#and the nighttime seizures that were happening a few days back
fiddlepickdouglas · 6 months
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haikyuupaladin · 3 years
One Day
Since today is Epilepsy Awareness day, I thought I’d write a fic that raises some awareness for epilepsy. It’s a day in Asahi’s life with epilepsy. I hope you all enjoy! See the end for some important notes!
Asahi groaned as he rolled over in bed and looked at his alarm clock. His eyes blew open in surprise when he saw how late it was. “Shit. I’m going to be late for practice.” He ran to the bathroom with his volleyball clothes in hand, splashing his face with water, brushing his teeth, and quickly taking his meds as he tried to get dressed as quickly as possible at the same time. Once he’d done that, he threw some bread in the toaster and scrambled to make sure he had everything he needed for the day in his backpack and gym bag. When the toast was done, he quickly grabbed everything and ran out the door, eating the toast as he ran to practice.  
“Sorry I’m late!” He called out as he burst through the doors of the gym, trying to catch his breath.
“Oi, Azumane!” Coach Ukai called out and he winced. He’d only been back on the team for a week. This was not the impression he wanted to make on the new coach. “Warm up and then I want to talk to you for a bit!”
“Ok!” Asahi yelped. A week of being back and he was sure to get kicked off the team already at this rate. Coach Ukai probably thought he was being lazy and avoiding practice, never mind the fact that the rest of the team had just barely finished their warmups when he’d made it there. Their last coach had been super strict about attendance and Daichi had said that the new coach was his grandson, so Asahi was wary. 
He did his warmups as carefully as possible, putting off the lecture he was sure to receive, but eventually, there was nothing more he could do to warmup. He slowly stride over to where Coach Ukai was sitting on the bench, flipping through something on his clipboard. 
“Sit,” the man gestured to the bench beside him, and Asahi reluctantly joined him.
“I really am sorry I was late today coach, it won’t happen again! I must’ve slept through my alarm but I promise I’ll make sure I’m early tomorrow to make up for it!” Asahi started rambling until he was given a strange look and interrupted.
“What? No no no, that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. You’re like… five minutes late, it’s not a big deal as long as you don’t make it a habit to be late every day.” Asahi let out a sigh of relief. 
“What did you want to talk to me about then?” Asahi asked, wracking his brain for any other topics he should be worried about.
“The school just finally gave me your file,” Ukai told him and Asahi froze. 
“If this is about that fight with Noya last year I promise that won’t happen again either!” Asahi panicked.
Ukai gave him a deadpan stare. “Will you let me finish what I’m saying before you start panicking?! You’re not in trouble, that was already dealt with and frankly, as long as it doesn’t affect the team going forward,  I don’t really care. What I do care about is the fact that I’m technically responsible for you kids now. I wanted to talk to you about the medical section of your records.”
Asahi sighed, in relief but also frustration. “Oh. That. Yeah, I have epilepsy, it shouldn’t interfere with volleyball though. Well except for some of my doctor’s appointments but I can schedule those around anything major. I haven’t had a seizure in a year and a half and on the off chance something did happen, all the third years and Tanaka and Noya know and they all know what to do.” By the time he was halfway through his explanation, Asahi was no longer sure if he was trying to reassure the coach or himself. Just because his meds were working, didn’t mean there wasn’t the possibility of a breakthrough seizure at any time, and if that happened, it could interfere with volleyball, and that was the absolute last thing he wanted. 
“Is there anything I should look out for?” Ukai pressed. 
“Trust me, if something happens, you’ll know,” he laughed,  slightly bitter. 
“I know that kid,” groaned Ukai. “I meant like… before.”
“Not really,”  Asahi shrugged. “My parents say they can tell by my eyes but I don’t really know what they mean by that.” 
Ukai nodded. “And let’s say something does happen, what should I do?” 
“Mainly just time it and get anything I can hurt myself on away from me” Asahi mumbled wanting to get away from this conversation now. He knew the coach was trying to be helpful, but talking about it like this was making him more nervous that something would happen, and that was the last thing he wanted to think about right now. “Can I go join practice now?” 
“Sure,” Ukai pinched the bridge of his nose, looking frustrated. “Just… let me know if you need anything, okay?”
Asahi nodded cautiously before running off to join the rest of the team in spiking drills. 
“What was that all about earlier?” Suga asked when they stopped for a water break. 
“You’re not in trouble or anything are you? I can talk to coach if you are,” Daichi chimed in.
“It was nothing like that,” Asahi shook his head, appreciating his friends’ concern. “He wanted to talk about my epilepsy.”
Suga raised an eyebrow at that. “Really? He does know you haven’t had a seizure since first year, right?”
“I mean, it makes sense though,” Daichi shrugged. “I don’t think he has any experience with that sort of stuff, makes sense he’d be a little freaked out I guess.” 
Kiyoko nodded quietly beside him. 
“It was kind of embarrassing though,” Asahi admitted, whining. 
“Why?” Daichi laughed.
“I’m pretty sure none of the first years even noticed,” Kiyoko said, placing a hand on Asahi's back comfortingly. 
“Hinata and Kageyama definitely didn’t,” Suga said, eyes sparkling with laughter. “They were too busy fighting, I’m not even sure what started it,but Tsukishima was encouraging it.”
“And you were doing nothing to stop it,” Daichi pointed out. “I can’t believe you’re my vice captain sometimes.”
“Hey! Let me have my fun!” Suga complained. “I would’ve stepped in if it got out of control but it was amusing and you seemed to have it under control anyway.”
Asahi relaxed as the conversation turned towards the antics of the first years. Suga always knew just how to steer the conversation how he wanted to, and not for the first time, Asahi was glad that Suga used that for his benefit sometimes. 
The rest of practice had gone by without incident, Kiyoko and Suga were right, nobody else had even noticed Coach Ukai calling him over, or if they did they’d chosen not to ask about it. The conversation had made Asahi more aware of potential auras than usual though, and it had been hard to focus in class. He had a weird headache for a bit during third period and he’d spent most of class muttering to himself and fidgeting with his hands, trying to focus on the fact that his jaw and hands seemed to be working just fine, finding reassurance in that, though he was still nervous.  He’d have to ask Kiyoko for the notes later. 
It was lunchtime now though, and Asahi hoped that his friends would be a welcome distraction from his worries. “Asahi! Hey!” Noya called out as Asahi exited his classroom. He chuckled fondly and shook his head.
“Hey Noya, what’s up?” 
Noya regaled Asahi with stories of his day as they walked to meet up with Daichi, Suga, and Tanaka. How Noya always had so much to say, Asahi would never know but he was grateful for it right now, the conversation kept him from getting too stuck in his own head. He grinned as they spotted the others and joined them, the rest of his worries melting away for the moment as they fell into easy conversation, Daichi scolding Noya and Tanaka for their antics as Suga egged them on. 
After practice, Daichi, Suga, and Kiyoko walked home with Asahi for their weekly movie night. He’d been avoiding them during his time off the team, but it was nice to see how quickly they fell back into these old habits with him. He’d missed Daichi and Suga’s teasing and their laughter and how they would jostle him around, and he’d missed how Kiyoko would giggle at their antics despite her halfhearted futile attempts to get them to behave.
He was even more grateful for how easily they fell back into old habits when the movie they chose ended up having more flashing lights than he remembered. On another day he might’ve been able to brush it off and keep watching, but despite having calmed down from earlier, he was still being more vigilant than usual, so he covered his eyes and looked away. Suga noticed and paused the movie.
“Shit, sorry Asahi, we forgot how bad this part can get. You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Asahi mumbled, a little self conscious about how nervous he was. On any other day he’d be able to handle this so it was a little embarrassing to be avoiding them right now.
“So how are we doing this?” Daichi asked casually. “Different movie or do you want us to narrate for you?”
Asahi laughed. He’d almost forgotten how easily his friends adapted to these situations for him. 
“Narrating’s fine. We all like this movie and if we have to pick a new one we’ll have to reschedule movie night with how long it’ll take us to decide.”
Daichi laughed. “That’s true. Ok then, you ready to start back up?” 
Asahi nodded, and soon the room was filled with more laughter than before as Daichi and Suga humorously described what was going on, with Kiyoko chiming in with quiet corrections or details that the other two were forgetting to mention. Asahi couldn’t help but laugh at some of the descriptions his friends were using and his heart filled with warmth as his friends did their best to make sure he didn’t miss anything about the movie, even throwing in some of their usual jokes about the movie in their descriptions.
Later that night, Asahi’s friends escorted themselves out and headed home. He still lay on the couch, too tired to move, but groaning as he knew he had to. He wanted to pass out on the couch, but he had to go take his nighttime dose of his meds. He lay there for a few more minutes before finally deciding if he didn’t get up now, he wasn’t going to be able to and dragging himself off the couch. He walked drowsily to the bathroom, blearily took his meds and then stumbled to bed. It had been a long day, but a good one, he smiled to himself as he fell asleep.
Notes time! First I want to make it clear that the medical side of things depicted here is based on my personal epilepsy and should not be read as a one size fits all type of deal. 
Second, Ukai’s assumption that it will be noticeable when Asahi has a seizure is accurate for Asahi, but not for everyone. Some types of seizures are barely noticeable on the outside, if at all, and even then you have o know what you’re looking for. 
Third, Asahi’s explanation of seizure first aid is not a complete explanation, for more on seizure first aid please look at https://www.epilepsy.com/living-epilepsy/seizure-first-aid-and-safety (I’m not making it a link so it will show up in the tags, but I have provided the entire url).
Fourth, an aura is a warning sign or set of warning signs leading up to a seizure. Not everyone has one, and it can be hard to recognize it if you do sometimes. 
And fifth, Please take today as an opportunity to learn more about epilepsy. www.epilepsy.com and www.talkaboutit.org are my personal favorite starting points to recommend, as well as reading through some of the blogs in the epilepsy community here on tumblr. 
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grootiez · 4 years
The Joys of Raising a Teenaged Groot- Chapter 57: Attitude
Later that day, after Groot was disconnected from his feeding tube, it was time for him to go to therapy for his daily session. Groot wasn’t thrilled, instead wanting to stay in his room and watch TV with Rocket. The teen thought that since Azrik had to go to yet another meeting, Rocket would let him skip therapy for today and let him do whatever he wanted. Rocket, however, taking a sudden turn in being a responsible parent to Groot, encourages the teen to go do what he needs to do. Even when Groot whines, Rocket stands his ground.
“Hey, we all have things that we don’t like to do. I’m giving you a little freedom by not having your arm restraints on you.” Rocket tells a discontent Groot as they made their way to the therapy wing. Groot crosses his arms as his father wheels him down the hallway. “Don’t give me that attitude, Groot. You know that you have to go everyday and that’s the end of this discussion.” Rocket commands as he gets behind Groot in order to get him to the elevator so that they could go down to the floor that the therapy wing was on. Groot rolls his eyes as Rocket presses the elevator button to go down.
Once Groot and Rocket were in the elevator, Groot’s attitude didn’t subside. The teen kept up with the whining, even after they were out of the elevator and going down the hallway to the therapy room. As they were about to pass the main conference room, where Azrik was holding his meeting, Groot’s stubbornness reached a fever pitch. The teen began to bang the back of his head, which was safely ensconced in his protective helmet, against his wheelchair’s headrest. Groot didn’t stop there, as he balled his hands into fists and began to bang them on his shatterproof lap tray while screaming at the top of his lungs, trying to get the attention of anyone nearby. 
Rocket had enough. “That’s it!” He exclaimed as he turned Groot around, found an empty corner, and made Groot’s wheelchair face the wall. “You’re in timeout until your attitude changes!” He then walks away from Groot, but remaining nearby until his son’s temper tantrum subsided and he was done with his timeout.
Groot remained in timeout for thirteen minutes. When his time was up, Rocket walked back over to Groot, turned his chair around, and made him look at his father.
“Groot, you were in timeout for screaming, banging your hands on your tray, and banging your head against your headrest. Now can you apologize to me so that we can continue on to therapy?” Rocket beseeches as Groot signed sorry to him and Rocket responded by hugging his son and kissing him on his cheek. Groot was about to cry, having made his father upset. “Hey, hey, don’t cry. I’m not upset.” Rocket proceeds to cuddle Groot as he wraps his son up in his arms. “You were misbehaving, I gave you a timeout, and now all of that is over with. Now can we continue on with our day?” Groot nods as Rocket gathers up his things before he pushed his son down the hallway.
Rocket didn’t even take five steps before Groot was crying out in pain. Rocket stops, and being the concerned parent that he is, he tries to figure out what was wrong with Groot.
”Hey, hey.” Rocket was again at Groot’s side as the teenager pressed his hands against his forehead and screamed in pain. “Alright, son. Let’s get you to the nurse’s office.” He declared as he turned around and pushed Groot the opposite way from the therapy wing.
Once Rocket got Groot into the nurse’s office, Rocket told her what was wrong with Groot and upon her seeing Groot, she ushered them into a private room with an electric bed and hoist for her to get Groot into the bed and laying down comfortably.
Once Groot was in the bed, Azrik came by.
“Zeliek said that Groot didn’t show up today.” Azrik stated as he looked at Groot. “What happened?”
“Well, Groot didn’t want to go, so by the time that I got him on this floor, he was extremely upset and he began to bang his head against his headrest, he slammed his fists on his lap tray, and he screamed at the top of his lungs.” Rocket explains. “I had no other choice besides putting him in timeout until his attitude changed. As soon as we began to go to therapy, Groot screamed out in pain.”
“Groot, where does it hurt?” Azrik asks as he and the nurse begin to look Groot over. Groot cries when Azrik lightly touches his arms. “Alright. Now, I’m going to have to take your arm braces off, okay?”
Rocket then tells Groot to look at him as Azrik, and the nurse gently took off his arms braces and inspected his arms. Other than a slight flinch when Azrik felt Groot’s bones in his arms to make sure that they weren’t broken, his arms and hands were fine. Groot was beyond relieved when his braces were put back on.
“Do you hurt anywhere else, Groot?” Azrik asks as Groot points to the back of his head, where he banged it against his headrest. “Alright, let me take off your helmet and have a look.” He said as he gingerly takes off Groot’s helmet and inspects it. “Well, his helmet isn’t damaged.”
Rocket nods silently. He knew what was coming next as Groot’s aide inspected his son’s skull and each scar that Groot had on his head. “But what?” He was almost afraid to ask.
“Well, the good news is that Groot doesn’t have any skull fractures, so we don’t need to go to the emergency room.” Azrik observes as he places Groot’s helmet back on him. Azrik then gets suspicious of the possible cause. “Groot, do you have a headache right now?” He asks as Groot nods.
Rocket became just as concerned as Azrik was. “What does that mean?”
“This could mean that Groot’s medication that he takes to prevent him from getting any seizures could be losing effect on him.” Azrik suspected. “I’ll have to call Cre’Nok and Xalani and see what they think.” He then walks over towards the cabinet in the room and gets out a syringe as well as a vial to treat Groot’s headache. As he prepares Groot’s feeding tube to receive the dose, Groot swats at the syringe. “I know, Groot, but do you want the headache forever?” Groot shook his head. “Then you’re going to have to take your medicine. I’ll be fast, but gentle on you.” He says as he injects the medicine into Groot’s tube.
“Alright, so as soon as Groot’s over his headache, he can go down to therapy?” Rocket asks as he holds Groot’s hand.
“Actually, I’m going to recommend that Groot stays here for observation. I’m worried about his one medication not doing what it’s supposed to do. I’ll call Zeliek and explain to him what’s going on and Groot can go to therapy tomorrow morning.” Groot cheers at his small victory and points at the TV overlooking his bed. “Sorry, Groot, but to be safe, I don’t want you to be near any electronics, so Rocket’s going to have to read to you tonight.”
Rocket nods. “I don’t mind, Groot. But Azrik’s right, we have to be careful right now.”
Groot then returns Rocket’s nod. A few minutes later, Groot needed a diaper change as well as a new catheter inserted. After that was taken care of, Azrik gave Groot his nighttime formula and evening medications and stayed with Groot and Rocket until his shift was over and he had to leave for the night. Before he left for the night, Azrik gave Rocket his emergency phone number and told him to call it should anything happen with Groot.
Luckily, Rocket didn’t have to dial it that night. —————————————————————————————————
@trashpandaorigins @madness-on-the-milano @madcatz6277 @rocket-roquill-raccoon @butterflyinthewell @blaketoziers @janetgenea @cannedtins @canuckscot @i-sudoku @netbug009 @pineapple-crow @rocket-ringtail-raccoon @rr4901 @skarabrae-stone @sesshouki @thatcrappypuppy @vic394 @woozletania @whoop-whoop-grocket—————————————————————————————————
Read on Ao3. 
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
03/17/2017 DAB Transcript
Numbers 26:1-51 ~ Luke 2:36-52 ~ Psalm 60:1-12 ~ Proverbs 11:15
Today is the 17th day of March (I had to think for a second).  March!  It's been looking so much like April outside that I was confused, or maybe I was just getting ahead of myself or maybe I was just confused period.  It doesn’t matter.  All that matters is hopefully I can read words today and I believe that I can. So welcome to the Daily Audio Bible here as we approach the ending of another week.   We’ve been reading from the Expanded Bible this week, so back into the book of Numbers we go, chapter 26, verses 1 through 51 today.  
In the book of Luke we’re getting a glimpse into Jesus’ childhood and it is fascinating what we can glean there because it gives us insight into how Jesus became who he was and who he was known to be.  Jesus has made the Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem from Nazareth, which is about 90 miles and no real good easy way to do it.  It is uphill.  This is an annual thing and this would be the same journey Jesus would take much later in his life toward the cross.  So this was something that Jesus was accustomed to, being in Jerusalem at Passover, at festival.  He grew up doing this.  
So we can see his parents’ posture because a group had come from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the festival and this happened every year and so when they all left, Jesus was just assumed to be in the group with them because there would be family and kids and they would talk and kind of go on their own journey. So it is like a day out of Jerusalem, a long day's walk back toward Nazareth and nighttime comes and Jesus is nowhere to be found.  So Mary and Joseph are freaking out, as any parent would be.  They are searching and searching and searching and finally they have to go back, they have to go a day's journey back to Jerusalem alone, outside of the group, which means they are going to have to take this journey back to Nazareth alone, which puts them in a bit of danger.  They will be traveling without people that they know.
So they are searching all over the place to find Jesus and they find him in the Temple.  You can only imagine what was going through their minds as they were coming to the Temple, asking God, “Please help us find Jesus.”  I can only imagine for Mary, “Lord, I have lost your son.  I don’t know what to say.”  I mean, what do you say?  “Jesus, help me find you?”  Or maybe that is exactly what you say.  
Jesus is found in the Temple and Mary is exasperated, as a mother would be, and relieved and angry, and all of the things that moms do in situations like this, she is that.  So the humanity is just dripping from the scene.  And Jesus is just a boy.  He's like, “Mom, I’ve got to be about my Father's business.  Of course, you would find me here in my Father's house.”
What is interesting is what Jesus is doing in his Father's house.  He is sitting with the rabbis and the teachers of the Mosaic Law and they are amazed at his questions and insights as a boy. Jesus isn’t just talking to local rabbis.  He's like talking to the big shots in Jerusalem in the Temple of the Most High God. This is important as the story goes forward.  
As Jesus grows up and moves into his own ministry, he is very compelling as a communicator and miraculous as a healer, but he is a long way from Jerusalem. He's way, way in a different region up in the Galilee to the north.  So yeah, as things begin to heat up around Jesus and he begins to draw crowds in the Galilee, it's not too long that the Bible shows us the people, leaders, rabbis, experts in the Mosaic Law begin to travel from Jerusalem to see Jesus, to check out what is going on around this guy.  Usually it would be the other way around, right?  The most educated, most gifted, most talented, most elite would be in Jerusalem in the Temple and people would travel to Jerusalem to have meetings with them.  But Jesus was that little kid.  He was that one that was so insightful at such a young age and so inquisitive.  He was the one that said he is just here to be about his Father's business in his Father's house when his parents showed up to find him. And it was all cute then, but maybe he wasn’t joking around.  Maybe he really meant what he said and wouldn’t that be blasphemy?  What is going on here?  
So we see how Jesus begins to show up on the radar way before he was ever in ministry as we go forward in the book of Luke, but as we read the gospels, we see this.  The religious leaders aren’t initially antagonistic toward Jesus per se.  They are investigating and trying to check out what he is actually saying.  It does get confrontational because Jesus is willing to sidestep the tradition and ritual of the Mosaic Law.  He is able to see clearly what became of it and he is trying to unpack the proper posture to look at toward it.  Of course, in the end the religious leaders won't tolerate it, can’t tolerate it.  It is going to upend the entire power structure of the people, but they remain divided.  Not everyone is out to get Jesus.  Some secretly believe.  Some come and have private meetings.  In the end they decide it is better for one man to die than for everybody to get destroyed by this man's message, a colossal miscalculation of what God was up to as we watch Jesus’ life.  
Jesus, we thank you for your life, for your humanity, that you came here and lived a life showing us what ours is supposed to look like and all of the tension that brings when good and heaven come to earth.  Then all of a sudden we’re trying to filter it back through what we think that we know and we continue to just repeat the vicious cycle that has been the human story since we breached your trust and allowed evil and sin into this world.  So as we read the gospels and as we learn your story and how you participated in a human life, we get a very clear picture of how far it has gone and how far we have fallen.  Even just in the gospel reading today, just understanding how it was that you got on the radar in the first place, it shows us the wrestling of humanity when it comes in contact with divinity.  When man and God come face to face, all kinds of things happen, but what is supposed to happen is this integration, this restoration of how things were always supposed to be for us and it is disruptive, as it should be, because it exposes how far we’ve gone.  So come, Holy Spirit, into this as we contemplate and meditate upon it and as we continue forward in the gospel of Luke in the coming days.  Help us to see Jesus as what we are really supposed to look like, as what our human life is supposed to be.  Come Jesus, we pray.  In your mighty name, amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It's where you find out what is going on around here and there is stuff going on, but the More Gathering for Women, that is probably the next thing that is beeping the loudest, the brightest on the radar, if there was a radar for such things like that.  It's coming up.  Registration is actually going to be closing in one week.  Here we are, the last week to register for More.  That will cut off on the 23rd, which is a week from yesterday, so a little less than a week.  So if you’ve been kind of on the fence, then this is the time to really discern and ask Jesus if this is your time to come to the mountains of Georgia and just be in a sisterhood of women from all over the world who are looking for Jesus, who are looking for that intimacy, who are looking for the next steps, the reset, what the future trajectory is supposed to look like. That is the More Gathering for Women. So a few more days and you can check it out.  Check it out at www.DailyAudioBible.com or www.MoreGathering.com and you’ll find out all of the details, everything that you would want to know as you consider coming.  We’ll look forward with great anticipation.  The intercessory team has been praying already for months for you. So it will be nice to see you in person, people that we’ve been praying for all long.  So yeah, check it out.  We look forward to seeing you very soon in the mountains of Georgia just outside of Atlanta.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  There is a link on the home page.  Thank you humbly, deeply for this community and what we do together.  It is the fact that we do this together that allows us to be in existence at all.  So thank you for your partnership.  If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.  
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.  
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Hello family.  This is Teri B. from Delaware and I am calling with a praise report.  From August 2000 through February 2016 my family was just plagued with medical problems.  Between my husband and my son, there were just nonstop issues, two kidney transplants, traumatic brain injury, seizures, super bacterial infections, flesh-eating bacteria, burst bladder, brain stem puncture, lymphoma.  That's just to name a few.  We barely made it through a month without something going wrong and from July 2016 through February 2016 we had 911 ambulance calls twice per week. We received more __________ notices than anyone should, but they always pulled through.  Beginning in 2015 and 2016 God transformed both of them and neither have been admitted to the hospital for over a year.  It's amazing to be able to breathe deeply and not always be on the edge waiting for the next medical disaster.  So I thank you to all my DAB family who has prayed for my family through the years and thank God for this time of healing.  We praise God.  
Hi everyone.  This is Chris from Connecticut.  I'm calling to encourage Jonathon in Kentucky who has his father going in for prostate cancer.  I just want to encourage him in that my own pastor recently was diagnosed with that. I'm not sure it was at the same severity as what you had of what your father is going through, but God ended up turning that very scary thing into a huge blessing and God's favor was all around that situation when he went in to see the doctors.  So I will be praying for you and your family as you move in to put those gold markers in.  I am believing with you that God will do a mighty work.  God bless you guys.  Thank you.
Hi.  My name is Rosa.  This is my first time calling.  I just really wanted to reach out to Deneen from Virginia.  I'm a little behind on the Daily Audio Bible, but I'm trying to follow all the days and I just heard your message, Deneen, and I was so moved by it because I can relate in some level with your experience.  I just wanted to tell you, Deneen, that you are not your past.  The Lord has such a beautiful life for you and I want you and He wants you to trust him, which I think is usually like one of the hardest things to do when we suffer with PTSD and anxiety problems, but God wants you to trust in him.  He made you and he loves you and you are not defined by your past.  The Lord brought to my mind this word where it says that him whom Christ set free is free indeed and you are free from all that.  So I just want you to hang onto the word of God and to the hand of Jesus and through Jesus you will have an amazing, amazing, amazing life.  God will surprise you if you just fix your eyes on him and trust him and continue seeking him.  He really makes a difference in your life.  He certainly made a difference in mine.  I just really want you to know that.  I want you to look forward to all the things that God will do with you, for you, and through you.  So I just want you to be encouraged.  I will pray for you.  I love you and I want you to know you are not alone.  I'm excited for where God is going to take you and he is going to use you to save so many other lives.  So God bless you.  God bless you all, my Daily Audio Bible family.  Thank you so much for always calling and praying for each other. Thank you so much, Brian.  You’re amazing.  
Hi, my name is anonymous and…  My name is Kayla and I want to pray over my mind, please.  And for America and the President just to, I don’t know, make the right decisions and everything, even myself and my mind, make the right decisions.  Yeah, and I want to pray for love and my daughter McKenzie and that's about it. Thank you.  Bye-bye.  
Hi, this is Victorious Soldier, just calling tonight to pray for some of the Dabbers.  And I just wanted to give a little bit of my celebration.  This week my husband and I celebrated 24 years of marriage and I'm just thanking God for just bringing us through the challenges.  We are still here and we are still letting God have his way. I just want to pray for my sister from Birmingham, Pauline M.  I want to pray for the truck driver.  I want to pray for Janine from VA.  I want to pray for __________, for Debbie, the things that she has gone through and how God has been with her.  I'm just so glad, Debbie, that God is faithful and that he showed you so many great and wonderful things.  Even in the bad times God is good in your life.   Continue, Lord, to bless Debbie and continue to bless Stephanie in North Carolina. Continue to call, Debbie.  There are a lot of people that are like you, but the enemy wants to make you feel like there is something wrong.  There is nothing wrong with us.  Everything is right because God has ordered it.  I just want to pray for those, Lord, in the name of Jesus.  You know the challenges.  You know the difficulties.  You know even the pressure, Lord.  You know that you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you ask or think. Lord, I just want to convey to the Dabbers, continue to pray until something happens.  Faith is believing that God is telling the truth.  That when he says it, it is what he says it is. Father, you show them.  You show them yourself as a mighty God.  You show them as a God that can do anything.  
Good morning my beautiful sisters and brothers.  This is Dawn calling from New York and Candace, honey, from Oregon, oh sweetie, I just heard your prayer request on the podcast this morning just a few minutes ago and we are standing with you in prayer.  I'm so, so sorry for this shocking and scary report about your husband.  We just want to pray with you right now.  We’re surrounding you with our prayers.  This is a time we certainly wish we could be near you.  We just pray that God will bring friends around you who really stand with you and comfort you.  O Lord, we just pray for Candace right now, for her husband, for her family.  O Jesus, please have mercy on this family during this scary time.  We just ask you, God, for your comfort, for your healing, for your strength.  We lift up our precious sister to you, Lord.  We ask you to just comfort her, Father, and strengthen her at this time.  Help her to know that she has sisters and brothers around the world who are praying with her and we ask you, God, to please, please give your supernatural comfort and peace to her now.  We do love you, Candace, honey, and I'm just so sorry to hear that you have this scary situation to deal with right now.  God bless you. We’re praying with you.  
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sharionpage · 5 years
Notes From the Universe
The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence
Whether we’re awake or asleep, stuck in a mind-numbing meeting, or passed out after a night of too many margaritas at the bar, the Universe never stops sending us messages. Sometimes the e-mails end up mistakenly in our junk pile, and other times a long awaited text fails to beep on our spiritual smartphone. But most times the notes we desperately seek are written under our very noses — only to end up blowing away in the wind because we’re too fixated on the dancing bears and colorful lights. Sometimes we get notes from the Universe and are not aware that it is just that — a note from the Universe to us.
Let’s talk about some basics here.
Living is broken down into two elemental states — the time you’re awake, and the time you’re asleep.
If sleep time only comprised an hour or two of our daily Earth cycle, I could understand why it would seem rather insignificant in relation to the waking phase.
But it’s not an hour or two. On average, sleep consumes one third of our existence. That’s nothin’ to sneeze at. If that balance shifted only 4 hours, we would be talking about a condition consuming half our lives.
For all the crazy new advancements we’ve seen in this generation alone, it stuns me to consider how fundamentally ignorant we still remain about our “unconscious” periods, despite them being an undeniable part of living, which not a single one of us can ignore without breaking down physically or mentally.
What stuns me, even more, is the lack of interest we have in our “awareness” during this rest phase. Though that may seem like a contradictory word to use when describing sleep, it’s quite fitting to describe dreaming. And there’s not a human to be found who’s unfamiliar with the strange experience of rising from nocturnal slumber with memories of activity and adventure, joys and terror.
Doesn’t it seem slightly odd to acquire conscious memories while being unconscious?
No matter how bizarre our nighttime sojourns may sometimes be, they’re absolutely real. We can remember them, we can talk about them, we can be thrilled by them, we can be scared by them, we can even orgasm to them. How is it that mainstream science has convinced us dreaming is an irrelevant fiction of an overworked brain?
Yup, makes no fucking sense.
So let’s look at dreaming from a slightly different viewpoint, one that doesn’t involve the inputs of Jungs, Freuds, or Kruegers (that Freddy guy).
What if you knew that when you put your body to rest — to convert fuels into energy, or detoxify the shit you’ve inundated it with over the course of your waking day — there was no break in consciousness, only a break down of ability to properly store the memories?
What if you knew that when you put your body to rest, consciousness didn’t fade into a void, but shifted to a less dense arena of reality, one not bound by the physical limitations you hold so dear — one more fluid, intentionally malleable, and informative on a level surpassing the use of pre-defined words, terms, or concepts?
What if a language beyond verbal communication was always at your disposal, but only a matter of learning to “speak” it properly?
What if you knew grand mal seizures, schizophrenia, autism, hallucinations, psychedelic experiences, or whatever host of other psychological conditions that experts label as “deranged,” were merely slight mistunings from the Earth frequency to a different signal of information?
Sure, a lot of “what if’s,” but did you choose to shut down consideration after your beliefs cried out, “Bullshit, Mike! None of those ideas could possibly be real!” or did your mind stay open to contemplate the wondrous implications — to ponder the kind of ideas that won’t get printed in peer-reviewed journals published by an old-boys’ club, who care only about income and reputation?
There’s no way I’ll profess to you I know a repeatable, scientific method to verify consciousness remains unbroken 24/7, but I can tell you that on at least one occasion, I’ve directly experienced this to be true.
REM cycles had nothing to do with it. Drugs had nothing to do with it. Delusion had nothing to do with it. As I lay my body to rest for the evening, I induced an OBE, and stayed in a lucid “dream” the entirety of the night. If you don’t know what those terms are, do yourself a favour and look ’em up. There were moments where the quality of my lucidity wavered, but I kept managing to pull it back to full conscious awareness, while my body laid “passed out.”
Cool shit.
Not only did I spend essentially a full day aware, I still “woke up” refreshed, recharged, and more excited than ever to do it again.
Spending time lucid dreaming has taught me an important truth about so-called reality — it’s whatever we make it to be. Our hopes, our fears, and our obsessions dominate our surroundings, whether awake or asleep.
If you want to know the real secret of “The Secret,” I’ll share it with you right now. Every idea, every decision, every action you’ve made while walking the physical plane has put you in the exact place you find yourself in this very second. You have indeed manifested all your thoughts, dreams, and fears, just not in the manner a well-marketed, “immediate gratification” piece of drivel would have you believe.
Earth is not an instant manifestation play land. It’s more like being in a house of mirrors — one with a heavy lag in reflection time, but nonetheless sending back to us all the energetic output we’ve ever provided, no matter how large, small, intentional, or mistaken.
With those thoughts in mind, I’d like to share with you a story that happened to me today.
With the weather finally warming, I decided to do a 5 K run this morning — my first one of the year. I felt sluggish and winded to start, but before long, I found my stride, and felt like I hadn��t missed a day in 6 months.
The route I chose was completely random, picking a left or right whenever the decision felt appropriate — no fixed circuit in mind. Halfway through the run, I found myself in a small, soggy parkette, and decided to sit briefly on a picnic table in the middle of the grass, to appreciate a few extended moments of sunrise.
My mind was still absorbed in the last dream I had before waking — analyzing the symbolism, and feeling frustrated not having a straightforward answer to the questions I sought, thinking the Earth reality was a screwy mess of confusion.
I got up to continue, and took about ten strides into the next run, when I spotted a note lying on the grass. It looked like a piece of paper from a fortune cookie. This is what is said:
The weaving irregularities and shade variations are characteristics of the fabric, and in no way to be taken as defects.
Wow — the ultimate poetic description of life on Earth! And one that moved my mind from a state of agitated judgment, to calm acceptance.
Perhaps that rectangular square was nothing more than an old tag attached to organic lama wool, or some shit like that, I dunno. But on the back of the paper, it had more writing — a single word, in silver, scripted font:
I share this not because I have any desire to convince the world our conscious awareness and sustained thoughts are far more powerful than anything we’ve been led to believe, but for a far simpler reason…
I love messages from the Universe.
Notes From the Universe published first on https://bitspiritspace.tumblr.com/
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul
1. Rev Your Metabolism to Shed Unwanted Weight
The better room to do this is to add strength trained to your rehearsal regimen. Your person has to expend energy in order to restore muscle fibers after each strength-training exercising, which represents the more weight-based exercisings you do and the more muscle you improve, the more calories your organization torches when you’re not violating a sweat.( That’s right — muscle equals calories being burned while you’re on the couch grab up on The Affair .)
Weight training too ensures that as you slim down, you’re losing fatty , not muscle. When Penn State University investigates put overweight parties on a reduced-calorie diet and fractioned them into three groups — one that didn’t exercising, another that play-act aerobic exert 3 days a week and a third that did both aerobic effort and weight studying 3 days per week — they found that while the participants in each group lost about 21 pounds on average, the lifters shed roughly 6 more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron.
Don’t forget that in addition to moves utilizing free-weights or weight machines, acts that use your own mas for fighting( squattings, pushups, leaps, boards, etc .) count too.
Here are some of our favorite strength-training numbers and efforts.
The Back-to-Basics Workout That Never Fails
An 8-Minute Circuit That Fights Weight Gain
4 Underrated Moves You Should Be Doing More Often
3 Exerts to Master for Tank Top-Ready Arms
The No-Equipment Workout You Can Do at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
2. Commit to 7 to 9 Hours of Sleep
You know how important it is to get enough residual, and for years, you’ve been saying you’ll do it. There’s one approaching to realizing it happen that hits all others: adapt your bedtime , not your wakeup duration. We fall into our deepest sleep two hours before our natural waking season, which represents accommodating your a.m. dismay is much harder.( We meet again, snooze button !) Move up your bedtime by 15 -minute increments until you contact the 7-to-9-hours destination.
Here are a few more suggestions for how to take your sleep from meh to astonishing.
6 Things to Do Today to Sleep Better, Deeper and Longer Tonight
How to Become Your Bedroom Into a Sleep Cave
What Sleep Experts Do to Get a Good Night’s Rest
3 Yoga Poses to Do Before Bed
8 Tips to Get Vacation Sleep at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
3. Strengthen Your Resilience Muscle
As noted, we improve our muscles by violating them down, making tiny weepings in their fibers so they can change back better than before. The method we build psychological strength is surprisingly same: Tough ages manufacture us stronger in the long run. One review of research found that subjects who’d endured a moderate sum of misery in their own lives is not simply had a greater gumption of well-being than those who’d suffered a severe quantity of damage, they were also better off than those who’d knowledge no pain at all.
These practises and admonition will help build that muscle in order to be allowed to bounce back when life unavoidably pitches you around, turns you upside down and sheds you for a curve.
5 Experts on How to Cultivate Resilience
And here are three more proficiencies for when you find yourself facing a challenging.
Illustration: David Wyffels
4. Make Peace With Your Moods — All of Your Moods
We’ve all blown a gasket or two over stupid nonsense. We’re often told that these passions should be managed. But Julie Holland, MD, a psychiatrist who specializes in psychopharmacology and the author of Moody Bitches: The Reality About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy, says embracing our humors — every last one of them — is exactly what we should do. “Many beings don’t recognize that their tenderness can be an important feedback system, ” she explains. “Irritation or displeasure could tip-off you off to an imbalance of try or tendernes in a relationship. Depression may mean something in their own lives must be amended. I had a patient who called me screaming from work one day and said, ‘I think we need to up my antidepressants.’ Then she proceeded to tell me a cruel story about her abusive boss. My reply: ‘We don’t need to medicate away your furious thoughts. He reacted very badly, and for you to increase your medication so you don’t sentiment that he reacted very badly doesn’t do anyone any favors.’ My point was that being more altering and thick-skinned isn’t inevitably the answer. Silencing the signals that you need to make necessary a difference in their own lives — like encountering a mean director or ending a bad relationship — can leave you in a paralyzing country of denial.”
Read our full Q& A with Holland here.
Illustration: David Wyffels
5. Hack Your Fridge and Cleanse Your Cabinets
At the Refrigerator: – Threw the healthiest the topics of the middle-of-the-road shelf, where you’re most likely to picking from, according to research in the Journal of Marketing. – Indulgent meat go into opaque containers. You’re less likely to reach for what you can’t see. – Pre-clean and cut fruits and vegetables so they’re be prepared to seizure when you open the door.
In Your Cabinets: – Toss nutrients with carbohydrate rostered among the first three ingredients, including those ending in “ose”( added sugars) and “ol”( sugar boozes ). Leave yourself a favorite consider or two so you don’t feel robbed. – Swap refined carbs for whole grains. It’ll help keep your energy tiers on an even keel.
A few other storeys to speak before you clean house:
The 7 Saltiest Meat to Avoid
15 Foods You Had No Idea Were Mostly Sugar
The 4 Worst Foods for Your Skin
Illustration: David Wyffels
6. Banish Aches, Pains and Soreness
The right extends can alleviate ache and constitute your figure feel so much better. Classic extends that use your own figure weight are great, but you can also use a foam roller or hard ball( like a lacrosse dance) for a most intense, deep-tissue-massage excitement, especially after a exercising, when strains with these implements have been shown to reduce muscle soreness.( Rollers and projectiles work on your fascia, the connective tissue that runs throughout your body, subsidizes your muscles, bones and organs, and can leave you feeling potent and achy when it’s tight ).
Being extremely sedentary are also welcome to lead to achiness. If your work has you deskbound, get up and take at least a 1-minute flout during every hour of sitting more, and strain your hip flexors at the end of the day( sitting diminishes them and can lead to back agony ). Try this classic hip flexor move: Kneel on the storey and place one paw out front with your knee inclination at a 90 -degree angle. Then push your hips forwards, keeping your figurehead knee above your front hoof, regard and swap legs.
A few more amazing pulls:
4 Moves Every Body Should Do Every Day
The Foam Roller Move That Makes Your Back Feel Incredible
5 Stretches All Women Should Be Doing
4 Stretches That “re going to tell” You If You’re Dangerously Inflexible
Illustration: David Wyffels
7. Make One Small change in Bed
Or wherever you and your marriage find yourselves when the mood strikes( the kitchen counter, the front entryway …): Wear socks. Researchers have found that warming up the feet leads to warming up other parts of the body. In detail, in a study done at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, half the couples were unable to make it to climax, but once socks were offered, the success rates shot up to 80 percent.( Some experts resolve it’s harder for us to absolutely let go where reference is feel cold .)
Illustration: David Wyffels
8. Nourish Your Intent with One Simple Sentence
Meditation doesn’t have to involve sitting cross-legged in total stillnes( though if you’ve already stimulated season for that, keep up the good work !). Mindfulness practises can be easily labor into their own lives with a small shifting in view. Try military exercises from Marianne Williamson, spiritual teacher and the author of A Course in Miracles.
“As you go through the day, anywhere you might be, look at someone’s appearance and silently say to them, ‘The love in me honours the love in you.’ I dare “youve got to” do this for two minutes every day and not grow happier, ” Williamson says.
Another simple feeling: “Before you go into work, into a convene, into a party or into any statu at all, consciously blast everyone who is going to be there with love, ” Williamson proposes. “Just as light-colored sheds out darkness, so does love cast out dread. You can’t send love to someone and, at the same season, worry about what they will think about you, fear what’s going to happen or succumb to controlling, judgmental or devious anticipates. The presence of passion literally casts out neurotic, fear-based thoughts.”
Read more of Marianne Williamson’s advice on how to become more spiritually fit and complete the following lessons learned in some of our favorite soulful teaches:
7 Spiritual Exercises That Could Change Your Life
Eliminate These 2 Hazardous Statements from Your Vocabulary
Deepak Chopra’s Top 8 Meditation Tips
Also On HuffPost:
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
The post The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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mydashlife · 7 years
Passing Out
Something unusual seems to happen whenever I begin to study a topic or am immersed in deep thought.
I keep thinking that I am fatiguing or perhaps crashing after caffeine intake, but I’m not so sure anymore.
I forgot that this same occurrence would happen when I would try to read my other Holistic books as well, but it never tends to happen when I’m watching TV or reading a fictional type of book.
It’s like I will be deep in thought, and then all of a sudden it’s like I kind of pass out. The odd thing is that I am usually not tired. I will pass out for maybe half a second but I immediately realize it’s happening and I rise awake. 
It is a difficult sensation to describe.
Let’s say, for instance, I am reading some course material and all of a sudden my mind will just start talking, like back of the mind talking, and then I pass out and immediately wake up. Or I will pass out to the sound of the voice in my head talking about something important or realizing something important.
On many of these instances, the second that I pass out, I feel my heartbeat flutter and pound heavily, then it stops as soon as I open my eyes again a second later.
Sometimes it’s like I hear a crowd in my head, and when my head has a lot of commotion going on in it, I pass out and wake up again. But it is always for half a second, no more than 1 full second.
Generally, I am not tired when this occurs. I can be wide awake & alert, but all of a sudden my head dips and I pass out.
Googled it & it’s called a syncope, mild seizure.
At one point I thought it was narcolepsy, but I feel narcolepsy would have more to do with excitement, unless it can also include excitement of the brain.. I’ll have to look into that too I guess. But I feel it is unlikely.
Syncope: Medical Definition 
It meant to temporarily lose consciousness & sense of oneself. Syncope is due to a temporary reduction in blood flow and therefore a shortage of oxygen to the brain. This leads to lightheadedness or a "black out" episode, a loss of consciousness. Temporary impairment of the blood supply to the brain can be caused by heart conditions and by conditions that do not directly involve the heart:
I think it could be related to my heart conditions. On a few occasions, I have felt my heart palpitating or thumping upon regaining consciousness, as if it had temporarily slowed down and was trying to catch back up. Perhaps I become so still & calm while I study that my heart starts to slow down and slows the blood to my brain, and because my brain is very active at that moment and is requiring more blood than if I were doing nothing, then perhaps that could be the cause of the fainting spells.
Brain utilizing more blood than heart is giving because body is calmed down.
“ The weirdest thing just happened to me and i don't know what to do because no one believes me. I was just sat on my bed playing my guitar when, for liteally a split second, i felt like i was falling backwads or my body/brain did some sort of jerk and my head went all funny. I got up immediately and ran to my parents in tears but they told me it was nothing. It felt so weird and i'm worried that it was a seizure or a brain tumor or something but i've never head of seizures being so quick and usually you aren't aware of them? that's my understanding anyway. I don't know what to do. I've had head pains on and off for the past week and i've currently got a heart arrythmia - waiting for my echocardigram appointment to come through. Been to A&E twice last week and both times they've sent me home after doing all the tests. Now I'm panicking that the two are related and like i said no one believes me and i don't know what to do I had an Mri a year ago which was all normal but surely a tumor can grow between now and then This stress is really going to kill me “ Sounds similar to my scenario
I have also been experiencing more headaches than usual..
“ I get this all the time too, I have done for years. And it gets worse when stress and anxiety levels are high for me, really unbearably so most of the time :( This all brings on migraines, insomnia and these kinds of weird jerky things.”
Literally just happened again while I was reading, suddenly I was not there, then I felt my heart thump as I came back to consciousness.
Also it says narcolepsy is a form of syncope.. so I could be correct..
NARCOLEPSY Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and in some cases episodes of cataplexy (partial or total loss of muscle control, often triggered by a strong emotion such as laughter). Narcolepsy occurs equally in men and women and is thought to affect roughly 1 in 2,000 people. The symptoms appear in childhood or adolescence, but many people have symptoms of narcolepsy for years before getting a proper diagnosis. People with narcolepsy feel very sleepy during the day and may involuntarily fall asleep during normal activities. In narcolepsy, the normal boundary between awake and asleep is blurred, so characteristics of sleeping can occur while a person is awake. For example, cataplexy is the muscle paralysis of REM sleep occurring during waking hours. It causes sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to a slack jaw, or weakness of the arms, legs, or trunk. People with narcolepsy can also experience dream-like hallucinations and paralysis as they are falling asleep or waking up, as well as disrupted nighttime sleep and vivid nightmares.
Okay, wow...
I will be doing more research on Narcolepsy now..
Cataplexy is a sudden and uncontrollable muscle weakness or paralysis that comes on during the day and is often triggered by a strong emotion, such as excitement or laughter. Without much warning, the person loses muscle tone and can have a slack jaw, broken speech, buckled knees or total weakness in their face, arms, legs, and trunk. A person experiencing total cataplexy stays awake and is aware of what is happening, but cannot move. These episodes last up to a minute or two, and some people may fall asleep afterwards. The frequency of cataplexy episodes varies widely among people with narcolepsy. Some individuals avoid emotions that may bring on cataplexy.
The loss of muscle tone in cataplexy occurs because of the inability to regulate sleep and awake states -- meaning that elements of each can overlap. During normal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, there is a natural loss of muscle tone. In the case of cataplexy, that characteristic of REM sleep occurs suddenly during the day, causing weakness or full paralysis, even as the person remains awake during the episode.  
It’s like my mind is so busy thinking, that the rest of my body isn’t needing anymore & gets put to sleep.
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hairterminator · 7 years
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My Headaches Turned Out to Be Brain Cancer
They came on suddenly, in the middle of the night, only one one side, and they were very severe ictoria Burghardt is a stay-at-home mom of a 5-year-old and 3-year-old in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  It was November 2014 when I first started having unusual headaches. Before then, I’d only
They came on suddenly, in the middle of the night, only one one side, and they were very severe
ictoria Burghardt is a stay-at-home mom of a 5-year-old and 3-year-old in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 
It was November 2014 when I first started having unusual headaches. Before then, I’d only really had minor headaches once a year. These came on suddenly in the middle of the night, only on one side, and they were very severe. They’d happen for 10 to 20 minutes, then they’d just stop. I had two kids at the time, a son who was 3 and a daughter who was 15 months, so I thought maybe it was postpartum depression or sleep problems. I might have had prior symptoms, but nothing serious enough that I noticed.
Around December, I started having headaches during the day. These were in the front of my head. They’d happen very irregularly—maybe just once a week—and lasted just three or four minutes. If I was out with my kids, I’d have to sit and stop and close my eyes because it was so painful I couldn’t see properly.
I’d only had seven or eight nighttime headaches and three or four daytime ones total when I went to see my doctor in January 2015. He asked if I had suffered from depression in the past. I hadn’t—but he put me on antidepressants anyway and scheduled me for an MRI. I’d only been taking the antidepressants for a couple weeks before I had my MRI the next month. I was 38.
As soon as the technicians saw my scan, they took me immediately to the ER at the hospital next door. My doctor came in and told me I had a brain tumor in my left temporal lobe, the part that processes speech and vision. It was four inches in diameter and was pushing my brain to one side. The doctors were planning to give me surgery as soon as possible, but I needed more testing. At first, I stayed in the hospital for three days of tests. Then, they sent me home with pills to keep the tumor from growing and did their best to learn as much as possible about the tumor through more MRIs. Still, the doctors told me they’d have to take the tumor out in order to figure out exactly what it was.
I came back for surgery at beginning of March, and even knowing there was a possibility of complications, I wasn’t scared. I was ready to get it done and move on.
The tumor was a stage 3 oligal-astrocytoma. Oligoastrocytomas belong to a group of brain turmos called “gliomas,” which come from glial, or supportive, cells of the brain. They took out 80 percent of the tumor, partly because of the location, removing as much as possible without destorying that area of my brain. The rest of it, since it is malignant, has to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation. You see, the diagnosis was fatal, the surgery only done to prolong my life for as long as possible.
My life has changed since. While I was prepared mentally for the challenges that my recovery would entail, it’s been difficult. At first I couldn’t speak properly, I couldn’t read, and I couldn’t remember my family members.
Over time, it’s started to come back, but I’m not 100 percent. I’m not driving anymore because I can’t see as clearly and doctors are afraid I might have had a seizure. If people try to tell me too many things at once, I have to tell them to stop. I can’t listen. I can’t do multiple things at once. I get sick more often because I’m on chemotherapy. I have to rest a lot. Life is different.
I was in the hospital for about five days. It was two days before I opened my eyes and they took out the feeding tubes and undid my hands, which they restrained so I couldn’t touch my head. You’re just out of it. I was in the hospital for another three days before I felt more like myself. I wasn’t feeling a lot of pain because the brain doesn’t have touch receptors. But I was very swollen, and I was taking a lot of meds.
At home, I got a scooter so I could still get out and do things with my family. My children have learned I can’t do everything like I once did. But they were so young when I got the initial diagnosis so they’ve pretty much only known me like this.
Now we have a nanny, something we never planned on having for our children, but it helps us mentally. My family and friends help and continue to help me out around the house—cleaning, cooking, driving the kids. It took a couple more months before I felt better, but I’m still not normal. There is no “normal” anymore. You’re never really healed from surgery. The left side of your brain never really feels the same. You’re never really back to “yourself.” But you do your best to get on with life.
In April 2015, I started a six-week treatment of radiation, Monday to Friday, for 15 minutes a day. At the same time, I started taking a chemotherapy pill seven days a week. I’ve been on chemo ever since, though I’ve switched to three different pills, since you’re only supposed to be on any one for six months max. Every three months I have an MRI.
This past December, 2016, an MRI showed that the tumor is growing. It’s now stage 4. They put me on a new type of chemo. I don’t think I can get surgery again, because it’s spreading and is not just in one spot. But we’ll see. My next MRI is next month. The fight continues.
In the meantime, I’m going to try cannabis pills, which I can get through a special clinic. I’ve read that cannabis has incredible success of killing tumors, and they’re doing some research in Europe. No studies prove its success, but I’m hopeful. (Here’s how marijuna may help brain cancer patients live longer.)
I joined a few brain cancer support groups in the past. Some people passed away, some are still here. I’ve stopped going because I found it depressing.
I always tell my husband that life can change instantly for anyone. So instead of crying and complaining, figure out what you have to do and move on. I used to live for the future, saving money and being pragmatic. Today, we live a much simpler life. I don’t think about the fact that I’ve got a certain amount of time left. I think about my next steps and options. I have really young kids, who are 3 and 5 now. I think about what I’m what going to make for dinner tonight, where our next vacation will be.
I think no matter what condition you have, you can change how you want your life to be. I live the best I can with what I have. Sure, I have sad moments, but I like to focus on what’s possible and laugh and have a beautiful time with my friends and family. People think you need so much, but you realize how unimportant things are. This is it. All I want is right now.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul
1. Rev Your Metabolism to Shed Unwanted Weight
The better room to do this is to add strength trained to your rehearsal regimen. Your person has to expend energy in order to restore muscle fibers after each strength-training exercising, which represents the more weight-based exercisings you do and the more muscle you improve, the more calories your organization torches when you’re not violating a sweat.( That’s right — muscle equals calories being burned while you’re on the couch grab up on The Affair .)
Weight training too ensures that as you slim down, you’re losing fatty , not muscle. When Penn State University investigates put overweight parties on a reduced-calorie diet and fractioned them into three groups — one that didn’t exercising, another that play-act aerobic exert 3 days a week and a third that did both aerobic effort and weight studying 3 days per week — they found that while the participants in each group lost about 21 pounds on average, the lifters shed roughly 6 more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron.
Don’t forget that in addition to moves utilizing free-weights or weight machines, acts that use your own mas for fighting( squattings, pushups, leaps, boards, etc .) count too.
Here are some of our favorite strength-training numbers and efforts.
The Back-to-Basics Workout That Never Fails
An 8-Minute Circuit That Fights Weight Gain
4 Underrated Moves You Should Be Doing More Often
3 Exerts to Master for Tank Top-Ready Arms
The No-Equipment Workout You Can Do at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
2. Commit to 7 to 9 Hours of Sleep
You know how important it is to get enough residual, and for years, you’ve been saying you’ll do it. There’s one approaching to realizing it happen that hits all others: adapt your bedtime , not your wakeup duration. We fall into our deepest sleep two hours before our natural waking season, which represents accommodating your a.m. dismay is much harder.( We meet again, snooze button !) Move up your bedtime by 15 -minute increments until you contact the 7-to-9-hours destination.
Here are a few more suggestions for how to take your sleep from meh to astonishing.
6 Things to Do Today to Sleep Better, Deeper and Longer Tonight
How to Become Your Bedroom Into a Sleep Cave
What Sleep Experts Do to Get a Good Night’s Rest
3 Yoga Poses to Do Before Bed
8 Tips to Get Vacation Sleep at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
3. Strengthen Your Resilience Muscle
As noted, we improve our muscles by violating them down, making tiny weepings in their fibers so they can change back better than before. The method we build psychological strength is surprisingly same: Tough ages manufacture us stronger in the long run. One review of research found that subjects who’d endured a moderate sum of misery in their own lives is not simply had a greater gumption of well-being than those who’d suffered a severe quantity of damage, they were also better off than those who’d knowledge no pain at all.
These practises and admonition will help build that muscle in order to be allowed to bounce back when life unavoidably pitches you around, turns you upside down and sheds you for a curve.
5 Experts on How to Cultivate Resilience
And here are three more proficiencies for when you find yourself facing a challenging.
Illustration: David Wyffels
4. Make Peace With Your Moods — All of Your Moods
We’ve all blown a gasket or two over stupid nonsense. We’re often told that these passions should be managed. But Julie Holland, MD, a psychiatrist who specializes in psychopharmacology and the author of Moody Bitches: The Reality About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy, says embracing our humors — every last one of them — is exactly what we should do. “Many beings don’t recognize that their tenderness can be an important feedback system, ” she explains. “Irritation or displeasure could tip-off you off to an imbalance of try or tendernes in a relationship. Depression may mean something in their own lives must be amended. I had a patient who called me screaming from work one day and said, ‘I think we need to up my antidepressants.’ Then she proceeded to tell me a cruel story about her abusive boss. My reply: ‘We don’t need to medicate away your furious thoughts. He reacted very badly, and for you to increase your medication so you don’t sentiment that he reacted very badly doesn’t do anyone any favors.’ My point was that being more altering and thick-skinned isn’t inevitably the answer. Silencing the signals that you need to make necessary a difference in their own lives — like encountering a mean director or ending a bad relationship — can leave you in a paralyzing country of denial.”
Read our full Q& A with Holland here.
Illustration: David Wyffels
5. Hack Your Fridge and Cleanse Your Cabinets
At the Refrigerator: – Threw the healthiest the topics of the middle-of-the-road shelf, where you’re most likely to picking from, according to research in the Journal of Marketing. – Indulgent meat go into opaque containers. You’re less likely to reach for what you can’t see. – Pre-clean and cut fruits and vegetables so they’re be prepared to seizure when you open the door.
In Your Cabinets: – Toss nutrients with carbohydrate rostered among the first three ingredients, including those ending in “ose”( added sugars) and “ol”( sugar boozes ). Leave yourself a favorite consider or two so you don’t feel robbed. – Swap refined carbs for whole grains. It’ll help keep your energy tiers on an even keel.
A few other storeys to speak before you clean house:
The 7 Saltiest Meat to Avoid
15 Foods You Had No Idea Were Mostly Sugar
The 4 Worst Foods for Your Skin
Illustration: David Wyffels
6. Banish Aches, Pains and Soreness
The right extends can alleviate ache and constitute your figure feel so much better. Classic extends that use your own figure weight are great, but you can also use a foam roller or hard ball( like a lacrosse dance) for a most intense, deep-tissue-massage excitement, especially after a exercising, when strains with these implements have been shown to reduce muscle soreness.( Rollers and projectiles work on your fascia, the connective tissue that runs throughout your body, subsidizes your muscles, bones and organs, and can leave you feeling potent and achy when it’s tight ).
Being extremely sedentary are also welcome to lead to achiness. If your work has you deskbound, get up and take at least a 1-minute flout during every hour of sitting more, and strain your hip flexors at the end of the day( sitting diminishes them and can lead to back agony ). Try this classic hip flexor move: Kneel on the storey and place one paw out front with your knee inclination at a 90 -degree angle. Then push your hips forwards, keeping your figurehead knee above your front hoof, regard and swap legs.
A few more amazing pulls:
4 Moves Every Body Should Do Every Day
The Foam Roller Move That Makes Your Back Feel Incredible
5 Stretches All Women Should Be Doing
4 Stretches That “re going to tell” You If You’re Dangerously Inflexible
Illustration: David Wyffels
7. Make One Small change in Bed
Or wherever you and your marriage find yourselves when the mood strikes( the kitchen counter, the front entryway …): Wear socks. Researchers have found that warming up the feet leads to warming up other parts of the body. In detail, in a study done at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, half the couples were unable to make it to climax, but once socks were offered, the success rates shot up to 80 percent.( Some experts resolve it’s harder for us to absolutely let go where reference is feel cold .)
Illustration: David Wyffels
8. Nourish Your Intent with One Simple Sentence
Meditation doesn’t have to involve sitting cross-legged in total stillnes( though if you’ve already stimulated season for that, keep up the good work !). Mindfulness practises can be easily labor into their own lives with a small shifting in view. Try military exercises from Marianne Williamson, spiritual teacher and the author of A Course in Miracles.
“As you go through the day, anywhere you might be, look at someone’s appearance and silently say to them, ‘The love in me honours the love in you.’ I dare “youve got to” do this for two minutes every day and not grow happier, ” Williamson says.
Another simple feeling: “Before you go into work, into a convene, into a party or into any statu at all, consciously blast everyone who is going to be there with love, ” Williamson proposes. “Just as light-colored sheds out darkness, so does love cast out dread. You can’t send love to someone and, at the same season, worry about what they will think about you, fear what’s going to happen or succumb to controlling, judgmental or devious anticipates. The presence of passion literally casts out neurotic, fear-based thoughts.”
Read more of Marianne Williamson’s advice on how to become more spiritually fit and complete the following lessons learned in some of our favorite soulful teaches:
7 Spiritual Exercises That Could Change Your Life
Eliminate These 2 Hazardous Statements from Your Vocabulary
Deepak Chopra’s Top 8 Meditation Tips
Also On HuffPost:
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
The post The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2zDMHif via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul
1. Rev Your Metabolism to Shed Unwanted Weight
The better room to do this is to add strength trained to your rehearsal regimen. Your person has to expend energy in order to restore muscle fibers after each strength-training exercising, which represents the more weight-based exercisings you do and the more muscle you improve, the more calories your organization torches when you’re not violating a sweat.( That’s right — muscle equals calories being burned while you’re on the couch grab up on The Affair .)
Weight training too ensures that as you slim down, you’re losing fatty , not muscle. When Penn State University investigates put overweight parties on a reduced-calorie diet and fractioned them into three groups — one that didn’t exercising, another that play-act aerobic exert 3 days a week and a third that did both aerobic effort and weight studying 3 days per week — they found that while the participants in each group lost about 21 pounds on average, the lifters shed roughly 6 more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron.
Don’t forget that in addition to moves utilizing free-weights or weight machines, acts that use your own mas for fighting( squattings, pushups, leaps, boards, etc .) count too.
Here are some of our favorite strength-training numbers and efforts.
The Back-to-Basics Workout That Never Fails
An 8-Minute Circuit That Fights Weight Gain
4 Underrated Moves You Should Be Doing More Often
3 Exerts to Master for Tank Top-Ready Arms
The No-Equipment Workout You Can Do at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
2. Commit to 7 to 9 Hours of Sleep
You know how important it is to get enough residual, and for years, you’ve been saying you’ll do it. There’s one approaching to realizing it happen that hits all others: adapt your bedtime , not your wakeup duration. We fall into our deepest sleep two hours before our natural waking season, which represents accommodating your a.m. dismay is much harder.( We meet again, snooze button !) Move up your bedtime by 15 -minute increments until you contact the 7-to-9-hours destination.
Here are a few more suggestions for how to take your sleep from meh to astonishing.
6 Things to Do Today to Sleep Better, Deeper and Longer Tonight
How to Become Your Bedroom Into a Sleep Cave
What Sleep Experts Do to Get a Good Night’s Rest
3 Yoga Poses to Do Before Bed
8 Tips to Get Vacation Sleep at Home
Illustration: David Wyffels
3. Strengthen Your Resilience Muscle
As noted, we improve our muscles by violating them down, making tiny weepings in their fibers so they can change back better than before. The method we build psychological strength is surprisingly same: Tough ages manufacture us stronger in the long run. One review of research found that subjects who’d endured a moderate sum of misery in their own lives is not simply had a greater gumption of well-being than those who’d suffered a severe quantity of damage, they were also better off than those who’d knowledge no pain at all.
These practises and admonition will help build that muscle in order to be allowed to bounce back when life unavoidably pitches you around, turns you upside down and sheds you for a curve.
5 Experts on How to Cultivate Resilience
And here are three more proficiencies for when you find yourself facing a challenging.
Illustration: David Wyffels
4. Make Peace With Your Moods — All of Your Moods
We’ve all blown a gasket or two over stupid nonsense. We’re often told that these passions should be managed. But Julie Holland, MD, a psychiatrist who specializes in psychopharmacology and the author of Moody Bitches: The Reality About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy, says embracing our humors — every last one of them — is exactly what we should do. “Many beings don’t recognize that their tenderness can be an important feedback system, ” she explains. “Irritation or displeasure could tip-off you off to an imbalance of try or tendernes in a relationship. Depression may mean something in their own lives must be amended. I had a patient who called me screaming from work one day and said, ‘I think we need to up my antidepressants.’ Then she proceeded to tell me a cruel story about her abusive boss. My reply: ‘We don’t need to medicate away your furious thoughts. He reacted very badly, and for you to increase your medication so you don’t sentiment that he reacted very badly doesn’t do anyone any favors.’ My point was that being more altering and thick-skinned isn’t inevitably the answer. Silencing the signals that you need to make necessary a difference in their own lives — like encountering a mean director or ending a bad relationship — can leave you in a paralyzing country of denial.”
Read our full Q& A with Holland here.
Illustration: David Wyffels
5. Hack Your Fridge and Cleanse Your Cabinets
At the Refrigerator: – Threw the healthiest the topics of the middle-of-the-road shelf, where you’re most likely to picking from, according to research in the Journal of Marketing. – Indulgent meat go into opaque containers. You’re less likely to reach for what you can’t see. – Pre-clean and cut fruits and vegetables so they’re be prepared to seizure when you open the door.
In Your Cabinets: – Toss nutrients with carbohydrate rostered among the first three ingredients, including those ending in “ose”( added sugars) and “ol”( sugar boozes ). Leave yourself a favorite consider or two so you don’t feel robbed. – Swap refined carbs for whole grains. It’ll help keep your energy tiers on an even keel.
A few other storeys to speak before you clean house:
The 7 Saltiest Meat to Avoid
15 Foods You Had No Idea Were Mostly Sugar
The 4 Worst Foods for Your Skin
Illustration: David Wyffels
6. Banish Aches, Pains and Soreness
The right extends can alleviate ache and constitute your figure feel so much better. Classic extends that use your own figure weight are great, but you can also use a foam roller or hard ball( like a lacrosse dance) for a most intense, deep-tissue-massage excitement, especially after a exercising, when strains with these implements have been shown to reduce muscle soreness.( Rollers and projectiles work on your fascia, the connective tissue that runs throughout your body, subsidizes your muscles, bones and organs, and can leave you feeling potent and achy when it’s tight ).
Being extremely sedentary are also welcome to lead to achiness. If your work has you deskbound, get up and take at least a 1-minute flout during every hour of sitting more, and strain your hip flexors at the end of the day( sitting diminishes them and can lead to back agony ). Try this classic hip flexor move: Kneel on the storey and place one paw out front with your knee inclination at a 90 -degree angle. Then push your hips forwards, keeping your figurehead knee above your front hoof, regard and swap legs.
A few more amazing pulls:
4 Moves Every Body Should Do Every Day
The Foam Roller Move That Makes Your Back Feel Incredible
5 Stretches All Women Should Be Doing
4 Stretches That “re going to tell” You If You’re Dangerously Inflexible
Illustration: David Wyffels
7. Make One Small change in Bed
Or wherever you and your marriage find yourselves when the mood strikes( the kitchen counter, the front entryway …): Wear socks. Researchers have found that warming up the feet leads to warming up other parts of the body. In detail, in a study done at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, half the couples were unable to make it to climax, but once socks were offered, the success rates shot up to 80 percent.( Some experts resolve it’s harder for us to absolutely let go where reference is feel cold .)
Illustration: David Wyffels
8. Nourish Your Intent with One Simple Sentence
Meditation doesn’t have to involve sitting cross-legged in total stillnes( though if you’ve already stimulated season for that, keep up the good work !). Mindfulness practises can be easily labor into their own lives with a small shifting in view. Try military exercises from Marianne Williamson, spiritual teacher and the author of A Course in Miracles.
“As you go through the day, anywhere you might be, look at someone’s appearance and silently say to them, ‘The love in me honours the love in you.’ I dare “youve got to” do this for two minutes every day and not grow happier, ” Williamson says.
Another simple feeling: “Before you go into work, into a convene, into a party or into any statu at all, consciously blast everyone who is going to be there with love, ” Williamson proposes. “Just as light-colored sheds out darkness, so does love cast out dread. You can’t send love to someone and, at the same season, worry about what they will think about you, fear what’s going to happen or succumb to controlling, judgmental or devious anticipates. The presence of passion literally casts out neurotic, fear-based thoughts.”
Read more of Marianne Williamson’s advice on how to become more spiritually fit and complete the following lessons learned in some of our favorite soulful teaches:
7 Spiritual Exercises That Could Change Your Life
Eliminate These 2 Hazardous Statements from Your Vocabulary
Deepak Chopra’s Top 8 Meditation Tips
Also On HuffPost:
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
How Your Morning and Nighttime Routines Affect Your Health
The post The Top 8 Concepts You Can Do For Your Body, Mind And Soul appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2zDMHif via IFTTT
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