#and the safety features have already come in handy for pinging at me when a dude with a moped swerved into my blind spot
prince-liest · 4 months
I got a government grant from a clean air project for turning in my '97 Corolla for a very hefty chunk of money off of a new (or new-ish) hybrid vehicle from an approved dealership, finally went to purchase my new car today with my dad, and ended up getting a 2025 Toyota Camry SE.
Sorry, Alastor, I think I'm with Vox on the front of technological advancement, ahaha. It's almost a 30 year jump in car technologies and I damn well feel like I've upgraded into the new century (or, well - millennium, technically)! This car does so many things and they all manage to feel like they are actually convenient rather than useless technology bloat. I think this is technically what Nietzsche meant when he said that to live is to suffer, LOL. Can't appreciate the good stuff if you haven't experienced the alternative! Also, y'know. My breaks lost pressure on me in the middle of a winding mountain road with no cell service last month, so. That was the sign to move on.
It's so wild to go from a car that's got a plain metal key, a phone charger operated through the cigarette lighter that only succeeds in making my phone lose charge more slowly, an AC system that would vibrate the whole dashboard alarmingly if it had to work too hard, and music that I played through a casette tape with bluetooth connectivity...to a car where I get in, put my phone down on the wireless charging pad, and watch the touchscreen automatically turn on with my Spotify and Google maps. Never again am I going to accidentally leave my headlights on and drain my car battery, LOL. Thanks, battery-attached jumper cables, you served me well. The car is so damn quiet and smooth, too.
Also, it's a very pretty car! I got it in white. Sorry, "windchill pearl."
Anyway, I'm just experiencing a delightful bit of awe and joy. Happy graduation and early birthday to me! <3
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panharmonium · 4 years
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(^me @ you!!!!!  but also merlin @ will lbr can you IMAGINE)
i know you know i don’t really read much fic but in terms of just tag browsing, almost everything i’ve ever seen about reincarnation is either about just arthur or just the camelot crew and i will tell you right now, the ONLY acceptable explanation for this is that will hasn’t shown up yet, like - it is patently not fair for merlin’s ultimate ‘happy ending’ to do nothing but affirm the message that camelot was the only thing about his life that mattered.
so perhaps, instead: reincarnation runs in reverse, so that merlin finds the first person he lost last.  long after he stopped expecting to meet anyone else, long after he figured this new world’s roster was complete - even merlin assumed it was just camelot that was part of this grand story; destiny never seemed to care about any other part of him before.  
so he doesn’t even think about it.  it doesn’t even cross his mind as a possibility.  
until, of course, it does.
[in other words: i took your ask and wrote you a story.]
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i really don’t care for this destiny shit.
merlin hasn’t done accidental magic for a millennium and a half (and it’s a good thing, too, considering his capabilities) but in that space between one thunderous heartbeat and the next, the pavement under his feet splits into a spiderweb network of cracks, and along each crack blooms a tangled vein of grass, shockingly green and decidedly un-urban and definitely not the result of any conceivable natural processes.
will is unimpressed.  “you haven’t changed one ruddy bit,” he says.  “you numpty.  it’s broad daylight.”
merlin wants to say that will hasn’t changed one ruddy bit either, because no one else on earth can manage to show up fifteen centuries after their supposedly permanent death and still make merlin want to strangle them within seconds, but it comes out like “mmmf  ffmm mfmf” because merlin is sort of strangling will after all, in a hug, and his face is mashed into will’s clothes, and he can’t enunciate properly with a mouthful of t-shirt.
(he also can’t enunciate properly when he’s crying, but that’s nobody’s damn business.)
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merlin is insufferable for weeks.
that’s will’s opinion on the subject, anyhow.  merlin maintains that this is an exaggeration, in response to which will retorts, “yesterday when i woke up i cracked my skull on your nose ‘cos you were hanging over me while i was having a nap, merlin, you’ve gone completely round the bed - ”
later on, maybe, merlin will admit that perhaps will has a point, and maybe merlin was being just a little bit overbearing.  
but in the moment, all merlin can think about is zippers.
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zippers are a clever little invention.
of all the innovations merlin has seen emerge over the last 1500 years, he has always been oddly charmed by the zipper, which up until now he believed to be a perfectly designed machine.  currently, though, he’s revised his opinion - zippers for fastening two bits of clothing together are handy, make no mistake, but merlin, who has resolved to never again let will out of his sight, thinks zipping two people together would be a handier function by half, and wonders if zipper manufacturers are open to suggestions.  
it’s just that not letting will out of his sight means not letting will do...well, almost anything, really, and it would be much easier to accomplish this if merlin could keep will where he wanted him while also having both hands free.  but merlin is willing to make sacrifices in the name of precautions, and he resolves to master the art of shadowing will’s every move even without the aid of specialized fastening apparatuses, for all that a zipper would have been more convenient.  
for some unfathomable reason, will seems to find this annoying.  but merlin tries to make himself feel better about his friend’s marked ingratitude by convincing himself that will’s reluctance to follow perfectly reasonable, safety-related rules is just a consequence of his natural anti-authoritarian streak, and not, in fact, a reaction to the fact that merlin has gone completely round the twist.
merlin is not being unreasonable.  he’s not.  
it’s a dangerous world out there.  you can’t be too careful.  
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“what are you doing?” asks merlin, alarmed.
will looks blankly at merlin over the hood of the car.  “getting in?”
“oh, no.  you can’t sit there.”
“can’t i?  i’m driving.”
“no, i’m not driving?”
“you’re driving, then.”
“i don’t understand.  who’s driving?”
“...how are we supposed to do your groceries?”
“look, i just think, you know, let’s just...skip it.”
“merlin,” will says, with forced calm, “you have no toilet paper.”
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“what are you doing?”
“you’ve not had that before.”
merlin hesitates.  “do you know, allergies are hundreds of times more common now than they were when we - ”
“i’m only saying that if you haven’t tried it before - ”
“merlin - ”
“maybe i should just - ”
“merlin, if you try to take this plate away from me i am dumping the sticky bit all over your trousers.”
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“what are you doing?”
“nothing, merlin.”
“you got up.”
“where are you going?”
“...the loo, merlin.”
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will tries his best to be patient with merlin, but unfortunately patience has never been one of his strong suits, so merlin’s fingers do end up getting slammed in a number of bathroom doors before merlin manages to finally (grudgingly) admit that will has, in point of fact, always been rather more self-sufficient than merlin himself, and that will has also, in general, been quite good about not getting himself killed in stupid accidents, when left to his own devices.
“so,” merlin concedes, “as long as no one’s actively trying to murder you - ”
“can’t promise anything,” says will, around a mouthful of toast.  “something about me puts people’s backs right up, merlin; i know a couple of blokes who’d be well pleased if i did drop dead of a freak nectarine allergy - ”
“ - then i suppose,” merlin continues, gritting his teeth, “you’ll probably be fine.”
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merlin is proud of himself for deciding to be such a grown-up, and he thinks his insufferable period ends there.  
the rest of his friends quietly disagree, even if they never say so to merlin’s face, because for them, merlin’s insufferable period has just begun.  merlin, who has spent the last 1500 years diligently serving someone else’s interests, has now suddenly reacquired the one thing in his life that was ever just his, and the fact of the matter is that will’s reappearance, unexpected as it is, turns merlin temporarily feral.
even after merlin decides to stop (literally) breathing down will’s neck at every turn, he still goes virtually everywhere at will’s elbow (if they go out at all), and he comes home in exactly the same position, and he sleeps on the living room floor because that’s where he and will are lying when they talk themselves out in the middle of the night, and he gleefully declines invitations to do things with other people because he is already doing exactly what he wants to do, and he will continue to do so for exactly as long as he wants to do it, and now it is everybody else’s turn to wait.
people who haven’t seen him for a long time start asking him if he wants to come round, and he doesn’t even bother with ‘oh, i’m a bit busy atm;’ he just replies <no> and then "loses” his phone behind the couch.
(gwen is the only one who ever gets a clarifying text after one of these episodes, the content of which reads i didn’t mean that in a nasty way.  she sends back a little purple flower in response, because of course she knows perfectly well he didn’t - she laughed, to be honest, when she got the original message.)
(she thinks it’s nice to hear merlin using the word no as a complete sentence, actually.)
(she knew him the longest, after everything went to hell.  by now, they understand each other.)
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most of merlin’s other friends don’t bother him too much after their first failed attempts at connecting, because they can take a hint, and they have their own lives to live, and they assume they’ll just see merlin when he wants to see them.
a few of them, however, are accustomed to getting everything they want, very quickly, almost all of the time, and said people (person) spent a formative chunk of their lives relying on merlin to (literally) drag them out of bed every morning, so these people (person) turn out to be a bit more persistent.
merlin’s email inbox pings him multiple times a day, asking increasingly curious and impatient variations on “where are u,” until merlin activates the out-of-office reply feature and sets the bounce-back message to “at the tavern.”  merlin’s mobile keeps ringing, until he magicks it to redirect all incoming calls to an in-home laundry service.  the landline starts ringing then as well, at which point will picks up the phone and says, his face utterly serious, “we’re not home,” while merlin cackles (unsubtly, audibly) in the background.
much later, when merlin has finally relaxed a bit and rejoined society, arthur will grumble about this, because he still gets Like That sometimes and doesn’t appreciate being Mocked, thank you very much (especially not by “that fellow”), but will isn’t the least bit concerned.
“i wasn’t taking the piss, mate,” will says, quite obviously doing just that.  “i thought you might fall for it, is all.”
arthur, huffy: “why in god’s name would you think i would believe such an obvious lie?”
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what eventually gets merlin and will out of their self-imposed quarantine is not, in fact, arthur’s exhaustive collection of attempts to hassle merlin by phone, email, and carrier pigeon, but rather a simple text from gwaine, which, in true gwaine fashion, asks no questions and makes no demands, but contains instead a single blurry photo of what might be elyan and percival looking disappointed and droopy in front of some kind of beach, though the sky behind them seems very grey and the camera lens appears to be smeared with raindrops.
>>freak thunderstorms on beach day/weatherman said no chance??? >>NOT ON, you funky little wizard
merlin laughs and lays his phone aside, not feeling any particular need to explain for the thousandth time that he does not, in fact, control the weather (well - all right, not usually, anyhow; there was that one time, yes, fine, but on the whole, natural forces were not to be trifled with), and then, as quickly as he puts the text out of his mind, he snaps up the phone again, struck by a thrill of realization.  “gwaine,” he breathes gleefully, consumed suddenly with anticipation.
“wossat?” will asks from the other side of the table, barefoot and pyjama-clad.
“we’re going out,” merlin says, popping up from his chair and pushing will out of his seat.  “put your shoes on.”  
will allows merlin to hustle him out of the kitchen, but grumbles, “can i put my clothes on, too, or are we trying to be somewhere yesterday?”
“you can put your clothes on,” merlin says, shoving will into the living room.  “i want you to meet somebody.”
will puts on the brakes immediately, stopping them both in the doorway to the hall.  “who?”
“a friend of mine.”
“what friend?”
merlin pauses.  will’s expression is suddenly wary, and merlin knows him well enough to tread carefully.  will doesn’t know any of merlin’s other people, and he claims he doesn’t care to, ostensibly because he’s got enough friends already, but merlin knows what the real issue is, and it’s that the picture-plastered refrigerator door in merlin’s kitchen is a disquieting, uneasy mystery to will, a puzzle he on some deep level doesn’t believe he fits into.  
merlin can’t blame him for feeling that way.  it’s not like merlin did much to disabuse him of that notion, after all, in their old life.  
“just a friend,” merlin decides, keeping it simple.  “gwaine.  you’ll like him.”
“i don’t know him,” will counters.
merlin spins will around by the shoulders and points him in the direction of the bedroom.  “trust me.  you want to.”
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don’t leave, merlin texts gwaine, afterwards, while will is getting dressed.  stay at the beach.
merlin’s phone buzzes a moment later.  it’s tipping down out here.
merlin leans against the warm, rain-spattered glass of the window and checks the sky, which is grey still, but brightening, and then looks at will, who has emerged from the bedroom, shoes in hand.
don’t bother about the weather, merlin types.
why?  gwaine’s reply is almost instantaneous, but merlin ignores it for a minute, watching as will crouches in the foyer and does up his laces.  
merlin spent half his life at home watching will’s hands fly over more complicated knots than the bow in a pair of trainers - double-half hitches for calving ropes, halter loops for wayward goats, ring knots draped over gateposts and snap-releases for pulling legs up and out of kicking range.  will was always good at that sort of thing, at anything handsy - it was how he talked, when he finally ran out of things to say with his mouth.  his fingers were always moving, tying string or tilling soil or turning trees into harrows and haycarts and hundreds of yards of rough-hewn fencing.  he always had sawdust in the hem of his trousers and splinters in his hands, and - for far too long a period of their lives - a little frowny crease in his brow.
why?  gwaine’s inquiry is still glowing up at merlin, awaiting a response.
merlin watches will double-knot his second shoe in one brisk motion.  will is tidier now, and his hands are less scarred, but his fingers move as surely as they ever did.  and even if his forehead sometimes still sports that same little uncertain crinkle, merlin has caught will in a silly grin once or twice, too.
merlin ducks his head and taps out his answer:  
i think things are looking up.
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“you were talking to lancelot?”
it gives merlin an indescribably warm and pleasant squirm in his stomach to see will and lancelot chatting together in gwen’s back garden.  lancelot is hardly ever in town these days, and merlin has dragged will out to this to-do specifically because if there’s one event lancelot will show up to this year, it’s gwen’s birthday.  but will hasn’t fallen into the rhythm of these things yet, and he’s always in danger of slinking off to the sidelines, to less well-tended patches of plants illuminated only by the twinkle lights wound into gwen’s fencing.  he is startlingly uncertain now, in a way that would have shocked merlin in another life, though these days merlin just takes it in stride, joining will on whatever patch of grass he’s chosen for himself, where they eat from a shared paper plate, and eventually the rest of the party comes to them, because people follow merlin like a beacon wherever he goes, even into dark corners.
will nods.  “yeah.”
eloquent, as usual.  merlin prods him in the arm.  “what do you think of him, then?”
will makes a face.  “i’ve only just met the man.”
“i’ve never known that to stop you having an opinion.”
will sighs.  “he seems fine, merlin.”
on the other side of the garden, elyan is building up the firepit, breaking up sticks for kindling.  arthur is watching lancelot, who is watching gwen, who is radiant and beaming in a bright yellow sundress, but she, too, is watching both of her observers, whenever they aren’t watching her.  
none of them look troubled, exactly.  just thoughtful.  
“he seemed to know who i was,” will says suddenly.
merlin is surprised to hear will offer anything further on the subject.  “well, i suppose he does, a bit.  he’s my friend, you know.  he’s heard of you.”
“the rest of your friends hadn’t heard of me.”
the rest of merlin’s friends are, at that moment, pestering leon to give elyan back a confiscated can of lighter fluid nicked from the grill, swearing on their oaths that the (former) blacksmith isn’t planning on doing any forge-appropriate stunts.  “lancelot’s different,” merlin says after a minute.  “it was different with him.”
“how different?”
gwaine pops the can out of leon’s hands with a pair of tongs and tosses it to arthur, who tosses it to lancelot, who looks surprised at being included.
“well...” merlin says, and pauses for a moment before continuing.  “he knew me.  not like the rest of that lot, i mean.”  he glances at will.  “like you.”
will raises his eyebrows and looks at lancelot again, as if re-evaluating him.
“i couldn’t tell them about you,” merlin says, after a longer pause.  “they wouldn’t have understood.”
will watches lancelot lob the can of lighter fluid to percival, who slings it back to elyan, who freezes mid-pour when gwen hollers his name in That Voice.  “well, that’s all right, then,” will murmurs, almost to himself.  then he turns back to merlin, lifting one curious eyebrow.  “how in the hell did that happen, then?”
“it was sort of an accident.”
“i thought you said gaius was an accident.”
“well - yeah.  also that.”
a disbelieving laugh bursts out of will’s mouth, startling them both.  it’s loud and bell-bright and it turns gwen’s head from where she stands over the picnic table, setting out a plate of desserts.  she catches merlin’s eye and smiles.
“right, then,” will says, recovering himself, but smiling still.  “i’ll have to give this lancelot bloke another go, then.”
“please,” merlin says.  “you should.  he’s worth it.”
will nods to himself, considering lancelot for a moment.  “a whole two of us, is it?”
merlin nods.
“we’ve got nearly enough people to start ourselves a little Society now.”
“a small one.”
“very small,” will agrees.  “...not that - well, i mean...”  he looks suddenly uncomfortable, like he’s said too much.  “i mean, not that i’m saying...well, cat’s out of the bag now, isn’t it, so obviously it doesn’t matter - ”
merlin is already shaking his head.  “no,” he says, stopping will mid-sentence.  
will’s gaze flickers uncertainly between merlin and the group clustered around the firepit.  “no?  i thought you said - ”
“no,” merlin repeats, his voice quiet but uncompromising, “it matters.  don’t ever think that, will.  you have no idea.”
will turns slightly pink and diverts his attention to making an intense inspection of the grass under his feet; merlin decides to leave the subject there, for now, and let will have this moment to be flustered.  someday, maybe, it will take more than the barest scrap of appreciation to turn will sixteen shades of red, but will was always like this at home, too, quick to close himself down, easy for merlin to embarrass, taken off guard by unfiltered affection and squirming at too much sincerity, unable to conceive of himself as something anyone would need or want in any way that wasn’t “an extra pair of hands in the field.”  
merlin did not do much to correct that impression, back then, he knows.  but he’s been given a gift, now, a chance to amend his first and ugliest mistake, and he is going to be deliberate about this unexpected chance at atonement.  he is going to be better.  braver.  he will be less selfish, he promises himself, more patient.  gaius always says that allowing sufficient time for regrowth is the only surefire way to set a broken bone, and merlin doesn’t care if it takes him another 1500 years - he owes will too much to offer him anything less.
will returns his attention to the group on the patio, determinedly looking anywhere but merlin’s face.  “that looks like a torch in a hayloft,” he mutters, watching arthur, gwen, and lancelot’s unfolding dramedy of longing looks.  “long story there, i take it?”
merlin has to smile.  “i’ll tell you all about it, i promise.  you might want to clear your schedule for a week or two, though.”
will shrugs.  “i’m not going anywhere,” he says.  but then he looks sideways at merlin, teetering on the edge of an unasked question.
merlin does not make him wait.  not this time, not ever again.  
“neither am i,” merlin says, and settles in to watch elyan set something on fire.
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there are, of course, less pleasant moments.
time has not mellowed will’s sharp edges in the slightest, and those associated with his tongue least of all.  now that he is up to speed, he’s formulated all manner of angry opinions to offer about the reeking cow pie merlin stepped into when he went to camelot, and every week seems to present him with something new to stew over, leading to episodes of simmering surliness that boil over every so often into bitter arguments.
will rarely makes these blunt and unflattering observations in the presence of merlin’s other friends, but merlin is all too aware that this is not because will is even remotely afraid to speak his mind, but rather because he is profoundly disinterested in what merlin’s camelot compatriots might have to say.  will does care what merlin has to say, even if he thinks 90% of it is “cow shyte, merlin, don’t try to feed me that rubbish,” but even merlin can’t escape will’s ire using explanations or placations or rationalizations of the Ultimate Good; will simply doesn’t care about the Powers That Be, and he tells merlin so, every time merlin tries to defend them or justify the part he himself played in their story.  
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[^actual footage of will and merlin in the twenty-first century]
someday in the future, will and merlin are going to realize that they don’t actually want to accidentally (on purpose?) murder each other out of sheer frustration, so they decide they are only allowed to argue about this topic twice a year.  
for now, though, will can’t seem to shut up, and merlin can’t let will’s comments pass, and they lock horns every other week on things neither of them have any ability to change.
it’s tiresome, a little bit, and they sometimes have rip-roaring rows which are Horribly Worrisome to other people (‘oh dear, it’s really over for them this time, isn’t it’), but neither will nor merlin fret over it like the rest of their circle does.  they’ve known each other since before they could talk, and fighting with one another is a time-honored tradition, not something to be frightened of.  besides, these are not trifling, unnecessary tiffs they are having - these are necessary evils, lanced abscesses, scoured wounds.  these are bloodlettings, draining both their weary, aching bodies of accumulated poisons.  
merlin knows this has to happen.  he appreciates seeing will this way, up on his toes and full of fire, snappy and uncompromising, ready to shred illusions and evasions and excuses as if they were so many sheets of 1500 year-old parchment.  will in a fight is like a fish in the water, or a bird in the air, balletic and agile, strikingly at home, a creature in its absolute element, and merlin loves watching him, for all that it means he sometimes get bitten for getting too close.
it’s not the end of the world.  they have both known how to fight with each other for a long time.  and merlin - for whom a row with anybody else has always been tedious, uncomfortable, a bothersome disruption - does not mind rowing with will.  rowing with will is like getting his exercise.  it’s natural and familiar, and everything is where it’s supposed to be, in those tinderbox moments, even when Where It’s Supposed To Be is the two of them having an absolute cow at each other in the kitchen while the rest of their friends sit in the living room trading wide-eyed stares and trying to silently debate whether or not they should risk edging sideways out the back door.
merlin tells himself again and again that there’s no need to worry.  the other thing he’s learned from gaius is that a poorly healed fracture sometimes needs to be snapped again in order to set up properly.  
merlin wants his relationship with will to set up properly.  he’s willing to break a few bones to make it happen.
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it takes a year for the cast to finally fall off.
it’s summer again by the time they come around to the marrow of the matter, to the tension undergirding all of their arguments, to the knot of grass stuck stubborn and tenacious at the heart of the concrete.
“why did you do it?”
will doesn’t answer merlin’s question right away.  they’ve just finished (or maybe are about to finish, merlin hopes, feeling strangely anticipatory, as is something tentative and promising is hanging just out of sight) a spectacular squabble, and the kitchen in which they sit seems to be sagging, unsupported in the yellow, windowless gloom, the painted cabinetry as tired as they are.
“i left you,” merlin continues, and even though the shameful taste of the truth burns on the way down, he swallows it willingly.  be better, he tells himself.  braver.  “i was afraid to tell you i was going.  i was afraid to get in touch with you after i’d left.  i never said goodbye.  i didn’t ask my mother to relay a message.”
will says nothing.  
“i let people line up to die for something i could have done myself.  i protected myself at everyone else’s expense.  i hid my secret behind our neighbors.  i got you killed.”  merlin takes a deep breath.  “i never said i was sorry.”
will taps his fingers on the table, his eyes focused somewhere off to merlin’s left.  he looks more thoughtful than angry.  “are you?”
the idea that will even needs to ask this question makes merlin want to cry.  merlin could talk for 1500 years and still never manage to explain how sorry he is.  he’s never breathed a word of it to anyone, but there was a part of him that was relieved to bargain his life away to nimueh, all those years ago.  he’d earned that punishment, he knew.  it was a just price.  
“yes,” merlin replies.  “i was wretched to you, and you saved my life.  i left you and you lied for me.  you - ”  merlin’s throat threatens to snap closed; he tells himself to finish.  be better.  be braver.  “i would never have asked you for that, will.  never.  i didn’t deserve it.”
will doesn’t say anything.  he is still not looking quite at merlin, but at the refrigerator behind merlin’s chair, which hums into the silence, blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place directly in front of it.  there’s a photo of will and merlin on the door now, added last month, and merlin still feels slightly strange, when he pulls out a jug of milk in the morning and sees will’s smiling face hanging there.  
merlin has never had a picture of will before.  he has never seen will’s face outside the confines of his own memories.
“well?” merlin prods.  “am i wrong?”
“no,” will replies, “you’re right.”
“then why did you do it?”
will sits up straighter, fixing merlin with a penetratingly direct, unflinching stare, the same startlingly candid look that merlin spent years searching for in other people’s faces, all those ages ago.  fifteen centuries of grieving later, and there it finally is - and one thing, it turns out, is exactly the same: will never did have any patience for foolish questions.  
“you know why,” is all will says.
merlin’s throat snaps shut for good.  he lets it, this time, and closes his eyes, taking a deep, wobbly breath, in through his nose, out through his mouth.  behind him, the refrigerator hums, and the tap drips onto a stack of dirty dishes lying forgotten in the sink, and somewhere, out in the heart of the city, the summer breeze ruffles a section of pavement overgrown with year-old grass.
in about three seconds, merlin is going to have a big, ugly cry in his kitchen.  it’s going to be mortifying and unsightly and sort of inconvenient, since he is supposed to be doing the washing-up, and it’s going to be even more inconvenient because will is right there, and will might not have a freak allergy to nectarines but he does have at least a little bit of an allergy to tears; his own, mostly, though merlin can’t imagine he’s going to love merlin’s very much, either, even if merlin only ever tried to test that theory once and didn’t exactly have a chance to collect any data after the fact.  
but before that inexorable wave rolls in and washes over them both, merlin takes three bracing seconds to remind himself of what he already knows: that will is going to accept merlin’s bawling, this time, or at least take it in stride, and he might even pull over a chair, and tuck up his feet, and have a silent sit with merlin for the duration, because will heard that calloused bone break, too, and felt the sharp, misaligned pieces snap finally, blessedly back into place, and he certainly knew exactly what he was doing when he answered merlin’s question.
you know why is as close to i love you as someone with will’s fraught history is ever going to get.  
and close enough is, for them - for now - close enough.
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catwhite7-blog · 4 years
A game which adapts common battle royale tropes nevertheless puts its own spin to them to make a distinct entrance from the genre.
It might not be apparent in the beginning, even though, particularly whenever you take under consideration how much hentai games borrows from additional popular battle royale games. It incorporates a ping system similar to this main one in Apex Legends, enabling you to tag enemy rankings, tourist attractions, and also loot for mates in the press a button (albeit redirected to your button that's harder to reach immediately, mitigating a number of its own convenience). It plays out on a massive map like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, where huge swathes of open land are more ripe for snipers although compact suburbs make for thrilling and disorderly close quarters skirmishes. And like the people in Fortnite, color-coded chests overflowing with loot really are easy to look down whenever you are within earshot of these signature glancing jingle. None of these competitions are explained solely from the weather hentai games borrows from them, and hentai games isn't characterized with the sum of the components. Instead, hentai games makes use of them to set a good foundation for its very own different things. It commences having a bigger player count compared to above conflict royale games, with hentai games currently encouraging around a hundred and fifty players each game, together with manners for three-person squads or solo play. With so a lot of players active in the same time keeps you constantly on alert, however in addition increases the likelihood you will at least have some action (and likely a small number of kills) daily match. That leaves some of the very productive drops really feel rewarding --even if your whole game lasts just a small number of moments, you'll probably get some good valuable time in using some weapons, even better preparing one for the following struggle within the subsequent game. You are most likely to truly feel right at home with various areas of hentai games's map, also, even if you've been playing with contemporary Warfare. Most of its named subjects use indistinguishable layouts like people in Modern Warfare proper in addition to preceding installments, and that means you may browse them using muscle memory--and so they're intuitive enough to understand from scratch, so also. Breaking up huge swathes of dangerously open fields are compact and dense suburbs filled with tall highrises or mazes of storage rooms. It's simple to reduce pursuers in the meandering streets of Downtown or conceal in the big industrial factories of the Lumberyard, rewarding the memory in these various designs because you change a ambush into an opportunity to attack. Massive buildings can get frustrating with their long stairwells because loot is only hidden onto the ground and high floors, however even these compel one to consider what advantages you might take with the additional altitude against the downsides of trapping yourself in a narrow hallway to make it . hentai games minimizes downtime, so encouraging you to enter a fight with an harshly fast final circle and compact mechanics regulating your loot. Unlike the majority of other game titles in the style, hentai games will not work you with micromanaging items in a limited-space back pack. Rather than that, you've pre-defined slots of ammunition types, armour-plating, and cash. The rest of your loadout operates identically into a normal contemporary Warfare multi player game --you've got two weapon slots, a deadly noodle and something utility grenade slot every single and also one slot for subject products (perks like FMJ ammunition, recon drones, and much more). Weapons fall with attachments already equipped dependent in their own general rarity (this ranges out of the stock white drops to fully kitted-out orange ones), and there's no option to personalize them outside what they already feature. This makes ancient looting extremely swift. It is simple to find two suitable primary weapons and scatter some ammunition ancient on, which lets you concentrate more about searching other gamers compared to remaining sight in pursuit of attachments into your equipment. In addition, it feeds into hentai games's adjustments to an in-game economy and its own principles across respawning, each which benefit from enabling one to move from the beginning pistol to battle-ready in a few minutes apartment. Money is central to hentai games's spin in the style. You earn cash by looting it, killing other players, either or even completing minor optional goals (such as hunting down another participant or procuring a place for a short time). Buy channels are littered across the mapand in case you've got the cash, you'll be able to invest it on handy killsteaks such as UAVs, air strikes, and even protect turrets--however also on useful gear like other armour-plating along with self-revive kits. The most expensive purchase is that a complete load-out decline, enabling you to air-drop at a cage and equip your squad using their own handcrafted load-outs and perks from their particular stocks. This is the largest twist in hentai games in terms of its effect on the total attention of this manner. Other combat royales force one to contend with whatever you may scavenge, but hentai games changes that are devoted to collecting as much money as you can along with getting the load-out of your pick. Regardless of being the absolute most costly purchase at the moment, it is incredibly easy to get a group of three players to collectively gather enough money over the opening seconds of the game to successfully procure their own premade loadouts. It's already typical to locate players utilizing thermal scopes and the coldblooded perk to fight itgenerally, the addition of some loadout fall dilutes the dynamism of games by producing loot count to get a lot less. There isn't any longer a scrappy rush to take to and equip yourself with whatever you can find, however a quick interlude ahead of hunting other players using weapons you've specifically selected for hentai games and its own structure. I found more fun in matches where I had been playing the border, driven to contend with average-rated weapons using inferior scopes that forced me to choose my battles wisely. There is opportunity to this not only at the beginning of the hentai games match, but all through one, also, due to an liberal respawn system that frequently feeds you into this game. Whenever you're murdered for the very first moment, you are hauled towards the Gulag and then forced to confront against one other participant to secure your liberty and invisibly into the game. Set into a whirlpool bathtub place in a derelict prison, those fires are speedy and messy, satisfying rapidly springs and pinpoint aim. It feels amazing to earn your house right back into a match after a unsatisfactory passing, but it also puts you instantly onto the backfoot as you are passed back in without the of your loot. That is specially challenging to overcome when playing solo, where you can not rely upon your team mates to fasten your landing or assist you in finding new weapons using certain safety.
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If you are not successful from the Gulag, or afterwards die after having respawned, you're still able to be revived forever by teammates at buy stations (in case you should be playing a squad, of course). There exists a significant fee credited to each respawn, however, it's minimal enough to encourage your squad to automatically seek out your resurrection without giving it up entirely once you've been down. Additionally, it redefines what a passing means in battle royale. hentai games will not let you linger following a thriving skirmish, forcing one to hurry through your competitions' dropped loot and then prepare for the prospect of retaliation. It keeps you looking over your shoulder in the least situations, scanning the horizon to get a classier extent using aim in your face. It's both exhilarating to lose to a group and also send retribution right after having a quick visit for the Gulag. Struggling back from absolutely nothing to over come your rivals is incredibly rewarding if you are having fun with a solo or team, nevertheless in squads you have opportunities to do so. Along with hentai games's conventional battle royale style is Plunder, which is far less notable than the main attraction despite being truly a new game style completely. Place on an identical map and with the same a hundred and fifty players divide up into teams of three, Plunder changes the purpose of survival to looting. The overall purpose is to hoard just as much money as you can, depositing your personal stashes at helicopter fall points similar to people at The Division's dim Zone. Squads now contributing the standings are indicated with the map, giving you a obvious perspective of your competitions and also bringing players to common areas for mainly chaotic fights. Respawns are boundless in Plunder too; dying only penalizes you by resetting your carried dollars and forcing you to sit through a lengthy respawn timer. Plunder is solid automatically, but it truly is simply unexciting. The matches require much a long time, constrained by 30 minutes until a group gets collectively banked $1 million. For the large part many players have been centralized using a portion of their mapall battling over the same pool of dollars at firefights where bullets are coming from every management. Although rattle royale lacks a strict arrangement, its final ring does move players at a standard management, which compels lively skirmishes that may cause enjoyable and gameplay stories that are unforeseen. Plunder's static nature lacks exactly the very same enthusiasm. hentai games can be really a excellent sophomore attempt at a fight royale from Call of Duty, which finally manages to split its own identity with fascinating twists onto the existent method. Its subversion of death and also the nailbiting Gulag duels give you more techniques to remain in a match, while in addition forcing one to really be careful of one's surroundings even after emptying a team that is rival. Its own looting is compact enough to create early seconds experience quick, but hentai games also loses a number of those messy magic from hobbled together loadouts by permitting you to drop in pre-built ones far too readily as well as usually. Nonetheless, in the event that you're familiar using CallofDuty's newest iteration of multi-player antics and flourish at the trying feeling of battle royales, hentai games is a strong competition for the attention.
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