#and the second one is from 1925 (the year of the lon chaney poto movie) ;)
britishchick09 · 2 years
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maps of the palais garnier auditorium! :D
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another-chorus-girl · 7 years
Rules: a) always post the rules, answer the questions then write 11 questions of your own b) tag 11 people and link them to the post c) tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered your questions. questions made by @opera-ghost (<3 you darling, thanks for tagging me!)
click below the cut, my dudes :)
1.) Favorite movie adaptation of POTO?
I would say the 25th anniversary performance at RAH but that’s not necessarily a movie. So I would say either the 1989 Robert Englund film as it has some nice Leroux elements (and I love Englund’s Freddy Krueger-esque lines) or the 1925 Lon Chaney film as it’s very true to the novel and I love silent films. If they hadn’t changed the ending I probably would say it’s the best version.
2.) Favorite song from the ALW Musical and why?
“Music of the Night” no question. It’s a beautiful tune, it’s very much like both a lullaby and a serenade. It’s that one beautiful moment in the show where Erik let’s out the true beauty and passion he holds for music as he sings this to Christine. In general I think I would go as far to say that MotN is one of my top favorite songs of all time. 
3.) Opinion on the Persian? (give him a goddamn part in the movie)
My God, this poor man is so neglected in adaptation. Reading the book Daroga was and is (as well as Erik) my favorite character in the story. I want to know more about him. Better yet, people keep saying The Persian needs a part in a Phantom movie or the show (and he totally does!) but hear me out. We got Erik’s backstory in Susan Kay’s “Phantom”, how about a story about Daroga’s life? Eh? Eh?
4.) Opinion on Universal’s potential Dark Universe POTO remake?
Well last time a Phantom film was made, I was not overly impressed (that means you Gerard Butler). So while I’m holding out hope that this movie will redeem Phantom on the silver screen, I’m also a little fearful where they’ll be going with it. 
5.) Favorite character (aside from the main three)?:
The Persian. But if we’re talking ALW musical and not allowed to pick the main three I would say Madame Giry.
6.) Have you read Susan Kay’s Phantom? What’s your opinion of it?
Yes I have, and finally came to own a copy a couple of months ago (thanks Amazon!) It’s a great read if you’re a Leroux fan, ALW fan, or both. Ironically the chapters regarding Erik and Christine are a little boring to me, but Erik’s journey to Persia with Nadir and his time as a craftsman with Giovanni are a delight to imagine to be part of Erik’s backstory.
7.) Favorite pairing? Or OT3 or OT4 (if you like E/C/R or any other poly ship)?
Hmm while I do write alot of E/C or E/C implied fics, I actually like R/C as much as E/C. But for favorite? Really I don’t care who it is, if someone can make Erik feel loved and happy, I’m on board with it 
8.) Favorite POTO fic? (I am low-key looking for recommendations…)
There are so many good ones out there. If I had to pick one-and if you want a long read, I recommend “Second Chance” by weepingwillow2616 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4854921/1/Second-Chance E/OC Story, in progress.
9.) What would you do if you met Erik? (If he didn’t kill you on sight)
Aside from flipping out like an over hyper fangirl, I would want to talk to him, go to his house on the lake with him, hear him play his music. Just...give him some company, the poor thing seems so lonely.
10.) How do you feel about Love Never Dies?
BURN IT. BURRRRRN IIIIIT- *ahem* ‘scuse me. Well as much as I love PotO, I really think a sequel was unnecessary. But if it were I would say almost anything would be better than the trainwreck that is Love Never Dies. It destroys the lesson Erik learns when he lets Christine go at the end of the original. While I wasn’t a huge Raoul fan in Phantom, what was good about his character is demolished, turning him to the life of a spoiled, gambling drunk that treats his wife terribly, yet by “Why Does She Love Me?” I actually feel sorry for this jerk. Gustauve serves little to no purpose other than furthering the plot-albeit dragging it-I hate how petty and selfish the Girys have been made into. All in all every single character in this musical has had their personalities ripped inside out and all but Erik have their lives destroyed-and somehow in this adaptations where the Phantom (sorta) wins I absolutely cannot stand what he has done to everyone in this story. Shame on you ALW, shame on you.  
11.) Favorite actor to play the Phantom in the ALW Musical?
All hail the great Michael Crawford! *bows* This man’s voice, his mannerisms, his voice, the look...did I mention his voice? While I know he isn’t everyones cup of tea and some have said “Oh but he’s so creepy as the Phantom” Did you READ the original? While Erik is very romanticised in the ALW musical he’s not suppose to come off as a sexy stud (again looking at you Butler >:( ). But even still Crawford’s Erik brings something sensual and dark to his character. Erik can be gentle as a lamb when he serenades Christine with MotN but evilly cackle like a mad, drunken demon during Ill Muto just before killing a man. And Crawford’s “All I Ask of You Reprise” and “Final Lair” are absolutely heart breaking to listen to, you truly feel so sorry for this poor man. He is and will always be my ideal Phantom.
Alrighty, here are my questions:
1.) What are your thoughts on the 2004 Phantom movie?
2.) Do you think Christine and Erik had even a teeny small chance of having a sturdy relationship if things went differently? Why or why not?
3.) What’s your favorite quirk Erik does in the ALW musical? (ex. body language, cape twirl, HANDS, etc.)
4.) In the book, Daroga mentions saving Erik’s life. In your mind how do you think he did this?
5.) If you had no choice but to pick three songs from Love Never Dies and had to play them on loop for an hour, what would they be?
6.) Which Erik had the best deformity to you in the ALW musical?
7.) Which Erik do you prefer most? (ex. “Erik”, Lerik, Merik, Gerik, Cherik, Destler, etc.)
8.) Ignoring the events of Love Never Dies, where do you see Erik, Christine, Raoul, and Meg in ten years?
9.) Do you prefer blonde Christine or brunette Christine?
10.) Which Christine is your favorite and least favorite in the ALW musical?
11.) If you had to take a song out of PotO what would it be and why?
I will tag: 
chris--daae, angle-of-music, your-obedient-phantom, accursedugliness, musique-de-la-nuit, inbetweeness, phantom-of-the-trash-blog, scorpion-or-grasshopper, let-my-opera-begin, get-me-an-erik, erik-what-the-fuck
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