#and the fact that its followed by the euphoria episodes which are also so incredible… ouagh….
realbeefman · 4 months
nobody has ever made an episode of television as juicy as house vs god and dare i say no one ever will again… cameron and foreman at each others throats, faith healer kid who is so desperate to be clean he poisons himself, an honest to god miraculous recovery, wilson SLEEPING WITH A PATIENT, house wilson having a domestic in the streets, “you’re a functional vampire, useful only to society because it feeds you”, chase keeping score between house and god throughout, “you’re mad because i lied to you and you. couldnt. tell!”, endless philosophizing about the nature of faith and the existence of a God, “if a supreme being really exists he can squash you anytime he wants” “He knows where i am.” after an argument stemming from WHERE WILSON IS SLEEPING. PLACING WILSON AS THE ONLY PERSON HOUSE TRULY HAS FAITH IN. I CAN AND COULD GO ON!!!!!
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filmperidot · 1 year
High School TV Show Top Picks
Shows set in high school can be delightfully funny and bittersweet, or horribly embarrassing failures. Nowadays (it seems more often than not) your classically fun ‘teen show’ is a rare find. In a sea of shitty, and bizarre shows (looking at you Riverdale), there are still some good ones out there. As someone currently in highschool, I’d like to share a little guide to some of my top picks.
Before we get started, I also want to note that I think there’s a pretty big difference between shows that happen to be set in highschool/feature teens, and shows where their highschool experience is a large part of the plot. Coming of age is really a blanket term that can take a lot of different forms! For this post, I’m going to give my top picks for coming of age shows that are actually dedicated to the high school experience. While I love coming of age shows such as Stranger Things, and intense dramas like Euphoria, the main focus of those shows isn’t actually the fact that they’re in highschool. So this list is going to largely feature slightly more grounded comedies and dramas.
Derry Girls (2018-2022, 3 Seasons, TV-MA)- Derry Girls follows a teenage friend group in Ireland during The Troubles. It’s honestly one of the funniest teen shows I’ve ever seen. Each of the characters are nothing short of delightful, and their families are just as fun. To this day, it’s shocking to me that the cast are in their 20s and 30s- they truly nailed what it is to be a teenager. At only 19, 25-minute long episodes, it’s a pretty quick watch for a TV Show, but an endless source of serotonin. It’s extremely enjoyable for any age.
Sex Education (2019-, 3 Seasons, TV-MA)- Sex Education follows Otis, an awkward teenager who’s mother is a sex therapist, and his friends he attends school with. This show is a similar delight. It’s laugh out loud humor is well balanced with true poignancy, and it’s actually quite educational. Give this a watch if you feel like your high school health classes failed you!
Heartstopper (2022-, 1 Season, TV-14)- Heartstopper is a romance between two teenage boys set in England. This one was mostly included because of its overall sweetness. Its incredibly heartwarming, and quite refreshing to see such authentically kind and honest characters in a teen show centered around romance. This show is perfect for you if you enjoy teen romances, but are tired of seeing them portrayed as overly edgy, dramatic, or heavily sexualized.
Freaks and Geeks (1999, 1 Season, TV-14)- Freaks and Geeks tells the story of two groups of friends in the late nineties. Sadly, this show was cancelled before it could get a second season, which I consider a true tragedy. It’s funny, authentic, the characters are great, and the storylines are still as relatable and relevant today as they were when this show first aired.
I Am Not Okay With This (2020, 1 Season, TV-MA)- This show is about a character named Sydney, who’s dealing with highschool, family drama, romance, and superpowers on top of that. I Am Not Okay With This is really the outlier of this group of shows, since it does have a supernatural element. But I decided to include it here anyways because (as I stated previously) the actual highschool experience is still relevant and very relatable. Sadly, this is another show that was canceled after only one season. Now, I’m typically doubtful of most shows that have gotten canceled by Netflix. I watched a few of the ones that have received outrage for being canceled, and let’s just say I wasn’t impressed, which has made me a bit of a skeptic. But I can say, wholeheartedly, that the outrage was deserved for this one. The humor is fantastic, the actors perfectly embody their characters, and much like the rest of this list, the comedy is well balanced with deeper themes.
Please give these shows a try if you haven’t seen them! I’ll probably be making a post for my favorite broader coming of age shows, or maybe one for coming of age movies?
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tidesreach · 5 years
if you could rewrite skam italia season 2 to more accurately represent bpd and its symptoms, what would you change?
The short answer is I wouldn’t really change anything. But the reasons for that require explanation, so buckle in, this is going to be a long one.
I think accuracy is a subjective term when applied to portrayals of mental illness. Because people have very varied experiences. So what would be an accurate portrayal of BPD for me might not necessarily be accurate for someone else. Since the revelation of Nico’s diagnosis and my various posts on the subject, I have had messages from numerous other borderlines. A lot of them – like myself – related to Nico in many aspects. But there are also some who didn’t – or who did in some aspects but not others. The fact of the matter is that it’s not possible to portray a disorder like BPD in a way that is wholly accurate and relatable to everyone in all aspects because people have such varied experiences. If you’re interested in another portrayal of BPD, I recommend watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. For me, some aspects are incredibly relatable – sometimes uncomfortably so – but others are not. But that doesn’t mean those aspects are inaccurate. Another portrayal of BPD is the film Girl, Interrupted (one of my absolute favourite films) – however, some people with BPD (myself included) relate less to Winona Ryder’s character, who is the character diagnosed with BPD, and much more to Angelina Jolie’s character. Like I said, it’s subjective.
It’s also important to note that though there are nine diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder only five are required for diagnosis. So one person could have almost completely different experiences to another. And even if you do meet all of the same criteria as someone else with BPD your symptoms may manifest in different ways. For this reason people’s experiences with BPD can be incredibly varied. I meet all nine of the diagnostic criteria (it’s like winning a really shit lottery) – so I have experience dealing with all of them, but how I experience them may be very different to the way someone else experiences them. As an example: people deal with fear of abandonment in different ways. Some people self-isolate as a way to avoid abandonment. Some people may appear “clingy” e.g. they will send constant texts and make frequent phonecalls. Some people experience what we call “splitting”. Some people experience all three. Basically, we all have our own individual experiences and there’s no one way to be borderline. Symptoms can manifest in so many different ways.
I’m putting this under a read more to save everyone’s dashboards because it’s quite lengthy. But if it interests you, I’ve listed the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for BPD and how Nico’s symptoms accurately fit into that.
The nine diagnostic criteria for BPD are quite broad and are as follows:
Frantic efforts to avoid real and imagined abandonment.
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, often characterised by extremes between idealisation and devaluation (also known as “splitting”).
Identity disturbance: Persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
Impulsive behaviour that is reckless and potentially self-damaging (e.g. overspending, excessive alcohol or drug use, reckless driving, unsafe sex, binge eating, spontaneous decision-making, the list goes on).
Recurrent suicidal behaviour or ideation and/or self-harm.
Emotional instability (intense mood swings) e.g. intense episodic dysphoria, euphoria, irritability, or anxiety that can last from hours to days
Chronic feelings of emptiness and loneliness
Intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
Stress-related paranoia or severe dissociative symptoms (feeling disconnected from the world, or your own body, feelings, thoughts and behaviours)
It’s difficult to know how many of the criteria Nico meets as we have very limited background information to go on. After all, this is Martino’s season. Everything we see of Nico is in relation to Martino. Which makes it even more difficult to portray something like BPD. We have no inside knowledge of Nico’s thought processes, his past behaviours or what led to his diagnosis (hey, Ludo, can we uhhhhh get a Nico season please?). But he has to meet at least five of the above criteria to have been diagnosed. From what we have seen, the five he definitely meets are:
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment (the back-and-forth with Marti, ignoring his texts then telling him he wants to be with him, freezing Marti out after his ill-advised comment on mental illness, going back to Maddi, the flipbook and the antidote, suggesting that he leave and his refusal to let Marti look at him when he was in a depressive state).
Impulsive/reckless behaviour (breaking into the pool at Halloween. Taking his mum’s car and driving to Bracciano. Milan in general.)
Emotional instability (I don’t think I need to give you specific instances here because his emotional instability becomes quite evident in general).
Chronic feelings of emptiness and loneliness (his speech about solitude in Nel Mio Letto explains this feeling perfectly).
Stress-related paranoia or severe dissociative symptoms (Milan, again).
He also shows clear signs of:
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships (his parents, Maddalena, probably his friends/the boy he liked from his previous school. But we have limited information on his interpersonal relationships outside of Marti – though that’s unstable for most of the season thus is a sign in itself – so whether there is a distinct pattern of unstable relationships is unclear at this point, but it’s very likely given what information we do have. Whether he experiences splitting or not is unclear, too).
Identity disturbance (when he asks Marti if he should get a haircut and a tux to meet his dad, when he proposes à la Love Actually, when he’s staring at his reflection in the hotel room window, when he’s rapping Earl Sweatshirt and boxing in the bathroom – these could all be signs of an unstable identity, but I wouldn’t categorically define him as having persistent identity disturbance since we don’t know if it is in fact a persistent symptom).
So, Nico meets at least five but very likely seven out of the nine diagnostic criteria. The only two he hasn’t shown any signs of are:
Recurrent suicidal behaviour or ideation and/or self-harm.
Intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
So, to reiterate, accuracy is subjective. Nico’s symptoms were incredibly relatable for me personally. They’re just not the only symptoms and not the only way symptoms can manifest. Like I said, I experience all nine of the diagnostic criteria. So it wasn’t even a 100% accurate portrayal for me because I experience other symptoms too (splitting, anger/rage, suicidal behaviour and self-harm, among others). But I did relate a hell of a lot to the symptoms Nico did experience and the way he experienced them. I’m also incredibly grateful they didn’t focus on the suicidal aspect because there’s a lot of stigma surrounding BPD in regards to suicidal behaviour being manipulative, and if not handled well it might have been counterproductive. It was so important to me to have such a hopeful portrayal for that reason, because we are often portrayed in a terrible light.
I think the main thing that confused people regarding accuracy was Nico’s episode in Milan. Because it looked similar to Even’s manic episode in the OG. Which I understand. But it wasn’t the same thing. Many people with BPD, myself included, experience psychotic symptoms. Psychotic symptoms such as severe paranoia, hallucinations, depersonalisation, derealisation or distortion of beliefs and perceptions aren’t uncommon (there are a bunch of studies on this if you’re really interested, because health professionals are still trying to determine the cause and frequency of psychotic symptoms in BPD patients). They’re generally triggered by stress. I’ve experienced brief episodes of psychosis on and off for years. This is what Nico experienced in Milan (triggered by the stress of his parents and Maddalena trying to control him) – Nico truly believed that he and Marti were the last two people on Earth. To me, his episode looked like severe dissociation leading into brief psychosis – or psychotic symptoms, if you will (episodes of psychosis in BPD tend to be brief). So while I understand that it was confusing, it was, in fact, a fairly accurate portrayal of psychotic symptoms in BPD. I had a far more severe reaction to Nico’s episode than I did to Even’s because I saw so much of myself in him. Would it have been helpful to portray Nico’s psychotic symptoms in a way that wasn’t so similar to Even’s manic episode? Absolutely. But the fact remains that it was accurate and it made sense in the context of the season and the metaphor that Nico got caught up in of him and Marti being the last men on earth. It wasn’t random, it was cleverly interwoven.
Sorry for how long this got, but I felt like to answer this question required some explanation. To summarise, I actually don’t think I would change anything. There’s a reason I relate so much to Niccolò. But I don’t contest that others with BPD might not have found it as accurate a representation as I and others do. That’s absolutely their right. Because symptoms are incredibly varied and we all have our own individual experiences.
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mulechurchyard-blog · 6 years
What I mean when I say Ex-Gay
“Because you see we boys are like that. We are more afraid of the medicine than of the illness”
                                                                                   Pinocchio,Carlo Collodi
Over the 2015/16 festive period I had two epiphanies: (i) I wasn’t gay and (ii) there is a God.
There was a gap of around a month between the two. During that month, I unpicked my former identity, and I realised that I had been had: the concept of homosexual identity is lie, and the way that the lie is maintained is incredibly complex and damaging. At first, I wondered how I could become a secular voice who could help people see what I had seen, but God had other plans. In a few short weeks he had saved me for Himself, and now I knew that my message would be so outrageous there was no chance of being listened to. I knew what I was like before, and there was no way I would have listened… or maybe I would have listened a little bit, secretly. I might therefore have read on, if just to be outraged.
Having crossed the boundaries between the two worlds, I realised there is a problem to which there are four parts:
(i)            LGBT people do not understand Christianity
(ii)           Christians do not understand LGBT people
(iii)         LGBT people do not understand themselves
(iv)          Christians do not understand Christianity
So, as far debate and dialogue between LGBT people and Christians are concerned, things were never going to go well. As someone who has now experienced both, this blog sets out to address that a bit.
First, to state what I do not support. A couple of weeks back, there was an episode ofRupaul’s Drag Race (which I find fascinating) where one of the competitors broke down crying as he described his Christian parents subjecting him to an exorcism to rid him of a gay demon. That is spiritual abuse. No one can change for the sake of someone else. We each have a cross to bear, and it is our choice in how to bear it. It must be acknowledged that once a child is an adult, then they are on their own journey. Whilst love and guidance remain essential, that guidance must not be authoritarian (in fact authoritarian parenting may have been part of the problem in the first place). It goes without saying that verbal, physical, spiritual and emotional abuse (including shunning) play no part at all. I will write about parenting fully, later on.
However, there are a number of videos doing the rounds on YouTube, where people speak of amazing hole-on-one spiritual experiences where some charismatic preacher lays their hands on them, and they receive the holy spirit and “over-come” their sexuality all the same moment. If that is true, that’s great for them, I suppose, but it lies well beyond the bounds of realism for most. Maybe there is a leap of faith so profound that these people do just change their sexuality through belief, but as Rosario Champagne Butterfield, a Christian writer who also came through homosexuality, says, expecting it to happen is really prosperity gospel territory (the heretical and blatantly untrue belief that becoming a Christian is going to make you well, and bring financial prosperity because God knows you deserve it). What if these individuals discover that still struggle with same-sex desire? Who will they talk to about it? What if they don’t talk about it, and then act on it secretly? Either way, I am afraid to say that the euphoria of discovering God wears off overtime. You discover that you still do get ill, you still make terrible mistakes, your loved ones still die unsaved and you do still experience same-sex desire after all. Relying on Him and trusting Him can become harder. God doesn’t remove us from Earthly reality, he shows us what it truly is and if we understand what He is seeking in us, rather than us just expecting things of Him, He will help us to bear its challenges. That is why the prosperity gospel is absolute pap. There needs to be more credible and accessible explanations and courses of action, for the sake of everybody including charismatics.
It seems to be me, that most LGBT people who come to faith in Jesus, certainly within the UK evangelical culture in which I exist, still talk about experiencing same-sex attraction and choose to be celibate (Those who say that they are following Jesus and actively pursuing an LGBT lifestyle at that same time, aren’t Christians and I am not going to discuss that particular issue here). So, we have the two basic Christian views that seem to float around in culture and imagination:
I)              Over-the-top, all encompassing, instantaneous, spiritual theatrics/histrionics
II)            Celibacy
Celibacy is problematic though as it just says, “This is me and don’t ask question.” Although the way of dealing with it is different, this is basically the same thing as that that mainstream LGBT community says, often with extreme defensiveness, and there is a big reason for that. The thing that LGBT people fear above all other things is self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge is terrifying, because through self-knowledge an LGBT person will see that the person who is hurting them, the person who is humiliating them, who is filling their body with drink and drugs at the weekend (if they are that way inclined), who is causing their mental anxiety, who is generating these feelings of exclusion and who is preventing them from taking their role in God’s created order, is themselves. The sinful world has told them a lie about themselves, and they have believed it. They have not only believed it, they have run with it and through forging community with other LGBT people they have created a self-perpetuating social force that tells them that change is impossible, and any attempt to change is extremely damaging or laughable.
As these communities have sucked men and women in to them, grown ever larger and gained influence, they have taken it upon themselves to proclaim all science and psychology that suggest that homosexual or trans identity is even remotely changeable, linked to other mental health/personality disorders or liable to damage the individual further, have been irrefutably debunked. But they haven’t. My own lived experience show there is profound truths in much of the psychological writings of the pre-“liberation” era that have been excluded from contemporary discourse with such vehemence, it is almost impossible to access them, let alone hear them be discussed with any seriousness. There has been such a force of will and pressure from the LGBT community that they have managed to suppress the thought that these theories could have any truth in them at all. That is because discovering the truth in them is terrifying as it shows them that they are far less in control of their own bodies and minds than they think they are. This terror is as real for Christian LGBT people and those within the mainstream.
We can see this process happening just now with the gender-neutral debate. Previously, no one believed this thing existed as anything other than attention seeking linked in with certain pathologies, but slowly the debate is being crushed. Maintaining the idea that there even is a debate to be had, is portrayed as morally abhorrent. People become afraid to speak out. This is “not even up for debate” stance inevitably seeps in and affects the Christian world just as much as mainstream culture. Hence, I am not satisfied with the celibacy answer, because I think those who pursue it remain within the lie when greater and deeper recognition of your God-created reality is possible. And if full change proves elusive, at least there can come a greater ability to understand same-sex desire/LGBT-identity better and struggle with it less. To all intents and purposes, I am still celibate, and I don’t see that changing in the near future. But it’s not because I am resisting same-sex attraction, but because I am still beset with emotional issues from the past and I don’t feel able to cope with a relationship with a woman (again I will discuss this further later on). But more importantly I am saved, and I am not living within a lie that places a barrier between me and the true nature of reality anymore. In some ways, it is exactly like The Matrix. The world Neo wakes up can seem one hell of a lot harder to deal with than existing within the Matrix, but it is real, and that is profoundly more meaningful that living within the safe confines of a lie. And in reality, the lie is not safe at all. It cleverly disguises it dangers. Addiction issues, mental health issues, suicide, domestic violence, loneliness, anxiety, sexual promiscuity and narcissism are all far more prevalent in LGBT people than they are in the non-LGBT population. Their unacknowledged realties are screaming out against the lie that is being forced on to them, and this is without even going into the more metaphysical realms of damnation and exclusion from God’s Eternal Kingdom that lie will breed in time.
Christian celibacy is better, but it is not yet forceful enough to bring about the culture change that needs to happen. Ed Shaw has written a book called The Plausibility Problem, in which he discusses the problem of presenting celibacy as a plausible lifestyle choice for LGBT people as they seek Jesus. I think it is a huge problem, and it will always remain a minority choice. I think there is a more radical solution that even the church is now too afraid of. God create man and woman to be together. LGBT-identity is a lie, and we need to stop contributing to that lie. We need to undo it. Same-sex attraction is an issue deeply related to LGBT-identity, but it is also separate as it can exist independent of the LGBT-identity. Likewise, same-sex attraction is a lie. It is not part of God’s created order.  We need to undo that too, rather than preach repression. The solution to both lie in language and how people and feelings are described. This process of re-description is deeply disturbing, often very upsetting and above all, terrifying. The road down which I have travelled in the few years has often been hard to bare; and I have found myself gasping with desperation “but who am I then?” To endure such mental turmoil and chaos, the individual must have security in something larger than themselves. Therefore, whilst I believe that coming to faith and overcoming LGBT-identity/same-sex desire are separate things that require separate processes, I doubt that the latter transformation is possible without a total reliance and trust in the peace, love and purpose that God has provided for us.
God and the goodness of his created order are the medicine, but Pinocchio is right, they do seem more terrifying than the illness, even when the illness promises death. That is especially the case when that illness is sin of our own making. So, my last word is this; do not be afraid of the medicine. Although it may seem bitter thing to swallow at first, it is very good indeed.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Sepia 200 uses
Sepia is a fundamental homeopathic medication, particularly for females. Sepia 30 and Sepia 200 uses are the most endorsed and regularly utilized homeopathic drug, however 1M is additionally used to coordinate with mental indications.
Sepia follows up on practically every one of the objections identified with females like – PCOS, PCOD, Fibroids, Uterine Prolapse, Menopause, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhoea, and so on
On the off chance that you are a male, don’t frustrate in light of the fact that Sepia will superbly work for you on the off chance that you match your side effects.
Also, in the event that you have any female part in your family, you ought to have a Sepia bottle in your home.
Since these days, way of life has changed, and that’s just the beginning and more females experience the ill effects of mental issues like mental pressure, sorrow, and tension.
Sepia has astounding work to settle these issues of females, which assists control with incensing and emotional episodes.
So this article will clarify the point by point employments of Sepia for females and guys both, its measurements, potencies, and how to purchase Sepia homeopathic medication online from brands like SBL, Schwabe, and Dr. Reckeweg.
Thus, Let’s begin !!
Article Contents Show
What is Sepia 200 uses ?
Sepia is otherwise called Cuttlefish. It’s anything but an expansive and leveled body. Cuttlefish have a life expectancy of 1-2 years and have numerous hunters.
Cuttlefish have a few cautious components to shield themselves from hunters. One of the instruments is their ink sack.
They obscure the water by showering ink from their ink sack, which can divert and perplex a hunter. Homeopathic organizations arranged Sepia from the dried fluid from this ink sack of Cuttlefish.
The inky juice contains 20 % sulfur, melanin, and different lipids.
Cuttlefish ink has numerous gainful wellbeing impacts like mitigating, hostile to oxidant, against microbial, hostile to malignancy, against retroviral action, hostile to hypertensive.
In prior days, individuals used to utilize ink for composing, drawing, painting, and restorative purposes. The food business likewise utilized it’s anything but a food seasoning specialist and food color.
Sepia Personality: Best Person to Use Sepia
Sepia is dominatingly a solution for females yet not restricted to its use just to them. However, when we talk about homeopathic medication indications, a patient’s physical and mental side effects likewise matter.
So to discover who is the best contender for utilizing Sepia following are some actual attributes where Sepia will work best-
Youthful people of both genders who are apprehensive and sensitive and are arranged to sexual energy or get exhausted by sexual overabundance can likewise utilize Sepia.
Kids who get cold rapidly on climate changes can take profits by Sepia. On the off chance that we talk about the female actual appearance which can be most appropriate for Sepia are those –
Females with yellow appearance, Female having yellow seat across the nose,
A male kind pelvis, Overworked and hauled somewhere around the deficiency of fundamental liquids, overabundance of sexual extravagance.
Those inclined to prolapses and uterine difficulties and brunettes(a white lady or a young lady with dim hair.)
The individuals who get influenced by clothing work, getting wet, injury, over lifting, falls, bubbled milk, inactive life, and guilty pleasure in high greasy food sources, pork, tobacco.
Sepia Mind Symptoms
To know the psychological side effect of a patient is exceptionally vital. Having total information about female mental indications would be not difficult to recommend Sepia.
So how about we see the most conspicuous mental side effects of a lady
A female is all blissful, apprehensive, edgy, warm. Then, at that point she faces certain conditions throughout everyday life, prompting inconvenience, dissatisfaction, and stress.
A condition that significantly influences her is during pregnancy, after conveyance, extreme draining from the uterus, breastfeeding twins, or over-incredible kid, depleting her lacteal liquids. Indeed, even an over-lively spouse is enjoying sexual abundance.
This makes her dull, and gradually her energy begins blurring; she discovers no euphoria in awesome things. A female loses control, delicate, peevish, and get effectively irritated.
A patient gets languid and doesn’t have any desire to do anything, neither physical nor mental work. On the off chance that somebody is amazingly touchy to commotion.
They can’t portray their manifestations without sobbing in view of passionate affectability. A female discussions and does numerous odd things and gets restless about frivolous things.
She realizes she needs to adore her significant other and children, however she can’t settle her adoration in those ways. The female feels heartbreaking without reason.
A state where every one of her warm gestures are altogether still and gets estranged from the nearby or familial relationship. There is a repugnance for the work, family, and become uninterested towards the friends and family.
In outrageous cases, a female can even get self destruction. They get regular assaults of sobbing with absolute loss of expectation. They are inclined to end it all because of this gloom.
Sepia is appropriate for such individuals who can suffer agony or difficulty without showing their sentiments or whining.
Obliviousness, a despondent state, stressing over her future and wellbeing are totally connected with despair.
Sepia Uses
I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head. You can coordinate with the manifestations and when you feel these side effects are coordinated with then you can recommend Sepia –
Head Complaint: Sepia 200 uses for Headaches
A patient (Male or Female) encounters dizziness with the impression of something moving in the head. The agonies in the head are generally on the left side, alongside queasiness and regurgitating.
Head torments improve by lying on the excruciating side and deteriorates on the off chance that you are bound inside at home. A female gets horrible stuns of the wave at the feminine time with low stream and want for intercourse.
Kids with open fontanels who jerk their head in reverse and advances madly or with torment can be assuaged by Sepia. Numerous females notice that their cerebral pains deteriorate subsequent to shopping or after mental work however improve in the wake of eating a supper.
Eyes Complaints
Vision gets darkened because of sexual overabundance, masturbation, and uterus issue.
You may encounter dark spots, blazes, and starts of light before your eyes and afterward breakdown.
Ear Complaints
Sepia is an amazing remedy for herpes, which happens behind the ears, projection of ears, scruff of the neck.
The patient is excessively delicate to commotion, particularly music.
Nose Complaints: Sepia for Nose Bleeding
The patient may encounter draining from the nose.
A female discovers her nose is hindered during periods during pregnancy and might be experiencing heaps.
On the off chance that an individual is delicate to unpleasant scents or even the smell of preparing food.
An earthy colored, yellow stripe across the nose of a female shows the utilization of Sepia.
Face Complaints: Sepia for contagious skin break out
The skin on the face seems old with wrinkles.
Ladies are more inclined to foster earthy colored patches on the face because of hormonal changes during pregnancy or sun openness.
Pimples deteriorate before menses.
So this hormonal choppiness can be amended by the organization of Sepia.
Mouth Complaints
The tongue is messy, yet shockingly, it is spotless during the menses. An individual feels that everything tastes pungent.
Tongue feels consumed. The toothache deteriorates during pregnancy and menses.
Agony in the tooth is generally from 6 pm to 12 PM, and it deteriorates on resting.
A female transcendently has this strange vibe of something plug like in the throat.
She can’t bear the pressing factor of tight garments around the neck.
Respiratory Complaints: Sepia for Cough
The hack is very exhausting and dry, clearly coming from the stomach.
During hack, there’s a spoiled egg taste in the mouth. Hack is more terrible toward the beginning of the day with bountiful noxious, pungent expectoration.
There is additionally shortness of breath, which deteriorates after rest and improves with quick movement.
As earthy colored spots are apparent in the midsection, you can see earthy colored spots on the chest too.
Heart Complaints
Flow of blood is by all accounts stale, which prompts sporadic dissemination.
Palpitations are noticeable and awaken with a savage thumping of the heart.
They improve in the wake of strolling quick and deteriorate lying on the left side.
They may feel shaking or shuddering marginally due to the surge of blood.
Stomach Complaints
A condition of weariness creates in the stomach, which doesn’t improve by eating. They foster queasiness even at the idea or smell of food.
Queasiness deteriorates at the prospect of coition, during pregnancy, in the first part of the day, and furthermore on washing the mouth. They want vinegar, acids, pickles, and desserts.
A patient can not endure bubbled milk. An individual feels huge consuming in the stomach, which increments in the wake of retching.
They are inclined to eructation’s which are spoiled and harsh. Those dependent on tobacco foster extreme heartburn prompts repetitive torment or distress in the upper mid-region.
They foster queasiness toward the beginning of the prior day eating and an inclination to upchuck subsequent to eating.
Midsection Complaints: Sepia for Liver
The Liver turns out to be uncommonly sore and agonizing, and the torment is diminished by lying on the right side and deteriorates on stooping.
One can notice many earthy colored spots on the mid-region. They are inclined to fart with a cerebral pain.
Smoking can cause prolapse of the rectum. Stoppage is serious where they don’t get the inclination for a few days.
Stools become hard and feel like a ball in the butt. This sensation doesn’t improve even in the wake of passing stool.
An individual passes stool solely after delayed stressing followed by a cupful of yellow-white hostile jam like bodily fluid.
Clogging prompts the improvement of heaps that projects and drains while strolling with staying torment.
In the wake of drinking bubbled milk, they foster greenish the runs with quick depletion.
Urinary Complaints: Sepia 200 uses helps in Urine Infection
Ladies foster bladder control misfortune somewhat subsequent to hacking, wheezing, chuckling, hearing abrupt clamor, dread, and during first rest.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Upcoming Movies in February 2021: Streaming, VOD, and Theaters
2021 is now in full swing, and film distributors are beginning to feel out what the new normal actually is. Given the latest news about COVID variants, movie theaters remain a tenuous bet—although some films are still releasing there—while streaming at home becomes evermore enticing with one of Warner Bros.’ Oscar contenders set to premiere simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max. This month also marks the theatrical and/or streaming release of some of last year’s best films.
So for film lovers, the choice of what to watch (and how to view it) remains more varied than ever. Here’s a guide to what’s coming up in February:
A Glitch in the Matrix
February 5
After chronicling the oddest of oddball theories regarding Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining in the documentary Room 237, filmmaker Rodney Ascher is back to take on sci-fi classic The Matrix. In truth, the idea of there being a “glitch in the Matrix” predates the Wachowskis’ 1999 movie, but the duo mainstreamed the idea that we all live in a simulation. So with his new film, Ascher explores that philosophical idea (and fringe conspiracy theory) that nothing is real, and therefore everything is permitted.
With the rise of conspiracy theories and magical thinking in recent years, this could be timely stuff—or unnecessary based on some of the mixed reaction this film has thus far received out of Sundance.
Malcolm & Marie
February 5
This Netflix release has awards buzz around it as well as eye-popping marquee value with its depiction of a love story between John David Washington (BlacKkKlansman, Tenet) and Zendaya (Euphoria, Spider-Man). The film is from the mind of Euphoria creator Sam Levinson and is his third feature, following Assassination Nation.
Shot in black and white, Malcolm & Marie is a visibly personal project, with its depiction of a romance on the edge of evolution or despair. Washington’s Malcolm is a movie director in the story, and he’s on the verge of superstardom after the premiere of his first feature. Clearly his life is about to change, but his girlfriend Marie suspects those changes don’t include her. After his big night, all the things left unspoken are about to be uttered.
February 5 (U.S. Release, Playing Now in the UK)
Viggo Mortensen makes his directorial debut in what is reported to be a quiet and revelatory affair. Like several other filmmakers this year, Mortensen is tackling the subject of parents and adult children being placed under the strain of dementia. Yet there’s long been a tension between Willis (Lance Henriksen) and his son John (Mortensen) in this movie, even before early stages of dementia.
Uncomfortable with the fact John is gay and living openly with his partner and a young daughter, Willis is reluctant to visit his son’s family. But as the aging process sets in, both generations are going to have to make peace with a lot of things.
Judas and the Black Messiah
February 12 (U.S. Only, UK TBC)
As the next Warner Bros. film set to premiere on HBO Max the same day it opens in theaters, a lot of attention is gathered around Judas and the Black Messiah, not least of all because it is very good. As a film with Oscar aspirations—Daniel Kaluuya has already been nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globes and SAG Awards—Judas gives a hard-edged study of the life and times of Fred Hampton, the Black Panther Party chairman who was executed by police in 1969.
Told from the perspective of William O’Neal (a jittery LaKeith Stanfield), the FBI informant who spied on Hampton and the Panthers for law enforcement, it’s a unique approach to a biopic that finally shines mainstream Hollywood light on the struggles of the Panthers and the demand for Black Power. It’s brutal and, ultimately, haunting.
February 12 (March 19 in the UK)
Another major awards contender, and easily one of the best films of the last year, is Lee Isaac Chang’s intimate and visibly personal passion project, Minari. Loosely inspired by Chang’s own childhood, the film chronicles a family of Korean-Americans who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s, and after a decade of scraping by in the dead end of industrial farming, they’re making a go of it with their own small farm in rural 1980s Arkansas.
Presented as a multigenerational tapestry, the film is an achingly beautiful piece told from the vantage of a young boy, his put-upon and distancing parents (Steven Yeun and Yeri Han), and his grandmother (Youn Yuh-jung), who’s visit from Seoul is intended to save the family. It really is something special and all-American, despite its occasional categorization as a “foreign language film” by awards bodies. See it in theaters on Feb. 12 or wait for its VOD release on Feb. 26.
To All the Boys I Love: Always and Forever
February 12
If you’re looking for something a little more romantic this Valentine’s Day season, Netflix is completing its To All the Boys I Love trilogy—or at least finishing its film adaptations of the so-far published Jenny Han YA novels—with Too All the Boys I Love: Always and Forever. In the movie, Lana Condor returns as Lara Jean, the once gawkish high school girl with a series of crushes who is now coming into her own as she spends her spring break on a whirlwind vacation that sends her to South Korea, New York City, and around the world. (So clearly this is set before 2020.) It’s a romance for all ages, and one that could be sweet in our current age.
French Exit
February 12 (March 26 in the UK)
Michelle Pfeiffer is one of those rare performers who can make even the most venomous line readings sing with playful amusement—or turn the screws. She indulges both skills in French Exit, a dry comedy with exceeding detachment and apparently perfect casting. In the Azazel Jacobs film, Pfeiffer plays Frances Price, a Manhattan socialite of a certain age who’s lived long enough to see the invitations to high society dry up. Worse, she’s also run out of the inheritance she’d been living off for decades.
So Frances moves in with her peculiar son Malcolm (Lucas Hedges) in a tiny Parisian apartment. Slow boiling mayhem ensues. Well-regarded for Pfeiffer’s performance on the festival circuit, this is one to keep an eye on.
February 12 (April 9 in the UK)
Robin Wright has had a remarkable career in film and television, time and again showing us new dimensions onscreen. But with Land, she makes her directorial feature debut behind the camera after helming several episodes of House of Cards. In the film, Wright plays Edee, a bereaved woman who attempts to start over in the wilderness of Wyoming. Even with its wide open landscapes, it’s admittedly a narrowly framed tale. Yet there be gold up in them hills.
I Care a Lot
February 19
One of our personal favorites out of the Toronto International Film Festival last year, Netflix’s I Care a Lot is a clever, knotty, and incredibly sardonic dark comedy. Framed around the bottomless ambition and avarice of Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike), it’s the story of a woman who makes her wealth by convincing the government to lock up senior citizens with large bank accounts, leaving her in charge of their finances.
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Upcoming Must-See Movies in 2021
By David Crow and 1 other
Toronto International Film Festival 2020 Movie Round-Up
By David Crow
It’s a hell of a con until one nice little old lady (Dianne Wiest) whom Marla preys upon turns out to have connections to a crime boss (Peter Dinklage). This is wicked entertainment, with Pike at her most devilish since Gone Girl, and Dinklage also playing sharply against type. They and the rest of the ensemble, which includes Eiza González, are brutally funny in this grim satire of modern American capitalism run rotten. The J Blakeson who made The Disappearance of Alice Creed is back.
The Mauritanian
February 19 (February 26 in the UK)
Kevin Macdonald continues his career of hard hitting political dramas based on true events with The Mauritanian, a new awards contender which documents the real legal case of Mohamedou Ould Salahi, a Mauritanian detained without a charge by the U.S. government in 2002. For 14 years, he remained in custody at Guantanamo Bay until he had his day in court.
Macdonald’s film documents that legal fight with a large ensemble which includes Jodie Foster and Shailene Woodley as the lawyers representing Salahi, and Benedict Cumberbatch as an American officer who suffers a crisis of conscience. Most of all though, the film has gotten attention for Tahar Rahim as Salahi in a performance that has already garnered him a Golden Globe nomination.
February 19 (March 19 in the UK)
Chloé Zhao’s Best Picture contender is finally having a major streaming release, and on Hulu at that. Produced by Searchlight Pictures, Nomadland is a remarkable achievement that blends the acuity of narrative filmmaking with the sobering authenticity of documentaries. Focused on the real life culture of American Nomads in the modern American West, the film was made within the community while telling the story of how it came to be. Thus enters Frances McDormand as Fern, a woman who in 2010 has been left with nothing once the Great Recession literally erased her hometown from the map.
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The New Sci-Fi Dracula Western Could Unearth Themes Buried in Bram Stoker’s Novel
By David Crow
Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details
By Mike Cecchini and 1 other
Now the middle-aged widow lives in a van on the open road, estranged from the idea of living at one address, and at peace with her new community of fellow travelers, who we see gather, commiserate, and grieve. It’s a powerful piece of filmmaking that may be a frontrunner for the Best Picture Oscar, which is fairly odd to consider when one realizes Zhao’s next movie is Marvel’s Eternals.
Tom & Jerry
February 26 (March 19 in the UK)
It looks like someone remembered they have beloved (and relatively ancient) intellectual property just sitting in mothballs, because Tom & Jerry is back. Yay? Looking like a leftover from the mid-00s craze of inserting CGI Smurfs into a sitcom-y New York, Tom & Jerry follows a familiar formula, but at least does so with sophisticated computer cel-shaded animation. That’s pretty nice.
The premise of this HBO Max-bound release is Jerry has set up shop as a mouse in a Manhattan hotel when junior management (Chloe Grace Moretz) introduces a cat to take him out. Unfortunately, for her, the cat is Tom. The two old foes immediately resort to their old ways, destroying the swanky establishment just before a high-profile wedding. Maybe she should have called the Ghostbusters?
February 26 (March 12 in the UK)
Tom Holland and the Russo Brothers are a long way from the Marvel Cinematic Universe now. Indeed, after helming the highest grossing movie in history, Joe and Anthony Russo are turning their attention to the opioid epidemic in the U.S. by offering a stylish depiction of an Army vet who falls into addiction and a career of fourth wall-breaking bank robberies. Holland is clearly trying to step away from his goofy Spider-Man image, and the picture is of high pedigree for Apple TV+. The movie also stars Ciara Bravo and Jack Reynor.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday
February 26
This upcoming Hulu release is a passion project for Lee Daniels (Precious, The Butler), and one that aims to provide new dramatic light on the life of Billie Holiday. One of the great jazz and swing singers of the 1940s and ‘50s, Holiday had a singular voice and talent that was commodified by the music industry at the time due to her Blackness, and then hindered further the more political she became. While Holiday did have a drug problem, it’s interesting how the industry seemed to conspire to exacerbate it, as opposed to urging her to get clean.
A traditional biopic, The United States vs. Billie Holiday is now getting awards notice, with Andra Day’s starring turn as Billie already netting her a Golden Globe nomination. Not bad for an actor in her first starring role.
The Father
February 26 (March 12 in the UK)
It’s one of the most powerful movies of 2020… and one of the most depressing. In a role that’s already netted him Golden Globe and SAG nominations, Anthony Hopkins plays Anthony, an elderly man who’s been living alone for years since his wife passed. But with dementia setting in and his daughter (Olivia Colman) wishing to move to Paris, some tough decisions are going to be made about Anthony’s care.
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Anthony Hopkins to Star as Mike Tyson’s Trainer in Drama Cus and Mike
By Joseph Baxter
The Silence of the Lambs: A Thinking Person’s Monster Movie
By Ryan Lambie
Yet what makes Florian Zeller’s The Father so effective is it’s told entirely from the perspective of Anthony’s deteriorating mind, and as it goes along, it becomes unclear how much of what you’re seeing can be believed as happening—or if it might’ve happened years ago. Hallways in his London flat change, doors are replaced, and the countenance of his daughter’s boyfriend shifts or vanishes depending on the day. It becomes debilitating, and ultimately heartbreaking, stuff.
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ferdbird · 8 years
The Mob Psycho 100 analysis that nobody asked for
 Finale (Episodes 11/12), Opening, Overall:
The battle with Claw is a metaphor for society and social pressures; Discussion of arrogance, the role of innocence in human lives, symbolic significance of characters, the meaning of the human existence
Disclaimer: spoilers and lots of bullshit (but with evidence)
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Consider the first line from the MP100 opening (Junichi Sasaki, “99”):
If everyone is not special, maybe you can be what you want to be
—a phrase that correlates well with the following:
“Humans are humans; nothing more, nothing less.” —Reigen Arataka, episode 12
Though this exact line only appears in the final episode, from the very beginning, the show (mostly Reigen) has emphasized the dangers of arrogance and the delusion it brings—from Teruki’s early fantasies of superiority and Ritsu’s intoxication from his newly unleashed power, to the student council president’s similar exhilaration from oppressing his fellow classmates.
So it’s not surprising this idea resurfaces once more at the end of episode 11, but this time in the context of the battle scene with Claw. Recall that a flashback occurs after Mob develops 99% murderous intent (殺意), followed shortly by Reigen slapping him back to his senses. Reigen’s message to Mob, that he no different from “people who run fast…people with body odor,” reinforces the message that humans aren’t inherently unique and should not deceive themselves as being such.
It’s okay not to be special
And thus, Reigen instead guides Mob to focus on “living positively” instead of continually comparing himself to others.
The re-appearance of the idea of “specialness” (and Reigen’s subsequent rejection of it) coincides with Mob’s inner torment, which is revealed shortly before the flashback begins. Torn between the decision of killing his enemies or saving his friends, Mob is brutally pushed towards an act that even for self-defense, would inevitably result in trauma, guilt, and emotional pain (similar to PTSD for a veteran after a war, as put by several Crunchyroll comments). Furthermore, the psychological damage would be even more amplified because of Mob’s innocence and fragility.
But that innocence could also be described as one of Mob’s greatest virtues—one which Reigen is fully aware of and determined to protect. During Mob’s struggle to find the meaning and direction of his own life, Reigen repeatedly encourages Mob to embrace his differences and recognize that he’s no different from other human beings. It’s no coincidence that the flashback with Reigen’s message of positivity overlaps with the battle with Claw, in which Reigen urges him to live simply to (“Become a good person. That is all”)—without the need to kill anyone or fight using his special powers. To Reigen, preserving Mob’s innocence and youthful hopefulness is tantamount to anything. Thus, he offers to take the ugly burden of reality on his shoulders and tells Mob to leave everything to the adults, even if that adult is forced into a fight that he’s not sure that he can win.
The—for lack of a better term—evildoing that tempts Mob as he watches his friends get hurt can be interpreted for a metaphor for society itself (or the common mindset of the people within it) and the burden it puts on its people. Hence, Reigen’s main message, “When things go south, it’s ok to run away,” has a dual meaning. It’s okay to run from not only the evil-doings of Claw on the surface, but also the joint pressure put on people by both society and human nature—to stand above everyone else, the desire to become “special.” Thus, Reigen is telling us, not just Mob, to avoid allowing ourselves to cave in to the pressure of forcibly becoming special, and trying to be someone we’re not.
It’s okay to run away
それが出来るなら 間違わない
If you’re still capable of it, it won’t be a mistake
It’s an idea we’ve seen repeatedly, such as when Ritsu and the president try to trample over their classmates, to both feel the euphoria of superiority and conceal their own crippling fear of being helpless and unimportant. “If I can protect them, I don’t care what happens to my opponents” (spoken by Mob when threatened by Claw) and “If I can stand at the top, I don’t care what happens to my opponents”—Reigen realizes both these situations are the same. Both lead to the same consequence; ultimately, a life of unabating regret and the sorry realization that the unfulfilling world they’d been trying so desperately to change hasn’t moved a bit.
But despite their good intentions, Mob nearly caves in under the pressure of Teru and Ritsu, both of whom were once very much misled by their belief in their invincibility and desire for recognition, so it’s not unreasonable to say that Teru and Ritsu themselves are the very symbols of the inescapable pull that “uniqueness” has on mankind. This pull comes in a variety of forms— our desires for wealth, fame, praiseworthy careers. But what we truly seek is acknowledgement, whether it’s from a parent, an unattainable true love, or simply society itself.
This continual struggle parallels that of the Claw members as well, whose human side is revealed in episode 12 when Reigen unravels their similar delusions. Like Reigen’s accusation that they were “plotting world domination when you haven’t even seen the world,” we develop a similar mindset as we seek for recognition in our daily lives. When we become so averse to other possibilities, we too develop “tunnel-vision” and a provincial outlook on life that only hinders our self-improvement, not raise ourselves to new heights. From a cynical standpoint, humans are greedy, egoistic creatures. We possess the natural quality of pride, not necessarily a bad trait at all, but when unchecked turns to arrogance— an ambition and desire for dominance and excellency that keeps expanding once from even a little taste of power.
MP100 reinforces the idea of  “blank slate,” the fact that, once again, human beings are no more than mere commoners. Yet without the awareness of our un-uniqueness and true meaning of a fulfilling life, the ambitions we’d thought to be so powerful are nothing more than the shoulder pads of Muraki (the Claw member whose specialty is cloning himself)—accessories without purpose, only serving as burdens to weigh us down.
So this raises the question: is it so important to be different?
Reigen represents the answer— an alternative to Claw’s path of destruction— to live positively and live to the fullest, as he’s told Mob. The childlike innocence Mob exhibits (as shown by his hopeful, sparkling eyes, eager to listen and follow Reigen’s wisdom) may be a symbol of the naive but hopeful future young children also see for themselves. Perhaps the show is hinting that there is an innocence and a hopeful appreciation for life and the future that people possess in their youth that eventually gets crushed and desensitized by those pressures we feel from the environment and the people around us.
喜び 悲しみ かかえても
Even if you’re burdened by happiness and sadness
Your life is your own, OK?
It’s also important to note that unlike Claw, Reigen doesn’t abuse the drastic power difference between him and the Scars. He deflects their attacks, knocks them off their feets, but relies mostly on “adult talk” to reason them out of their plans. Thus, there is also a level of maturity that is necessary for an awareness about oneself and one’s position in the world (as opposed to the childlike foolishness of the Claw members). It’s equally important to be strong enough to accept help from others to find our resolution, and to be put back in our place when we go astray.
If you can notice [you’re] not alone
Maybe you will find your own answer
Like Mob’s % increments, we are also holding in conflict, hatred, and sadness that builds on us as we age. But Reigen—and MP100 in general—reminds us to remember the hope and innocence that Mob possesses (and that we must protect because Mob is freaking precious) and relate Reigen’s advice to our own lives.
The very fact that Mob’s “explosive power” (all his repressed emotions) turned into 1000% gratitude is proof of Reigen’s wisdom. If a phenomenon as incredible as that can happen, then the show is telling us that yes, people can change as well, with not the power of stomping over other people, but the power to adapt to new situations and to change our own lives.
In fact, back in episode 3, most likely the true reason Dimple’s religious cult failed—aside from the obvious fact that Mob deactivated the hypnosis—was simply that people can’t be forced to “laugh.” We can’t be forced constantly maintain a pretense of happiness and put on a fake smile because everyone around us is. Only when we live by our own terms can we be satisfied with life, grow with all the pain and turmoil that accompanies it, and truly gain a reason to smile.
To live in the moment and to exist in reality, not for the sake of trampling over others to reach the pinnacle of society, but for ourselves— that is Mob’s message.
To summarize that final idea, let’s look to the last line of “99”:
それぞれの答え 見つかるだろう
Everyone will surely find their own answer.
…Which leads me to believe this entire anime is a giant metaphor for existentialism.
If you’ve made it to the end of this, I’d love to hear input and other opinions as well : ) And remember, don’t point knives at people.
213 notes · View notes
almostsuperdream · 7 years
Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement 2017
For the fourth year in a row Podcast Movement brought podcasters from around the world together to learn, share and experience what it means to say the words “I am a podcaster”.
While not everyone at the conference identified as a podcaster, including Payne Lindsey from the hit true crime show Up and Vanished, along with the trio behind Undisclosed, the vast majority celebrated the fact that with a voice, a microphone, and value to share, you can make a huge impact.
But unlike previous years, it wasn’t all about the numbers in Anaheim, CA.
If you’re a podcaster, then you know what it’s like to sign into Libsyn, and then proceed to hit refresh on your stats over,
and over,
and over.
But this year’s focus didn’t have anything to do with refreshing your stats.
As Dan Carlin put it in his keynote Wednesday afternoon, “It’s not about how many people are listening, but about who is listening.”
This is a quote that stuck with me, and even today I continue to remind myself of this fact.
Without the connections we have with our audience – those who are actually tuning in to listen – what else do we have?
What went down at Podcast Movement 2017
To help set the tone for what we knew would be an incredible three days, we hosted a pre-conference workshop sponsored by the #1 online community for podcasters, Podcasters’ Paradise, called From Idea to Launch, and Beyond.
During the 8 hour workshop we shared actionable steps plus proven strategies to help the 60 podcasters who signed up to spend the day with us how to do just that: go from idea to launch, and beyond.
But way before we created the workshop outline, John and I knew that with the help of other podcasters – those who are currently in the trenches and have great experiences and lessons to share – we could deliver tenfold on the value.
And so we invited five other podcasters to help us cover different topics within each of the four sessions in our Workshop: The Idea, The How, The Launch, and Beyond.
Weeks of preparation, three group calls, and a lot of worksheets later, we took the stage to share every last detail for podcasters both old and new.
Some of the biggest takeaways for the attendees included the importance of having a launch strategy, how easy it is to get setup with the right equipment, and why building a funnel for your business is critical to its success.
Here’s JLD’s Funnel Formula he shared during the Workshop:
The morning and afternoon came and went, and before we knew it we were headed to the hotel restaurant and bar to host our annual Podcasters’ Paradise meet up!
With about 100 podcasters from the Paradise community in attendance, we were able to meet a lot of members who we’d previously only communicated with online.
After the Paradise meet up we made our way over to one of the event rooms to catch a screening of The Messengers Documentary, which went live on iTunes at midnight that night!
Big shout out to Chris Krimitsos and his crew for delivering a very important message: podcasting is a medium unlike any other; one that will allow you to share your message with the world and impact millions in the process.
Our last stop of the night: Bowlmor, and bowling alley just a few blocks from where we were staying.
This is where the Podcast Websites meet up was hosted, and we closed the night out strong wearing stripped shoes and knockin’ over pins. :)
Wednesday at Podcast Movement
Wednesday started off with a huge bang: Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn and yours truly, JLD, took the stage together to chat about what’s hot in podcasting right now.
Amy chatted about the importance of batching and how that has helped her not only stay on schedule and consistent, but also how it has helped her grow her audience and brand.
One of my favorite tips from Amy: every single time she sits down with her team to create episodes outlines, they run each of them through a checklist to guarantee what she’s about to create will be a high level of greatness.
Pat chatted about standout episodes – the best and the worst – and it was cool to hear from each of the panelists what they thought was their best / worst.
Amy shared a 2-part series as her best: the first episode was a mini-training (how to), and the second episode was with one of her actual students who had put into practice what she had just covered.
You can check this 2-part series out on Amy’s podcast, which focuses on her pre-sale strategy: episode 149 and episode 150.
A really cool idea for anyone thinking about leveraging a 2-part episode series to help promote a product or community!
Pat focused on his top-downloaded episode, an interview with LeadPages founder Clay Collins. Clay talked about “laddering up” and shared some incredible insights on how he built a 7-figure business, step by step.
JLD chatted about funnels and the importance of taking your avatar – your ideal listener – on a journey. You can check out the JLD Funnel Formula above :)
Next up on stage? Me! And I received one heck of an intro from Shey Harms, founder of Lake Zen.
Incredibly nervous and standing in front of a crowd with standing room only, I clicked ‘right’ on a brand new presentation: Audience Growth and Meaningful Monetization with Podcasting Systems.
Through covering the 3 things every podcast needs to achieve this, I gifted 3 very different systems, each of which consist of 5 simple steps.
Those 3 things:
1. Valuable Content 2. Consistent Content 3. Purposeful Content
The most important thing to consider when it comes to implementing any – or all – of these 3 systems is COMMITMENT.
If you can commit to doing the 5 steps listed below under any given system – making these a habit for you and your podcast creation – then you will make progress when it comes to audience growth and meaningful monetization.
Valuable Content
Step 1: Define avatar – your one perfect listener Step 2: Identify niche – niche till it hurts Step 3: Go find them – online communities, events, conferences Step 4: Ask them – Skype chat, SpeakPipe, email, comments Step 5: Listen – what are the recurring struggles & questions?
Consistent Content
Step 1: Plan it – theming vs. batching; 1 month ahead Step 2: Schedule it – take out your calendar Step 3: Record it – plug in your mic – it’s go time! Step 4: Edit it – my fav editing hack Step 5: Publish it – upload & schedule to go live
Purposeful Content
Step 1: What should they do? – rotate 5 CTA’s in your eps Step 2: Map out your ladder – what happens next? Step 3: Create a series – content outline + a plan Step 4: Create the funnel – email campaign with content + offer Step 5: Create the next step – proof of concept, then create
That afternoon I hopped around to a few different presentations, but mostly focused on spending some time at our booth in the main hall and meeting others who were also sponsoring the event.
The biggest difference between this year and last was that our booth was actually a booth that sat front and center by the main entrance.
We were also very lucky to have 3 sets of helping hands this year:
Zach Hesterberg of So Zesty, a social media marketing company
Travis Chappell of the Build Your Network podcast, and
Berto Laguna
Knowing there was great representation sharing The Freedom and Mastery Journals with attendees took a ton of stress away and allowed us to make the most of our conference time.
By 3pm that afternoon we were settling in for the first two keynotes of the event: the trio behind Undisclosed, and then, Dan Carlin from Hardcore History.
While it was interesting to hear how Undisclosed got started, I can’t say there was a ton of value being shared through the presentation. At one point, there was even confusion around where everyone actually lived – something you’d think you would know about your co-hosts.
Dan Carlin on the other hand was very high up on my short list of favorites, which I have to assume was in part due to his amazing stage partner, Andrew Warner of Mixergy, who was leading the conversation.
Value bombs from Dan included:
“It’s not about how many people are listening, it’s about who is listening.”
“If it’s not for the listeners, it’s for no one.”
And something along the lines of “don’t cheat your listeners out of receiving great content. The quality of your content is so important.”
We capped Wednesday ON FIRE with a dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and an after party put on by iHeartRadio at The Fifth, a roof deck bar overlooking Disney Land.
While I was incredibly tempted to head back to the hotel around 11pm, I found myself on the roof deck until close to 1am catching up with friends both old and new and enjoying being outdoors for the first time all day.
Thursday at Podcast Movement
Luckily, I don’t have trouble sleeping, because Thursday morning brought another full day!
To start the morning off, I attended a session by Jodi Flynn of Women Taking the Lead. Her talk was all about how to avoid “podfading”.
Just in case you haven’t heard the term before, podfading refers to those who launch a podcast, then within a few weeks or months drop off the face of the earth with no explanation.
Jodi put together an easy-to-follow and super smart plan for making sure this doesn’t happen to you.
It included 3 checkpoints you can review if – or when – you start to wonder whether or not you can continue on with your podcast.
Those 3 checkpoints:
1. Your Why 2. Your Community 3. Your Goals
After Jodi’s talk I hooked up with 3 incredible podcasters who I’d be sharing the stage with for a panel later that day called Cashing in on Content: How to Leverage Your Niche Audience.
The trio of greatness:
Josh Brown, host of Franchise Euphoria
Vanessa Merten, host of The Pregnancy Podcast
Kara Lamerato, host of The Wedding Planning Podcast
We ducked into the speakers lounge to review the flow, and by 1pm I found myself on stage for the third time in 3 days!
This awesome pic is compliments of the PM17 App newsfeed:
The theme we stuck with throughout the panel is the idea that niching down allows you to stand out.
With a laser focus on providing the most amount of value possible, the panel shared what they’ve learned post-launch about the importance of niching down and engaging with your audience to help your show grow.
And because each of these podcasters has monetized their show in very different ways, it was incredibly valuable to hear how they each got there.
For Josh, his podcast has helped him bring in at least 23 new clients for his business, Indy Franchise Law.
For Vanessa, her podcast has given her the opportunity to bring on sponsors that have relevant offerings for her niche audience: pregnant women.
And for Kara, her podcast audience asked, and she listened! Just this year Kara created The Wedding Planning Video Vault, a video series to help newly engaged couples navigate every step of their journey to wedding day.
After the panel I couldn’t help but be drawn to Payne Lindsey’s room – the guy I mentioned earlier who doesn’t identify as a podcaster (even though he has a hit podcast that actually helped solve an 11-year-old cold case of a girl gone missing in Georgia).
Because I had just recently binged the entire podcast it was really cool to see him on stage and hear him talk about the process he followed in order to create and produce such an intense, high-quality and engaging show.
However, I couldn’t help but challenge him on the fact that he didn’t identify as a podcaster – he was on stage talking about the success and impact of the podcast with a t-shirt that read: “I am not a podcaster”.
While I didn’t get a straight answer from him, I guess I can’t argue how someone else feels.
Although it would be great if those who were leveraging the medium to create such amazing content – content that is having a huge impact on the real world – would proudly identify with being a podcaster. The medium and industry could certainly use the good press! Spreading the word about podcasting is the only way it grows.
Friday at Podcast Movement
Bright and early Friday morning I was front and center to see our Podcast Websites partner, Mark Asquith, present!
Mark talked about dominating your niche with series podcasting, which was extra appealing to me since a couple of years ago I moved to seasons on my podcast, Kate’s Take.
Mark brought out a ton of great points regarding how your podcast is published depending on whether it’s a series podcast or just an ongoing one.
For example, he recommended pushing your season to its own feed once published (while also keeping it live on your “main feed”).
This gives those who might just be searching podcasts for a specific topic an opportunity to find targeted, focused episodes on exactly what they’re interested in.
Mark also mentioned the sponsorship opportunities for a podcast that has focused seasons on niche content, which is something I hadn’t really thought about before.
After Mark it was on to the final two keynotes of the event – the first one by Aaron Mahnke of the hit podcast Lore.
I’ve heard a ton about this podcast – it’s always at the top of the iTunes charts and it comes highly recommended. But for whatever reason I haven’t tuned in yet – until just a few days ago.
Not only was he an amazing speaker on stage, but he had so much passion and feeling around the topic of podcasting and how to do it right. It was an amazing way to wrap up the event.
Aaron talked about there being 5 things every podcaster should focus on, and those 5 things are:
1. Be consistent
Set listener expectations
If you want podcasting to be your full time job, act like it
Don’t disappoint your listeners with your schedule, format, frequency, or quality
2. Be prepared
You’re taking people on a journey, and you have to be prepared in order to do that
Everyone is a storyteller behind the mic – no matter what their podcast is
3. Be respectful
Time, money and attention are our most valued and limited resources
Your listeners are tuning in for a reason; deliver it already!
If you have a sponsor, be respectful of them
4. Be original
Don’t copy – be unique!
5. Be focused
Your job is to make a damn good show, not to find out how to make money
Podcasting is like flying a kite. If you build a crappy kite, it won’t fly.
To close it out strong Podcast Movement brought back Shannon Cason of Homemade Stories.
Shannon focused on WHY people podcast.
Throughout his presentation he had audio clips from other speakers and attendees who were at Podcast Movement.
He asked them: “Why do you podcast?”
The range was wide – everything from “Because I like to hear my own voice” to “Because I have a message to share and an impact to make”.
I guess it goes to show that everyone podcasts for a different reason, and it’s important to remember why we do what we do.
Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement
After Podcast Movement I reached out to our podcasting community who attended and asked them:
What was YOUR biggest takeaway from Podcast Movement?
Here’s what they had to say…
My name is Jaime Jay and I host a podcast called Stop Riding the Pine.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that I really need to be open to new ideas.
I met so many awesome people that are doing great things in the podcast world. Just when I think I’m getting ahead, I learn more new things that keep challenging me to get better.
This event served as a great reminder that I need to keep pushing forward. It was a blast seeing old friends and making new friends. I loved this event and am very happy to have attended!
My name is Josh Brown and I host the podcast Franchise Euphoria.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that my podcast needs to now become the Hub from which all my digital and social media efforts spoke off from.
It became abundantly clear at PM17 that rather than having a social media campaign that includes just sending out my Podcast as part of my marketing efforts, I should make my Podcast the central hub from which all of my social media content flows in terms of topic, focus, etc.
As an example, if my next episode on my Podcast regards franchising a restaurant, then all of my social media marketing should revolve around that focused topic.
This may seem obvious to a lot of people, but it was certainly an “ah ha” moment for me at PM17.
My name is Mary Albee and I host the podcast Pure Dog Talk.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was the smart tech opportunities coming with Alexa, Apple Homepod and Google adding optimized podcasts to voice searchable content.
My name is John Lee Dumas and I host the podcast Entrepreneurs On Fire.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that everyone needs to be Podcasting with a purpose.
Just turning on a mic and talking is not a winning strategy.
Your Podcast should have a funnel, which is the journey you take your listener on that ends with some kind of product, service, community, or VALUE BOMB.
Strategic planning wins.
My name is Mark Asquith and I host the podcast The 7 Minute Mentor.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was to be a story teller!
It doesn’t matter your niche or focus, you have to captivate people with stories that MATTER!
My name is Shawn Park and I host the podcast Be Your Own Nerd.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was to “Just Launch” my podcast.
I need to stop over planning, overthinking, and need to stop making sure everything is perfect because it will never be.
My name is H. Guthrie Chamberlain, III and I host the podcast Wisdom-Trek. 
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that it was a privilege to speak on the PMx stage and get to meet 11 other excellent speakers and hear their presentations.
It will help to improve my speaking opportunities in the future. Also, the networking and connections made are invaluable.
My name is Paula Chamberlain and I will host the podcast A Quilter’s Life.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that there was strong support for my soon-to-be-released podcast A Quilter’s Life, where I’ll be interviewing quilters and sharing their stories on why they quilt and how that passion integrates into their overall life stories.
If you attended Podcast Movement 2017 we hope you enjoyed it!
If not, there’s always next year! Podcast Movement 2018 will be in Philly, and we can’t wait to see you there!
The post Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement 2017 appeared first on Entrepreneurs on Fire with John Lee Dumas.
          from EntrepreneurOnFire.com | Inspiring interviews w/ today's most successful Entrepreneurs http://ift.tt/2f9KDUc
0 notes
steampunkfan · 7 years
Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement 2017
For the fourth year in a row Podcast Movement brought podcasters from around the world together to learn, share and experience what it means to say the words “I am a podcaster”.
While not everyone at the conference identified as a podcaster, including Payne Lindsey from the hit true crime show Up and Vanished, along with the trio behind Undisclosed, the vast majority celebrated the fact that with a voice, a microphone, and value to share, you can make a huge impact.
But unlike previous years, it wasn’t all about the numbers in Anaheim, CA.
If you’re a podcaster, then you know what it’s like to sign into Libsyn, and then proceed to hit refresh on your stats over,
and over,
and over.
But this year’s focus didn’t have anything to do with refreshing your stats.
As Dan Carlin put it in his keynote Wednesday afternoon, “It’s not about how many people are listening, but about who is listening.”
This is a quote that stuck with me, and even today I continue to remind myself of this fact.
Without the connections we have with our audience – those who are actually tuning in to listen – what else do we have?
What went down at Podcast Movement 2017
To help set the tone for what we knew would be an incredible three days, we hosted a pre-conference workshop sponsored by the #1 online community for podcasters, Podcasters’ Paradise, called From Idea to Launch, and Beyond.
During the 8 hour workshop we shared actionable steps plus proven strategies to help the 60 podcasters who signed up to spend the day with us how to do just that: go from idea to launch, and beyond.
But way before we created the workshop outline, John and I knew that with the help of other podcasters – those who are currently in the trenches and have great experiences and lessons to share – we could deliver tenfold on the value.
And so we invited five other podcasters to help us cover different topics within each of the four sessions in our Workshop: The Idea, The How, The Launch, and Beyond.
Weeks of preparation, three group calls, and a lot of worksheets later, we took the stage to share every last detail for podcasters both old and new.
Some of the biggest takeaways for the attendees included the importance of having a launch strategy, how easy it is to get setup with the right equipment, and why building a funnel for your business is critical to its success.
Here’s JLD’s Funnel Formula he shared during the Workshop:
The morning and afternoon came and went, and before we knew it we were headed to the hotel restaurant and bar to host our annual Podcasters’ Paradise meet up!
With about 100 podcasters from the Paradise community in attendance, we were able to meet a lot of members who we’d previously only communicated with online.
After the Paradise meet up we made our way over to one of the event rooms to catch a screening of The Messengers Documentary, which went live on iTunes at midnight that night!
Big shout out to Chris Krimitsos and his crew for delivering a very important message: podcasting is a medium unlike any other; one that will allow you to share your message with the world and impact millions in the process.
Our last stop of the night: Bowlmor, and bowling alley just a few blocks from where we were staying.
This is where the Podcast Websites meet up was hosted, and we closed the night out strong wearing stripped shoes and knockin’ over pins. :)
Wednesday at Podcast Movement
Wednesday started off with a huge bang: Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn and yours truly, JLD, took the stage together to chat about what’s hot in podcasting right now.
Amy chatted about the importance of batching and how that has helped her not only stay on schedule and consistent, but also how it has helped her grow her audience and brand.
One of my favorite tips from Amy: every single time she sits down with her team to create episodes outlines, they run each of them through a checklist to guarantee what she’s about to create will be a high level of greatness.
Pat chatted about standout episodes – the best and the worst – and it was cool to hear from each of the panelists what they thought was their best / worst.
Amy shared a 2-part series as her best: the first episode was a mini-training (how to), and the second episode was with one of her actual students who had put into practice what she had just covered.
You can check this 2-part series out on Amy’s podcast, which focuses on her pre-sale strategy: episode 149 and episode 150.
A really cool idea for anyone thinking about leveraging a 2-part episode series to help promote a product or community!
Pat focused on his top-downloaded episode, an interview with LeadPages founder Clay Collins. Clay talked about “laddering up” and shared some incredible insights on how he built a 7-figure business, step by step.
JLD chatted about funnels and the importance of taking your avatar – your ideal listener – on a journey. You can check out the JLD Funnel Formula above :)
Next up on stage? Me! And I received one heck of an intro from Shey Harms, founder of Lake Zen.
Incredibly nervous and standing in front of a crowd with standing room only, I clicked ‘right’ on a brand new presentation: Audience Growth and Meaningful Monetization with Podcasting Systems.
Through covering the 3 things every podcast needs to achieve this, I gifted 3 very different systems, each of which consist of 5 simple steps.
Those 3 things:
1. Valuable Content 2. Consistent Content 3. Purposeful Content
The most important thing to consider when it comes to implementing any – or all – of these 3 systems is COMMITMENT.
If you can commit to doing the 5 steps listed below under any given system – making these a habit for you and your podcast creation – then you will make progress when it comes to audience growth and meaningful monetization.
Valuable Content
Step 1: Define avatar – your one perfect listener Step 2: Identify niche – niche till it hurts Step 3: Go find them – online communities, events, conferences Step 4: Ask them – Skype chat, SpeakPipe, email, comments Step 5: Listen – what are the recurring struggles & questions?
Consistent Content
Step 1: Plan it – theming vs. batching; 1 month ahead Step 2: Schedule it – take out your calendar Step 3: Record it – plug in your mic – it’s go time! Step 4: Edit it – my fav editing hack Step 5: Publish it – upload & schedule to go live
Purposeful Content
Step 1: What should they do? – rotate 5 CTA’s in your eps Step 2: Map out your ladder – what happens next? Step 3: Create a series – content outline + a plan Step 4: Create the funnel – email campaign with content + offer Step 5: Create the next step – proof of concept, then create
That afternoon I hopped around to a few different presentations, but mostly focused on spending some time at our booth in the main hall and meeting others who were also sponsoring the event.
The biggest difference between this year and last was that our booth was actually a booth that sat front and center by the main entrance.
We were also very lucky to have 3 sets of helping hands this year:
Zach Hesterberg of So Zesty, a social media marketing company
Travis Chappell of the Build Your Network podcast, and
Berto Laguna
Knowing there was great representation sharing The Freedom and Mastery Journals with attendees took a ton of stress away and allowed us to make the most of our conference time.
By 3pm that afternoon we were settling in for the first two keynotes of the event: the trio behind Undisclosed, and then, Dan Carlin from Hardcore History.
While it was interesting to hear how Undisclosed got started, I can’t say there was a ton of value being shared through the presentation. At one point, there was even confusion around where everyone actually lived – something you’d think you would know about your co-hosts.
Dan Carlin on the other hand was very high up on my short list of favorites, which I have to assume was in part due to his amazing stage partner, Andrew Warner of Mixergy, who was leading the conversation.
Value bombs from Dan included:
“It’s not about how many people are listening, it’s about who is listening.”
“If it’s not for the listeners, it’s for no one.”
And something along the lines of “don’t cheat your listeners out of receiving great content. The quality of your content is so important.”
We capped Wednesday ON FIRE with a dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and an after party put on by iHeartRadio at The Fifth, a roof deck bar overlooking Disney Land.
While I was incredibly tempted to head back to the hotel around 11pm, I found myself on the roof deck until close to 1am catching up with friends both old and new and enjoying being outdoors for the first time all day.
Thursday at Podcast Movement
Luckily, I don’t have trouble sleeping, because Thursday morning brought another full day!
To start the morning off, I attended a session by Jodi Flynn of Women Taking the Lead. Her talk was all about how to avoid “podfading”.
Just in case you haven’t heard the term before, podfading refers to those who launch a podcast, then within a few weeks or months drop off the face of the earth with no explanation.
Jodi put together an easy-to-follow and super smart plan for making sure this doesn’t happen to you.
It included 3 checkpoints you can review if – or when – you start to wonder whether or not you can continue on with your podcast.
Those 3 checkpoints:
1. Your Why 2. Your Community 3. Your Goals
After Jodi’s talk I hooked up with 3 incredible podcasters who I’d be sharing the stage with for a panel later that day called Cashing in on Content: How to Leverage Your Niche Audience.
The trio of greatness:
Josh Brown, host of Franchise Euphoria
Vanessa Merten, host of The Pregnancy Podcast
Kara Lamerato, host of The Wedding Planning Podcast
We ducked into the speakers lounge to review the flow, and by 1pm I found myself on stage for the third time in 3 days!
This awesome pic is compliments of the PM17 App newsfeed:
The theme we stuck with throughout the panel is the idea that niching down allows you to stand out.
With a laser focus on providing the most amount of value possible, the panel shared what they’ve learned post-launch about the importance of niching down and engaging with your audience to help your show grow.
And because each of these podcasters has monetized their show in very different ways, it was incredibly valuable to hear how they each got there.
For Josh, his podcast has helped him bring in at least 23 new clients for his business, Indy Franchise Law.
For Vanessa, her podcast has given her the opportunity to bring on sponsors that have relevant offerings for her niche audience: pregnant women.
And for Kara, her podcast audience asked, and she listened! Just this year Kara created The Wedding Planning Video Vault, a video series to help newly engaged couples navigate every step of their journey to wedding day.
After the panel I couldn’t help but be drawn to Payne Lindsey’s room – the guy I mentioned earlier who doesn’t identify as a podcaster (even though he has a hit podcast that actually helped solve an 11-year-old cold case of a girl gone missing in Georgia).
Because I had just recently binged the entire podcast it was really cool to see him on stage and hear him talk about the process he followed in order to create and produce such an intense, high-quality and engaging show.
However, I couldn’t help but challenge him on the fact that he didn’t identify as a podcaster – he was on stage talking about the success and impact of the podcast with a t-shirt that read: “I am not a podcaster”.
While I didn’t get a straight answer from him, I guess I can’t argue how someone else feels.
Although it would be great if those who were leveraging the medium to create such amazing content – content that is having a huge impact on the real world – would proudly identify with being a podcaster. The medium and industry could certainly use the good press! Spreading the word about podcasting is the only way it grows.
Friday at Podcast Movement
Bright and early Friday morning I was front and center to see our Podcast Websites partner, Mark Asquith, present!
Mark talked about dominating your niche with series podcasting, which was extra appealing to me since a couple of years ago I moved to seasons on my podcast, Kate’s Take.
Mark brought out a ton of great points regarding how your podcast is published depending on whether it’s a series podcast or just an ongoing one.
For example, he recommended pushing your season to its own feed once published (while also keeping it live on your “main feed”).
This gives those who might just be searching podcasts for a specific topic an opportunity to find targeted, focused episodes on exactly what they’re interested in.
Mark also mentioned the sponsorship opportunities for a podcast that has focused seasons on niche content, which is something I hadn’t really thought about before.
After Mark it was on to the final two keynotes of the event – the first one by Aaron Mahnke of the hit podcast Lore.
I’ve heard a ton about this podcast – it’s always at the top of the iTunes charts and it comes highly recommended. But for whatever reason I haven’t tuned in yet – until just a few days ago.
Not only was he an amazing speaker on stage, but he had so much passion and feeling around the topic of podcasting and how to do it right. It was an amazing way to wrap up the event.
Aaron talked about there being 5 things every podcaster should focus on, and those 5 things are:
1. Be consistent
Set listener expectations
If you want podcasting to be your full time job, act like it
Don’t disappoint your listeners with your schedule, format, frequency, or quality
2. Be prepared
You’re taking people on a journey, and you have to be prepared in order to do that
Everyone is a storyteller behind the mic – no matter what their podcast is
3. Be respectful
Time, money and attention are our most valued and limited resources
Your listeners are tuning in for a reason; deliver it already!
If you have a sponsor, be respectful of them
4. Be original
Don’t copy – be unique!
5. Be focused
Your job is to make a damn good show, not to find out how to make money
Podcasting is like flying a kite. If you build a crappy kite, it won’t fly.
To close it out strong Podcast Movement brought back Shannon Cason of Homemade Stories.
Shannon focused on WHY people podcast.
Throughout his presentation he had audio clips from other speakers and attendees who were at Podcast Movement.
He asked them: “Why do you podcast?”
The range was wide – everything from “Because I like to hear my own voice” to “Because I have a message to share and an impact to make”.
I guess it goes to show that everyone podcasts for a different reason, and it’s important to remember why we do what we do.
Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement
After Podcast Movement I reached out to our podcasting community who attended and asked them:
What was YOUR biggest takeaway from Podcast Movement?
Here’s what they had to say…
My name is Jaime Jay and I host a podcast called Stop Riding the Pine.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that I really need to be open to new ideas.
I met so many awesome people that are doing great things in the podcast world. Just when I think I’m getting ahead, I learn more new things that keep challenging me to get better.
This event served as a great reminder that I need to keep pushing forward. It was a blast seeing old friends and making new friends. I loved this event and am very happy to have attended!
My name is Josh Brown and I host the podcast Franchise Euphoria.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that my podcast needs to now become the Hub from which all my digital and social media efforts spoke off from.
It became abundantly clear at PM17 that rather than having a social media campaign that includes just sending out my Podcast as part of my marketing efforts, I should make my Podcast the central hub from which all of my social media content flows in terms of topic, focus, etc.
As an example, if my next episode on my Podcast regards franchising a restaurant, then all of my social media marketing should revolve around that focused topic.
This may seem obvious to a lot of people, but it was certainly an “ah ha” moment for me at PM17.
My name is Mary Albee and I host the podcast Pure Dog Talk.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was the smart tech opportunities coming with Alexa, Apple Homepod and Google adding optimized podcasts to voice searchable content.
My name is John Lee Dumas and I host the podcast Entrepreneurs On Fire.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that everyone needs to be Podcasting with a purpose.
Just turning on a mic and talking is not a winning strategy.
Your Podcast should have a funnel, which is the journey you take your listener on that ends with some kind of product, service, community, or VALUE BOMB.
Strategic planning wins.
My name is Mark Asquith and I host the podcast The 7 Minute Mentor.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was to be a story teller!
It doesn’t matter your niche or focus, you have to captivate people with stories that MATTER!
My name is Shawn Park and I host the podcast Be Your Own Nerd.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was to “Just Launch” my podcast.
I need to stop over planning, overthinking, and need to stop making sure everything is perfect because it will never be.
My name is H. Guthrie Chamberlain, III and I host the podcast Wisdom-Trek. 
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that it was a privilege to speak on the PMx stage and get to meet 11 other excellent speakers and hear their presentations.
It will help to improve my speaking opportunities in the future. Also, the networking and connections made are invaluable.
My name is Paula Chamberlain and I will host the podcast A Quilter’s Life.
My #1 takeaway from PM17 was that there was strong support for my soon-to-be-released podcast A Quilter’s Life, where I’ll be interviewing quilters and sharing their stories on why they quilt and how that passion integrates into their overall life stories.
If you attended Podcast Movement 2017 we hope you enjoyed it!
If not, there’s always next year! Podcast Movement 2018 will be in Philly, and we can’t wait to see you there!
The post Biggest Takeaways from Podcast Movement 2017 appeared first on Entrepreneurs on Fire with John Lee Dumas.
          via EntrepreneurOnFire.com | Inspiring interviews w/ today's most successful Entrepreneurs http://ift.tt/2f9KDUc
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