#and the general air of fatmisia
Pls spill more tea on the Riordan books
ok because i have enough salt in me & it’s been forever since i’ve talked about the mess that the pjo books have become. a list of some Dumb Shit that riordan thought for some reason was good
aforementioned piper can speak french bc it’s a “romance” language
frank gets the blessing from mars which means he’s instantly buff, losing all fat on his body??? like besides the insidiously disgusting (& CLEAR, it’s not subtle) anti-fat messages, that just really doesn’t make a lot of sense?? like sweaty, first things first, fat people can be strong and athletic, frank was already shown to be a great archer by this point. but also, if mars wanted to level frank up, if anything, his body should’ve morphed a little more into like, a brick. you know?? like, he shouldn’t have gotten taller with abs, he should have increased his core strength, because a big guy like frank has a lot of potential for core strength power. think like how maui is in moana. not necessarily fat, but not skinny or “cut”. wide and dense, like a powerhouse. but nooooooooo, he had to be buff and “hot” now. whatever.
i’m a huge rachel stan so i feel like this bothered me more than most people, but that HELLA cringey part where reyna and octavian went to meet with rachel and grover, and rachel fucking….was armed with a blue hairbrush…..god even typing that out makes me embarrassed. that’s like, the kinda nonsense a 14 year old fic writer who loved fandom memes in 2013 would write. e u g h
also lol that was like the ONLY time we saw grover in HOO and i’m bitter about it
octavian being brutally murdered and everyone just lol-ing right past it
why does percy get weird about jason sitting at the head of the table in mark of athena? like, ok, i can forget that percy never really wanted to be a leader anyway, because like it or not, he ended up filling that role a lot. but percy’s a good leader because of his emotional connection to people. he’s not one to stand on ceremony or fuel his own ego, which is what that moment with jason implied. i think if anything, that moment would have made more sense with annabeth, who’s more of the tactical leader, has been head of the athena cabin for years, is one of the most senior members of camp half-blood, and put this whole mission together.
in fact, every time riordan tried to make us believe jason was the leader of anything in these books. the second he reintroduced percy and annabeth as major players threw that believability out the window. but there was still all that ~tension~ for no reason
other people talk about this all the time but it was so embarrassing i HAVE to mention it: the nico and annabeth high-five
drew tanaka as the prima bitch who tries to steal jason from piper. come on, rick, be better than that.
in fact, all of piper’s “i’m not like other girls” bullshit
calypso getting mad that she wasn’t rescued earlier (and that leo was ugly?? am i remembering that right, she didn’t like leo cuz he wasn’t her typical hero?? cuz if so that’s also gross). because how would calypso have known that percy made a deal to save her unless someone from the pantheon…….came to get her……….. also why would zeus just NOT do that, like does he really care? was there any real reason for any of that? also just the complete assassination of her character but whatever
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