#and the fact that sometimes it can cause hypertension when Mac is already being treated for hypertension
l3irdl3rain · 2 years
Could you do a fundraiser for the medicine for Mac?
I appreciate this so much but it’s only partially about the cost. With senior/hospice pets at some point you have to accept that it’s time to stop chasing after things. He still gets his other medicines obviously but there are some things where the cost/benefit factor just isn’t in its favor. And that includes financially, other medical risks, and discomfort for the animal.
I’m comfortable with what I’m doing, Doc is comfortable with what I’m doing, and Mac is still happy and comfortable. He’s just extra sleepy and likes to snuggle under blankets because he gets cold. Neither of those things are terribly uncomfortable, and frankly it’s pretty normal even for a much healthier older cat.
What is going to happen with Maccready is he’s slowly going to fade. He’ll eat less, he’ll sleep more, and he’ll either go in his sleep or it’ll just be time to euthanize. We could have a week, we could have months. It’s not likely to be real long unfortunately, but I’ve had him much longer than I ever could have hoped.
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