#and the story hasn't interested me since witch queen
getvalentined · 5 months
Thinking about Vincent's involvement in the Queen's Blood storyline and how it's the perfect explanation for everything going south with the game in fairly recent history even though the game has canonically been around for decades. It's genuinely so clever, I'm in love.
So, for anyone who hasn't done the full questline, Vincent is the highest ranking Queen's Blood player in the entire game prior to facing off against the Shadowblood Queen herself and the completion of the questline. (After this, ranks are adjusted worldwide because of game mechanics; Nanaki is rank 10 in the QB Arena at Gold Saucer.)
A lot of people have poked fun at this, like Vincent apparently learned the game really fast and was just naturally really good at it—but no, actually, Vincent played the game before. He's this good because he was champion level back in the 70s, back when he was human.
We know this to be the case because when you match against Lidrehl, he says "the Emerald Witch sleeps in Nibelheim with a monster of chaos, and that is where it will remain." This means that Vincent already had the card when Hojo killed him. It's not clear how the Emerald Witch came into his possession, but you don't make his rank without being a very active player, so it's clear that he was very prolific in the scene back then!
And back then, it was just a game. No mysterious deaths or disappearances. The myth of the Shadowblood Queen and the Emerald Witch was still there, as Lidrehl developed the game based on the story, but everything was fine.
This is definitely because Vincent was active in the scene, and he had the Emerald Witch. The Rebirth Ultimania implies that the Shadowblood Queen is a piece of Jenova (which I thought was pretty obvious since she calls Cloud a "puppet" and he's also apparently the only one capable of facing her head-on), and the Emerald Witch is the soul of a Cetra that serves as the silent warden to her imprisonment within the game. (Imprisoning monsters in cards is not new to the series, either, since FF8 literally allowed players to turn monsters into cards rather than fighting them.) Vincent being so active in the circuit allowed him to spread the Emerald Witch's influence through the scene and kept the Shadowblood Queen quiet, reminded her to keep her head down, kept her from trying anything at risk of being spiritually shitmixed again.
But then Hojo killed Vincent, and the Cetra warden Emerald Witch was in his deck, and that deck was tucked away with his things in Nibelheim. And so she spent thirty years unable to perform her ongoing duty to assure the safety of the planet. This time allowed Jenova the Shadowblood Queen to regain the power and confidence to manifest and start wreaking havoc again, finally building up enough strength to directly possess her current holder—during the period that Sephiroth is calling for Reunion, which presumably helped to really draw her back to full consciousness.
There's a whole detailed storyline here that makes perfect sense, with Vincent's murder literally being the catalyst leading to the resurrection of the Shadowblood Queen, and Hojo never having a clue what he'd done.
This is super interesting to me not only because it actually showed some of the more far-reaching consequences of Vincent's death, but also because it indicates that Hojo has unwittingly been Jenova's most loyal emissary for decades. He gave her his wife, his son, himself—and the first murder he ever committed served to imprison the only power holding a piece of her thought lost to history at bay, allowing her to manifest decades later with her own will and personality completely intact, something that she can't do through Sephiroth.
As it turns out, Hojo and Vincent have been opposing forces in supporting fate's "chosen ones," the forces around them capable of choosing the final fate of the planet, for much longer than either of them ever thought.
Still not a huge fan of the card game itself, but I adore the way it's been woven into the story, and strengthened it as a result.
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So, I'm finally ready to talk about Lightfall. I've been really holding off on this, because I didn't want to post my fresh-off-the-campaign hot take, I needed it to simmer and thicken up a bit. I know it's been months since release, but heavy Lightfall spoilers ahead.
Let me talk about what works for me: the vibe is exceptional. A pretty modern take on the 80's action movie, just like Bungie themselves stated they intended. The campaign runs at a breakneck pace, only slowing down for a few moments here and there. Rohan and Nimbus have a perfect master-student trope dynamic. Calus is an entertaining villain, his hypocritical subservience making him an interesting lieutenant to the Witness. Honestly, Calus really got Starscream-ed in this expansion. Strand came out just the right amount of hot, nothing too crazy, except suspend maybe, but at least that hasn't broken pvp in the way Stasis did. And last up, the raid? A visual feast, with better narrative integration than Vow of the Disciple making it a real treat. I know it has taken some flak for being "easy," but honestly not every raid needs to be incredibly mechanically dense and absolutely full of high difficulty enemies. There really is plenty to like in the expansion, but narratively it kinda creates more questions than it answers, and not in a good way.
Let me start with the beginning and end of the campaign. There's tons of speculation about this campaign kinda being filler, and the cutscenes of the Witness definitely feel the most evidential of that. In what feels like a single scene split down the middle, the Witness reaches the Traveler, attempts to cut(?) into it, and has a revelation on where the Veil is. After the campaign, in which the Witness apparently manipulates the Guardian into getting their Ghost close enough to create a link between the Veil and the Traveler, the Witness creates some sort of portal or doorway just above the Travelers surface and kills(?) it, and then the Witness and part of the Black Fleet just kinda go into the portal and leave. The story frames this as a defeat, but that doesn't exactly land emotionally. It feels like this was meant to be an "Empire Strikes Back" moment, but delivered the defeat at the Witness' hands just after we were victorious over Calus. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see the shape of intent here, this possibly being meant as a rug-pull, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This would have been more impactful if the status quo was actually fundamentally changed. In reality though, what did change as a result of this event? The Traveler is "dead" (again), but we still have the Light. The Witness "won," but is not present in the world (again). The Veil was revealed to exist, but we don't actually know what it really is (yet, admittedly, but that's the crux of its problem). The Light was defined as the realm of the physical and the Darkness defined as the realm of consciousness. At best this is redefinition, but we've known that the Light and Dark were amoral fundamental forces since Beyond Light. Neomuna exists in the narrative now, but its influence is entirely contained to the Lightfall campaign. Really everything is still kinda the same, just with some looming sense of "now we need to find and stop the Witness." Even that is the same motivator that we were left with at the end of Witch Queen. To be totally honest, this is a little less than compelling as a motivator, especially the second time around. I'm not saying that a story needs to fundamentally change aspects of the game, but ultimately Lightfall feels like treading water when it had the opportunity to blow players away with our first contact with the Witness. To reiterate from earlier, at the end of Lightfall, the Witness is just gone again. I'm not entirely sure if Bungie intends for the Witness to be a ghost in the narrative or not. One would think not given that they put a name and face to its existence, but to introduce it and immediately remove it gives the sense that it should be less directly visible. In either case, it feels rather on the fence, preventing it from really giving weight to either side. A lot of the Witness' on screen action serves more as a jumping off point for introducing the Veil above all else. That's all well and good, except...
What the heck even is the Veil? To keep with my usual "Bungie tells a story with their names" rhetoric, it's very easy to point to the Veil as just that, a separation between the Light and the Darkness, the physical and the psychic, etc. We know that the Veil "feels like the Traveler" and that it can be linked through Light energy (the Radial Mast, the Ghost) to the Traveler. We know that Neomuna's Cloud Ark runs off of it in some way, connecting it to the "psychic web" vibe of Strand and the Darkness. Lastly, we know that the Vex attempted to create their own version of the Veil, which would become the Black Heart from Destiny 1. (I should make a note here, Season of the Deep is currently happening and providing additional info on the Veil, but I'm just talking about what was in the main Lightfall campaign.) So what's the deal, did Bungie really just make a McGuffin for the Lightfall campaign and call it a day? In the context of Lightfall alone, yes. The Veil serves no purpose beyond "it makes Strand easy to see" and "the Witness cannot be allowed to use it." Okay, so am I saying that having a McGuffin is a bad thing? Well, maybe. The framing presented by Osiris for our desperate fight to protect the Veil is too simple. "The Witness wants it, so stop Calus from getting it" is thin, even by McGuffin standards. What are we as players really to do with that motivation? Especially once the resolution becomes "well, the Witness succeeded but is now gone and we still have our powers." As a whole, Lightfall lacked impact, at nearly every level.
Okay, I don't want to leave off on that kind of negative note though, I still enjoyed a lot of Lightfall. One of my favorite parts was Calus. Every part of his presentation was incredible. Ever the sycophant, Calus' ostentatious presentation of himself is an effort to impose what he believes he should be on reality, when in truth, he was given that form by a higher power. Calus sought to become the voice in the Darkness, that which remained at the end of the universe, only to find an insurmountable being there instead. Fighting the Guardian at the end of the campaign offers an interestingly poetic end. Finishing his first phase tears off his helmet and switches his weapon to more traditional Cabal gladiatorial fare. For what might have possibly been the first time in his life, Calus fought with his own power. No army, no cosmic power, just himself. The way Caiatl put it, "You gave him a Cabal's end?" underscores this perfectly. What a way to end his story.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
'Palismans' seems to be the OH's unique take on a cross between a witch's familiar and wand/Wizard's staff, which i've not seen any other form of media do so far- In fact, seeing how it's so well implemented here, I kinda want to see other variants of the concept in different media. Interestingly, I think Harry Potter got his Owl hedwig more or less at the same time he got his wand.
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1. Yeah, it's a pretty unique concept! I quite like it.
One thing I thought was interesting about this episode was that the show didn't go out of its way to explain what a Palisman was; it just introduced the concept by name and trusted the viewers to figure out what it meant for themselves. We may get a more in-depth explanation of how Palismen work in the future, but it was a neat way to establish them in the story pretty naturally.
I don't know anything about Harry Potter and at this point I'm afraid to ask
2. Oh, that's a good point!
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The design of the bus critter does seem reminiscent of longboats... just with feet instead of oars. That's a neat little detail!
3. Good to know! I can imagine that teeth work a bit differently in the Boiling Isles - though visually, there doesn't appear to be much of a difference, since...
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...it looks as though Gus hasn't actually lost his baby fangs yet.
huh, I forgot about that Hexside tunnel... wonder when we're going to find out what's up with that?
4. Yeah, that was definitely a fun little bit of foreshadowing. And I agree with you - I think it'd be fun to see what Grudgby is like for real.
5. True! While I feel as though the reveal of Eda's Owlbeast form was enhanced by the stormy atmosphere of Episode 4, and she seemed a bit less overwhelming when framed in broad daylight, the expressions on her partially transformed form in this episode were a lot more unsettling.
6. That's fair! I didn't want to let the info I wasn't supposed to have about King influence my perception of his actions too much, but that's as much of a lost cause at this point as my opinion on Amity. Among the main trio, King is the least likely to think his actions through properly, and that's definitely because he's the youngest. I'm aware of that, so it's a bit unfair to him if I pretend otherwise.
Funnily enough, I had the opposite interpretation of Luz's actions in this episode - in Episode 6, she asked Eda for permission and was outright told no, and she got in trouble when she went ahead with the conjuring anyway. In this episode, it almost felt as if she was a little too eager to convince herself that Eda wouldn't mind and that she didn't need to ask her directly... which made me think that perhaps she was hoping that if Eda wasn't on board with her borrowing the staff, not telling her about it would reduce the risk of Luz getting in trouble, and she could play the plausible deniability card if Eda found out about it later on.
In the end, though, her personal sense of responsibility led her to face the consequences of her own actions head-on, while Owlbert did his best to cover for her with Eda, so we got the best of both worlds this time (with Luz acknowledging what she did wrong, but still escaping what would probably have been a pretty severe punishment).
7-8. Good points! Once it was revealed that the Bat Queen was a Palisman herself, I did guess that the glowy eye thing was a Palisman-specific method of communication, but it's interesting that Palismen are also able to communicate with their witch partners, since I don't believe that's come up before.
I wonder if there are any other Palismen that can speak "human" language the way the Bat Queen can, or if she really is the only one..?
At least Owlbert is certainly capable of expressing himself without words. I imagine most Palismen must be, since they can't always guarantee that they'll have someone around to interpret for them.
9. Haha, nice one! There sure are a lot of queens, aren't there?
do we know that the Emperor rules over the Isles yet..? ehh, it can be extrapolated from the information we already have, so it's probably fine
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leaping-in-london · 2 years
Is there a Poltergeist at the Palace?
"Ghosts? Spectral visions? Anomalies in the electricity? Anything?" These are the questions my quintet and a posited to strangers and guides as we made our way through our first week in London. Did I have expectations that I would hear fabulous and frightening stories? Yes, I BELIEVED I would be rifling through a hit list of ghostly wonders. I imagined the categorization of such in my brain and could not wait to pluck out the spookiest and most interesting story in the bunch. Fast forward several days, and the dream of ghostly wonders took its last breath and died. That is not to say that I got nothing, I learned of one story and I am convinced with more time and in a location with locals instead of tourists and busy Londoners, my vision of a ghostly ghoul goulash would have been satisfied.
Other than being used in World War I, Kew Palace, the house of the late King George III and Queen Charlotte, has sat empty for well over 150 years. Because they were the last inhabitants the story that we heard is most likely tied to that of King George III and Queen Charlotte. We learned of the story from one of the trained guides and, as a result of hearing that story, a few of us chose to return for the Hidden Spaces tour later that day.
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The Story (as told by the young worker)
Several months ago after I had been working at Kew Palace for quite a bit of time, I heard someone walking on the floor above me. I was on the second floor and the noises were coming from the third floor, the attic space. Believing that nobody was supposed to be up in the attic, I radioed the other staff members to find out who was in the attic and why they were there (we were supposed to let each other know if we were going up to the top floor). A few minutes went by before everyone radioed in to say that they were not upstairs. Knowing that everyone had been accounted for, I knew somebody must have gotten upstairs that wasn't supposed to be there (the footsteps had not stopped, they had continued). I asked my manager to come upstairs to check out the top floor/attic space with me. When we went up there, nobody was there. My manager tried to convince me that I didn't hear what I heard, but like I said, I had been working there for several months by that point. I had long since learned of the old house's normal noises. These noises were not normal. Somebody was walking upstairs and I never found out who it was.
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That would have been odd enough, but that same week, something else happened. Many of the heirlooms that are in the house have alarms on them. In the front room, we had a teapot in the center of the table that had an alarm. That particular week, the alarm went off on that teapot three nights in a row at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. The alarm only goes off when the teapot is physically moved.
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We never found out why the teapot alarm went off that week for three nights, and I never got an explanation for the footsteps above me. While it hasn't happened again, I don't believe I have heard the last of the noises and the unexplainable alarms.
During the hidden spaces tour, we were able to go upstairs and see the attic. The attic had thick wood planks on the floor and only heavy footsteps would have made a sound. In that same attic, there was a witch carving on a beam as well as some war graffiti from soldiers that had stayed there during the first world war. It should be noted that those soldiers had some real antagonism toward each other. The guide for that tour also shared with us that the room that Queen Charlotte died in has frequently reported orbs and other unexplainable images in pictures that are taken in that room.
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Was the ghost one of the soldiers? Was it King George III looking for his wife? While it would be delicious to have an affirmative answer to those questions, I must leave those who read this to spice up their own "meal" to see how it rings on the authenticity meter.
(Week #3, #4)
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ku-ro-kai · 4 years
Lust at first bite
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This was inspired by Trevor and sypha from the series Castlevania- personality wise so on
This is a one-shot★
Warning;fluff and angst,sexual tension, blood drinking, heat mentioned,missionary, squirting, praise kink, manipulation,aphrodisiacs, blood, multiple orgasm
He's been sneaking and stealing looks for too long, he's grown tired of it despite his small attempts at gifts he's been getting the nyphms to deliver or trying dispatch a plan in starting a conversation with you without being killed.
To his castle before the huntresses and witches hunt him down, touya was from a Royal bloodline of vampires. He's been going out every sunset in looks for his favorite huntress
She wasn’t like the other huntress’s in his eyes.
He had come to her in the middle of the night,he was looking for fresh virgin blood,he found you out on a night stroll.
He recognized you from flyers that he would come across when wondering in abandoned villages. He came to the conclusion you weren’t no ordinary boring huntress.
You were different,unique is what he would say, your family tree was dangerous to other creatures,coming from witches and huntsman.
(A month ago)
His father warned him about your family,beware of them, don’t never go by the (L/N) markings in the woods,every creature thought your family tree was killed off.
You were out getting fresh air,you couldn’t stand being in rooms with other huntresses and huntsmen, they envied your family,despite their hate for you,there was no escaping the headmasters.your family payed their debt years ago,why were they still inviting you to these silly meetings.
You heard a low groan from behind you,a annoyed sigh left your lips”At this time,show your face”.
Dabi thought you were some stuck up whore at first, “what if I don’t want too?”Gonna skin me and turn me into boots”
You turned around to face the unknown man ,he looked like a victim of fire,ebony hair that was spiked from front to back, blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean on a full moon,he was dressed down to toe in leather ,only a upside cross hanging from his neck,fingers covered in all different metallic silver rings, ones with diamonds,rubies and sapphires.
“Who exactly are you and how’d you get passed the barrier ?”
“You’re barrier is a piece of shit ,sorry darling I just don’t state my name to any stranger."
"It's like that with you vampires? Stuck up"
"Feisty, you huntsman look down on the rest of the world and expect everyone to get on their knees and praise you"
"You monsters have curses put on y'all,so you take your anger out on the huntresses and huntsman,since we hunt you down"
Dabi rubbed his chin, you weren't wrong,if anything he would do anything to take this curse off and have a normal body.
"You're a very stubborn human"
"You're one to talk"
A small chuckle came out, dabi was a man of many lies but he couldn't lie that you weren't an interesting huntress, maybe his favorite out of the ones he met in his life.
"I'll spare your life this time darling but if we come across again, there will be no mercy"
You never met a vampire like him before, he's cocky and comes with too much pride, A total prick.
"Same to you, just keep in mind that sneaking up to your prey comes with being completely silent"
You two parted ways that night and now he hasn't been able to get you off his mind
He took you're words to heart, the sunset were his time to go see you.
Quietly hiding in the shadows, you were always out taking a stroll, did you not receive a good capture?
The headmasters have been keeping you stored away from missions,you were completely drowned out from all the drinks you spent at the tavern,only thing in that god forsaken castle was old people and moldy fruits.
You could proceed with skinning this annoyance of a vampire and receiving money
“Do you have nothing to do besides stalk me “
Dabi never understood how you could figure out how he was there,he was the best when it came to sneaking in the shadows,or so he thought.
“Your always walking around this area,I figured I’ll stop by”.
“You’ll be foolish to think I’ll believe that lie”
“Look my name is touya todoroki,first son to the King vampire Enji todoroki but refer to me as dabi for now “
That name was catching like wildfire when you were younger,it was a story of a little vampire boy playing by himself in the mountains near a peasant village ,his father made him go up there if he couldn’t make a flame change it’s color to blue.The boy was too careless with the way he would shoot his fires into trees ,as in result,he struck a branch, that caught half the village on fire ending with getting stuck under a large burning oak tree.Some say he hunted the woods looking in revenge for his father,others say he was in search of better body.
“I’m (name),how long have you’ve been living on your own since the forest fire “
“ for 210 years, it took months for my body to get used to staples"
You had guilt in your eyes,he always saw this in his victim's face when he would suck them dry,the stares he got from their cold,decaying corpse. He loved that look
"Does it hurt?"
"What do you think" he snapped.
"Hey no need to get rude" you looked at the full moon, maybe this prick of a vampire could help you with a drink "dabi wanna go out for a drink"
He looked you dead in the eye "with you? No thanks, trying to finesse me out of my money, I knew you huntresses weren't always good out if the bunch"
"I guess we are both liars than, well I'll just take my leave, if you wanna suck my blood I'll be at the blue soul lake"
You walked away into the forest
"Why that specific area- it's hunted by witches"
"Not the big bad vampire being scared of witches"
"Who the hell said I was scared, if anything I'm just concerned why that cursed part of the forest"
"That cursed place is my home"
Blue soul lake was wretched area, swarming with witches and witchcraft. The only thing is that place is good for is the glowing lake that only shines on a full moon.
"My father told about that place, used to be ritual when witches would bring kids, kill them, sacrifice them to whatever God you nut jobs believed in and kept the skulls and eyes for gross potions. What do y'all do now, pretend to be gypsies"
You chuckled at him "no we don't do anything out of that kind, I just live there because I love the way the lake shines at night and because I grew up there"
Dabi didn't understand why you would just invite a vampire to your house as if it's the normal, he could care less,long as he can be near you, you made him feel whole again, maybe because he hasn't gotten a load off in awhile, where you good at massages?, he could make you queen, give you children and regain his body back with your weird passed down powers
He wasn't thinking right, make you queen? Breed you? Spend the rest of eternity with you? He surely wasn't in love with some thorn in the side huntress,that's below him.
"Dabi why do wear the rings and what's with the silly name"
He got embarrassed, hiding his face “it’s not silly “
"It’s a little silly"
He turned back facing you,you’re warm smile brought him comfort
“The rings are from my mother, she gave all my siblings rings”
“Ah you royals always have the easy life ahead”
“You could say that , I’ll probably still have my body back if it weren’t for my father”
“I guess the stories were right”
“I hate him , I can’t stand to even look myself in the mirror when I remember I used to look like him”
Awkward silence was there for a while
“I could've easily snapped your neck when we first met"
"Why didn't you do it"
"You intrigued me"
"Not me catching your interest -what now you want me to be your queen"
"If if weren't for your cocky mouth,you could be heir to the throne of my queen"
"you like me?!"
"I'll kill where you stand"
You covered your smile with your cape.
"you didn't say no"
Dabi turned away to hide his blushing, you were a silly little thing with the ability to have him head over heels in love with you. You were just food to him now he has to deal with red swallowing his face and this shaking feelings in his chest.
You two reached your home-it wasn't too bad, A little snags and there, he could probably fix it with a little magic, too his disappointment you didn't have nothing crazy going on- it's cozy and warm
He picks up a picture "nice place you got here darling-a little sad there isn't hearts in jars and a shit load of strange plants"
"Are all vampires like this? Assuming all witch descent are into witchcraft"
"Must be the huntsman genes"
Dabi put the picture in his suit pocket, he continued walking around your house coming across from a family tree of pictures
"Dabi what's it like living like a vampire?”
“It’s quite fun,scaring frisky young ones comes with the job,sucking blood all night long is the dream,don’t have to worry about dying since I can live for centuries also the garlic shit is a myth"
You carry a bottle of holy water out "how mad would you be if I sprayed this on you"
"Try me"
After running, what seemed about an hour, you came to a stop leaving you panting on top of the stairs"you sly bastard" your clothes were tattered and scattered all around your house
Dabi covered a burned mark of you splashing him in holy water " just wanted to mark you as mine and only mine, what do you say doll? Wanna come back and live with me"
Dabi show case devilish smile was vacant , now a show of hostile in his face
“What if I come across that corner and bite that neck of yours (name)”
His voice was calm but his demeanor was sinister.you could see red gleaming in his eyes
You saw a flash of black,now you ended up upstairs in the middle of the hallway on your back with vampire in the crook of your neck ,his keen fangs edging on your vital
"...your the devil touya"
He licked a long stripe on your neck, now placing kisses on your jaw "if I'm the devil you must be the devil's woman huh" he let out a raspy chuckle, he lifted your thighs up" your something else you know that (name),Do you get off to me to trying to kill you " he moved to the side staring at the wet mark on your neck.
He licked a long stripe on your neck, now placing kisses on your jaw "if I'm the devil you must be the devil's woman huh" he let out a raspy chuckle, he lifted your thighs up" your something else you know that (name),Do you get off to me to trying to kill you " he moved to the side staring at the wet mark on your neck.
"Dabi why is it so hot" you tried to push him off you but he wouldn't budge
"Don't worry doll, the aphrodisiacs are doing that" dabi ran his hands around your waist"those huntsman have treated you so badly, don't you wanna get revenge"
"Yes... But"
Your body was burning in the inside, how did he get his hands on aphrodisiacs? Did he sneak something on his tongue
"Dabi-please" at this point you were begging to have some sort intimacy
He took your face in his hand "but what? Together we can be unstoppable, a powerful couple, rule over kingdoms although You would look better holding my children in that stomach of yours " he ripped your tattered clothes off with ease" all you gotta say is yes darling "
"Yes, fuck yes -please dabi"
His clothes were vacant, you felt something hard press against your outer lips, you begin grinding on to his cock
Your being such a needy bitch in heat" his length closing around your walls like a fitted glove,in such a slow manner ,now accompanied by him placing a hand on the bulge poking in your stomach”your such a good huntress doll, now your becoming my prize possession, mind to ravish every night and every day" he was half way in your pussy,groaning at how tight you are "for a pesky girl, your cunt is perfect".
Dabi got closer to the stained mark on your neck, placing hickes all over it. His thoughts were clouded with marking you as his,nobody can touch you with their filthy hands again .
He pressed his fingers against your throbbing clit, soft rubbing making you walls clench around his shaft.
He pulled out, letting out a deep grunt only to plunge himself with a hard thrust, his tip pushing against your womb.
You let out a groan feeling a sharp pain,his keen nails clawing at your waist, watching your blood pouring out on to floor. The pleasure mixed with the pain sending over the edge,he went a couple thrust before cumming releases a raspy moan,dabi took his fingers licking off your blood.
"You taste just as good too" you heard coming down from your high, dabi pulled out uncovering his seed soaking out, he put your legs over his shoulders "wait dabi" you felt his fangs graze your pearl "don't order me around (name)" you jolted when his two fingers went inside your sopping pussy
He pressed the flat of his tongue on your clit with his fingers working on sending you into another orgasm. The Flicking of his tongue and the curling on that gummy spot, sucking on your inner lips with a small pop.
You couldn't hold it, your juices spraying you and dabi face. "What a slut you are doll" he licked his lips watching you pass out from exhaustion
You woke up in room that didn't belong to you, dressed in a beautiful chemist,with a robe hanging off your shoulders .there was pain in the side of your neck, two swollen puncture holes. you had a aquamarine necklace and blood red ring in your hands,the sounds of the fire popping and cracking on the side of your chair. "dabi?" you called out,hearing steps coming into the room behind you.
"Yes doll" "where are we and what did you do to me" he went over to the fire place to throw in some more wood, a navy blue half buttoned down shirt with black tuxedo pants,he was holding a glass in his hand,the liquid in the cup was too murky to be wine "If I can recall you said yes to staying with me or were the drugs that powerful to have you say anything" you remember saying agreeing to staying with but that doesn't excuse the pain in your neck
"My neck?"
"I had to for the sake of you staying with me,if you continued remaining a human I would've"accidentally" took your blood"
"What about the huntress and huntsman looking for you!"
"I killed them, you were sleep for about a month, for the remaining time I put up warnings to stay away from the castle, would hate to have humans killing our children"
Thank you for reading💖, I will be taking a small break for a while after I post my headcannons
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irilenaps · 3 years
Hey there, Athena here! I thought about sending people some questions about their WIPs! What have you been up too regarding your WIPs? If I sent this to the wrong blog, sorry xD
Hey! Thanks for asking! I hope my answer doesn't end up being too long—
I'm currently working on The Ballad Of Queen Lizzie The Undead. I finished act 1 a few days ago and will start act 2 today! It's basically about a princess whose family was betrayed. She was thrown in the Pit, a prison/arena combo where she had to fight for her life. 13 years later, she escapes and wants to take her kingdom back. The shenanigans she gets into are a lot more ridiculous than they sound (most of the time).
It's a dual POV story? The narration is in third person, but the chapters alternate between Lizzie's story and her best friend's/lover's whom she hasn't seen in 5 years. His name is Jasper and their main goal, at first, is to find each other. It's easier said than done 😅
Lizzie is accompanied by an undercover fairy, her two childhood friends that she came across when trying to rob them and a wandering musician who is sort of convinced her family name is cursed. Jasper has his boyfriend (he and Lizzie are polyamorous and in an open relationship).
Back in November I was working on the Truth Trilogy. It was a 3-parter following Thea Doe, an oprhan whose life got turned upside down when her (dead) mother's family showed up in her house one night and told her she was a witch. She grudgingly agrees to go with them to avoid the horde of demons at her heels and to find out what happened to her mother. I'll start posting this one soon (August 8th), on Wattpad! Let me know if you're interested! (it has lots of ups and downs, including major character deaths, I don't know if you're into that sort of thing)
I want to keep working on my rom-com type story I've put on hold since April once I'm done with Queen Lizzie. Spare Princess To The Rescue follows Sam (the youngest of eighth siblings) as she tries to save the love of her life from a dragon. It gets a little more complicated beyond that because Darlene (said love of her life) is in an arranged marriage with Sam's oldest brother and they don't really know each other. Darlene also got kidnapped on her wedding day; Bernie (her fiancé) sets out to save her. Sam ends up heading out to rescue them both! I'm not explaining this one very well 😅
These are my main ones, I have a lot more on the side including but no limited to: amnesiac lesbians (who have a friends-to-lovers-to-strangers-to-enemies-to-lovers arc), angst galore and superheroes.
Thanks again for asking and for bearing with me, I hope I didn't tire you out too much! 💗
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