#and the pain was heaven
mxnkeydo · 8 months
so i know i should’ve left this to be discovered while y’all read the final draft but this was to good not to share so:
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*the word covered by the pencil button is “said”
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foxyjoy-art · 2 months
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hualian · 5 months
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"Isn't it easier to hate one person than a whole group?" Xie Lian shouldering the burden of hatred and selflessness 🦋 | Heaven Official’s Blessing S2 Ep10
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arcane-gold · 4 months
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gettin a lil close on the ox cart there huh guys!!!! get a room!!!!
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bibbiosis · 3 months
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Love it when my favorite character is also my favorite to draw
[ID in plain and alt text: digital art page of xie lian drawn 3 times against a pastel yellow background with an orange grid. On the left is him with both arms behind his back looking sheepish, eyes upwards avoiding the camera with a guilty smile and sweat drops drawn next to him. On the top right is xie lian with a similar sheepish expression, hands waving in front of him. On the bottom right, he bends his neck and head forward looking to the side with a judgemental open mouthed frown, one pointer finger resting on his chin. End ID]
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flintbian · 10 months
There's a disabled angel in good omens 🥺
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seance · 11 months
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If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would've done that. Nah. That's the trouble with you lot. You don't just see things in black and white. Sometimes, you've just gotta blur the edges.
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deadsince1973 · 5 months
Everyone I know who's into Chinese dramas (sample size: 3) got into them through The Untamed/CQL. At the same time, the Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi fandom seems to be larger than the fandom for all other C-dramas combined. So I'm curious about people (in an English-language fan space like this)'s relationship with C-dramas!
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
Obsessed with authors like Naomi Novik whose books always seem to say “no, fuck that, there is another way than cruelty, and we do have a choice to be decent, and not choosing it isn’t a burden but a cop out.”
Authors like Neil Gaiman whose books seem to say “we are all simply human, and that is so valuable. This world is worth more because we are in it, when we choose to notice and care”
Authors like Brandon Sanderson whose books say “We are all a little broken, and there is strength in not turning away from us, and there is pain in healing but there is also strength and hope.”
Seriously, these folks do more for my faith and hope in this life than any religion ever has. I don’t have the words to describe it yet but just. Warm cup of apple cider held close to the chest on cold autumn night?? That’s the best I got
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dekheadsjunkyard · 3 months
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Doctor Who Series 9 is kinda peak yeah Maybe I'll color this in fully, who knows
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mxnkeydo · 8 months
Aiden ripped himself away, his lungs clamoring for air. “You– you’ll get sick,” he gasped desperately.
Her eyes were erratic. He’d never seen her like this before, a girl of unrestrained want and raw desire. It was a totally different side of her, a side he embraced entirely.
Her hands curled around the fabric of his t-shirt, just below his collarbone. “I don’t care,” she said and then their mouths met in a flurry of hungry kisses and it was pure bliss once more.
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juicedpeachy · 6 months
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sorry for the lack of art lately
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endless-nightshift · 3 months
Get into danmei for cute gay people, stay as your forced to watch every part of your favorite characters life fall apart knowing that no matter what you wish you already know the ending, no matter how heartbeaking because this has already happened and you are simply being told the horrible past.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who | 8.12 Death in Heaven
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shouta-aizawow · 17 days
Xie Lian’s Relationship with Pain Thoughts™️
It’s canon Xie Lian doesn’t care much about his physical wellbeing bc as far as he’s concerned he’ll just heal anyway and he’s already gone through the worse, so what’s one more injury?
But I think there could also be more to that.
On the one hand, physically, I think him being hurt with no one to care for most of his very long life has kinda developed into warped nerve sensitivity. Like he went through so much that some pains don’t register (or slowly fade into just another part of him) as he unconsciously suppresses his feelings and discomfort, but gentle touch is so rare for him that he has no “defense” against them. He’s hypo-sensitive to harsh things but hypersensitive to gentle things.
On the other hand, emotionally, Xie Lian has gone through torture and suffering for 800 years with no scar to show for it. He carries his pain in his head but it doesn’t show on his body, and it creates a dissonance within like “did I really go through that? Was it really that bad if it even did happen?” It makes nothing happening to his body feel real after a day or month or year (bc what is a year to someone who’s lived for 800?)
So, in that side of it, I think the lack of consideration for his physical safety and nonchalance when it comes to pain is his way of “proving” to himself that he’s there, present, and his experiences are real (bc, to him, that’s evidence more reliable than nightmares) for as long as the pain will last.
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actual-changeling · 6 months
considering where we left off after season 1, it's actually not a surprise how the two of them ended up.
yeah, they held hands on the bus and went to the ritz—but did aziraphale ever apologise for all the horrible shit he threw at crowley?
did they ever properly talk about the bookshop fire and what it did to crowley to think aziraphale was gone gone for a few hours?
did they ever address "and i will never talk to you again?" or how much power it must have cost crowley to stop time while the literal king of hell was bursting through the ground? in how much pain he visibly was?
did crowley feel comfortable and safe enough to talk about how triggering it must have been for him to be burned alive in heaven AGAIN? did he tell aziraphale about the holy water he had to use? that it could have easily destroyed not just ligur but hastur and himself too?
fuck, did he get to process ANY of the shit that happened on his way to tadfield?
they got closer and blurred some edges, but fundamentally they functioned exactly like before.
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