#and the republicans are fighting against making it feasible to open dispensaries here
isthisjackie · 5 months
Idk why but I was thinking about this last night, probs bc I was complaining about spending almost $400 on meds today bc the generic vyvanse is on back order so name brand Vyvanse went up literally $100 in price
But regardless, I was talking to my bf about how like. Regardless of what the republicans (and more conservative dems) say, they will have to forgive student debt within my life time. Like they will have to, it won’t be an option. I’m not saying I’ll necessary benefit from it— I’m hoping to participate in the public service forgiveness program— but like we are already seeing the effects of student loan debt in millennials and older gen z kids. Like this will be one of the next major financial crises in the US without a doubt. Like we’re at the point where something has GOT to give. I think it’s fair to say that this isn’t the first time there has been a lot of like civil unrest in the US like during the Vietnam war.
I would say that the current level we’re at has been going on for MUCH longer, like there are so many terrible things going on in the states that we just don’t have any control over for the most part. Like our health insurance costs are beyond outrageous. I make $28/hr and pay $360 a month just for health insurance for myself, and my insurance company gets to decide what pharmacy they will cover costs and whether or not they will cover certain meds that my doctor has literally determined to be necessary. They want me to use a mail order pharmacy which I refuse to do. I also have to meet a $2k out of pocket deductible before I even get to pay the co-pay prices.
So after insurance and taxes, I make about $900 a week. With all of my meds combined it costs me between $550-600 the last couple of months for my meds alone. If you factor in my other bills like my car payment, student loans, my portion of our mortgage, and credit cards that I had to use when I had like no money), I’m at like 60-75% of my income probs. I make almost 4x the national minimum wage, and almost 3x the minimum wage in my state. It is literally almost impossible to afford to live in this country for so many people. Like when I say that something has got to give I don’t mean that in like the exasperated sense of the phrase (even though it also applies), I mean like quite literally regardless of what shitty rich politicians have to say and how much they deny it and say it isn’t necessary, something WILL have to give, it WILL happen bc there will no longer be any options. Realistically I think it will be student loans bc it will be easy for the to “justify” bc of the effects on the economy, even though socialized healthcare would be much more beneficial and positively affect WAY more people.
I don’t even know where I was going with this but I’m just so tired of not being able to do anything, or like usually specifically republicans doing things to not only prevent progress, but also just to fucking spite the democrats
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