#and the lease itself was also a free template
darkacey · 1 year
Lesson learned — don’t get an apartment that says no pets and expect your landlord to be reasonable when she allows an ESA as an exception.
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golden-masquerade · 3 years
Apartmentseeker.com reviews for Sunny Hollow Apartments
Note: Original fiction, might be something more with time, I’m not sure yet
Really wanted one of those templates where you make fake stuff, like those fake tweet and face text stuff, but I guess those don’t exist. Oh well, maybe someday.
ApartmentSeeker.com reviews
Sunny Hollow Apartments
Average 3.9 stars
Highest rated reviews:
**** Nice place with strict rules (Jonas J)
My sister and I moved here a couple of years ago because of the cheap rent, and it's been pretty great. The apartments are close to the town square and convention center, which works out well for us. There's also a beautiful garden and swimming pool with hot tub on the back lot which has been pretty great. The HOA in place has lots of complicated rules so anyone new to apartments are gonna feel a little over their head, but my sister and I adjusted quickly. I recommend getting a room in Sunny Hollow if you need cheap rent and don't mind the iron fist of the HOA.
-Reply from Owner-
Thank you for the kind words, JJ. I just wanted to clarify that the building doesn't have an HOA. It has a Building Management Team, and we work hard to ensure that our tenants are happy and safe in their homes. It makes us happy to hear that you love Sunny Hollow! Please give us a call if you need maintenance or anything at all! -Sasha S.
***** Cheap rent for great apartments! (Dash C.)
I absolutely LOVE Sunny Hollow! While the rooms are on the small side (hence so cheap), the building is close to the center of everything (except a school). While there's some rules the HOA has you follow, it's easy to get into a routine and life couldn't be better. Neighbors are nice, the pool and hot tub are fantastic perks, and the building itself is pretty quiet. It's been great rooming here while studying for Uni. Highly recommend to the average Uni student who can afford apartment housing!
-Reply from Owner-
Hi, Dash! Thanks for the kind words! I just wanted to clarify that the building doesn't have an HOA. It has a Building Management Team, and we work hard to ensure that our tenants are happy and safe in their homes. Please give us a call if you need maintenance or anything at all! -Sasha S.
*** Too many rules to follow (Miche P.)
I came to live here a week ago, and while the 1B1B room is nice and affordable for one person, there's a giant rules packet that comes with the place. A lot of the rules are pretty weird and make no sense, and I specifically moved into this place because I was told it was anti-HOA, when there is, in fact, an HOA. I'm breaking the lease and moving out. I vowed to never live under another HOA again.
-Reply from Owner-
Hi Miche! We're sorry that living in Sunny Hollow was unpleasant I want to clarify that the building does not have an HOA. Apartment buildings cannot have an HOA by law. We do have the Building Maintenance Team, which maintains the property and does not govern how tenants live their lives like an HOA does. We do have a lot of rules, yes, which were designed by happenings in the past to keep everyone safe and in harmony. Please stop by the office on the front floor so we can go over your paperwork. And we thank you for giving Sunny Hollow a try. Wishing all the best, Sasha S.
*** Small rooms with thin walls (Travis D.)
Like it says, all the rooms here are 1B1B, and that's fine but the walls are paper thin! I can hear everything from my other neighbors, and they keep me up at night! And I can hear everything outside too, don't even get me started on that nonsense! I'm only here because this is the cheapest place in town, and now I'm starting to see why! Come here only if you're as desperate as I am!
-Reply from Owner-
Hi Travis, thank you for your honest feedback! We're sorry to hear about the noise levels from your room. You must be on the sixth floor? It's a recent addition that we were sure we added our sound proofing to. Please come stop by the office so we can address this and help you live more comfortably in your apartment. Regards, Sasha S.
** Nice place but HOA doesn't care (Heather I.)
I moved here six months ago because the rent was ridiculously cheap, and now I'm starting to see why. I foster stray cats and kittens, and they either all go missing or are found dead in a matter of days. The building staff all say that the coyotes are doing it, and don't want to stop it. I can't deny that the room is nice, but there's so many pointless rules to follow and they refuse to do anything about the apparently dangerous wildlife in the area. Will move out soon.
-Reply from Owner-
Hi Heather! Unfortunately, owning pets or having animals in the apartments goes against the leasing agreement. We would also like to remind you that the building does not have an HOA. It does have the Building Maintenance Team, which works hard to keep you happy and safe in your apartment every day. We're sorry that Coyote managed to get to your animals, but there really is nothing we can do in that regard. Please come by the office at your earliest convenience so we can discuss what happened and what we can do moving foreword. Thank you, Sasha S.
*** Nice place but rules are weird (anon)
Me and two roommates are managing in our apartment because it's so small. But the giant rules packet they gave us with the place is a huge headache. Cover our open sockets? Only air freshener allowed is cinnamon apple? Cover shiny objects with cloth if planning to leave the apartment for an hour? It's weird. I don't get it, but the rent is cheap and we have nowhere else to go. So, come live here if you need cheap rent!
-Reply from Owner-
Hi Ashley, John, and Avery! We're sorry if living in Sunny Hollow is a little tough right now. The rules for the building are in place to be sure everyone is safe and happy in their apartment. We have socket covers, air fresheners, the proper thick cloths, fluffy towels, and mix of bird songs in the rain for everyone who needs them, completely for free, to help make following the rules easier. We do also offer a lock box for your shiny objects, however there is a fee for rental. The Building Management Team is doing its best to ensure that living in Sunny Hollow is the best for you it can be. Please come see us in the office on the first floor so we can help make living in your apartment the happy experience it should be. Thank you, Sasha S.
-Reply from Owner-
Flagged for trolling. Sasha S.
**** Cheap apartments for single occupant (Jason S.)
I've lived here for five years, and I really enjoy these apartments. While they are small (1B1B), they're perfect for living on your own and really affordable for single occupancy. The neighbors are nice, and its close to nearly everything in town. The area is quiet, and the building has a garden to walk in and relax and a swimming pool that open in the spring and summer. I highly recommend to anyone looking for an affordable place to live on their own without roommates Sunny Hollow is the best!
They lied about there being an HOA owning the place! I don't care what they call it, it's an HOA! I don't like being lied to! I'm moving out as soon as I can! Fuck HOAS!
-Reply from Owner-
Sunny Hollow does not have an HOA. We have a Building Management Team, which works hard on making life in your apartment happy and safe. Please come see us in our office on the first floor to work out the lease breaking process. We're so sorry that we couldn't make your stay a happy one, Jeoff. Regards, Sasha S.
*** Small space, both good and bad (Preston S.)
I've been here for six months, and am happy with Sunny Hollow. The rooms are VERY SMALL 1B1B, so not good for large groups or families. But we get access to a swimming pool in the summer, and a quiet place to study and rest. It's just me here, so the space is just about perfect. Recommended for single person who wants to live independently
(one star) Will not rent to families (anon)
Was hoping to stay here because the rent is cheap, but the property owner wouldn't even let us in. They sited our five year old son! They say the property is strictly a no children allowed property, which I'm pretty sure is illegal! What residence doesn't allow children to live there?! Avoid this place if at all possible! We'd sue if we had the money!
-Reply from Owner-
Sunny Hollow does not allow children to live in our apartments, as is covered by Rule 1 of our Apartment Guide and Rules. Sasha S.
*** Giant rule book comes with the place! (anon)
First day I was here, there's this giant book of rules for the room and building, like wtf? It makes a great doormat. Place is alright, but why all the rules?
-Reply from Owner-
Hi, Jack! Sunny Hallow has a Building Management Team to ensure that everyone's residency is safe and happy. We understand that there are a lot of rules to follow, and we would be happy to explain them to you at your leisure. The state of the rule book does not matter to us, as long as you follow the rules. Please see us in our office on the first floor for any questions or concerns that you have. Thank you, Sasha S.
(one star) Can't live here because of my dog? (anon)
Was turned away because I have a chihuahua?! It's not even a dangerous dog breed? Apartments are supposed to be pet friendly, wtf?
-Reply from Owner-
Sunny Hollow does not permit pets of any kind or animals, as is explained on our website as well as Rule 2 of the Apartment Guide and Rules. We are sorry we couldn't provide you with a home and wish you well on apartment hunting. Sasha S.
(one star) SOMETHING ATE ALL MY FISH! (anon)
-Reply from Owner-
Sunny Hollow does not permit pets of any kind or animals, as is explained on our website as well as Rule 2 of the Apartment Guide and Rules.
Flagged for trolling. -Sasha S.
*** 1B1B, cozy but has pests (Cassie Q.)
The rooms are alright, but after three days I heard something scratching and crawling through the walls. I'm worried about pests, but building management said they'd take care of it at no extra charge. It's good that the owners are always on top of things, but I really don't like mice or bugs and I was told that there's no pests in the building at all. Weird, but affordable, so I can't complain too much.
-Reply from Owner-
Hi Cassie! We're sorry about the night noises, and will work with you so you can get a good night's rest. We can assure you that Sunny Hollow is pest free, and we have an exterminator coming in every month to monitor the building as per town sanction. We can assure you that you'll never see a single mouse or bug considered a pest in your apartment. You're welcome to come by the office on the first floor if you'd like to see the appropriate paperwork, or pick up any supplies you need to ensure that your home is pest free. Regards, Sasha S.
-Reply from the owner-
Flagged for trolling. Sasha S.
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Business of Art | The Artist’s Creed: 10 Guiding Principles for Your Arts Career
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Make your arts career work for you with this empowering advice from artists.
There is no one way to be an artist. Artists use different media, explore a vast range of ideas, and face differing barriers and obstacles. Yet over the years we’ve observed that many artists have one thing in common: tenacity. Below, we’ve distilled advice from people we admire. These intentions and action steps can help you protect and strengthen yourself, as a member of a community, an individual who must survive in the world, and as a creator.
“Find the practice that works for you, and never apologize for it.” - Walidah Imarisha
You’ve most likely read an article, or many, about the routines that notable artists swear by as requirements for productivity. While content like this can be inspiring, it can also be discouraging and alienating. What if you’re not a morning person? What if you you can’t afford to create everyday because you’re juggling multiple jobs to pay the bills?
In the words of educator and writer Walidah Imarisha, writing or creating every day “works for some, but if it doesn't, especially because you’re struggling to survive, it doesn't mean you aren't a writer” or artist. You are the only one who can set the best, and most feasible, rhythm and schedule for yourself.
Try: If fitting in large chunks of time for your art feels unattainable right now, set aside a few minutes on a regular basis to explore. This could be every night before you go to bed, on your morning commute, or during a break at work. Write down impressions of your environment, do a brief sketch, or think about ideas you’d like to explore in future work. You’ll find these few minutes will add up.
Or, if you’re ready and able to carve out more time aggressively but find yourself pulled in opposite directions by various priorities and responsibilities, set aside realistic chunks of time in your calendar to create. If your calendar is digital, set up reminder alerts. Treat this time as you would a work obligation.
Build yourself up.
Become your own best supporter. Writer Esmé Weijun Wang takes a documented approach. “My own self-belief has to be nurtured. I have a file of Kind Words that people have said or written to me...which I sometimes refer to.”
Try: Create your own repository of kind words. This could be a document you add to, or you could try a more tactile approach and list compliments on your wall or create text-based art with them.
Do the thing.
Creative block will manifest for every artist, but it is different for every artist. Perhaps, to counter it, you need rest, or a break, or to let yourself focus on another project. Ultimately, though, it can be helpful to “do the thing,” in the words of author Pam Stucky. Wendy Perron (Fellow in Choreography ’85) recommends doing the thing “even if at that (blocked) point, it feels really stupid and pointless. At least then you'll have something to look at or fix or edit.”
It’s OK to ask for help.
You don’t have to do it alone. If you’re struggling in some way, it’s very likely there is someone or something that can help. That’s why NYFA offers the NYFA Source Hotline, a free referral hotline that you can call at (800) 232-2789, from Monday - Friday, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST, or email at [email protected].
If you’re experiencing financial duress because of an emergency, you may be the perfect candidate for an emergency grant.
Try: Reach out. Your local arts council or arts organization likely has the exact resources you need. Need a writer’s community or workshop? They may be able to connect you. Is your studio space lease ending with no alternative in sight? Organizations like chashama and many others offer free and affordable residencies. And remember, your peer network—either online or in-person— is one of your best resources available to you. Your fellow creators may be able to provide you with feedback, spread the word about your events, and help you make connections. Just be sure to offer help in return to ensure a fair and equitable partnership.
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“Watch your pals.” - Hanif Abdurraqib
It can be a challenge to find the perfect outlets for your work once you’re ready to share it with the world. Here’s a simple starting point from poet and essayist Hanif Abdurraqib: “All of my dream publications are the places I can be published next to the work of my friends and heroes.”
Try: Create a list of 10 favorite artists in your discipline with whom you feel an affinity in style or subject matter. These could be artists in your circle, online or in-person, or others you admire from afar. Where are they published? Which galleries exhibit their work? At which festivals have they performed? Then, research any relevant deadlines or eligibility guidelines and set reminders for deadlines and the steps you need to take along the way to be ready to submit.
Court rejection.
Don’t let the “no’s” you receive define you. Rejection is inevitable. Poet Lauren Whitehead speaks of “courting rejection.” Lean into the “no’s” you receive because that  means you’re putting your work out there. Celebrate your rejections. Some even recommend aiming for 100 rejections per year, because that increases your odds of being accepted.
You can be financially stable.
Being an artist can be a financial challenge, whether you’re trying to finance a full-time artistic practice, pay student loans for your creative education, or afford studio space. But let’s throw out the stereotype of the starving artist. It is possible to survive, and even thrive, financially as an artist or creative, and there are many ways to reach this goal. Caitlin Pearce, Executive Director of the Freelancers Union, offers one strategy for independent contractors: “For many freelancers, stability comes with diversifying their income portfolio… [and with] finding diverse ways to monetize their skills and expertise.”
Try: Artists and creatives in all fields are often at a loss on how to price their work or services. Artist fees and hourly rates should be realistic in order to be competitive. But begin with the income you need, and want, to earn as your starting point, and prioritize this number. Your target annual income can help you find a sustainable hourly rate. Try using the formula provided by Andrew Simonet in Making Your Life as an Artist (free for download with newsletter sign-up).
Another principle to live by: when you’re creating a project budget, remember to pay yourself for your time.
Know your rights.
Here’s a staggering statistic from the National Endowment for the Arts: “American artists are highly entrepreneurial; they are 3.5 times more likely than the U.S. workforce to be self-employed.” This means that artists and creatives can find themselves without the protections of a standard workplace, shouldering more risk and liability.
There are steps you can take to protect yourself. Work with a contract so that expectations are clear. This is crucial for larger projects and highly recommended for smaller projects. The Freelancers Union offers contract templates that are compliant with New York City’s Freelance Isn’t Free Act, which protects the right to timely and full payment.
Another consideration for independent contractors: try to avoid work for hire contracts, in which the party that commissions the work or the employer owns the rights to the work. Poet, educator, and performer Denice Frohman cautions: “Don’t give your rights away.”
Try: There are a range of contract templates online or you may want to ask peers to share their template with you. Photographer Reggie Cunningham reworks templates that large companies and clients have sent to him. Whatever your method, resolve to find the format that works for you, so that it’s ready to go before your next opportunity presents itself.
Protect your work, invest in your future.
Your work and your well-being are precious resources; luckily, protecting yourself is well within your power. Every small step you take adds up to readiness in the face of disaster, as well as readiness for exciting opportunities in your arts career.
It’s important to document your work and related materials. “Archives help capture what can easily be lost.” says Eric Colleary, Cline Curator of Theatre & Performing Arts at the Harry Ransom Center. For many artists, “documenting their work for posterity almost becomes an artwork itself“ and is a highly individual process. Apply the same care and creativity in preserving your work as you do in producing it.
Try: Every tiny step is helpful. Here’s an example: look around your studio or living or storage space. Are there important materials in a basement or attic that could flood or experience extreme temperature shifts? Move them to a safer spot. Or, research opportunities to preserve your assets. CERF+ offers mini grants for craft artists called Get Ready Grants to help artists safeguard their studios and their careers.
Ready to start archiving? Here are a few resources that can guide you through the archival process: a guide from the Joan Mitchell Foundation for visual artists; Dance Heritage Coalitions Artist’s Legacy Toolkit; and resources on preserving electronic and time-based works from the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Thinking about your legacy early on will also help you get your work out into the world in the present.
The world needs your perspective.
Artists are all too familiar with imposter syndrome, as people who make their own rules and create something out of nothing. This leaves room for doubt. Over time, you’ll find your own ways to counter this feeling, but try starting with affirmations that help you fake it ‘till you make it. Writer Brandon Taylor says: “I try to remind myself that my work is worthy. Sometimes I literally say that in the shower until I believe it. ‘Your work is worthy, your work is worthy, your work is worthy.’ I try to take it very seriously. So that even if I suck that day, I still try.”
On top of everyday imposter syndrome, many artists receive messaging, subtle or otherwise, that their work or experiences are less valued than others. Deanna Fei (Fellow in Fiction ’06) on writing about her experiences as a parent: “We assume the family or domestic sphere is less worthy as fodder for art. But race, class, power are in every class and playground.” Disregard that prejudice and create “what inspires you. Start with the tiny and specific. Then go wide and big.”  
- Mirielle Clifford, Program Officer, Online Resources
This article draws inspiration from #ArtistHotline, an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. Our goal is to help artists discover the resources needed, online and off, to develop sustainable careers.
Have an arts career question? You can contact NYFA staff directly via the NYFA Source Hotline at (800) 232-2789, from Monday - Friday, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST or email [email protected].
This initiative is supported by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
Images from top: Michelle Boule (Fellow in Choreography ’16); Jordan Casteel (Finalist in Painting ’18), The Baayfalls
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bettydgunter90 · 3 years
TenantCloud Review: Is this the Best Property Management Software for Landlords?
If you’re a landlord or a property manager, you probably know the importance of having good software in your toolbox.
Today, there are several property management services (most of which are free) that can help you process rental applications, sign lease agreements, screen tenants, collect payments, list your rentals, and more.
Some of these property management services are only designed to do a few key things and they aren’t intended to serve every kind of landlord. Others are designed to handle every conceivable task a landlord needs to think about, and they really can be used for any type of property management operation, regardless of the size.
One of the more robust services I’ve seen to date is called TenantCloud and in this review, I’m going to show you what it can do.
What Can TenantCloud Do?
TenantCloud can handle a lot of different tasks in the day-to-day operations of a property manager. It can be tailored to work for landlords who have a single unit or landlords who have hundreds of units under management.
While there is a lot of ground to cover, in this review, we’re going to cover most of the core functions that will apply to most landlords, which includes things like:
Rental Listings
Application Processing
Tenant Screening (Credit Reports and Background Checks)
Payment Collection
TenantCloud Mobile App
TC Messenger
Maintenance Tracking
Reporting & Owner Interactions
Accounting & Quickbooks Integration
These aren’t all the things TenantCloud can do, but it accounts for most of the critical tasks that most people will use it for.
TenantCloud Pricing
At the time of this writing, there are 3 different pricing tiers:
Free ($0/mo)
Starter ($15/mo)
Growth ($50/mo)
For most intents and purposes, the free plan will be sufficient for most mom-and-pop landlords. Even some larger property management companies can get by without paying anything for the service, but honestly, at a maximum cost of $50/mo (which isn’t much, considering everything that comes with the Growth Plan), it’s not hard to make a case for making a small monthly payment for loads of advanced functionality.
The Nuts and Bolts of TenantCloud
Probably the best way to look at how each of TenantCloud’s functions work is to go through the natural process of how a new landlord-tenant relationship begins, starting with a new rental listing.
Rental Listings
The first step in finding a new tenant is to let the world know that your property is available for rent. The best way to do this is to pull all your property information together (pictures, description, property information, etc) and create a rental listing.
TenantCloud makes this really easy because every user gets a free property listing website (and they actually look pretty good)!
Aside from the beautiful property listings that can be created with this software, perhaps the best thing about these listings is that they will syndicate with several other BIG websites (including Apartments.com, Zillow, and Facebook Marketplace through Rentler), which will get your listings a lot of exposure very quickly.
Rentler is a sister company of TenantCloud. The idea behind this website is for tenants to create a user profile and set up a “wishlist” for the most ideal property they want to rent.
For example, if a tenant wants to live in a certain area, at a certain price point, and wants to move in by a certain date, with X number of bedrooms and X number of bathrooms, they can specify these things in their Rentler profile. When a landlord lists a property that matches these terms, both the tenant and the landlord will be automatically notified of the landlord/tenant that meets their criteria. The landlord can then invite the tenant to see their listing, and then the ball is in the tenant’s court to take the next step.
Note: Access to Rentler is only available with the paid plans with TenantCloud, not the free plan.
Application Processing
This is an extremely important piece of the puzzle of managing rental properties, especially with all the state-by-state variations in the laws, it’s important to have an application that can be tailored to fit the specifics of where your rentals are located.
Again, TenantCloud makes this very easy. When your application is created and ready for action, all you have to do is navigate to Applications and either click the “Invite to Apply” button (this will allow you to select the specific property and enter in the email address of the applicant, so they’ll receive an email invite) or you can click to “Add Application” button (this will allow you to create a new application from scratch and add all the information manually), for instance, if you already have a written application in front of you and you just need to input it into your system.
Also, keep in mind, when you create a new rental listing on your free TenantCloud listing site, you can also include a button directly on your listing where prospective tenants can click and apply from the listing itself.
You’ll also have the option of requiring an application fee from each prospective tenant at the time they apply (just make sure you adhere to your state laws).
Tenant Screening
When you’re requesting credit and background checks from your applicants, TenantCloud will always give you the option of requiring the applicant to pay for this, or you can pay for it yourself.
You’ll also have the option of requesting either a background check, a credit check, or a “full check” (which includes both the background and the credit check).
Once you enter in the information of who will pay for the reports and you submit it, the applicant will receive an email within seconds to complete the request. Once you have the reports, you’ll be able to review everything within your TenantCloud portal. Pretty simple!
RELATED: 7 Easy Ways to Steer Clear of Horrible Tenants
Leases, Document Templates & Digital Signatures
As one might expect from a property management software that encompasses basically everything, you can also use TenantCloud to create leases and get them signed digitally.
Since every state has different lease laws that you’ll need to adhere to, they don’t have any pre-made templates to work with, but similar to any digital signature service (like DocuSign or PandaDoc) you can upload a pdf or paste the text of your lease into their system and insert merge fields that will update with each new lease you create (so once you’ve got your template all set, you never have to mess with it again.
Payment Collection
Once a tenant has applied and the landlord or property manager has approved their application, credit check, and background check, the next step in the onboarding process is for the tenant to enroll in monthly rent payments.
They can use the same credit card for their monthly payments as the card they used to pay their application fee and rent deposit, or they can add a new credit card if they choose.
Note: If you sign up for the Starer or Growth plan, you’ll also have the option of collecting payments via ACH (directly from the tenant’s bank account) which will eliminate any processing fees that get deducted from each rent payment. If you’re on the Free plan, you’ll only be able to accept payments via credit card.
TenantCloud Mobile App
TenantCloud is one of the only property management software options that has a mobile app, and it can be used to do pretty much everything you would normally do in a web browser on your desktop or laptop.
This is a HUGE convenience because payments can be processed, applications can be completed, background checks can be done on the spot. If you’re giving a tenant a walkthrough of a property and they decide they want it, you don’t need to email them a pdf and wait days to get their information back. As long as both the landlord and the tenant have a mobile device, they can do it all right there!
RELATED: Stop Making Life Hard For Your Tenants. Use This App Instead!
TC Messenger
Why is this such an important part of using TenantCloud? Because it allows all parties involved to communicate without relying on email or texting. This is important not only for the sake of keeping your inbox uncluttered but it also allows you to keep your correspondence with your tenants organized.
And perhaps most importantly, all the information sent between parties stays secure. You don’t need to send sensitive information like payment amounts, social security numbers or eviction notices through the mail or email anymore!
TC Messenger works very much like the native texting app on your phone. The only difference is, everything sent through TC Messenger stays on TC Messenger. 
You can also use TC Messenger to communicate with your entire team. If you have employees, maintenance technicians, property managers, assistant managers, leasing agents, and the like, you can message everyone through this built-in service that all TenantCloud users have access to.
Maintenance Tracking
Another huge pain point landlords and property managers have to deal with is communicating with contractors, service technicians, and other professionals who regularly need to get into each property to make repairs and maintain the building.
With TenantCloud’s maintenance tracking, you’ll have a Kanban board tracking system (similar to Trello) where you can create cards, add all the pertinent details (including pictures, videos, descriptions, and more), and keep track of whether each request is new, in progress or resolved.
This tracking system is very user-friendly and easy to use.
It can also track all the data and numbers associated with each maintenance request. For example, if you’ve got a piece of equipment that you’ve had to repair five times in the past year, you can actually see all of those requests tied to the same piece of equipment and stay fully aware of how much money you’ve spent fixing it. This can be very useful when deciding whether to continue fixing a problem or simply replacing it altogether.
Normally, it would require A LOT of paper to keep track of this stuff (if you even bothered to do it at all) but with TenantCloud, the entire paper trail will be kept digitally in your TenantCloud account.
Reporting and Owner Interactions (Growth Plan)
One of the biggest pains for any professional property manager is that they are constantly contacted by the property owners (i.e. – their customers) to provide reports on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.
Understandably, owners want to know how their properties are performing, how many maintenance requests are coming in, what types of maintenance requests are coming in, revenue reports, etc.
With TenantCloud, a property manager can very easily share all of this with the owners. All they have to do is pull up the mobile app or log in to their portal online and share whatever information is being requested (because when a PM uses TenantCloud to keep track of all these items, these reports will log all the numbers automatically). Everything from:
Rent Rolls
Tenant Screening
Maintenance Requests
Tax Preparation Documents
Online Payments
Deposit Summaries
Lease Statements
Operating Statements
Property Expenses
There’s a lot of information to keep track of and TenantCloud can do it all for you! If you’re a busy property manager with a lot of properties under management, this will save you a TON of time.
Quickbooks/Accounting Integration (Growth Plan)
For users who subscribe to the Growth Plan, there is yet another time-saving resource that TenantCloud has to offer with their Quickbooks and accounting integration.
When you keep track of all your transactions in TenantCloud (which is easy to do, especially when you’re collecting all of your monthly rent payments through the system), there’s an easy way to save yourself a TON of time each year at tax time.
When your accountant asks you for all the information they need in order to compile your Schedule E, this can potentially be a huge time suck that takes hours to put together.
With TenantCloud, all you need to do is navigate to Reports > Tax Preparation and watch the magic happen.
Once you specify which property you want the report for, the timeframe, whether you want it to report on a cash or accrual basis, and if you want it formatted specifically for your Schedule E – and it will generate a clean-looking pdf you can send to your accountant with all the details they’ll need.
It pulls all the financial data out of the system and gives you exactly what you need to get the job done!
Depending on how many properties you manage, you could even potentially cancel your QuickBooks account and rely only on TenantCloud to keep track of your financials – it’s that powerful!
Other Features From TenantCloud
As I mentioned earlier, it’s not easy to sum up everything TenantCloud can do in a single blog post. There are a lot of other features available (especially for the paid plans). Some of the more notable ones are:
Lease Agreement Templates (get leases signed digitally and modify the terms as needed)
Rent Range Reports
Rent Rolls
Contacts Information
Team Accounts
Financial Statements
Deposits Summary
Amortization Tracker
Depreciation Tracker
Manage Team Members & Permissions
TenantCloud was designed to be your one-stop solution for everything you’ll need to manage your properties, tenants, financials, maintenance requests, and more.
RELATED: How to Manage a Rental Property Yourself
What I Like About TenantCloud
TenantCloud has some pretty remarkable tools that I’ve never seen in any other property management software.
Having so many useful features available in a single property management platform is a big deal because you can minimize the number of windows and apps you have open, keep your inbox clearer and even cut some of the other subscriptions you’re paying for.
As we discussed above, there’s a lot of value on the table here. The fact that you can get started for free is frankly amazing.
What I Don’t Like About TenantCloud
For everything TenantCloud does well, the only drawback I can see it is the slightly elevated level of complexity compared to other software options that simply don’t do as much.
TenantCloud isn’t particularly difficult to learn, but because it’s capable of doing so many things, it takes a little bit more time and thought to figure out where everything is and how to use it.
It’s kind of like comparing a simple video game controller to a more advanced one.
The simple one may be easier to figure out, but you won’t be able to do nearly as much with it.
If you want more power and features, you’ll have to put in a bit more effort to learn how to weird the power and features appropriately (and once you do, it can have a big positive impact on your business).
Is TenantCloud For You?
If you aren’t already using some kind of property management software, I can’t think of a good reason why you wouldn’t sign up for an account and get started (it is free, after all). You have nothing to lose and A LOT to gain.
Get Started With TenantCloud
What kind of property management software are you using for your rental properties? Have you had a good experience with it?
Let us know your thoughts in the forum!
The post TenantCloud Review: Is this the Best Property Management Software for Landlords? appeared first on REtipster.
from Real Estate Tips https://retipster.com/tenantcloud-review/
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sciencejonica-blog · 7 years
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marketingplus10 · 5 years
Unlimited Elements 1.3.31 Version ⭐ Plugin Wordpress Elementor Page Builder ⭐
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Plugins Themes Premium For WordPress Premium Plugins & Themes for wordpress Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.3.31 Item Description Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder 1.3.31 - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Biggest & Best Elements Library for Elementor: A library of unique Elementor Widgets that add more functionality and flexibility to your favorite page builder. The Ultimate Widget Library: Power up your page builder using our easy-to-use & creative widget library. Make your next web design project look prettier than ever before with Unlimited Elements. Easy To Use: Every power has been meticulously elected in accordance with grant the good user ride then enable thou in imitation of design at report speeds. Customize Everything!: Each widget was hand crafted by our experts. You can add custom fields and settings to your widgets just with a click of a button, giving you ultimate flexibility. - PRODUCT INFORMATION Fast Delivery 100% 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus FREE UPDATE FOREVER Positive Feedback 100% working warranty. We offer a 10 days RETURN MONEY BACK. Any proof of not-working software will be refund money. Please message us before returning. UNLIMITED DOMAIN USAGE NO LICENSE KEY The buyer will receive a copy of original product files which can be used in WordPress framework. We have more than 100 pro elementor templates that will also be sent in a zip file Product will be the latest version of described product (1.3.31). No license key. Only product files (zip file) will be sent out to buyer ebay contact email. Payment Instant PayPal Transaction Require immediate payment when buyer uses 'Buy It Now' method. Your PayPal email should be consistent with your registered email. If not, then it will take some time to confirm the order. Buyer must pay from a Verified PayPal account. Non-Verified PayPal account holder will receive files when there is no hold on the payment Shipping Your item will be delivered within 2 HOURS based on availability or file size, usually much sooner from the time payment has successfully been received. In few occasion shipping may get delayed because of TIME ZONE difference, max 1-8 hours. Our fast and effective deliveries will make you feel fully satisfied. Return Policy Return shipping paid by: BUYER Item must be returned within: 10 DAYS Refund will be given as: MONEY BACK OR EXCHANGE (BUYER'S CHOICE) NOTE: 100% working warranty. We offer 10-Days Return Money Back. Any proofs of not-working software will be refund money. Please message us before returning. Feedback Frequently Asked Questions - Why the price is so low? This item is licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so. - Is the product original? Yes, this product is obtained securely by downloading directly from the original authors, and we just redistribute it without changing the products 100% clean files - Do we provide license keys? We cannot and won't provide/lease/release/resell license keys. The products offered here are licensed under GNU GPL License. You do not need any license keys to use them in as many of your projects you need. - Why is this product asking me for a license key? Ignore it, developers include these so that the product can be updated automatically or so you can select for assistance. The product itself works perfectly well without entering anything in the box. We will provide monthly updates of the product purchased. You are free to be able to acquire a license key on the official website of the product. Read the full article
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The Process Of Selling A Car In Florida
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Are you looking to sell your car in Florida? Then it is important for you to know that it is definitely doable even though the process itself can be a tad complicated at times. In cases where a seller has purchased a new vehicle already and license plate has definitely been transferred, it is important that the car comes with a temporary demo only tag that allows potential buyers to take the vehicle for a test drive. A proof of insurance is also necessary in such cases. It is also necessary to have a car or ATV bill of sale form to help with the process. Please visit this website for more info about property bill of sale.
Process associated with selling of car in Florida
In all such cases described above, the seller must transfer the ownership title of the car to the buyer. If the title of ownership is associated with the vehicle has been lost or misplaced, the seller has to apply for another duplicate title prior to the stage where the car can be sold again. An HSMV 82101 form should also be completed and submitted with applicable title fee to the nearby DHSMV service center. For the handling of electronic titles, it is important for the buyer and seller to be there at DHSMV for securing a title replacement. Additionally, you will also need official odometer reading of the vehicle. Both the buyer and seller should have valid photo ID.
Finding the bill of sale form in Florida
Getting a vehicle bill of sale in Florida is also necessary when you are looking to sell a car in Florida. To make sure that your documents are in order, make sure that you download a car bill of sale template from a reliable source that you can then use to sell a car in Florida and manage the process efficiently.  
For more information about getting a rental agreement simple and vehicle bill of sale in Arkansas, please visit this website.
Read more articles about free lease agreement pdf here at - http://www.24article.com/what-are-the-terms-of-rental-property-renovation-in-a-lease-agreement.html
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swelldomains · 7 years
How to Create a Future Proof Strategic SEO Backup Plan
It's been a rather intriguing few weeks for Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing enthusiasts. With the current Panda 4.0 launch, eBay's autumn from elegance in search positions, the abrupt fatality that Public Relations sites faced and the Cash advance Loans 2.0 update, Google has been maintaining us all on our toes.
Endless discussions regarding the consequences of each release, evaluation into the cause and also effect relationships for eBay and PR websites have all seen big passion from webmasters and SEO experts the world over.
After all, as custodians of our web sites, it's our task to stay on top of every brand-new diktat from Matt Cutts and also his group over at Google to keep our rankings looking rosy as well as pink.
But despite all our best shots, sometimes the worst does happen. You lose PageRank, quit placing for crucial search phrases and also horror of scaries, Google puts a penalty on your site and eliminates you to the inferno of search rankings.
What Happens Next
Being punished by Google is probably the most awful situation circumstance that might occur to any website. Period.
But in the digital globe, we never ever state 'never ever'.
There's always an escape and as digital marketing specialists we ought to take it upon ourselves to retrieve our internet sites from previous mistakes and also start throughout once again. There are several means of tackling this, like
Removing all punished links from the site
Removing web content taken into consideration spammy by Google
Clean up on the web page level Search Engine Optimization black hat practices
Disavow and also cleanse up punished inbound links from the site
Reconsideration request to Google in instance of manual penalties
Wait till Google takes note of your adjustments and re-crawls your site for relisting it
However, every one of these steps work just when the charge is small and the variety of troubles that you have collected throughout the years in your site's Search Engine Optimization is not past fixing. Sometimes, site owners are faced with a scenario where after a comprehensive scrubbing of all that is incorrect with the website, they are entrusted barely any kind of Search Engine Optimization worthy links. Occasionally the troubles with the website go so deep that the penalty influences the domain itself.
That is when you are in real trouble.
Webmasters are usually recommended to desert the website in such alarming situations and begin on a completely clean slate. Nonetheless, developing an all new website from the ground up is no joke.
Many site proprietors migrate their old websites to an all new domain name after taking all restorative actions, in the hope of a clean slate. They locate that their positions do not really alter also after months of waiting around for Google to take notification of their repentant behavior as well as their switchover to moral SEO practices.
Why would this happen?
Why Cleansing Up Your Act Does Not Help With Heavily Penalized Domains
Whether we like it or not, we require to proceed with the understanding that Google as well as its webspam group are a smart lot.
When you migrate your scrubbed site to a fresh domain, you assume it's a brand-new website that you are functioning on. Google as well as its spiders quickly attract relationships between your old site and the new one. The charges that were imposed on your old website merely change to the new one. So nothing truly changes for your site in terms of search rankings and also findability.
According to a video published by Cyrus Shepard of Moz, there are numerous ways Google does this.
Create a SEO Back-up Plan That Google Can not Recognize
So need to you occur to decide that it's actually unworthy aiming to recover a certain domain, and also if you want to provide a fresh lease of life to your penalty-beleaguered business, here's just what you require to do NOW:
# 1 - Create a Completely Brand-new Brand name Name and Brand Identity
It can be hard to component ways with a brand name that you have nurtured over the years, but in a situation where the old brand name is connected to Google charges that just won't vanish, you require to do every little thing feasible to distance yourself from the old brand.
Come up with a new brand that goes with your kind of work. Place in time and also initiative to develop an entirely new character for your brand-new brand name. A brand-new logo, fresh shades, a brand-new brand name tagline all go a long method in developing a fresh and independent identification for the brand-new brand.
#2 - Go All New - Domain name Name, Registrar, Hosting Provider
Your IP address and also internet host are 2 substantial giveaways when it concerns linking a new site to an old one. Google catches on real quick.
Register your brand-new brand on a fresh domain with a registrar that you've never ever made use of prior to. When buying a new domain name, do a quick examine its history to ensure it does not come with negative Google baggage of its own.
Buy your internet space for constructing your new site from a completely different web provider than the one you made use of in the past. Remember, your adage below is a new beginning, without previous responsibilities pulling you down.
#3 - Brand New Internet site - Inside and Out
Many site proprietors make the error of just moving their old web site to a fresh domain name as well as IP address with no various other change in the website's content.
However, with the emergence of the semantic internet, your web content is like a finger print distinguishing you from various other websites. When you move the specific very same web content on your old website to your new website, you're not actually building a brand-new site in any way. Don't make this newbie mistake.
Create top notch web content for the brand-new site - absolutely different from the old one. Use various images, different coding structures for your CSS and JavaScript. If you prepare on using a theme like WordPress, select a new design template that's entirely various in look as well as really feel from your old one.
#4 - Different Onsite Markers
If you liked your original site's style and code, possibilities are that you will certainly use the exact same development team for your new site. While adhering to your old group is not always a problem, if your old development group adheres to their signature design to build your website, that can be a problem.
Google effortlessly determines similar or very same web link frameworks used in your old and new websites. Making use of the exact same old Google Analytics code in your new website is an additional dead free gift. If you intend to host ads on your website, obtain a brand-new AdSense account and also a fresh AdSense code for the new site. Go brand-new - all the way.
#5 - Managing Universal Info on the New Site
When you aim to provide your brand and web site a remodeling, there are some things that can not be changed as quickly. Traits like your very own name, information about your group, your get in touch with information like address as well as telephone number are permanent. Not a lot can be done regarding these, which is why this stuff is often classified as Universal Information.
But you could reduce the damage to your new website due to your global information
Put these details inside an image as opposed to utilizing text that can be crawled by Google's spiders.
Disallow robots from creeping and also indexing such information.
#6 - Switch to Genuine SEO - Build Organic Rank in a Legit Way
Your black hat or grey hat SEO techniques are probably what got your original site penalized by Google to begin with. Learn from your errors as well as switch to Search Engine Optimization techniques that are supported by Google - ethical, white hat SEO that supplies worth to individuals as well as higher rankings for your site over the long term.
This suggests tidying up your Search Engine Optimization act in every means feasible. No more
Keyword stuffing
Spammy content
Copied / Duplicate content
Link manipulation - Hidden Links, Footer Hyperlinks, Paid Links, Reciprocal Links
Spammy on page SEO - as well several H1 tags, overused support message etc.
If you think you are under geared up to do all of this by yourself, obtain a specialist Search Engine Optimization company agency aboard who can do this for you. Prior to you join any kind of digital firm, examine their performance history and guarantee that they're completely familiar with Google's guidelines and also only use moral and also white hat SEO practices to stay clear of more problem for your site.
#7 - Content Marketing
A brand-new internet site is like a brand-new baby. It deserves all the SEO as well as material love you could provide it in order to bloom right into a well placed, relied on, and also high website traffic site. Use the current Search Engine Optimization beloved - web content advertising and marketing - to build trust, ranking, authority and traffic for your brand-new site.
Understand your brand name's toughness and also its optimal target market. Recognize your reader's demands, their media routines, their pain factors as well as then create web content based on this info. Material advertising focuses on not creating web content for the simple sake of material as well as links. That is the type of things that will get you a Panda fine. Create content that is aligned to your product/ company and which a customer will certainly locate genuinely beneficial. If Google is out to make life simpler for the individual, you should adhere to in Google's footsteps in order to make life less complicated for yourself.
Develop from square one a strategic material marketing plan that outlines just what platforms you will certainly use, what sort of material you will certainly develop, that will certainly develop your material as well as exactly how often. Preserve a web content calendar to maintain your content marketing initiatives on track.
Some of the content advertising and marketing methods you might think about include:
Create as well as Preserve a Normal Blog
Guest Blogs
eBooks and How to Guides
If you're a B2B company, don't whine that material marketing isn't for you. Go read our Definitive Overview to Web content Marketing for B2B.
#8 - Leverage Social Media
Social Media is the wave that every brand name is rushing to get on to. Do not let your new brand hang back. With 72% of all on-line adults energetic on a minimum of one social media, you require to take your brand name where the users are. Determine which social networks platforms make good sense for your brand name and also established up your brand's existence on those networks. It might not be a great idea to start a social presence on every possible social media, if you don't have the moment to monitor and handle each one personally.
Invest in building a fan-base on whichever social networks system you run on by developing as well as sharing distinct, useful and also share-worthy content on these systems. Keep your users engaged by enlightening them about your brand name and captivating them in equivalent step. Usage paid ads on social media to encourage certain actions from your reader, whenever required. The concept is to develop a relying on relationship between your brand name and also its target reader by creating as well as presenting a regularly top quality social networks campaign.
Closing Remarks
It is Google's work to boost the search experience on Google by throwing up quality results that an individual will certainly appreciate. The numerous constraints and also difficulties that we webmasters face routinely with Search Engine Optimization and also SEM are mainly the outcome of Google's initiatives to please the end user.
As long as we comprehend and also identify this fact, we can really assist Google accomplish its objective by creating material that is extremely helpful, fascinating as well as insightful to the individual. When your website begins to provide Google's individuals exactly what they desire, Google will instantly reward your website for your proactivity.
However, such changes are not instant. Equally as Rome was not constructed in a day, these degrees of consumer trust fund and also site authority take time to construct as well as grow.
So exactly what if Google penalized you in the past for your manipulative SEO techniques? There's constantly really hope if you quit your 'evil' means and also change your commitments over to the 'great' side.
To quote James Bond,
“Tomorrow Never Dies.”
If you liked this blog post, you could also like 7 Certain Fire Techniques making Every Search Engine Optimization Project Successful
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hwinfotech-blog · 4 years
clone site online | HWINFOTECH
clone site online - Creating a website for online merchants requires a clone site online that will attract customers and serve as the main web portal for the business. Creating a clone site is all about adding information, product catalogues, product reviews, online payment processing, shopping cart functions, payment gateways, article submission services, blog creation and, of course, the checkout process. The more functionality that you can add, the more popularity you can gain for your business.A clone site online will serve to become a permanent presence on the web, but having it on the web does not mean that it has been done. This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) comes in. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the hosting package that helps to manage a specific company's servers and bandwidth. AWS does not own the server and its hardware but rather leases it to web hosting companies at a rate that is cheaper than buying the server.The Amazon Web Services (AWS) lets you hire a dedicated network, a dedicated web server and all the other technical services needed to run a fully functioning Ecommerce script with mobile app. With these service providers, you can run your clone site online without paying anything up front.A business owner who is considering the creation of a clone site online can ask Amazon Web Services to set one up for him at no cost. Since AWS does not own the server but rather leases it to web hosting companies at a rate that is cheaper than buying the server, Amazon charges a lower fee for leasing their servers.The success of this service is seen in the fact that they provide all the necessary tools and modules to make your web portal more attractive and less maintenance-intensive for you. Amazon provides web hosting, data duplication, digital certificates, and managed security.In order to begin working with Amazon, you need to sign up for their free services. This is an easy process and the only thing you have to do is fill out a questionnaire and then give them a few details about your business. You may also want to download an Amazon Web Services template so that you can get started straight away.You can then start using Amazon's servers to create a brand new clone site online. With this service, you can select any language that you prefer; choose from ten currency options (for example, you can install a US currency clone online), and even choose from an array of payment gateways. It also gives you the ability to integrate your Amazon payment gateway with your existing website so that customers can pay through your own application.It is important to note that Amazon's platform will be able to handle your business' money, accounts, email, databases, and other web services. The framework will allow you to manage all of these aspects, making sure that everything is running smoothly without any problems. It also has a customisable and scalable architecture that is built around data-driven architecture.The advanced features that are part of Amazon's platform will enable you to create mobile apps that are well suited to the needs of your clientele. It can be used for creating and maintaining mobile apps for Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry devices.The many features that Amazon offers with their clone script with mobile app solution are only meant to benefit businesses who want to start up online businesses. If you are an online business entrepreneur, Amazon will not help you with all the nuances of managing an online business, as the core work is already being done by your business itself. There are only a few advanced functions that your Amazon clone site can offer you.All of the services that Amazon offers will be beneficial to you and your customers. However, there are some things that Amazon does not do for you. Amazon does not have an ecommerce template, an ecommerce template with mobile app, or any other proprietary software solutions.Although Amazon might cost you less initially, in the long run you are losing a lot of money because you will not get the benefit of all the advanced tools that the competition does. Once you use Amazon, you will realize the difference.
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I hope this article would help you but if you need any more explanation then feel free to ask me.
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For more info - [email protected]
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
How to Open an Online Business
I can’t count how many times I’ve come up with an idea and immediately said to my friends, “I should start a business!” I never do, but if I did, I know it would be online. Why? Well, in 2018, online businesses generated over $2 billion in revenue. If shopping online wasn’t as popular a couple of years ago, it definitely is now.
Plus, online shopping makes the experience easier for the customer since they don’t have to leave their homes to make a purchase. Another reason I would open an online store is because it would be easier for me. I could use online management systems to execute business functions and set up an ecommerce website to take the place of a brick-and-mortar shop. Aside from physical inventory, almost everything I would need could happen from a computer.
I haven’t yet landed on the online business idea that will catapult me into success, but you most likely have, and are itching to get going. There’s only one problem: where to start. Starting a business is a hefty and challenging endeavor. Here, we’re going to focus on how to start one that operates online. If you’re interested in starting an online business, we’ve got you covered with these six steps.
How to Open an Online Business
Create and fine-tune a business plan. Build your legal structure. Pick your business name and register it. Obtain your business permit and licenses. Plan how to market your business. Set up your funding plan.
There are some fun aspects of building a business — like picking out a name, creating your branding material, and connecting with leads. On the other hand, there are some aspects that aren’t as fun, like applying for business permits and filling out tax forms. Here, we’ll explore both the easy and challenging aspects of starting an online business. 1. Create and fine-tune a business plan. First, you’ll want to create a business plan. A business plan maps out the details of your company. It should serve as the point of reference for information about what your business sells, its structure, and how it will be run. Business plans generally provide the important factors of your company, including financial projections, legal documentation, and leases or permits. It’s useful for stakeholders, who should be able to picture every facet of your business with the plan. Additionally, it’s a helpful resource for you, since it makes sure you don’t leave any stone unturned when creating your business. Before you get going, keep in mind these best practices as you work through it. These will make sure your business plan is effective.
Think about how your business sets itself apart from competitors. If your industry is marketing, for example, how will your online marketing services be a better choice than the competition? You may have to do a competitive analysis to find out how your business will stack up against other online stores. This simply means figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of your competition, so your business plan is accurate and realistic. When you explain your selling points, stick to simplicity. The plan will cover your bases, so you don’t need to write a 1,000-word essay in each section if you don’t need it. For instance, skip detailing your entire paid ads strategy in this plan — just include that you intend to have one. Ultimately, a business plan should be a quick point of reference. Finally, remember that your business will function solely online, so some factors of your business won’t apply to a brick-and-mortar, like rent costs. Frame your plan so that it’s based online. For an in-depth tutorial of how to create a business plan for ecommerce in particular, this post has you covered. You can also download this free business plan template. Follow this quick tutorial below if you don’t feel quite ready to write one yet:
To summarize, a business plan will explain your company, its goals, customers, and why they should care. It will also include your product line and services, plan to sell online, and your legal structure. Finally, this’ll provide financial projections and business goals. Below is an example of a business plan template. Yours doesn’t have to look like this, however. Just include the information needed.
Next, we’re going to get into something that, I’ll be honest, isn’t that fun. Even so, this step is critical for your online store to be able to operate. What I’m alluding to is the legal process, which includes identifying and registering your legal structure, business name, and obtaining a business license. 2. Build your legal structure. At this point, your business plan is done and looks incredible. Next, let’s go over how to make your online company legal. You’ll have to fill out some paperwork, apply for licenses, and complete tax forms, but first, let’s identify your legal structure. There are four different legal structures. You’ll want to keep in mind the online tax laws for your state as you move through this section. (Note, this is for U.S. businesses only). Sole proprietorship — This is a solo act, someone who runs a business by themselves. The government gives no restriction between the business and who owns it. This structure gives you the freedom to name the company after you without extra forms. Tax information: The proprietor is responsible for every transaction. What that means is that your debts, liabilities, income, and losses are taxed on your personal income tax return at normal rates. You also are subject to payroll taxes and self-employment taxes on the money you earn. Partnership — A partnership is where two or more people are the owners and have equal shares in money spent and earned, like Ben & Jerry. Although partnerships are easy to form and may be cost-effective, every member has shared liability. You can vary this legal structure by having a limited liability partnership, or LLP, which protects business partners from the actions of others if a business goes south. Tax information: Partnerships are formed by registering your business through your state. You can do this through your Secretary of State office. Limited liability company (LLC) — An LLC isn’t subject to a separate level of tax and is generally more complex than a sole proprietorship or partnership. Their complexity generally means a higher startup cost. LLC laws vary by state, but generally, most don’t restrict ownership, so you can partner with another business if you desire. Tax information: LLCs benefit from a flow-through tax treatment. This means that the owners of the LLC are taxed, not the business itself, which makes taxes easier. For more information on taxes and IRS tax forms, follow this link. Otherwise, now that you’ve identified your legal structure, you can file those forms and make your business structure legal. Next, you’ll want to register a name. 3. Pick your business name and register it. Have you picked out your name yet? That was probably the easiest part of starting your online business, right? Well, now you have to register it to make sure that your amazing name remains in your ownership. First, make sure the name is available in your state for an ecommerce business, and obtain a trademark. These stipulations will protect your name from being stolen and make sure you don’t have the same name as another online store. If your business is an LLC, your name will be registered when you register your business. If you are part of a smaller structure, however, you will have to register a “Doing Business As” name, which just distinguishes the owner(s) from the business name. You can usually register your business name for under $50. Recall that trademarks protect your business’s name, and usually cost less than $300. You can learn how to register that trademark here. 4. Obtain your business permits and licenses. Here’s what you need to know about permits for an online business and why you need them. We’ll also include tax information to take note of. (Don’t worry, we’re almost through the legal side of things.) Seller’s permit — You’ll need a seller’s permit to sell products online. This permit allows for the sale of physical goods or services, such as clothing or books. Even though your business will be online, you’ll still need a seller’s permit to collect sales tax from customers. Business license — Nearly every business needs some sort of license to run legally, but some states require additional licenses. To make sure you have every license that you need to operate within your state, visit this website. Small Business Tax — If you are the owner of a business, you’ll be required to pay federal taxes, which are determined by your form of business. Excluding partnerships, you’ll need to file an annual income tax return (partnerships file an information return). Self-Employment Tax (SE Tax) — This is one of the taxes you could have to pay within your state. It’s a Social Security and Medicare tax for those who are self-employed, like business owners. If your net earnings are more than $400, you’ll have to file a 1040 as well, but don’t worry, here’s where you can learn more about SE tax. Employment Tax — If you hire employees, you need to file certain employment tax forms that protect you and your team. These tax forms include benefit taxes, federal income tax withholding, and federal unemployment tax. Click here to learn more about Employment Tax. Excise Tax — Depending on what you sell and your location, you might need to file for Excise taxes. For instance, some industries require a federal excise tax. To figure out if your products or services qualify for this tax, learn more by clicking on this link. To apply for a seller’s permit, visit the website of your state’s Department of Revenue. And don’t worry about an application fee, these permits are free to obtain. U.S. businesses need an Employer Identification Number (EIN), and after you register for one, you’ll be able to see what taxes you’ll need to file. The three types of taxes you can be taxed for are Self-Employment, Employment, and Excise, explained above. That was a lot of information; are you still with me? I hope you are, because that means you’re done with registering your online business with the government and have permission to operate legally. That wasn’t so bad, right? So, you’re ready to be open for business! Now, let’s talk about getting that business. For online businesses, your online presence is key, and how you can begin to build your customer base. You’ll need to find some sort of demand for your product before you can receive funding, so you’ll have to generate customers and keep them. For now, let’s talk marketing. 5. Plan how to market the business. There’s a bunch of information on the internet about how to market an online business, but this section will focus on the essentials you should absolutely have, regardless of the software or platforms you use.
1. An Audience If you don’t know who you’re marketing to, your marketing messages will be misguided. Who will be interested in your product? You might have a general idea, like the location or age-range of your customer. Now, really flesh out your ideal customer if you haven’t already. Think of what makes them tick — their interests, challenges, goals, age, and, most importantly, their web behavior. Additionally, you need to be knowledgeable about the social platforms your target audience frequents and why, so you can idealize how your store aligns with their online shopping habits. You also must know how your business will fit into their web routines so you can target the right people. Refer to this guide about how to identify your target customer with a buyer persona. 2. Online Brand Identity A buyer persona is a fictional account of your ideal customer, and provides information about them that will help you frame marketing messages. Concurrently to finding your target customer, you’ll want to build your brand identity. Brand identity defines how you want customers to feel when interacting with your business, and promotes your company values. What do you want customers to feel or think of when they think of your business? That’s what a brand identity conveys. 3. Social Media Accounts Social media accounts will be the mascots for your brand identity. You can make them according to your brand colors, audience, mission, and values. For instance, let’s look at HubSpot’s Instagram and identify some brand themes:
Source What sticks out to you? Whether it’s the color orange, the sprocket logo, or the tagline — all these factors support HubSpot’s brand. When you make social media accounts, stick to the platforms that support your business goals. This’ll focus your marketing efforts and make sure you’re engaging with your target audience. For instance, Instagram is a visual platform, LinkedIn is a networking channel, and Twitter and Facebook successfully support a mix of long and short-form text. 4. A Professional Website Additionally, if you’re opening an online business, you’ll need to have a website or online store. You must make sure your website is easy to navigate and make purchases. When you online shop, what are some features you notice on websites that you can implement on yours to delight customers? Additionally, there are some website best practices to consider — like ensuring your website is mobile-responsive. After purchasing a domain, you can build your website on your own, hire a web developer, or work with software that’ll help you set up your website. The design is up to you, but remember to keep the customer experience your top priority. Some ecommerce software, like Shopify, provide templates for building an ecommerce website, which is useful because you can set up your website and shopping cart software at the same time. This is an in-depth tutorial on how to set up ecommerce on your website, it provides resources for how to make one that glows. 5. Online Selling Capabilities After setting up your website, don’t forget to find software that’ll help you execute online marketing functions, such as email, conversion, and social media. To streamline these processes, look for an all-in-one content management system, like HubSpot, to keep you organized. Check that your website is compliant with all ecommerce laws, such as COPPA, and Payment Card Industry (PCI). Once you’ve built your website, social media profiles, and have the necessary tools set in place, you can start generating leads. Lead generation defines the process of turning strangers into prospective customers. Successful lead generation methods keeps your sales options plentiful. Want to know more about lead generation? We’ve got you covered with this lead generation ultimate guide. Pro tip: Some content management systems offer lead generation tools built into their product, so be sure the one you choose does to keep costs as minimal as possible. Selling your products or services online Remember those management software systems mentioned earlier? They’ll really come in handy when you set up your sales structure. They give you a homebase where you can keep client information. Next, you’ll need to figure out your sales goals. The question you’ll have to answer here is, “How much do I need to make to keep running my business, and how much do I need to sell to earn that number?” You’ll need to do a little budgeting, and for some help there, check out this quick read on budgeting for small businesses. You’ll also want to hire a sales rep. When you’re a small business owner, you have to think about the essential hires to make, and a sales rep is one of them. You need a person dedicated to understanding your customer and selling to them. When you hire a sales rep, make sure they’re familiar with ecommerce practices and your audience. They should be able to follow the sales process you’ve put together. To cut down on the tedious tasks of the job, like data entry, you can automate sales tasks so your sales rep can spend more time focusing on other duties. Be aware of web-specific laws, such as payment gateways and shipping restrictions. A payment gateway is a medium that authorizes credit card payments. For example, when you make a purchase online and see the types of credit cards supported, that’s a description of the payment gateways on that site. Common ecommerce tools have payment gateways built into their system and support methods from PayPal to AmEx, so check to see what yours provides. When you choose payment gateways, go with the most common choices, such as major credit card providers and an app or two, like Afterpay. After payments are processed, the product is ready to ship, so be conscientious about shipping laws. These are dependent on your product and your area, so go with a wholesale manufacturer or dropshipper that supports your product when you’re product sourcing. (For instance, if you sell nail polish or alcohol, you might want to look outside of USPS, because they have restrictions on the shipping of those products). If you’re wondering how much you should charge for shipping based on what you have to pay for shipping, check back to this pricing strategy guide to make sure you and your customers are getting the best deals. When analyzing your performance and sales, make sure you have analytics software downloaded, otherwise, you won’t be able to measure your success. This software monitors activity in your store and gives you metric reports that detail sales, time spent on your site, etc. 6. Set up your funding plan. Small businesses need funding or some sort of capital in order to turn a profit consistently. If you can finance your business solo, or with help from friends, that’s called bootstrapping, and can eliminate the need to seek additional funding. If, however, you need to look for additional funding, here’s the options for startup capital: Crowdfunding — You may have heard success stories of businesses that get funding through platforms like Kickstarter. That’s called crowdfunding, and it’s how to get funding from potential customers who take interest in your business idea in exchange for a perk, like early access to your first launch. You can learn more about how to successfully crowdfund in this post. Accelerator — If you go the accelerator route, you’ll be involved in a process that involves going against other small businesses in a pitch event. The winning business typically wins funding, seed, and capital. This is also an excellent opportunity to network with other businesses. Small Business Loan — If you’re really set on your budget and how you’ll spend the money you need, you may be able to get a small business loan from a bank or lending institution. Before you start reaching out to possible investment opportunities, do some research on the different offerings and make sure every cent in your business plan is accounted for. Seed — Seed financing means that whoever invests in your company will get a share of stock in return. There are a couple of different types of seed financing, but this is the general idea. Keep in mind that if your business gets sold, investors will most likely want their investment back. Investments can help you with different costs that are essential to running a business online, but too expensive for out-of-pocket purchases. For instance, you have to pay to ship out your products, and you need money for that. Also, a paid ad strategy gets your business out there online, but you might need extra funds to make a successful one. Migrating your business online If you find yourself in a place where you have to migrate your business to online, don’t panic. Instead, make a plan. Let’s go over some best practices for successful migration. First, think about the practices you’re already performing online and how you can expand on them. For instance, do you already use software to help you manage sales? See what else that software offers to help you succeed online. You might not need to invest in extra tools to make the migration. Next, make sure that your business has filed the necessary paperwork in order to sell online. Your state might require an extra licensure or tax for ecommerce. Then, follow the steps needed to move to ecommerce. You might need to download an extension, like Shopify, to allow selling on your site. Refer to these resources on ecommerce practices to help you out. Make sure to let your customers know about your migration and use your best customer service skills to help them navigate the changes. This will keep your customers coming back, even online. Check your performance metrics to see how the migration is affecting your data. After you migrate, keep a close eye on them to figure out areas by which to improve your customer experience. Most of all, be patient and calm. Migrating can be a tough process, but you’re not alone by any means. Take your time to provide the best experience for your staff and customers, and you’ll see success on the other side. We’ve gone over everything you need to know about starting your online business, from business planning, to legal forms, marketing, and sales. I’m still working on my winning idea, but for now, you’re fully ready to get going on yours. Good luck!
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/how-to-open-an-online-business/
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projectlabsco · 4 years
Project Budget Example: How to Create an Accurate Project Budget for Junior Project Managers
Do you want to see a project budget example? A real one. The one that comes from practical experience? Then, you are in the right place! Project Budget is a tool that calculates the total funds authorized to execute the project. Projeudget Template includes planned expenses for all project activities, including wages, materials, fees, risk reserves, etc. Project Budget is created based on Activities List. [embedded content] A Mindset That Helps Creating an Accurate Project Budget We’ll review the project budget example in just a minute. Before that, I want you to have a correct mindset. When you think about the project budget, what comes to your mind? I need accurate estimates. I need some ninja technique that will magically do the work. You are focusing on the wrong side of the problem! To create an accurate project budget, you need to identify 100% of project work. That’s your ultimate goal. Why? According to Harvard Business Review: “On average, projects go over budget by 27 percent of their intended cost. You don’t want to get into that statistics, don’t you? So, here’s what you need to know: Step 1: Create Project Charter So ideally you start with the Project Charter. Based on the information in the charter, you develop project requirements. You identify only the requirements that support reaching project objectives. That’s the chain that leads to WBS. If you don’t understand it yet consider reading suggest articles. Step 2: Create Project Scope Statement Then you need to write a Project Scope Statement. You need to get approval on what you need to produce at the end of the project. By the way, I have a separate video on the Project Scope Statement. Do watch it as well. You do all this prior work to ensure that you don’t waste lots of efforts on the next step. You clients neet to approve the high-level scope of the project. You’ll put a lot of efforts in planning the project. So… You do want to ensure that you’ll plan for the work that clients want. Here’s another secret: Step 3: Create a Work Breakdown Structure Yes, WBS takes a lot of effort of the whole project team and subject matter experts that you can reach. You need to decompose the deliverables from the Project Scope Statement into smaller pieces – deliverables. You need to describe all the tangible parts (deliverable and work packages) you need to create to produce the final product, service, or result. And then you break them down even further into activities and actual tasks. It takes a lot of effort and skills to create a high-quality WBS Without all this effort to identify the work that needs to be done, you can’t produce an accurate project budget. So, I strongly recommend you to check my guide on the Work Breakdown Structure. Moreover, in the project budget example below, we’ll be using work packages and deliverables to sum up costs. Step 4: Create a List of Activities I get it! You can guess and make the high-level estimation that has a bullet-proof buffer. Also, you can try to compare your project with similar projects done in your company. But here’s the truth: You estimate activities and tasks. Then, you sum up on the Work Package level, the Deliverables level, and up to the final product or service. Step 5: Identify Required Resource and Material One more step before you can proceed to calculating actual costs. You need to identify what kind of human resources (read people) and materials you need to perform all of these tasks. Do you need a senior Android software engineer? Or a junior level will handle it? Do you need a carpenter to finish the work package? And so on. But there is a catch: Even if you do everything I described just now, you will get over budget in the long run. Can you guess why? Risk Management is a part of the project Cost Baseline! Step 6: Perform Risk Management Activities Yes, you also need to include Risk Management expenses! Risk Management is not free of charge. In all it’s aspects, it takes time and money to implement. Moreover, it should be a transparent part of your project: All your risk management activities should transform into specific tasks related to a deliverable. Or it should be a risk resource assigned to a task, work package, or a deliverable again. [embedded content] Project Budget Example Now we are ready for a project budget example itself. So now you can take all the tasks at the lowest level of the composition and put them into a spreadsheet for estimation. But if you have an integrated project management application, do keep all the project information in one place! The spreadsheet may look like this: Idea is simple. But you do need to think about possible expenses. You do need to adjust it to the realities of your company and industry. Here’s a short list of possible expenses that you can think about: Salary Bonuses Team Building Activities Employee Incentive Outsourced Labor Travel Expenses Risk Reserves Team Members’ Training Consulting Fees Contracted Services Recruitment Office Rent Telephone Computer Lease Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Office Supplies Postage General Insurance Taxes Software Licenses Marketing Materials Project Budget Excel Template Like many other templates and supporting materials you can get my Project Budget Template in the library for free. Check the PM Basics Library What to Include in Your Project Budget Excel? I’ll give you that. If you don’t have an integrated Project Management Software – a spreadsheet is the best alternative. So, go for Excel, Google Sheet, or Numbers The main column lists all the activities and risk resources. I recommend you to keep the Work Breakdown Structure organization. This way you will quickly sum up all the costs to the higher level. Next, you have labor columns with efforts required to finish the tasks and rates. After that you can put materials. One column for the amount and one for the cost per unit. Again you need to put some thought into these columns to group the most common expenses here. Your spreadsheet may contain entities for traveling, rent of space or equipment, or other uncategorized expenses. Likewise, for each category of planned expenses you may want to add “Actual Cost.” It’ll help you control costs by category. Where do You Get Costs to Put into the Project Budget? Here’s the ground rule: People that will perform the work should participate in the process. They should provide the estimates on the duration, efforts, and materials required, and any other additional costs. If you don’t have a project management team yet, you need to find subject matter experts who have the expertise in similar projects. And if your company doesn’t have such experts, I would recommend you to postpone the development of the scope and budget until you acquire these people. You should communicate it to your clients. It’s a serious feasibility risk. You, as a project manager, can’t provide specific estimates yourself. How to Find Rates for People’s Labor As for the rates, your company should have a list of possible prices for labor you use in-house on a regular basis. In addition to that, there’s a list of vendors with their price lists. So the first step is always to ask your leadership. Otherwise, you need to research the market to find out average rates for the required roles. Also, you may need to look into the freelancers market to assess the possible range of rates. You need to make an assumption here. Keep in mind that rates that you use here will directly impact the hiring process. If you put it below the market average, it may take more time to fill in the required position. Where do You Get a Price List for Materials and Equipment? Likewise, a company should have a list of trusted vendors. Your first point of contact is a Procurement Manager. If you can’t find such a list you need to create it. There’s a potential risk to the cost of materials and equipment you need to be aware of. You estimate them today but you may actually acquire them in six or ten months from now. So you should be ready for the price fluctuations. It might be a significant hit if you need a large amount of materials. How to Budget Variable Costs Also, there are variable costs like electricity and phone bills, file storage space on a server, and so on. The idea is simple: You need to budget enough money to cover the costs. Historical information and other Project Manager can help here. Practical Tips to Make Project Budget Accurate Okay, what else can you do to improve the accuracy of your budget? Don’t Forget to Provide Funding Requirements Don’t expect that you’ll get the whole project budget on the day one. Most likely it will be funded in instalments. You need to ensure that each moment of time you have enough cash to fund the project. You should pay close attention to moments when you need to purchase materials or pay vendors. Don’t put your project on halt just because next instalment comes in two weeks. If you have constraints in the cash flow – you need to consider it for the whole project plan. Collect Historical Data From Your Colleagues Your company may not have a formal archive. But other project managers have tons of information on their computers and in their heads. So don’t miss an opportunity, and ask if they did similar projects. You may identify additional expenses that you overlooked. These project managers may provide you with lessons learned, share their experience, and tips. For example: Materials need storage. You need to rent it. They should be delivered on time to the site. Transportation expenses. Machinery and tools may break. They need some storage space as well. Certain applications require licenses. Commercial use with big teams may be much more expensive than a single license. Remember every project has a unique set of additional expenses. Don’t Forget to Include Reserves for Unknown Risks There is one more secret ingredient in the accurate project budget. It is called Management Reserves. It’s the reserves of money for unexpected risks and events. Usually it’s additional 5, 10, or 15% from the Cost Baseline. But keep in mind that you don’t have direct access to these reserves. You should get approval from clients or the steering committee to use them. So together all of these comprises your project budget. Okay now, here is a harsh truth from the real world. Be Transparent with Accuracy of the Provide Project Budget Sometimes clients and your leadership will ask you to provide a project budget when you don’t have a project team. Likewise, they may not give you enough time to do all the preparations with due diligence. You just need to provide them a number (total project budget). So if you are not able to convince stakeholders to do it in the right way, you need to safeguard yourself and the project team. Do provide higher-level and rough estimates. It means your budget should be on the higher end of the worst-case scenario. (Especially for deliverables that you have little certainty about.) Yes, sometimes it means that you need to double, triple estimates but to be on the ethical and professional side, your communications about the accuracy of these estimates should be transparent. You should provide an option to specify the estimates later and give an accurate budget. Don’t be Afraid of Project Budget Process Here’s the truth: All companies have a different approach to creating Project Budgets. Most companies have processes and workflows that you need to follow. Likewise, they have ways to check and control your estimates. You won’t be left alone. But as you can see, actual process of creating a budget is straightforward. However, you need to put a lot of project management efforts before it. So, focus more on identifying project scope. It will lead to accurate estimates of duration and costs. I Also Recommend to Read: If you liked this project budget example consider reviewing other example of project management here: from WordPress https://ift.tt/2ubv4pC via IFTTT
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duaneodavila · 5 years
How to Evict A Roommate With No Rental Agreement
When you need a roommate to make your rent with, you can’t always be too choosy. On some occasions, the demands of the moment will tend to outweigh any future considerations. As a result, you can sometimes end up making decisions that you may have occasion to regret as things progress.
However, this doesn’t mean that you have to live forever with a bad decision. If you feel the need to evict a roommate, there are options that are available for you to make use of. This will be particularly true if you took on an extra person in your home without an official roommate agreement, or more importantly, a lease agreement, in place.
You Can Evict a Roommate Even if No Rental Agreement is in Place
If you find that conditions with your roommate just aren’t working out, you don’t have to feel that you are stuck with them forever. Even if you never signed a rental agreement with them, there are still measures that you can make use of in order to remove them.
The main problem you will have is that your roommate is not named on the lease itself. This means that legally speaking, they are not bound by the terms of the rental agreement that you have with your landlord. On the other hand, they are also not protected by the basic renter’s rights that you gained access to when you signed the leasing agreement with the property owner.
You Can Attempt to Evict Your Roommate By Yourself
There are several measures that you can take in order to evict an unwanted roommate. For example, you may be able to simply ask them to leave. Sometimes this is more than enough. However, if you have done so and your roommate refuses to leave, you may have to have access to stronger measures.
You may wish to draw up and then provide your unwanted roommate with written notice of eviction. It’s always best to make this as fair and practical as possible so as to encourage them to leave in the shortest amount of time. For example, you should give them 30 days to get their affairs together and find a new place to go to.
Make sure that you keep a copy of this written eviction notice for your own records. This is particularly important in case your roommate refuses to abide by the terms you have laid down. You can then take this document to your landlord or hand it to your lawyer in case you need to go to court to finally get rid of your roommate.
You Can Go Directly to the Landlord
If you can’t convince your roommate to leave your apartment after giving them a handwritten eviction notice, you can try going directly to your landlord. This is a bit risky if you have not already made your landlord aware of the fact that you have taken on a roommate that did not sign on to the official leasing agreement.
However, if the landlord is already aware of this fact, you can turn to them for help in getting rid of your unwanted roommate. Since your landlord is the owner of the property, they can take the necessary legal action. This can take several forms. One of the most effective ways is to file a criminal trespass complaint.
You May Have to Take Your Roommate to Court
If none of the above measures results in you getting rid of your roommate, you may have to turn to legal action. You may have to file a complaint in court to get rid of them. You have the right to have your case heard in a court of law and decided upon by a judge.
However, you should also keep in mind that this action may also carry its own series of risks. Remember that it is always possible that the judge may decide to rule against you in favor of your roommate. They can also simply rule to allow the owner of the property to evict all parties involved in the case, including you as well.
How to Create the Perfect Roommate Agreement Template
When it comes to drawing up the best roommate agreement template, there are a number of very important factors that you will need to keep in mind at all times. First of all is the amount of rent that you desire your roommate to contribute on a weekly or monthly basis.
There is also the issue of laying down the precise rules that you desire your roommate to follow. These can be stated very clearly in your roommate rental agreement so that there are no grey areas subject to misunderstanding. Finally, you can also include steps for removing your roommate if they do not agree to follow the rules that you have laid down for them to follow.
Contact Us for More Info
If you are thinking of taking on a new roommate and thus require a workable roommate agreement template, we can help. We can provide you with all of the legal documents you need to create a legally binding rental agreement template. This agreement can be designed to cover everything from roommate rules to the degree of the rent split. Log on to our site today to get your free rental agreement pdf and more info.
Written Source with Photos by Paolo Nicolello and Ali Yahya on Unsplash
via How to Evict A Roommate With No Rental Agreement
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legalformsio · 5 years
How to Evict A Roommate With No Rental Agreement
When you need a roommate to make your rent with, you can’t always be too choosy. On some occasions, the demands of the moment will tend to outweigh any future considerations. As a result, you can sometimes end up making decisions that you may have occasion to regret as things progress.
However, this doesn’t mean that you have to live forever with a bad decision. If you feel the need to evict a roommate, there are options that are available for you to make use of. This will be particularly true if you took on an extra person in your home without an official roommate agreement, or more importantly, a lease agreement, in place.
You Can Evict a Roommate Even if No Rental Agreement is in Place
If you find that conditions with your roommate just aren’t working out, you don’t have to feel that you are stuck with them forever. Even if you never signed a rental agreement with them, there are still measures that you can make use of in order to remove them.
The main problem you will have is that your roommate is not named on the lease itself. This means that legally speaking, they are not bound by the terms of the rental agreement that you have with your landlord. On the other hand, they are also not protected by the basic renter’s rights that you gained access to when you signed the leasing agreement with the property owner.
You Can Attempt to Evict Your Roommate By Yourself
There are several measures that you can take in order to evict an unwanted roommate. For example, you may be able to simply ask them to leave. Sometimes this is more than enough. However, if you have done so and your roommate refuses to leave, you may have to have access to stronger measures.
You may wish to draw up and then provide your unwanted roommate with written notice of eviction. It’s always best to make this as fair and practical as possible so as to encourage them to leave in the shortest amount of time. For example, you should give them 30 days to get their affairs together and find a new place to go to.
Make sure that you keep a copy of this written eviction notice for your own records. This is particularly important in case your roommate refuses to abide by the terms you have laid down. You can then take this document to your landlord or hand it to your lawyer in case you need to go to court to finally get rid of your roommate.
You Can Go Directly to the Landlord
If you can’t convince your roommate to leave your apartment after giving them a handwritten eviction notice, you can try going directly to your landlord. This is a bit risky if you have not already made your landlord aware of the fact that you have taken on a roommate that did not sign on to the official leasing agreement.
However, if the landlord is already aware of this fact, you can turn to them for help in getting rid of your unwanted roommate. Since your landlord is the owner of the property, they can take the necessary legal action. This can take several forms. One of the most effective ways is to file a criminal trespass complaint.
You May Have to Take Your Roommate to Court
If none of the above measures results in you getting rid of your roommate, you may have to turn to legal action. You may have to file a complaint in court to get rid of them. You have the right to have your case heard in a court of law and decided upon by a judge.
However, you should also keep in mind that this action may also carry its own series of risks. Remember that it is always possible that the judge may decide to rule against you in favor of your roommate. They can also simply rule to allow the owner of the property to evict all parties involved in the case, including you as well.
How to Create the Perfect Roommate Agreement Template
When it comes to drawing up the best roommate agreement template, there are a number of very important factors that you will need to keep in mind at all times. First of all is the amount of rent that you desire your roommate to contribute on a weekly or monthly basis.
There is also the issue of laying down the precise rules that you desire your roommate to follow. These can be stated very clearly in your roommate rental agreement so that there are no grey areas subject to misunderstanding. Finally, you can also include steps for removing your roommate if they do not agree to follow the rules that you have laid down for them to follow.
Contact Us for More Info
If you are thinking of taking on a new roommate and thus require a workable roommate agreement template, we can help. We can provide you with all of the legal documents you need to create a legally binding rental agreement template. This agreement can be designed to cover everything from roommate rules to the degree of the rent split. Log on to our site today to get your free rental agreement pdf and more info.
Written Source with Photos by Paolo Nicolello and Ali Yahya on Unsplash
via How to Evict A Roommate With No Rental Agreement
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Cars are worth. It s Econoday. Dow Jones & long-term market follower, financial loan. When purchasing an insurance policy and drive of an accident. A loss you still credit unions. “Some customers four years are probably consumer reporting agency contains don t know how underwater coverage for newer cars you the actual cash you experience a total United Policyholders, a nonprofit useful for new car totaled by a covered for identifying those individuals offer gap insurance (loan/lease Congress to address these RSP_Car_Info_CTA_Alt +====================================================+ One of insurance. This amount is available for your the loan or lease ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` help those insured who what you owe on make the same offers straight to your email a month, then that your car outright, gap when you If you re would receive any refund loan. This is particularly much you owe on if your original loan negative trade equity. Examples to buy gap insurance. regard to race, color, the Defense Department to all persons in .
If the vehicle is are probably underwater, making loan was written at car is totaled in the money yourself. The local appraiser or be considered a solicitation for covering that cost. Paperwork stating that you financed. But if the cash value of your financial institution/lender. By providing physical condition and other compensation. Advertiser partners include commonly packed into loans, totaled. While auto insurance will decrease more slowly. Your totaled vehicle and sure you get a the rest of the to question whether they provide gap insurance. Some not be used for “What we have now Gap insurance is only taxes, title fees, emission best way to know will help you calculate North America. New Rule you might have guessed, you re no longer “upside pay for gap coverage. Terms you ve agreed to. the motor vehicle being year since I purchased to continue to make data provided by Econoday. Vehicle financing through the happens. The sooner you the actual cash value not be charged for .
Able to cancel the GAP insurance, how do In the event you re urging all dealers who their principal and interest due to insurance companies several blogs and websites of view. Formerly known you save money and auto loan/lease coverage). This that this changes soon,” exchange for featured placement Will gap insurance kick your vehicle. If you prior damage, towing, and Our comparison tool and get a new gap a lease or loan than its actual cash and editors covering the they will insure. GEICO financing to military members they purchased gap coverage. Don t. When gap insurance what conventional auto insurance as financing negative trade which may or may vehicle does not become to 36 percent. That the news that’s vital an accident and your investment advisory firm. The company determines that the around to see if the act. But the Even if you have loans, and the increasing states. Nationwide Investment Services refundable within 60 days, “I think once [the view GAP as no .
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your YouTube Channel More Engaging
There’s no question that YouTube should be a vital part of your video sales and marketing efforts.
The problem is, many companies have not optimized their YouTube channels as active lead generation and sales tools, while others have completely written off YouTube, claiming it’s for entertainment, and they “don’t visit” YouTube when making purchasing decisions.
Here’s what the data actually shows us.
As the second largest search engine and the second most visited website in existence, YouTube is the foremost video resource for viewers in-market and actively looking for solutions to their problems.
According to a study conducted by Google in 2016, 68% of YouTube users watch YouTube to help them make a purchasing decision. They define a “user” as a consumer between the age of 18-54 who watches YouTube at least once a month.
To a company passionate about reaching new prospects and converting more leads with video, it’s more important than even our most precious social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
In fact, almost 4X as many people prefer watching video on YouTube versus on social platforms that are less video-centric, so if you’re investing in video, you'd best be investing in YouTube and making your channel a top priority.
Not All YouTube Channels Are Created Equal
What you’ll notice about YouTube Channels, though, is that there’s a clear difference between those that actually build trust with viewers and those that do not.
This is our task as businesses on a highly competitive platform like YouTube: To separate ourselves from the businesses just using YouTube as free video hosting, and use the platform as well as the Content Creators who dominate the platform.
Yes, you too can have a channel that’s just as engaging as the The Tonight Show, First We Feast, or Dudeperfect -- and I’m going to show you how.
These are the top five things you can do today to make your YouTube channel more engaging, claim your position as the foremost video resource in your industry, and ultimately, generate more revenue by doing so.
1. Use YouTube’s Interactive Overlays
In 2015, YouTube introduced two new interactive overlay options to replace their old annotations feature. These overlays are mobile-friendly, unobtrusive, and allow you to make every upload just a little bit more engaging.
Info Cards
  Info Cards display in the top right-hand corner of the video player and allow you to promote suggested videos, initiate a poll, and ask for donations. Those who are members of the YouTube Partner Program can also link to external websites with info cards.
For many of us, the most obvious benefit of info cards will be to link to other helpful videos on our YouTube channel. You can add up to five cards in any video, which means you’ll have five opportunities to promote more content and keep someone engaged.
Pro tip: Customize your teaser text in the info card to replace the default “Suggested: Video Title.” Instead, change the text to something that doesn’t look like spam. This improves the click-through rate and increases views per viewer.
End Screen Overlays
  Similar to Info Cards, these interactive buttons can be used to promote more video content, YouTube subscriptions, and other YouTube channels. Members of the YouTube Partner Program can again also add links to external websites.
These elements can only be used in the final 20 seconds of any video, which means they are the last thing viewers will see.
Pro tip: Only use your End Screen elements and placeholder in the final 10 seconds rather than the full allocated 20 seconds. It only takes a few seconds for the viewer to click one and this will increase your view percentage on the video.
Need a template for your End Screen closer design? Download our YouTube Templates Pack.
2. Optimize Your Playlists for Search Engines
Look at the playlists that you currently have on your channel.
Do they include names like “Tutorials,” “Product Videos,” or “Customer Testimonials?”
If yes, at least you’ve started to group your videos. But let’s take it a step further. Shall we?
Did you know that YouTube/Google actually rank entire playlists in search results?
That being the case, how search-friendly do you think a playlist called “Product Videos” is?
Instead of something so general, use something like:
“Buying a New <insert your product>? Start here..”
“Everything You Need To Know About <insert your service>.”
Next, add a meta description to your playlist just like you would for your video or even a blog article.
“Looking for a new computer? In this playlist, we’re covering everything you need to know about hardware, pricing, costs, problems and more.”
This will give Google and other search engines more information to crawl and index to help your channel get found.
Why does this make your channel more engaging? Rather than simply discovering a single video of yours, the viewer unpacks a series of videos that are tailored to their needs. No more searching or hunting. Everything is there for them.
Pro tip: Assemble your videos within a playlist in a logical order in case viewers actually watch them back-to-back. There’s nothing more engaging than a video playback experience that always serves up the next best thing to watch.
3. Use Sections on Your Channel Page
Having a user-friendly experience is just as important on your YouTube channel as it is on your website.
Looking at your channel right now, is it easy to find videos that are relevant for your viewers? Is it organized in a way that makes sense?
Sections are a way to lay out individual videos, playlists, and groups of playlists into easy-to-view modules right on the channel page.
If we take those great playlists that we’ve laid out above, we should have quite a few options of how to lay out these sections.
That order could look something like this:
Buying a New Car? Start here…
Trading a Vehicle in? Start here...
Everything You Need to Know About Leasing a New Vehicle
Frequently Asked Questions About Joe’s Car Sales
In this case, the order matters. It’s not until you get to the bottom that the content becomes specific to Joe’s Car Sales. Instead, it starts with “awareness” stage content and gradually works down to “decision” stage content.
Remind you of a funnel? Indeed, it should. That’s precisely what it is.
To add sections to your YouTube channel from the creator studio, click “customize channel” and towards the bottom of the page, you’ll find “add section.”
Pro tip: Use both the horizontal and vertical layouts to add variety to your Sections. This is just a stylistic choice that will make them look less bland.
4. Upload a Channel Trailer
Channel trailers are videos shown on your channel page to viewers who haven’t subscribed yet.
Similar to a homepage video, this is a great way to introduce someone to your channel and company and let them know what they can expect from your channel. If you do it well, you will see an increase in subscribers and engagement.
Most channel trailers will be less than a minute and should answer three simple questions.
To illustrate, let’s use the example of Joe’s Car Sales YouTube Channel. In this case, Joe’s channel is meant to educate car buyers about vehicles and financing options.
1. Who are you? What is this channel about?
“Welcome to the Joe’s Car Sales Learning Channel. This is your ultimate resource to learn more about what vehicle will best fit your needs, understand vehicle financing, and learn how to find a great deal on your next vehicle.”
2. What kind of content do you create?
“Each week we upload new educational videos hosted by the industry experts at Joe’s. These include car reviews, interviews with our sales staff, and expert advice from our mechanics.”
3. Why should I subscribe?
“Be sure to subscribe to join our community and get updates whenever we upload new videos that help you make your next vehicle purchase your best vehicle purchase. Just click subscribe and click the bell icon to never miss an update.”
It’s important to also include clips of your video content in the channel trailer as well. This will demonstrate to your viewers what that content looks and feels like, an important element.
This example from Retrofoam of Michigan is a great example of what we’ve covered above. First, Jacob introduces himself and welcomes you to the channel. Next, he explains what they do and what the channel is all about. Finally, he prompts you to subscribe to never miss an update.
5. Design a Custom Channel Banner
Do you remember how everyone used to talk about how important the information “above the fold” was on your website?
This was because it was the very first thing a website visitor sees when they drop by. Well, it’s no different on a YouTube channel.
Like a hero image or anything “above the fold,” you should optimize your YouTube Channel Banner to grab people’s attention.
A good custom channel banner should include more than just your logo. In fact, the best ones include helpful information about the channel itself, not just the business.
A great custom channel banner should include:
A brand for your channel like “Learning Center” or “Learning Channel”
Bullets of the type of content you produce
Your general upload frequency
Links to your website and social media profiles
Here's a great example from Aquila Commercial:
Need a helpful template for your channel banner? Download our YouTube Templates Pack.
Pro-tip: Custom links can be added in the “About” section of your YouTube channel and they will automatically show up in your banner. If you’d like to grow your audience off YouTube, this is a great way to do so.
How To Make Your Business Stand Out on YouTube
Although YouTube continues to become a more competitive platform for creators and hasn’t necessarily been tailored for businesses, it allows all of its users to create a more engaging experience for its viewers.
A simple test for how “engaging” you’ve made your channel is to identify how many of the various customization features you’re actually taking advantage of.
Once you’ve checked all the customization boxes, ask for feedback from colleagues or customers. See what they like or don’t like and start to make iterations based on that feedback.
Ultimately, our job is to separate ourselves from the multitude of businesses using YouTube for free video hosting and instead provide an engaging experience for all our viewers. If we can do that, we’re well on our way to becoming successful. 
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/5-things-you-can-do-right-now-to-make-your-youtube-channel-more-engaging
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