whatever she needs.
Rose doesn’t like that she’s been moved to the back because one of Lila’s issues can be irritated by her perfume.
Kim and Alix don’t like that certain sports-focused events have been cancelled because it’s not fair that Lila can’t participate.
Adrien doesn’t like that he’s suddenly getting a lot more time being around Lila than he ever wanted.
Chloe doesn’t care and is mostly unaffected. Sabrina sees no difference from what she normally does. So those two are okay, at least.
But everyone else?
The seeds of resentment are planted.
Not helping Lila is that she’s been taking full advantage of every “good” thing done in her favor. She sees this whole thing as Marinette’s surrender and is both enjoying the special treatment from the class and getting to “win” over Marinette. She doesn’t realize that Marinette only changed her targets.
It just gets worse from there.
Given that she’s been revealed as “Ladybug’s best friend” and how vulnerable she is, they can’t have Lila being alone during akuma attacks. And since Alya is her “closest friend” (and Adrien mysteriously goes missing whenever an akuma appears), Alya finds herself on “Lila Duty” regularly. Naturally, she doesn’t like that this is taking her away from on her blog, especially during akuma attacks.
Ivan and Mylene are involved in various community projects and the like, but now they’re being encouraged (by friends, by teachers, by anyone really) to focus those projects on any of the various issues affecting Lila because “it’s so tragic and they know someone personally affected”. It’s like they can’t get away.
Juleka learns that Lila’s replacing her as a model for various projects since she claims she’s done it before and her poor health issues don’t give her much of a chance to do this lately and you understand, don’t you?
Max doesn’t like that he’s pretty much doing Lila’s schoolwork for her either because of her “injuries” keeping her from doing tasks or her “charity works” keeping her from taking part in projects.
The girls find their Adrien/Marinette ship has been stalled as Marinette insists she can’t do anything to upset Lila and that Lila clearly likes Adrien, so trying to confess would make her feel bad. When they attempt to refute the claim, Marinette merely points to the picture Lila sent out in Oni-chan. (Which both Alya and Nino find increasingly suspicious.)
Lila doesn't know what Marinette is playing at. She thinks Marinette has given in. Marinette is actually going for the long game and slowly building up resentment against Lila over time. While also making the class increasingly desperate to prove Lila's a liar just to get Marinette to stop.
But because Marinette isn't actively appearing petty, they can't reasonably argue against anything she's trying to do regardless of the extra work it puts on them because it makes them look bad. Ms. Bustier admonishes them for being unwilling to help a classmate in need. Lila enjoys the attention and thus plays up the crocodile tears. Marinette gives them looks of such DISAPPOINTMENT when they start to complain. After all, it’s only a small inconvenience to help a friend, right?
And that’s what Lila has become: an inconvenience.
The worst part is they can't blame Marinette for it, since they know she has a point and is “only trying to help”. And after all, isn’t this what they wanted her to do? To put her suspicions aside and help Lila?
Now she is, and they wish she would stop.
Eventually, resentment builds. The classmates don’t KNOW Lila is lying, but they’re less willing to trust her or be blind to the things she does. So they start to be more observant. Looking for reasons to justify not needing to be so “helpful”. As such, they slowly but surely start to notice when her claims don’t add up.
Now they’re paying attention, and each of the classmates one by one come to the realization that “Gasp! Lila has been lying all along!”
But the best part is that they each think they’re the only one who knows. So they each try going to Marinette, the only other person whom at any point expresses suspicion of Lila’s claims, in hopes of getting her support in telling the rest of the class and stopping with the Queen Lila treatment.
Only Marinette just looks at them in confusion. The picture of innocence and naïveté, she tells them they shouldn’t make such accusations.
Even when the accusations involve things the classmates know are impossible. Or Lila claiming credit for things she couldn’t have done. Like Lila getting Ladybug to help out Kitty Section. Or Lila being Rena Rouge.
They’re all convinced, to their horror, that Marinette believes Lila now. They each attempt to convince her of the truth they just realized. 
But Marinette? She just acts oblivious. Why would they say such things about Lila? After all, she's done SO MUCH!
So each of them tries to prove to her that Lila’s lying. They point out errors, note contradictions, and actively look up proof.
But Marinette just points out reasonable flaws in their claims. Maybe Lila left out a detail. Maybe they misremembered what happened. They don't KNOW that Lila didn't help with this brave act. They can't PROVE that Lila doesn't have an injury.
And they’re each caught in a catch 22 where they can’t seem to convince Marinette that Lila lied about anything without admitting Marinette had been right from the start and they had been wrong to disregard her.
The best part is that none of the classmates dare to talk to any of the others. They hadn’t believed Marinette when she tried to warn them, and now even Marinette believes Lila. So much like Marinette in Chameleon, they each think they’re alone in their discovery, so they don't dare speak out to anyone else.
But every one of them is fully convinced that Marinette is caught under Lila’s spell and needs to be “saved”. So they keep trying to convince her of the truth only for her to seem oblivious.
They don’t realize that Marinette is using the “Kill Them With Kindness” only she’s taken the entire class down with her. She will enforce universal kindness with an iron fist until they get sick of it.
And heaven help them all if Felix exists in this variant, If he’s not outright enjoying the show, he’ll waste no time telling each of them how it’s their own damn fault.
Eventually, it all comes to a head. Marinette decides to push things further.
What the killing blow is? It’s really up in the air. Maybe it was the cancellation of a class trip because Lila couldn’t go and it wouldn’t be fair? Maybe Marinette tries to call everyone else in class together to suggest arranging a party for Lila since everyone had been complaining to her (pre High Road) how Lila hadn’t been there for the last one? Or maybe it’s just some random minor thing just just happens to finally be the ONE single straw that breaks the camel’s back.
SOMEONE finally just blows up and starts ranting. Out loud. In front of everyone. How Lila is a liar. How she’s made up everything. And just how SICK they are of trying to be nice to her and accommodate the clear and obvious lies.
Pure silence. The one person who broke is horrified at what they had done.
Until finally...
"Oh thank god! I thought I was the only one!"
Like a dam breaking, everyone else admits to knowing the truth about Lila lying. They each admit they were too worried to say something. And most importantly, they are all just DONE with Lila.
And with the rest of the class now firmly on the same “side”, they all work together to try and “rescue” Marinette from whatever hold Lila has over her by convincing her of the other girl’s lies.
“Marinette, you can’t trust Lila!”
“She lies! About EVERYTHING!”
“She’s just been taking advantage of your kindness!”
“You are too good for her!”
“Please! Please believe us!”
There is true desperation there for Marinette to believe them. That they’re telling the truth. That Lila is lying.
And gee, isn’t THIS familiar?
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here is my contribution for ace week! im literally squeezing this in at the last possible second (as its 11:32pm on 10/31 as i start this) but better late than never i suppose!!
i dont often talk about my sexuality on this blog, but i do identify as ace and its not something ive ever been overly comfortable with. but seeing the plethora of ace week fics on my dash this past week (mostly by @jaskierswolf, hi, hope you dont mind being tagged) has been so awesome and has made me feel so much more comfortable in myself that i had to write something for this :)
this is some gray romantic/ace geralt with some ace jaskier. warnings for mentions of dubious consent/ not wanting to have sex but doing it anyway. there is no explicit sexual content but it is referenced.
Geralt was a Witcher. His entire livelihood consisted of him doing things for humans: killing monsters, bargaining with sorceresses, fighting wars, protecting them from pretty much anything that could hurt their fragile mortal selves. It had been trained into him ever since he was a child. Do what the humans ask of you. It is your job. 
So why would sex be any different?
Humans enjoyed sex. This was something Geralt had come to learn during his time on the path. What was even worse was that some of them especially enjoyed having sex with Witchers. 
Geralt did not enjoy sex. He was not a human, and it was decidedly a human activity. But that did not stop humans from wanting to have sex with him. Some sought him out specifically, wanting to know what it was like to lie with a Witcher for a night. Others insisted on paying him for his monster hunting duties with a round. He never took pleasure in it. Sometimes he would pretend he did. He had gotten quite good at pretending over the years, learning little tricks that humans seemed to like. But the act of it itself made his skin crawl for days on end and he could feel their fingers and lips long after the marks on his skin had faded.
But he worked for humans. He couldn't deny them what they asked of him. 
He assumed Jaskier would be the same. The man was certainly human, so much so that he would flirt with grass if it came down to it (which, admittedly, Geralt had only witnessed once, and Jaskier had been very drunk at the time, but still). But he never tried to bed him, which surprised Geralt. He knew he was good, if the praises of the the people he'd laid with before were any indication Humans generally needed him for a favor and then left him to the wind. Jaskier hadn’t asked him to kill a monster or help him track down an unruly mage, and it had been years at least since they had first crossed paths. The only logical conclusion that Geralt could come to was that Jaskier was waiting for him to bed him and then he would leave, just like everyone else.
The problem was that Geralt had grown quite fond of Jaskier over the years (and his incessant flirting) and while he didn’t want the bard to leave, he also didnt want Jaskier to be miserable following him around anymore. Five years was quite a long time to wait for a round, especially in human years. Resignedly, Geralt told himself that in the next town he would lay with Jaskier and then the whole thing could be over, and they could both move on with their lives. 
He rented a room with one bed, as they often did, despite there being enough coin for one with two. Jaksier hardly noticed, flouncing off to play a few sets for the locals while Geralt went upstairs to prepare. 
He felt the characteristic tightening of his stomach and the shakiness that always came with this particular activity, but he stripped down obediently, even talking the time to rub some of the oils Jaskier liked to much into his hair before laying down on the bed to wait. 
He didn’t have to wait long. “Geralt! You’ll never believe th- whoa, were you expecting someone?” He stood in the doorway awkwardly.
“Just you,” Geralt grunted. They should get this over with. 
“Me? Geralt...did you think I wanted to have sex with you?”
“Well...” Geralt picked at the blanket, feeling foolish for having to explain himself, he thought that humans should understand these things. “Humans always need me for something. And you dont need a monster killed, so I figured....” “Oh dear heart,” Jaskier walked over and sat down on the bed next to him, running his fingers though his hair. “Please do not take this the wrong way, but I do not want to have sex with you.”
“You don’t?” Geralt was shocked. “But...humans....”
“Not all humans like sex Geralt. I certainly don’t. It makes me skin crawl and I feel all weird after. So I don’t do it. I’m still plenty romantic with people, but I dont get into bed with them.” “Hmm.” Jaskier didn’t like sex either? Maybe it wasn't a human thing after all.
“What it Geralt? That was your I’m-Contemplating-Something hum.”
“It...makes my skin crawl too.” He said carefully after a few moments. 
Jaskier’s hand slowed in his hair. “Dear heart,” he began carefully. “Do you like sex?”
Did he? No one had ever asked him what he wanted before. He didnt think he did. It didnt feel pleasant and he usually had to jump in a cold stream after. “No.”
“Then why did you want to do it with me?” “You’re human,” Geralt shrugged. “Humans either want me to kill monsters or want me in their bed. I serve humans, I can’t turn them down. You are a human.” 
"But you dont like sex?”
“No. I’m a Witcher. It’s probably the mutations. But can still get by.” Actually, now that he thought about it, from what he remembered, he’d never been much interested in it before the trials either.
“Geralt,” Jaskier tilted his chin up to look at him and he saw sadness swirling in his eyes. “Not wanting to have sex is not a Witcher thing. Plenty of humans feel the same way too. Admittedly there aren't many of us, I’ve only come across a few in my lifetime, and I think there's a word for it but I can’t remember it right now. Sex does not interest me either, but there are far more other important things in a relationship than just sex.”
Geralt was confused. “But sex is the only thing people ever wanted me for.” 
“And I’m terribly sorry about that, dear heart, but you’re with me now and I will never make you have sex with me. Have you ever- or wait, is there anything else that you dont like?”
Geralt’s head was spinning, and he was still stuck on the part where Jaskier had said that he would never make Geralt have sex with him. For the first time that evening, he felt his hands stop their shaking and something like warmth bloom inside him. “Hmm?”
“Is there anything else you dont like doing? Besides the sex bit I mean.”
Besides sex....Geralt tried to remember what came along with laying with someone. He usually blocked it all out after. “Kissing,” he finally said. “Burns my skin.”
“Alright, we’ll do none of that then.” Jaskier moved from the bed, beginning to take off his doublet and Geralt seized up for a second, afraid that Jaskier was going go back on his word, but then he reached for his nightclothes. “Are you familiar with cuddling?”
“Cuddling?” The word felt unfamiliar in his mouth.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Jaskier smiled. “Go put your nightclothes on. I think I have something that you will enjoy far better than that nasty sex business.”
So here it was then, Jasper did need him for a service after all. Geralt got out of bed and slowly pulled on his night clothes, painfully aware this would be their last night together before they parted ways for good, before returning to the bed. 
“Right, so youre just going to lay on your side, yes right like that, and then I lay behind you, see? And I put my arm around you like this, and we snuggle.” Jaskier’s breath tickled his hair.
“What do we do though?” “What do you mean, what do we do?” Despite Jaskier’s words though, he didnt seem angry. “This is it. We hold each other and enjoy each others presence. We can change positions, if you want, like you can take a turn holding me for example or I could lay on your chest, but we just hold each other close. Show each other we care. This is called cuddling.”
“Hmm.” As far as Geralt was concerned, it was far better than sex. But he knew it wouldn't last. This was all Jaskier wanted from him, clearly, which prevented Geralt from thoroughly enjoying it. 
“Where will you go?” he spoke into the silence a few long moments later. 
Jaskier paused drawing light patterns on Geralts forearm. “What do you mean?”
“Tomorrow.” Wasn't it obvious?
“Well I’ll go wherever you’re going. Just like we always have?"
“You...you’re not,” Geralt swallowed thickly. “You’re not leaving?” 
“Leaving?” Jaskier’s voice rose an octave. “Why on the continent would I be leaving?”
“You’ve got what you wanted from me, with this....cuddling business. You have no reason to stay.”
“Oh dear heart.” The next thing he knew he was being flipped around to face Jaskier. Jaskier, who had tears in his eyes that were just barely visible in the low light. Instinctively, he reached up to brush them away. “I’m cuddling with you because I care about you, because I love you. Not because I want something from you.”
“Oh.” Geralt didn’t know what to say. Jaskier loved him? No one had ever loved him before, much less cared about him or wanted him to be comfortable. 
Jaskier placed his hand on Geralt’s chest. “You never have to do anything you dont want to do with me. And if you don’t want to travel with me anymore, I’ll leave. You are your own person, Geralt, even if you are a Witcher. And you make your own decisions. You wouldn't take a contract that you felt unsafe doing, so in the same vein, you dont have to have sex with anyone if you dont want to. You make your own decisions. You dont even have to cuddle with me right now if you want to. You choose what you want to do based on what you’re comfortable doing, do you understand?”
Geralt nodded into the darkness. This was all so much. He hadn't been able to make his decisions in...well ever. And now Jaskier was giving him permission to. “I want you to stay,” he whispered. “I....care about you too.” He didnt say that he thought he could love him, he wasn't ready to say that yet. And according to Jaskier he didnt have to say it if he didnt want to. 
“Good. Now that we've got that sorted, come here,” Jaskier pulled Geralt into his chest, running his fingers through his hair delicately. Geralt closed his eyes, never had he felt more safe in his entire life. Who knew humans could be so gentle?
Just as he was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness he whispered, “Jaskier?”
Geralt felt a small smile tug at his lips at hearing how own language on Jaskier’s lips. “Can we do more of this...cuddling?”
Jaskier’s laugh sounded through his chest, vibrating pleasantly against Geralt’s ear. “Of course we can, dear heart. Of course.”
that turned out way longer than i thought it would and its now 37 minutes late but oh well.
throw me an ask if you wanna be on my tag list!
taglist: @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @barlowarts @eminasan @llamasdumpsterfire @stinastar @nonegenderleftpain @electricrituals
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Victor, & Maki
Warnings: nothing short of a little cussing
Genre: Fluff 
Gender: Neutral
A/N: I may or may not have enjoyed writing these a bit TOO much! Nonetheless I hope you enjoy these headcanons! 
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Hinawa is the type to have those kisses that leave your mind blank, heart fluttering, and lungs breathless
Each time he kisses you, he’ll wrap his arms around your whole body and hold you so close to his body that you’ll be able to feel his heartbeat (or at least that’s the sentiment behind him holding you so tightly) then he goes in for the kill
He also knows that his kisses will leave you weak in the knees so that’s why he holds you like that lol
What makes these kisses so effective in ko’ing you in (1) move is the fact that he chooses the times you’d least expect these types of kisses!
It could be when he’s going to separate from you before going to fight fires (which he kisses you like it’s the last time he’ll see your beautiful face)
It could be whenever you’re fresh out of the shower, or right before training
Or when you’re in the middle of rambling about your day
Like I know this man keeps his lips moisturized so expect to taste a little mint on his lips
This lowkey surprised you whenever you had first kissed him (you expected them to be a lil chapped lol)
You had known Hinawa for years of working in the military and specialized force together. From co-workers to comrades to ending up as lovers (although he did reject you a few times). It was all worth the hurt and pinning as you had finally gotten together with Hinawa (once he mustered the courage to finally ask you out after rejecting you). To say you were shocked that day was an understatement but we’ll save that story for another time. Now, you were happy to be with the man but….you guys had yet to kiss and you guys were 4 months deep in the relationship (granted you still kept to your duties).
This was something you were determined to change, so while you guys were cooking for the brigade you decided to lean over and give his cheek a little smooch. Ya know, as a job well done! However, Hinawa turned to talk to you and was met with your lips (homebody was pleasantly surprised). He pulled away after like 10 seconds tho lol
He hit you with a “This is inappropriate workplace behavior.” and walked away, but then came back and gave you a kiss on the corner of your lips (what a bastard)
He won’t be up for smooches in the workplace unless you’re either about to separate for the night or he’s completed a day’s work early (But everyone has to be asleep or away from the station!)
You could probably sneak a kiss in while you guys are cooking for the rest of the brigade
Or anytime you guys are alone, although he will tease you by acting oblivious to your advances (inappropriate behavior headass)
Just to show that every part of him is appreciated and that you’re behind him every step of the way
Did I mention that even his pecks will leave your heart flipping as if it’s competing for Gold in the gymnastics Olympics? No? Well you’re gonna hear about it
He pecks to show you a little appreciation
Think of his pecks like little hearts!
If you’re ticklish, his pecks will definitely have you giggling a little
His kisses are smooth like whiskey in a way that he goes straight for the kill and you can still feel his lips on yours a while after kissing him
It would be up to you if it’s a delicate little kiss or a rough passionate makeout session
His favorite place to kiss you is the corner of your lips, your collarbone, and the palm of your hands, (you cannot tell me otherwise!)
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He’s a mad scientist who only takes care of his BASIC hygiene
The type to always playfully back away whenever you try to kiss him then when you get annoyed he’ll give you smooches
“What?? Is that all you wanted (n/n)? All you had to was say so! Now look at you, all mad with no kisses”
Take away his kisses since he got a slick ass mouth
He’ll literally tail you with a list of excuses as to why he needs your kisses to get a proper hypothesis done and conduct thorough research and then he needs them as motivation to go test his theories
Like aight, damn here are your kisses you big goof
I’m not saying you should run your hands through his hair when you kiss him but that’s exactly what I’m saying
In fact, kiss his throat to let him know that he’s always welcome to speak his mind but then kiss his lips so you can shut him up
He’ll kiss your hands (as dramatically as possible), then he’ll pull you in...wrap an arm around your waist….and kiss you.
He’ll flick your forehead after kissing you as well
Another way he likes to kiss you is by keeping both hands in his pocket and leaning over to kiss you (mans be tall)
Or when you’re sitting in his lap as he rants about his research
This man loves some tongue action
Like you could give him a peck but he’ll whine about you ‘not kissing him right’ then pull you in for a makeout session
Occasionally you’ll feel him put his hand on your cheek….or the other cheeks
He’ll grab said cheeks too if the kiss gets heated
Like that’s y’all’s first kiss went lol
Observing Victor in his natural habitat of an organized mess filled with nothing but notes from his research always amused you. It was the only place you could see the brunette become so excited and display such passion towards his goal. You usually just examined him from afar, but today was different. Today he was actively discussing his research with you and the results he got from it. No longer were you in the background, this time you were at the forefront. Which incidentally was how you occupied his thoughts. It didn’t take too long (but it certainly took a while) for the both of you to connect the dots to a complicated puzzle that was related to his goal. “Do you know what this means (f/n)?” “I do, but I’m going to play dumb so I can listen to you explain it with that sexy brain of yours” and right after those words left your lips they were swallowed up by Victor’s lips. A kiss so fiery and intense had you wishing to be burned.
Victor will 100% kiss you after getting satisfactory results from either seeing his theories be correct or he finds new clues
He gets handsy with these kisses
You guys have kissed in the shower (y’all know he be thinkin HEAVY in the shower)
Depending on his mood you’ll get fiery kisses that make you think he is an ability user but for the most part, his kisses are pretty lazy
He adores lazy mornings where he can wake up to you kissing him all over his face (those feathery light kisses)
He’ll also tug on your bottom lip after a kiss and then complain about how he’s oh so hungry (take it as you will)
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        MAKI OZE
Flustered baby is flustered
Anytime you lean in to give her a smooch she gets so red (omg please call her your little strawberry)
Surprise kisses will fluster her to no end!!
She’s always so hesitant to kiss you because she doesn’t wanna mess it up
Nevertheless, her kisses are filled with nothing but adoration and love
Once she gets into the kiss is whenever she gets bolder
After you guys are finished kissing she’ll hide her face in your chest and let out the cutest little whine
This is completely different from when she gets huffy or full of passion
Expect these kisses after fighting a fire, when she’s finished training, after dinner with her family, when she gets jealous, when she gets the hang of controlling her little fire sprites..
She’ll even try to surprise kiss you! (She’ll still get shy riiiight before kissing you)
Did I mention she loves kissing you? Well, she does!
Her favorite places to smooch you are definitely your neck and cheeks (That way she can easily hide her face)
YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO KISS HER CHEEKS AND HER NOSE (I made the rules and you have to follow them, you’re on my blog!!)
She’s the type to kiss your fingertips during a moment of high intensity and she doesn’t know if you guys will make it out alive. Moreover, when she can’t properly convey all of her emotions so she kisses your fingertips while closing her eyes in a moment of serenity then she looks into your eyes with such intensity and--
Thankfully your first kiss together wasn’t during such a life-threatening moment but it was definitely after training the rugra--I mean Shinra and Authur
Walking through the fire station always calmed you down, however, your mind was all over the place with worry! You couldn’t seem to find Maki, despite texting and calling her phone. You knew she had to be at the fire station or else she would’ve been with you celebrating your 2 months anniversary! Hearing the sounds of your girlfriend shouting and the grunts of pain following after gave you your answer. Well--at least you were right in some aspects. Walking towards the noise, you were met with Maki standing over the two newbies. Seeing her in all her glory made your heart go into palpitations. Once Maki noticed you she started making her way to you with a loving glow in her eyes. “Oh! (F/N)! What are you doing here?” you didn’t even have it in you to answer her as you leaped into her arms. Giving a quick peck to her cheek then one on her lips you huffed in satisfaction at her expression “Happy 2 months silly!”
Safe to say you guys had a lovely day and she kept asking for kisses  
Her lips always taste like some sort of fruit from her chapstick
She also likes kissing your cheek while you guys swing your hands back and forth
When baby is upset give her some forehead kisses (It’ll help her calm down)
She likes to have her kisses be short and sweet but sometimes she’ll let her lips ghost over yours after a makeout session (what a tease) 
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stuffedeggplants · 3 years
hullo pls can you tell me about your clone ocs?? any and all of them would be just lovely :D
Lieutenant Six! He’s a supply officer in Coruscant Guard Aviation Support Squadron 66. (They handle logistics and are also an OC squadron! So they don’t have pilots but deal with maintenance, parts, ordnance, etc..) Conveniently he’s CT-60-3102 which also adds up to six- twice. He likes making the kind of jokes that are usually way too obvious for most people to actually make, indulging in clone humor, and has a very optimistic personality. He’s creative with language (and chewing people out lol), but does not excel at lateral thinking and is routinely defeated by bureaucracy and his inability to think outside the box, (but that’s what he has friends for.) Very nice guy, will absolutely go out of his way to help you, but struggles with coming up with creative solutions on his own.
Trooper Eyes-up! He’s on the younger side and also in the Coruscant Guard where he works at the detention center. He got his nickname in very unfortunate and embarrassing circumstances wherein commanders Fox and Thorn caught him doing something he absolutely should not have been doing and told him to bring his “eyes up here, shiny!” So they gave him his name which he’ll never live down. He’s curious, enjoys reading, and is prone to pushing boundaries when he shouldn’t. But he’s also honest and owns up to his screw-ups and is kind of resigned to routinely getting shit for the nonsense he gets himself into, but people love him for it because the fallout is amusing. He was unfairly blamed for bringing granite slugs into one of the barracks (which then proceeded to eat the duracrete walls and cause a problem that only flame troopers could ultimately fix.) He’s good at reading people emotionally but his risk vs reward calibration is a little off. In worlds where Order 66 happens, Eyes-up never participates though the rest of his unit does- this is because his latest screw-up put him on SUFR duty (”sweeping up the fucking rain”), Fox telling him to stay outside in the rain and keep sweeping until it was completely dry. Well the ground was still wet when Order 66 was activated, and Eyes-up’s visceral fear of upsetting the commanding officer of the entire Coruscant Guard overrode his in-built compliance with Order 66, so he stayed and swept up the rain while his brothers went on to worse and darker things. :(
Corporal Corr: the Coruscant Guard Corpsman who ‘mysteriously’ has not managed to promote to sergeant (and likely never will....👀) He works under Thorn in the Diplomatic Service, is a great connoisseur of alcohol, and goes extremely hard for the Coruscant Guard (and nurtures a rivalry with 501st guys whenever they go planet-side for whatever.) He’s very serious about the concept of CG brotherhood and becomes a fixture in Diplomatic Service initiation rites (where shinies are ‘officially’ inducted into the group after their first milestone) to the point where he pretty much leads them. Part of this involves shinies mixing a drop of their blood into red paint, and then their older brothers in the CG mix in their own blood as well. The ex-shinies then use the paint for their armor. Corr has been implicated in brewing his own barracks moonshine which Fox and Thorn let him get away with just long enough to let him finish the process so they could see how good the final product actually was when they confiscated it. Corr also has an agreement with Toast clone, where he trades alcohol for the bread that Toast makes in a crematorium oven that’s non-operational on official records but which is very much operational in a hushed, practical sense. (He also has Toast score the bread surface with the pattern of the CG symbol because he can’t help himself, and has tattoos of the CG armor armbands and legbands actually over his arms and legs. Some might describe Corr as overzealous, but he believes you need passion and strong bonds in life or you have nothing. [This guy is also kind of a joint OC with my friend who runs a Coruscant Guard blog here!]
Are you sick of the Coruscant Guard yet? Well I have 12 more guardsmen alone where this came from and 13 if you count this next guy; I wasn’t kidding when I said I had half a platoon worth of OCs. 
Kov, rank to be determined, pronounced like “cove.” (I might change the spelling to better reflect that.) He’s in one of the Special Tactics Groups of the Coruscant Guard, a unit which I made up to work kind of like a SWAT team. He and his STG are also part of a designated force that can respond extremely quickly to developing situations and get there first to deal with the trouble before anybody else comes in. His STG’s motto is “made to kill, decanted to die” and he has a target tattooed over the side of his face to go with it. (They get shit from non-CG and units that think all they do is give out parking tickets and stand around looking pretty in the Senate building- these guys very much do not do that.) His face is very expressive, and he’s decisive, straightforward, and unfortunately comes off as kind of low on empathy. He wants people to see him as very pragmatic though he’s actually rather idealistic and kind of naive about certain things. He and his best friend are very interested in plants- Kamino didn’t have any, and they’re generally rare on Coruscant. There’s something calming and ‘constant’ about them that he enjoys. He likes taking photos of the ones they find together and looking them up later to learn about nature/biology. Kov learns he really likes children, but is uncertain/a little afraid to let himself interact with them because he’s worried about what sort of influence he’d have on them (and on a deeper level whether he’d learn from them that he’s not actually the person he thinks he is or tries to be.) He and a Twi’lek woman who immigrated from Ryloth sort of fall into a relationship without meaning to, and they both learn a lot from each other and grow as people. (I’m planning on having her take him to a botanical garden that he had no idea existed, and sometime during their visit he realizes he loves her even. He has trouble putting it into words in his mind, but he definitely knows.) 
Okay last one, I’m sorry! :( 
Lieutenant Rakia of the 212th, part of Slick’s direct chain of command. He goes through Geonosis with his best friend and batchmate Arak. When they were cadets on Kamino, and Arak’s helmet saved his life during a training accident but was partially shattered, and Rakia’s random compulsion to bend down and pick up a shard of the helmet inadvertently saved his life too during this incident. Arak and Rakia kept the small plastoid chunk, carved designs over its surface, and exchanged custody of it for years. Before Geonosis Arak gave it to Rakia. Rakia survives but somehow can’t find the chunk where it’s supposed to be in his utility belt, like it just disappeared, and Arak goes missing and is presumed KIA during the battle. On a deep internal level, Rakia has similar realizations to Slick, but because his personality is different he takes that in another direction. He doubles down on a deep trust and faith in the Republic and the Jedi because he’s subconsciously afraid of what it means about his life and purpose if those things are not the things he should believe in. He sees that they’re all cogs in a machine, but his response is that that’s a good thing. He finds something very personally significant about the idea that all those tiny cogs come together to become something much bigger. So his own internal tendencies towards a collective approach and trusting the leadership he was instructed to trust all his life just get kicked up to higher levels after Geonosis in the face of his anxieties.  
In normal speech he’s casual and kind of playful, but when he gets angry he becomes overly explicit/didactic about things and snaps a lot to the point where he can be condescending even without meaning to be. Rakia has an artistic side but doesn’t get to explore it much at first. He’s clean-shaven and lets his curls grow out a bit because he likes how he looks that way, but otherwise looks like everyone else and doesn’t want to visually distinguish himself from his brothers too much besides the slightly longer hair. He wants to be someone others look up to and tries to ignore/deny parts of himself that he doesn’t feel fit that ideal image he wants others to see. Part of that ties into him really struggling with grief but not even allowing himself to contend with it and find closure, stuffing it back down and ignoring it to negative effect. It also ties in to him resisting discovering himself as an individual beyond a certain point/his comfort zone because he’s afraid that will isolate himself from his brothers, but resisting that (and continuing to deny his grief/keep it bottled down) ends up doing that exactly, leading him to feel cut off and alone in certain ways that compound the problem in a bad spiral. (He gets out of it, I promise.) So because Slick is busy developing his own radical ideas and solutions which he can tell no one about (on top of feeling like he’s the only one who’s cottoned on to something nobody else can see,) that’s isolating too, and he and Rakia understand each other a lot better than they think they do in some respects, regardless of their disagreements. 
I know you didn’t ask for a six paragraph essay. Sorry I just really love these guys.😅
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How they act around their crush: GD edition
[This one’s for @glass-grapes​. I saw your submission and am completely psyched that you love my blog! I know that I’ve only recently had it kick-off with a few posts, but I have been wanting to start one of these since January. Hope this is to your liking! (p.s I didn’t know if I should do pre or post time skip, so I did a little dabbling into both]
We all know Claude here is both a go-getter and a tease 
If he finds you interesting then there’s no reason for him to hide it. A  battle of wits never hurt anyone, and boy do you two fight well
He is s a s s y. If you’re chatting with some other students he might stick his nose into the conversation to toy with you. It’s all in good fun, right? Just a little mini-game on his way to achieving bigger things  
That’s what he tells himself 
Some days he finds you a bit too alluring, and can’t help being self conscious of the other people around
Fiddles with his braid when you throw him for a loop
Will pay extra special attention to you in battle, and makes excuses to the prof. for why you should be near him. He really is a snake 
Post-Timeskip he hides his bias even more. Not enough to fool his close comrades, but enough to avoid you receiving any extra attention from the enemy  
Sometimes slips items in your room to distract from the stress. Tea, a new blanket, etc.
During the five year gap he keeps track of your whereabouts. After Garreg Mache fell he decided that his dream would take priority as planned, but also believed that one day you would be at his side 
Wasn’t surprised at all to see you at the reunion, but that familiar urge to tug his hair returned too  
Judith and Nader have already heard about you prior to your meeting. Much to his dismay they view his buried feelings as open range comedy
We all know how Lorenz acts when he finds someone of interest. The guy is a huge flirt which causes the professor wayyy too much stress 
He’s not as in-tune with his sense of romance as you would think. In the early stages he’ll treat you the same as all the other ladies: a potential partner for house Gloucester.
Date offerings, frilly words, gifts, acts of kindness. Ah tis but the duty of a noble, yes? 
One day he lets that stubborn side of his personality slip out, and you come back at him with just as much fire. He becomes so angered after it, but somehow hearing the words from you hurt more than if someone else were to say them
That’s when he knows that he’s in deep, and from then on he treats you more gently. He’ll watch his tongue around other women, and sets his sights on only you. His mannerisms are the same as before, but now he tries to learn more about you as a person vs. just the cold hard statistics
He’s a blusher. He has a naturally light pigmentation so it shows. 
After the time-skip he’ll watch you like a hawke. Do you like his new hair cut? Surly it’s an improvement from before sorry bro it’s not
Sets his dignity aside to request that you be given a hexlock shield during battle, or placed near him. Claude won’t let him live it down
He m i g h t avoid you, but please don’t take it the wrong way. That’s just how he is, you know?
Young Ignatz isn’t that confident in himself. You’re...well ‘you’. And he’s...well, ‘him’
Oddly enough he confides in HIlda of all people. It originally began with wanting to see if she was still on stable duty with him, but ended up with him working and her talking
When you’re nearby he chooses not to speak unless spoken to. If you didn’t know his tells he’d come off cold, but one look at his hands wringing together just proves he was nervous 
Byleth puts you two on cooking duty together: que panic. He legit grovels at their feet to pick someone else. They don’t, and that evening he sketches a wonderful picture of you sifting through different seasonings 
On your birthday he struggles to give you the gift he prepared. It ends up with Lionie giving you it while he watches from afar. 
When you’re older he is much more verbal with his opinions 
More often than not he lets those honey-coated words slip out, which usually end up with him excusing himself quickly 
Invites you to join him during downtime at least once a week. Every day could be his last, and goddess forbid yours. He wants to spend time with you even if he isn’t the most graceful companion never mind that he’s a smooth-talking mofo
If there’s one thing Raphael is good at, it’s showing that he cares 
The boy is a giant muscular teddybear. He will carry your things, he will spar with you, he will eat anything you cook without complaint, and he will hug you; hard. 
Unlike everyone else he’s pretty open with his feelings. Life is short, you know? 
If you make him particularly bashful he’ll laugh loudly. More so to cover up his own embarrassment than because he finds the situation actually humorous
Adopts this habit of constantly asking if you need anything. The guy loves to dote on people, and lookie here you’re the perfect target 
Remembers all important dates like a pro. On your birthday he drops a gift right on your desk first thing in the morning 
Goddess forbid anyone gives you trouble. Without the smile on his face he looks the murder type, and the guy uses it to his advantage. He will happily escort you anywhere you need to go 
Once his sister is settled he might honestly stick with you during that five year gap. He’s made his feelings painfully obvious, and you haven’t chased him off. Why not stick around? 
Yo she’s clingy 
She knows you have to be a catch and a half to steal her heart, so who knows who else that you’ve smooth talked 
Just like everyone else she’ll still get you to do her bidding...but, maybe a smidge less 
She feels guilty, but won’t show it 
Hilda will do all in her power to not let the news reach her family. The last thing she needs is Holst sending her more letters, or worse: showing up at the monastery
Y’all she will don her best perfume for you. She will push all her work onto Cyril and drag you to have lunch with her. This is normal Hilda behavior so she has no reason to be shy 
Will flirt openly and proudly. If you recuperate she’ll go gossip to Marianne about how you’re ‘totally smitten’ with her
Post-skip she’s not much different. Most of her time is spent doing what she can for the cause, but when you see each other she’s more bold. 
Like always she doesn’t like to have expectations pushed onto her. She does have one for herself though, and it’s to stay by your side. 
During the academy years she tends to admire from afar 
Her favorite memories are of when the professor signed you both up for choir practice. She loves your voice, and it was a time where there wasn’t any pressure for conversation 
As time passes she’ll become less adverse to talking. Quiet greetings will be whispered when you cross paths, and occasionally you two have lunch together 
Marianne is not as reserved as people assume her to be. She’s just had a rough time, and if you take things slow with her then she’ll gradually have a stronger presence in your life. She hopes that this comes true for you two 
Eye contact hasn’t always been her forte. She does try to maintain it with you though 
Her feelings remain at a stalemate through most of the academy days. Only when she bypass’ some more personal-issues does she let her emotions go free
About halfway through the war period she changes. Her stance is more vertical, and she becomes the one to take initiative in your relationship 
She’ll still blush upon any physical contact, and in some cases she’ll lose her breath when you talk. Don’t take the momentary silence as a bad thing, she’s okay. 
Occasionally she’ll be restless and unable to sleep, worrying about the future she now has in her grasp. You might find her scouring for a cup of chamomile late in the night 
She’ll deny herself immediately. For Lysithea the future is an anomaly. One of which that no amount of studying or research can uncover.
It’s painfully obvious that there’s a spark between you two. Anyone can see it, and Hilda has pestered her many times regarding confessing 
If the situation was a bit different, she would. Lysithea is no push over, but she also doesn’t want to invest time into something that will bear no fruition 
She keeps her cool around you for the most part...or at least until you’re out of hearing distance 
Then she completely loses composure. Did someone say clammy hands? Because hers get slicker than lorenz’s hair gel 
Leads to stress eating, not gonna lie. There are many late night trips to the mess hall, and many angry cooks over the missing sweets  
Times are different post-timeskip though. She’s a bit more reluctant to let these feelings go 
Occasionally there’s some open flirting on her part. If you recuperate then it becomes more frequent and less forced. The sassy banter between you two becomes the deer’s free entertainment
She’s commonly been viewed as ‘one of the guys,’ for her personality. So she’s very insecure about getting friend zoned 
It’s not like she was actively searching for romance. It just happened, you know? One day something just struck a chord 
She never took the time to picture sharing a life with someone. Most of her life has been spent worrying about her village, or working hard to attain some kind of recognition from the Captian 
For a split second she considers going to Byleth for some advice. Now isn’t the time for school-girl crushes. Now is the time to be forging a path to the future
Decides to completely ignore the ache she feels when you’re nearby. Just...lets it go. 
She’ll put hella distance between you two. The only time she’ll initiate contact is during sparring 
After the timeskip she stays this way too. Well, until HIlda calls her out on her bullsh*t (if you haven’t noticed from all these. Hilda is a perceptive little cookie)
Just like anyone she’ll go through the moral dilemma of deciding to confess or not. She instead chooses to just let her feelings do as they please, and if something happens then it happens 
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padawanlost · 4 years
the clones were essentially slaves and the jedi allowed it. they are in fault for accepting the army in the first place; and for those who think this is a hard pill to swallow; apathy by not calling out they were slaves. i really think this shows the corruption in both the republic and the order itself but most people defend the jedi for some reason. the jedi weren’t the only victims of order 66; the clones who got their free will overridden were somehow always out of the question. having a inhibitor chip that somehow can control your actions is a scary dystopian-ic sort of concept.
and yet, the clones had to go through this but no one acknowledges that because they don’t want to blame the jedi for accepting what essentially is a slave army 🤷
yeah i have a lot of feelings
I think we live in age where being fan means refusing to acknowledge we don’t like. sure, fandoms are supposed to be fun so it’s normal for us to want to engage only with the parts that make us happy. However, I’ve been noticing with growing concern a new trend where only the parts we want to engage are welcomed as valid fandom community.
The Jedi Order is prime example of this. We have fans who love them, fans who hate them and fans who enjoy them in parts. All are fans, all are valids. But I’ve noticed that, tumblr at least, is no longer a safe place for fans who want to discuss topics that ‘jedi stans’ find unflattering.
Not to sound all fandom-elder but back in my day when someone said something like ‘I think the Jedi did something wrong’ someone would disagree and life would go one. now it seems people who want to talk about anything beyond the ‘I love this and everything about is perfect’ mentality is considered a fandom-terrorist. Someone who is actively ‘ruining’ the fandom experience for everyone else, even if said ‘hater’ is not engaging with anything, even if they are simply posting their opinion on their own blog. Considering we are talking about a platform where performative wokeness is the norm, it’s not all that surprising that people will resort to self-victimization when arguments fails them.
What any of this has to with do with clone slavery? Everything! Because that’s a sour topic in this fandom. it’s amazing how something so painfully obvious – slavery is *always* wrong – became such controversial topic. It says a lot about the overall mentality of the fandom when people argue pro-slavery because the opposite would mean their fave character did something morally wrong.
Again, when wokeness is perfomative something as innocent as enjoying a fictional character can put a crack in the image you’re trying to sell. If you’re a victim of cruel, abusive fandom that is ‘ruining everything’ for you, of course everything you consume must be pristine as your image. On top of that, if the fans (who disagree with you) are inherently evil and wrong, you don’t have to spend as much time and energy arguing their points. You can just say they are bad people and get some sympathy points.
To make matter worse, after the ‘stan culture’, we also have to deal with racism and sexism. If you pay attention to the argument defending clone enslavement and the role everyone played in it, you’ll notice the issue is not so much that people don’t care about slavery and murder. They simply don’t care about the enslavement and murder of anyone who isn’t a (white) favorite.
For everyone fan saying Anakin was wrong in killing innocent tusken children, there’re at least 3 fans saying they deserved it because they were savages who needed to pay for their parents crimes (or that killing them made the people safer). However, these same fans will relentlessly argue that Anakin killing that cute little boy in ROTS is one of the most vile crimes put on screen because he was such innocent, pure little boy.
The same goes for the clones. Anakin and Obi-wan being enslaved for a few days was traumatizing, cruel, vile, etc; the clones being enslaved for years and used as cannon fodder is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (the main point being that everyone, including the jedi, did everything they could to save the clones…and by everything they could, they usually mean nothing at all)
More recently, we have the clone wars finale. A heartbreaking hour of tv made to illustrate how cruel and unfair the war was *for the clones* and yet the main complaint was the show not taking its time to show the real victims of Order 66 (the jedi). We had a whole blockbuster, full-length movie illustrating the tragic end of the Jedi Order but people were still pissed Filoni dedicated an hour to show the clones were victims too.
To be honest, I’m done arguing this because experience has told me people aren’t interesting in talking about the issue, they just want their faves to look good. They don’t really care about the clones beyond their relationship with the beloved Jedi (Obi-wan’s men, Anakin’s men, Plo Koon’s men…they are never viewed as their own men, men who should be allowed a choice to exist beyond the role forced – and enforced – upon then).
I’ve said this a countless time before and I’ll say it again, there’s no justification for slavery. No righteous course action beyond doing everything in your power to stop it, and if you don’t have any power to act by yourself it’s your moral (and legal) duty to make sure people with power act on your behalf. If you’re not a legal enforces, you can still make sure you vote for the right leaders, protest, write letters, contact the government, go on strike, protests, etc. sitting on your ass because ‘there was not nothing you could do’ is not a valid (or even accurate) option when it comes to the enslavement of human beings. And, imo, it’s fucking sad this even needs to be said.
The clones, the children and everyone else enslaved in the GFFA deserved better, deserved someone willing to help them, deserved more than empty words and gestures. And that’s a hill I’m more than ready to die on.
But hey, wtf do i know?
[The Jedi] are being corrupted by this war, by being forced to be generals instead of peacemakers. – George Lucas 
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
Tumblr media
Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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luki-fanfic · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fic Idea - The Djinn Kwami
I have too much fic already on my plate so this is not turning into an actual fanfic, but given what’s happening in the fandom thanks to early releases, I thought those relying on the ML Distractathon tag might appreciate this as a distraction.
- Some kind of amulet arrives in Paris, which happens to host the Djinn kwami.  Thanks to it’s nature, the Djinn only appears every 100 years, grants 3 wishes, and then is sealed away again.  Chat Noir wonders if the Djinn’s wish could solve their Hawkmoth problem, but Fu tells him that the wishes are always cursed in some way, so it’s vital to grab ‘Genie’ and bring him to Fu before anyone makes a wish.  It could have ramifications that even Hawkmoth doesn’t want.
- Hawkmoth of course, doesn’t care.  When he realises that the Djinn Kwami is active, he’s heading straight for it.  Knowing that he’s facing Ladybug and Chat Noir and possibly the Guardian, he also brings Mayura, and uses an Akuma on Lila as extra muscle.
- However, when Lila learns that they’re hunting a GENIE KWAMI, she double crosses Hawkmoth and grabs it for herself.  Before anyone can stop her, she’s transforming, and making her first wish.  She doesn’t have a lot of time to plan, because Hawkmoth, Mayura and the heroes are all lunging for her, so she thinks fast.  What she wants more than anything is admiration, and Adrian’s attention.  So…
“I wish I was Ladybug!”
- She gets a moment to enjoy the look of absolute horror on Ladybug’s face, before everything goes dark, and she wakes up in her room – wearing a new pair of earrings and a rather sour looking red Kwami asking her what’s wrong.
- She’s suddenly hit with altered memories – her mother came to France several months earlier, and when she was walking to school, there was an incident.
- (Fu was looking for a new ladybug, tried to test Lila, ‘accidentally’ got pushed into traffic, and loses the Ladybug kwami box.  By the time he’s gotten out of hospital, he has no clue where the box is or who has it).
- Lila brushes off Tikki, who goes to sleep, and then she pulls out ‘Genie,’ who explains that he had to rewrite time in order to allow Lila to be in a position to get the earrings.  She’s a little insulted that she could only get them through an ‘accident’ rather than being worthy, but she can live with it.
- She spends a good hour that night just looking through her calender.  ‘Ladybug’ has dozens of media appearances and modelling set up, and she absolutely can’t wait.  
- In fact, she decides to improve everything by adding a second wish.  While she’s doing a good job on her own, she always preferred the easy way out, and wishes that ‘Marinette Dupain-Cheng didn’t have a single friend at Dupont.’  
- The next day, she heads to school with a spring in her step.  While she knows nobody can know she IS Ladybug, she can’t wait to bask in everyone’s admiration, while that little goody-two-shoes enjoys being unloved and unwanted.  However, when she gets to school, while everyone smiles and greets her, they seem rather withdrawn and not all that excited. She’s sitting next to Alya, who greets her fairly apathetically.  When she asks about Marinette, she gets a blank stare.
- New memories hit.  Turns out, Marinette doesn’t go to this school – she’s never gone to school with anyone here.  This means that Chloe never had her favourite target, and went after everyone else.  When Lila arrived, people flocked to her and her connections, but when she could never follow through, people dropped her pretty quickly and treat her like Chloe.
- It gets worse when she asks about the Ladyblog.  She ‘remembers’ that Alya more or less gave it up very early on.  The biggest blog around these days is the ‘Chatcall’ run by someone else entirely.
- Apparently, Lila’s love of the spotlight and general bad nature has soured Ladybug’s popularity.  Chat Noir is by the far the more popular of the two heroes. 
- Her great morning has suddenly become a nightmare, and while she’s seething, she asks Nino when Adrian is going to get here.  He’s still got to be into superheroes, surely.
- Nino however, just stares at her and asks ‘Who?’
- Meanwhile, Marinette wakes up in the morning, remembering exactly what happened, and is horrified to find both Tikki and the earrings are missing.  But more strangely, her room is altered.  The walls have photos of people she’s never met on them, along with several of Adrian – but not professional photos, photos of the two of them.  There’s also a lot of random outfits midway through design that she barely remembers.  
- Then, her parents come up to her room, and tell her she’s going to be late to school if she doesn’t hurry.  School in this case, being an extremely exclusive private school she’d only ever dreamed of attending.
Then the memories hit.  Her parents, after Chloe first bullied Marinette, decided to try her at a different primary, and without the constant bullying, she blossomed.  She continually entered competitions regarding craftsmanship, and was eventually invited to apply for a scholarship at the private school.  She continued to excel, befriending the Quantic kids and beginning her own MDC line.
- That’s quite a bit to take in, but it’s nothing compared to when she actually gets to school and finds Adrian waiting for her at the door.  He greets her, calls her his girlfriend, and kisses her on the cheek.
– She immediately passes out.
- When she wakes up, she’s at the nurses office, and remembers – she met Adrian and Gabriel at a fashion shoot.  She didn’t quite have a crush on Adrian at the time, but he was elated to meet another person his age – and she talked to him about her school...and somehow convinces Gabriel that letting Adrian attend such a prestigious school – used to handling high profile famous students – would be perfectly safe. Since they’d allow Adrian’s bodyguard on the grounds, have an almost legendary rep, and he does kind of want to lure Marinette-AKA-MDC over to Agreste and he’s not above using his son to do it, he allows Adrian to apply, thus removing Adrian’s need to use Chloe and go over his father’s head.  As he and Marinette spend a lot of time together, they both fall for each other, and started dating before the whole Hawkmoth/Ladybug battle began.
- She barely makes it through school, and is very conflicted when she gets home. Especially since there’s an Akuma attack that day, and it’s very clear ‘Ladybug’ is nowhere near up to the task.  Chat Noir’s definitely having to pick up a lot more slack that he usually does, but they do still beat him.
- That night, she’s visited by the Djinn kwami, (who waited until Lila was asleep) comes to visit and explain what happened.  The nature of the kwami means he has to grant ‘cursed’ wishes, even when he doesn’t want to.  So to get around that, he tries to find loopholes – in cases where a wish will cause someone who doesn’t deserve it misfortune, he tries to counter it by improving their life.  Lila wanted to be Ladybug, but there was almost no reality in which that could happen as long as Marinette went to Dupont...so he fixed things so that Marinette never did. This happens to be the ‘best’ future Marinette could possibly have in which she didn’t attend.
- Marinette is genuinely surprised he’d go to this much trouble.  He surely didn’t have to give her the best life possible, but Genie admits there’s a more malicious additional reason.  Lila wanted Ladybug to hurt.  She wanted Ladybug to remember what she’d lost.  However, Ladybug might then try to undo the wish, and it’s the Djinn’s duty to fulfil his master’s wishes – so he had to make sure Ladybug wouldn’t WANT to undo the wish.  
- And so, Marinette finds herself torn.  On the one hand, she has an amazing life, with fantastically loyal friends and Adrian at her side.  On the other, she no longer has Tikki, and Lila is struggling as Ladybug.  Does she try and steal Tikki back and risk Lila using the third wish?  Or does she try and steal the Djinn’s token and reset the world back to what it was?  
- Meanwhile, Lila tries to figure out what the perfect third wish would be given how badly things have gone so far.
- (Oh, and Adrian is still Chat Noir.  While he was being driven to school, he spotted Fu struggling on the pavement after one of the other Dupont students ‘failed’ to help him, and stopped the car to aid the older man. He was late for school making sure Fu got to his destination, and Fu decreed him worthy.  Of course, he’s already head over heels for Marinette, and really can’t stand Ladybug.  Chatcall is run by Felix).
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