#and the first one i though of was christmas wxs so here we go
jackpot-sad-dude · 5 months
April 18th for @sekaitransparents 1000+ followers celebration - minimalist or maximalist
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for the maximalist, you get fun decorations to the border. for minimalist, you get stared at. equal deal here
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the-one-that-weeps · 3 months
36. A theory you have?
31. Favorite event?
4. Favorite character from each unit?
1. What got you into project sekai?
Thank you for the ask! I ended up talking a lot haha.
1. What got you into Project Sekai?
Funny question! I've downloaded pjsk around 7 times now, whether because it crashed and I had to start from the beginning again, the times i got terminated for absolutely no reason or the times I eliminated it. The first first time was because of... Ruikasa tiktok. Yeah
4. Favourite character from each unit?
I'd say Saki, Shizuku, An, Rui and Kanade. I enjoy all of them more or less equally though, especially niigo. I love all my babies.
36. A theory you have?
Pjsk will be multigenerational. or at least, it'll go for longer than 6 years (time until we reach next anni and the moment when the third years leave). Firstly, because — in case they wanted to make all the characters have an equal amount of wedding/valentine/new year/etc. cards, — this is already impossible to achieve. (E.g: An has 2 wedding cards. You do not have enough time to give everyone 2 wedding cards)
Secondly because Colourful Palette has mentioned adding college locations and even new units for newer fans. They're not doing it now because 1) having too many units could make the narrative disperse and difficult to follow 2) we have enough content for now.
Finally, it just doesn't make any sense to kill the chicken that's been giving only golden eggs to them until now. The pjsk fandom has been growing exponentially for the past year, especially since 3rd Anni, it doesn't economically make sense for Sega to throw the project away.
31. Favourite event?
Can't pick just one, so here's a list off of the top of my head:
- Resonating with you: besides being the original tear jerker, this event is incredibly complex. You have so many points of view here: Shiho's dilemma upon wanting to pursue her dream but simultaneously wanting to stick close to her friends and simultaneously not wanting them to get hurt; l/n's blind "we need to get Shiho back" determination, mixed with worry of whether or not they can actually do it; how Iori acts as the perfect gray character and how she ends up letting Shiho go; Saki's worries and that one "I miss my wife /ref" scene genuinely made me squeal. And 1. Stan 1.
- Wonder Magical Showtime: crazily underrated. The wxs fandom needs to understand that an event doesn't have to be sad to be good. This event is absolutely amazing and scarily creative, even though it follows the fairytale structure wxs early events tend to follow. It's the epitome of what a wxs story is, I think. It's that good.
- Same Dreams Same Colours/Vivid old tale: even though these events are very different, I enjoy them for pretty much the same reason: they're happy vbs events where the kids just chill and have fun. I'm sure that'll never happen in the narrative again, so these have a special little place in my heart. Mirai and Machi still make me sob.
- And Now, I Wear This Ribbon: contrary to popular opinion, Niigo backstory events are amazing. This one in particular made me tear up. It sets their dynamics, even from early stages, and shows us just how much the four of them have transformed over their time together. Overall, it's just such a tender event. And Yuki Akiyama.
- Lion Dance Robot's New Year's Show!: No angst. Just happy little guys being silly on Christmas. And wxs caravan.
- Kick it up a notch: I complain loads about pjsk event pacing, but this one handled it pretty well, actually. Not only does it "conclude" Kohane's "fitting in" arc, but it also shows us many snippets of what happens with other characters during that moment. It's thrilling in a way you're happy to see Kohane overcome her issues and equally scared and excited for what's to come (glances at Light up the fire). This is actually the event I think about first when someone asks me what makes a good event.
- immiscible discord: please give an applause for Kanade's best event, best commission, best character development moment, best side character appearance and best everything /silly. I can't articulate it right now but it is Great in G Major.
- Pandemonium and Sayonara to My Persona: obligatory shout-out to the events that shaped my personality in ways intangible to a sane man. I Literally Own Them My Life.
- Wxs WLE: this is like bringing back the old wxs formula but with even more character development. It actually gets so many things down so well, I'll be on this hill defending it til I die because this is the only WL that actually does its job well.
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