#the minimalist is just my favs tbh
jackpot-sad-dude · 5 months
April 18th for @sekaitransparents 1000+ followers celebration - minimalist or maximalist
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for the maximalist, you get fun decorations to the border. for minimalist, you get stared at. equal deal here
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quinnfebrey · 1 year
niall’s album is out here i just finished listening and i like it a lot, it’s a vibe!! not my fave album but i like the sound he went for and the songs fit together. tell me ur thoughts when u listen 👂
just finished my first listen and i really did not absorb most of what i listened to tbh but here’s my thoughts for now:
this is the strongest his voice has ever sounded and i literally cannot wait to see him live
the sound is very cohesive which i love and i like how Big it is i think that this new era of minimalist music needs to Stoppp
on that note i NEED a niall and carly rae jepsen collab like imagine him on the loneliest time
current favs: the show, never grow up, science, must be love
this is def not my favorite work of his but i do like that he seems to really have hit his stride as a solo artist (flicker was objectively very very well done but subjectively (for him) kind of timid?, hbw was excellent but chaos)
someone tell this man that we can actually handle track lists longer than 10 songs
is it just me or would so long have fit on this album well
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monggay · 11 months
HI FRIEND !!! ARTIST ASK GAME 4 6 7 9 11 14 29 ???
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
anything posed i can never draw anything with a pose more complicated than just standing there 😭😭😭😭 but also i looove love love landscapes and like, nature stuff but i never draw them 😢
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmmm not sure tbh i cant rly think of anything / i think of too many things that it cant rly be catergorized into anything coherent. a lot of my style was rly influenced by artists that i grew up on but i think ive gone thru a lot over the years and some of that influence has rly faded :( i used to be into rly cartoony artists like kasey golden a long time ago and i kinda miss how like, unique and not-same-face-syndrome-y i used to draw characters. i do tend to have a lot of design flairs that im still rly attached to and youll see them around from time to time LOL
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
uhhh oil painting? or like, painting in general i guess, im really terrible at it but i love it sm its so cool. its the opposite for charcoal tho its pretty fun to mess around with it but i have no appreciation for works with it :/// i dont rly like it especially if its like, just realistic stuff i think its boring if its just like. a straight up portrait with nothing else creative abt it 😭
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually just have it named w the charac im drawing in it and then with a number if theres more than one file w the charac so like scar.mdp, scar + timbertie.mdp, ace.mdp, YAMA3.mdp, str6.mdp, 2sgr3.mdp, or sometimes like, doodles.mdp doodles1.mdp doodles3.mdp doodles4.mdp doodles6.mdp usually when theres more than one character in the file. i used to put just number 1, 2, 3 etc as the file names so that theyd show alphabetically but it was rly better to have at least a name of what was in the drawing
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
i listen to music At All Times. first thing i do when i open my laptop i immediately open youtube to play music. i dont really have like a specific playlist for when im drawing something specific but sometimes i do get like. really into and obsessed w a song and just play that on loop. ive been rly obsessed recently w zild and the amazing devil
14. Any favorite motifs
i looooove love love love love yellow and the sun and sunflowers not quite as a specific motif but like. to show/ joy. happiness. hope. i eat that shit up 💛🫶
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
hmmmmmmm i dunno what exactly this means by media i love but doesnt inspire me, uhhh technically i can be inspired by anything i just dont do things. u can trust in me to romanticize Everything LMAO i guess like, realism? oh or i guess modern or minimalist stuff? i cant think of anything that fits this lol
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mismatchedesox · 2 years
hellloo, saw your match it up post so ill do it
im still unsure about my sexuality but i like all genders, i do prefer males moree, im also bi-gender if thats needed 😭
details: im a very big cat person, i really, REALLY LOVE BIOLOGY, im an extrovert, i love organizing stuff, love the color purple and i love plushies sm, fav food is seafood, i hate bugs lol, i love layered clothing even though i live in southeast asia 😢 i prefer sleeping on the floor than in bed, i usually multitask, music makes me focus, i love, LOVE theatre arts, my entire personality relies on my mood (ex. if i feel bored i get really quiet), im a big forgive and forget person, i fall get crushes quickly, i like it when people call me "handsome" instead of "beautiful", i have like 10 childhood scars on my knee, im insecure of my teeth and arms(its literally a stick), i get jealous easily, really picky on food and basically everything, i hate it when people tell me to do chores(i usually do it on my own free will), theres days where i would stay in bed all the time, i love making things look more neat, simple and minimalistic and i just genuinely love furry animals 💝
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I ship you with ... KAZUHA
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Honestly this was really hard- because I feel like a lot of charceters would love you! Ultimately I decided Kazuha and you would be so cute together
Lets get the big obvious thing out of the way- you both love theater arts . I think he'd love this side of you- especially since music is such a big part of who he is. I think he's more of an introvert than an extrovert- which may cause some problems- but overall i think he needs someone to help him get out there. I think you'd balance each other out and create this perfect harmony within the relationship. You two would probably be the couple that just bring sin stray cats left and right- and I love that tbh. I don't think it would take long for him to understand what you like and don't like, so he could make sure you are comfortable with him. He'd never tell you what to do, because both of you are very similar there. Overall, I think you'd have a nice rhythm in your relationship.
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I think your relationship would be sweet and comfortable.
Kuzuha would want to get comfortable before a relationship, even though he'd definitely fall for you right away. He just has some trust issues. I think it'd be a strangers to friends to lovers type beat. With some hard core mutual pinning
I think he'd be the one to confess to you. It would be a spur of the moment confession. He'd take you out somewhere pretty, and accidentally let it slip without thinking- but he would just smile after and admit he meant what he said while blushing and holding your hand-- he's just so sweet.
there would be a lot of sweet poetry written for you. he'd make it up on the spot, or spend nights thinking of the perfect words, sometimes he's even write a tune just for you.
he loves how you organize things. he thinks it's really sweet.
He'll sleep on the floor with you, and offer his arm as a pillow. if he thinks you're getting too cold, he'll pull you close to warm you up.
kuzuha would play music for you to help you focus. and he'd love it so much
his dates are sweet. picnics with your favorite food, taking you out to a performance, and dancing under the stars. he loves cheesy things
he'd want to take you with him in the ship. he'd ask you on a whim to travel the world with him, and promise to take care of you
i think he'd ask you to dance on the ship a lot- like taht scene from Anastasia where they dance on the boat- he thinks it's so fun
he'll go on outings with you, even though he prefers not being around others, he'd do it just to spend time with you
i think he'd lay in bed with you when you have those days. in fact, i think he loves those days the best. he'd make sure you were warm, and bring food to you so you don't have to get up.
he'll gather stuff thats purple for you like it's his life mission.
he calls you handsome every opportunity he gets
he'll tell you everyday how much he loves you
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scaredofghosts · 2 years
Hi!! I am so excited to be your Secret Santa!!! Tell me your favorite things! (Taylor era, colors, aesthetics, foods, specific lyrics, songs and anything else!!)
Hi!! omg I'm so excited too <3 how are you, love??
My fav Taylor era (and album) is Reputation, it's getting hard to rank her albums though! What's yours?
My fav color is definitely turquoise, I also love fuccia, white and black, and I really love the minimalist aesthetic:)
Food mmm I'd say spaghetti, that's my weakness lol I can eat it with any sauce, except if it contains seafood, I don't like it at all
I'm gonna give you a (long) list with my favorite Taylor songs and lyrics, because I'm a little too indecisive as you can tell 🙈 sorry if this is too much!
Jump Then Fall: I've never been so wrapped up honey, I like the way you're everything I ever wanted
Forever And Always: here's to silence, that cuts me to the core, where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore
You're Not Sorry: and you got your share of secrets and I'm tired of being last to know
Bye Bye Baby: I was so sure of everything, everything I thought we'd always had
The Other Side Of The Door: I keep going back over things we both said, and I remember the slamming door and all the things that I misread
The Story Of Us: this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less
Sparks Fly: just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right
If This Was A Movie: the entire bridge tbh
Haunted: something keeps me holding on to nothing
I Almost Do: oh, we made quite a mess, babe, it's probably better off this way
The Last Time: just like all those times before, you wear your best apology but I was there to watch you leave
Come Back...Be Here: Taxi cabs and busy streets that never bring you back to me, I can't help but wish you took me with you
The Very First Night: We broke the status quo, then we broke each other's hearts
All You Had To Do Was Stay: here you are now, calling me up but I don't know what to say, I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made
I know Places: lights flash and we'll run for the fences, let them say what they want, we won't hear it
Wonderland: but there were strangers watching, and whispers turned to talking, and talking turned to screams
So It Goes...: wear you like a necklace, I'm m so chill, but you make me jealous
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: so, baby, can we dance oh, through an avalanche? And say, say that we got it, I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
Don't Blame Me: If you walk away, I'd beg you on my knees to stay
Lover: and at every table, I'll save you a seat loverrrr
False God: but we can patch it up good make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness, got the wine for you
Cruel Summer: I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
Afterglow: this ultraviolet morning light below, tells me this love is worth the fight
seven: love you to the moon and to saturn
hoax: you knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
this is me trying: I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere
my tears ricochet: and I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home
gold rush: I don't like that falling feels like flying 'till the bone crush
cowboy like me: Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon, with your boots beneath my bed forever is the sweetest con
right where you left me: if our love died young, I can't bear witness
coney island: will you forgive my soul, when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
renegade: is it insensitive for me to say get your sh*t together, so I can love you?
Maroon: You were standing hollow-eyed in the hallway, carnations you had thought were roses, that's us
Would've, Could've, Sould've: and if you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was, but, Lord, you made me feel important and then you tried to erase us
The Great War: say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair
And a really really special mention to 'it's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold' from end game
Sorry for late reply, I've been kinda busy, hope you have an amazing week!💜
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hiddenspriings · 2 years
do you have any interior tips? i really love the way you decorated cassie's house!
First of all, thank you so much! I don’t feel like I’m the ‘best’ choice to answer this question tbh but I try my best with my sims’ houses so hmm let’s see…
So I know everyone has their own ways of decorating and they are all totally valid but I’m a type of person who likes to show my sims (and my own) character in their houses and I do it mostly through colors, patterns and clutter. For me the more furniture and decor the better, I honestly can’t stand minimalistic spaces at all (sorry but for me it shows that either you are basic, don’t know what you like so you go with the safe options or you just boring ok that wasn’t very nice but I can’t stand these minimalist ladies online in their white houses). My sims tend to have very vibrant personalities as well so putting them in neutral-colored spaces would be straight up cruel of me. Before I start decorating the house I think about my sim living there: what are their fav colors, what they like to do in their daily lives, what kind of style they like etc. And I think about that throughout decorating the entire space.
With colors and patterns it’s more a matter of your own sense of aesthetic and style. I like mixing these up a lot, using lots of bright colors and pastels. Don’t be scared to experiment! Pastels look good together like 99% of the time and there are also pairs of colors that complement each other very well like yellow and violet. You can look up color palettes online to see what looks good together if you aren’t sure 😊 I like painting walls in one room different color/patterns as it makes it stand out more. It’s also really cool if you make one brick wall!
Sims as a game has their own limitations, you need to make sure that your sims can live in the house you’re decorating, that they have access to most (if not all) the furniture and can use the objects but to be honest I don’t really care about that during furnishing. I only make sure there is a path to go through, that no doors and stairs are blocked by some objects and if during my gameplay I discover there’s something my sims can’t use I move that somewhere else but besides that I run free. I use all the clutter I find and omsp shelf is my bestie XD I like to place down all the clutter I might find useful first in each space because loading entire decor category can take some time and it’s honestly the worst feeling when you suddenly need something and have to scroll again and again through each category trying to find it. Before I start with clutter though I place big furniture pieces first so they fill up the space a bit and I can see in which direction I’m really going.
It might be actually wrong but one of my main rules is to not leave any corner empty. They are such awkward spaces that if you leave lots of them empty it might look like there’s barely anything in the room lol. I feel it’s like a meme at this point that if you don’t know what to put in a corner you can always put a plant there and it’s gonna look good XD my sims and I like plants so I don’t feel bad doing this. For me personally, if there’s no plants, wall decor and rugs in the room that it means it’s not complete yet. These 3 things can make such a huge difference!
I know lots of people actually use references while building/furnishing so idk it might be worth trying out? Pinterest is your best friend with that!
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coralstudiies · 5 years
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hello everyone! I got an ask from an anon asking for tips on time management so i decided to type this out before school starts heheh…
poor time management and procrastination, unfortunately, plague just about all of us lol. people with a short attention span (like me) and who are pretty much always on their phone (me again) and who hate scheduling are the most susceptible to these.
over the years i struggled with time management(studying the night before the exam 🤙🏼) but! these are some tips that have helped me in scheduling, avoiding procrastination and improving time management.
1. Write it down
as always, we’re starting with BEFORE the actual task. write all tasks, assignments, projects and homework, test dates down somewhere (notebook preferably so that you dont lose it. it doesn’t have to be your bujo and you do not have to start a bujo for this specific reason!!!) and write the deadlines. this is subconscious pressure to do work once you get home. also, since you can see everything, it’s easier to schedule it out later
2. Use travel time
i cannot stress this enough!!!! sorry that it appears in all my tips posts but it truly is very useful. for short commutes, review the content you’ve learnt so that when you start on your homework, you’ve already got the hang of it. ie you dont struggle to understand the chapter and be put off from finishing your work because you hate it. long commutes can be used to complete work itself. i like to place some books and a file under my worksheet while i write (if i have a seat lol) or you can take this time to plan your time in greater detail
3. Actually plan your time
you dont have to fancy it up with like, brush pens and highlighters. just do something on google sheets or excel. divide the day into appropriate blocks of time.
for me, since i use a focus timer (50+10 or 100+20, rare cases i do 120 with a long break after that) i keep my days in 1hr blocks. so i’d block in about 1hour after i reach home to chill, clean up and so on, 2hrs for homework and the remaining time can be divided by hour/2hours to complete my work. you can tweak the timings to work for you but so far this one suits me pretty well.
i repeat, never rush. because when you give only, say, one hour to review 3 chapters and you fail to do so within that time limit, you feel demoralised and hence, will not want to work more. this is a very common issue i believe. sometimes i would rush revise and when i couldnt stick to the timelines, i’ll feel so defeated that i’ll probably binge watch youtube to cure my self-pity LOL
give yourself an ample amount of time. Assign one or two hours a day as ‘delay time’ (this was my free time) so that you can catch up on anything that unfortunately, you couldn’t finish. Assign one day of the week to be the ‘delay day’ -- anything that you cant finish the week before, do it now. this means that you can still ‘save’ your plan even if it screwed up somewhere along the way. it works wonders, believe me! i used to have ‘delay hours’ after training where i would (ahem sadly) study from 2330-0030 if i needed to. while i was tired, i always got my work done.
5. Prioritise
this one needs no explanation. i usually choose which task to start on based on a combination of deadline+importance+graded/non-graded. i start early for graded assignments because they count towards my semester’s final grade and i want to hand up the best quality work i can. find a system which works for you! note: start project work and large assignments early.
you can assign simple tasks first to start the ball rolling, and proceed with harder tasks.
alternatively, if you’re at your prime focus, start with the hardest and scale down to the simple.
6. Make good use of holidays + Wake up early
ok i used to game a LOT and go to training a LOT (still happens now lol) during holidays but i wouldnt get any of my holiday work done.
do your holiday homework first. schedule your time well, and maybe stay home and resist the urge to go out for the first 5 days. finish all your work (again, schedule well) with breaks in between.
thereafter, schedule maybe 3-5 hours a day to revise. if you’re going out with friends, i’d suggest you wake up early to study because once you come home you’re usually dead tired HAHA
so how early is early?? during my o levels study break i would wake up at 0330 (yes, for real) but i slept at 2130 every night. so thats 6 hours of sleep wew but AT LEAST i was very productive. think about it this way: waking up early to study at 0330 makes you more productive than studying till 0330. you don’t have to wake up THIS early, but preferably early enough when the sky’s still dark so that you can fit in those extra hours. DO NOT sacrifice sleep. that’s why you can see i’m still sleeping my usual amount, albeit sleeping and waking earlier.
more perks of waking up early: its quiet outside, the air is cool, your mind gets into the ‘get shit done’ mode, and if you absolutely have to use your phone to search something up, your social media probably won’t be pinging. in other words, early mornings are actually a great time to study! remember to eat something though :>
7. Remove all distractions to prevent possible procrastination
YES i know this is the dreaded one. lock your phone somewhere inconvenient and put the key outside your room. or if you don’t lock it make sure your phone is far away from you as possible. please i know how deadly your phone can get so just put it away.
if you find yourself drifting away and looking at something else, remove that.
alternatively, change up your study environment. you don’t have to go to the library or something (you can if you want to). this is as simple as studying in a different part of the house. a new environment helps to ‘prick’ my mind and help me ignore distractions. i dont know if this is scientifically proven but oh well, worth a try.
8. 2-minute rule
this is something i picked up from @studyquill! it’s pretty helpful (although i was skeptical at first). Tell yourself you’re only going to work for 2 minutes, which helps you get into the workflow. chances are you’ll get so into it (ok not in an excited but rather in a determined way) that you don’t feel like stopping.
if you’ve had a long day and after 2 mins you still don’t get any momentum, just stop and take a 15 min break. that means you’re really too tired and there’s no point in forcing yourself to complete your work.
9. Use reminders
set reminders on your phone for the tasks you need to do. for example, if you’ve planned to start work at 1500, set the reminder to ring 5 minutes before so you have time to gather all your stuff and ready yourself to do work. no excuses!!
set reminders for your breaks as well! those are equally important.
10. Reward yourself
if everything you need to do is done, give yourself a pat on the back. have you been extremely productive? great, treat yourself to your favourite drink/snack. honestly i feel like many of our brains function on the ‘reward’ system. if we reward ourselves for a job well done, we’ll be more willing to complete tasks and stay on time in the future (the brain thinks there’s a reward coming)
remember to take care of your mental health as well! this is one good way to ensure you don’t end up mentally exhausted.
Apps to help with time management
1. Tide - focus timer, meditation, beautiful and calming soundtracks (my fav!)
2. Pendo - everything in one tbh, schedule, to-do list, journal etc. (my fav too!)
3. Forest - focus timer $$$ (free alternative: flora)
4. Donut Dog - focus timer
5. Todoist - minimalist to-do list
6. Minimalist - minimalist to-do list
7. Google Calender - your entire schedule
8. Todait - smart study planner
a quick search will bring out many more! note these are all available on iOS but i’m not sure about google play. you don’t need everything to be productive. i rely only on Tide, Pendo and my iPhone calender and reminders. It’s less about having many ‘tools’ and more about how you properly and wisely utilise them to boost your productivity and manage your time.
also i don't think pendo is very well-known?? so this is how its interface looks like for 'Notes':
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it's pretty, simple and clean and there are several themes to choose from! i rly like it omg HAHA (not a promo)
alright that's all! hope it helped :>
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espritmuse · 3 years
I had a Pomeranian when I was little and he was cute but such a bad dog. I’m getting a Doberman puppy next week!! I’m so excited! His name will be Ferris like Ferris Bueller 😎 so don’t worry babes my Doberman will protect you from yucky men 💅🏻
My apartment is full of organized clutter. I don’t like the idea of minimalist, it just seems to plain to me. I want to decorate I want to have things that people will go “omg that’s so cool”.
OMG YES MAYBE ILL DM YOU SOME STUFF IVE DRAWN IF YOU GUCCI WITH THAT 👀👀. I basically live at Barnes & Nobles, I go there waaayyy too often and come out with way too many books 👀. I think my favorite book has to be Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo love both books ((is a doulogy)) omg I have so many plants! My apartment is like pastel themed with a lot of white, chestnut brown and green plants EVERYWHERE! I have this cute baby pink ((which is my fav color btw)) retro fridge 🥺 I love it. I’ve been playing Genshin for almost a few months now so I can help ya, my AR is 49 😉 Hmm favorite video game? I really like halo 3, CoD, Death by day light, Phasmophobia, Minecraft, ummmm my brains had gone a blank but yeah those ones and probably a few more. Oof I’m so glad my wife is so similar to me 🥺💖-💍
Sorry for the late response my head hurt a lot ><
Ur so so lucky for ur puppy 🥺 so happy for u!!! Wish I could adopt one too but it’d take me too much energy ;( I have a cute cat tho!! She’s 16 yo 😳 old lady but she’s very cute and looks very young too!!
And yes u could definitely show me ur art !!! I’ll love it <3 I’m not that much of an artist tbh, I tried when I was in middle school (yk the manga/art/fan art phase that almost everyone went through back then 💀) but…..yeah
Six of crows is on my book list !! I already bought the priory of the orange tree, it’s the next one I’ll read!! Can’t wait to start even if it’s huge. And for genshin I’ll love ur help but I still don’t know how to play at all ;(( I don’t even know what AR means…
And oh God ur appartement looks amazing, for real. I hate minimalism too!! Not a single inch of my walls is blank…. It’s all filled with pretty plant posters, history pictures, paintings and stuff !!! I have a lot of hanging plants too (idk if they’re named like that but yk)
One true pair 💍💅
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buckbylightning · 4 years
Still not enough creators love here!!! Once you receive this, pick 5 favorite creations you made and tell us something about them! What inspired you, maybe? Or how long did it take you to make it? How was the process? Anything! Your mind is creative and beautiful ❤️ Pass it on to your fav content makers, let’s share some love and respect!
hii anon! sorry this took me so long to answer.... i was thinking abt it at first and then i just forgot 👉👈 sorry
1. my f4 graphic! i don’t make a lot of comics edits but i had sooo much fun with this!! the fantastic four mean so much to me and i think the composition came out rlly nice! and it was super easy to do bc those early comics used the same limited amount of colors. i had a lot of fun digging through the comics looking for panels and then basically just cut them out and stuck them together in different ways until i found what i liked!! except for that first one i knew immediately what i wanted to do with it. and the minimalist powers panel came at the very end when something else i was trying didn’t work out. it originally still had the powers concept but i pulled panels for it; it looked to busy tho
2. this cas gifset that i don’t remember making  as i said i dont remember like when i made this so i can’t speak to the process but i usually don’t like any of my old stuff but i love the sentiment here n it’s pretty (even if it’s sooo desaturated bc that’s all i knew how to do at first) also im really happy with the scenes i chose so props to past me skdfhah
3. i literally just made this sam gifset but i think it looks so pretty!!!!! i love the colors!! it was inspired by my lovely nina bc of her url. it took me about a day to make not counting the week or so i was sitting with the quote trying to figure out a concept for it but it changed completely from the first idea that i sat down with. at first i tried doing that thing where you superimpose 2 gifs but i didn’t like the way it turned out so i scratched that completely. i had started w the first gif of sam at jess’ grave so i knew i wanted that purpley blue color throughout so from there i started thinking about what scenes fit the vibes + had lots of blues i could manipulate! i had to dl dark side of the moon when i first decided i wanted that for this set but it worked out well because it wasn’t my original intention to use it at the end but i’m really happy with that last gif!!!
4. this buddie one is another one i just recently made (i like my recent stuff MUCH more can you tell?). it’s a new girl quote that makes me INSANE and i saw it in a web weaving and it kinda just hit me OH that would be great for buck in this scene. i didn’t know at first i was also gonna use eddie for that scene. so i load up the buck frames in photoshop and work on coloring it which this scene for some reason is so hard to color it shouldn’t be but it is. but actually i love the final result it came out so beautiful i’m so happy. and then because it’s such a simple edit otherwise, like i didn’t change the colors or anything on it, i knew i wanted the text to be kinda more fun and dynamic so i played around with the positioning until it was cute. and once it was in a place i liked i opened the eddie gif and tbh i just copy/pasted over the coloring from the buck gif n didn’t even really have to tweak it that much i think i just changed the color balance a bit. and then i actually changed the font i think and was like. okay that’s it that looks perfect. and voila!
5. and my love letter to supernatural!! this started out veeery different but i knew i had to do something with this quote!! because i knew it was supposed to be everyone i actually planed out most of the different scenes before starting, which i don’t usually do. other than that it was kinda a little rushed because i started it i think like the wednesday right before the finale without even realizing it and then rushed through trying to finish it in time. which ended up working out for me bc since the finale sucked everyone reblogged this with like “#the finale we deserved” or “#how could they forget about this???” n stuff like that so it got mad notes! so yeah im really happy with this one it makes me emotional
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bisluthq · 4 years
What is your fav Taylor lyric?!
This is like you asking to pick my favorite of my two cats.
I’m tempted to pick something from the latest two just because they’re more recent and like... so vivid and evocative but I also know there were great ones on earlier albums too.
I’m obsessed with Champagne Problems lyrically at the moment because it’s... such a beautifully told story even though so much of it is kinda minimalistic. The: “Your heart was glass, I dropped it” gets me.
On folklore I love seven. Like I love it for how clear a universal feeling it evokes (especially amongst queer women) without ever explicitly saying anything and that’s a lyrics thing. Oh and also TIMT and mirrorball not for queer reasons I just love them and also relate tbh.
But idk I can go on about favorite lyrics of Tay’s for days and days lmao like that’s what I love first and foremost about her 😌
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ellevante · 5 years
for the ask, j/b/m?
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I started noticing them in 2013 around the same time I got into enjolras/feuilly
My thoughts: as of rn I still haven’t delved into them as a trio as much as just a pairing w just joly and bossuet. that sounds really dismissive but I kinda focus on les amis as a “unit” within themselves like the same way that μ's and aqours are a thing in love live...if that makes any sense 
What makes me happy about them: THE ART EVERYONE MAKES IS SO CUTE
What makes me sad about them: h
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: nothing tbh
Things I look for in fanfic: I need to get enlightened!! anon please rec me some of your fav fics!
My wishlist: I would like to draw a more serious fan art of them where they take on the role of another form of ~triumvirate~ 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: either one of the 3 with Big R, that would be so farouche
My happily ever after for them: bossuet and joly survive the barricades, and then...a modern AU where they all live together in a stylish, minimalist apartment and they have a beautiful tank with beautiful fish
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lizziebennet · 6 years
AURORA. Very important question for you on this Tuesday night - what is your opinion on the HP scores and could you order them from fav to least fav?
what an excellent and essential question. i admit that it’s hard for me to approach this matter from an objective point of view as obviously my opinions of these scores are very intensely affected by nostalgia and my experience w the film itself, but i shall try my hardest to just evaluate the scores on their own merit. 
7. deathly hallows part 1&2 by alexandre desplat
i remember when it was announced desplat was going to be doing the last 2 films and it was so exciting to have such a Hot Composer taking on the final two films… but i gotta say he severely disappointed me and i haven’t forgiven desplat since. these films–especially part 2–were the culmination of the entire franchise, and should’ve been fucking epic masterpieces that evoked the previous films’ score. instead, desplat largely ignored the iconic potter themes that williams and others created and went in his own direction which like… isn’t really the right move for the last 2 films of a franchise imo. 
and im just not super a fan of what he came up with?? like ‘lily’s theme’ is good, but im not sure it really fits potter?? and i just feel like a lot of the final battle stuff could’ve been so much more epic and emotional like. it doesn’t take a lot for a bitch to cry in a harry potter movie but desplat wasn’t helping me out u know. anyway i honestly like the score he did for fucking new moon better than for potter which …….is not great. 
6. order of the phoenix by nicholas hooper 
i am trying not to let my hatred of this movie cloud my judgement here but like even so i think this is one of the weaker scores. there are just so many annoying tracks lmaooo that like they blast at the wizarding world parks u know. like umbridge’s theme… i get its SUPPOSED to be annoying but still its not a fave. and like i think again the stuff in the ministry of magic during the fight scenes couldve been better. its just not a fave tbh but i do like a few themes like particularly the track ‘a journey to hogwarts’ is very sweet and sirius’s death moment was well done. but overall there are more tracks on this one i skip than play. 
5. chamber of secrets by john williams
this is where things get rly tricky bc i legit love the rest of these scores. but i have to put chamber here because i feel like a lot of its greatness piggybacks off the genius of the score of sorcerer’s stone... which isn’t a bad thing at all but. it doesn’t bring a ton of new stuff to the table. however i do love the ‘fawkes the phoenix’ theme!!! so!! much!!! and lockhart’s theme is very funny and cute. we do edge into a saccharine territory a bit when it comes to tracks like ‘reunion of friends’ but like i cry every time so who fucking cares. 
4. half-blood prince by nicholas hooper
i really really love this score as a stand alone score, and i almost put it higher on this list but i feel like this score totally abandons all the potter scores that have come before it and does its totally own new thing. this isn’t really the scores fault, as im sure like david yates told hooper to do this you know, but it deviates so far from the original themes instead of just adding onto them, so much so that if you just heard it without watching the movie you might not even associate it with the potter movies at all. again, this probably isn’t hooper’s fault but i think this was a big mistake for the sonic evolution of the movies. the potter movies failed to create a cohesive sound across all the films, and i think it is worse for it. can u imagine if the harry potter movies were like the lord of the rings movies, where they bring back themes from the first movie in the final one and the audience recognizes them subconsciously and the moment is all the more emotional because of it? tbh just a missed opportunity imo. 
but anyway just about this score on its own, it has some of the best standalone tracks in the entire movies tbh. the one that stands out the most to me is of course ‘dumbledore’s farewell.’ such a hauntingly beautiful song--i remember seeing this movie for the first time and this track pierced me to my core. i also love how this score uses harp like in ‘when ginny kissed harry,’ and how it uses choral arrangements?? like in ‘in noctem.’ honestly i adore this score so much but i have to rank it lower because i doesn’t feel like it serves its purpose in the potter movies as a whole well :( 
3. goblet of fire by patrick doyle
idk why patrick doyle only did the 1 movie because i really like this score. i know its super hard to follow up john fucking williams lmaooo but i feel like he did a pretty good job of drawing from the original williams themes but also incorporating some new stuff to fit the darker tone of the movie. there are some of my favorite potter tracks of all time on this score like ‘death of cedric’ which is so haunting and perfect and ‘harry in winter’ which is so beautiful and potter-esque. he also did a really good job with the action scenes in the graveyard which is v important to me. and the diegetic music in the yule ball stuff is so funny and lovely at the same time. 
2. sorcerer’s stone by john williams 
the fucking classic. the og. like, what is there to say?? talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping never the same totally unique. like only john williams could create such an iconic theme. it’s hard for me to be objective here because i was young enough when the first movie came out that ‘hedwig’s theme’ /is/ harry potter to me, they are one in the same, you cannot separate them in my mind. but truly williams captured the magic of the harry potter world in music and enchanted everyone with this score. 
i also love the little medieval-y influences in this score that were dropped by chamber of secrets. like with the harp moments and in ‘diagon alley and the gringotts vault’ and ‘in ‘hogwarts forever!’ there’s just a very majestic and antique vibe that i really dig that didn’t really carry over to the other movies. 
i will say sometime williams gets very... williams-y in his very uhh loud?? and kinda frantic composing u can hear in like ‘the quidditch match’ which isn’t my favorite way to do action scenes, but like who the fuck cares u know the pros of this score far outweigh it. 
like. just. so manyyy iconic themes that have so much EMOTIONAL WEIGHT!!! like the moment u see hogwarts for the first time and the choral vocals... and the bells in ‘christmas at hogwarts.’ and who can keep a dry eye during ‘leaving hogwarts’??? NOT I!!!!!!!!!!! such a gentle theme of longing and home and yearning and family and bittersweet loss. it starts so small and intimate but then swELLS to this grand and sweeping tune. it’s stunning. 
1. prisoner of azkaban by john williams
this is PEAK!!! potter for me. again, hard to be objective because this is the best my favorite harry potter movie, but i also truly think this is the best score because it carries over the iconic themes of the first two movies but adds a quirky and dramatic flair that fits the tone of the movie cuaron was trying to make u know? i think u can really tell that cuaron had a lot of imput on the score and didn’t just let williams do whatever he wanted, because we get a really interesting, stylized sound that is really different from williams usual fare in such a great way. but, it still is a williams score and because of that it shines and also weaves in the past movies’ themes to give us an outstanding amalgamation of sound and melody. 
like we start with ‘lumos!’ which gets us right back into the potter universe but then we get a series of quirky new themes, like the waltz for aunt marge, the jazzy knight bus theme, and the medieval choral rendition of ‘double trouble’... iconic. and we get the dark and disturbing dementors theme (’apparition on the train’) which is very understated for a williams score and extremely effective. 
however ,,,, we do not abandon the themes from prior movies!!!!! a great illustration of how williams takes those old potter themes and adapts them for this movie can be seen in ‘secrets of the castle.’ this minimalist take on hedwigs theme is a completely different tone from the original, but still establishes that we are in the same sonic world as that film. you can also see this in ‘the portrait gallery’ where an old potter theme is played on some kind of woodwind (idk sorry) and a harpsichord, giving the odd, quirky, vintage feel of the movie but still keeping with the established potter musical world. 
i really love the ~medieval vibes~ that this score gives me and i wish this was something later scores went back to (instead of going in a jazz direction..looking at you hooper). theres a lot of traditional sounding instruments used that give it a real rustic, celtic feel rather than the grand classicism of a full orchestral sound that the first 2 movies use. a lot of harps, strings, and woodwinds!!!! 
some of my favorite tracks of all time are on this score. ‘window to the past’ is just... a triumph of emotion. its absolutely stunning in its simplicity in the beginning, and how it builds toward the end. the return of that theme in ‘finale’ when sirius is saying goodbye to harry...i truly sob every time. the isolated vocals in ‘the patronus light’ truly embody the purity of that awe and joy when the patronus is cast. and of course, of course, ‘buckbeak’s flight’ is an absolute magical joy ride captured in sound. williams refrains from using a full orchestra for most of the score, so when everyone plays together in moments like this you get the full grandeur of the scene just... bAM! it’s so fucking well done and just... perfect. 
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kireiharuka · 6 years
How did you learn graphics?! I'm a beginner in photoshoping and your style inspires me greatly. So is there any tutorials that has helped you to improve your skills?!
ahdjaddkf thank you so much, this means alot to me. :’) 💕💕💕
i self-taught myself to use Photoshop and tbh i’m still learning how to improve my skills. i don’t have any specific tutorials to help improve my skills. i mainly just familiarize myself with the setting on Photoshop and play around with it. gfx is very time consume, well at least for me… cause i spent hours trying to come up with ideas. I’ll try my best to give tips and tricks that may be useful for gfx creation. a few tutorials created by some of my fav gfx creators are listed below: 
Tips:                         ******(inspiration is not = plagiarism)*********
- Get Inspiration: tumblr can be a source of insp. there’s some amazing gfx creators here that you can follow to gain some *ideas*.  Personally, i have a behance account/magazines to get my insp. 
-Typography: i try my best to stick to mim 2 fonts in each gfx. try using “eye capturing” fonts on words you’re trying to emphasize. download and use styles that you can find or create your own. [HERE] is a good tutorial on typography. or hmu, i can share some of my fav fonts to use. 
-Ask for opinion: ask around from your peers here if there is any changes that can be done. :) 
-Textures: ok, textures. is something i try to avoid using in my gfx mainly because i can’t seem to find textures that matches my “style” that i’m going for. to me it looks ‘messy’ so i try to stick to minimalist textures. but istg some creators here are sooooo good at combining textures! i’m amazed. 
-Color scheme: COLOR SCHEME!!! for me it’s impt. i like my gfx to stick to at least 3 color scheme to make it look aesthetically pleasing. so find, colour combination before starting any gfx, tweak ur psd to make the pictures you’re using to fit your color combination. 
**Lastly, don’t be afraid to try out and experiment, that’s how i got “my style”. never compare yourself to others. i can’t stress this enough… everyone have to start somewhere. it takes time and patience to build up your own style. continue practising and get insp from designs around you (videos/music/magazine/books). :”) 
Here’s some of my fav tutorials: 
Master list Gfx tutorial: PS resource for starters
Halftone effect
Repeated image
3d letters/effects
there are plenty of good tutorials on youtube, devianart etc… you’ll just need to venture out and search. :)   💖 just hmu, if you have any questions, i will try my best to help if i can. :^)  alittlenoteforyouinthetags :^) 
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7, 16, 20 and 26 for the asks - but I wanna know everything, all the list tbh 💓
OMG Thank you for the ask! 😍😍😘 You are so nice, you made my day 💜💜❤
7. Socioeconomic background – and how it affects their behavior.
Kate comes from a middle- high class family. Her father, Joseph Williams is a very important figure of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the rest of this side of the family work at the Ministry as well. Status is very important for the Williams family.
Her mother, Natalia Williams, works as a reporter in the Daily Prophet, in charge of international matters. Although it may seem a more modest profession than a Ministry employee, her name is well known among the community. It’s curious how Natalia thinks is important keeping a certain status since her parents had never been interested in more than their cottage in the countryside. Bernard (wizard) and Julia Walsh (muggle), Kate’s favourites grandparents (but don’t tell Dad) taught her that being wealthy or well known doesn’t mean anything if you don’t surround yourself with love. Kate’s parents solitary way of living is not worth a single galleon. They would eventually learn this, due to the tragedy involving their son, Jacob, but that’s a story for another time.
We can consider the Williams as moderately rich, as Kate remembers her childhood in a big and empty house, where she started her first adventures exploring its grounds.
What little Katie had very clear from the start, was that she didn’t want to follow Father’s steps and be prisoner of the Ministry.
Madam Pomfrey was the last step that pushed her to a healing career and she is very successful at it. Money doesn’t mean much to her if she has the basics to have a home and food. She lives with Charlie in a modest little house in the mountains and that’s enough for both of them as long as they’re together.
This doesn’t mean she is conformist, no. She wants to succeed, not for her income, but for personal growth and the possibility of helping others and improve the magical’s healing system. (This is linked with question number 26)
16. What’s their taste like re: interior design, art, gadgets? If they have (had) money - antiques or modern design? Ikea or whatever? Art collecting, fashion, wine? Pokemon cards in the 90s?
Her and Charlie’s house is decorated with minimalistic furniture. The requirement is that it has to be useful and comfortable, and in needs to match with the rest of the house ( “I’m not going to put a dragon egg sculpture in the middle of our sitting room, Charlie!”).
She doesn’t really like modern style, prefering wood and more vintage items. She’s also really into antiques, but doesn’t collect them, just admire them. Old jewels, boxes, weird artifacts, muggle or magical, it doesn’t matter it just fascinates her.
What she does collect is candles and books. There’s plenty of them. Everywhere. Her bedroom, the kitchen, her workspace, outside in the porch (“For the last time, Katie!”). There’s never enough space and you should understand that.
20. Adult MC and 90s popculture. The fashion, the music, the trappings of early adulthood – are they still on point with the trends or to they drift into magical community fully?
Owning a record-player is the best thing that could happen to her. She has a vast collection od discs from the 60′s to the 90′s, both muggle and magical groups. 90′s favs are Oasis and REM, although there’s a little of Spice Girls when she is alone). She prefers classic rock while working.
She likes the 90′s style aesthetically (Charlie in jeans is something to consider), but she is more classy with her clothes, sticking with blouses and high boots.
26. MC and technology thorugh the ages – would they be involved in internet culture (they’re in their 40s in 2000s – would they be those middle-aged people on facebook later on?).Write your headcanons re:wizarding world and technology – is there internet? Which HPHM kids would use it and how?
Although sending letters is a quite romantic concept, a computer is a much needed element. Easier to keep in touch with your closest friends and family, writing, and research.
She would open a facebook account just because her friends insisted, but she would only like pictures or comment here and there. A few contacts and no posts. She and Charlie would spend time looking at Tulip’s pictures, Andre’s moodboards and teasing Bill through comments.
Secretly wishing Tonks could see it because she would have loved it.
Mr Weasley added internet to the Burrow to keep in touch easily with all the members of the family.
If there’s any chance that a wizard-net exists she would have a blog about healing, in which she could share information with other mediwizards about spells, potions and techniques.
@eldritchscreech I messed up a lost posting this. At first I published unanswered, then I edited it on my computer but it doesn't appear on the phone, and now we're here.
It seems I'm still adapting to tumblr lol.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Tbh that's about how I feel about smt v; it feels like it's trying to do stuff from other smt (especially nocturne) and persona games but not really doing what made that stuff work so it feels kinda lacking no matter how ya look at (insert persona without the heart joke here) ngl smt v makes me even more skeptical about modern Atlus
Yeah there was one thing I was disappointed in at the beginning and it was "Oh cool we got the characters, very nice opening aaaaaand oh.....I'm by myself ;w; Sigh it's SMT3 all over again orz" Like I hi key love the rest of the game, but I was sad we were by ourselves. I kinda was hoping Tao would be my companion esp since I've been pulling for her since I saw her attacked by the horde along with MC(?) in the 1st teaser or whatever.
It kinda tries to go half way with both yeah, have the minimalistic/atmospheric style of SMT3 but also have the cast for Persona and.....in all honest if they wanted to do an isekai I think they could've done it, but they needed to slow their roll a bit. I know everyone hates the calendar system (I love it, it's unique, there's a lot of games that don't have it so I'm fine having it cause it's not common). But maybe they should've adopted that and just......allowed everyone to breathe? Not like have an entire gd year, it could just be a month or two but with more freedom/stuff to do like P3/4/5 than P5S (I mean you have a reduced cast so 8U). THey could still have the minimalist style to an extent, atmosphere in Da'at and then the minor human cast you hang out with irl.
But that's just early impressions atm (they obvie could've gone the opposite of what I said, it really just boils down to them picking a way and focusing on it! It just needs a clear direction)
It feels more like "TMS without the heart" than Persona imo. I just see so much more in TMS than Persona, and I never found TMS to be the "Persona of SMT" imo (cause I just saw so much SMT4 in it lkfjdsakfj).
At least a lot of the gameplay is good, but yeah. I'm with you on the state of Atlus atm. Since Hashino left I've been......worried for Persona (tbh since I heard he'd move to another department I've been dreading it while other's were cheering it). He wasn't perfect (neither is Tadashi, I don't hear any of y'all praising Caligula! I mean I like Caligula but I know it can be lacking at times), but Persona did have clear direction when he was in it. Those spinoffs prove he had an idea (compare them to P5's spinoffs....sigh). And I respect that, it's better than whatever we have that's meandering about atm (personally I want Kido to take the lead since she headed two projects I really like and tbh I think she understood her assignment the best outta all the spinoffs/remakes, even with some of PQ1's flaws she knew some of the flaws were intentional to deliver a specific thing and she was right, that woman made sure everyone felt included in PQ1. And P3P? She knew what P3's message was and knew how to show it in a few more different perspectives while also delivering on stuff the male side was lacking. She understood the assignment).
But yeah if SMTV is lacking as much as everyone else is saying, then....I'm worried for Atlus. Persona feels like it's going down hill quality wise. SMTV is a let down (SMT3's port was....I heard complaints).
That being said, oh god I'd LOVE an SMTIV port! Gimme my SMTIV with SMTV graphics AND exploration? Make this monkey a happy monkey! ;w; (FYI I know it's ironic that so far my fav Persona and SMT games are 4, but I played SMT3 first....and I technically played 5 min of the DS ver of Strange Journey when it first came out.....so it's not that SMT4 is my first hoorah like P4 was klfdjslafj)
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kirei-na-jinsei · 7 years
Creator 2017 Tag Game
tagged by @nitsumii Thank you so much for tagging me Vero !  ♡♡♡
tagging (Only if you want to ofc !): @jolynecujo @aizawashoutta @tachibana--chan @itsclowreedsfault @shizukku @littlebratciel @sesukes @hyodo @vampykeith @todorokih @sukerokus @katsvki @okita-senpai @shotous @tsukis @kurorolucilfer @shinzhu (so many more to tag tbh ;;w;; sorry if i’m tagging you and you already did this tag i’m quite late haha >w<)
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. 
It’s been hard to choose since some of my fav edits lately are from 2018 lmao Plus, there are more edits I liked as much as the ones I listed below but i had to make a choice ^^’ I tried listing graphics AND gifs as well.
1. [ Hijikata Toshizo ~ Hakuouki ] : So..... If you read my tags, you know that I am NEVER satisfied with my colourings. But... idk why, when I look at this gifset I feel satisfied with what I did, I love the colors and it looks smooth (I would maybe change the font I used tho) ! Plus Hijikata is my fav in Hakuouki, he is so gorgeous so I’m glad I could make a good enough colouring.
2. [ Shouto Todoroki ~ BNHA ] : I’m kinda surprised about this one ! It got so many notes :o I really like it, especially the contrast the middle gif brings in the whole edit. Plus, I am glad it came out well since it was for Angel’s birthday ♡
3. [ Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet ] : Let me tell you, if I had the time I would make edits of the whole manga. I have made a lot of edits about it and I love all of them but I couldn’t just list those haha I chose this one because I love the blue and pink tones I used, and even if I’m bad at making “simple/minimalistic” edits, I feel like this one kinda worked out !
4. [ Takeru Sasazkua ~ Collar X Malice ] : I wanted to try a new style of graphics. And I surprised myself thinking this one wasn’t so bad even if I had NO inspiration that day ! Liked the colors I used, and the “website”-like feels it gives off. Made 2 other characters with this style (I need to do all of them!!!!!!)
5. [ Steven A. Starphase ~ Kekkai Sensen ] : I had such a hard time with this one ! I am so bad at those color palette meme lmao And when Janis sent me that request, I started to search for great scenes I could gif and I was like “okay there’s no way I’ll be able to make pretty purple shades for those gifs”. And after hours trying to figure out how to make this gifset work, I finally liked what I was doing ! Glad Janis liked it btw ♡
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