#and the one person who was going around saying that loumand was the best and less toxic ship and leaving hate anons came out and admitted
coochiebandanna · 8 months
Are the hoards of loumand shippers who think that Armand did nothing wrong and are gonna have a “rude awakening” in season 2 in the room with us right now?
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Loustat & Loumand
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Ah crap. The ONE thing he really enjoys, and could probably get very good at--but he's stuck with garbage exposure and weak flash, cuz he can only take nighttime photos. U_U
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UNHINGED. 😭😭😭 Lestat's become his best friend / supportive soundboard / feral golden retriever eating all his photos, omg. XD
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Lou thinks the only right photos are of Lestat, I'm gonna be SICK. 😍 (Sam's accent was odd--he sounded less French??? Or am I tripping?)
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Louis telling himself he needs to have more patience with the logistics of nocturnal life--and all that implies. So does that mean he wants to have more patience w/ the coven (& Armand) cuz he knows he can't hang out with humans like other artists do?
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Lestat busting a gut every time Armand shows up is KILLING me. 🤣
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The Time-Stop Gift is SO FREAKING cool; I love how they find these actors who can stay so still! Are they mimes or something!?
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Louis loves himself a senior citizen; his husbands get older & older!
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GET HIM, LOUIS!!! We ain't impressed! 😤 (Well, EYE am, ngl, but you stand your ground, Lou, that's right!)
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Scared the mess outta me for a second, omg. 😅
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Yeah, well, your coven sucks, Armand, so.
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I disagree--I think that was the best, nastiest thing he could've done.
The next scene was so spicy I had to make a separate post for Armand's Backstory.
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AMC.... Don't you effing dare.
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That is a WILD fire hazard, omg--at least do that in the kitchen, Lou.
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Before or after meeting Armand? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC!
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LOUIS called Armand a manipulative gremlin!? 😂
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Louis, you walk that back RIGHT NOW!
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Yea, it was NUTS that Louis never told her that Armand was in on their secret.
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Spilled like a leaky faucet, yes. U_U
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To quote your beloved hallucinations: "Let me tell you a little something about 18th century Armand~!" 👀💀 Chile, lemme tell you about 18 MINUTES ago Armand, tossing Santiago around in public!
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This could've been the running theme instead of Memory is a Monster. 😅 (I'm SHOCKED DreamStat has nothing to say from the peanut gallery. Seems he only shows up when Armand's around.)
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CRAZY how Louis' already in like the 5th stage of grief, accepting DreamStat as some buddy ole pal. Walking in the park, chatting on park benches like they used to do back in NOLA. (But also accepting that he HAS to let DreamStat go, if he wants to survive in Paris & build something with Armand.)
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He still thinks he's a "wh*re," doomed to be out cheating. U_U
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WOW! So the night Les chased Jelly Roll Morton out of town was probably the night Lou realized he was REALLY in love, I reckon. U_U
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Is that TRUE, or just what Louis wishes was true? (I bet it's true.) Les carried Lou's monogrammed hanky, daw. :3
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MORE delusion--Louis, you couldn't even run your own family, let alone a pack of 14 Old World vamps who have ZERO reason to parlay with you--America is a totally different situation than Europe! The vamps out there are VICIOUS, cuz they INVENTED viciousness! Louis just gassed Armand up into thinking they had the upper hand, blissfully ignorant that Santiago just got ALL the dirt on him, smdh.
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Ohhhh....THAT'S what Lou calls him in bed! 🤭 This is so touching & sweet, as Lou's like: You are ARUN, you're a PERSON, born with the human right to have hopes, dreams, desires, wants. Eff what Coven Master Armand & rentboy Amadeo did. What do YOU want, as ARUN? TABULA RASA. I love that for him! ❤
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Armand calling Louis Maitre!? DADDY LOU IS BACK! 😈 That's right, you toss that lighter over your shoulder; you've MASTERED the Fire Gift! 🔥 (They grow up so fast~! 😭)
Armand wants to follow Lou's lead, let him take control. "I serve a God." Armand is TIRED of leading, he needs someone to follow; something to believe in. He always needs to have something he can devote his attention to--Lestat & Gabrielle read him for filth about this in several books; esp. Memnoch.
Cuz these are vamps; soul-sucking leeches. Loumand's codependent to a fault. Two vines wrapped so tight around e/o that they'll eventually strangle any life/vitality out of e/o--and you can see that toxicity bubbling to the surface in their huge argument at the end of the ep. They broke up in the books for a reason--Armand NEEDED to find himself (find ARUN, his human soul/identity), too. A coven's a poor substitute for a FAMILY, which he finally got with Sybelle & Benji, Daniel & Marius. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg--but it's a start. 👍
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